Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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iljijll jlttl! ,. X rL.L,.,. Ii, I ill llii i
port News I
.."IMI :
..",1111 1
National League.
I 'iin'iii nul i .
I '.null,! i II ,
SI. Icillis
Now Yurl
American League
WuhIi i hi; toil
New York
Host mi
t liic-ago
I'liil:idclihia ;
S, l.ouis ''
Federal League.
Pittsburg '
Brooklyn 1
Kansas City 8
itiiffnlo '
SI. Louis
Anierli'an Association.
Iiiiliaiiiiinlis 1
l.ouist ill'' "
St, I'aul 'j
M iiincnolis o
Kansas City I
f'levcln nd
Al ilvviiiiliec 'I
I 'lllll III llll H 1
Western League.
Tonekn 2 0 I .mill
imiuiIih I I-"""
lii'H Moines 1 1
Denver I I
Siout 1'ily '
l.ini'iilii I I
SI. ,ni'ih 0 1
Wichita -
Northwestern League.
World's Record Broken
At Athletic Carnival
Philadelphia. April ill. One world's
rc-oid wax sliatti'ri"!, two collegiate
inaiKs wore broken ami an esuteru
intej colle o,i:ite record was bettered
Sauinlny at llii' l'niversity of I't'iin
svlvnuiu's annual carnival of relay
' races and field Miorls.
J'l.'ii iiMila via's quartet of
inilrrH, Kaufiiiaii. I.w.kwnod, l.i'iin-
' 't t a inl .Meredith, the Inst two Ulyin- kimm, f ..u.f that lie could not be
I bain,inns. set a new world s mark uhW tl) distinguish bctweon a case of
in lint one mill- collide relay for the;. i an,i 1 1... nscruDuluoiiH initios-
hniniionshii when they beat u,r ()f , , toolnzv-towork anil too-
from Harvard i r i,.i, ,..., it Hies,, kind nf
"County Poor System
Wrong, Says Bushey,
(C'ontimieJ from Page One.) I
r to travel over the county eontinu-
ally iiml (jiuke a personal investigation ;
..f every ease of need that is reported
to hi in or conies under liis observation,
lie could also make his services invalii-,
able by keeping in touch with the needs'
of the farmers and business men of the !
county in the way of help and to fur- j
nisli employment for such of the unem
ployed who are willing and able to
work. 1
"The man for such an important po-!
sition should be one of keen and care- ,
fill discernment and a Rood judge of,
human nature. He should have a knid ;
Local Gooseberries In Market
Bring 50c Gallon Siraw
berries Coming
four flving runners
Thar the fruit seasons are changing
and that the early fruit season of Ore
gon is slowly but surely gaining upon
cpiarter imj sj.mputln(tic ilt.rr Uml, at the same that of California to tlic extent of grnd-
time. he should not be (it sucli extreme ; 1Hny or()WJinf t,e eDrly traits and pro
kindness of heart t hut he could not be (ui,p 0f t)ie i!ltter out nf I lie market is
becoming more and more manifest ev
ery year. But a few years ago the Cal
ifornia fruits reaehed'the Oregon mark
et from two to three weeks hi advance
.' '""s; iT''.'""1;.; 'TT '1'' H-.le eat. get "on 'the county poor fundi of 1(, locai fruit ani . fri. growers
wo.ld s record held by the I ish-Am. r- llni, t awttV with it without da- of the 8uutheril stBtt, wouW reap the
lean Athletic, club ol .New ork. ilie ,,,,. , ,. , ,.n,i t do it. I . ...... " ,
. 1
Harvard sj unj t(,re lm, ,uny euses of such in this
I If ti.,,i, urn rmind nut in
old record was lt:IH 1-5.
time today was ;(:!! 1-5.
couegmie recoru to go wasjtll,ir a ecc-i. t i u the worst that can be
that for the javelin throw, .lolm L.,(1()ll. wjth u ,0 put ,,,, ()ff ,
'Inlbps ot the University of Idaho ,i!)t ,)Ut mt llu(li) , Kt,t m0IR(y
hurled Ilie spear In feet, 4 .14 inches, ,)ui,k t)at lH ,l(,on wni)t(1(, u)un
I,r,, ,h" '''ll''K'", '" f 'W' un,l eould have been put to better use in
feel, H l -l in, lies 1 by Donnas, the ' ,t)r l Rm eonvineflx ,lat an
llreek athlete of the l.niversity of iI1M11(.t..r tlf .i. i,ind n.-.-ia be of ifrnut
I'eiinsv vnm.'i. Nourse of I'riuceton1 ,l . i :e t. .
university and a resident also of Idaho,
broke the record first wilh a throw of
ITli feel, "i .") S inches.
