Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1915, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 9

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riVlUt, 1 WvJ L-t-INia. 8TANU8, F1VH CBNfi.
jport Ivews
Los Angele
W. L. Pet.
.15 10 .11(10
H .550
U .52
13 .45S
11 .450
13 .400
Financial Success of Under
taking Lies Wiih the Boys
Vln'n Captain linker was interviewed
tolav rcgiiiiliug uis borne talent lino
im hV stiil. '1 tlmt lie wanted to correct
tlint the mmineemont
I was not nut to win bull gnmes this
I season just lis niucn as any manager
before; that while it wns Manager
Turner's intention to have a strictly
home talent team if possible to do so
and put a winning team in tho field, if
it was found impossible to do this out
side material would be secured, and
that he was going to give every player
who will come out to practice every op
portunity possible to make good. Ho
snys there are plenty, of good fielders
but a very few who can hit at all reg
ularly, due to the fact that it is almost
impossible for young players to get bat
ting practice.
Wants Two Teams.
Bnker expects to see enough men turn
out for practice to make up two teams
and intends to have a second team so ns
to givo all a chance to develop. The
second team will practice every .Sun
day morning besides tho week day prac
tice nights except when regular games
are scheduled for the second team.
Tho following are some of tho play-
Pay 25c for
Cigarettes If
You Want to.
But remember
paying 25 cents
does not always
mean the best
Judge fori
Does it entirely satisfy
Has it life?
Has it richness?
Has it fascination?
Does it "wear well"?
Thousands ofMURAD
smokers who won't
even look at another
cigarette were won to
MURADS not by
price but because
THE Turkish Cigarette
Mah'l of Ibt Hlglitat Grade
Turkl'h and Egyptian
FIFTEEN Ogarttlu In the World
'V ""1
Salt Lake n
San rrancisco 12
Oakland ". 11
Venice ii
Portland i)
I Yesterday's Results.
At roitland Portland IS, Suit Lake
J 3.
! At San Frnncisc Onklnnd 2, l.os An
geles 0.
; At l.os Angeles Wan Francisco 1-1,
Venice 5-2.
ers Cnprttin Baker would like to see
, turn out: Humphries, Jones, Kecne,
Holmnn, Mucksou, Barry, Hell, Lowe.
Procter, Miller, Tusto," (fill, Taylor,
Page, Hoinhiirt, Irvine, F.herhnrt,
Toothnker, Day, Zozel, McKinnev.
Voatch, Brill, Williams, Kellis, Hill,
Hugedoin, I'raser, Timms, Croecli, Un-ruli.
WIU Divide Receipts.
I To any of the players who are look
' ing to the salary cud' of the deal Baker
wishes to announce tlint Manager Turn
j or has assured him that he intends to
1 divide nil tho receipts over and above
the actual expense of niunlng the tenm
umong tho players this season, ' that
I while he has been to a great deal of ex
i pense and trouble in launching the team
j ho does not expect any interest on his
I investment this season. The success fin-
ancially will depend in n large way on
the boys themselves. By keeping the
money ull at home I thiiik each of the
players can do ns well in Salem ns any
other town. Now lets all get busy nnd
show some of that old "pep."
"The Snlcm baselmll team," snid
Baker this morning "will soon open the
season in earnest us the work of grad
ing and enlarging the old grounds lit
the east end of State street will soon
be completed nnd workmen will soon
start building the new grandstand and
bleachers and putting up a first class
fence around the park.
"When the fans turn out for the
first giiinc of tho seuson about the
first if May they will be greatly sur
prised to see what a change 1ms come
over tho old eyesore. Instead of a
ball diamond on the sido of a hill, be
set with weeds nnd mud-holes, with a
dilopitated grandstand nnd patched up
fence, they will sec a perfectly clean
field, level, and enlarged; a new grand
stuud and bleachers with plenty of
room on the Bide lines for uutomobiles.
"Why shouldn 't there be n great deal
if interest manifested in the greatest
of nil sports when the season is to be
opened under such conditions! Yon
hear tho young ball players talking
seriously at all the sport centers about
going out for the tenm because Man
ager Turner has snid that so far as pos
sible the Hnlem team shall he made up
of home talent, That's a great boost
for the game and a splendid opportun
ity for the boys to niukc good. Many of
the big leaguers of toilny, who are draw
ing down princely snluries, started out
as the Salem boys can today.
"You also hour that good old fan
saying: ' ' Don 't believe it can be done.
Meyers and Alberts, Jernian and Dtiker
nil fell down." Fans do you realize
why they fell dnwnf Too much salary.
It is the samo trouble the country over.
