Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 28, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
r . . .' awJ lllUVMia BTAND8 TIVB OBsTT
FRENCH CRUISER IS 11 U11EHB1I luiffitsiBii C1SMIM1 mmmm mm C1IE0 IfiilFiiT
Hill CANAL OPEN FOR " of ffiD , iuh m n''
Austrian Submarine Sends
Battleship To Bottom
Off Ostranto
Russians Claim Victory In
Galician - Bukowina
llwlin, via wireless tu Sayvillo, April
SH All attempts of the British to re
ciiituri! lost ground in Flanders have
failed, the official statement from the
r office asserted today.
Beyond making the sweeping claim
of the repulse of all British attacks, the
statement gave no details of the fight
ing on the line from Ypres to the sea.
ft was again denied that the French
had retaken Hurtmaiinsweilerkopf, as
claimed from Paris.
"North of Monsil the Germans storm
el nu extended line of French
trenches," the statement declared.
"Attacks in the forest af Lel'retre
ere repulsed."
On the eastern front, northwest of
Nuwalki in I'oland, the Oermans cap
tured Mussina positions over a front of
20 kilometers.
Allks PuBh Operations.
London, April is, Despite claims of
wcci'ss by the Turks, the allied attack
: foil the fortifications of the Dardan
elles now delevoping nlong new lines
with troops participating, it is believed
t Xv making favorable progress today.
The fiuVtitiu is steadily iiicrcnsinii iu
.olonce as French and British troops
press forward in the nn, operations
while the warships maintained a con
slant iu.i;il,:i i ilnx-tit of the forts at long
' inge lis well as insi,t. Hie strait. The
' l.uirally nia.l,. ,i i-oinit I today on
" minis of the nfl'icial statement
J'"in I iiii-taiitimijilc font one torpedo
'"at was Mink :in, i: seriously
r' I during yesterday's attacks.
Frendi Cruiser Lost.
Pinis, April :'-Tlio French armored
'niiHi-i I,...,, ( i ;i in I ,,.f t was torpedoed
ui'l sunk .Mom lay night in the Adriatic
iMrautn, a seaport of Italv, it Has
ii'iiioiiiired today.
I he attack upon the cruiser is pre
M. 1 '" '"'en made by an Aus-
bum -ill, valine. It j,, m,t yet knuwii
Use of Deadly Gases Declared To Be Violation of Rules of
"Civilized" War-Men fn Trenches Gasp For Breath
When Breathe Air Filled With Fumes Hurled by Germans-Only
the Strong Survive
By William. O. Shepherd.
" "L''" by the Vniled Press;
'"l'nghle, i (Ircat rtrltnin.)
Ileii.hjnarters of the British oversens
T'l'li'.n. Northern France, pril 27.
April 2S.-The (lermans
' "'Hoyiiig n new method of hurling
f P'osoiiouk gns bombs in the ter-
''',,, o''7 "!'"!!' Vl,r""' " V
""h ",,!. ,I'""H 'f ""'lr "'W 17
"i '' !l"'se "Ml" nre
k ' .' .'"Kh officials unite in el.tr-'
,. use ns in complete viola-
f r, ' " of lvi,'W' warfare.;
"rhi , "' , .r',," h nni ,,ri,i"h victims
ih , "f,l,,"l,'l i" the rear died
,;," 1(1 h"rs of quick pneu-'
.'. .; , '.. ""ffered from eitreme
'"lar.ti '" r"nl aml llM1- Their
f,f v . ",'1, '"""'WW blKh M
I'd fo. I. r.-th.
h Only strong oet Out.
f.,n, J,. ,"' ""''n'lance )!. the suf-
iiiht hi '' '"'lay that the Germain
' Ml, lV 1 ,,lave il'd bomlw
i - , ''M'htlieric. enteric or chol-
r '" tr.,iMi' t rn enough
"' i ii uf ,h Ku xones
! 't" ho-pitals.
! " km , '", loft In the trenches
.h ", "U,'"'"V Krlv
'" ,, !,. ." t'T the Oer-
; 'IU ri..t . '!T ' 'M ,r"l'-
II. nr. ... ... .' :
: , ".""."lr.
! ,1' "'"i
. '' ' iiri t Iff w
It now seems that the gas
f . ' r kill. L , , """ ,, civ ion
5 m.i hoiri ,tv ti
lllose enrtn n. npa,.
