ITITi SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY APRIL 2R. 1915. 8EVTt ffOft . THP jWEWg. DAUGHTERS Japis. 1- UA-TE'j BEFofcE yoo fT T) LoS-lM' THE LAST Word) T'HEVRE. -4L- -Als M" Xvik 33 ooo T "-bnir- IS oy-r? I T MATTEL' SoMEimG ? ) tH SiiiWW?Ty M Cover? TbWNlj ,fSy5 T LM DU 12 1 jl : " : -Jrrr?- 9 rZ. rr-? .". G.jRmxi&x. oily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per ivod for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion. ABSTRACT3 rXl'ON ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts that Protect. Our books posted up to date each morning. Cull Maiu 124t tud a messenger will call for your nbstrait. ,1. C. Sic.giiiund, president; ifsx lichlhar, secretary, 2-15 State itrect. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack Hull, eornner Court and Liberty streets. A. E. Aufranec M. V; S. A. McFadden, rocorder; A. L. Brown F. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL AUCTIONEER. ilTTlOXHER Salem's reliable, seller Frm sales solicited. Tonus, 1 per tent; Niiisfaetion guaranteed or no psy. Henry SI. Yoorhies, Michigan nemie, first streot oust of tlio state (air grounds. I CENTRAL LODGE, Nnj. IS, K. of P. ! McCornack building. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:30. Goo. Win 1 chell, C. C.j James V, Cox, K. of u. mm . CHI?.'iPr.ACTI0-SPINOLOaiST r, 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chjro I, wactic'a Fountain Head, Davenport Ofa- If you have tried everything ,f td have, got Ho relief, try Cbiroprnc- Bpiiial adjustments and pet well. i ffi.o 4UI1-7-8 V. 8. National Hank J Rnii'.liiiff. l'liono Main 87. Residence H Main S28-B. CHIROPRACTOR. ' WNSt'LT m. MAY, experieneed and liocessfnl t'hinipraetor, for acute and fhronic disorders. Has practiced five Tears in Orenon. Free consultation ; aouw, f0 12, 1 to 0. ' 305-0-7" Hub i. Blili-. I.hiIv attendant. Vhono ,!WAKDBECOND HA-ND GOODS , .I.'GJIKsT j,rice paid for 8econd-liand C f;f"ro' '"W. hardware, touts, ... . ... ,,,,, ar(.,s In ,own Rt " '""'"t liricc. 0. h. .McPcl.- 71 ; -Mu-th Conunereial t. I'Loue Main i , rJZttZXnmC rlrYSICIAN3 1 A Kr;,:1,kl of (, Ut A- mo' ;'-':S t'1"?1 ''""'' "f Opbtbni ; o.o..j,. an(, nm, (iiri)i.t I T; ' ""'' "'100 Salem Hunk -dy n t tf ii.l:, nt. iv' ,V . "J ' ' au Ii, w. WAL- 7ne. "I'winlists. llraduates of ire i, i ' rat R'-Tlnate a lid An I ,!" ,liens,, t Los ,c di.-ea.-cs. CouMiltntion free. ' :r "1 .'n.iant. Office 50.1-500 U S ? 10 fl,rtl1 street. 8ALEM LODOE NO. 4 A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at ":.'I(J p. m. iu the Masonic Temple. ,T. C. W elch, W. M.; e. Culver, secretary. PACITIC LODOE NO. 50. A. F. ft A. M. Stated comfunication third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p, m. In tho Masonic TemJo, Glenn C. Niles, W. M.j Ernest H. Choate, secretary. K. N. of A. "Oreaon Orane C'nmn." No. J 300, meets every Thursday even ing in McCornack building, Coiirt and Liberty streets, c'.levntnr. Mrs. Hvl- via Sehnupp, 17IM Market, Orneie; jiazci i rice, imperial rurmture Ca recorder. VDLTNOMAIT ROYAL ARC'ir CIIAP EK NO. 1, K. A. M. ltegulnr meet ing second Friday in each month nt o p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Prooks, secretary. HUDSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. i S. M, Stated assembly first Monday it eneh month, Masonic Temple. James