Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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ANE can never fully appreciate
II the beauty of landscape, tho
hospitality and wholcsomonesB
of the people nor the subtle atmospher
ical charm of Oregon until they have
passed part of their life- elsewhere."
Thcso sentiments wero expressed by
Mrs. Willis C. Hawley, wife of G'ou
(rrcssmnn llawley, in a delightful inter
view a few days ago.
With their attractive daughter, Miss
Iras, the Hawley 'a have recently re
turned from Washington, I). C, where
they have passed eight seasons, during
the lima that Mr. Hawley has been
Oregon's official iu congress. They
"will icmain in Salem until late in Octo
ber, that is, providing there is no spe
cial session called. They aro a thor
oughly domestic family, Willing the
greatest pleasure in their simple home
life. They are domiciled in their own
residence, 88!) Oak street, in which tlicy
resided, 21 yonrs ago, removing from
thero to their State street residence,
later returning, making this place their
Oregon homo for tho past nino years.
The house has ideal surrounding, nu
merous natural trees, a .Scotch broom
Hedgerow bordering a portion of the
apacioug grounds with old-fashioned
gardens arranged informally.
"Wo are certainly glad to bo in air
own homo once more," said Mrs. Haw
Jey, "and we plan to enjoy it to the
fullest extent during our few mouths'
stay. Tho lack of the natural home at
mosphere is one of the unpleasant sides
of congressiomul life, nearly all the
elective officials ami their families be
ing either domiciled during their term
of office In hotels or apartments. Few
lave houses, tho expense of furnishings
and servants being too great. Tho feel
ing of temporary establishment is
characteristic of all elcctivo officials,
and they, of course, muko their plans
accordingly. Tho servant problem is
one of tho most important in Washing
ion life, anil although there nro 100,
000 negroes in the city, which com
prises one-third of tho entire popula
tion, it is almost impossible U secure
efficient help,"
Tho official social season of Wash
ington begins New Year's day with
JJew Year's receptions. The social
duties of a congressman's wife are
many and varied, (Shortly utter her ar
rival in Washington she must cull upon
the wives of ull officials who are hold
ing offico previous to her husband's
election. Providing her hostess is not
in, cauls are considered the sumo as a
rers-iuul visit, the culler being included
on tho Invitational lists of her hostess
thereafter. I a this way officials' wives
may tie hidden frequently to each oth
er' Mvittl affairs, withuut ever enjoy
ing a personal acnuuintnnco. ('mils
nhould bo left lit least once dining the
easnn at t no VMiito House, special
days in every week being set aside as
receiving days for the different depart
ments, Monday is judicial; Tuesday,
congressional; Wednesday, cabinet;
Thursday, senatorial; Friday, army and
navy; Suturduy being the' city 'enter
tainment day, the calling hours being
.from four to six. Any one may call
on these days, a certain class taking ud
autugo of these events to secure a
daily supply of cakes ami like articles
nerved as refreshments. Many of the
Washington boarding schools which ad
vertise social privileges in nlTiciul cir
cles, ulso secure these adviintnges In
the same way. I.ust year the readjust
ment of the calling code was discussed
by W'lineu of social prominence, but no
cliBiiges were nude.
The congressional club occupies an
important place in Washington society,
Mra. llawley being a rhnrler member
nun hush llawley an associate member.
v ' ( .
; m
Mrs. Carrie B. Adams, one of the best known of contemporary sa
cred song writers, whose home is in Terre Haute, Indiana, but who is
passing the summer in Albany to rest and writo. She plans to spend
somo of her time in Saloni, meoting local musical people.
ia'a girls' school in Washington three Albert, Mrs. lialph Watson, Mrs. M. L
yours, and is particularly interested in
music and lunguages, Sho speaks tier-
inun and French very well and linn a
knowledge of several otheis. iler
friends here who lenieiubcred her us
an Attractive small girl upon her lust
visit to Salem, ro delighted to have her
with them again. She has developed
into a most charming young woman,;
very pretty, refreshingly American
mill wonderfully well informed. Hhc
plans to puss part of iho summer with
friends in San Francisco.
