1 ' t ' ( v ' .5 'i! EIGHT THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. BAT. OKEGON, MOTOAYAFBttJg r . . miimiimumtimn I ' - a SPECIAL SALE WOMEN'S STYLISH COATS, $13.85 Meyer's Exposition Contests A vote with every 25c purchase. J Free trips to the Panama fair at San Francisco I separate contests: May Contest ends May 20th June Contest ends June 20th July Contest ends July 20th Aug. Contest ends Aug. 20th Sept. Contest ends Sept. 20th 1 Save your sales checks. Vote for your favorite. Help them win a free trip. Five A Great Sale of Silks 88 Cents a Yard. Commencing Monday. This new ship ment of silks will appeal to every wom an who contemplates a new waist or dress for summer. The assortment in cludes many beautiful patterns in the most wanted colorings; plaids, figures and stripes are prominent. If you are at all interested in silks do not fail to attend this event which commenced this morning in the silk section. Your choice of the lot, 88 Cents a Yard See the Window Display (Court Street) Our 740th Wednesday Surprise April 28 An Interesting Sale of Fine Stationery at 23c a Box A monster offering of fine boxed sta tionery, letter paper with envelopes, correspondence card sets, and combina tion sets. Plain white and tinted, a splendid assortment to choose from. This stationery is new and at this price should interest everyone. Every woman and young woman should see this great offering for next Wednesday. Your choice of the assortment, 23c a box. Sale Starts at 8 :30 See the Window Display (Court Street) All Around Town t i 7HH ' ' Dr. Idendelwnn, peciallst in fitting (lanes correctly. U. 8. bauk bldg. - -o Dr. Wisllcenus Sanatorium for pres ervation and restoration of health. Hubbard building. Gospel hall services. Please notice, rimver mwtitiLrn n)i im,,,l t'rnlll WeilllCH- clay 7::!0 p. in. to Fridiiv, p. m. Sun-1 touching days, Sunday school at 1 ':"' ni., work, morning services at 11:W a. '" Julius ogift, pastor. An invitation to all the Sunday school teachers and those interested in Sunday school work has been extended by the First Christian church to hear the addresses of I1. J3. Billington, who will appear at the First Christian church tonight and tomorrow evening. Mr. Billington is an expert in Sunday school work, especially in methods of and organization or Class The Capital Luratier co., 349 south Twelfth. Buildi-g material of all kinds. Ice cream social" Tuesday evening, April 27, at the .lason l.cc church, giv en ny the Ladies' Aid. A short pro gram willl be rendered. Ice cmiui ami cuke 10c. Keineinber Die time and place. f j Congressman Hawley went to Port land today to deliver mi address nctore the Woodmen, of the World who are holding a special eelcliiatiea this week in honor of I. I. Bunk, nho lias ben head consul of tho lunge fur the past ten years. Astonishing Sale of Women's Oxfords, $1.00 Pair An important clearance of Women's Oxfords, many formerly sold at $3.50 to $4.00. Blacks and tans in the popular leathers, button and lace models. You'll be surprised at such values. Take your choice at $1.00 a Pair See the Window Display (Liberty Street) SILVER SOUVENIR SPOONS Free with each t $2.50 purchase STATE SOUVENIR SPOONS OOOD1GOOD S 4 f v 444 f -m-M- 4444-M444444444444444444444 PERSONALS Card of ThankiS. We wish to thank the neighbors anil friends for their kindness and sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings' (luring the illness and rieatli or our beloved daughter and sister. IR. AND MRS. K. HXXKH8 AM) family:. Mrs. Jacob Bauerman, who suffered a slight stroke of paralysis Friday, is im proving slowly. She suffered consider able last night but today was reported as resting easily. Girl Lawyer Will Thotnnsiin was committed' to the peni issucd a revocation of conditional .should lie defended by women. Miss j liny no