" "fin V r' M:rn ' tb hospitals
Is Built By Government At
Cost of More Than
Heretofore Cargoes Have
Been Portaged Around
Celilo Rapids
Celilo, Or, April 28. The Dalles-Celi-lo
canal, 8 1-2 miles in length and built
by the United Stntes government at a
cost of more than $4,500,000, was open
ad to navigation today.
The steamer Inland Empire, from the
upper Columbia river, and the steum
er J. N. Teal, from the lower river,
traversed the canal and locks, meeting
in the passing basin.
The opening of the canal makes pos
sible the navigation of the Columbia
river from the Pacific ocean to l'ricst
Rapids, a distance of 450 miles, and
the Columbia and Snake rivers to Lew
iston, Idaho, 497 miles.
Heretofore steamer cargoes have been
portaged around Celilo Knpids over a
state-owned railroad.
A series of celebrations to mark the
opening of the canal will begin at Lew
iston, Idaho, May 3, and continue at
various towns along the Columbia river
until Astoria is reached on May 7.
how ninuv of the crew perished when
the vessel was sent to the bottom. The
minister of marine believes, however,
that some were saved.
The Leon Gnmbetto was a vessel of
12,:)'i2 tons,
Russians Claim Victory.
Pctrogrnd, April 2S. Fight thou
sand Austrians and (leiinans were kill
ed or wounded and several thousand
cnutnred in fighting in the (lalicinu-
Hukowina region in which the Russians
gained another victory, the war oil ice
announced today.
French Give No Details.
Pnris, April 2S. Details of the fight
I i ii r in Flanders were attain lucking in
tin, official enuiniunimio today. The
allies continue to Progress north of
j Ypres, it was stated, while toe Hermans
I a re suffering severe losses both in men
I and materials.
Making Desperate Efforts.
Ity Kd. I,. Keen.
I.nnilon, April 2S, Engaged in a
desperate effort to straighten their
lines ngnin and throw back the (lermans
from the ground they look on their
powerful rush upon Ypres, the French,
liritish and Belgian forces iu Flanders
aid slowly but surely Asserting their
Despite the fact that some of the
most important fighting of the war must
still be in progress, the actual opera
tions were shrouded in darkness insofar
as official reports were concerned, but
enough information was allowed to be
come public to indicate that the attack
is now being entirely by the allies. The
official statement from Berlin made no
mention of attacks by. the (iern.nns.
confining the announcement concerning
these operations to the claim that
liritish nttempts to retake lost ground
had failed. I
Progress Is Reported.
From the British and French war of
fices came onlv reports that continued
progress was being made. A details
of the terrible effect of the gases used
bv the (lermans in their explosive
bombs arrived today, indignation of
the British public mounted to fever
heiuht. '
Reports that allied soldiers were
strnngled In the trenches by the gaes
or died horrible deartis in hospitals
within a few hours, resulted in demands
for stern reprisals as was the rae
when the submarine wtr was at its
hcliiht. , , ,
Petrogra.l todav reported t defeat of
the Austrofierman force ou the Buk
owim front with hetvr losses and sharp
fighting in the ( rathians. Neither of
Business Men Meet Jo Hear
Plans Discussed For
II. V. Chose, wdin iu timid r,F tlift Tu
Development company, and who figured
l.rouiinentlv in the recti mnrfflm,
, -v.
the various commercial organizations of
rorunnd into one cl.amber ot commerce,
was the urinci.ml Hiienkitr nt tl,n ,linn.
at the Marion hotel Inst niirht n t wliii'h
about twenty representative business
uiiu pruiessioiiui men or me i fipitul
CitV were itresent tn ftiriisu tha
solidatioa of isnlem's business interests
into one efficient body. The dinnor
was informal, Those present wore
heartily in accord with tho merging
plan and authorized further investiga
tion into the matter.
The meetimr resulted in thn hnnr.) nf
governors of the commercial club being
man neicu 10 iook into tne proposed
merging plun, nnd also to investigate
into the possibility of employing Mr.
Chase in lierfectinir tlin nrtrunivntinn
They ore to report their findings to the
enure commercial ciuu at a meeting to
be called aometimo in the future.
Personal Service Needed.
"Personal service " flnc.liirprt Mr
Chase, "is what is needed more than
nt.Vtllillfip else in huildinir un a pitv
Three things are also necessary men,
money, and motives. Money is one of
i..- . . i. .. ...
uiu neccessur.es unt a city witir tne
right men behind it running it in the
riirl.t wav is sure to ea ahead.