Kenneth llawley, n sou, is a junior
ut Boston Tech, studying oloctricul en
gineering, lie is expected home ubout
tho middle of June, returning east in
September fur his final year.
'lliu llawleys nro loyal Orogoniuivs
anil speak a priiisefuf word for their
homo stnto whenever the opportunity
presents itself. Iho conception winch
Meyers, Mrs, J. ('. Griffith, Mrs. J.
('. Cuirie, Mrs. William Mcflilchrist,
Jr., nnd Mis. W. ( arlcton Smith.
Mrs. It. B, Houston ami Mrs. I;ilburn
M. Hoggs left this afternoon for Au
rora, where they will bo guests at a
largo week-end house party given by
tho II. L. Bents at their beautiful
home at that place. Guests will arrive
at the saino time from numerals valley
cities, bridge, dancing, ptenie and mo
tor parties to make up the entertain
ment program, husbands of tho guests
joining the group tonight for an over
Sunday stay. Tho Hents nro well
known here, having visited here fro
ueully as the Houston 's guests. They
nro cliuriniug people, whose hospitality
is quite widely knuwn. Mrs. Houston
and Mrs. Hoggs will go from Aurora
to Oregon City nnd Portland, being en
'iislern people havo of the west they ! t.oi tamed by friends in each ulace until
find is unite primitive, everything be-1 the latter imrt of next week.
yoncl llio Mississippi river being con
sidered dreadfully remote. Mrs. Iluw-
ley ri laled one amusing kittle incident
illustrating this. Talking to a well
known official 'h wife about the ex
ceptionally cold winter which Oregon
had witnessed several years ago, a
rcsld 'at of New York joined in the
conversation with the following . re-
murk i Yes, I have just heard from
my lister in Cincinnati, ami she says
that they are having dreadfully cold
weather out west this winter.
Mrs. G. 0. Brown and Mrs. G. G.
llinghnin entertained the Leisure Hour
Hook club Wednesday afternoon at the
homo of Mrs. Brown, on North Summer
street. The study of T. T. (leer's his
tory of Oregou lias occupied tho time
and attention of the club this season,
several chapters being discussed nt each
session. An interesting contest fol
lowed the study period Wednesday,
Mrs. U. J, Hendricks, who was an ad
ditional guest, receiving the favor. The
club, has a membership of 20.
Co'iverting her house into nil artistic
bower yesterday and today, Mis, V. 0.
Shipley arranged tables for miction
i bridge, (treat clusters of Scotch broom.
I with its brilliant cnliirinir. I'nnibiiie,! I
Social affairs of every description uiiilwl"1 K''acelul laburnum blossoms, inuk
Riven on an elnbointo scale here nndj'" decidedly attractive scene when
are participated in by the foreign dip ""' table were occupied mi both
louiats and their families, nn iv.dl m 'days by the prettily gowned players.
the American officials and their wives j "firing me lust nilernnun Mrs. Joseph Hollas, Monmouth nnd
ami h i lilt cn. ninnugumicr aim .mis. Asa holt assist-, ri, actively interested
J Mo former nro u luilurcsiiue irrnii. t ' "pencor ami .Mis. Mil-
many of them heilllj lilinnst entiri.lv mi . lit 111
.M ri.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Al Jones and chil
dren, of Joseph, arrived early this week,
nnd are domiciled iu their cottage on
the state fair grounds, Mr. Jones to
lake up at once his duties us secretary
of the Oregon state fair.
occurring while the principal's parents
i- ... w.....-..r lc nretcntious
vvcio iu Jtu a j f.ui..i-i;v, ' v ,
plans were made by the maternal and i
paternal grandmothers, Mrs. V. D. Oa-
brielson- and Mrs. Charles P. Bishop, i
Faultless weather made an out-of-doors
party possible. Small tables were ar-
xanged on the lawn of the Bishops,
North Liberty street residence, innKj
flowers, cakes and cadies perfecting thei
.l:.,ti.-t P nr.nln,m.ntS. JUVemlO
frolics and pastimes were participated
in by the miniature guests, who camo
in their smartest' frocks and klicker:
bockers. Those bidden were Mildred
and Holen Roberts, small daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts; Chand
ler Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford W. Brown; Charles Bier, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bier; Ches
ter Wallace Olcott, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hen W. lcott, and liobert uisnop, u.c
elder brother of Master Bishop.
