Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 28, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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'port News
Will Be An Exceptionally Flute Is Descendant-of Old
Strong and Interesting j Tbe Instrument Qnaint
Event I and Poetic
I'lu' l'ii;n't tnh'li iihtI I hat liiis lii'.'n
Hern in Siili'in lor ninny v.'i.rs, will In-
h. -M ln'i'i' ni'xl I-' ti.hiy iif'ti'riioim nil
Y illiini.'lt.' li.'l'l, hIicii ll' rmnl.iiit'il
tennm (if V. T. nml CliiMiiiiivii will nii'i't
I In- at rung nml wi'll tniini'.l ti'iim from
UnV'ii Arirnltnriil Culli'Mi".
I'Y.'I'nii; Hint 111.' 1 1- (if Siili'in
wniilil it ri'i-in t tm'iug ii tini-li n t
(if .oiifi'ii'iici' rii ilk, tin' tn : iiiiMfin t'li 1
. Iii'.lul.'il the . A. ('. train In piir
lirinil.' iii ii 111. 'ft wilh I In'iniiw.'i nml
Willaiii.'ll.' .'(iiiiliiiic'l us inn' l.'.'iiu.
This will nnilii' nv.i strong ti'iims, lis
'li.'iiinn luis si'v.miiI iii.'ii win. .'in'
!nn. in lln w.'icliH nii'l ilisliini'.'.i. mi'l
W. I", h:is jn'irr.-il iii.'ii uli" tirr a I in
id.' s j i' i ills mill jumps.
O. A. C's ti'mii is in fine coii'liti'Mi
i. iul is i'Xn'.-tinjr mi r:isv lii-tnr.v; hut
llii' fiuiil .iiiti'iiiii.' limy in t I"' iiiil.' us
Tni.'k pusli'is iiiiiiiiiiin iii'j Hi.' in. '.'I
Iimvo ln'.'ii pill ii all miT li.wn mi. I
M.'lll til Sl'l'l'l'lll lll'ilillll.ll'ill l.iwns.
.Sim',, lli.' i t will lie li.'M mi Kri.lny,
(i Imli.liiy lit llii' iinivi'isily h.'is I i
.l.'.'lmi'.l win 'ii ii ii n in I n-r f (il.l
'minis' will In- ln'-l. " liiW 'Towil
will I..' ir.'si'iil; il is ii i-Ii ; ' fur i'V.m v-
(III.' .l s.'l' sllllll' III' I III' l.l'sl Hlllll'l.'S in
III.' sljlll' ill llrtidll. Os.'lir liillKli.'ll nl'
Hi.. Siilciu V. M. I'. A. will I..' Ihi'
ii'f.'i'i'i' nl' III.' n..'1't; I'iiiiI llmis.T, Willi
Shi.i mi. I Mr. r t n . V. M. I'. A.
s.-.'i.'1;iiy. will In' jn.lui'S uf III.' ni.'i'l.'
( i :i i-Ii Tlniiiiisiiii is (nil lint; lh.' Imys
II. n. null sunn' nl iff Irninini; mi. I hn"'S
l.i iiinki' n l'ii.'.I sin. wini;.
i'im.-li llinis.'i' nf rlii'iiinwn v
:i -I in nu I. 'in. i (is tlii'y h:i .' I..'
iinj i'iuiisti'iil ly I'm- sunn' t inn'.
Tin' . iii'lcr Irn. k will I'.' r
iimiinw nntl mniki'il uilli liiti.
il will lie in I'irsl . lnss .-.hi. Ill
t. the nrin.iiy 'I'lii'silay, Muy 4. will In'
hiMinl the (iiniiit and i.u'ti.- iirngniiu
jrivr-n liy the nntcil nrgniiiziitiiiii of wind
instruniViits, thi' IIiiititc KiiKvinblv. The
flute is Hie linenl deseeniltiiit of the
pipes, of I'nn. As Kipling "f the
linnj.i. "the uian.leur of my grandeur
was the lyre," so may we say of the
flute thai' its remote ancestor was the
reed thnt the sylvan giu (jiitliiTi'il from
the river lied, and with which he culled
lord nml beast to his side, with a re
frain winch seems to sound the call
.Mrs. liiowninn's poem echoes
"Sweet, sweet, sweet, oh I'nn,
ricrcitijj sweet by the river."