The oilier collegiate record broken
was in the two-mile college relay cham
pionship in which I'riuceton, after n
Spnknne ...
Tacollltl ...
Viincoiu er
Sen I lie
Victoria ...
minutes, fi.'i .11 seconds.
i was H minutes flat, held bv Michiiiaii.
In the high jump, Kucha nls of Cor
nell, Hie lllyiupic champion, topped II
feet in, hes to will the event from
fillll ' ' 01 'an, who oiu six icei iin-iie.
rlll(lj Kicliard's jinnp bettered the inter-eul-!-iinj
leginle record by three-quarter, of it n
!-,ii inch. After winning the event, Ifich-
less than the world's American and
1 collegiale record held bv Murine of
1' Stanford.
,11,10 1
aids tried for a jump record ami
'pimped II feel A inches, or two inches
J :t
.4no :
Saturday ' Results.
i ican Associaliou -At Louisville
7, Columbus 4; at Indianapolis 7,
Cleveland II, nl Kansas Clly ;", Mil
waukee II; al Minneapolis l", SI. I'iiiiI
Western League At. Lincoln II,
Keiiver 2; at Wichita I, Topeka (1; al
Sioux l ily II, lies Moines !i; at St.
.loseph :i. Iiuuiha 4.
Bunday'H ResultR.
t I'orllanil, Salt Lake In, I'nrllanil
Al, Sua l-'iaiicisco, Oaklaud II '.:, Los
Angeles I I.
Al Los Angeles, San Francisco 2 1,
Venice II .'I.
McMlnnvllle Defeats Wlllamctto.
McMinnville, Or., April lili , M
.Mmiiville ( ollege played an II iniinig
game with Willamette University he-e
Saturday, Ilie college loam winning -I
lo il. The batteries were Champion
Hlack and I 'inker for Hie college, and
Donne, Adams and Shirler for Wil
laiucl le,
Mount Angel, Or
Angel College won
victory of Ilie season here Saturday,
del'e.'ii nig I lie I heiiiavMi Indian learn
',1 lo I.
The Angels were slronij wilh
lial and drove I'ilchcr lilk off
iiiounil in the sixth frame. The
legians now have won four and
two games aiul have a challenge
anv team in Ilie slate. The score:
i 1 1
ii. ii. ii. nun
value to the county and, if he were the
right kind of mini, could more than save
his salary in keeping unworthy cases
off the poor list utid his services would
prove of immense value in helping to
solve the problem of the unemployed."
Judge Bushey cited numerous inslane-
i .... :n,, .,.:,.. ,,r n,o ii,M,.i,i..uU
The old recordi .., ... ,' f..., ,i. ..,,..iu ,.t n',
nl inn irumi , inim nir iiwiu.t ... n
court. He shosved one case ot a man
who, a few months ago, resided in Nil
verton and got upon the county's poor
list where he remained for several
months. In u round about way the
county court learned thai this man had
moved out of the county several weeks
before and had I n drawing his al
lowance from the county right along.
Another instance was that of a woman
whose husband was supposed to huve
left her destitute and she was ullowed
ilfi per month. It finally developed
that she was drawing the money from
the county and sending it away to her
husband, a worthless loafer, and when
she was cut off the payroll she picked
up her belongings and rejoined her hus
band in u county on the coast. j
These ure only two of a long list of
cases of the same nature and .ludgcj
Hushey also called attention to other
instances of fraud and d it which I
have cost the county thousands of dol-
lurs within the past few years, all of!
which could have been saved and used I
" i to good advantage in canes of actual I
University of Oregon, L'ugeno, April need and worthiness if some honest iind i
L'.i. - arsily freshmen won the aniiuul 1 conscientious nersnii were emiiloved to
devote all of his time and attention to
each individual case and keep the court
posted at all times. He should be in po
sition to O. K. or turn down every
single application for help that pre
sents itself to the comity court, Judge
Hushey says, and lo terret out and re
port instances of dire need where the
sufferers of disease or want is actually
too pioud to accept help from the
neighbors and a little help, confidenti
ally, I'roiii the counly would be a godsend.
intercliiss meet on Kiiicaid Field Satur
day afternoon when they defeated the
three upper classes by a 2'J point mar
gin in (rack athletics. The seniors were
handicapped by Ilie loss of 1'ai'sons ami
Hovlea, veterans of the sound.