riant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glen C iNilcs, reouriier. UK MOLAY COMMAN11ERY, No. 5, K. T. Rcc'ilnr conclave fourth Friday in each month nt 8 o'clock p. m., iu Masonic Temple. Sojourning Kir Knights n-o courteously invited to meet with lis. Geo. II. Hun.rlt, E. ('.; rrnnk A. Turner, recorder. CHADWrCK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. tn. iu tho Ma sonic Temple. Elizuhctu Head, v M.j Ida M, llabcock, secretary. SCAVnCGER I S EU-ChaHe. Soo, i ii. l ' r' CfNge ,ni refiwo of alt 1 F 7 ' '"i",'1' f-e phone Maiu WOODMEN OF Tllrl WORLD Meet everv i'ri.lnv night at 8 o'clock iu McCornack block, Uscnr Jlnnuldsou, C. C; L. S. (Ii'er, clerk, fill? Court .street. Phono MM, I'XITKD ARTISANS-( npital A-.-em- bly No. M, n Is eveiv WedncNlay nt .s p. m. iu Mme hall', .Mis. I'. W. ' Cook, M. A.; .1. T. I'enn, seeivlury, 41.1 .Masonic temple. MAUSOLEUM. i " " J he lie tor Wnr I... i i ZJU!ilUr 'w.v op'en to C-.-iii ' 10 1 !' J- W, SALE M HUMANE SOCIETY D, D, Keebr, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All eases of cruelty or neglect of dumb annuals should L'c reported to the secretary for investigation. I " ""' "'"ft'cian, and funeral dl. I kon' t .L0" T'lorn methods 44H'curt Vt, . i;r."VM'nn '"P'oyed. ---JLillllMnin 1-0, Mnin OSS, tS7''N- C'0.-Funeral Hitfb ,,. ' ""'oniiners, y..a North li,,, I 'ay and night phone -AJERJpitfPAKY tnIrl,'rrV1''0. I'Pl? t office. fMlAJfp COAL JDtl" rti f'JnTb. place of " it c I " " ,,r-v wo1''i four- "'. the best ?llfiM' HdBll. prop. It I ii , , 11UI1UB. IS. Ac- t'l lntirnnri. rail oi i s ,V!' ""ally Co., U 1 ' !l ' ;! f,nth Journal Ntw Today iloDLKN WODD.MK.N OK AM Eli It A. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 0-4 0, meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock iu McCornnok hall, comer Court and Liberty street. Elcvnliir service. W. W. lliil, V. C.J Hex A. Turner, clerk. NURSERY. FOR SALE All kinds of fruit trees; grafted wnlnnts 85 cents per treo. Leave orders for all kinds of top grafting and spraying. Mill Creek Nursery, 24S0 Stnto street. Sslem, Or. I'INE nursery stock. For 30 days I'll make special low irices on everything In my city snlosynrd, State and Twenty-fourth streets. Nnrlhwest. rrn Nursery, llownrd K. Jones. Nur sery phone 73-F -L'j snlesvnrd phone 1lt'0li. DRY CLEANING PRESSING. DRY CLEANING Cleaning, pressing, repniring.nlteratious anil dressmaking. Spccinl summer rntes given; first class work guaranteed, Goods called fur and delivered free. Night cr vie. Apparel Service Co., l.".s South lliph street, phone 72S. .lppoite Oregon Electric depot. tf Classified Business Telephoiie Directory A Quick, handy refer snce for busy people Telephone 835 1517-J AiS8TRACT8 Or TITLE. Balcm Abstract Company, 212-222 Hiilem Bank and Trust Bldg. AUTO TUBE VULCANIZING. Aulo Tube Vulcanizing, "."c. Shop, loot of I niou street. ..,r EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. , Palora Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High . Main 1200 LAUNDRIES. Snloro B4eain Lsnndry, 130 South Liberty Main 25 PLUMBINtf, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Itorr, 104 South Commercial street Main 192 UNDERTAKERS. Rigdon-Rlchardson Co., 254 North High streot . Day and night, Main 183 TRANSFER ANR DRAYAGE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets .. Main 74 JOB POINTING. Beaver State Printers, Patton Block .. 