i JTHSSALEM CAPITAL -TOUBNAL, SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28, 1915. Semi-Anmual Report (,. tn0 County Clerk of Mnrion County, Oregon, showing the amount uml ber of claims llllu",'d h ,ho t,UUIlty l'"rt of said Cuunty, for what ul f ed amount of warrants drawn, the amount of warrants outstanding and un paid i""" ' J uciuucr, m me jbi uny 01 April, 1915 0, What Account Allowed. Sheriff's Office (Jerk's Office and Registration Clerks Recorder's Office Treasurer's Office Surveyor's Office AW"0' " Office Court House Circuit Court ..................... County Court anil Commissioners Justice Court Coroner Jcbool Superintendent's Office ... Health Officer fruit Inspector Indigent Soldiers Widows' Tension; Core of Poor .. Jail Juvenils Court Bridges , Ferries Tax Rebate gcalp Bounty Sealer of Weights and Measures .. Bebate of Fees Advertising Stock Inspector State Fair Indemnity for Diseased Cuttle .... Agricultural Account Fire Protection Claims. . 73,X43.07 . 5,522.70 . 3.033.S1 . 3,iil!).55 2,529.23 . 2,8!Ml.D7 . 1,(11(1.80 . 2,1)55.95 . 6,503.40 . 3.978.45 2 2N9 23 . 1305.20 231.00 190.50 . 3,578.44 . , 224.(15 595.20 281.50 . 10,443.80 757.30 80.80 778.21 310.95 402.40 27.50 7.20 4.20 300.(10 201.00 531.40 112.50 700.00 130.70 Warrants Drawn. i 73,843.07 5,522.79 ;!,0.!3.81 3,010.55 2,529.23 2,899.97 1,010.80 2.055.95 O.503J0 3,978.45 2,289.23 1,305.20 231.00 190.50 3,578.44 224.05 595.20 281.50 10,443.80 757.30 80.80 778.21 310.95 402.40 27.50 7.20 4.20 300.00 201.00 531.4(1 112.50 700.00 130.70 $129,700.08 Outstanding unpaid warrants on the 1st duy of April, 1915. I2!);7GO.f)l General Fund. 1907 19(18 19H9 90.90 318.39 98.75 1910 , 197.35 1911 1912 1913 1914 11115 247.05 324.29 310.12 312.21 301.85 $2,297.51 Roads and Highways 1907 129.04 1908 105.12 1909 , 117.82 1910 , 2.17.33 1911 232.90 1912 ; 432.01 1913 550.55 1914 301.17 1915 530.07 Total Warrants 1.709.21 ,000.72 SEMI ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT The following is the statement of the financial condition of the County of Jiariou, State ot Oregon, on the Jst day of April, 1915: Liabilities. To warrants draw n on the County Treasurer, outstuuding and unpaid tin the 1st day of April, 1915 $ 8,000.72 i Resources. Delinquent Tuxes 1005 Aeliniuent Tuxes 1900 lMinpiei t Taxes 1907 , lMiwucn, Taxes 19US : lieVimuient Tuxes Um'.l lMinipient Tuxes 191(1 Delinquent Tuxes Hill Delinquent Taxes 1912 JJeliiiijucnt Tuxes 1U1:S '. Delinquent Taxes 1914 auu. Jiy funds in hands of tlic County Treasurer Total ' 3,238.90 5,489.12 10,150.08 3,313.92 3,811.73 4,717.47 7,291.48 3,930.70 20,100.47 703,105.87 FIVE Apl. 1 To balance 1 0(57.94 $123.429.H .fl25.429.lS April 1 Balance '. Snecial School Districts. Oct. 1 Cash on hand Receipts from 1910 Tax , Receipts from 1912 Tax Receipts from 1913 Tax Receipts from 1914 Tax Receipts from miscellaneous , Receipts by transfers from other funds By Warrants paid By Interest on Bonds By transfer to other funds I Apr. 1 To balance , ., Artists Paint Canvasses While Big Bombs Burst .