Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1915, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 10

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6 -HVd 7l
Art !'
J 1. V
V til
Till' Dulles I Vlilu ( :ui.'il will iiimKc
jit.vilii nil unliT h:tMiirl:iltuti I'lmn
llic iijipt'r ( 'nlnihli:i Itiisin tn Asnri:t
1(V I'lMlt.t (if lilt' lllllllllii:) l'il'l' HtlM'll
! I l,tH
A iikiimi- way iiiniiiiil llii' niituiiil
li ii rii'r.t in llii' river lielvvi'i'ii llii'
lin. mm nf i vlilu aiiil Tlii1 Palli'x, Oiedii.,
il linen nvviiv willi Hie ni'ii'ssilv of
1niia'liiiiitt,iit liv mil fii'iii line miii! .
I,, Hie mIIiit. ,
O.mnl Eight am) One Ilrtlf Milnn Loim.
The I Mi Mi". I Vlilu ( iiiiiiI is mi the
"le'iiu s'nle uf Hie ('nliiiiiliiu inul pur
ulleU Hie river lur eihl nml ime Imlf
ii. : leu. It liil.es Hie I'liuv uf I lie ol'l
I'liilMye liiilwnv'.
W ork uf eotwt i iirlion wit liee,mi in
I'HtN ii ii 1 1 lilt ittieee.le. etiiitiniimiNlv
Ii the prenenl willi the eeeitiuii of
inleri ll'l inns in I ! M J ini.l 1 ! 1 I line tn
fuiluie uf euiie.reHH u nml.e the neeew
K:ii'v m'i'uii i:il ieiis. The tul:il rust uf
eunt i iii' linn will he iiiiiuiiii!ilelv
Jil.N.'iii.nilll, illi lliilini; l Ili.lMlil eien.le,l
ffir Hie iiiiH uv eiiienl uf Thiee Mile
ll,iii.N, uenr The H:illes.
The ihIiimI coiisI i in I inn of the en mil
Ii ii m lieen ilone liv the I'nite.l Sliiten
tin r rn in ii I witli liireil liiliui', snve for.
il loim fuul st retell lit Hie iiier end
euiuiletei Ii v euiilnirl. The worlv Ii.ik
lieen ,une iimler I lik siiperv isiuu of the
I'liileil Mutes iirinv enuineer in ehiiii;!',
uf Hie first Hurl liinil, Olei'oii, ilistrirt,
with other uffieers in iielinil eliiuije uf
Hie liehl wuih.
I.ient. Col. .Inv .1. Morrow him lieen
the Miperv isiiijr enuineer ofl'ieer inl
elini'Ue, vvith Cnit:iin II. II. Kuliert on
the uromiil ill Hie ilinnl from I'.Hu to
Mn.v, III I::, inul ':itn in T. II. Hillon
from Ihnt lime In the present. The
eiiil:iin Ii si m reienllv lieen 1 1 nnsfei re.l
to the P.'inmuu Cmnil. ill rliinne of the
lochs, effective May 1st.
i The ll.-illlls Celilu Cniilil is of the
loch tvuo mill ilrillcil out of snliil rnrl
for hull' its leimlh. Il is lincil willi
i'iiiii fete where cut lliruu):li sniul mnl
The irinci'iil of the five lochs is ul
lli r'llilv, nliove The Pnlles, where the
three (jutes serve to form Iniulem lorUs,
mi' two lochs Ihnt jiive a lift of 70 feet
in the !HI font rise Ihnl the ennui over
comes. Other lochs lire at Celilo Fulls,
Ten Mile linpiils nn, l-'ive Mile liniiils.
One pair is iiso.1 pi iiicipnlly to rcj(iilule
the stnye of wilier in the ennui.
The niiiiiiiiiini depth of the new
wiiteiwiiv is eiuht feet mill ns the lochs'
lire l.'i feet in vviiltll Hint illlll in'
leiielli. with seven feet over the lochs
sill, the dimensions, -luxiKiHx" elrciini--M
iilie Hie size of Hie vokscIb that ni.'iy
uu Ihriiuuh the canal.
In Hie ciinsl riii't inn work ilrilline; inul
lilaslini;, sluicing; mnl iinilei'ininiiij;,
chechiiiM' sniul sliiles liv plnciiie; es
lavnli'il ruck on tup of the sniiillianhs,
: inul oilier enineeriii'; steps, were
j necessary.
