Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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    THIS fOMIi'S
Quickly Yielded To Lydia E.
Finkham's Vegetable
Bridgeton, !U.-"I want to thankyou
thousand t'mes iur ma numauu
gooa ijyum rum
ham's Vegetable
Compound has 'done
for me. I suffered
very much from a
female trouble. I
Ihhd bearing down
bains, was irregular
ind at times could
lurdly walk across
Ithe . room. I was
rlunable to do mv
r- ,n,r nr nttpna to mv dbov i was
toweak. Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did me a world of good, and
now I am strong and healthy, can do my
work and tend my baby. I advise all
suffering women to take it and get
-ell as I did. "-Mrs. FANNIE COOPER,
RF.D., Bridgeton, N.J.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful
drugs, and to-day holds the record of
being the most successful remedy for
female ills we know of, and thousands
of voluntary testimonials on file in the
Pinkharn laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,
ieem to prove this fact
For thirty years it has been the stand
ard remedy for female ills, and has re
stored the health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Finkliam Med
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
University of Oregon j CARRIER BOYS TAKE '
Wins Cii Tennis Courts INTEREST IN CONTEST
The University of Ore.?on tennis'
iim, wiiim is considered one of the
insiesr teams
Tho Capital Journal carrier' contest
13 increasing in interest and larire iium-
..u. ..t in iiuru.'l dim lill
the iwvthu-nui u..h 1 1 . .
ett ,,,, vnrj ' "im-1 T.ie result of u. lay's enmity of votes'
............. ,v ,ouris. follows:
The home team was not in first class 1 Hallov Hunt "l tiro
form to iso up against such a strong jUovJ Mclntvre -r,
team, but considering the small amount Jam lionnoil .. .Mm
of praetieing they have done this sea- Wm. Christianee ZZZ 9100
son they feel that their chances will be Wesley Hammond 7 175
pretty god when the return games aro ! Philip Ringle . " 7 70
l,la-v,;iL iphillin Kllint u'-:q
Lie tennis association is ninmiinn ' v.:. inn.
Boys Learn Cooking and Do
Public Repair Work In
Manual Training
Msea River Road In
Siuslaw National Forest
: ) Portland, Or., AprH.20. Forest Serv
;ire officials at Portland, Oregon, an
iwuuce that the Alsea Hiver road, be
tween Waldport and Tiilowater, Ore
Jon, will be completed in time to in-
. mro its use by July 1,
This road, which is two miles in
ViiKth, is inside the Biuslaw National
.forest, and will complete the highway
tiftwooii Waldport and the Willamette
Valley, Heretofore it has been ncces
Wry for all traffic to go by boat from
uii'Kutcr to Waliiort. There, was n
.'Mi, but it was little more than a
frail in idiiccs. mul not at all suitable
tr heavy loads. The demand- for a
eut mad has been insistent for some
lime, but plum tor improvement or de
velopment, were held up by certain
; local conditions, nn,l the actual work
m construction Was , ll(,Rlm ul,m
". inn. .now, however, eighty per
tent of (he wor I. is completed, it has
ft, ""men-lint difficult and expen
11,1 l,lve t inn, I const ruction be-
.f.iu.-e ot the heavy side hill cut, mostly
( mi li solid rock.
School of Anarchy
1; For San Francisco
S;iii Francisco, April -J, Alexandei
Bcrktntui, Uie anarcliist, is here today
M the avowed purpose of establishing
wluiol nt anarchy.
Mint the theoretical anarchy which
flerhi,,:,,, purposes to teach is not the
snarniy m j.opular imiircsaion with
:""K tins, riots, deaths ami lawless
J'w. Here is the gentle creed which
"''kniun said today he hoped to instill
'."Mac minus of his pupils:
"I urn lore to found a school, a new
'Ml, a sel,,,,,! f 0 curriculum whero
Wil'ireii or crif.vi, men ,,, .. mav
ipfcializc , tlmsp t;,l(,s for w,li(.h ,hov
a natural inclication. which shail
t 71'' Mi ",f prejudice and
,'!. i" "f which toler-
r"0 sll!'H be the keynote."
