i i m 8 At EM CAPIAT. JOUIA,. SAlEt OBOW SATURDAY. AFRIT 5l. 191-. SIX . 1 This Is the 1 Grilstovo Which will be sold at a l-.'J reduction Ilotpoint week, May Ii-8 only. Regular Price $5 Place your orders now. We do all kinds of electric wiring and fixture work. Can give you prices that can't be dupli cated. We do everything electrical. Welch Electric Co. ! Jury Is Completed For Trial of Strikers ! Trini.lri.l, Colo., April t With the ; jury completed, Assistant Attorney (lenernl Norton Montfonier)' today made his opening statement in the trial of John K. I.atvsoii, union leader of the .. . .1. . 1. 1 1 I ut.;l.ia miners Ml till: ro.'flll oiovuj ru.n of Colorado. T.itivson is charged with L ! I., ... ,1... I ,.t tl... Llin.it imr nf Illul.o I nn i"v nvmi .... v ...... ! n mine fjiinrd. Vigorously ilciicmm-iiiK the labor leader, Montgomery deelared that Lawsuit was in eoiniimnd of the mineral tent eolonv nt f.udlow when strikers killed the "guard. He made no nt tempt to show that I.awson ever carried a weapon, but indicnti'd that the argu ment of the state would he that the strike leader wah responsible for the acts of his followers. Clreatest interest has been manifested in the reply that Horace .V. Hawkins, attorney for the defense, will make in answer' to this charge. Hawkins, how ever, elected to postpone his opening i statement until the state's evidence is i 'presented. 1 The testimony today was largely technical, physicians "testifying as to the nature of the dead guards wounds. ! Lives of Two Girls Hang In Balance Action To Recover Property jll Is Commenced In Court Here Today Poind is tin' charge lirought agninsi It. T. Koiihunl, formerly presiding elder of the Methodist conference mid wi'll l.uoiv u In lliis city, l.v ' II. A. and W. I'. Reynolds, two Salem te.-idenls adl op .in the mi's, who allege thai . Itotv liui.l induced Ihnii In pan uiili for worthier wild eat mining, stork. The ciie came up tor trial in the circuit limit for Marion county lliis afternoon. II will probably mil iinu-' all ilav M lay bcloi,. being submit' le. In tin' jury. The niiiipliiiiiaiils allci- Ihut I.'ovt billd l.'prc.-eiilcl be ha, .Inil.llml h:nes ill' stuck in I lit l(i' hilt no I li"l, Mining coitii:iii' of Josephine county anil vtorlli !t cciiU per shnic, thai lie do laieil Ike pioperlv was bilge niel pios,trou--. tied thai he guai a nt eel to ichiII Ike slock for 3 cents per shut e. Tliov .nt that in his ' of pre .i.lin ; elder he visited their hem,, and lobl lllelil lie llolllil " let ll i ill on a '-'oml il 1 ' ' lllld so ilidlleed I hem t ,i inl cl Hie ii I in e Mini. This wis ill IPI.I. Till", l M t lliev as-e,l uli.'ii' Ike aim I, lias and sac Ibntlan i told them il was on the books. They also allege that Hon land, in order to make his fraud more secure, created W. C. Itet nobis n director and gave him one share of slock worth 1 1 cents and thai that was all they ever received for the property transferred. The complaint alleges Hint the com pnuv Is wholly worthless ami that it has no properly of value. I the light in the court will he a I one as there is a goodly array of attorneys aligned on both sides. Mc- liitinff's Mclnlurff and .lames (IJ llellzcl represent the plaintiff and