I. i 1HF, SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM OREGON, MONDAY. APRIL 26. 1911. SEVEN Drawn tdjt Olirr JStorrott ! "T. n. ,r. . I il 1 1 I M I '. Y Lt HWE ' "WW hw UMBJ2ELL..4 DoVxVN -to THE- -L- SFbfnorJ I Should wo(?uy About HEfi CH4r2MElSE. HovVEouT My -Ti-. POfE CrtiLO'LL. r"iyirii1Fi.i L Bp PO& THIF HAVE we muoiiToxr . Ii . - SflffiBSeaas t v Wi TwMI 1 II Ul hirronmtl H Mww vv, xv4 Wfih a m J1;L.' Daily Capital Joy rrsaTs Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion. ABSTRACTS TJMON ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts; P.rt..,,'. lln Iwinla i.iuf.l .in I that Protect. Our books )osted up to date each morning. Call Muiu 1249 ind a messenger will coll for j'our ibstmct. J. C. Sie.gmund, president; Mai Gelilliar, secretary, 213 State itreet. AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem 's relinblo seller Firm sales solicited, Terms, 1 per tent; satisfaction guaranteed or no piy. Henry M. oorlues, Michigan iTenue, first street east of the ututo (sir grounds. CHUtOPR ACTICSPINOLO OIST DJ, 0. L. SCOTT 0 radnato of C'hiro iridic s i ountain Head, Davenport otfa. If you liave tried everything ii hove got no relief, try Chiroprae- to spiiiRl adjustments mid get well. iXfire 4U0-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building, l'bono Main 87. Residence Vain 828-R. CHIROPRACTOR. ! ftWSt'T T TIB 11 IV ..-..i 3 i i i.i, .mvx, w.jrj i-ill-fu Wild I mvessCul (Jliimiira.'lor, for acute and f Arouic disorders. Has prncticed five Hours, to i, 1 to 0. 305-8-7 Hub "J!:1 M- Lu.ly attendant. Phono office 5 1 2; Tesidenco US2-11. : HEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS .11011 Est prire paid for second-hand urmtnro, ranja, hardware, tentj, etc. Wo carry the most complete i ock of above articles in town at tlio lowest price. 0. h, Al. Peek 71 .Mirtu Cojiifncrcial st. PboDe Main ICR. I.KO P. SVTT. (Istcopalbic Pby. ,V ri"l"a"' of i h,. Los An- I , . , .. .. . r-n" mm i.os I AVV"'' ' -l"fl Salem Bank U'ly all.Midaiit. b. it. wncrtc an1 . w WAT S tr,l"!l7.,,,i'' I'hvsicians and An, . ' ' '"" liraduatcs of Itc i i 1"9t craJ"a"' At , ' J" ""r" t Lo. cLrr ' , ' Trpt a,'ul" "! Lt ' ;;ls,a' ""filtiilion free. .' ' n lant. Office CuO-oOO U. 8 P It Z'm S"Ilb 'l'Hol street. SCAVENOER " it ,L ''' " "'"!"' -v contracts IMed. Office phone Main M:iin u:;72. MAUSOLEUM. '.';i:sT ABB ICY MAL'SO ';'''' Way. Dry ami . 1 ;'il'l'iig ii!whs cipcii to '""day, 1 t 4 j w '"agcr. MOu Fir street. i ""ton. r . n,J "lnp"il "I- tno . moiicrn methods t , iuui w?. 1 'Vt.-'.SON- 'CO.-F.mc. fHu'h '"''''". 2-2 North 1 1M. '' I'i'.v and nii;lit phone j T"r . 7"' Bn'1 Trn,l( ',"''"'- r:'.J h'kl vi.To ... . J 3 . . .ii I . M ' J'lin-i- nr or ,P :" of dry wood, four--bllvl' Z" '"'f h' "lit. ,,,,! i tw IT' ,V """''o h let "' t l ik V" ';- TrT our King JLHI'ATS-E03ft " .; Bonds. Ac ' I an, .', mil on 1!' ".H Co., I'. H. -I l : - j i U:i M' Mni:-v Jv'iill," ''"-w- I, in 1........H.I..I iiii i...wi,..ii..i..m..ni.iin ,mmm-rm"immm ii.wp.siw,. ' -aHllW.MUBii HIM IIHII1lW.'iPSETr' 1 1 T E"" "' 1 ' " WIS PMPHH - , A, ... ....,.-. 1 I . - 1 1 " V . . T? II LODGE DIRECTORY A. 0. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2 If X- i r . , . , Meets everv Mnndnv evenirir af R in the McCornack Hall, cornner Court and Liberty streets. A. E, Aufrauco M. W..; 8. A, McFadden, recorder; A. Ii. Brown F. CENTRAL LODOK, Ka IS, K. of P. McCornaek building. Tuesday even iug of each week at 7:30. Ceo. Win cbell, ('. ('.; James W, Cox, K. of It. and S. SALEM LOIU1E NO. 4. A. F. A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each mouth at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.; B. Z. Culver, secretary, PACIFIC LOD0E NO. 50, A. F. 4 A. M. Stated comfunieation third Fri day in each month nt 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Teniae, Oloun C. Nilos, W. M.; Erncet II. Cbonto. secretary. R. N. of A. "Orejron Crape Camp." AO, MOO, meets every lhursduy even InH in McOmnack building, Court nnd Liberty at recta. Elevator. Mrs. Syl via Hcbaupp, 1701 Market, Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperinl Furniture Ca, recorder. VtTTLTNOMAH ROYATu ARCH CHAP- RB NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second iridny in CRih month at o p. ni. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooka, secretary. IIODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. Ic 8. M. Stated uKseruMy first Monday it eacn month, Mnnonie Temple. Jiimes Plant, Tlirii'c Illustrious .Muater; Uleu C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMAN PERT, No. B, K T. Rec'iltir conclave fourth Friday in each mouth nt 8 o'clock p. in., In Masonic Temple. Rejourning Sir Twilgh's nra courteouKly inviteil to meet witu us. (ico. II. Hiirr.clt, li. L. Frank A. Turner, recorder. CHADViIClC CUAI'TEH NO. 37, O. E, 8. Regular meeting every fiist and third Tuesday nt 8 p. m. in tne Ala sonic Temple.' Elizabeth Head, W M.; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF Till'; WOltl.D-Meel ! every Fri.lnv night nt 8 o'clock in j McCnrntick block, Om'tir lluiiablson, C. C; L. S. Iloer, clerk. &U7 lotirt .street. I'honn 'l'3, I'MTKIi AIITISANS- Capital Aem lil v .n. ,M. meets every Weduo-ilay nt 8 p. in. in hall. Mr. I''. W. l o.ik, M. A.: !. T. I'cnn, secn'tar, , 41.1 Mnsonie leniple. SALEM Hl'MAXE HOC1ETV D. I). Kocler. president! Mrs. Lou Tillson secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary lor luveitti gat ion. MOHl'.li.N WOODMEN F AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Cniiip No. 32-ld, incet' every Tliursday evening at 8 oVloik in McCornack hall, coiner Court ud l.lbertv streets. Elevnlur service. W. W. Jliil, V. C.; Ret A. Turner, cb'rk. NURSERY. rull SALE All kinds or fruit trees; grafted wnlnuls tV" cents per tree. Leave orders for all kinds of top grafting nnd spraying. Mill Creek Nursery, 2480 State street. Salem, Or. FINE nursery stock. For I'.O dsys I'll make special low prices on everything in my city snlcynrd, State and Tivcnty-fciiirth streets. Northwest, em Nursery, Howard E. Jones. Nnr serv hone 7:i l' 2'J; salcynrd phone 1IM-R. DRY CLEANING PREBMNO. DRY CI. EAMXC -Cleaning, pressing, repair! ng.nlte-.it inns and dresMiml-'iug. Special SMiiiiner late given; first diss work guaranteed, (imhis calli d f,r and deh'-ercd I'r.e. Xijht ser vice. Apparel Service i n Lii South llifh street, liono 72s. Oppe.itc Oregon Ehvtiic depot. tf WANTED. WANT Ell Tn li'EN T- llofe f.-r light w nil. W ill bny later if -t i -. I :i toiy. J. W. (Suebet, mote Salem. Ore. Ape"- TIIEY ARE BUSINESS GETTERS ONE CENT A WORD. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people ABSTRACTS CP TITLE. Balem Abstract Company, 212-222 Snlom P.iiuk and Trust Bldg. AUTO TUBE VULCANIZING. Auto Tube Vulcanizing, 2-V. Shop, foot of Viiion street BVEKYTHING ELECTRICAL. Balem Eloctrio Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High . Main 1200 LAUUDSIEa. Balem Steam Laundry, 130 Bouth Liberty Main E5 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 184 South Commercial st-ect t Main 192 UNDxiKTAKERB. "Eigdon-Kickardson Co., S54 North High Btrcet ..u Day and night, Mala 188 TRANSFER ANR DRAYAGE. Balem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets ...Mnln 74 JOB PRINTING. Beaver State Printers, Patton Block 1612 FOR RENT FOR 'RENT Furnished ar unfurnished house, hot water and bath; piano may j be included. Garden ground and plenty of fruit, i'hoite HS2-W. tf 1 IF Vol' want a nicely furnished room, well vculilaleil and well heated, with a gi od bed, bath and phono, near the stale lionxe, call at ll)S9 Court street. Phone i22. Mayo For R EXT II well furnished down-j stun room for light housekeeping.! Impure at North Church. tt FOR H FAT .Mn lorn six-room dwelling no I gniage on paved utreet, one IiI'mI, liiiin .Marion Siinrc. Ivan (I.; .Martin, .Mai-onic temple. Phone lilt. AjirliO' FOR b'IC.NT Nicely I'm ni.ln i house-1 liei'pinii looms, rea.-oiotlile. s.'i.'i Niirtlt Cioiimeicial. tl' FOB BALE FOR SALE llorr- and mures 1.1." takes pair of bay mures, well matched, chunky built, good workers Hioijle and diotlde; !2"', dmiblo har nes, must be sold, best offer; will give trial to suit buyer. ;ji."i0 takes paf mares, weight l!ufi lbs.; good workers, single end double; almo-it ii"'.v harness witii this pair Inures. V lakes good dapple gray horse, wei:;ht I2UU, gc.inl wurker single and double; will hitch lo suit buyer; will give trial; have mi mtite to him. il" lakes pair blown mares, weight 2"'iKt, good workers si ri ;(L and double, tire bet offer; with this pair of mares nluoid new set double harness -'J'i. One pair horses, weight 2ic)U, in.'o 7 and 8, good workers, will give trial; price tl.llt. Six sets of double harness and two sets single harness; on-- good farm wngon almost new, 3 io.h tire. One sorrel Iiorso, weight 12oil lbs., works single nnd double, 8 yens old, price $8.". iW buys bay "li'i.-e, weight ll-'tl; will hitch to suit buvcr ntnl give trial. I-Vl takes marc, weight H'-'U, good worker. Call and te.il.e offer, must be sold. Sj-1 "i buys iliiving horse, weight lu.'o, ( npiml City Transfer Co., bam I'lO (.'out b Coiinnerciul. Ask for foremaii. FARM and driving horses for $7d and up. Stock hogs f i 'Mil V) lbs. nnd up. A I Ires- W. II. l.'gan, Oervnis, lit. 2. Phone 3 I' ll. May.) Folt EX' IIAXCh $I3'IG e.pilty In :;':, acte tract on rock rmd: all in cultivation; no building". Will ex change for -acant lots. Hipinro Deal Hjalty u. tf .VoUI.RN 4-ini.in house, goul lot, loan I if ul Itiwisi.le, nlifoinia, exchiiiige fur aiilotiiobili- or urn-age Salem, A. hires" M. E. Colter, 33. 1 M.s-ion street, Salem. Maylc li I.', i A I V--Fioiii own. r, .1 big lots, ho'i .e and barn, beating f nut trees and benies; block to cr line. Ad iliess 1 7 2(1 North S'ltmii'-r t. My2u l-'oi; .--A f. 1C- Two . ni l : Itl'i' -potted. nl i , t Two ,!,,'ll,'e l.auie-- . ;.