I'hilliii Klliott
... 1 H i-'uoh "lULU
" "omoer or games to be plaved iu;C. W. Davis
tournament, including teams from Fu-ll.oren Simpson
gene, Albany, Salem and JfcMiunvlllB. 1 Kltn- Ti,m,.un
Salem tournament will he h.o.i .rl,.ii rv;
some time m .lulv and tho c!in,,,;n
ship for the Willamette valley a few
The results of Saturday's game is a
Bond (captain U. c.f 0.) defeated
Smith, Salem, 6-1, 6-2.
Benham, Halem, defeated Church. U.
of 0., 8-4, 7-5. '
Noiene, U. of 0., defeated Hoores,
Salem, 6-3, 6-3.
Scailfe, U. of 0., defeated Putnam,
Salem, 6-4, 7-5.
Bond and Church, U of 0., defeated
Benham and Howell, Salem, 6-0, 6-3.
Scailfe and Norene, 0. of 0., defeat
ed Thielsen and Harbison, Salem, 8-1,
Mr. A. Anderson of Monitor, went to
the Good Bnmaritun hospital at Port
land last Saturday, a sufferer from
uremic poisoning,
Glen Carothers returned home Sntur
day from the Good Knmaritun hospirnl
at Portland where he was opeiuted for
C. il. MoKey of Albany und ,T. M.
Robinson of Portland were in Hubbard
Thursday attending the fv.neial of M.
E. ( iawson.
Ihe Woodb.u n-Hubbnrd ball game til
Hio , nil park tUnday aftern ion resulti.il
'i' '1 to 11 in favor of tho visitors.
T!io work on the K. of P. budding is
t rug; i: sing rapidly and if nothing in
teifeies the bn lding will be ready for
occupancy by tho middle of May. '
William Troudt is recovering from a
badly scalded hand and leg. It hap
pened while assisting his brother, C. D.
Troudt, last week with hog killing,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Henry have re
turned to their home in Grand Island
Nebrnska after a two week's visit with
tho Nichols, Ott, Dart and Troudt fam
ilies. 0. K. Fredrickson returned home
Monday afternoon from a few week 's I players upon
suij in viiiuur, vvnsinngton. lie went
up there to see how he liked the coun
try, but it did not compare favorably
with Marion county.
Miss Mnrinm Will and Mr. .Tack
Clifford were guests of Miss Will's
brothers, Clark nnd Charles and other
relatives nnd friends this week. They
came in from Portland Monday where
they have been singing nt the Mult
nomah hotel for tho past eight weeks
and nrc here taking a vacation.
Hubbard will celebrate July 4. Sat
urday or Monday hns not been defin
itely decided upon for the festal day ns
the 4th comes on Sundny. The celebra
tion will bo bucked by' the citizens of
Hubbard nnd we understand a paper
will soon be circulated for this purpose.
A program pleasing to nil is under con
sideration which with other details will
be mentioned later.
Friends nt the bedside of L. I,, llersh-
berger were greatly relieved Sunday
Nearly one-fifth of the numilntion of
47ti5:ine lime town or naiinwn, in Wallowa
fi'd.So ' couty. in attendance at the high
4's,)0 j school of that thriving little community,
o'llln1 according, to Assistant state School
Robin Fisher .. . l no' Superintendent h. i. Carlton, and the
List of Contestants.' ' j l'"l'ils of ,he h'Rh !"'h""1 nro the most
Names of carriers eligible to enter active industrious and enterprising of
tho contest, and the number of their i !l"-v,oth" bo.y ? 1"t!!' "l',,no1 "'"dents
routes, are:
1 Robbin Fisher.
3 Noah. White.
4 James Bunnell.
5 Wm. McLaron.
6 Warren Scott.
7 Hallie Hunt.
8 Floyd Mclntyre.
9 Wm. Roinkio.
10 Klton Thompson.
11 Wesley H. Hammond.
12 Phillips Elliott.
13 Loren Simpson.
14 Benn Howard.
15 Ward Davis.
16 Clark M. Craig.
17 Harry Wilson.
18 Raymond Barton.
19 Philip Ringla.
20 Wm. Christianee..
22 W. Tristan Ednin'ndson.
23 Edward It. Edniuudsou.
24 Vernon Tyler.
April 26 to May 1
in the state in his opinion. The total
I population of nllowa is (100 and there
; are 1 lit pupils in the high school.
! "All of the boys in the high school
i are taking a course In camp cooking,
, cooking for invalids nnd in the cleaning
' nd pressing of clothes," says Mr. Carl-
ton, "and the boys in the manual train
ing department no tin or tne repair
work such ns mending sewing machines,
furniture, etc. Recently tho boys con
structed a big gymnasium for the school
nnd provided it with a stage where
all of the public meetings aro held, ns
well os the gymnastic eiercises. The
people are proud of the work of the
high school pupils and also of the work
of principal Roy Compton, who, in my
opinion, is a marvel when it comes to
handling boys in school work."
Mr. Carlton visited nil of tho hieh
I schools in l:nion, Umatilla and Wallowa
counties, during his two weeks' official
visit to the north-western part of the
etnto. He states that most of tho high
schools aro standardized nnd that niHHHHnMBBWan
surances have been received from those
which have not that they will meet the !
requirements and become standardized i worc: Ml'8, n- s- "'"" Mr"- J' ' rV-
hefore the niienintr of the next action! i ll'r, Mis. Win. Hittick, Mrs. Jess John-
of Portland, by howlingi year. They arc all especially ulensed ! s""' X,r9' " ''""S MrH. Alice Cone,
Franklin Wins High
Average In Tournament
A nation-wide movement observed by all the gas com
panies in the United States and Canada
This week only- Connection free
on every Gas Range we sell
Every stove guaranteed to give entire satisfaction to the
user. That's a big guarantee, but it's
just what we mean
Get your Gas Range and celebrate Gas Range Week with us.
The Gas Co - .
Phone 85 Easy Payments if Desired
I'ranklin, of Portland, bv hnwlinir vonr Thov urn nit ,.,i,.,.;ik- ..i.. .,.i 'son. Mrs. II. 1). Evans.
high. average of lNti for the nine gamesi with the new high school district fund !ilr8- Matthieu, of Donald; Mrs.
i.iaco, won me mm prize in tne bowl-1 law, which goes into effect in May, and ! r ml ls, .mis. r reu r argo, Airs. Mow
ing tournament held in the " Club ' ' j which makes it possible for a child liv- j '"ra, i f Fargo; Mrs. Frank Osborne and
alleys Saturday and Sundny for theling in a district where thce is no high M- Wl Thielsen, of Chainpoeg, and
championship of tho Willamette valley. I school to take advantage of high school ' M'H McCliuey,
I utton, of Eugene, won second high 1 privileges in another district at tho ex-' The meeting nt the White schod last
average and a prize of a fishnig rod:nense of the taxpayers of his home dis-' Saturday to discuss the matter of cou-
soiioiiiug inai uisinct wun tne iiun
burd district, was nttended by n good
nniulier of too pntrons of the school.
by bowling a score of 181; Noud won trict,
a saicty razor for bowling high in
dividual score. The fishing rod was
donated by Watt Shipp and tho safety
razor by Ilauser Profilers.
m i.i, .. . . .
i 7 no '"U'U's w,th aj The string orchestra from the Indian
total of (112 pins and Irankl.n and , training scho.J at i hcn.awa will give
KTM tTV of I, concert in the band hall, Saturday
10110 pins. The AllStars took the , (.Veing, Mav 1, under the auspices of
five-man event with a total of 2593 ,W i.ics' Aid socie.v. This orches-
flutes, oboes, clarinets.