$ 29.rtat.07 3.90 1S 89.04 9,3115.03 1.007.94 1 1.320 .00 .48 150.12 2.841.30 34.511.92 J,9(,l.t3 : written by William Ci. Shepherd, VniKM new hope and -O-t.UJ 4 43,040.22 if 43,040.22 April 1 Balanc Library Fund. Oct. 1 Cash on hand '. By transfers from other funds By Warrants paid Apr. 1 To balance ,,,, 1,378.14 0.00 $ 9,305.03 '-S.58 1.350.40 1,385.04 $ 1,385.04 April 1 Balance 0.00 Note The following is (he fivsf of a ' received. Ihirtv hours late, lint tl.t series of stories from the British front.' the capture of Neuve Chappclle- put a "niKuuy m nun u. ruiopncni, t niKu new nope an.i a new ngnting spirit Press staff correspondent and the only : into the Knglish army ami into the American representing an individual French army. It. put a smile on the American press association, who is now j faces of F.nglish soldiers that had been with (ieneral Sir John French's unny worn by the grinding rigors of win under official credentials. It h re-iter, it put them into (une with the leased for use April 28. The second j spring that is turning everything green story- in the series will bo priii'id : in trenchlund. It. will make the French April 29. people understand (ho rainbow in the black cjoud, which the French artist sketched today. A day at Neuve ChapH'llo including the trip there and back from the Eng. is tho event of a ELIZABETH R. CASE, Auril 10. (llv mail to New I lifetime. Oct. 1- Apr. 1- -Cash on hand By Warrants paid -To balance County Fair Fund. 2.3:19.75 4.79 2,344.54 2,344.51 2,344.54 April 1 Balance Fish and Game Fund. Oct. 1 Cash on hand ' Receipts from Justice Court Fines l'aid to Stute Treasurer itio.no 4.79 25.00 75.00 By William a. Shepherd. (Copyright 1915 by the United Tress; copyrighted in (ireut llritain.) with the Hritish armv Franc lork.) Neuve ( happelle is the new bead which (ieneral French has just threaded on the 400 mile string of trenches which Madame Kurono wears 'upon her breast. .lust as the great transcontinental railroads of America pass impressively through small towns," so the great, trans continental trenches have had their route bent by the great Fnglish general to take in the town of Neuvo Chap-pelle. Citizens Are Proud Northern ' "sn headquarters DEATH FROM HEAT. Indigent Soldier Fund. Oct. 1 Cash on hand Receipts from 1912 Tax By transfer to General Fund Apr. 1 To balance KIO.OO $ 100.00 281.50 380.08 001.10 .42 April 1 Bnltince , Registry and Indemnity. Oct. 1 Cash on band r .. . Interest on Bonds Apr. 1 To bulance $ Oil 1.58 001.58 380.08 $ 043.83 7.50 .$ 031.33 .4 051.33 t 051.33 Lincoln, Neb., April 28. The first heat dentil of the year occurred hero today. Several prostrations iiavo boon reported. The heat wave in tho mid dle west is still unbroken. New Record in Gotham. New York, April 28. Weather street thermometers in New York yesterday climbed to 97. The official 'therninm- I find the residents of the city ex- etor of the weather bureau attained tremely proud of the distinction. Thisi 90.il degrees at. 3:43 p. m., a new high is probably because