Hut not every flute player can sound
the pi f I 'ii ii, mid make us hear and
see the woodland (riithi'i'inj;. Ami ant
. very one has realized Hint in the for
est chorus are deeper times which too
in ii find voice, mid iiitcrmiiiglinu. re
produce the wild sweetness in nil its
(o'oi'tfe Harrere, the master flutist of
Hie day. has built n foundation of sound
under his silver pipe, by asscmbline, a
Hi. up nl' wind instruments, oboes, cluri
oni'ts, I'Vcnch horns and bassoons, that
have all the softness of the nature cho
nis in their tone. It is il faiiy-like
ihorus. The bird culls, the water voic
es, the wind in the trees, the hum and
croon of the forests and fields. It al
most seems us if the music must come
from deft and dextrous Utile ehes und
hobgoblins, instenil of the nine correct
looking ( ii t lemeii in evening dress,
t luin-
I l.i-lh.nl
I, os Alludes
Sun I'Vnncis
Suit I .like .
(li.klnud ,.
Venice ....
1'iiiHitiid . .
. . . I
. . .1:1
. . . Pi
I.. I
1 1
i r.
i i
ai r
Yesterday's Res'ilts.
iillnml -l.i.s iiuele;.
I '.ii I
l.-.n.l II.
Al Sn ii I'Vum-isco Sun l-'runeisco
Suit Lake -'.
At I, os Angeles Venice I, O.ihlu
M i. MEigt' r .1 4 ill ii Turner of the Salem '
Ituseliilll Club lllllioil.l.'cd Ihis moluiu
thnt he hud signed up with the AHiiiiiv'
Hilclics for Hie fir.it gume of Hie sen
son on the loeii! grouitd lny I. Muu J
nirer ('. M. Smull of the Albnev ti'iuii.j
und ('iiplitiu W. .1. I'lilti'ison. Ii.'th re
poll Ihey linve mi ecepti..iially Mroiig
agreiiulii'ii for so enrlv in the sensnn.
The I -:i in has just been slnit.'.l n shell
1 tine but the outlook is suld I . be plolu
isi.ig. Muungef Turner feels that lie will
nivc Hie Si.lcin funs a i;oo.l t;;nne for
Ihe up.'iting event of the scumim.
Brigadier General White and
Colonel McLaughlin Here
llcigudier (lenernl Ceorge While, ad
jutuiil gcnerul of the Oregon Nntionul
Hoard , Colonel Leonard McLaugh
lin, coinniiiiiding the Third regiment,
were in Salem lasl night und intended
the regulur weeklv drill of M .oinpaiiy,
da. I at Hie same time announced Hint
pluns were being made and were pl'ac
t i .'ii 1 ly completed for lulling Ihe nn
tionul guni.lsmen to the l.ose festival
al I'ortlniul in .lime. This was the first
I visit of Heui'ri.l Whit.i lo M company
and he mid he was much pleased wilh
I Hie In if; i' turnout. He suid Hint the
number present in the runks was great
I it than he hud found among other coin
panics in Ihe valley, lie said I lint the
i site for the annual camp iiud not been
fixed definitely, but that it would be
t at s.iiue point on the Oregon const,
Los Angeles, Cnl., April 2s. -I'rcsi-dent
Maicr of the Venice busebull club
I l.-legrn lied today lo President llaiini
-f Hie Coast league, asking that the dale
the clubs of Ihe Icauuc must cut to IS
plny.Ts be extended to June 1. Mai. 'I
ilccliirc.l that il practically will be i nt -p.
sstlile to gel within Hie limit before
M-iv 1. President Powers of the An
uels in slid to have endorsed Muii'V 's
Our iictiinis seldom tnlly with our
good iiiteulioiis.