horns, and bassoons. The fresh, unstor-
al beauty of these instruments suggest
tho blossoming springtime, breezes la
den with frngranco and the songs of
hnmiy birds, the rhvthm of d ii ti finer
nymphs among the shadows of great r.mvxive Mn' ' 191
uees wnero torests sKirt the sunlit
meadows. Tho rich contmst in l.nr.
octer and tone-ounlifv nf flni.i n,i,i imn lent leave at N
oboe and clarinet, the bassoon joining ; "'H'10 ' h.v t1"
in the chorus with soft humor like the I muster general
laughter of mischievous elves, affords! fuperiuton.lent F. L. Hurckhalter and
.o iietinito action was taken. A nuin-:
ber of Hubbard people were present.'
The White school has nlxiil 10 pupils.
As no decision can be made until the
regular iiiiniiiil meeting, the proposal
was simply talked over nnd iiit'oinut-1
lion secured in order that Ihe electors:
tra nas in it some talented voung peo- '"" V("" unucrstuuningiy when tne
pie, and its lender, Mr. Huth'vu Turnev, 1 '1"'"I" -'"'H up for a decision. It
is one of the few master violinists oil"1 ''evcr, that the sentiment in
the Pncific const. district is uul'avi:iille to cousoli-
The postmaster has received orders1'1"1' 11 pn-neut.
to change fue schclnlcs i,f the rural1 A n'"1 "")" i" party was sprung on
cuiri-rs on all routes uitf of Auiora.i1''- W- Kl''d't 'f the Wulnut drove
so '.hat the car- "'"'ay morning, when six ot
riers leave here ut ,S u. m. and return , ",v .vooug iiinncrs in ninievnic
by J p. in. dailv. The carriers at ores- "PP'-nred on the scene with their teams
Id a. m. The order is """ '"" "I1 "IH ""K plowing mr nun
fourth assistant post-!'" "nl''1'' S,' Kn"'1" IW(,"!.V
Most his teuiii through ei'i;iit pii;o:iiug,
nnd ,s hiiusell lind up Willi a had tool,
endless opportunity for novel and fiiH-' AMiitiiiit .Superintendents Siel'er and "ml ""' v""" m,K,,,ll."'H 1""li lh"'
cinating effects, unlike anything thnt ; were here recently inspecting the : mI,"w,,i X'""1 W,M 1,1
has ever been heard in Salem before, i Southern Pacific property. While hero , w""' """ Tnose paiticipating were:
The genius of the great nuisters f'Superiiit lent Hurckhalter promised A' 'l','",1 ' V''''"' '" 1
music used to find expression In music j Counsilinun Miller, who was grading i "'' l''"1"1. I,M Bergen and lied
of the most intimate and personal char-! First street next to tho depot, that tuc . I -til I. Their thought I illness was siir
acter, when writing for this quintet of 'omo:inv will furnish two cars of crush-, l','n'lv appreciated bv Mr. Kracht and
i nst runic n ts, such music .being intended led rock and a car of screenings to place1 "' '''l.v. "I"1 t1'1' '"'r" "'"" !
for little B-rtiiins of frien,l v..,n,,n..i ! on i lie street next to tin, .ii.ii,,,, if H, Imniving the full inclining ol "the bet-i
' . . .. .' . r""'" ... - - "!... .... ,, ,, , .,.
rora Observer..
Nice Street Hals and Dress Hats for little money. Shapes,
Flowers, Foliage nnd Wreaths. Lots of little hats for little
children at little prices. Hats trimmed to order. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
For Ladies, Girls and Children. High grade footwear at
bottom prices.