Homo talent with a nioro reasonable
salary is the secret of success and while
Malinger Turner does not anticipate n
champion tenm this season or to be able
to pay very much snlury he has leased
the park for ten years and expects to
treat the fans and players to a grcnt
surprise in the nenr future. Now fans
nnd players don't be n pessimist. Let's
all get together and boost."
Automobile News
X i
r--V iw
Xt . i
l 4 r
1, ' ' '
'. .r' i ....... .:. ........ . 1 . tTT: , v
Th sbavs illustration ihowi the 1915 Maxwell avcrlooklng enpoiition grounds
and tha biy. t
The Mixwtll. Motor Co. have ipicial exhibition at the exposition and have
made arrangements at the Maxwell exhibit (or the handling ol all mall for Maxwell
dealers and owners who arc visiting the exposition.
Special reat rooms, guidea and an Information bureau have also been provided
lor their convenience. If desired, reservation for hotel rooms will be made on request.
;i We Are
for the Brown Scientific Tubei
J Non-Deflating Pneumatic-ran air t
ii filled Inner M,J '.'with unusual I
T featuies. It never lenkn. Tin!
I higher the nir iiessure the tight- t
T er the puncture closes. Gives .10
T per cent mine cnr in casings and
X will not blow out. See these tubes I
befure you buy others, Have
" storage room fur 5 more cars in n
clean fireproof garage. Will
1 1 rnuko rent rensonnble.
ii Rutherford&Shields
Delay at Pits Now Almost Fatal to Any
of the Speed Demons. Maxwell Feats
(Chicago Herald.)
Secretary McAdoo believes that government-owned
ships would have a
great "potential influenco on the rate
situation ncmss the water." Which
does he nieiin death rute or freight
r est ;
We make a special
bicycle for store
livery work,
ii strongly
has large,
thick tires,
wide rims,
spokes and
big hubs.
will stand any amount of rough work
on city pavements.
It will prove a big money saver and
will enable you to please customers
with prompt deliveries, bend fur
72-page Catalog C of bicycles and
Pricei f 50 and f4(l, with pecuj
models a little higher.
Excelsior and Dayton
General Repairing
Morse & Ramsden
221 S. High Phone 1687
Los Angeles, r.-il., April 23. Attack
ed by a gigantic negro who posed as
a special policeman, Miss Antouin Luna,
IS, ( scape. I after a desperate Btruggle,
she told the police today. A score of
officers lire Marching f(- the mini.
j (Nebraska State .lournnl.)
I How would you like to be n prize
fighter and w (70,000 for hopping
nroiiml the ring an hour and a hull'
md having the nosebleed f
I About the only stishietory substi
,'tutc lor wisilnjii is silence.
INip the Blow;j Scott & Scott
out in the Bud
Xciilected mts am the forerunner of
HbivionlM nir! f-riij) heaps " Little
Drops" tlmt help to swell the ocean of
til'c tumble, Lit us look over your
tires, clenii out nn I fill up the cuts, and
muke them ns ""d as new, .lust like
pultirg iiniipci in the blink lit compound
interest. ne the fabric ami add
We curry n full line of reliners mid
iicecssnries. All lires changed free.
We sell fii.i.dyeiir, Firestntie, l.'nited
states, and tl'.n.ltich tires.
Try our s.-rv ice.
W M. Hjghcs M.U.Ross
Salem Vulcanizing
471 Ferry Street
Oil Proof
Vacuum Cuptires
Try them on your cnr. They are guaranteed not to AsUl
Our Complete Line of
Will nave you time and trouble.
I , B
The motor racing season ot l!H.r has
already developed a distinct novelty
the non stop speed performance of 300
miles or more.
At Corona and at Venice, Harney
Olilfield in n .Maxwell car run the en
tire distance .'till nnd .105 miles re
spectively without pausing for a sec
ond in his mad career. The Corona
course Olilfield covered at the terrific
average of nearly ttll miles nn hour,
The Venice race was over a slower
course but the lion slop feature enabled
Olilfield to win from Hilly Carlson, also
in Ii Maxwell, but who spent n few sec
onds at his pit.
Carlson also established n noa stop,
running the .'UMl miles of the Point Lo
nia Koad race near Han Diego without
hesitating at any stage, losing first
place by a matter of seconds only.
These performances have been start
ling to lacing man and designers alike.
They have tacitly served notice that
the time is not far distant when nn
driver can hope fur victory unless his
car is able to go through the whole dis
tance of its race without a tire change,
11 replenishment of supplies or Ii Mop
for liny mechanical trouble whatever.
