Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    !; I
Court House News
M" K ho elT2 !
. i 17 in this city, Louis Laehmund j
- snj'ointed this morning to be nd
ii. .... hi f'minfv Judge William
Shcy The" petition states that the
insists of personal property val-
n . i unit The hond is fixed at i
Jfnnm) and the appraisers appointed j
"'" , It,.., Unm Pnn.lla. an,)
' i. v..n.lti)im sinm Rnnillpt ond
ITS f rann iiramo, -
jjwtenco Hofer.
County Judge William Bushoy this
morning issued a temporary injunction
restraining L A. Thompson from erect
jag and maintaining a fence across a
county road in Mill City, whieh road,
though inside the city limits, because
tie town is not incorporated, is under
the jurisdiction of county officers. The
put to enjoin is brought by Alice lie
Coy through Attorney C. Z. Randall of
this city.
Insufficiency of evidence to justify
tho verdict rendered by the jury in tho
esse of Alva Bacon against Blasius
Crasser, aa action for $3122 dumngo for
the death of -plaintiff 's son, and errors
f luw nt ihe trial nre the reasons giv
es by the plaintiff for asking that the
verdict of the jury, which gave the
plaintiff only 150 damages, be set aside
tod a new trial grunted. The dnmages
were to recover money for the loss of
services of Elmer Bacon from the time
h was killed by Grosser nt the ago of
17 years until he came of ago.
In the case of H. A. and W. C. Reyn
olds against B. F. Rowland, an action
for default in contract, the plaintiff
Saturday was granted until April 2!t in
which to file an amended reply. The
case wus scheduled to come up for trial
(Saturday afternoon.
Tcatmony was being taken this morn
ing in the case of llilbert F. Price, as
the Puritan Manufacturing company,
against J N. Haugen, an action for
the recovery of money alleged to be
due. It is stuted in tho complaint that
the goods, consisting of jewelry, etc.,
wsre delivered at Forest City, Iowa,
ml valued nt $96.94, and also for the
turns of $ l(i 1.04 and $4().til, which urc
alleged not to have been paid.
Coonty School Superintendent Smith
ia sending out a circular letter to the
I ..embers of the school boards of Marion j
county stating that ono of the most im
portant things a school board hits to do
is the (election of teachers. If teachers
i are not to bo re elected he declares it
! ia high time thut the mutter should be
I looked into and the amount of money to
y be apent on the teaching froce estimut
t ed. He asks that ho bo notified of liny
1 vacaacies as teachers are beginning to
i write to him. He suggests school boards
to pay traveling expensive of prospect
I ive teachers to summer schools us un en-
toorngement, that teachers be given
nises ia Hilary on condition thut she
'i; Mends summer schools, and that new
r trachcra be required to spend at least
ix wesks in a summer school.
Roar oi Krupp Guns
Heard For 30 Miles
,3 !
(Continued from r.,o Two.)
I S, L " al"l''l ""
D v. n 1 ' J"" "''r offl('0
f 1....1 i . , , , ULri
of ' men h ,,lc, nuts,,,. , ,,(. statement .
,' ,.a.i.. K f"r"C "'"" nshOTIS on
y .un Hiun as io uie number
l-: 1 1.
un reports irom
Athens stating 1
me enure allied lleet went into
action against the forts yesterday,
flk.l IL. . .
minever, it is generally ludi
eved the
ew eriort to fo
Constantinople is
The Athens
lie open tho gate to
now uniler way.
"pons were con
nrmcil hv the official announcement,
u,',,1,'r,'l t"at the disembarkation
M the troops .K!MI before sunrise
hiiiljv, "fully covered by tlie fleet."
Tn Turks c-ntrcn,. , MlM wipo pn.
t"Rlcments, engaged the British, it
J,","" ''' d' ,lH' '""'"''I? com
pictcly successful.
"Hefore night fall a large force wns
bhshe, on sl ,,,, thl, llllvum,e
ttndinucs," (,, Mttt( t ssort0lli
Again Bombarding Turks.
r,c,,.k"8f'i A,'.il 2"--Th "ll,irB Anglo
rcmh f eet is again bombarding the
tanelles fortifi,atins. Rorts
JinB hcr 11V i,,i,.t (hat the
.toner'' l,,Z",,,',h "
"k at lung ruiiun.'
opening their nt-
ii . i - "
1., " I, nun net' rO,l I ,n Turk
foils ere replviiiir vieoroulv v, '
r"wntB as to the damage that' hasi"1"'""''''1 '1"',,! needlessly a great many
done yet been received jvoteis, iiud if we had tho right man
Russians Loso Heavily.