$2.25 PAIR
$2.25 and $1.85 PAIR
for special occasions nnd friendly gatlt-'eity will spread it.
erings by order of some duke or other I The Henry Mills
potentate. The eoimioser as n nermnnent Ibasement I tlx 1 1, n
nignt aoout a o'clock when he surety member of the household of his natron I north of town
passed the crisis and though very weak
is On the improve. He wus first taken
sick Monday of last week with a bad
cold but erysipelas soon developed and
has given considerable trouble. He con
tinues to improve.
Last Saturday Wayne Mack nnd
sonic of his young friends were having
a good time playing games nnd for some
reason not known until Wednesday
evening Wayne had not felt well since,
but the family physician located the
cause, a broken rib. Proper treatment
barn, :tl!x 1(1, with a
on his 12-acro tract
H IT'lillL' in niliiillv.
is on terms of oqunlity with the guests, i Fred Mills mid Frank Popejuv are dii
for music levels all classes. i ing the carpenter work, and Vt. II. As
lint sucli works -ot genius have been ipiith will do the painting,
a closed book until the advent of Tho In eomnieinonition of tho fifteenth
Ifarrere Fnsenilde. Thus we have many i anniversary of the institution of their
little innsterpi s, beautiful gems, uii-! lodge, I'na Temple, Pythian Sisters,
known to the public, yet revealing wells I last night held a special sessicn and
of tenderness or guyety, ngitiition, sor-' bun 1'iet, nt which many guests from
row, or triumph, in harmony with the ! II ulduud and U'oodbiirn' were present,
mood of the moment. One gains new in-i Those here from Hubbard were Mr.
sight into the heart and mind of such 'nnd Mrs. I.. M. Sclioll, Mr. and Mrs.
men ns Hethoven, Schubert, Mozart Henry Schnll, Mr. ami Mrs. . ('.
und Haydn. And in our own day und i I'ninter, Mi. (has, Kinzer, Mr. and
Federal Judge Anderson i
Has Ptomaine Poisoning
' i
lv, insille, hid., April I'd. - Fi denil
Judge A. II. Anderson is seiiou-ly ill
at a hotel heie today, lie is suffering
from ptomaine poisoning, A physician
and uuise nrc in cniistunt itttcndiince.
M'Hiv notcil cases have been tiird be
fore Judge Anderson at linllaiiapulis,
incliidinic the recent Teire llaiile dec
not. Mr. und Mrs
WnllVr, Mr. uud
. Mr. mid Mrs. II. Ilev
- Ilutli Calvert, bin
1 1 ion l iiiud I rial, uud Ihe ImiiI of
i . i i .. : , i : :
(H i ii ii ion men ciniriicii v.nu cim-j -t
coniiei'iiou Willi iiyuiiiiiiiiiiu 01 miiioiis
buildings nnd hiidgcs by (he MrNauiii'
in s.
Baldy Breezerb
ii no such thing:
; lm,.i . .
i 'on in our "'"""'I o that
"Uur w "1"'",,t'r tl,w Km"l"
I u-kt V? "br our
1 rur J r to Ki"
;(w'nnd wisC,g rM"Wt
U ti
)'; tt of Baldy Brecter.
3 Salem Laundry Co.
"m, Oregon
ndmimstered is bringing that rib I generation Debussy, Hichard Strauss, Mrs. I'en v ( nl
around all right. Better luck next time, j Saint Saens and others have written j Xcek, Mrs. A.
Wayne. some of their most enchanting music for '.Julius StauflVr
Milton K. Olawson was born in Davis I such combination of wind instruments. 1 ins, and Mi-sc
coiimy, jowii, .ti tire n tnio; emigruteii weorge iinrrere, wnu neans tne organ- ( hri; tcn ami Art Stahl. Mrs Fimoiic
with Ins purents to Polk county, Ore- i ization, is the greatest flute player that i Moshberger n- here from Woodbiiru.
"".', , ;;'-" "e inline ins nome ; me worn ins Known, ami tne otner nr-1 A nun r of the members of the I
iiiuii inoo hiii-h nu uioveu in ia ton, i usis wn u mm tire as great on tneir re- Aur,n irbc .'i i bi i; c..,i i,. i',.,,.i j.