they personally record for April temperature in this vi helpp, (ieneral French in his tank of jeinity. The previous maximum was en trench bending. There are no French tablished April 18, 1890, at 89.9 de people remaining here; in fact thero nre grees. Thero were several heat pros no houses remaining. j tuitions. This showery afternoon a rainbow is1 . shining on a huge black cloud overj Two Die From Hoat. Neuve (happelle mid the French Pittsburg, April 28. According to magazine artists who are in this sec- tho weather bureau's records, venter ion liko a party of tourists to Fug : day was the holiest April 27 in tho his- uin.i s latest, possession are making torv of Pittsburg. Tho thermometer every artistic effort (o draw it into . reached 81 degrees at noon and touched their picture. ,1B ,,, nillrK at 4 0..0ek. The Ii'ople, will think were faking it; previous hiuh mark was K .loon. it we mention the rainbow," says one 'Two deaths due lo the heat woro to April 1 Bulance Apr. 1- Special Cities. Receipts from 1910 Tax Receipts from 1912 Tax Receipts from 1913 Tax . . .' Receipts from 1914 Tax Received by transfers from other funds By Warrants pnid By transfers to other funds -To bulance . 41,085.77 101.85 912.31 051.33 1.00 103.23 4,100.35 35.589.00 450.09 April 1 Bulance $ 80,310.93 Fixe Protection Receipts from 1913 Tax By transfer to General Fund $ 7.30 $ 50,310.93 f 9,129.31 7.30 Transient Tax. Receipts from 1914 Tax By transfers to other funds .$ 1,388.41 $ 771,252.10 271,840.79 .$1,043,093.19 STATK 01! OHi.;n. County f -Marion, .: 1, -Mux (bdilfuii-, County Clerk of .Marion County, State of Oregon, do tereby certify that the foregoing is a true 11 lid correct statement of tho mini t'er and amount of claims allowed by the C'ountv Court of said t'ountv, for t In fix months .-nding nn t. :;st day of .Mureh, 1915, 011 what accounts allowed, tlie amount ot minimis drawn and the umuunt of warrants outstanding and iin I'Hid as the sum appears upon the records of in v office and in 111 v official en's lotiy. . U'T;XI:s'i "'V ''-'"I "ud the soul of the. County Court of the snid County (his "i April, A. I), loir (.SI. At.. 11 ax (;i:iii.iiah, County Clerk. f Troasar, 31t, 1915. 11-15- r -f Mi Oct. l-o SEMI-ANNUAL REFORT livii County, Oregon, for the six months ending March General Fund Summary. Oct. 1 Cnsh 011 hand Receipts for six months ending .March 31.... Disbursements for six months endinir .Mar. 31 .:i89.533..rd J To balance 271,300.79 i 1,388.41 :i87,8 13.39 273.050.90 Apr. i'000,894.35 fOOO.MH.HO April 1 Balance 27 1,300.711 WIMTl' i 1.1 nui''itv f n 11 ' " 1 ' 1 i w r vn ui u., vuuiuv or .Marion, ta.i I, J). (t. IJiiikt. lo Iiorehy i-crtify that the furouuiiitf in n trim nrul onrmrt Muti'mrnt nf the itinount rrct ived, juiid out n ml mnuiniiitf i.n hun.i in the Coun ty In-nsniy vf sm-l ('oiuity for the six months t-ndin nn th( 3 1 at dnv ut NiuvU, 1). (1. DHACiKR, Count Treason r fur Marion Coimtv. By W. Y, Richardson, deputy Seinieniiiiiil slnti-nicnt oT unity Tr-'iisiirer by the Shi ril'f mid