-"i a lot i nM. 1 2 1 1 1 1 si a, A f e,, bo s.i'll, pOIIH" SilO; out rie i'f et b. I l, ., W i, h. ice. II i-;. ". loote 3. A ;2- Telephone 135 1317-J I FOR SALE Continued. FOR SALIC Do arm farm, all level, rich dark soil, 2(1 acres in crops, fair fa -in buildings, 12110 ci'ls of timber; all stuck, implements ntnl household goods go with plnie. Six miles east of Stilein, U mile to railroad station; good roads. Price $.").")()ll; .'lej.'iiiil ca-li, balance terms. See John Van I. nation, with (irabciihui'st & (.'o., iiht liiih Hank. Apr2l BAIidAIXS - IIiiiso nnd 3 lots, house, barn and 2 lots, $700; house ami 3 lots, sii.'iii, ensy terms; one horse, new .Milchull. wagon, 1 V.j -i ik-Ii ; 7'l cords oak wood cheap; 2 good ho.i-o'H nnd I lots to trade on farm, will assume T-'O'tii ; small farms nd joiiiing citv limits for rent. Jacobs Co., 207 Uubliiiid Bblg. IIAKCAINS :itl bias; bed, ,S; W ilioing talile, 11; ijourteri', oak china cloiet, iH; oak dresser, Mtxl'i, with lieel plate miiror, 2lx."it, if 1 2. 23.1 .Ninth ( him viiil. tf For Infants and Childr'a In "jiij Tor Over 30 Years Alwny:i tr:lirs ' 1 " " kriBiuro of t'Mtf'Jy. "tec&Stfli NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher,) No. 02279 Department of the Interior. N U. S. Lund On ov at Portland, Or., March 2d, llil.". Notice is hereby given that Georgia E. Cnntrell, of ,-ih'erton, Oregon, who on October 22. lliotl, made, Homestead Entry No. (122"!', f'T southeast ipiurtor, Section 32, Township 7 South, Range 2 East, Willamette Meridiar, itns filed notice of intetitinn to make final five year Proof to e inblisli claim to tin hind above ib n rilu'd, before the Reg ister and Rcccmr, V, H. I.atul Office, Portland. Ong- ti, on tho 11th day of May, IP IS. Cbiininiit names us witnesses: B. F. Rode, of II illt, Oregon. E. I.. I -iittcr.-.!., of Unlit, Oregon, W. I!. llaiii ion, of Silverton, Oregon. Liician Ilaiiit"ti of Silverton, Oregon N. CAMPBELL, Kegister, Children Cry FOS FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A MONCY TO LOAN On Good Real EstaU Bcurtty TE08. BC FORD Ova: Ldd Bath Back, Baleta, Orefos Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A cent a word will ttll yout , j itory in th Journal Ntu) Today j Dr. Stone's Poison Oak Remedy A snow whit medicine, soft and soothing to the skin, applied every hour at once relieves and soon euros POISON OAK. Price 25c and 50c For snlo by all I- e- druggists and DR. STONE'S Drug Store Tho only cash lr.ug store in Oregon and show cases are loaded with drugs medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and Ibpiors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Br. Stono is a regular gradu ate in inedicino anil has had many years of expericuco in the practice Consultations are free. Prescription! are frco nnd only regular prieo for medicine. Dr. Stono can be found at his drug store, Hnlrm, Oregon, from 0:40 in tho morning until 8 at night Froo delivery to all paPts of the city and within a radius of 100 miles. S PILLS 'i lll' lil A llOttlt ItltANU l.inll.xl Ak v.Mir Itrtttri-Ul (.t I dl-i'lt' o-la-r n I'hiiiitt'in I HI. in li. ,1 n i.i l.iM in Titled mi olhrr. Hut of vmr Diixnct'!. A l I ti Hi t Mi N.'j'l K IMA .Hr.h ItlitMt 'II I,, p., a,, yrif'ikiio!!", Ii"l.'i.i(.:-t, Alwys ;i.ii lo SOLUBVI)!l!;iifilSSLV:iWt!!BE Jf A cent a word will tell your $ wants in a .loitrnal Ad under ik New Today. Try it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHF.R'S CASTORIA , it SalemFence and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prep. Dipot American Fence To Hop Grcvcrs: Morlcy's Pat. Braced Basket, Ktands the titialii. Buy now and save money. Don't wait until you liced them. Or order now and i;et them later. 