Most of as worry a great deal for
fern- people will find mil thiai;s about
us thee npelldv know,
In Account vith"Piper"
agooa.ncu.wnoie- frf
aunic, iinui yi'j ' .,v''
chew owes a debt ' ':' N
to "PIPER." It
puts real luxury
1 . IT. -t .V
UUU nif wing. l -r-
i.n r.i w mi'
l'hmiii Tobif :o Ct inipint I lmr
All are yours in wi.4.i v-.Nfe
PlIEtt"-ilhe high-
pt ivnH ot cnewinir .i. '
v J t f
tobacco in the world.
nil ltc cuU niUrv, f.nl wtMp.
CDCl? S,',"I 100 ui
riCiCi H"r t1'1'"
jiMlei'j n.imf,
titl we'll Head fiill-alie 10c
cut ot " 1'liM'i" mid a hmj
unic Ir.tlher pouch KRhK,
uywht'it la U. S.
Th tobacoo, pouch nJ
maillnt wtllcoM u 0r, which
wiwUlKladlyspFDil -bccaUM
trial will mk vou tteaily
1191 ill "PlPtK.1'
Q&fiu MMm Wwilitl -,.fft.l-.-.UUl.,wa..'ault.' i nun f ml "I Mill llimi...
Only a Blindfolded man would' buy an automobile
today without looking the Maxwell over
There's no excuse today for any man who is "jollied into buying a car before he lookr
jver the 1915 Maxwell.
We give you the two vital things in this Maxwell Car and then the 17 new feature!
that have made the 1915 Maxwell the most talked-about car ever produced
tain hilWimbs ever made-Mt Hanultoi
and ML Wilson. .
Take peed and endurance, for example
when you buy a Maxwell vou buy acjr-J
by theame de8igner.-the igjj
neer-from the ame Maxwell Laboraton
Maxwell Racers in which Barney ui o
and "Billy" Carlson both broke to
mile non-stop race record, in Corona an.
San Diego.
Here are the two vital things that any sane
nan wants when he buys an automobile
In the first place
a handsome, real automobile that
he can be proud to ride in.
In the second place
a powerful, fast economical auto
mobile that will take him any.
where and bring him back.
We give you these two vital things, and
then just about every other detail of re
finement, comfort and endurance that you
can think of.
Take power and hill-climbing ability, for
example when you buy a 1915 Maxwell
you buy an exact duplicate of the stock
Maxwell cars in which "WUd Bill" Turner
and "Billy" Carlson broke two World's Re
cords in two of the toughest, roughest moun-
Read This List of Expensive Features. The 1915 Maxwell Has These Features And Many Others.
Attractive Strnmlino Body
Puro mlln hmlT : graceful crown fn.W,
will, nil r'vt.n roii.MMil.il All lh urnc.', ntyli
nml "iiinp t'mt you will anl lu aujr w tu blgliiuit
firlvU cum.
A lli(li-Tcnliin MnilnHo
Ncurly all tlio high iirl.-l com hnv nlh ("nilmi
tn .Kti.'i.'rt. A liiKh l.'ii-i.in miunotn aiv.' punttivo
Itdillinli. Tl.. HIiiiiiiii lu.otlu.io, Willi wlilcli tliu Mmx
cctl h. ...luipLMHl, U rcc-ognUud 14 oue of Uio b.t
matttuHuri u.HiW. ,
Lift Midi Drtve-Centrnl Control
l.oft whin wtcir with Kcnr ntillttiin lever la center
of itrlvtim coiiipji ri iiio.it eenier ceiitrii! Ukn tie.-n
Hi-e..ilr, tiy l.-aillitu innkerA of Mtt-'imvo autumn
lilli". u Hie wadtr-l HliJ nunl eonilnrlutile for Itio
driver : Unit In wliy 111. Miixwell Iiha II, TLtf Mm
w.-ll I. no m.y to drivti itid control tlmt a cbiM
cau bnnJio It.