Delimpient Tax Colli'efor of Murinii to the C County, Oregon, for the Cash on linnd Sejitcnilier Coll, ctod Salem, Oregon, April 20lh, 1915. money received tor taxes mid amount turned oo artist Rainbow Is There. "But it's there,'' 'mys another famous artist. "I'm going to put it in." The rainbow wns there in truth. bending over the little crushed French town, with no one to see it hut the Knglish soldiers who peeped out of their trenches at it, and tho tourists. All the artists but one are putting in the rainbow. The one is Mntaniii of Ituly and London. A shell broke with in 15 feet of him this afternoon, splashed mud on the picture in which he intended: the rainbow to appear nn-l spoiled it. Ho now he is drawing a picture of a bursting shell with a cor respondent and artists running away from the hugh lily of mud. A visit to Neuve Chnppello is bound to be full of incidents of the sort that attracted Mataiiias attention. City Is Thoroughly Dostroyed. Relive. Chnppelle is as thoioughlv destroyed as a crushed eggshell. Its only streets nre the trenches, its nnlv houses are dug out in the trench line, shells criss cross the sky nluive it and burst in the ruins. Thero is nothing more that a shell can do to Neuve Chnppelle except stir up the debris. The shells have ransacked tho ceme tery, blown open the graves, scattered bits of coffins Mie fragments of bones over the cemetery lawns and then churned the lawns into a mass of mini, hones, coffin bits uud fragments of gravestones. Then, as if nothing would sntisfv their fnrv, thev have IiIoaii this mixture n to the air and scattered ported. ! THE MARKETS J The egg market, is reported steady, with rather a wide rango in prices. The average price seems to bo 15 cents cash. l'oultry is weak at 13 cents, with sev eral houses paying hut 12 cents. Hogs are strong and in good deninnd. The butter market is active with indica tions of an advance, Bermudu onions nro new on the murk ot today, with two grades, quoted ut from $2.00 to $2.50 a ernto. With the government's report of the finest prospects ever known fur crops, all grains showed weakness, Was Formerly Society Editor of Capital Journal-- Funeral Thursday All Salem was saddened when toe an nouncement was made this morning of the passing of Mrs. Klimibeth Reming ton Case, which occurred at her resi dence on South Coinniereiiil street at 5:15 o'clock. The end cnuio quietly after several weeks' Illness, during which time hifts of friends hnd daily demonstrated their kindly thought by iloral remembrances and messages of cheer. Mrs. Case leaves a daughter, Mrs. Seba Case Wall, with whom she. had made her homo since taking up her residence in Salem seven years ago, coming hero from l'ortlnnd, their orig inal noiuo Doing in raritmult, .Minn., a several years ' residence also being mude in timnnii, .oinuska rrobubly no person ever made more friends in tho city than did Airs, ( use, AltlutigU coming here ns u stranger, she hud no adjustments to make, tak ing her plnee easily and naturally in social, club and religious circles. 