Koecnt changes in state official cir
cles removes another prominent family
from Salem the Ralph Watsons who
have mado their residence in Salem the
past four years, during the time that
Mr. Watson has been corporation com
missioner. Both have mado many
friends both in social and official cir
cles, and will bo sincerely missed. They
will leave for Portland, their former
homj, April 30th, taking up their resi
dence in King's Hill apartments. Mrs.
Wnrsnn tin h heen ttin insnirntion for a
number of attractive affairs, planned
as farewell attentions. Saturday after
noon Mrs.. John Caughell entertained
for her, arranoine tables for sixteen.
Masses of Scotch broom perfected a
bower of yellow. Prizes were given to
Mrs. Alfred Lovclaeo and Mrs. E. 0.
Seieko. The invitational list included,
bosides Mrs. Watson: Mrs. U. 0. .Ship
Icy, Mrs. Edwin L. Bilker, Mrs. David
Eyre, Mrs. Armin Steiner, Mrs. George
O. Brown, Mrs. Alfred Lovelace, Mrs.
Curtis B. Cross, Mrs. F. W. Durbin, Mrs.
J. EvaiiB, Mrs. J. C. Curric, Mrs. O. E.
Seicke, Mrs. 0. C. Locke, Mrs. H. H.
Olinger, Mrs. W. II. Lytic, Mrs. Charles
Mrs. W. It. Lytle asked guests for
three tables of bridge Tuesday after
noon, Mrs. George 0. Brown and Mrs.
W, H. Daucy making high score.
An eight-cover dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. Watson was the contribution of
Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Durbin, W.ednes
dayo evening. Their guests were: Mr;
and Mrs. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Dancy and Mrs. Milton Meyers. Mrs.
Curtis CroBS assisted.
w w
Dr. and Mts. B. L. Stcevcs celebrated
their 22nd wedding anniversary with
a charmingly-appointed dinner, Tues
day evening, laying covers for 10. Ev
erything was carried out in white, ex
quisite lilies of the valley and Solo
mon's seal forming a fragrant center
piece, liunu-uono cauls ornamented
with similar blossoms, designating the
places. Circling the table were Mr.
and Mrs. R. R, Jones, Rev. and Mrs. R.
. Avison, Mr. and .Mrs, F. A. Leitl!
and Mr. and Mrs. II. II. I.efurgy, of
Suinmerside, Prince Edward island,
i.anaua. Tho latter havo been the
house guests of the Sleeves, retumina
fronr the Sin Frhrfciseo exposition.
They left for their home Wednesday,
planning to make stops at all the prin
cipal cities along tho Canadian route.
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Poisnl have an
nounced the engagement of MiSB Mar
garet M. Poisnl to Charles P. Ohliug,
of Albany, tho wedding trj take place
early in May. Mr. Ohling is associate
editor of the Albany Herald, the young
people to make their home "in that
Mrs. F. M. Jordan, of Seattle, was
entertned over the week-end ns the
fc.itst of Mrs. Henry W. Meyers. Her
stay being brief, no special entertain
ing was planned for her, a 10-cover
luncheon given by M,g. Charles A.
Cray nt the (liay-Helle, Saturday, being
un informal i'o-Miliiiientary affair to
bring together close friends of Mrs.
Ionian, who returned to her homo Monday.
There are Two Sides to the Corset Question
The Corset
Choose a corset that will
improve your figure as
much as will the famous
and you have chosen both
wisely and well, for Fro
laset Corsets are designed
on the correct Front Lace
principle and there is a spe
cial model for every type
of figure.