'T)ie ffllllt nf fhn U'nutnrn A,mla iu
ciuuitis' there is a prevailing mania
to torm clubs for every movement.
found Portland fln nrornnWod it nuu rliu
orgnnized. No progress can bo niaile
unia an ine parts nre worxing togotnor
townrti one em.
Dliriniv the evemiior nrunn ttnl.l frtitlia
about the city were given out and what
it. neeiteu i.lninlv thscusseil.
If it is decided to secure tho aid of
Mr. Clllise (TI 11, T f P t i Tl It ttin nmoliruma.
t.on of Snleni civic interests, he said he
would have to know within a short time
ns all his time, except tho month of
Mnv. is occuuied for months tn num,
Among, those who uttn.ided last
nigut s meeting were r. W. II. Hyrd
George Hodgers, F. fl. Deckobacli, Aug
list lluckestein, lT. (I. Shipley, Clnrenci
lla.nillon, Hal I'ntfon, dudge Clinrlc.
McNury, Charles Dick, 0 M. Klliott, II
V. Meyers, Dr. If. II. Olinger, Josepli
Albert, V. M. Hamilton, Ralph Moores
"Camp Henderson," U. S. W.
V., To Be Established Next
Sunday At 2 oXIock
It is ejpeelcd that there will be "big
doings" at Woodliurn next Sunday af
ternoon, upon the occiisiou of the instal
lation of a new Spanish war Veterans
camp in that enterprising little Marion
county city. The hour of installation
has been fixed fol' 2 o'clock p. m., and
it is expected that the ceremonies will
be conducted by Adjutant General Kes
scl, of the Oregon department C. S. V.
V of Portland; Inspector Ocnernl Har
vey Wells of Salem, Department Com
mander Stellmaclier of Albany, and
other officers of the Oregon depart
ment of the organization. It is under
stood that the camp will be l-stalli'd
with a charter membership of 22 and
there are numerous other eligible in the
vicinity who will come in later.
Although no definite Information is
obtainable as to the mime to be chosen
for the new camp, It is surmised that
it will he culled "Camp Henderson,"
iu honor of former Captain Harry Hen
derson of the (). N, (I., and commis
sary sergeant of Company M, 2d Ore
gon Volunteers in the Philippines, who
was killed while a member of former
Sheriff Culver's posse in pursuit of t
desperate criminal from Click uinas
county, who committed murder in Ore
gun City a few yesrs ago. Sergeant, or
Captain Henderson, was held in the
highest esteem bv his companions, and
in fact the entire regiment, and he was
particularly popular In Woudhtirn,
where he was engaged in business for
t great many yt'ars, and was very
prominent in local affair, both busi
ness and soc.nl. It is expected that a
number of Spanish war veterans from
the Salem ramp will attend ami assist
in celebrating the eent.
The first time t oung tun falls in
love he wonders what struck him.
these of engagements, however, were re-1
gar.led ns having any definite bearing i
upon the general rampaign on Hiis-I
io ' southern front. I
I - T""" -wvi ill llLUIlin 111 MUL I 111 I II H 1 1 1 1 A
Colonel In High Spirits Again
and Plunges Into His
Damage Case
Frankly Admits He Delivered
Speech Branding Barnes
As a Menace
(United Preea Staff Corresnondent.l
ovraeuse, i. x April 2H.-Kv de.itlv
relishing the opportunity to admit he
had 'declared that William Barnes, Jr.,
was a "menace,' and that he should
oe in tne Bame iwrtv with "Chinf
Murpny or Tammany Hall, Colonel
Kooscveit completed his "ordeal" nf
undergoing cross-examination in the
trial of Barnes' $50,000 libel suit here
Attorney lvlns, of counsel for Barnes,
brought his questioning of tho former
president to a close at 10:10 after
Koosevclt had put in another morninit
of speech-making which ho nppeared to
enjoy inorougniy, lie was again in
high spirits. Relieved of the restrain
ing influence of having to listen to
the reading of lengthy letters, he plung
ed into the caso nnd fairly ran awav
with the lawyers.
Admit Delivoring Speech.
Hoosevelt frankly and eiup'anticallv
admitted that be hud delivered a speech
in 1!14 in which said Barnes wns a
"menace." When the speech was read
to him he also admitted lie had declar
ed that Barnes and Murphy ought to be
in the same party and appeared to
take extreme dcliuht in mil, lit 1 1 ni, .kid
attacks iu the last gubernato. ial cam
paign when he made charges of a
Barnes Murphy coalition in the New
York legislature.
Once, while Ivins was quoting var
iois passages from one of the mlmicl's
speeches, he look the copy from the at
torney and read it himself with true
platform oialory.