Washington. He resided there until j spective instruments. J,nrn , H....i , llUl,n, ,,,,, .liHt ri.-t I
1MM when he moved to his late home in i hxtrnc.t from letter of James ft. Say. i .., i i tin! ti tlx
Hubbard, Oregon where he died April I er (who is an authority on this kind of j , were: Mrs. K. (I. Cnrpentcr, it
2, Hi 15 nge i() years, 1 month and 11) music) of Lincoln, .Nebrnska, to James yyIM .;, j, Snvder, Mrs tjeo (liav !
days. He leaves to mourn his loss his1 J. .Savre, of Portland, Oregon, who hud I rH j i, i,i,., M rK. Henrv' llicii ! I'-'litnr Cnpitnl Jouriuil: I, ns one
wife, Mrs. S, C. Cluwson, two sons, ; written his futher for information re-1 Kl rii! J'li'il Tm-K.-r. Mrs. Jon n Jesse Mrs'i.v,"r remlers, would elnim
Allies l(. anil Uiancs .M . i Iawson ot ; Burning tne Iinrrere I'.nsemble. 4 j.-j j,.,, IS cnriB i,,,,,.,.,,....,, small space in your Miloable pn
cellule, usiiiiiKioii, 111111 1 w o nnugiiiei s j 1 nope you will ue noie to get totyjrH (' ,
ihu 1 ttrfi A, 1 luidiin ,T I, ii I , , I Ml nni ir i nil ii,irrirn i.iiuiimii,, I, ,u '
Mrs. I.ir..ie Daulton of uster, Washing-) event which comes very seldom in a
ton, und two sisters, Mrs. Melissa lifetime to hour the works of musters
Stroud of Dnyton, Washington, nnd in the art played by a comjmnv of
CHILDREN'S PUMPS, sizes 5 to 8, at $1.50 PAIR
A lot of odds and cuds CHILDREN'S PUMPS . $1.00 PAIR
240-246 Commercial Street
without cost of u s iul election, und
when Ihero is no inayor to elect, the
wili'-s. will have plenty of time to rule
-idcr Ihe n, alter apnit from aa i
lilical excitement. The greatest icasoii
! tor actiim now is that
fit us easy, The fact must mil lie hut
sight of that according to slalislics ic
cinllv piildishcil by ton census bureau
Ihe cost of city government Is highe.it
in nl i r'oi ii iti cities, Nebraska comes
hnrtcr frniiii d , '"'"'i l,lh Oiegoii is third. In total
jwheii busincHS is still somewhat do- cost ol state, county and city govein
iressed, icnls lire low mid .iopeiiy has "'"! by the sum" itulhorily, I iilit'iiiniii
no lii titioiis inllated Millies, we will be ' lnah' sl, Wn-diingtmi s I, and
. belt r abln to gel a consei v ii I ie uud I1" fouith. 'Hutu I for getting a
I ccoiioiiiicnl adjust I I linn ill boom 'cheaper foiui of city government Is ioi-
times. I lien when better tunes come pcnune nun n cannoi couio loo oon.
mil ue iv soil of municipal clolhes will K. lloFI'lii,
Mi. A.
, F. X. Frnst
! Mrs. A. K.
J ed the 1,. O.
; Portland hiut
. I'hris immeniiiiii,
of Annua, and Mrs.
t 1 1'. mild.
Idler, of Donald, ntt I-
T. M. state convention at
week ns the delegate t'roiii
all of whom were at his bedside nt the one is tnxed to the full capacity. After
time of his death except Mrs. Daulton . their appearance here every mtisicjun I
and Mrs. Stnnton. spoke to said he had never heard any !