Three-Speed Sliding Ct Tmnimlnlon
AH u!k!i pdv.'il cum hnvo n nlMhix genr tnin
DiIkIiiii, Il Hi coilly to li.ilio, but II la tlia b,.t.
It tlio nintor lu J ll'o I'l.wor, uliaing gvurt will
rll thi car out of any mnd or aan.1. Thi Maxwll
but i ihre-iwd pAloctlvi sliding R.mr triinBrnlnnloii
beo.iui Maxwell engineers do not consider any
other type to be worthy ol thi Mnwell car.
Double-Shell Radiator with Shook
Absorbing Device
Tlin Maxwell ridlitor Is of handsome floelsfl.
trn fully curved, and It Is built to be trouble
I'MnI It Is tlio eipenstvo double sliell tvpo and
luii iiraple cooling capnclty, The rsdlntor la
iiuiutiiij to tin frame by means of a shock ab
'iiiijinn device on ouch nlde, which reluvoa the
r.r'.hiiir of ill twlsii and dlitortlons of the frame,
cfi'i.t by roughness of the rosd. The shock ih-i-'Oiiiig
device also minimizes the poaslhlllty ot
iHilunor twika.
The Roomy Full 5-Paasener Body
Adjustable Front Seal
Tin lftlS Mmwoll has a full prnwn B-pasneniter
c-'-ly. The front seat Is aillusUble, you can move
It tlirne Inches forward or biickward. This makee
tli.t cir really coniforuble for the driver. No
ciiimi il logs for tull people or Unoonifortable
rvi.iiiag for short people. Must driver' acuta are
ri.J,i ui Ot anyone so lit no one.
Low "Up-keep" Carburetor
The carburetor used on the Maxwell was enpoo
(ally dMlHtifd for It after long and severe toHta
under every oonoWvable condition. Economy toura
conducted by hundroda of denlera and owners In
a liferent sections ot the country have proved Its
efficiency, Its Quick response to throttle and lta
extremely low consumption of gasoline. It Baa
been termod the "low up-koep" carburetor.
Irreversible Steering Gear
The greatest margin of safety haa been pro
vided In the steering gear of the lstlfi Maxwell.
The Maxwell Irreversible steering mochnnlsm la
of the expensive worm-and-Roar type and lta su
periority over every other type Hen In lta many
adjustments. At no time la more than a fourth ot
the hearing surface of tho genr which cperatee
the worm In use. When needed, a now bearing
surfaco may be had by adjusting the gear a Quarter
of a turn. In short, the Maxwell stourlng gear
his four lime the adjustment ot any other kind.
Heavy Car Comfort
What eurprlsea most people la the amootb, buoy
ant riding Qunm . - - - u i, UlS """"-.ri
luspenalon of tlio 1018. "'tViilotlcal !"' "' IS
ccmhlnaUon ot long sen j Hell pa
and the three-QUartor eliipue ' . h pril ct
fa" uhT on ,ot :!S i W
On. SU. .1 Tire-AMi-Skid...Bi'itS
The Maxwell car ft i on of v ,rry o
A fnmoua make ot
oa rear wheels.
A Dependable EIk , ir
trio starter. This ttarter is
The Maxwell Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners
No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,C ' aab!e price.
( m...i.. t i . T i ii . . i 1- .in nnrtS 81 rc"fv" ,i .-.rati:"
no ouier auiomoDue is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner, more u... -,- be pric .
in every part of this country-are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new par" re nW
This f plendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned an , pin
Urtm- Rvnn-V.a !ien mni M tie ; Ci.ii . i . s.i r s . .1 . .i . a ft..uU dealer can rr
M"e cCalfd "WUl 2TC, TMaxwell owner.
maiwcu service is one or uie ereai aavamnjee siui-
Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are
lor an owner wiinin a tew hours if not in his stock.
Maxwell dealer
u Max we
it advantages enjoycu VJ
Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will
give you your car not an excuse on delivery day
535? $55 nu Rogers Block High and Ferry Streets Salem; Ore
10 cK2f $55