The games this afternoon brought
forlh two welcome facts. Muggins, run
ning against time, equalled Waller ,lc
bile 'h record for the mile when he muilc
April ill.-Mount the distance in 4:21 2.1. Sam Cook
ils Ihird straight ,v,,d -,t 0nt for a mark of -lli
feet nail 5 inches, bettering past regis
trillions by a foot anil two inches.
Payne Runs in Fast Time.
When "Moose" Muirhcad srublicd
first place in the high hurdles from
Fee during the initial event of Ilie day,
i me wearers oi me green cu o were ticv
lo' er headed. The mecl was destined In
I 'he 'IS class al the first era, of the
In Ilie old limes people worried
abtiiii what they it.ved, but we of this
day hae ontgruvn such childishness.
We worry only over what i.i due ami
past due.
cream or tlie inpli Dries.
This year appears to be more partic
ular; and noticeably advanced than
last year and the year before when Ore
gon strawberries are less than a week
behind the California product ia mak
ing their uppearance in the market und
now comes a Polk county farmer with
fully matured gooseberries on the local
market in competition with the fruit
of the more advanced sections of the
country. Mr. A. A. Steurus, who hus a
small "ranch" on the other side of the
river, but three miles west of Salem,
brought in some fine gooseberries this
morning and sold some of them in the
local market for 50 cents a gallon. Mr.
Stcnriia also has some strawberries that
will be ready for the market within a
very few days.
Lust year his gooseberries did not
mature until well ulong in May and this
venr thev are fullv to weeks in ad
vance of all former recoid and his oth
er fruits are advanced in proportion,
President Takes Charge
of Case Against Bank
Washington, April 24. Reports that)
President Wilson had personally taken
charge of the government 's case I
against the Uiggs National bank here
in which the bank is charged with cer
tain irregularities bv the treasury de
partment, was emphatically denied nt
the White House todav.
The pressure brought to bear on the
bank because of the alleged irregular
ities resulted in the iii.iuuct ion suit
being filed against Secretary MeAdoo
and John Skelton Williams, controller
of currency. Suggestions that politi-1
ml issues would arise us a result of
Ilie banks charge that MeAdoo nail
Williams were seeking to wreck the
institution have been eiicnlated since
the suit was filed. ;
"There is not a shred of truth in
the reports that the president hns per
sonally taken chargf or the Kmgs
case," said Secretary Tumulty today.1
Williams also denied reports that he'
would resign. j
When a lm" gets lo be three or four
years old his mother can keep him and
his 'lollies clean without a great deal i
of trouble- prowile. I she has someone
else -to look al'lcr the balance of the
family and do the housework. ,
c a
i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i ii ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 livi ii iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii ii i(i til 1 1 ii i ii mi 1 1 in mini I ii
y ii
I 'Ml If
ir. a r i it i
III J 1 f I- M MIM 11111,11.111.11 III
Facts? I
I Then Listen.
imi vi i
Isn't it disappointing to go to a
show ii ii ,1 then find that it isn't as
bad as you were afraid it would be?