liril'l'ilh, l.eiter, Allen ami T. !S. lioli-i inson, all of I'ortland. Itaymoml How-' land, son nf I!, I". Kowlaud, of Astoria, nml Hoy Shields, of this eily, repre- I sent the dclomlaiil. Saa I)iego, (al., April 24. The; lives of Selnin I'otwin, and Mary Pur-j sell, IS year old I.os Angeles girls, who; attempted suicide yesterday at the; city jail here, were bunging in the balance today, according to county hospital physicians. When l'oliec Elation Mary K. Cope of I.os Angeles arrived here for the girls yesterday, she warned local police they might at-: tempt suicide. The assistant police matron of the local force was ordered; to search them, but it is thought the noison tablets which Ihev later used It is expect-1 ia, i.eoii secreted about their clothing. It is reported the girls were desert ed in Tiajuaiia by two men. They, were liuuiil on this side of the hue by tWii Sail Hiego detectives. Salem Feels Electric Thrill of New Life (Continued from page one.) GBREGGN'S FAILURE TO PRESS VICTORY; Washington, Aj ril 'J I. Failure on the pari of tieneriil A I vitro (tbregon ng ercsively to follow un lite crushing 'ictVnN administered I,, Ihe forces of I'eiieial I ' i ii ne'iM-o Villa litis given the bandit coininiiiider lime lo reorganize his army ami today, with Itu.iHlU men he is ad i a uc i n g upon the si roiigliolils of . libiegitii, according o confidential ad t ii es received here. (Ibregon is un , ib rstood to bate not mere than 1(liiii men and to ,be in li:u:irUnis position. ll;s lines of coiiimiiui.af inn with I'Vio'inl rarr.'tit'a ate hampered by the i.'i'ding Xapalislas, supplies of I'ood and auimimil ion ate obltiined nitli dit't'icultv. Uli!egoti tardiness will, il is believed. rote fatal In his plans. Villa blames bis del'c'il al IVIavas lo hut, of aiiiniiiuii ion. The noil big Ii: la it her 11 said .1. I. I'legilll l ,'. I.. Dick, eiercial club the lime iva ta if one Stockton, tail Merchant.. . e. president , was ripe left to i president lo il," of Hie Associat ion. of the com- of Ike opinion Hint for the organization CLEAN-UiV BMNTW A'SICN.OrTHETtrtn ami The B tie pinbublt will be fought be 'en Agnus I ilienlc. and Irapuato. promises lo settle definitely the "lion of whether Villa or ' 'arraii a II 'b'lninale iiefileiti Mexicn. EX HENTATOR VOKAKEIVS SON. Neil Voik. I'ornkcr. Jr., I: Inil.'d Suite, .li.'.l at Ins Ibaih eailt te.l I i uin pel il.oiil 'e. n , pi .".id I ; m t mil l II. i iner April -I. .b.sei' . son of tile i' sciiator t'rein I'liio, collage at Manhattan it. lie w;i4 .ii Meriiig llnd anaemia. Fol'aker eiii o' i lie i i i i . -1 ntiitt i of Ihe new associal inn. Mayor Taylor of Corvallis gave encouragement and said the wotk would be for the im provement and lieiterment of Ihe city, (leorge Kodgcrs, ex chairman of the board of got ernot s ami "the man who started paving in Salem," declared lie did n"t vt ii n t half a doen organi.a- t'lins mixing In. spiiilmtl snap, though it he did believe in u inult iplicit v of:!' chuichet, mid (hough! the same way', regarding bis b'.is'-ne.s affairs, lie said iulem has tine people, good-look-j i Hi; ini'ti. iind fair women, so (here Wi'Sj no reason why I kings could mil be done here, lie -aid the I'nrllaml peo ple