1512 JITNEY SERVICE. FOR BALE Continued. IITNEV SERVICE Jitney ,a(.e.s on country trips ami picnic parties. Get our prices before going. Salem Jit ney t 'o., 2 1(1 State. I'lione :i.Sii. Mv2(i FOR BENT FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished' bouse, hot water and bath; piano may; bo included. Garden ground and1 plenty of fruit. Phone HS2-W. tf K Vol; want a nicely liimlslieil room, well ventilated nud well heated, wit Ii i u good bed, bath nud phone, near the' stall' house, call lit llill Court street. I I 'hone li-2. Alav") ;FOi: S.W.E- l'iftceJ acres well located, close in, on I'aeiric Highway, near Oregon Electric ami street ear. Good school ll lid chinch. Jn prunes, pears nod small fruit. Fair buildings, in cluding; prune drier. Will sell all or pint. Would consider exchange for small nmiiiiiit uf city pniperlv. Sipinre Heal Realty Co., oil I I'.' S. N. Hank buiiding. tf !' UIGAINS- .,:n biass bed, 11; fl". dining lable, .! I ; iiiarti'icd oiiii eliina closet, !; oak dresser. l!ll, with be'el plalc mirror, 2l.:!o, 2.1.1 North Cunniereial. tf I'Oi; RENT--Nic. ly house-i l.eepin;; looins, r. a; onalde. s.'i.l North Couinielcial. tf, FOR TRADE. ! i. l.'i:.r Infill lionscKeepiiio looms Inipiiie ;'.m2 North Church st. tl F(lU TliAliK l'n; timber luiul, not to.i far li'om Salem, a o rooni bouse nail lot on pa I'd street. Impiire al 2:ui Ninth 21th street. FOR SALS i WANTED. Lull SALE Imrser nud mares ;.i." pair of bay mares, well Matched, chunky built, good Workers single and double; if2", dmible har ness, must be sold, best oll'er; will give trial to suit buyer. Jfl.V) takes : i i - mares, weight LWlO lbs.; goml workers, single and doniile; almost now harness wito this jiair mures. .Cio takes eood daiiide erav horse. WANTED l.udy Ri'liniiiud Hot' ,'h'ines. solicitor, I. 4 t II I'lKllll p. in. I I. No avl weigh, 12H", i,'ooi wurker single nnd Alwavi bean, I ...l I ' 1 1 1.:, 1. i I .rlt ""'V' f-tf ITS For Infants and Children In Use ForOver 30 Years double; will hitch to suit buyer; will give trial; have mi main to him. I ilill takes pair brown mares, weight I U.-jiJO, good workers single and double,' lire best offer; with this pair of) mares iilnut-t new fli't double harness $2.1. One pair horses, weight 2'i'IO, ; age 7 and 8, good workers, will give trial; price ifloO. Six sets of double harness ami two sits single harness; on, good larin wagon almost new, 3-1 inch tire. One sorrel norse, weight .Ibc Siyimtuic of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher.) No. 02270 Department of tho Interior. U, S. Lund Oft'ico at Portland, Or., March 20, 1UI5. Notice is hereby given thut Georgia 1200 lbs., works single nnd double, H E. Cuntrell, of .ilverton, Oregon, wh', ycVs old, price i-Vi. buys bay on October 22. I'.iotl, muile llomestend ln,'0, weight 1150; will hilch to suit Entry No. 0227!i, for southeast ipiurter, buyer and give trial. $.10 takes mare, Section .'12, Township 7 South, Itaiigu 2 weight 10.1(1, good worker. Call and East, Willamette Meridian, Mis filed in. ike offer, must be sold, ti'j buys notice of intention to mnko fiiml five driving horse, weight 10"0. Cn ilnl year l'ronf to establish claim to tin Ci:v Transfer Co., barn 430 Couth land above des'Tibcd, before the Reg- Commercial. Ask for foreman, U. H. Lund Office, on the