is- unutterably opposed to cap- flnnncn Vlar VntYtar ' lmm"ll""'"t' a'"" Hllill f"r h1"' can- pardon which was grunted to Richard VfjpUoC flCl ralli"! not see why, if nn individual is hanged j teutiaiy iipm conviction of the charge ; for murder, a whole army should not lie of assault not, being armed with a Berkeley, Oil., April i!li. Miss Mar-1 "'' for the same offense after win- dangerous weapon, from .laclison conn gaiet llnyne, the California I'niversilv "'"K " Km,f victory and slaughtering'))', on April 7, I Dr.. His minimum girl just admitted to the bar, declared . lns Is of other men. term of sentence expired April 7 of today Hint she would open n low office i ' ' 1 ' this year, He is now held by the opposite )o thai of her father, a high-1 PninlltlOII'll Parflfltl Ic sheriff of .laclison county to whom ly successful attorney, iiud run t'lioiully V'UIIUllltPllUI 1 U UUU la , Thomuson is said lo have confessed lo (ipposilioa to lii in, fust to demonstrate' RpVfilfPfl Rv flnVPrnnr" ""' iss'"' "'' l"lss'nK "'' forg"d checks. that won an make as good lawyers! UCYUIYCU UJ UUTCIIIUI . . lis men. I Most women suspect there is some She said she would spi'eiali.e in I'cin (lovernor Wilhvcoiobe Ihis moiuiug mischief brewing every time their hus inine clients, us, in her opinion, w omen ' Thomasoii uu .'miliary I of this year, bauds smile. xne Salem Military band is fortunate iu having secured Hans Meyer, of Spo- kaae, as clarionet player. Mr. Mever Automobile tnps passengers anfl ' was regarded as one of the best players baggage; rates reasonable. Country I in Spokane ami i his coming here will trips a specialty. ('. 0. Mcl'Iroy. j " Rreimy 10 me mmie ohiio Phone: Day, 947; night, (i:'!. Barrere ensemble, anuory, Tuesday, May 4, Seats 2, l.."n, l, "c. The river is at the unusually low stage of 1.8 feet for this li of year. With this low stage, the government dredger will soon lie working on sand bars, especially those near Kola. The Odd Fellows are making plans you are invited to be present at the He will appear with them in concert this sum mer. Mrs. Maud B, Cox has purchased from It. S. Carter the photographic business known bb the Bullock Studio. Mrs. Cox is well known in the city. She formerly conducted a studio at Klamath Falls. A. J. Krueger, of rural route No. 2, is in tho city today on business. Ho states that the prune crop in his sec tion is fairly good, and that while the Robert Duncan was in Portland yes terday. Joe Haines was a Sunday visitor in "Portland. Frank Olson, of Jefferson, is in the city today. i G. Pyle and wife are registered to day at the Bligh. R. C. Churchill, of Albany, was in the city visiting with relatives. Chester Martin, an attorney of Tort land, was in Salem this morning, George Lew is and wife went to Port land this morning on the Electric. D. K. Hurt and Fred Stute were in the city yesterday, from Woodburn. O. F. Fowler, a farmer of Polk coun ty, was in the city today on business. Mrs. B. F. Pound spent Sunday at Chemawa with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Savage. G. A. Taw, of the Red Cross Phar macy, and Martin Smith, motored to Silverton yesterday Clyde Knapp, of the training school, returned yesterday from Idaho, with a boy who escaped several months ago. E. H. Anderson and family were in Silverton yesterday as the guests of Mr. I.athrom, of the Silverton Lumber com pany. Mrs. Ella Moore, who has been visit ing for the past ten dnys with realtives, left yesterday for Portland, whero she will visit Mrs. G. A. Rockwell before returning to her home in Waterloo. Iowa. Mrs. H. C. Brown, of Salem, who is on her way to California, stopped here last evennig to visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. 