would see ihe good fruit of their i isii and extended a sincere and warm tote I, filianks to both vis'ntrs. Max Huron believed Hie lime has cone lor coitsolidal ion and relief from the multiplicity of various interests all striving owar, the same goal. Aiigu-t 1 1 1 1. ki si, -in declared Ibal meetings of Leo. ler o i'.' a u i ;.a I ions were so numer ens tiler, was md enough dais in the week to in oiiiimniato Ihe meel nigs, I He -aid some iniisi yield their hohhii to clonic Hie new bodv. I III. dill. I ' he civ I''.. I lo of Ihe I'liunec paid hi I er w 1 1 1 1 Capital ,1 vv ilh s respects was formerlv dournal and atetn 's 'lev clop to Hie v isitor. coiiijeiuv . MRS. 1IA.SKWS' IT TENDS R ALLY. for long i The ba-e uiiide in color, un F.veiv di. . pr I'ntti . l. li V.ilten'a Sun riool. li.illlv perfe, I. and pl'llp.'l t lOlM, I'll,' itr, bright and gl,.sv. the siime. For sale bt Fletcher & Byre .'III! Noilli ( 'eininerci'il dan V':; ' i . har...,. V I'.Hle l'li. I hot ,, cdn. at hnf dltcr in I, t thai iends of 0, tailed Int. band. I4a.. :.iil F' " II ask in., il ;ed " of i"in leritig her I to kor delcllse. Ha. kill., let v giiinn. vvas .Ijiin In be lb.' let' I. willi a shotgun -.lav while .iliing un hi. e hel.liii his lite ve:n old in hi., aims. The nicu.e.1 cps her hp. sealed, si;. ting she will not tell her slnif until the proper time com, A pi-.tol toter tnav sooner or later make his mailt in the ttorld and hit il. until , ami in r.. vv . i iinnipMin, iviio was s. Iicdub'd In speak but who it as not I'te-eni. He declared Salem bad an excellent opport unity lo benime the Klgin of Ihe West, the "Hutletopolis" ot i begun, and us l amed lor if. dan v piedu.l.. ns Flgin, Illinois, is. Ho wanted Hie Capital City to 'have a ihiitubcr of -in ne with a member ship of limn; he aKi wanle.l Ihe Sale. a people to have al least L!iln incniber -kips In tile I'nrtland ot gani'al ion a. h" belicvd it wa. ii g thing l be . ouiie.'ted w ith a gmgeiy, In e lui.lt . Amo'ig tho.e who gate short talks eiidiiising Ih,. inoveinenl for c.uisolida Hen were Hal ration, Cidcui Slid.'.. ' Mii.1 I'. H, IVckebacli. . I,. Meyers Mils cilPcd Upon bill declined lo speak. Vt'ter i'.n illler.'-ling hiimotou. Swede ' .1"! v w a. tend bi M r. I.ar.ea the meet ine ad :, un tied. 50c Sunday Dinner at Hotel Marion Co. MENU Chii'ltiMi litnubu CtiHili' CoiWlMlltlH' C'l'lt'stillt' r.;nl:slu'M ttivi'u Dttions Kipo (Mivos Fill.'t of Soli- An Vin lUiuw llill:tiiil:iist Putittin's ;oc ifc'-a-'aU.vM tWE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK AND METHODS. SOME REASONS WHY vnn . BUY YOUK IIOUSEEURNISHINGS AT THIS STORE-EVERYTHING IS MARKED IN PLAIN ftp ?ULl) PRICE TO ALL. IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO PAY CASH, WE HAVE AN EASY PAYmV' U ' WILL SURELY MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. WE INVITE YOUR CREDIT-USE IT - iA SI1,1' ONE THAT YOU IF YOU CONTEMPLATE FURNISHING A HOME INSPECT OUR STOCK AND PRICEStt iv, Y 0F SULT TO OUR MUTUAL BENEFIT.' 