J'cnn,., Apm 2.-Via Wireless
u;i.,r' 1 .-Although thons
. i men IIJlVl lln
ecu sacrificed in at-
.lh mn.li, ni. i...... . ...
b ' 1 l' -msirinu iKismona i
Cnt in I l uilii ini sunt'-
N-roi' '" e today, covering the'
usai ff "evernl ,nys, declares the,""' 'hot while it will do damage to re
"an offe
'nsive has c,inn,l,,i,,K. c;i,.,l
war of r .I....I.. . . : '
I"aa h i i "" irea unit no pro-, ouin.ige noi io renominuic nun, aim inni
j, u,..'1 niade bv the Russians : tli damage will cslend outside the
hic , n.ov,Pnt ngainst tho Cszok I slate."
fi'e at 't", """" l,,,j,',,,'v'. I Another lcter frotin Harnes tt the
liitfi ,.a ''""nt also declares that an 1 colonel suid that tho "barbershop sen
tt ni,t,pn,?cmB'H"Ver iu ,ho vr1,,,.v I timcut" was ngninst Hughes, and this
ith k 'i 'lMka has been halted i was a good criterion of public senti
" '"0 loss of mi,,!- i. , I i ii
"aiakill,.! , ""oipuuh HUB
." ""'l wouniled,
l Md.r I. 7ri"".t W',, "'vori'1.v '""'red
! ' a h,,,. wh,'n 1,0 va thrown
iW.; , "' ""!'' '"'tween lndc-
.. . , 1,"lll"0"th. o. F. Cosper,
1 W v., wn" n," l"on out,
r.pT"1'?' only a bad tumble.
H will i. "'.lured internally and
r..,-r"""''l''r!1,,,, timo before he
l,fc,'tio 1 '. 1,1 K(,illl( around aldoubledly will hurt us also to noiui
inn nnrM r..,L 1... .
lmelt .,' ""Buy after him ami
1 'Mine,! . , w" out. Mr. Hnrnett I
' a it f, , .""l:,ve that the county that I nm trying to treat yrrj as a pup
'!"Wt. i1" ll','r '"("1 '""king at ' pet. 1 have wriiten again and again!
S i, . h""l'l be held liulde for to Taft and llitchcix k not to makei
I' 1jnrv-i , "' "e ''Hide
I L:'l;"ndence Monitic.
r"1 50 m.. f tiHrr "" who ran -
' H4; tj" . " without having everv-
0 'h orowj interrupt kim.
Letters To Roosevelt !
Are Read In Court
(Continned irom Page Two.)
H - b for goveraor was shown in a
'ncs of letters exchanged betweeu
Roosevelt and tho plaintiff in the pres
ent suit. This did not seem to disturb
the colonel greatly, however, though he
hoard letters read in which he admitted
Karnes that if the right man arose
he believed it would be wise to nomi
nate him over Hughes. He said he be
lieved it would dainago the party to re
nominate Hughes, but would cause
greaer dumnge not to renominate him.
It was the n.iinion of Barnes that
"barbershop sentiment" was against
Hughes. The colonel also assured
Barnes that "whatever my friends do
up nt Albany I will stand by them."
'If you, and those like you, fear
that I will ask you to cut your own
throats, your fears are groundless,"
was another sentence read from cine of
the colonel's lettcrB.
The attention of Barnes' attorneys
was directed today entirely to an ef
fort to show that Colonel Roosevelt
was not always such a violent enemy
of bosses nnd boss politics as he ap
pears now; that he worked hand in
hand with the lato Boss Piatt and later
with Boss Barnes, and begnn bis at
tacks upon tho latter only after they
had disagreed and fallen out.