8he was beloved us a member of each, her relations in the latter being with tne F.piseopal church. For severul years Mrs. fuse was society editor of the I'aily Capital Journal, her work, which was discontinued in December, 1913, owing to ill health, being peculiarly graceliil and pleasing. Sho was nn ac tive member ur the Salem Woman s club, at the time of her death being cliiui mini nt (tie press committee of ti.at organization. Tho funeral services will be conduct- ed from St. Paul's church at l o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning, tho body being sent to l'ortlnnd immediate ly afterwards liw cremation. The pall bearers will bo tieorge A. Wood, Uoorne (I. Bingham, Joseph Bauingnrtiier, Asa- net Hush, w. .Melvin Plimpton and Fredrick l. Thielseu. NEW SUPERINTENDENT. Grains. Hay, timothy, per Ton Clover, per ton .. Onta and vetch ...... Choat . Wheat, per bushel Outs, per bushel Rolled tnrley Corn , Cracked corn Bra a jMiortP, per ton I uuiier. jBiittorfat j Creamery butter, per pound Vegetables, Asparagus 8.50(n9 U((i)12 0(D10 r.io 48c 33,50 . 38.50 flO 2N.50 11 .23c ..25c the town. Neuve l happello has dis- MW t" ' ,,, i i.. ;, i ; I Parsnips histoiv as the to which was shelled , ,"!um1,',,ir"' F1"rl,,B l-y six Ituiolrci! cannon, as the town nhich was fought I'-t between the Kul-IMi in. 'I (lie tieniaiis, at a cost of ix months ending .Moil 1st, 1915. 1911 Tax Roll. 30. 1911. incUliiiir Id in! I.l.-e'l t In-1 dote, ili'dlliling Receipt 13,020 .1? .85 . '.'11.7,1 I "1! ill. '1-1 eip's t'Mlil li-ln Tax ' 'I'' - f i 11-11 Tax ''!''" from 1912 T.,x ir-in 1913 Tux from 1911 Tux I ri-iii Sutvi ynr 's l i es , . . fi-lll iii -'oiiU r 's Fees . . . Mvin i',.,k '8 (Yes ice i 'ourt Fines nit (Vint Fines if 19 "15.13 1.H8 Tin in il oyer in tin it- .Iriiiu.'irv il, I'.n: If l-'e-- pt No. I3,(i2(i 'ij'l i ipt il'ts l-cecipN from ,1 lie-', Il'ts floii, C h''-'eipts J'-.v Wi.ri l'-y Ml.lt llv Ulll.S ,.1-u In 1. To iiiiin-ii'o . , i -on .i isi'oini neons l-y truiisfers from other funlls (mis paid i'ux Pnid 4 '-MoT funds i.9i:,.::i) 1", 429. 70 197,419.31 Cn-h on Imhd Septei'iicr Collrcted since tl.l.t dl.ti .'UO.'s.! i (1. 158.32 100,903.33 130.00 3.729.78 4 21" 9,i ' "su (,tl lniii'l, i!H'lie.i,: aiT:"i:. ON.S I I .u,,ou.s., m.li on In lid S. ot. 3n. 1 , "MIc- ted sioci- that date, 1912 Tax Roll ."-0. 191 1. including K m-, , iio'iiniin Keceipt N' 31.70 Km Ir I Slleeli The ! be to Fl'ell.-h's tieli.'li, r I'l'lu- l.li-l 111- fir-: e-.tent. j fori . ' ll'o 1 lie ill'l'l 'lie I tor c - TV ruiiic.l hou-e in its i:-lt ''"Il 'l i '-' NellM' ( hlipU'lle i, is :t loKcu of (ieiienil s pr-'of ilai Tlii- (ieruiau, in u (a a I !''! in an uttio'l,. of "ii e l happelle liini'l.'ed 'tin K. i ii a li"e of anv great ;;a '. a-, i n, I ' iii'loal ( let ma u a i'i"l Hi;,t has ut tir l-s... ipt I310. , I n.:;ii.g Tien. II. World iie.'in.i I.'. ih the Knglish Tin in ,1 over (let. !."r 29, 191 1 . Tinned over .lei' iarv 1 1, 1915 Turned over Apiil 21, l9l "i . . . Ii fil'VuLlS !f3IO,071.1s ipt No. 13 1913 Tax Roll. . including lleeeipt Nl eluding, Reel ipi No, I.; .1 509.01 . 