1 VVILL Kt Unusual Offering In curtains scrim, marquisette, nottingham and fillet lace. $2.00 Values, Special $1.25 $2.50 Values, Special $1.80 $3.00 Values, Special $2.25 $3.50 Values, Special $2.45 $4.00 Values, Special $2.95 $5.00 Values, Special $3.40 $8.50 Values, Special $6.50 $1.00 puts the "White Beauty," the NewHoosie Saves Money Saves Nerves Saves Hours of Tim,' ' Saves Health Saves Mile, f s J sJWCJJIJ Dispense with the old style built in unsanitary, laneous collection of cupboard and drawers wT . r u...voij nuuniti. w e will finH a I to put it. Your whole kitchen at fingers' ends S labor saving conveniences increases your comfort i! are entirely new. You can put 400 articles in the " Hoosier. Here are a few of its special features' Th Housekeeper's Food Guide, the Cook Book Holier I 50 pound Metal Flour Bin, the Wonderful Shall Flour Sifter, the Mn.tnl Hi 'rnl in7 n. tal Glass Spice Jars, the Sanitary Aluminum Talk L which slides.out 16 inches bevonH tho tu v.... . ' " """: uase, SO Von can sit down to work. This table win ..... 11CVCI nn rl'lrtl nn vinm nlhnH il i!. A " jut-tc iC i.ii.j- uuiw nueresung ieatures about the examine one. Built entirely of oak, will last a lifetime. $og 'White Beauty Hoosier. Call and RANGE BUYERS, ATTENTION ! We're a Wwith i fid Slrvl Range to Show You. One Yiw Will Want When Yon See It. THE OPAL When we can oI lYr you a steel range that we tell you we can guarantee for 20 years we are offering you a range in which we have absolute faith. We know exactly how it is built what material goes into its construc tion just what it will do, and our selling price is no more than yon would ordinarily pay for the common kind, The "Opal'' 20 year guarantee gives you perfect range innprance. Yuu never need worry about your inve.slnu'nl, for if at any time the "Opal" does not per form it.-, duty perfectly to your entire satisfaction, just tell us about it. Wc will gladly install a new one or re fund (ho purchase price. The "Opal" is made in every size Miiia'ole for home use and is without question the hij'hr: t grade range produced today. Your Old Range Taken in Part Pay ment on the Purchase of a New One rv. . v at . .. .iv!.'m !' " 1.. V '.'T.'n,.- l. u Terms Only $1.00 Weekly FIBRE RUGS Suitable for every room ij Ife , house in conventional at prices that should iiirdriir i terest you. 9x9 Reg. $9jOO, Special WTo 'U 7 1-2x10 1-2 Reg. $U,50, Sneeial ,15 9x12 Reg. $12.50, Special $10.75 10 1-2x12 Reg. $16.50, Spe cial W -:- LAST CALL FOR HOUSECLEANING : $1.00 per Week Places the liter "ii Cleaner in your home, it eliminates all the drudgery ai ig.ii; of sweeping and dusting. With the Premier there rubbing or wearing on the surface of the carpet. Note oil bristle brush which revolves automatically no lint, or l breads left on the floor after using the Premier mmv dust and lint than cleaners of much higher cost. It Is all suction tests. Its bronze bearings are practically of ng duration. The Premier is sold under a guarantee and tiv five to call on us if your maciiine needs looking after, service man will overhaul it free of charge. Let Us Send One On Trial Suut; and I i in, Hi,' -bail' gels slan. lifvli you ; Our HOWARD HOWARD Cboit' Choice !! Rockefeller, Jr., Not Innocent Bystander j (('initimu.,! from ril(li Olio.) j "'''. tr.Klv fiivoroil tin- inin,. I I'l'.'iiitoi s in,, ,,Wl th iniiii'm. The .'ullinir on, of Mi,, in il t in r,.inilu,l in "I'Vi'ttil wt,., l.nitioH l.otwivn