Ml- Angel 1 Id . "Mono" I'avne turned himself loos,
''heniawa I t' ,,r the first lime this season, und tin
llnlleries Sohlcr, llcesaker and veised his two miles in U:.VJ If,. The
bert; F.Ik, Hiirrcgrund and Connor. ,,,, disla nan had been ill n of
" the vcur and Ihis afternoon miiiked his
If a son docsn I take niter Ins lather ,.,. .( wi,, ,,,HV lvill v,.r ,
it is usually because the old mini i''1 1 ; M th,. t iel,l.
miming to time. T dieslcr Fee. Jr. from V lint,,,,
re ,1
Good Buys In Real Estate
71 acre I'ann, ucnil.v all under culli
valioii, good six in, mi house, barn and
oilier out buildings ; spring nalei,
family orchard, two acres of limber,
nil in crop, ; miles from Salem. This
is a good buy. Price tl,l,,".iO. ikliiuii
down, balance o years at 0 per cent
'.'2 I I acre farm, III acres under
, olliv nl inn, balance limber and u-line,
good 0 room house, bain, other on I
buildings, well, T1.- acres of young
prune lives, loganberries, slrawberiies,
in ,i ,a 1 1 u in road, all slock, implciitcnls
uml household goods goes; J miles
J'l-oin Salem, I'lice "i.
US acre farm, ii."i acre under culli
alion, II room luni-e, burn. Will con
snler good lesideuce properly as pari
luivinotil, balance to sail at fl per cent
iulerest, I'lice 7uiU.
20 acre prune orchard, in bearing,
loiiited sccn miles from Salem, This
is ii good buy. I'lice .fu'iK'.
.i ncres all in Italian prune orchaid
"l nut a venr ago; small house, barn,
well, I miles from Salem. Price I"11'1':
down, balance ifJOil per ear, li
per cent iuteivl.
,"i acres nf first class land, aearlv
under villi i nl uni. CM,,,,! drainage. I'll i
would make a first class piece of land
for piiines; ll'.j miles south of Salem,
Price mMI, ic.Yiti down, balance 10 per
month, II per cent interest.
acres, II .'I 4 acres of Iralle-ed
loganberries in first class condihon.
Home slrawberiies; good house, barn,
wood sheil, well. Four miles fioiu
Salem, This is n good buy. Price
1. 000.
27,"i acre farm, I2A acres under ml
tivHlioti, balance timber and pasture
Will take f 1 1,000 in Salem eily prop
erly as pnrt payment. Price $0,'i per
n,re. If you have city properly lo
trade look this up.
10 acres of good second growth fir
timber, loealed close to Kclonti School
the individual honors of the
ay. Fee gathered ill 21 points for his
luss while Captain Cook added the oth
r 10.
Canada Will Never Be
Part of United States
Poitlaiid, dr., April 21. Sir Thomas'
(I. Sliaiielincssv . president of the Can
a. hau I'.-niii, iinlwiiy ssleni, declined
liidav in an interview published licie
lod:, thai Canada would never be, vine
a part of the Failed stales despite the
slaleinent b Admiral Hobeit I'eary
thai the whole i oiilineiil uoiih nl l he
Isthmus of I'anaina would be under the
Anierieaii Hag in-ide nf a eentiir.
Sir Tliomas said it would be fullv
as likely that the Failed Stales would
be absorbed under Canadian lule.
The railway magnate is on his wa
home lo Monlieal from San Fmneiseo,
accompanied by Lady Shauehnessy and
daughter, Mss Margin el Sliaiighnessv,
They 'tailed for Seattle ill neon, presi
dent Parrel 1 of the l. W. II. X , ac
coiupiiuMiig ilie parly on a special
I rain,
Such Evldetu'e Our Readers Cannot 1
As we take up the .Toimint we are
struck bv (he heart v, uninlsiakable way
in winch witness after witness speaks
not as Mr, Hill does heio. If those peo
ple weie stiaagers living miles nvviiy,
we niicdit take liille notice of them.
1'ut they aic not. They nie our neigh
bors, living among us. Their word is
too easily 1'ioven to admit of anv doubt.
They speak out iu the hope that their
expcrlencn may be a guide lo otheis.
C, W. Il'll, wagon maker. 1!;I0 N.
r rout
',1 . A.N. j - , T "I . - " ...v -
' '
? X S
MURADS haven't jumped in a day
or a year to the world prominence
they occupy. It has taken them more
than a dozen years to reach their present position
each year showing a substantial increase in sales,
in popularity, in reputation.
The reason is that MURADS are not merely
a CLEVER cigarette. They depend on no
passing fad or fancy. But they do have those
Lasting Qualities
that become more satisfying the longer one knows
them. Could there be a more GLORIOUS
HISTORY for any brand of cigarettes?