2(i7.:;7 209.20 S2.,Y, t!,iiii8.42 191.21 57 1. Is 4 1,00s, 12 11m- an Ki -I,-! till'. !,f tr, ,l.i ii'-v r! Ih K'lllll C.II-. that fi( l.t. I : to a " . af!-'l' fe lo II "W I 11 hap, E'lter. ii'iiv," said iu the tl'emll,"--I slo-'l, III -"I '.i,,l' woll'leiiir: lO'teSS tile ,l l.no, We ,ie - into the ncv ". IIS ,js 1,1... Jack .lollli-oll 1 Cauliflower, tlreuon String (iarlic I.etti.ie, eiiito Heels lindi.-hcs I'ota.oes, per loo I Potatoes, new, lb New pens Kei mudii onions rrults. S, : her, it s, era ', 'Hinges, ii n u I i'.'iiianiis, Hi 1. onions, per box Pineapples, per lb apples, box Florida gr.'ie fruit I'lites, dronicdiiry, case I 'ales, Peifian, ll. I'll r.i dates -'oc mints, per dozen .. t ig-, per puck 12c 3(ii 3'.j,' tl.50 1 1.50 $1.3.', 15 c 2.7.1 l.oO lo, if: 8c 8c fJto 2, oil 2.HU ..t3.2.i 4-3. VI Poitliind, Ore,, April 28. tieorge A. Jolinsici, chief clerk in the office of lenerul Manager ', 0, Jenks, of the North Hank railroad, was today ap pointed superintendent of the Pacific & Fustein railioud lit Medl'un!. NEWJODAY One cent per word each Inter- ' ' lion, Cory for advertisement an- der (hit heading should bt la by " i p m" .il..4,al niONE MAIN 81. ; ; FlIiM' stop at Fied's Night Lunch. UAliliY Window cleaner. Phono 18J0J. AN INVALID chnir for sole. 2720 Cheri v a venue. May I TIIDKUI (IIIIIKPII W.iile Leghorn' loosler for sale. Phone 2081 M, Ap29 Full S.I,K- l'i,-h cow with two days' old i nil', ins W. Kur il nve. Ap30 ...,ll lc I - 'I l,;i-: o 1.73 ;o.ti the f, I,! Tiirn-'d o Turned no Turned in, r January r I't'lo hi, rv r Apiil 19, 15. 1915 4. I9J5 19)3 ... "il l-lhila --l-i 'ash Kece K lie, lie,', Hec, h- l-r. 1- Hd 1- F.oads and Highway Fund on Ion, ,1 ipts from i9in Tux'!!.!!!!!.'!!,'.'!,''!!.'.'! il-tr from toll T,.v Il'ts from 1910 T". 'I'ls from ipi.i tx l'l from 1914 Tux ipts from misoelhiiieoua it ts 1 1 V lr:ei,r,iru r .1 l . i, ' i t "iu ouiei ion, in "' "air-nits .,i, ( p transfer, to other funds ..!!!!!!!!'..!!!! 'O I'llllllO',. $197,419.31 $ -10,980.80 i !l8 I 35.7(1 2.397.50 I 33,701.10 I 4.911.1.5. 1 1 21,858.3 M'ATK HV IM:ii'i. County of Mnrion. ss.: 1. Will, l.seh, Mieliff 1,11,1 Ui'liuipielit TlIX Cilleet ion, Mute of Ongoii, do hereby citify that the ton I verily believe. Mieriff nn-l Ilelinipient Tax Cell eti .it 1 3, 1 22.0 1 . 1.82ii.')2 . 11,203.1.1 20,152.10 for the County of Mar ! nig stiitemeiit is t rue, ns i W.I. LM'II, r for Mnrion Co., (ire. II' e 'illlt it Ih , 'he lii.e 'e MI .1.1,11 'I -t IW'll' Ja. I; J. two lire nli'.e. (he eowleiv in . uud (iei aiaiiv in, ieitiiauv she'd lime s; she toulil il. 's ti,'lllillj IMI eillels iu the row fii.hl. Can lull I t lie nil, lloy w i. i ill o s, ii us beiii ..111 t-t (hat in- 'i : .mi 111. limine ou llappN I he f",ii.'l on thai nil Ii beginning to wotry the Iii . Mow " V. ell. that HUH IIS at ( l,l,pielle. Nell,,. ( h.'lppi II 71,9.12.13 .'tsj.l? 31.502.52 100,880,12 $100,8S0.42 Ort. lra I!. It. K. I!. Ki 1-T" i V"u'r o other fund , , Road Districts. " "n hand '''its from 1911 Tax !!!!!!!!!!!!.'