11. Billings. Roscburg Review. Damon's Special wTomorrow Fresh 10n 2 tu"s R"'' OAeiT $1.65 ' here, too friZi month and e the "diffejf DIED I. O. O. F. hall Mnn.hiv evening. April I old trees will not nave more than iio li, to celebrate the anniversary of the cent of a crop, yet all the young j organization of Odd Fellowship in Am-1 trees will bear heavily and that the crop eri'u. special program. Committee. i "n " """-, um ue u one. Barrere ensemble, armory, Tuesday, May 4. Seats p2, $l.oii, l, "". The "1915 Comet," the class book of the Willamette university, is now out The Rev. F. E. Billington, during his stay in the citv, will be a guest of G. F. Sceley, 12S0 Chemeketa street, lljs lectures to be given at the First Christ ian church aro attracting much atten- of the hands of the I'iliott Printing ; t'01' f""1 Sunday school workers. Clias. K. Spaulding returned today THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ttHtiiHiiiuiiiHimiiiiiiHiMiiiniitiumm Quality Furniture and Satisfied Customers CRESCENT RANGES Tlie Crescent Range is the best stove that can be bought for the money. They are made in three sizes of ovens. Black or polish top. In fact we have just the stove that you want for just the price you can afford to pay. Sold on thirty days' free trial. All Stoves and Hanjres in our Exchange Department are specially priced during this sale. If you have an old stove or range that you would like to dispose of, we would be pleased to take it in as first payment on a new one, or we would allow you all it is worth trade on other merchandise. oiiipanv niol ready for the binder. The 'toil . ...i.iny in lt t-un.'.l u-ill In. t-i'inlv for distribution bv next Satnrdav. j""," tnrec weeks visit to ( lncago - ' q I anil eastern points. While in I milium A butterfly dance will be given at ,IB "l;"lc 11 'ct with tiie Indiana i .Moose hall Wednesday evening, April 18,10 ('- ' "mniufaeture their patent! H i silo lor the Pacific coast. Work otf 0 ' these silos will begin at the plant herei Barrere ensemble, armory, Tuesday, ' wi,1'i" 11 'w weeks. The Indiana siloj Mav 4. Seats $2, l..n, if I, 7,jc. ' U!,m1 1,1 11,1 l'l,ltH of ,,,t! country, the jlndi-ina plant iminufactiiring IMiiln last L. J. Chapiu, county agriculturist, ' vr' Mr. Spaulding nlso pliieed nn or-, will give an address next .Mondav even-' ,li'r whllc 111 ,llt! im 11 m'w i' saw; ing before tho Methodist Brotherhood ,"r 'lie mi11 n,,'c' of tho Leslie M. K rhoreh. The address i 0 will be illustrated bv stereoptican views' Mal attempts suicide, but is unsuc-, and will be on the subject of gulden-, eessl'ul. Grand, May 1. ing and bird life. ' o o I Dr. Aascln, dentist, second floor Bank Special music has been secured for "1' Commerce bldg. the Aitisau's dance Wednesday even-' o ing, April 2, at Moose hall. ' j Mayor White and Aldermen Patter- I sua, Cook, Ward, lluddleston, Von ! Barrere ensemble, armory, Tuesday,' I'-sehen and I'nnih will go to l-Jugeiie to May I, Scuts f.', l..)(l, if I, 7.)c, i inorrow to take n look and investigate: I the workings of the "pay as you en Mr. and Mrs. Roliort Taulus returned I ,('''" street cars, It is understood that Sunday evening fr n short trip to'""' ' ''" Hailway company is1 Seaside iiud I'mtlnml, where they went j ,u l'ut 011 "l'.v J'"U for their honi'vi u. Mr. I'auliis was 1 cuter" curs in this city, should porinis- bnck at his desk nt I lie Salem Fruit sion be given by the council, The "pay I'nion this moi'iiitig happy as a lurk. Ils ,VIIU enter" cars aie now used ini - - o i nearly an or rue large cities ol the Cottage Hotel, on Front and Court country and have been found pine- j streets. Mis. ,lco Itent, proprietress, ! 