Several auto loads of Hubbard thing like it. The perfect intonation. I
Knights and their ladies attended nn the benuty of the woiks rendered, and j
anniversary banquet or the l'ythinn tne pernction ol tne rendering will
Sisters at Aurora Wednesday night, , never be forgotten by anyone who has
They returned to Hubbard nbout 1 a. u musical memory,
m. nnd proceeded to the home of Mr. "I unco heard a company of five of
and Mrs. Frnnk Fry. who in company Fngland 's best wind players give a
with Mr. and Mrs. I). Hovenden had similar kind of program, but here you
returned Tuesday evening from their have nine, and every work played just
wedding trip in Washington where both ns written no 'arrangements' of nny-
couples were married nnd were being; thing by anybody, (let there if you
entertained nt the Fry home thnt even-1 have to sell a bushel of potatoes to do
I the Donald bulge, others attending
it. You may never have another opportunity."
ing. The auto jm rty proceeded to line
up in front of tho horns nnd rendered
several selections on their auto horns.
The concert took so well they had to
respond to several encores. After a
lima l,n pnliimaJ ttnnnv niltiln fill-
peared on the porch and received tho UNLUCKY LOSERS AND'
congratulations or tneir irienos. r.n-,
On May 4 nt the Armory the Burrero
Knsemble of Wind Instruments will be
heard under direction of Minnetta Makers.
I'tterlv different from music, that one
ordinarily hears in concert is thtt
v,.u.l . iK 4th nf Mnv bv The Rar-1
rere hnsebrle. ine utrrere r.mrainc -p rrTfiQ p 4 ppn
of Wind Instruments comprises ninejUr 11UO 1 ll ilv
meet to their mutual
flood bye soro lect, burning foot, twob
In f t, wcty feet, smelling foot, tired
Good bye corns, callouses, bunions and
raw spots. No
mors shoe tight
rest, no mors limp
ing with pain or
drawing up your
face in agony,
"1'IZ" U magical,
acts righi on.
"TIZ" draws otil
all tin poisonous
exudation which
tun up the feet,
t'se 'Ti!" and for-
(rrt your fool
misery. Ah! how eomforUlde tour fei-l
feel. Get a 25 cent but of "TIZ" now at
any druggist or department store. Don't
luffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet
that never swell, never hurt, never get
tird. A year's foot comfort guaranteed
or mosey refunded.
small spue
which to voice the seiitillielit of tnvsell'
nnd iii.iny other ciliens ol roleio,
tegiii'ls lo tne sinnii iniien oy inc r-nieiup
miliiuiy band IouiihIh the I', K. i. F.
sire d cur boys' band, nn orgfi inat noi J
that Salem should be .justly piood. I 1
read uud nitiele in the Sunday Moiuingl
Hta'eouHii stilling that a couiuiittcc
from the Siileui Music uiiiici had called
on the superintendent of the I'., I.'. Aj
K. Slrect Car coininny and deninndcd.
that Ihe sheet cur boys' bund ibbiiudl
or that toe stiect rnr s'-.tcin would be j
boycotted by Ihe said uiuste union, j
There inii-t be il lot of Jen lousy on the
part of the union. If I mo init mis- j
taken, the good people of Slllcni voted,
to set aside S HI ) 'r the siipioi t. of I
the Siileui military blind doling the
summer montlis, but, if they are usticd
to foiiiish music at uny public gather
ing ot booster's meeting tlicy demand,
big pay In- their services. Why 'hieildl
not the street car bovs' band have t.ie
same ehnucef It is a new organintion !
and nie progrcs-in j fine uud should!
have the suppoil of every 'Ublic Hpirit
ed .'itir.en. Tlu'y will not only appre
ciate it but will do mii'-h towiud lull Ii -ing
a live and cut hicinst ic city, ttive
the boys nil Ihe riicouriigiineiit and
siij'poit possible.
Commission Government.
Kditor .fou i mi I : This is a very fu,
vcruble time to consider formation of
a new city charter. Aldermen Macy
and .Mills deserve credit for having the
coinage to bring the matter up again.
If X new charter is framed now and
submitted to Ibe v 'iters iu Iiecrmber
r V"-'A
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