!! '"-I'ls from 1912 Tux !.!!..!!! "''I'ls from 191.1 Tux !!.., " 'I '' from 19U Tux ' -'ipt-. troin miscellutiAooa 'I 's l-y transfers frum other funds 31,502.52 18,199.91 .15 44.11 K32.01 S,992.9I 1.15 93.10 THE QUICKEST WAY TO;;;; END CATARRH fl.72l.4d 21,143.88 27,805.31 I 27,805.34 County School Fund h or. l,...l r'!".'''''' mii;clluneou 4 w u1''" transfers from other funds .. t 21,143.88 124,924.02 Just One Sura Way To Be Rid of This Ailment, Catarrh is n germ disease. To stop it f"r gon you must get down to its r-'fil en n The nir is full of catarrhal germs ',,iighe, and sneezed out by one person and breathed iu by unothei and when the system fails to throw off thi'Mi UfMns tliev find tierriiAnclit loil,-. meiit in the imieoiis meiobrunes of vour tire- satisfaction or money cheerfully re- nose, thront and head au.l. breed bv 'un-l'-'l. 20,152.10 ! o p. no) a " W jii-t I llOV imaeiro' lllllll he ning lo A i. 'I , felt v., blow s ; lihuk I Nome shown! i,. And all Uere iu the fiehl fi laid inn-' hate felt teenth round.' Capture Olves New Hope. The (wont is n"t 'hut Nc'ie Chap ell,. as inieri ".ie, in the .i.h k .ioiiii fight, iiMhough 'he nens should its us.) to or lliree times a ,luv for a """" " 1,1 mrniigii me few weeks will driv0 eatiinh and every ,r"" l"'" ""' ' 1 il syuiptoui of "n'lirrh eompletidv and "r tirely fiom your systom. No egtanh sufferer can afford to gu nnolher day without tiding this woii'li'fful treat meiit as lelial le druggists everywhere sell it on a po-itive guurant,t of en- I.ooio 1. 73 itl.oO - 3.2.i 8'iu i M..c .-V 1.0,1 ! 90c(ii I.."iO ilggs and rouitry, l'.'gg, ca:h I. "c ; t riulii Ileus, pound 1,'oosters, old, per pound 8Ml' :-prii:g I idiei . II, Pork, Veal and Mutton, Pork, on fniit Pink, '!r,"-io, Veil I, ,0-M, I'Mii,; laud'", ik fed .17,' . .1,1, . Se'-''" In, io In I . ..c 9,'in loc -teem ,l . oi I lo nie l, uutlsvplie nir is ccr ; Hi to the germs of eatiinh and i drives them entirely out of vour svstein ' uud when do- germs are deslrovcl the catarrh i'h ,'S obnoxious symptoms will stop, .lust two or three liuinit, u-c will gi'.e ,ii blessed relief whib-i1"'" ,1,1't Pulls Wethers ' FWeS ' sheep, shear, -, Retail Trice. l 'leamei v butter n I i J Flour, hard wheat 2.lor, 2.00 l-loiii, valley $1.8.',, n 2 t im f, Mows u ,n . i ,., in.. w,t.M"-,nr- .r" 7 , ,,, ,U. I ', 0 "(,l .1 1 jC ...3iafo I '" 7.1 fie 0c . 0.80 i A WOMAN minis work by ,av or hour, Phone 910 II. ' " Apr2.9 ; l''('H AI.I:--Wi.m.,'iw, t.-um and har ness, I, 12, care Join mil. Apr'JO ICR il,' A i',' -A line huge phono- gia Ii, oak . Jl'ine: and r ,ns, for o,el cow. 9.MI .--olilh P.' Ill si. Ap'.'8 I UK SAI.P- Citdit lii,lil liiaiinia hens, oio- iioslei-, 7-.I3 s,,oili hurdi street. A pi 28 Fill,' .V. White nod Itiowu l.egl I"li- lliol I'lllle!;!. I2i'.l ,'S, 1 . 1 1 1 1 -1 I V sii-'t. Ap.:',i s,ii, ; ,1 liw a. ie tuo'l iu IMI I, b:i In nee ,'iisv to, ins. I'Imhm, JlL1-' A"-s IH (.MP. .-'Ill) . te.t bonh, for sale; nil Mil' - . Is. 1 . 