Models for the slender fig
ure, medium figure, stout
figure, stout short figure.
And Howlt
Is Fitted
To make sure of havillg'it
fi"ed correctly, Wme
lct our experienced
ieraid you in selecting the
right model for yourpar
ticular figure. Shewillfit
y in a manner that will
tog out the lines in yow
"Sure to best
Front laced corsets
highly recommended bj
Where Fashionable W0Iltn
are Corseted.
Ituruhnnll, Jr., avsisliiiL! todav
Joseph W. Ilevcridge, of Portland,
ml i iiBloms. Many of the members of i " , nistcr of Mrs. Shipley, was nn out
oi-iunii guesi, remaining lor I lie weekend.
faniilinr with the American language
Prominent fu'k of Silvcrton, Albany.
in the forth-
liming concert of the llarrere Knsem
Hit! legations have severed their en-
lent.! cordinlo since the beginning of
European troubles, warm personal
frienlnhips being replaced by scini-lms-1ilu
differences. No ul'lieial iumtes linn
l'ir the pleasure of her sister, Mrs.
II. II. Ciittnuuih, of Cnnvoii Cite, lire-
Miss Winit'icl Loudon nnd Miss Zu
lette Loudon, of Vancouver, Hritisli
Columbia, lire house guests nf the
(ieo-ge Ii'odgers. They will remain
lor a week or nunc. Miss Margaret
lioil '.'IS, who is uttcinliliir Minx Ciitlin's
hie, which comes to Snleiii-as the final "''booi in Portland, will spend the week
number ou the musical artists course, , ''";l wil" her parents, bringing with her
May fourth. Miss Magi rs, who is maii li,s Nancy Holt.
this course, states that music
tihIkm inviting members of more than ; gun, who has been visiting here this
one legation to her social functions i week, Mrs. L. P. llritl'ith is entertain-
allien mo neginiiing oi war in l-.urope, ung with curds this nl teriiuon, Tl I'-
tun.ii nciivity nivcM-nruy being con
itiiler ably lessened.
Many enduring friendships ine form
'il between people of the
in Washington, winch urn
lair also Illinois Mrs. Flunk II. Mere
lit Ii . who, with Mrs. t nlliinii. li Is leav
ing the lirst of ticl week for Portland
mus sets.wnei'e nicy will past a weeK, the latter lias I u the guest of her sister, Mrs.
destined, i returning to her homo, Mrs. Meredith . I,. P. lliil'i itli. .Im iin. ih -,..,!, .' i,.
inviinled the prize. Other
lovers iu these places are especially in
terested in this noval attraction, and
are planning un sending large delega
tions lieu, each place.
Mrs. W. II, Unnev nkcd several
additional guests to her home Thurs
day nfteinoiiu, when she entertained
her biidge club. Among them was Mrs.
Jesse Kmiiis Plunders, of Portland, who
however, niter a brief period, to be and her children to go to their new I'lande
rniitinued hundreds of miles apart. The I hoiiie iu North Yakiuia. Pecnrntiiei
ts were Mrs. W. II. Kldridge and
Jlnwleys have many warm friends for the occasion were eariied out on Miss CnlUtn r
whom they have met In this way; Miss'tirelv in yellow, the following nin'stsl
llawley numbering among her more in-, circling smnll tables in the flower-deck-1 Charles Kav pjihop (he benutiful
innate girl friends Mi-s (lenin ieve i ed rooms: Mrs, II. II. (dinger, Mrs. I'M 'littl Sllu of Mr mul'Mis Channeov
Clark, daughter of th,. speaker of the I win L, Paker, Mrs. Joseph Unuiiigart-j lli-hop, sent out invitation-' this week
hiMisn. Mrs. Hawlev and her daughter I ner. Mis. (leorge (I. brown. Mis, Ii, P. ! tu a gioup of his verv vmmg friends to
Mso found Iho daughters of the presi-1 lloise. Mrs. W. II. Ilancy, Mrs, I'. WVnssU, ,nM in eeleb.aiiug hi, second
4lent churining and gracious young woin- biirbin, Mrs, O. C, l.i. ke, Mrs. Charles birthday. Anniversaries of this nature
L. McNarv. Mrs. (ieorjo P. Iimlcers-i iiinilK. ,,:t.. .,i.,i ...i..
Alisn llawley nil
ended Miss Mader- Mrs. (leoige L, liose, Mrs. Joseph II. ineumiated' by tho family, but this one,
A Remarkably Unique Concert
To Be Given By
- . Rt Hit-1
Leadership of George liarrcre, Greatest Flute Soloist in tho World .