Attorney Ivins said that Roosevelt 's
lawyers had refused to produce certain
letters which were desired. Seme of
Piatt's correspondence between 1898
and 1905 had beeu obtained from the
files of Lemuel E. Quipg and some from
Piatt's executors, he said. In all there
were (i0 letters, ninny from the colonel
seeking conferences with the "easy
"Do you menu to sny you wanted to
consult with tho bossT Ivms askeil,
after reading a letter in which Roose
velt complained that Governor Black
wanted to make- two appointments
whieh the colonel thought should be
left to him after his inauguration as
"Tho letter speaks for itself," the
colonel snapped.
Another letter to the "easy boss"
from tho colonel stated that if Piatt
was committed en the appointment of
a labor commissioner and could not get
out, Roosevelt would apoint Piatt's
man. Roosevelt said, however, that he
finally appoii.ted a man who was not
backed bv 1'lutt
" Wns yinr action in consulting Piatt
visililo or invisible government," ask
ed Ivins.
" Visible as visible) as could be,"
the colonel replied with a smile.
"Did you regard it was cvidenco ns
wrong, corruption and unrighteousness
on the part of Barnes, Parsons and
others who favored another candidate
than llughesf"
The ecilonel did not desiro to. answer
this question categorically, but upon
Ivius insisting, Judgo Andrews ordered
him to answer. Ho then admitted he
did not so regnrd it.
The Day in DetaiL
With the re-opening of court, Attor
ney Ivins ngnin went back into the his
tory of politics during the Hughes gu-
hornatorinl udmiiustrntioii in Now
I York. The colonel Bottled back in his
chair for n long session and nnswereil
!..n -,.,.-,.,.:.,.. ;i, i, .,.,..,.,. .I,.,.;.
"Hr'l-!lvp!icps. Ivins produced letters which
were exchanged betweon Roosevelt,
It,,,.,,,,, , former Renresenlutive Her-
Barnes nnd toriuer Renreaen
,,ort j.an,onKi regarding the
tinn of Hughes as governor.
re nolo ma
ighes us governor. Tho colo
no) llufntinl wit), inl.nrnat n Tvinu u-iilit.
0vi,r t,j8 cdriesiiondence. A letter
from Humes to Roosevelt, writtcu in
August, BIOS, read
"1 have burnt my bridges in this
mutter. Wndswortli, White, Hinntiin,
Hughes or any straight republican could
win. If wo nominate such a man the
'oek will pnss tho hands of Hughes,
and then those who mado the fight will
be crushed nnd will huvo to sneiik in
the buck door or get tut of politics.
There is no trouble about Taft. Ho you
wnut, for heuveus sake, to put the re-
pulilunii party in tho hands of mug
w mops f ' '
From Clyster llav, Roosevelt replied
"I have been carefully going over the
Ungues mutter smco I saw you. 1 ap.
preeiute tho full firce of tho arguments
I you urged against his renomiiiHtiou
I Continuing, Roosevelt's letter to
Barnes sui,l:
I " It is not plensant for me to support
'a m.in who inis wantonly behaved badly
I to the very men who did tho most in
I securing his election I wm ild approve
his turning down in public interest,
but I object to it being dono wantonly.
Mor-'over, 1 upprecinte that ho
to put in Ins place (right from t lie.
standpoint of getting votes) I would
sny it was certainly wiso to nomiiiute
such a man.
But lime such is In sight, and there
,iu . i. ti, .n. .i,inu ,.i,.
"," n n' ' iu u i B,ig.i
" I'nder these conditions, it seems to
noiii'iiatu llnuhes. it will do irc.iter
i . . . t ... i .i. .
Another letter from Barnes to the
liurnes which Attorney Ivins appeared
to relish as he read it, declared:
"Mosc emphatically, whatever my
friends do up at Albany, I will stand
by them. If you, and thoso like you.
fenr that I will nsk you to cut your
own throats, your fears are groundless.
Hut my judgment is that tho conven
tion will numliiuto Hughes. It would
mirt much more not to mimiunto mm
than to nominnte him, although it un
- i. -.
In a letter to Parsons, the colonel
aid: "Von eau hardly seriously mean
open statements. I have not the
slightest miennnn 01 lenin " won,
to do, and never thought of telling the
news apera you will 'be told wnat to!
d. ' Thu uiuiu currents are agaiustj
Smoot Criticises Philippine
Bill ODIe James Eulogizes
Wilson and His Policies
Nin irancisco, April 26. Criticism
of the Philippine bill, praise for Presi
dent Wilson and predictions of another
split in the republican organization
were voiced here today by members of
tho congressional party which is en
routo to Honolulu on a pleasure trip.
me un Bennturs, representatives and
their wives arrived here today.