3 ' liiKvn uii'l I'oiinl il per week. 11 1 i, "i, oiuno a inii unilinear, cures tne ! Attention. Moose' flnnm nut. to t)i Itch. meeting Tuesilav. The eiitertninment I 0 committee has provided some surprises; 11 ll0t always the luck of fislicr for you, i men to catch I'.' and H-iudi trout in the; o Santi.im, Yesterday was probably a Tho steamer City of Eugene will I1,1"1' day I'or I'isn lo bite. Anyhow, leave tomorrow inoi iliug for Oregon ; I'' rank Mapes and Klmer (liles, who I , 1 1 to tow ihc r, s. dredger Chatnpoeg Hl'nt "1' on the Santinni uinl chased up jup lo Kida. The government will le-i'"'d down the stream all day in the; Igiu .bedging nt ine I'.oln gravel bar. ' neighborhood of Minion, returned with. Inn ing the In-t yeur the river at this ! ""'y ,w0 s111"'1 ''sh, nnd a headache, i point has changc'il its channel, forming '''if '''H'li and Drill Walker also were sandbars at ycveial places, "fin hunting" in that district, too,. .... ,, 'yesterday. Cliff luought back three! Wille Europe Is at war, "An Anieri- ""'' ' 1 1 1 K fellows but "rin never got' can Citizen" goes to the (iraad, May 1. ""' "ut the fishing was gbcioiis. CKOWI.EY 8. K. Crowley, aged 83 years, died this morning at (i:55 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Airs. V. W. Fawk, Folk county. He leaves seven children, nil of whom were at his bedside. Services will be held nt the Fleasant Hill church nt Crowley, Oregon, Wednesday at 11 o'clock. Mr. Crowley is one of the old est Oregon pioneers and iff well known throughout the valley. Tha ftrapAti theatrA uHll rlflvnto Tuftfl. day und Wednesday nights as benefit nights for the Salem Commercial club, the proceeds to go towurds the large electric sign to be erected near the Southern l'ucifie crossing. As special attractions these evenings, there will be four feature films, an orchestra and "The Great I.azcrn," tho nuigiciaii who brings three assistants with him, and who cun out-Hindoo u Hindoo when it comes to basket tricks. The 25 racing pigeons that were lib erated by Staiitton! .lonos, agent for tlreat Northern Kxpresg company, nt 7:0:1 o'clock this morning, arrived in Seattle in exactly 3 hours and 50 min utes. The air line distance to Seattle is 233 miles. When the pigeons were set free this morning, they uroso about 100 feet und, after circling once, made a bee line for Seattle. II. B. Chase, representing the Town Development League, will come to Sa lem next Wednesday to converse with the various committees appointed in the greater Salem movement. Air. Chase is known as one of the biggest men in the country on the town development proposition nnd has been instrumental in the building up of sixty-five cities in nil parts of the country. The Cherrians will hold a meeting this week to take some definite action on accepting the invitation to attend the celebration at the opening of the Celilo ennui. The flagship steamer I'ndine will leave Tertland on the morning of April 30 and arrive in Lew istoa May 3. The celebrations will lie gin on the down trip. The round trip ticket for the whole voyage from I'oit land is $".0D, which docs not include berths or meals. No man should run for office whose character won't stand the witness box test, Damon&Soa 855 North Ccai'l Vim Oovcri,orWitl,yc.omhclllt th r,!),". wving MBteace ii t; pen. cntuiry ),.,, ,luiDi,,Bni0111 false pretenses, committed fr )y nomal. county and a r(.stura,iM uen ship to John Payne, of &W. ty, who as paroled several nitli, .;, The nihers of the committee nf 0r: ing the Ostroni revival meeting ; meet ut supper thin evening at h0V,i jat the First 1'iesbyteriau ciiurrb. Isaiah Elbert, living two milti op iw river in Polk county, claims the I tion of having the first ri raM ; ries of the season. He says they ir j about two weeks earlier than iii V has ever raised, and that his l, , I berries will he ripe and retdj i,, within two weeks. i The Odd Fellows and ItMu ti': hold u special session tlu'i eKniiipi i the lodgo rooms, celebrating tit Ml i nn ni versiiry of the founding cl ll , lodgo. Judge (icurge H. Bwwt, ,i ; grand master, and other! ti'mfr- il resses. The funeral servicmwiwii of Miss Aniinhelle Jiiifi'it.itote't I the Salem hi;li ncW nereWi.'"" day afternoon, al the i'rl Cs ! tio'nal ciiuicli, Ktr. Jam t'hii rn 1 ing the sermon. Bfiuiinii u of the love of students an' (Superintendent Elliott ml bV ing high school inn-. n, bearers: l'rofewr Srli.. I; Davis. Sch.iudle,niiilV"iiC.li"l"1 nigh school girls acting uusArn. Sjv Julia Hross I'inncll ' -Deaatiful Isle of S,me ere, ' also appeared in duet with Mr.nnd M II W Hross, anil Harold Jury mi "Jesns Savior Tilot Me." and "L-'' Kindly Light." Wlen in SALEM, 0MMN, m BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modm HATES 75c, $1.00, 'M'''im The only Uot.llnth. l. Kcarcst to aU Dtp."1" Capitol BulldingJ. A om. AW from H. Both rr-AuttS FOR SALE ! i i aial Ion ' Ir "'"3 '' and ; PP i up ijjti&xLtiMM''''-!"" '"T Esau yt, i-i'tfm y It I lam 1 1 iWi r in Our line of Go-Carts and Itaby Muggiest in not ur-paM.-fd by any in Siilwn. Soe thm More purchasmj?. homeIfurHISHERS ILUK .QURT&t HIGHSTS. BRILLIANT SWEEPER None Better Only $19.50 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HEREr 2rc meal for 1 r.c. 179 S, Commercial When you make a change, try a Bon Neon's. ( Ton, Salein-inade sniolu1. 5 cents. Secretary R. B. Ooodin, of the state Postmaster Huckestoin is in receipt board of control, returned yesterday "r instiuctions from t.ie first postnius from n visit to the Eastern Oregon 'tor general, Washington, relative to branch Insane asylum, at l'endleton, on postage on letters and packages to for business connected with his department, eign addresses. One of the lules of He reports great improvement in the the department is that when first class grounds surrounding the institution and matter or packages are received with with the institution generally and much out sufficient pi. .tape for foreign conn activity in the line of preparation for tries they will be forwarded, but the the construction of the new 100,000 ' postage due must be paid bv the partv wiiiC to be added to the building his . receiving the mail, at just ' double the l,ull,lll,'r 'tegular rate. Tlu.'e who are sending T,. .., 11 . . "'"'I I" toreign countries would save lHKh while you may; be happy tnd their Irieuds extra expense, miv the gin. ' An Aiaeiicait fitizen, " (Irand, circular, if they would have their let ' "X Iters or packages properly weighed and ,M. . " . the collect amount of postage paid. This is carpet cleaning time. Have ' your .III pel mi, M,, cleaned by a first 1 """' . -ney t inn, 4'.' Court street. Watch the dally cartoons at the Jit- There is Danger in "earing Classes Not Suited to Your Eyes When your glasses cease to give you the com fort they formerly did in rending or seeing objects at a distance or near at hand, it is important that you attend to the matter immedi ately, for many eyes are ruined forever through wearing improper glasses, FITTING EYES IS A DELICATE PROPOSITION AND ONE THAT REQUIRES SKILL AND' KNOWLEDGE. Come here where you are assured of getting high grade! accurate and experienced assistance at all times. Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist 208-200 Hubbard Bldg. H Thone 109 CHANGE OF PROGRAM AT Bligh Theatre TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY Run Away June 10th Episode very exciting Zudora 18th Episode, 2 parts very niystorlous. Exploits of Elaine 10th Episode, 2 part The life Current a gripping play. Spring Time Feeling Up to tho Minute. Special Keystone Comedy 7 REELS 7 Bligh Theatre JQC- Always the Bost- v...,,;,. Market BMf, " " ,owa,Hlall"PP"r-'t",t"''( ' jell on very cV tern. TRY SALEMJIRST f our. . t Koonoaiy J f"u I Tip top soi ' r- url-li,.u ... BIJ, ..' , , ; Leave. or : ' Vl" tad BlJ' i ftferllllB ft ftferllllB f L.i i .... nff t j, l;ire I ? ittf ' '