II th day of FARM and driving horses for i0 and up. Stock nogs iioni 1 1) ins. nnu up A Llress W. II. Phone 3 F ll. Egnn, Gervais, Rt. 2, Muj3 IlKI'i 'II E having all of your spring .leauiiii' .I tin. lie lind gel inr We eive I roini't ser ice nnd giiiniintee our work. We clean and press everything. ( it v Iry ( Icanin,.' Works, I I'm Slilte street. I'lione KM. " llARf'.AINS llnisi and 3 lots, ; ' house, bain nnd 2 lots, ifiiUI; house and 3 lots, i;."ai, easy teims; one horse, new Mit'di'dl wagon, 1'i-iiich; 7n lords oak wood cheap; 2 good hn.iios nnd 4 lots to trade on faun,' will assume .' ioo; 2 small farms ad-1 ioiuing ciM1 limits for rent. Jin obs i ,,, 2'i7 Hubbard Hblg. 1 ister and Re Portland, Oi Mnv, 11115. Claimant nan's as witnesses: li. P. Rode, of Unlit, Oregon. E. L. Patti r-oii, of Hullt, Oregon. W. R. llninpt'.n, of Silvenlon, Oregon. I.uclan Hampton of Silverton, Oregon N. CAMPBELL, . Register. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A MOlU.IIN 4-room house, goul lot, beau. t i fill Riverside, California, exchange i for autoiiiobile or acreage Saleiu.' Address M. E. (letter, 3:;3 Mission, street, Salem. .Muytt, UAIIGAIN l-ioiii unii'T. S big lots, hoise and bam. Inuring fruit trees, and bi'irii-s; block to cur line. Ad ilren 172H North S.imiiicr st. My2'i TRY A JOURNAL CLAo&iFIED ADi THEY ARE BUSINESS GETTERS I ONE CENT A WORD. 1 -"l( uj. I In:' i.M.i:- -A g-'i"l top Noltii ( 'Cta 'i. botV si. P ten lone A:r2:i MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Eitata Security THOB. K. TOED Over Ladd k Bmb Bank, Salem, Oref oa Children Cry FUR Ht I CHER 5 CASTOR I A Dr. Stone's Poison Oak Remedy I A snow white medicine, aoft flud soothing to tho skin, applied every hour at once relievos and soon euros POISON OAK. Price 25c and f'Oc For sale by all druggists and DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store in Oregon and show cases are landed with ilmm medicines, notions, toilet articled, wines nuil Inpiors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is n regular gradii ato in medicine nnd has had many years of experience iu tho practice ( onsiiltationa aro free. Prescription! aro free and only regular price for medicine. l.)r, Stouo can be found at his drug store, Salem, Oregon, from 0:40 in Iho morning until 8 at night Free delivery to nil parts of tbe eitv nnd within n radius of Ion miles. Uiiicn Leader's Trial I Salem Merchant Sues To At Irinidad, lolorado; Rrnvpr nn f; p!; ARRESTED MAN 8ILENT. Sjim I'l.'im iscii( Ajutl '.'s.- Chris Vn ilis ii'iiiiif, Ijv flu iim I-' mi rii'isi l-iih.'i1 on ti'l'';jr:iili.'. inst rin't i'Mis 1 mm tin iulicv nt I'tiiiliui.l, Imfjiv rc t'lisfi) In ilisi'iihs tin- miitli'i'. The I'ihI hi tmI h'lit:rjtiii s:i vs I In1 iiiiui wmiiN'iI llli't'i' jn MiMIH'il itill Uilll t'iH('t'l V A little (jifl Iijis n u:iv nt' ln'iiif I'nml (if f i lit I'liillii'H. Iitul ulicil sin' i (.i!rr ln' ilm s nut (lr'.'irt fiuin it. Nu Lliil nI:hh!i !ifiniu ii tinii:iiii un til slit- is iil'lc tt ciii il ii nniii'l .'iinik into a iit:iri' mciil. Children Cry FOR FLETCHI'R'S CASTORI A 4 t'4-44-44444 SalemFence and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. Depot American Fence To Hop Growers: Morley's Pat. Braced Basket. Stands the strain, Buy now anil save money. Don't watt until you need them. Or older now and Ijct them Inter. 