Ivias deela.cd fhat the- cnl I had
agnnnatod the iihel alleged ,v llarucs
liy repealing tho charges after the
present soil had been filed. Af this
lioosci elf smiled liroadlv.
Snaps Out Answers.
On occasions when his counsel oh.
jeetcd to the rcudiiig of certain
specl.es, the colonel cunglit their eye
and voluiifuiily pantomiufd "let him
answer." Then he would plunge into
his reply heiote they 1J signal iu the
iiifitinalne in negative. He often
mapped out his answers even before
his lawyers rm., make an objection.
This was the seventh day of Home
volt's session on the stand, but, sev
eral days' inoie testimony from him
appealed eeitaia ns his attorney s have
the re-direct examination to take up,
and llaiaes' lawyers will take liin.
again for larllicr questioning,
Justice Ai.diewt today warned the
jurors Hint they must not read newspa
per accounts of the case while the trial
is iu pritiess.
A TciUDMtnl.B riav
,. ,, . , .'
II was l.oosevrii s most, tl'l SOUS I
I . i ,. t ' 1
day, not oily during the tune of hisl
i-exam i ant ion, but wl the re-1
direct examiniilion was tak p. So I
energetic did 1 gesticulations b line i
that Aflora
Ivins protested, but was ,
overruled bv tie
eoillt, and the enh I !
s.apped ins mull, drove Ins list into
the pal... ol his hand and utl.eiwise em
phasized hi. icinarks to hit heart's
On re dirc t examination the rolonel
explained i.i d.tail the contributions to
his rninpuioii of IWII-! and his relations
with the late Senator Piatt. He said
he worked with the "easy bo" only
so far a- his con science permitted. As
to the eolilriloilions, he declared he was
mistaken when he said the campaign
contributions amounted to tJ,llli0,0Ui.
(leorge B. Cortclyoti, Koosevclt stated,
told him the contributions totaled oulv
Constant Bitter OlasliM.
There wete constat Hitter clashes
between opposing counsel as the colonel
proceeded, lint nothing could stop him.
He was lull of fire, snap and vim. As
he smashed his fist into the palm of
Ins hand iu emphasizing his explanation
of his relations witn platt, Ivins jump
ed to Ini feet. The attorney protested
vigoruusly an. I asked that the colonel
be prohibited from making such gesti
eolation. "I shall not attempt to regulate the
ordinary nunacr of the witness ever,
as to his gesticulation, " Justice An
drews replied.
K'oscvelt lli" smacked his hand
again, and la be4 into the details of
bis dealings with Plait.
"On certain points, because of hi
dr knowledge, 1 found Piatt's advice
(Continued on Page Three.)
Alleged Embezzler Lived With
Negress For Fourteen
San Francisco, April S. Sensations
were promised when the trial of Ueorge
W. Jorgenson, former cashier of the
Toyo Kisen Knisha, on charge of em
bezzling 17f from that company, be
gan today before Superior .linlge' (Irif
fin. William Avery, assisti.ut general
manager of the steamship company, is
the complaining witness.
Although the actual case against dor
genson was built around his alleged
peculations, principal interest centered
in tiie question whether the trial would
bring out the fact that, tor several
years, ho lived with Mrs. Hetty Mor
rison, a ncgress, by whom he had two
children. During the examination of
.l(t,genson' hooks an agreement bo
tween Jorgenson and the woman was
divulged. This remarkable document
set forth that Jorgenson and the woman
had lived together for 14 years ami
had agreed to separate. Jorgenson ack
nowledged the parentage of tho wom
an's two children and agreed tn pay her
00 a mouth during their minority and
to arrange his life Insurance ho' that
15000 should be left to them at his
Although Jorgenson 's salary was onlv
$200 n month he was aide to purchase
the Morrison woman aa automobile.
The agreement was dated September 1.
mi l, prior to his marringe to a local
society girl. Thereafter Jorgenson Is
sniil to have deposited n. the r.rst Na
tionul bank here between f 100 and ifi'iOO
a month.
Passed Forged Check.