2-VJ Court Btrcet Phone 121 Back of Chicago Hloin L. M. HUMl Care of YICK SO TONG ChincHe Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, 8 Salem, Ore. Phone 283. MUMFRENCHFEslALE tit iebi i U alUiui iPILLS. H.f. rfM.l. IlilH ' S w .-...r-M. 1 1 v i a iscws Tl mi, s.. !'.' U . '.',i.'-l . I , I.l,,,1,, it.nlp,! tr l i ly.t. , ' f -4 h,n 1.. W i"l t t r, lk..mlnlc,l,UU. . S IITT9 Wf DIC.L fc . ae V4, UN...,. P. PI CITAli-,... In the County Court of the State of On gnu fur Marion County, , In the Matter of the Estate of John Caiiuichael, Becenseil. Tn llaniiiih May Ctiriuiehuel, and lo all others unknown, if any such there be: In Hie mime uf the Stale of Oregon: Yon are hereby coiiimniidcil to appear before the honorable County Court of the State of Oregon in nnd for Marina ''niin'v, at the Court Mouse, in the city of Silem, in said county, oil the 41 II day f June, A. I'., lui.'i, nt nine o'clock A. d. of said day, to show cause, if any ixist, why nu older of sale Hhii'ibl not be iiiiide in the nhnvo entitled mil t -tcr, licensing and directing the sale of the hereinafter described real properly, situate in the said Ciiunly of Million mid State of Oregon, to wit: . Tin- undivided one -half of lols iiitiu hcrcd 13, II imhI nnd all of lots numbered 2u, 21, 22, 23, 21 ami 2.1, and pacts uf lots numbered 20 and 27, more particularly described as follows: Ite ginuiug at the northwest corner of the said lot 27 and running thence souther ly nl nig the west boumlary line of suid lot 27 110 feet; thence euslerly follow ing the ineniidering lines of a certain GOOD FOR FIVE VOTES For Route No This coupon. may be exchanged for votes in The Capital Journal Carriers' contest, at The Capital Journal office. Not good after May 1, 1915. TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANV. BALEM OEER LINE 73 -Ar. Salem II: IS 70 I, v. Salem lil:(ii) 7'- -Ar. Saleni (mixed; 2:1") 71- I, v. Salem 4:1.". (No connection sooli of Occr.) a.m. ii. in. p. in, p.m. SALEM, FALLtt CITY & WESTERN, I r,!i 101 1 it Hi.V 107 102- mi 1 00 nu I7u 2 HI -l.v, Saleni (motor) .... I.v, Snb ui (motor) .... Lv, Saleni (nmlor) .... I.v. Suleiii (oiotoi ; .... - I.v. Salem (motor) .... Way Freight lv. Salem Ar, Hab-iii (tno(or) .... Ar. Saleni (motor) .... -Ar. Salem (motur) .... -Ar. Saleni (motor) .... A r. Saleni ( motor) .... -Way Freight ar. Salem 0:15 p.m. 7:iii) a. in, 0: 15 ii.iii. 1:10 p.m. 3:25 p.m.. 5:00 ii. in. 8: ID n in, 1 1 :25 a.m. 3:15 p.m., 6 ;.'!D p. 7:4.. p. in. I :'.',') p.m. SOUTHERN PACiriO CO. Northbound. 10 - Oiogoii Expre a ... 'Jl Willamette Limit. 15:00 u.m. 11:22 u.m. 1 1 n. in. , 2:00 p.m. 5:0i) p.m. H;lili p.m.' 10:30 a.m.1 d 12---SIhhIb Limit, d JH- I'nrtlnnd Passenger 30- I'oitlan.l I'a-sengcr 1 1 - I'oitlan.l Express ... 20 Local Way i'r.ii'l.t 22 Portland Fust Freight 10:3 u.m. Southbound. 15 --California Express .... 1 7- !