Senator Reed Smoot of Ftah declared
he was dissatisfied with the Philippine
uui, wnicn aims to give independence to
the natives. Believing that important
changos should be made in it, ho sad
ue woulU personally investigate the sit
nation in tho Philippines before re
turning to Washington. At Honolulu
he will leave the other travelers and
precede alone to Manila. There ho plans
to talk with native fhiefs, get the view
point of the natives and obtain infor
mation which he will uso in tho sen
a'e in nil effort to causo alterations in
the bill.
While in the Orient, Senator Smoot
will also visit Japun. He said that his
Japanese tour did not have any politic
al significance.
Senator Ollie James of Kentucky,
who has been conducting an investiga
tion of business conditions in all parts
of the United States, declared today he German taube. The report of the thril-Jing of Pegoud 's latest fonts were post
found them good in every quarter. ling encounter snys thut when Pegoud ed in front of the different Paris news
"The democratic party'B prosptcts !snw the Gorman approaching ho flew puper offiees there were wild scenes
iiuai. jeur uie very ongnr, snm
.nuues. -uuainess is strong everywhere,
rresulent Wilson and his lenders huvo
handled an exceedingly difficult and
dangerous situation to the entire satis
faction of all the people. I think Wil
son will be nominated by acclamation
and elected by an overwhelming ma
jority." With regard to the statements of Sen
ator Weeks of Massachusetts and others
who forsee an nmuggnmntion of tho re
publican and progressive parties, Senat
or James said:
"It is possible that tho republicans
and progressives will hold a joint na
tional convention next year. But tho
progressives will demand a candidnto of
the calibre of Colonel Roosevelt, while
the republicans will want n standpat
ter. They'll have the same old split as
before which is a consummation de
voutly to be wished."
"I'nelo Joe" Cannon wns in his
bathtub when approached by a repre
sentative of the I'nited I'ress. Asked
if ho would dunce the Virginia reel at
tho Punnmiil'ucific exposition ball to
night, as he promised when congress
voted tho exposition appropriation to
Mm Francisco instead of New Orleans,
" I'ncle Joe" replied that he could not
tell until after the voyage around the
buy today in the tug" Slocuni. Tho
former speaker indicated that he wus
more concerned with separating the
stains of travel from his person than
with the nntiomil politicul situation nt
The congressional party will leave for
Honolulu tomorrow on the liner eon
Frankfort, Tnd., April 20. Tho sec
ond trial of William H. McCoy on a
charge .of manslaughter in connection
with the killing of his wife nnd of
John Byerley, whom he found with the
woman, was postponed today. McCoy
wus acquitted of the chttrgu of killing
his wife on u plea of temporary insan
ity. He is now charged with slaying
Hverlv. The tragedy occurred Decem
ber 1, lltl l.
"Suppose, Willum, your father hud
$2(1 in his pocket and I usked to bor
row .1 of him how much would ho
have left I"
"Twenty dollars, mum."
Makes Your Stuffed,
Catarrhal Head
Clear as a Belte;S,:r...::;::i
When von wriko in the
plagued wilh the tortures of head colils
.. , .a, .r.n, .,., .n.i minor
slopped up, uir pw-Mieis clogged with
obnoxious catarrhal discharges thut
have tollecteil during the night nnd
you can hardly breathe just put
little llvomcl Pocket Inhaler charged
with the pleasant hi uling oil of llvomei
between your lip'. Hold it there 'w hile
dresmng 'nn, breath" tho medicnteil,
antiseptic, germ killing nir deep into
vour nose, throat nnd lungs with every
iirenth you draw.
liy Ihe time you are droscl ynurj
L ... "II I . I .11 -ii
Ilea, I w ill oe eieur as a oen, von will
i, i... ...in ... ',L ...
... '.
your orcuktasi wi.n a re.is , n, p
aoout your nay s worn wni, a clear
urn I II II II , i snii'iv ,-r.