A moat interesting and varied program to be given by n. miniature orchestra of nine men play
t Inff the wood-wind instruments, under the direction of George Barrerc, the greatest flute solo
ist. Trices ?2, $1.50, ?1.00, 75c. Mail orders received now.
Canoe parties occupy a most eon
spicnns place n t,e yonng folks' cal
endar these days, groups being teen
gum,; rivervvnrd every evening mid
week , ml alteinimiis laden with bas
kets, cushions mid guy-colored robes.
V especial pines are used for an oli
.iccti'.e point, iiiiesquo spots up
1'caiing at sufii.-ieutly frequent inter
vals to furnish an appropriate stopping
plnei for a binfiie ajul picnic repast.
I nes, lay evening a merry contingent of
' ."'uuger set enjoyed a similar
i oe i in kiwi n o,
has charge of tho display being made
by the Pendleton wotilcn mills, of
which hor son, Clarence Bishop, is hcud.
The Chauncey Bishops, who went down
a few weeks ago, plan to return homo
about the first of tho month. Mr. and
Mrs. Bishop wero included on tho in
vitational list of the elaborate reception
given recently by Mrs. Thomas (L Hai
ley, official hostess for tho Orogon
Mrs. William ( onnell Dyer and small
son have been tho guests of the Jacob
Kainina iu Portland this week, going
down with her liosfu by motor, when
they concluded their week-end visit
here. Mr. Dyer went down Thursday
to remain briefly, Mrs. Dyer returning
with him.
Miss Madeline Miller, ft cousin of
Mrs. A. S. Kazmnrek, arrived yesterday
from her home in Hoopcston, Illinois,
and will puss the summer in bnlein as
Mts. Kazmarek 'b house guest.
.Mrs. Edgar L. Martin, after a visit
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. 0.
Oilman, left Wednesday morning for
Portland, where sho toc the steamer
Thursday for San Francisco to join
her husband. Mr. Martin has accepted
a position with the Han Francisco of
fice of the Aetna Insurnneo company,
and is one of three district managers,
Miss Tiomana Hell, of St. Paul,
Minn., who has been passing the whi
ter in Salem the guest r,f Miss Gene
vievo Avison, ut the 1!. N. Avison home,
returned to St, Paul this week.
Mrs. A. J. Biisey, of till I South Cap
itol street, assisted by Mrs. Myrtle
bechtel, entertained her needlccrnft
club Tuesday ufternoon, the following
meiiilers being present: Mrs. Isaac
Durbin, Mrs. Lcla Jerman, Mrs. Ed
ward Jerman, Mrs. Molly Denison, Mrs.
Until Denison, Mrs. Until Anderson,
Mrs. Myrtle Dec lit el, Mrs. M. Ii. Pome
roy. Additional guests were: Mrs. J.
11. Davis and Miss Abbie 0. Davis,
M . mid Mrs. llusoy were hosts iu the
evening, their guests being: Mr, and
Mrs. L. W. Stocklo, Miss Vem Stocltle,
Miss Mnttio llcatty, Miss Uuth Steph-,
em-ou, Miss lloyle Stephenson and Mar
line Olsiti. The Misses Stephenson and
Mrs. Stock'e afe recent arrivals from
Kre.-port, Illinois.