1). Alibolt, 211 Uiibbanl loiiolii',,'. It IP dl ir,li your en 1 1 ot si, 'in ii or vacuum ,liuii,,l by lelinl'le linn ut i, dm "I io es phone 1 1 I . May KI COMPLPTI-: slock of lested gar-len, lield and Iiiivii seed. Westacott tt Thi, In ii ( o., 151 North High st. tf I'llfl, WAN 1. 1 t,,r L nl hoiiscttoih.. .Miit In- goil , k. No wushiuif nor iionuig. Apply foiiiiooiis at 9, i I heiiiek, In stieet. Api-29 SFI'.li Pi'TATOFS - lliirb.inl.s, Netted (ieois, Maho Id, ra's and American j Won o r-; also table stock i,t any In,,,'. Mangis III cm., 310 Mute s'reel. Piioi'C "17. Ap30 i "tirrnnts pnid 111,31045 i misiers to other funds J 2,4 o.7a millions. The germs of catarrh can be destroy ed and the inf'amed tissues permanent ly healed by inhaling the air of the pure medicated nil of llyoioei (pro nounced High o iiii ). Von breathe Its air into your nose, thront and lungs by n,..... ...,)! I.,.. I ril.l,..r inhut.ip J i 'hat llani-l ,1. Fry and other reliable , w,.,.k F.ugcnc (lunrd. druggists here in this virimty rurnisli ' i j with each large complete trentment. The world loves to laugh at RETURNS TO WOODBURN. Mrs. (1. I'. Newton, accompanied by her sou, lift this morning for her home in Wii'ilbiirii, dregon. hhi had tos-n visiting h r mother, .Mrs. '. L. Parsons, small hard rubber inhaler at 110 Jefferson street, for the past a lover. HORLICK'S THE OniOIHAL MALTED IV1BLK Th Food-drink for AHAgti. More healthful than Tea or CocTee. rortljuict M.irkots, Poillaiid, (ire., Apl 1 1 2". Wheat I bib, 1-1 2','..; bliiestein, .3I "... lints - No 1 white feed, flj." Pnil,y-F I, t2l. Hog-- Best live, 18.0.1. I nine steers, ,,o .7.,; fan, v 0.2." ; best calves, 7 . 7 fn liiiiilis, "i'9. P.-itter i ity en umery, 2"ic. I'ggs - Hei 1 1, , local eittus, 1 H .. rts I0e. liens, II,; bro.lers, 27'-.'ici32ej geese, sf,i 9e, ows spring Wli will allow you the highest prl -n fm your used furniture lit ojchumio foi new. Calcf liros., homo fiiruiohcra Phone 593. CALLAHAN GOES TO BPOKANE. Portland, Ore., April 28. Pitcher Pat Agrees with llie weakert digestion. nl In hun was turned over to tlx, hpok- sue .son n w- si, rn league leani today by Malinger M t'iudie, of tho I'urtlnnd Delicious, invigoralinj and nulirlioui, Hich niillt, mslled trtsin, powder form. A Quick Lunch PrpveJ io Minuto Unto you My H0RII0IC8 you may pot a 8ubtCtui9 HelHelS. lllesard is the wifo who is not too strenuous ill managing her silent -ait Vul;NU man, aged 21, of good habits, widics wuik of some, kind iu town. Address A. T. P., Join mil. tf F(IR HKNT--Puiiiishcl complete 0 roo'n modern cdtiige, eii.np, u2,l No. Kill tl re, t. l.'ngl, wood car line. Apr28 A Ml i; 5u acre I'aiui, .( 1 j miles from town on gincl road, with good build in '(s and Iruit of all kinds, A splen did place, Ciiii be bought fiom own er. Will lake couiitiy or city prop city In part payment, balance easy terns. A l-liess () 1", cure Juurtia I. Apr2T WILL TI(A1,;-1,IU ncies ol land in l.sne County, ('re., for good automo bile, i nil at A. Puiie & ."oil's store Apr21 I t . il 1'-