This clean Mnelliug, germ destroying '
air of llvomei penetrates deep down'
into cverv fold and crevice of the)
membranous linings of your nuBc,!
throat mid lungs where no liquid spray
coul, possibly get and absolutely kills'
and drives oul. of your system every!
germ it. finds there, heals the inflamed I
swollen tissues and after the very first
trial you notice a wonderful imp rove
ment." A few weeks' uso and everv I
eritur-hu! germ is killed and driven out!
of your sytem.
Druggists everywhere think so Well
of llvomei that they agree to give you
a gunranleo with every eompleto In
haler set you purchase that if it doei
not. satisfy they will glndly return
everv cent voir naid for it. but if usiinr'thn door.
for the first time be sure to k for' Hubby-Tell him to take that pile on
the eompleto llvomei Pocket Inhaler' my desk. l'cnn. State Froth.
outfit as the smnller package does not j '
contain the inhaler. Daniel J. Fry or; No matter how well a fellow Is sit-
most aitv other reliable druggist will uated he ia not contented. Now, most
gladly mpplv you ou request. of us feel that if we had no morn work
: : : ' (o d7 than a baby we wouldn't spend
Hughes, hut I don't whom you ar;,0 mJ,n lin,8 rrying.
going to put in his place who will aot i m
b weaker," Better self-love than self neglect.
Pan, April 21. Tho populace hero is shots. Pegoud then luiided be:ide the
downcast over tho capture, by tlieitaube and took prisoner the tlorman
Germans of Adolphe Petroud. the nilot and nbse
aviator who introduced upside
down flying and has performed all sorts
of sensational feats. While on patrol
duty near St. Meuehould, sinclo hand
ed, he attacked nnd brought down a
r 'piuiy vuwmu mo uusiiie air crau linn
sent h io eurui wn:i u icw wen placed
The market is unusually quiet today.
Grains are still nt the dead level of
Inst week and the quotation of two
weeks ngo will hold good for today.
Eggs hold their own at IS cents,
whilo hons vary from 12 to 1.1 cents a
Pork is Strang and in good demand,
prices holding the same lis the quota
tions of the lust threo days.
Chinook salmon is now retailing at
three pounds for so cents,
Hay, timothy, per ion $12
Clover, per ton $R.50((i)9
Oats and vetch ..... $ll(o)12
Cheat $0(a)10
Wheat, per bushel $1.10
Oats, per bushel '. : 4Kc
Rolled barley - .fU.r.O
Corn $;m.50
Cracked corn $10
Bran $28..r0
Shorts, per ton $,'11
Buttcrfnt 2,1e
Creamery butler, per pound 2'ic
Asparagus 12c
Cabbage, per lb .'. Ilto.l
Parsnips ..$1.50
Tomntous, Florida . $-1.50
f'Biilif lower, Oregon $1..')5
String Garlic 1,1c
Lettuce, crate $2.75
Beets 1 $1..'!0
Radishes - ilie
Potatoes, per I'M) lbs $2
Potatoes, new, lb He
New peas he
Strawberries, crnto $2.2.r)
Oranges, naval
Bananas, lb
Lemons, per box
Pineapples, per lb
Apples, box
Florida grape fruit
Dates, dromedary, ease
Dates, Persian, lb
Fard dotes
Coeoanuts, per dozen.
Figj, per pack
.t:i.2.rii .fViO
Egc.s and poultry,
Roosters, old, per pound.
.Vprin Chickens. 11
Pork, Veal and Mutton,
' "r" nn '""
. $7,101
I ''rk, dressed
Hlefii IO'jC ! .
veal, dressed nijc.
Spring lambs, milk fed He
' Steers oVaoijC
! r'ow - MiKc
Hulls S'jffi I'jC
Wethers - 7c
Sheep, ahenrcl 8c
Be.au mce.
rrflfi rwnrv Itofler .. .
t J "
- Flour, hard wheat 2.1()r,2 (10
ri . ..ii.. a i er.. a
"'-""l '
-k, , -u,.
1 v i
Sugar, D. O ..$fl.eO
Portland Market.
Portland, Ore,, April 2. Wheat -
''bib, $1.27; blncstem, $l..i:i.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $.12.