tri0t ..... siiimti. n, ttiili'h nii'ii, witiiuMi mill .llll'lll'll ,!,. kllU'll, Wlitli' ii'iin'v inn lii'fme Hut iiiilus. t'ltil ,'i'liit uml ,'oiiiiniKniiin ttliii'h in- vi".lii;;ll,.. tl. ,t.il(,. .Itihll 1). Ulll'ko- fflliT, .T r.. .Iivhi,,,,) tmt hi' im itfiior- Hill 01' I'OII. I'll ion, in l'nlillll.l.t nn.l ll.nt In- Kti-vv iiiiiluim f tho "tviir''. The 'l'tl'.OI.,Ml,-,. olllllillSlI liv Wiilnh iMiiniii,',',! hit,,, i, .loi'lnro,!, tlmt l(,l,',v,.f,.U,M, ,r of iniiivi'iit hvti,,.r" nu to ni.enk. '.T..nnlly ,li,,, ,U, fi ) 10 BOC KOe I Lcttdn Rhnt Rtim I "t'li ui,l lP!,,.r, wlU.h i ,(lp, M U I f I J VV (I 1111 Cbiclton Kricassi'o, Kgg Pumplings Kmist Chicken Stuffed, with C.iblot Craw ! Uoast l!eef An Jus j Koiist Pork and Apple Sauce Mashed or l'.rowned Potatoes lUittetvd Peet-i Waldorf Saind Apple or Pumpkin Pie Pineapple Snow Pudding I Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream Coffee. Tea. Milk Served in Dining Koom at Hotel Marion from U:"0 to '.2:00 p. m. Phone in Reservation for the Familv Main 2010 to. - 'rfl h I.. M. Jlotvi'in, i hniriimn of tho Colo ni'lo Kui'l & Iron ( 'tiiiiiiny oxoi'iilivo I'l'iinniM,.,., .shmvoil plninlv ' that every Mi'ii token lv Koekefeller nent in 1'i'lniii.lii vvitK tnken with hi full Kiiiiwli'.lni' nn.l nnni'iit. " Kven before Hie Ktril.,.," Wii, Wnlnh to.lnv, "the do I'Rrtinent of Inluir nt Wiishi'nuton Rent Kthelliert Siotvnrt t .Netv Vork to nee l.o.ki'U'ller nml try nml nveit the Htrike, Starr Murphf, iimtnii'te.l liv Iv'o.kefolU.r. tol.l siewnrt Hint the Kiiekefellem i'.t,il, not interfere, tlmt they knew nothing of the Culorndo "iliinlion nn.l that the tnntter rested ontirely in tho hnn.ls f the executive olficeiK on the m'ono. "That witne ,By Murphv wrote nn n.'i'itnitt of thin oonveri-ntion to L. M. Hiitters, elmiriiinn of the l olornilo Fuel & Iron I'oini.anv oxei'iitive eommittee, in Pouter. n0vrer re.lio,l praiin Murphy ilim retion in not jrivinir the government any informntion. ' May B Qulned, Sion of tho industrial rclntinnn I'Omtnmion will Initton My 4, ,) t i, prol,i,ie tlmt Koeketeller, ,lr., Bnd others tinmed bv Wnlsk nill l,n inll,..l to the willlOKI" stand to I'P quizzed. Ilotvern, it is Hllejed, told John ! lioekefeller, Jr., that the tnM bro,iht to the front the njieu hoj' ;' sue whii'li he wrote " diinbtlesH will bo .. . . . - !.. 11111, one or tne (rreatest issues m He ndded: "I believe there i no man, rit"'r republii'iiii or denmernt, who wmihl dare oome out in opiosition to Hie open shop, The ininers' iloinnmls fur have overreached the bounds of reason and dorenoy, and they have . at-, frni'ted attention everywhere Tin' strike was needed to awaken Hip "i," who have the Kood of the country heart to oppose and finally defeat M'p unions of every sort and prevent tin , from beroinin(i dictators to both cm plovers and employes, with 'l" eventually controlling the affairs o the state' and nation. '' , . . . I Tfs enouBh to disust when he discovers that the mM M has been posing for it no better than himself. I -" . ',iv m a. v:,n,-,v i.,d hem ;;(;,n.-;, , ...nut- o'n " " Mik mi .- ., ,.,, Mt, to menu"". . . i.. ..nil on u- .ti! r.'i'.i-, '-.., sno wo,Uit"rABM,y:, TA W BtatiJS-.'' do tut c thH I i IK t