I'.'mht slemn shovels, 'J'J loconioliv es,
:.'iiii cms, five concrete mixing iiiii
1 chines ami oil miles of conslruction
Iraih were nse.l. The lainest iinmlier
j of men employed lit tiny time was
j It will reipiiie u for,'e of 2.1 men tn
! operate the canal, when openeil, to
! operate the lochs, which lire inn liv
Hear machinery, an,) vare fur the nine
flteel sw'hil' liriil'cs that (jo over
tnule artery at as ninny places. j
Kiht pasin' liasina iinvo been pro
vided to alluw hunts (jolii in opposite
directions to pass one -mother, ami it
in expected Hint the ennui will always
lie open to iiavialiun except possibly
limine; maximum hie.li water,
Here arc a few I ijiiircs that (jivo
coinpreheiisiv c idea uf the construction
work pcrt'ei'itied: Suli.l rock excava
tion for lucks, li'iil,!),"!" cnliic yards;
siiliaiiienns excavation, illlllll euliic
yards; suli.l nek eveavatinn fur canal
trunk, slo.l.'iii cnldr yards; conniion
dry excavation, .'.ii,s71 culiie yards;
sand excavation. .i;iii,(!7 euliic yards;
concrete and rnliMe inasonry, !Ki,7 1 1
enl'ie viirds. I feel overh'aiil, .";t I .-
ii'i cubic yards; rcial'urceil concrele,
"ii;,."i:hi cnliic vards,
1 1 was necessary In bore 270!) feet of
shafis, tunnels and filling ports. The,
locks and other metal work weiyli
nearly ll.liuo.i'iiil pmmds.
The must impui taut (VatureB of the
for Hie upeniiij; of tlio locks
Big Eildy, Oregon, Wednesday, May B.j
t'oruial openiiij; of The Dalles-Celilo '
I'nnal at ' p. in., under direction of
I niled States (loverniaent Knuineers, 1
representatives (,f I'nited Stales Gov-'
erninent, state officiiilH of Northwest-
em States and other iii'niini.iiliuiis.
Speeches by l''edeial officials, never
nors of States ami prominent visitors;
historical address by T. '. Klliott, of j
Walla Walla, Wash, Oreat assembly!
of river cral't in canal biisin, .Music
by cuinbined bands of the expedition.
Visitors will have opportunity to in
spect tlie canal. Trains of the Oregon i
State l'ortauo llnilway will carry pns
1 senners free all day between The I )nl-1
les and t cdilo. : J
, The Dalles, Oregon, Wednesday, May B. :
In the forenoon, assembly of Lower
Columbia and Willaiaette rivers fleet;
at The Hallos waterfront; reception ofi
special trains, iiiitoinubiles ami other
conveyances beariay; visitors from nil
! I'oinls; iinlo (rips to fruit districts;!
historical and industrial parade; 12!
oi. luncheon; 1 p, m departure of
boats, trains and conveyances to llini
Kddy to participate, in formal canal
openiiij; exercises; followiaj; the pro
Kiam at Bin Kddy the up-river fleet
and till visitors will assemble nt The
Halles, wjiere they will bo greeted u.v
blow-inn of whistles by all locomotives
in railway yards, steamboats on water
front, The Dalles industries, etc.;
I n in ilc of iniirchiiiK clubs, visitors ami
citizens. In tlio evening, public, recep
tion to prominent visitors by The Dul
les Celebration Committee. Illumina
tion of the city and waterfront. Fire
works. I'ln route from The Dalles the fleet
will salute the iirave of Victor Trovitt
on jMoinnlooso Island.
Transfer of Willamette Locks.
11:00 a. in. to 1 ::10 p. in., formal open
ing of the Willamette Locks, just trans
ferred to tlie I'nited States (loverninent
for free operation. Kxcrcises in chiniJi!
of Oregon City Coniineroinl Club, as
sisted bv commercial bodies nnd citi
zens of the Willamette valley. As
sembly of river eruft in tlio locks.
Speaking by public, officials and prom
inent citizens. At 1;.10 p. m.t tlio "
Weekly Report of i
Union Stock Yards
, i
Noilh Porllnnd, April 2'1. The re
culpls fur the week have been, cattle
1(11 :t. calves :12, hues IS07, sheep 2:U7.
Cattle Willi a fair run of cattle
Monday Hie bulk of sales duplicated
list week prices. Heavy slnl'f Is not
in demand, while light stuff sold read
ilv at good figure. Choice steers me
quoted lit ir7.."u to T.7", cows ii.2."i to
bulls I.IH to 'i.7", nml stags
l.lll) lo tl.10.
Hogs A light run of hogs in the
Hvvine division forced he niarUet up 11
lo 20 cents over lust week 's ipiotatiuiis.
One tuii.l Hold for if7.''i Mondnv while
bull, of sales went at i.im lo .7.M'.
Tiiiee light hogs are bringing nt
close of week, Demand good,
Sheep Not ninny sheep came to
inaikel this week an. I quality offered
did ini qualify for top prices. Shear
ling lambs are quoted nl .7.7.1 to
ewes .,". .1i lo .1.7.1 nod veailiues
(1.7.1 to if 7.00, I'ull wools lire I,00
higher than prices quoted on above
Tlie following sales are represent!!-live;
27 steer
11 steers
1(i:t steers
10(1 steers
28 lows
2 cows
,1 rows
0 cows
.1 bulls
1 stag
1 heifer
Jt lings
mi iioLs
4GI linns
1M1 hog.