Hurley Feed, t24,
Hogs Hest Ijve, $7.S.r,fo '; prime
steeri, $7.2.Vo7.7'i; fancy cows, il.2'i;
best calves, 7.""0H; spring lambs, I'.).
H itter City creamery, 2"e
E ;gs Selected local estrns, l'-,
liens, lie; lirners, M(uZ:f. gees.', Si
(ii c.
Wife John, the bill collector's at
was injured. Knrlier in the sumo day
Pegoud is reported to huvo driven off
threo other Herman 'tiubea, oue of
which hud dropped nine bombs on
railroad ntntinn. When hnlletim tell
ot etitliusiusin. Tlie news ot Bis cap
tine caiiBed a sensation
Prospects For Short
Apple Crop Reported
Seattle, Wash., April 2U, The
Northwestern apple crop this year will
fall short of the l!H4 output which wns
approximately 11,0(10 carloints. This is
indicnted by the similarity of reports
coming to the Northwestern Kruit Ex
change from the vnrious producing dis
tricts. They state that the bloom on
the old trees is much less than last
year, hut. that, trees coming into bear
ing will have considerable counter
acting effect.
The Yakima district was tho heavi
est contributor to Northwestern ton
nage in HIM with nearly 11,000 car
loads, but the consensus of opinion
now is that it will ship only (10 per
cent of that tonnage this year. Mirny
or the old trees will carry but 2,'i to
50 per cent of their Inst load of the
bloom is a true Indicator. Even with
new orchards coininir into benrluir it
is not wife to estimate above 4,000 or-
lends for I'll
Wenntchee shipped ,",o70 ears of np
pics during Ihe season just closed. Its
old trees show indisposition to henr
heavily, but not. so much so us at
Yakiniu, Many new orchards will
hear their first siilislnutial crop,
esiiccinlly iu tho section of tho Norlh
called the up-river country, where it is
estimated that IIKI curs will bo rolled
as compared with I, "id Inst, season.
Jonathans are short at both Wen
atrhce ami Yaliiinn allhoiigh Ihe same
trees boro a light crop last year,
WineMips will be heavy ngnin.
The same story conies from Hood
River, lis shipmcnti for 101 1 were
ciose io i, -oi, mis, anil it, win not, ane,i""r"- ' now nine io sunsisl well on
any more in l!H". I their own rcouri es. If Hit, harvest n
Spokane reports a shortage uiul st i-! what wo rsncct, more bread w ill ,
males less than 100 cats. j allotted ill the fall, lis, because of the
Rogue River Valley of Southern ureis uf the I, read cards, it has li
Oregon had n very liuht ciop iu IHI4 . decided to eonlinue Ihe sysloin until
on a,' count of dioiith, and il is now
feared lluit there will be anolher short
ao of water and crop. The present
normal prospect is for 1,200 cats con
sisting of 7110 ef penrs and Soil of np-
P.''", However, unless weather cnndi -
tions nre iioiinii'ii', mm iiiniijif un, nous especially Hint watch has s'lg
fall chnrt if reiili.alioa. !geste, the aiian;eineiit of a separate
There are still manv things lhal can 1 pcacn with Russia, ir, llcin'orich si I
happen to cut down the crop, but Very his head,
little to increase the above estimates. j jj0 Xulk of Peace,
Hundreds of growers in some dislrictsj " , (, t lii itl tin re can be nnv lull,
nre fighting frosts nightly, nllhouc.li r j,,.,,,,,, llnl) t,,.,- , successful mil
(his danger is now nearly past, la'ioine of Ihe war," he snid,
some sections the lialllc wilh liliglil. isi )r, 1 1 l if',, r ii-h l,.i,l,,. I,.',;,,,t ..i.,.i
I serious nnd the issue prolilenialic,
...8c Wind nnd hail storms may come In any
22e,'or all di-iri'-ls daring the summer,
I Several of the less important dis
tricts will have increased tonnage, bat
this is more than ol'f.-et by Ihe shortage
in other sections.