Such n feat would hove been impos
sible to the sp I (lemons of n year
ago. Kvetl now it is nlmnst revolution
ary. That speed cars should be built to
any other reipiisits than mere s I
would have been esteemed lieresay in
former years. It must soon become n
creed. Fur the light, efficient, well Iml
linccd, noa stop Maxwells ask no odds
of any of their rivals in pure speed,
adding to their ability to roll fast, a
faculty to keep rolling which is almost
fatal to opponents' hopes.
With the heavy lacing cars of earlier
years, i nuiny of gasoline anil oil was
a minor consideration, 'luc to the t'net
tlint frequent stops were necessary on
account of tiro trouble. A pauso at the
pits for tire changing was thus made
thn occasion for tunk replenishment,
without additional loss of time.
Vrescnt day ruciuir cars lire so much
lighter that tire wear is less rapid. So
thoroughly has the problem of bulunce
nnd lightness been worked out in the
Maxwell that in more than N.OOO miles
of travel t high speeds in prnctico and
competition on the const, circuit during
the winter, but one tiro change was
necessary nt the race track.
Ionomy in supplies which had been
incorporated into the Maxwell design
by Chief Kaginecr Hay lliirroun, then
bceuine n tremendous asset. A .'10 gallon
gasoline tank would, it was discovered,
carry maple fuel for .100 miles of racing.
The care, in tact, demonstrated an abil
ity to uverage from 12 to 10 miles to
the gallon, even at a sustained speed
of nearly !I0 miles uii hour. Lubricat
ing oil was used in similarly parsimoni
ciir loses a mile by a full slop of mere.
Miry. And non stop runs began to bo
Kaeing men roughly estimated that a
eur loses a milo by a full stop of menu-
(Louisville Courier-Journal.)
Lord Kitchener wivs the nllioM nr. n.
little short of ninmuuition, The kaiser
observes with a broud grin thut ho will
try to tin mi 'em some from tune to time,
i,. , . '
(Ibiltimore American.)
Kiss n modern girl and get painter '
colic, warns Billy Hundiiy, Still, most
of us will take a chiiiiue,
At Ths Hague,
H". r Hum schlegel (winding up
the argument)"! think you ls a stu
pid fool!"
I Monsieur " And I sink you u polite
gentleman; but possible, Is'it, we both
mistaken." Life.
ly a momentary duration. Ku. h miii
i ule spent at the pits loses the car over
, a mile more. Tho rncij cars of tho pres
ent are virtually of equal speed. Fin
I the first time, efficiency and economy
are playing a big part in determining
I the tunnel'.
We handle "The Flyer" ricl
fiom Mi.n to ;i7.i r,n.
Also have smiii good bargains in
Used wheels. Hike repairing and
new tires pot on at moderate
thing ill bike repair.
252 State Street
This is the Most Important Advertisement 1
Ever Caused to be PublishedRead Every Word
and Then Marvel.
On a personal vinil lo Mr. Henry Ford I broached the
subject of n possible August 1st Rebate.
l l'lio Ford Company annoiineeil Inst year as you well remember
that if their total sales reached ;ioo.oni ears between August 1,
Mil l, and August. 1, JOIrt, each purchaser during the period would
receive buck u refund of 10.00 to 'o.oilj
"Mr. Ford," I siiKKcsted, "Is there anythinp; I can
Huy to our people with regard to the Ford Motor Com
pany's .'00,000 car rebate plan?"
"We shall sell the .'00,000," was the quiet reply
"and in 11 months, a full month ahead of August 1st!"
"Then a refund is practically a.-sured?"
"Yes barriiiK the totally unexpected. We ure o0,
000 to 75,000 cars behind orders today. Factory and
branches are sendinir out 1K00 daily."
I then said to Mr. Ford: "If I could make a definite
refund .statement wo would increase our local nates
Mil) cars."
Yon mnu una," -wan Mr, F'ii's ihlihurutu and
iiifinuit ni to thix"Y"it muij r,u) tlmt we tthull jwn
biuk to inch iitirclmni'i- nf a Font nir bdwv.t'u Aiujn.it
1, l'JM, uikI AuiiiHt 1, 1915, Imn liitj tint tniforneeH, ths.
xiim of You mki hihj that I uuthtnr.cd lion to,
make tltix xtutumunt!"
What can I add to the above? $15,000,000 cash
corninu back to Ford owners! And to prospective Ford
owiktk up to August 1, 1915, it actually means Ford
Touring Cars for $190 less the $50 rebate! Ford Run
abouts for $110 loss the $50 rebate! What is there
left for me to say?
260 N. High
Salem, Oregon