Portland, dr., April 2.H. The charm'
ngninst Chris Vassilis, arrested in San
Francisco nt thu request of the Port
land police, is the passing nf a forged
check for a-smiil) amount. Martin Mn
jeski complained against Yassilis. An
officer will leave for Vnssilis today,
Southern Pacific To Put On
New Train Of Benefit To
Willamette Valley
On hatiiiilny, May lo. the Southern
Pacific company uill inaiiKoiate li iich
through train service hcluccu I'orllaiol
and Sua Fianeisei, which is designed to
be of cs inl benefit to the Willll. nolle
vnlley in the attruetion of tourist travel
through this state going In nod coming
from the big exposition. The first
trains iil l,e run May lo and Ih r
vice will continue indefinitely. Tiuitis
will be cip.ippeil with tourist and Ht n nil -ard
sleepers, with all of the comforts
and conveniences of the up to-dule pas
senger de luxe.
1 he new trains will be pot on m add
lition to the splendid service nlreadv
I ..in I... ...... il
null III III in-'i KIM t "III l " i- nn
t u, ,it ,..,ri,,.
... ,i, i,. i.i ... ,.,,,1
' ;hm, , ,. Willamette vull-v by
,vlil,t. the first and onlv tl.roouii
,,.r'vice f t, kind ever ii.lon'ted bv the
s. P. Soi.thlioatid this train ill leave
Portland at H:.lll a. in. and will arrive
in San Francisco at 5:.'tu on the follow
ing day. Northbound the train leaves
San Friiiiciscu at 1 1 a. in. and arrives
at Portland at " a. m. of the following
day. This schedule will also put t In
tra ins over the Siskiyou mountains dur
ing the day time and will afford the
tourist every oppurtiiaity of viewing
the I, est Hint nature affords in the way
of unsurpassable scenery nnd agricul
tural achievement in Western and
Southern ( Ircgon.
The new service will be of lio nli ula
Ide value to the state of Oregon from
as advertising standpoint as an addi
tional Inducement tu tourist travel and
the Southern Pacific company deserves
much credit for the effort it is putting
forth towsrd the upbuilding of the state
of Oregon.
The Weather
UooBl'-vOl' . .
1 TEAMj VlJ Oregon: n.r to-
' (w'tfi&M "'",lt ""ir"
V ? dayj light aria
ty)jff i ''''' winds, mostly
' westerly.
First Indictments Of Kind!
Returned Under the Sher
man Law
Government Alleges Contrac
tors And Lahor Agents
Chicago, April 2.H. Representatives
nf machinery firms and building mute
rial manufacturers will appear as wit
nesses Cor the government when the
Chicago contracting concerns, IS busi
ness agents and other union labor offi
cials indicted by the federul grand jury,
go on trial here today.
The indictments on which the de
fendants are to be tried are thu first
of their kind ever returned under the
Sherman law. The contractors and
union officials are charged with con
spiracy in restraint of interstate com
merce, with fixing prices, restraining
outside competition through combina
tions and contract for the purpose with
interferrlng with interstate commerce,
The government alleges that, big local
contractors coaapired with the lahor
agents to prevent outsiders from ob
taining work in ( hieiigo, The union
men, it Is alleged, agreed to call strikes
on jobs on which outsiders were em
ployed and ulso to refuse to permit
union men to move or Unload machinery
ami building millennia brought to Chi
gngu from other cities.
Simon O'Donnoll, president of Hie
Building Triiilcs Council, is among the
men Indicted. Witnesses from New
York, Philadelphia, Idn-ine, Wis.; St.
Louis, llnrll'oid, Cum.., and Jersey City
have been summoned by the govern
So.oerville, Tea..., April 2M. While
being taken lo tl mil room for trial
on a charge of killing two while inc.,
Thomas Brooke, a young negro, was
seized by a mob and hanged to n rail
load Leslie. Four deputy sheriffs
guarded the sus I on the short walk
I'iiiiii the p.ison to li.e court room. They
i ore oiiinom.ierci nn.l ii.usl.eil asulc
li' I he mob.
Romantic Story of Thrilling Adventures In Eluding Eun
nuchs Guarding Women Is Told by Mrs. Farahanguize
Sprague, Daughter of a Persian Nobleman Declares
Houris Have Minds of Three-Year Old Children
San I'm n ciscu, April 2S.- " Votes for
the houris of the liiiremt"
This is the slogan of Mrs. Fiinihiin
guize Sp.agiie, Persian suffragette, who
spoke at the I'anaiiia Pacific exposition
today on Ihe subject uf world's peace.
She believes permanent, peace cm. only
be secured by the ballots of woineii,
and her first object is to free the harem
Mrs. Sprague, who Is the daughter of
a Persian noble, Mir.n Assndollii, de
clared today Hint she had made runny
sacrifice for "tho cause.1'
She and her husband, an American
professor, were forced lo flee Persia
because the influence of Iti.ssin and
(ireal Britain was withdrawn when tho
war began.