j They Talked and Sang
n m
r or oreater oaiem
I The Sunday night Social Seivice at
i the I'nitaiian , liurcii was well attend
I dl, and three spenkeis engaged in a
i ,,. ;, ,,,, wleil
"" w
will make
ii great
M.'Uor While ndvoci
I muni-
' cipul ownership of light and water and
mMU,. ,,,;,,. i i .-i , . I
Nolsjii. of the high school, si, olio lor
the u ti i or high school, that will stint
pupils two years ouilicr on tho woik uf
adviMced public .v honl tiaining. (ieorge
F, Rodgi'rs showed how lowns grew
from without, by what lue faruicis
brought to then), sn-l how citiea were
eip, i;dudi d from within. Ho adviralcd
it greater Salem by consolidation of
,the coiiueerciiil organiiil ions. Mrs.'
urlton Smith was the vocalist, und
"an "I I'sed to lielieve in Fairies,"
and an Irish love song, It, til were
greeted wilh rapturous uppluiiae, The
spiutkera were all given generous ni
preeiati'ii for their efforts. The ad
fres.es should have been henid by ev
ery Salem optiinist, and especially by j
the pessirnints, Mrs. Fisii will give drs
iiuitie readings next Sunday evening. I
The trustees or" tho l iiitarinn church
are very much phased with the success;
of the social service meetings Hint seem
to have count to fill a long felt want
with capital city people.
Marriage ia a lottery in which S
blank is s man whore wife hu to take.
la washing to (ujiport him. I
All Star Feature Cor'p.
Edgar Selwyn
In Ills Own Adoption of '
PoworftU Story of the
"Pierre Of the Plains"
In Five Parts
A Great Feature Production at
a Low Admission
"Soldiers Of Fortune"
6 Farts
Silver Bullets Are
Allies' Ammunition
(Continued from page oue.)
the nimiey goes to German industries
uud to Herman workers.
Goes Back to Poolpe.
"The two billions available in April,
whict will be spent by full, all go
hack to the people who' gave it. And
then, secondly this is important the!
Herman people, their su'diers and their
workers, today have savings bunk de
pudts of five billion dollars. Although
many depositors subscribed to the lust
loan, during Januiiry and February,
when the subscription wns made, these
deposits includn one hundred ami liilv
million thousand. Compare this situs
turn with Prance, nor one loan amount
ed to threo hundred millions francs. It,
was small, a mere drop In Ihe bucket.
So France is now paying for her war
expense with treasury bills. Together
wilh England and Russia sho is borrow
ing heavily in the United Htutes. France
tud.iy has a debt of fivo billion francs
against tho Hank of Erunce. Hhe also
1ms soma billions owing for supplies of
all kinds. That is a had situation."
"What effect will the British block
adn have, upon the situation in Her
ninny)" 1 asked.
.... VBJm0 Starve Germany,
. Germany cannot bo starved. We
L"lv? cll0"Kh food now to comfortably
feed everyone until Hentniiiber or M.i.
her. The prospects are splendid for
good crops Hirouglunt tho fatherland
this year. If (he harvest is not ton
much below the normal wo will have
by tho fim of August enough supplies
Io last, another yenr,
"This wur hns not developed into
nil renminbi struggle. England, who
cannot fight, us with iron nnd sleel,
can find little hope in her silver bul
lets or in the prospect of trying to
starve women, children and oilier nun
cntnlui In nts.
"Normally, (lermany Imports only 8
l"'f 1 1 of the foul it needs, As a
result or cnnsei vnliiiii since the war Ihe
ihe end of Ihe wnr.
"','cuimn.y has raised more wheal,!
Inn ley, potatoes, rye ami oals per acre!
than any eounliy in the world, ev en :
the Cniled Slales." !
i W hen asked regarding Ihe peace ru
. r;, ..i.,, ,.,,., ,
economist. Since the war his IumiI,,
I rospcrily til the (ionium people,'
lias hail an i niuinons sale, and Im- conn
into live editions and is a pic, I (In
.'ilnndnid its kind.
"Are yoi going to the exposition f"
" Nope; can 't III I'onl it."
IMI I I.. . ..
) "i j""' wn,- ,i,iKiii n enure new
,","'.t ,,,w,,,,f m exposition."
i "'liilil u ttliv uji ,,nn', Hflr.l i, '
llooslon rout.
APRIL 27-28
Auspices of
Tho Druiiiiitic. Scnsulioii
AN(1'II Kit J A 1(11 COMKDV
HAM' an norit ok mystery;
One cent per word each Inser
tion. Copy for advertisements un
der this heading should be la by
8 p. m.
t'lHST atop at Fred's Night Lunch.