(.-. 'lorg Pir eneciii .. Ill - 1 otliigu (Jrov,) Puis... 1 1 - Shnstii Limited 3:32 a.m. 11:15 u.m. 4:20 p.m. fi: I I p.m. 0:10 p. in. I 27 -Willamette Limited .. 13 - Sun Franebicu Express I0:3S p.m. 221-Hun Fiaiicisio I nst Frt 12:01 a.m.! 22j -Lo. lil Way Freight 8:22 a.m.1 OE.EOON ELECTRIO RAILWAY CO. Nurthbouud, I.v. Hnlem. Tiinii No. Ar. Portland 4:3.5 a m 2 Owl 0:55 a.m. 7:15 a. t (I I):30 a.m. It: 15 n.m 10 Limited 1 1:35 a.m. 1 1 :2'l a. in 12 1 :45 p.m. 1.50 p.m. I I 4:10 p.m. 4:0') p.m 10 Limited 5:51) p.m. 5:37 p.m 20 8:00 a.m. 7:55 p.m 22 10:00 p.m. Uoiithbound. Lr, Portland .. Ar. Halein 0 45 a. in 1 8:5.5 a.m. 8 '--5 B in 6 Limited 10:11 a.m. 10:10 s.n 7 12:55 p.m. 2:10 p.ui li 4:33 p.m. creek running through said lots to a pifnt on the boiindnry line of lot 20, 111) feet south of the noitheiist corner of said lot 20; thence northerly along;' the cist boundary line of lot 2(1 140 fee to the northeast coiner tiu-renf; tliem-o westerly along the mirth boiuiibiry lines of lols 20 and 27 3(1(1.0 feet to the north west corner of lot 27, the place of be ginning; nil situate in the Hall Subdi vision in the J. M. Towiiseud Donation Land Claim in township 7 and 8 south of range 3 west of the Willamette Meri dian, excepting the right iif way of tho Oregon Electric Railway Company ncross u portion thereof; and also lot numbered 21 in Homestead Acres. Witness my hand ntnl the seal of said court affixed this 2ltii duv of April, A. li. I li lli. (S-al.) MAX (ilCHLIIAR, Clork. Ity A. .1. Mcdiegor, Deputy. TOO NOVEL. Lady (recently married) Bo you know I find it quite hard to remember my new iiaiiin. Her Friend Naturally dear; you hud the old one so long, you know, Detroit Free Press. -'('.$!&!! 4: III p. in 13 Liiniti'd 6:40 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 17 Local 8:10 p. is. ll:4"i p.m.. 21 Owl 1;S0 .i Northbound. I.v, Curvallis Ar. Hales .... 9:37 p.ss. Ar. Hnlons .... 11:45 a. in, .... 1:50 p.m. .... 4:00 p.m. .... 7:55 p.m. .... 3:10 a.m. 4:JU p.m ! I,v, Engoiiu j 7:3."i a. in Ill: 15 a. in ! I :."i0 p. in. ( :,: ID p. nt 20 111 Limilcd It 10 Limited I2:ii.i u.m ... i Owl .... Southbound. Lv Ar. Albany .. 6:33 p.m. Ar. Eugene 7:05 p., Ar. Etigona .. 7:50 a.m. ..11:30 ..12:25 p.m. l:3i p.m.. Lv. Salem 2:00 a.m.. 0:05 a. in,.. Ml: 15 H ill., 21 Owl 1 3 Lli..ite. ' Lv. Salem Ar. Allnny 2:05 p.m. tilups at CorT.lliS Ar. Eugene 8:60 p.m. 1:00 p.m. I.v, Haletn 0; 1(1 p.m... 13 COHVALLIU CONNECTION!. Northbcuiid. I.T. l orvnllis H:20 n.m (Local 12:12 p.m 2:32 p. in 4; III p.m (1:05 p. in I.v. Salem 11:05 a. m 10:15 a. m 4:35 p.m 1:00 p.m 0:1.5 p.m Ar. Halora 10 0:45 a.m. Albaov lo Sulein.) 1 1:50 p.m. 10 4:00 p.m. 20 6::i7 p.m. 22 7:65 p.m. Boutlibouud, Ar. CorvallLs 1 10:31 a.m. 0 ..." 11:34 a.m. 1) 9:02 p.m. 7 2:32 p.m. 13 8:00 p.m, WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company. I.cnvo Portland foi Oregon City, llutteville, Newberg, Mission (St, Paul), Wheat land, Salem (daily except Hun, lay) .'. 0:45 k.K. I.. live Poitltitid for ludepen-.l-iiro, Alhmiy, I'mvullis, (Tiic-dai-, Thursday-- unii Sutiinluy) 6:45 a.m. Ileturi.lng. I.e:ives-- CorMillii 6 a ni. Men., Wed., Frt Albany 7 a.tn. Moil., Wesl., Frt. Iiiib-piiileui 0 .. On. in. Men., Wed., KM Halein 10 a nt. Moil, Wed., Frt. Sulein 6a.rn, Tubs, Thur, 8t.