210 Court Blrct riiono 121 Back of Chicago Storo Trinidad, Colo., April 2S, Tn the trial of John U. I.nwson, Colorado dis trict board member of Iho luited Mine Workers, on a charge of murder today, Charles Suyiler, testified that .Mother Jones and l.awsoa urged the strikers to fight if necessary. On ci'oss- .saininatiou Snyder mlmillcd Hint, he Fur the purpoao of collecting $ii.'l."i.1l insurance, with Interest nt liie legal rate from 1'ebruiiry 0, lilll, alleged to be due upon an insurance polico for ifllou on the stock of groceries nud other merchandise ilaiuaged by fire on the tlute mint iinic, 1, Isaac II. Thomas hml been in Ihe'employ of the lhildn in-! ""!' wil'' hiougbt suit ill the cir Kelts interests, opposed to the strikers,''"'' ''"'"', against the Mutual Fire In and that he hml deinaudeil inoucv from ! suinuee cooipany. The complaint sets l.awsoii recently, saving he would "getl1"'"' phiinlil'I's paid a oreiniuiu of it from the oliicr 'side" it' l.iuvsou I 'f1'-'"''1'' and fee of upon a 1400 didn't hand it over. I.iiwmiii refused policy in t In del' hint insurance coin to pay. jpnny, on February 12, I'll:! to insure This m rt ly offsets the testimony of1""' stock of groceries, wares and luer yesterday to the effect Hint. I,n son chaiulise in their store iu Richmond ml ninny went urnied, that, he partici- dition to Sulein. That on Kebruiiry It, paled in the filial riots during the! '"1 l the slock was duiungeil by fire .strike, and that he directed the bring-' "l they clnini that the irisi-l.ll Insur ing of aiuiuuuitioii from Deliver to thonce due on the policy has nut been strikers cinnps. I.uwbiiu is not I"1'1'- Smith & Shields are the lit tor cbargcil with coiuuiitling a inurder per-1 "''' of record for the phiinliff. sonully, toil it is nllco.i',1 that, bv citing others In fight, lie is responsible for the dentils which necuried during the trouble. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ft A few words in a Journal Want Ad will buy or sell for you. If a nm ii has the iiheck lo usk a girl lo niurl'y him she seldom Inis the clieelt to refuse. A cent a word will tell your w'nits in a Journal Ad under New Today. Try it. ; ! J. II. Alders to II. S. Kadcliff, part lots 1 and 2, block HO, Salem. T. C, I'noriniiu to Ed nud Charlotte Conrad, lots l.'l ami 14, Wnodburn Fruit I'lirtus. Ilnrinou Snook e in to Gen M Elgin el n v, part block tic., Jones addition lo Snleni. J. II. While to H. (I. Frnin et ux, pari Snin'l Pooler claim .12, It 7, 3 W. O. nud C. R, It. Co. el, nl to John Ailelinan, lot 5, block .12, Gervais. Isaac II banlner In Alonzo A. Wndo el ux, part block 31, Englewood addi tion, i D. .1. Under ef ux to trustees of Mennonile church, purl T. L llonney In i in III, R 5, l-W. C. II. Green et u.v to Elinbeth K and lai'ob Kl inn, lm I, block I, Curd- i ll ii'ldit ion, Salem. TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROAbS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. SALEM CIEER LINE 73 Ar. Snleni 11: 15 a.m. 70 l.v. Snleni 10:110 u.m. 71 -Ar. Snleni (mixed) 2:00 p.m. 71- l.v. Snleni 4: 1,1 p.m. (No connection souli of (Jeer.) SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN. I: III p. in 13 Limited 8:40 p.m. 11:00 p.m 17 Local 8:10 p.m. 11:11 p.m 21 Owl 1:55 a.ia, Northbound, l.v. Cnmillis Ar, Salens l:lo p.m 20 6:37 p.m. l.v. Eugene Ar. Salens 7:il1 u.m 10 Limited 0:45 a.m. 11:15 14 1:50 p.m, 1:50 p.m 10 Limited 4:00 p.m. : 111 p.m.. 12:0.1 u.m.. HW- l.v. Salem (motor) .... 