HOL'SKKKKl'l.NG rooms for rent, H3
r'OK SALE-Cow and calf, $10. Phone
11M W. lOotl Mill. AprllO
FOB SALE Good camp wagon, cheap.
Cupitol Hotel. Wilds. Apr7
HARRY Window
Cleaner. I'hose
CASH paid for poultry and egga at tho
venter street J' ced Ham. Apr27
WANTED By experienced young man,
position on farm. Address Y. M., 25,
,caro Journal. Apr2U
FOR HAI.E Pigs over six weeks aid;
bred gilts and brood sows. Phono
07-K--I. Apr27
dictation. Winifred Vcrcler llenisou,
North Liberty. Phono 263.
KOOAl AND HOARD very reasonable;
electric lights and bath. 157 South
Winter street. 1 Ap2 l
WANTED To contract sweet corn for
canning purposes. Apply nt Snlem
Canning Co. Phono ".d. Apr27
HOME STUDY text bonks for sale; ull
subjectB. F. D. Abbott, 211 Hubbard
building, i
IF YOU wish your carpets (team or
vacuum cleaned tiy reliable firm at
reduced prices phono llol. MaylO
COMPLETE stock of tested gardon,
iiein imi inwn seed. Wcstacott A
Thlclsen Co., 151 North High at. tf
FOlt SALE 8 acres on Fairvlew ave.,
including orchard in bearing. J. W.
Carson, route II, box ."i.'i, Ap27
WANTED Tennis nt once to haul wood
into Snlem, $4 per day, r will let
contract, Phone 002. Apr2U
WANTED A girl or woman to assist
with housework. Moderate wages.
Address P, E. care Journal. Ap2tl
WANTED Lady solicitor, room M,
Richmond Hold, 4 tu U p, m. No
phones. May I
JITNEY SERVICE Jitney rales on
country trips sad picnic, pur ties, (let
our prices before going. Salem , lit
ney Co., 21(1 Slate. Phono 3S(I, My2(l
FOlt TRADE Foil timber land, not
to,) fur from Salem, a fl-room housei
and lot on paved street, inquire lit
20tt North 21th slreet.
YOI'NH man wishes position grocery,
lunch coiinler or soda dispenser. Ex
perience, and good references. Ad
dress H, (1., Journal, Apr27
LOST A Shepherd pup, bluck, with
while nose, brenst nuil toes. Notify
Jo irnal or phono 2 100 M. Reward.
WE will allow you the highest price foi
your usod furniture in exchange foi
now. Cnlcf llroa., homo furnishers,
Phone 003,
YOUNO man, nged 21, of good hnbils,
wi.dics work of some hind iu town.
Address A, T. E., Journal. tf
SEED POTATO EM-lliirbaulis, Netted
lieius, Idaho Roriils ami American
Wonders; also (aide stock at say
time. Mangns Urns. Apill)
A NICE Ad nero faun, miles from
town mi giml road, with good build
ings and I nil I or all Kinds. A splen
did place. Can be liouelit from own
er. Will talio country or city prop
j erty in pnrt pavment, balance easy
! terms. Address J l.'i, earn Journal.
j Ft I II SALE- 1 illeen lines well locnted,
close in, on Pacific Highway, near
Oregon Electric nnd street cur. tlowl
I school and church, la prunes, pears
I and small fruit, Fair buildings, in
cluding prune drier. Will sell all or
! part, Would consider exchange for
small n iiioii i, t of rit v prupertv. Sqonri)
Deal Realty Co,, :in I l S. N. Hunk
biiiiding. tf
The Journal Want Ad gets
the business. It finds the
position and it places tho
right people in the right
place. It is small, but its
carrying power is tremen
dous I
Names Worth
Certain nutur nnd trade marks
iu this country are worth mil
lions nt dollars,
They lire known to people ev
erywhere us slunding for itcd
They have liei n built up by nd
vertiuing. The money spent In ndverlisli'g
has not only drought in immedi
ate dividends, hut lu:l piled up D X
t wonderful asset iu tho furm of T
T I ..in
Money judiciously Urcd In Urn
..L.t ... iu .. .
I spent -it is inviated.