When one thinks of Mother's day,
which comes this year on Sunday, May
'J, the minds uf those who lire acquaint
ed with things musical instinctively
reverts to Mrs. Carrie II. Adams, the
distinguished and probably best known
couti'iiiporary composer of sacred nui
ic 'ind songs, whose picture aiuieaiB on time nnrlv nf thn Kownrtli l.enuue of
...iu s nge, aim wild.'!' nome IS 111 he i-xl Mi.lhn. st ,.ini-,.i. it. was I i
-e . it. ... . . . : - '
nui- name, iiiiiiana, nut who is to
spend the Mtiniuer iu Albany, coming I
west almit a month ago. Mrs. Adams
is planning on meeting the musical poo-
one month. For a number of years Mrs.
Adams occupied tho chair of music in
tho Indiana state normal at Terre
Haute. Sho !b associate editor and
regular contributor to the Choir Her
ald, published at Dayton, Ohio, and
alsct writes for "Tho Choir,'' publish
ed at Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Adams is
spending tho summer in Albany to
rest and to writo. Sho is preparing
several new anthem books, and is now
writing a clues song for tho 1015 grad
uating class of Albany college. "The
Talc of a Hat" has been given by
church choirs in all parts of the coun
try, nnd will bo given by the Metho
dist church next month in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stcelhammer
and sons, John, Jr., and Carl, aro visit
ing nt tho homo of J. F. Ooode. They
came up for. tho Flks' celebration.
Mrs. Charles A. Gray and Miss Ger
trude Jones, of Lake Lnbish, motored
to Portland enrly in tho week to re
main until sometimo next week. Mrs.
Gray will pass tho remainder f her
timo in Salem with the George William
Grays, previous to her departure to
San Francisco, where she goes about
tho fifteenth of May to take up her
duties ns hostess at the Oregon build
ing. Mrs. L. H. Lnoncy, of Jefferson, was
the ijuest of Salem friends this week,
Ronig to Portland, where sho is to re
main several days.
Marie ' at tho ton o'clock high ,
at St. Joseph's church la,t si u
work being well receive! "
A butterfly dance will be eiv i,
the Moose hall Mit Wshnil w
uig, concluding a nriei ifdjL,
have been given by the Arto-Fr,
during tho winter. Especiallr ml u
sic has been scturcj for the (,
tho urogram to be at folia WiitT
"Lurking Cupid"; twolep, "Hfc
J on Wore a Tulip; Mu, "ft
Shores of Jtaly"; two-itep, "Jij j,
the Life"; tlirec-stei, "doht ii tb
Net"; two-step, Paul Jiifi,"lii,
Long, Long Wny to Tilipmrj";nlti
"Lovo's Kneliantmcnt"; Billing
ryo dunce; two-step, "1 VulkA
Back to Michigan"; waltz, M, &
tution, ".Nights of GhiltM'imciD
' ' .Everybody Lavci Mv fif"; s
step, "Silver Bells"; nu';
two-step, "They Start it fed";
waltz, "Good .Nhjhl, tiU''.oa,
schottische, "Danciiif lfilhl
ey "; exlru, boi farion, "Vila Ibssl1
About 50 fomg (m)fc of tht first
Presbyterian jonw totsicjitioii ivct
a very dclijhtful to tan Friday ill-
ernooii us tho guctts of Jit. ami M'
Charles I'ark on tic waiuce-iara. m
following owncra of cm hnifW
transportation : Mcsm. Joseph Albert,
Dr. Griitith, Paul Wallace, Otto Wil
son, W. W. Enimoni, J. J.