101 - I, v. Snh'in (motor) .... 103- l.v. Salem (motor) .... 10.1- l.v, Sulein (motor) .... 107 - l.v. Salem (motor) .... .'.Ill--Way Freight Iv. Sabim 102 Ar. Salem (motor) .... 101 -Ar. Sulein (molor) .... Dili --Ar, Snleni (mutur) .... DiS -Ar. Salem (motor) .... 170 -Ar. Salem (motor) .... 210 Way Freight nr. Salem (1:13 p.m. 7:00 0:4.1 a. in.1 1:40 p.m.' 3:2.1 p.m. 5:00 a. iu. 8:40 a.m. 1 1 :25 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:4,1 p.m. 1:3.1 p.m. 2 owl Southbound. 7:55 p.m. 3:10 a.m. Sub III 'II p.m.., L. M. HUM Cure of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. it'flfREIICH FE9IM.E ill li P I L L S. .M.Aitw S.i iwf MHvmwnllniinM. liir iscwi it mil. .' s,..i i,-.i, i s.i i.. I..i.. .'i.i! I.? k.f..nHH, p... tut II W lr !. nl IIMUM HHl lataM' h.o I'll.. If ru diutfiit 4mm Ml tnm wim ,wn w w. UNItt MffOICAl te'.. T4. lIM'in. e. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Northbound. HI Oregon Knpross 5:00 a.m. 2S Wlllumetiii Limited .... 0:22 a.m. 12-Shasta Limited 11:1.1 a.m. IS-Portland Passenger .... 2:00 p.m. 20 - i o it In li '1 Passenger 1 1 Portland Express .. 220 - Local Way Freight 222 Portland Fast Freight 10:3 a.m. Southbound. 15 California Express 3:32 a.m. 17 Ruelnirg PiiM'iigers .... 11:15 a.m. Ill ottago Grovo pass 4:20 p.m. II Shasta Limited 5:43 p.m. 27 Willametto Limited .... 0:1(1 p.m. 13 - San Francisco Express Kl'.ilS p.m. 21-San Francisco Fast Frt 12:01 a.m. 225-Locul Way Freight 8:22 a.m. l.v. Salem 2:00 a.m... !i:0.1 n. in... Ill: 1:1 u.m... Lv. .Sulein 1:00 p. iu. . l.v. Snleni 11:10 p.m.... Ar. Albany 0 5:35 p.m. Ar. Kugena 7:05 iijn. Ar, Eugona 21 Owl 7:50 a.m. 1 11:30 a.M. 5 Lli..itc,l 12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany V 2:05 p.m. fillips at Corvtllia Ar. Eugona 13 8:60 p.m. 5:00 p.m. . 12:12 p.m.., 8:00 p.m., 2:.!2 p.m DhilO 4:10 p.m. 0:05 p.m CORVALLI8 CONNECTION!. Northbound, Lr. Cnrvnllis Ar. Halem 8:211 a. in 10 U;45 a.m. (Local Albany to Salem.) 14 -1:00 p.m. 1(1 4:00 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Lv. Halem. Train No. 4:.'I5 a. in 2 Owl .. 7:15 a.u 0 0: 15 a. in 10 Limited 11:20 a. m 12 1.50 p.m 1 1 4 00 p.m i) Limited Lv. Siilim 11:05 a.m. . 10:11 a.m... 4:35 p.m... 1:00 p.m... 0; 1.1 p.m... 20 22 Southbound. 1 ... .' 6 ... Ii ... 7 ... 13 ... 5:37 p.m. 7:65 p.m. Ar. Corvallli 10:31 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 0:02 p.m. 2:32 p.m, 8:00 p.m, 5:37 p.m.. 7:53 p.m Lr. Portland 6:45 a m 8:25 a.m 10:41) a.m 2:10 pm Ar. Portland B:55 a.m. 0:30 a.m. 11:33 a.m. 1 :45 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 20 8:00 a.m. 22 10:00 p.m. Southbound. Ar. Sulem 1 8:55 a.m. 0 Limited 10:11 a.m. 7 12:55 p.m. II 4:33 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOUT1. Oregon City Transportation Comny, Leave Portland for Oregon City, Hutteville, Ncwberg, Mission (St, Paul), Wheut laud, Salem (daily except Sunday) 8:41 a.m. Leave Poitlaiid fur ludepen ibuiee, Albuuy, Cuivuilis, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) 8:45 .. Botualng. Leaves Corvullit . Albany ... Independence Halem ., Sulem . . 8 a.m. Moo., Wed., Frt, . 7 a.m. Mou., Wed.,rrt. .. I) a.m. Mod.. Wed.. Frt 10 a.m. Mon., Wed., Frt, 8 a.m. Tuei, Thur, Bat, ' I T