Mrs. Spraguo tells a romantic, story
of thrilling adventure in Persia and
F.gypt while endeavoring to educate
the hnrein slaves and at the same time
make converts to the Bahni cult, For
years she and her aged father, who
was made a fugitive because of becom
ing a Bahdist, hid in empty tomb in
ih.1.;,,.. .I...,. v;.. .t.
perl away to towns bordering tho wild
erness, snrelly entered guarded ser
sgllos and talked suffrage to the in
mates while euniohs stood close by
ready to kill her the moment she should
be discovered.
Born In luxury, Mrs. Spri.K.ie was
raised like all Persian girls, firm in
the belief that, she should enter a
harem., But her father bin ante a Bahd
ist, she began thinking for herself, and
the Persian suffrage campaign re
sulted. When Beil, founder of the Bnhdl cult
was slain by Mohammedan assassins
according tu Mrs. Sprague, tho Mo
Withholds State Funds With
out Legal Authority, Says
Asst. State Treasurer
Also Subject to Prosecution
As Public Defaulter For
Deducting Interest
lT..lo8s Treasurer John M. Lewis, of
Multnomah county, "comes through"
with the 4.'il,2!i0 to the stute treasury
which ho held out us a deduction rep
resenting one-half of the annual inter
est on the Interstate bridge bonds, due
July 1, 1IH.1, within 10 days afur May
1, he lays himself liable to a penalty of
20 per cent of tho amount deducted
from the turn-over of state taxes (0,-
2, ri0), and if he holds It back for thirty
days after May 1, ho stands liable to a
forfeiture of his office and deemed a
public, defaulter, under the provisions
of an act of the legislature of 1007, ac
cording to Assistant State Treasurer T.
F, Ifynn, who stutes this morning that
he will so Inform County Treasurer
The act of holding out a half of the
interest money due upon tho bridge
bunds on the part nf Treasurer Lewis
was based upon an order of the Mult no
ma h county court, but the state laws
are very emphatic in their provisions
that under no circumstances and for
no cause whatever shall money due tho
state be withheld by the county treas
urers which nre due as state taxes from
the county. The action of the eotmrj
court, in ordering the money withhet
it Is presumed was prompted hy the be
lief that Hie coiiuly Is entitled to de
duct the interest money from the coun
ty tax payments ill face of thu fact that
tiie county court did nut notify the
slate tax coinmission that thu bridge
bond Interest fond was to be deducted
t' Mini the county tax nntil 10 days af
ter the state levy was made, too late
to get credit for the interest puyment
on the lllir. tax roll.
The first half of the state taxes is
due I. ad payable from the several coun
ties of the state on May I, hut tho
ciiualy is given .'10 days thereafter ill
which to pay any deficiency in the
fund before Ihe li per cent interest up-
(Continued on J'agu Three.)
hammedan priests intended to fling hisl
body to the dogs lo destroy his chime
of elcrual life, To prevent this,
I 'lil, a H lull, leader of thu Bahists, sent
Mirn Ansadolla, father of Mrs,
Sprague, to Tabt., to save the remains.
Accompanied by his daughter, he fled
with tin, embalmed body. There was a
l.ol ,.i run i I . The corpse was hidden Iu
a trunk, and II was iifccsenry for As
sadolla ami the girl to travel by devi
ous ways, fur fear custom house men
would discover it. Frequently they
had lo shift the body from the cheat
to other temporary hiding places. At
lust the mission was accomplished, Mrs,
Sprague says, and Badi auricd on
Mount. Cnruiel In Syria.
Iu the ci.urse of her work of educat
ing women, Mrs, Spragiio said, she
must often slip into gunided harems
where a misstep might cost, her her life.
She declured, first if all, the Persian
girls must be educated. It would ho
loudness, she said, lo ubollsh tbo
harems ami turn the suddenly unveiU'd
Women loose, as l.iauv have the intel
lects of three year old children, Five
handled babies die every week In the
harems because nf evil conditions there,
according to Mrs. Sprague.
Mrs. Sprague asserted that she would
return to Persia as soon as the war
ends, and continue her work nf fighting
to uplift the "toys" as she calls the.n
of the Persian aristocracy.
Cruiser Torpedoed.
Berlin, via wireless to Sayvllle, April
21, An Austrian submarine sunk the)
French armored cruiser Leon (lumbett
iu the Ad nut ie. su official statement
received from Vienna stated today,
only part of tho crew of tho vsssvl
was suved.