P. Frizell and Mrs. Jackson.
"The nicest thing about a je'
said Annie Shannon Monroe, who
up the social side of the big lair fc
Metropolitan dailies, "Ulki8 P
n round the dying embers of t V
fire after the guests are all joi(,c
eially if you ran tell each oibcrt
nndover again "waw't it
And this is just what ha! bec "Ii
'B ' Orclf0! &
big first pany 7 "" M.
rrs. William E. Pinckney, of Port
land, .wife of a well-known local busi
ness man, a most attractivo picture of
whom appenred in tho society column
of Wednesday's Orogonian, is rapidly
taking her place among the leaders in
Oregon woman 's club work. Sho has
just been elected secretary of the Port
land Psychology elab, which is plan
ning nu elaborate May-day luncheon to
be Riven at-the lintel Multnomah, nr
ranged as a typical May-day fete, with
flower girls, woodland nymphs and
sinoitii' Mra Alir.n Wniwlitf in lltn ve.
tiring president and founder of the iirst big function, social!?, "
club, which number iiinong its mem-1 cation of the fat"i Drt , .
bers foremost society women and edit-1 have an cnvinuie liimr , ,
.. s ...... ri ...i ..nni ( arric ivt
caiors. -Airs. Alva l.eo Mepnens is ineinats oi soeuu t" - ,,
i.. l ..... tu.. ..I.. I i, ... i i.i mi in have purpoKi.1
uv.n i(v-t.-u-i:ii.Mi iresiiicui. nim. i niciv- i.iouii uinu - i)r,mfl e'fl
ney, who is an eastern college woman, ated her pni.jn'i"
has had wido cxperienco in club work
in Chicago, and will Inko an important
pliiej on the stato federation conven
tion's program. Mr. and Mrs. Pinck
ney liiake their homo nt LloO Fast liar-
risiei street, Portland, Mr. Pinckiicy
honoring Mrs. O.M. li
u-i.i .7,i,. Minn Ayi Milan "'P
Sarah L. Lewis, the ll lw W!
. ,i,.-n,.iie science at w
ateii m i ju. .K1nci
igher one nn " '""'' r
-so beiiatifidly Jul ,A,
roiniii oi ;
ii .n, ' inin anil an
Imi'wing. She i iwrfwll."
,,l'e. She iJ ,h'' b"C
. . . . . . ' . ' .... , . ! 1 ,-.,( III! fll H I-
livnling Ins time between I 'oi'Uanu : gram Mie nu ' .. it
l l . . i . . 1... Bn luTlC 'Ilt r.'..-
ami iraiein.
At the Wednesday evening's spring-
with Oregon, .'"'.' 'V. h(,,,rc
and its pco
,1,0 iiri gou m v c!.
n ' .i.
"A I'1'''
" ' .1 nniet IW '
eided to" celebrate the anniversary of; Hay,' her ,,,,, ,.'n'l'
the formation of the orgnnizntinii with Love Von Truly, ' ,,-i
l, i.. .u i,... ..t ii,., l.",,st ! vr Vim." aim sc""" e , .
Methodist church next ruontli. Tl'1'
I Friday in May is tho regular
no- miHietinc 0, , ilh- ,ur ennnc kh . ... ' ' ......I", i i iiiii r m it, v.iv ..p,..---
"tt Kpnnldiiig, Mi Va,lv l ick lD ,l,,"'"'il'1,,inK '" i "'' ing date, and It is p.obalde that
Murjorie Kav. l,ss ( ndvs Va te l.,r, '".'"v-""1' M -'"tin's "Kli-!the banquet will tuko place on that
Miss !eri,i,e Cia',.- Mis. Irene Ctrl is' ' .' , y, "' r,v,'"".v organized' date. Tho members of the Kpworth
Miss Cert, ode l'a M,na ("a, e ;'"V'l'l '"."' '''"' the direction of I l.eaguo will also pnrticipulo in the
Sleu lel f, Or i is l'r-
Bnitholoiiiew. Cem-
viinnili and l-raiiklin Durbin
Allan Carson, l.vle' ,, :,. , """"''" nas nn.Monier a day program ot ino n
. l-roium I . ilu . . ui'in-ll III) WIM'K, lUOSt Ot II
hur. h. Soinliiv. Mnv lit li - hnviiiL' com-
etloits reaching tb,. public thicvigh theidet,i charge of tho evening service,
Namlar.l I'liblisbing company of ('in-j Appropi ialo songs and readings will be
uiiaii, I'tuo. iler win k comprises given,
tor the greater p:ut sacred songs, j
union' her most recent I,,,;,,,. ui r.. i t ... t,.... i.... h
Mis. (. P. Bishop, who has been
hum - lor a brief stay from the Panama
ill' I i' nttuui i ' - i
shortly for S l'muci.co, where she ZZwxl "".'! Unv ,of ! !'"!,,,l' !' attending several
ii'" work, w nil h will be used uni- be different chautcrs of the Daughters
of the American Revolution.