Makers of the Highest Grade Turkish
and Egyptian Cigarettes In the World
street. Suleiii. savs: "I lii.l
nee f U'tui; L'iai down, tuiiance lo sun more or les backache and my kidneys
At (l per cent Interest, were disordered. Dona's Kidney Fills
n rumii house, bath, toilet, electric have always relieved uuv in ' short
lights, large east I'roiii lot; bearing time, 1 knew ef several oilier people
fruit; good bsm, private water sup who have taken 1 loan's Kilney I'illi
idv: loealed In Soulh Salem. Price, Wilh good results. Von mat- continn
l',"00; $700 down, bnlsnce 7 per cent 1 i'uMihinir the statement 1 gav e before l,l,.v ot consideration Connie Muck has
interest, I recomniiMidiiiu them." concluded that Hube iMdriun shall net
Prlcm SOc, at nil dealers. Pon't situ- I'lay hr P'1" regularly for th Ath
idy k for a kidney remedy tret le;ie. "Rube is willinn to play the
Poan ' Kidney Pills -Cm ss'im tlist Mr, I'i')!," aid Mack, "and I Considered
Hill had. Foster Millium Co , Props, him seriously fof the position from the
DUlllltf, ct. I.
Immigration Inspectors
Round Up Hundreds
Seattle. Wash., April 2d. Following
a strenuous week in which 100 men
hnve been caught and returned to Ctin
nda, I'nited States Iinmigrnliou Com
misisouer Henry M. White today nn
nounced the appointment of four addi
tional inspectors to work along the bor
der. The present force, White says, has
I a unable to cope-with the situation.1
The war and the discontinuance of the
breadline in Vancouver has caused an ;
unusually large number of attempts of '
fraudulent entry into the I'nited States,
White declares.
Phildelphin, April SI. After many
If you want to buy, trade or lell,
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
, Boom a, Built Bak BMg.
would not pluy again, but I hv de
cided that t would not spoil a great
outfielder to make a fair third base
man of hun,' Tni, ,,.,.,;ion leaves the c.-.i r..i... ri
thiM br.se position open, for Mack de
o tared he did net know woo would
ruy the difficult ...
j time Ituvt Baker notified me that homerican league sea,0n open.
j l.eroy Slurgis nnd Mary K. Stnrgis
'to Stephen t.eis, part .Vug Lambert el
Iil tt 2 W.
i Pffle .1 Young ef vir to Minnie T..
' Pariihaiu. lot ii hlk 11, .T. Meyers Add.
i Siilem.
I Lena IVnbain et vir to A (1 Condit.
I part Hiram Tavlor 1 1 ."is -2 V.
A K Lewis et ux to V'd Sischo et ux
s sw t, see :bi.$ ,1 E.
V. P Ileger et nx to Theodore Iliuh-
bcrger ,t Allen .1 Pa vie el (iil--l W.
.loeph Barber e ux to Unrbnrn H.
tlriffin. jt I.Ik 10 A M event Add Salem.
T K Void et ux t'i Frank I.ennn
part lot SO and 21 Capital Home Add,
Kiv and Fisher to R H Savage, pt
lots o and 4, l.lk 31, Salem.
R H Savaee et ux tn Knv nnd Fisher,
narr m i. snvsee el 7SJ.7.a W r,Art
77-7-S W.
T H Ham-man et tit to XT V n1
t nx lot 2 namp,lPn Park. ' !
Tavern Tnvestment Co. to Susan Boss'
I i lot 12 Touts Kit, woodbura. '
Meet Us in Our New Home
H. Steinbock' Jank Co. s
.... T arorst
Tlie House of Half a Million uhi-rum .
best goods, lowest prices. Our new location a f
three large stores. The buildings are being ren
new fronts will be installed.
Three Large Bargain
Junk Machinery, Hardware, Garden purnilurt
Plumbing Supplies Pipe, Pumps -Crockery,
Carpets, Rugs, etc. :::::
Men's Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Trunks, JfJIfTlSw"8?
Cases. We mention only a few item."
There i
for Junk
of others. We pay the highest price for J"
ber. Rags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, and all kna
Machinery, Furniture, old Clothes ana -thing.
The House of Half a MiIhonBare
302-312 North Commercial Street
Try a Journal Clas
sifted At