" C. llfH
.. . .u... ..mlivi eJ ...
; r, r;.. .i'. Ma:
,.,. ,i, ilnwii.. A i" '' "jjpe
nartv was it. inforil '
.Irs. 0. M. (',ark
irt wi'ini: .
v,. th eslves l' ; ,,- r
ri,e,Hislsha,lpl' ,;,,.
,,,,... people-" I fll, .,,,.
,iy.-' ... f.t, :;;r,h,:
ecu ,o feel respo"'bl'. "',;, the T..
,,, ,,,en,ng " ; ,f in ,l'
f the uffmr ' ;'M, fr
,,. A lovely An e,.
Jrroiivy lAiua, eut, 'on"tor of WUUm
otto university, who will preside wi
wui-eii war uiA iw,i.. .ma.i.u 1 1
,-,, . j-unj wiudbo uii i huh w ritten over 'nut nll. .
Williunette canimu. Mia I-t t.lr ki... , .. . n,r. " . n ,,l,'nsi sornis
cldfiitly popular in college circles, fe!
"ers.illy (,n that oeensioi, ,,.li nr I,.,
work to feature local church programs
n that day. Among Mrs. Adams' bel
ter known w:, ks ore "The Uedeemer
and Ivg, ..lhll ..T, Angelic Choir,"
' hnstii;as cunttita,; 'Faster Praise"
and "The Uesurreetion Hope," Easter
cantatas; "Anthems of Praise and
Irav T,'' "Cominunion Anthems.' late
anthem looks; "National Flower," an
upere.tu, and "The Tuie of a Hat,"
';r cciiinh and school entertainments.
Nota.de among her works are James
Whit, on. , liiley'. ,en et to original
"uring the past in years she
low student adding Ul4 f0iowliui ax
puliation under her picturo in tho 15
Wallulah": "Ha. j,iack eyts ud
wants what she wants. That accounts
for Uar Insofar as anytHlng can. Likes
midnight 'spreads' 10d oth formal
aff tfrs."
uom onuses u ure s " A. V.. r n ,.
N n.l..y siliool .,,, ,r ,B,(,,V u,
'l Nnidny .ehool bc.il;s; Klei elub
books; young men', choruses and book
of sacred music nnd three volumes ot
o..gs, eiitaled " Songs New and Obi."
he latter, which wero published l,v
he .-ore,, fubliKbinci ,on
Da.vtui, exhausted the first edition in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Dick return
ed Thursday from n delightful week's
motor trip through Linn, Benton, Mar
ion and Polk counties.
Miss Mary Scliultz, violiniste, and
Miss Mario Pollnger, vocalist, will as
sist Mrs. Walter A. Denton when rhe
prcs'iits two nf her advanced P'"110
pupi's, Miss Mildred Brunk and M"
Venita MeKinney in private recital nt
her Uudio next. Wednesday evening.
Miss Jny Turner is to present her
violin niiiiiU in rnblie recital some
time in June. The chapel of Willsinctlej
university will probably be tne smi"-r.,-
ih, .,,. hi, !, nil) be one of the
innst enjoyable musicnl offerings of
tho annual spring and summer recital i
season. i
,i was . r:". L- n.-ff
Oregon grape from ' j ,j .'
hl,. which irnvl 'W ,Ul. rf
tho teeeption
gon greens,
mom '
The (f"l"
.i fr the cm l10"''.,, ai
whrt .,1
r:1'? Mr.ti.'M'''
i r. iii-i-ft"i - i hr -
.i utr I. It
" foam- t
. . w4
W . u i J t r-
Johu Spencer sang liuiewig's "Ave