Ill lambs
II lambs
.12 yearlings
III ewes
M :!
7. :to
i; :ii
i . i '
(Capital Journal Special Service. 1
I'l'iiitlaud, !!.. April 211. -The liter
n ry soeiely will hold its last ineeling
fur I lie season l-'riday evening. A faie
well proiiiani will be presented. The
question fur debate is "liesnlve.l t lot
fin' is inure Jest ruct iv e than wilier."
If Noah and family were tu be present
they wuiil.l prnbnbly vule in fnver of
water. The Ameriian Indian would
probably lav or both sides; his known
liking for "fire water' would incline
him Hint wnv.
Sunday Mr. It. .1, Wullery nml wife
funnel Iv Mrs. Jennie lledrick. bnth 'if
Salem, visited the family of Mr. and
Mrs. II, I'. Ittosslor at this place.
Mis, Woolery is a sister of Mr. llress.
ler. She was recently married tn Mr,
Woolery vvhu at one time was on the
pulice force uf Salem. He new has a
position at Hie state piisnu. We con
giatultite this young couple and inav
they live n linndied veins and loci,
the t-i'adlo (if unburn geneialiuns.
A few days ago A. Ii, Suiidhorg came
near losing n fine work inure, She fell
in a dit' h and was sn injured ns to
cause a premature birlh. The mare
w ill roi iiv er,
family have returned
Aii... to which place
Isll for a temporary
Bad Check Artist Is
Landed In San Francisco
Sun I'laiiciscn, April 21. 1,. Standish
has been arrested in Minneapolis and
will be returned to Sim Jose for trial
on a charge of passing i bogus trav
elers check, according to advices re
ceived by Hie Sua Kraucisco police to
day. Standish is said to have cashed
checks for thousands of dollars through
the east mid middle west. The specific
chnige on which he will be tried is said
tn be fur u comparatively small iniioiint,
The cheeks were redeemable, aeenrd
ing to notice printed on the back, at all
the large banks of the I'nited States,
including the First National of San
Francisco, and at the offices of the
principal tour agencies,
It is alleged that Standish realized
through his scheme $2,100 in l.os
Angeles. ;l,000 in 1'oitliuiil, Oregon,
$1,000 in Seattle and large sums in east
ern cities. I he police say his checks
were called "The I'aiinniii -Pacific Trav
elers' checks."
The llellaiuv
fruln I'hoeliiv,
thev went last
The Menace, a four page paper pub
lished in Missouri, circulate here.
1,'uite a number of copies are taken nl
this place. It is devoted to opposing
political sectarianism. It is n live
wire with good writers. It has n cir
culation of more than a million ami a
half of paid subscription, The first
week in April the office received 102,
."72. This i going some, mid in Mis
souri nl that.
M. M. Hansom has purchased a bran
new Ford 20 horse car. The familv
motored to Sihortim nuj back Siindiy
Last Sunday was qiisiteily meeting
Sau Fiaiu'iseo. April 22.-While spec
tators watched him curiously, unaware
of what he intended In do, A. (iaggett,
aged J,1, a member uf the Western Fed
eration of Miners, blew out Ins bruins
in a Micaul let here today.
for I'luilland church. Some twentv
persons parieoiv or me sacrament. Hev.
II. l, llornscliiich delivered nu exed
lent discourse on the occasion. The
subject was the "Christian'. Addition
Table," "Add to your faith virtue,"
etc. Sec Peter's 2d Kpistle, first chap
ter. The t hristiiin must be adding to
In character a well a a hnving faith
and na experience.
All men are born ignorant and some
never get over it.
t v. 7 ' ''', ' ' , '' ' ', , ' '
v '
-x'rt tors, April m. Charles M.
- etivvnl. ,s tn.. pr. si.ieni of the Jiethle
"'' Meel company. T'.ie stock of this
""iMiiy lumped s ,, ,,are in one
'lay. rca.l;,u i,-, ,luirk ()f m: A
V'l'r ago il,,, W1H Mim. m
ot in many hs h,;;, Hie New York
!,!,vk V,l,',.' '-a m,'1i a K'nwitional
r.e- I n.le: i'. tm,nn ,,,,., pf Mr
N'hvv;,!, ,1. I..,,,,.,,, ,,11B W ,,-,
"I- .mm n ,,r jvostment to
a lug imui, y maker.
(By John B. Polk.)
Power, inure power, is the one thing
sought fur by everybody, everywhere.
The object of this article is to show that
the majority of people, when t rusted
with power of any importance, generiil
l.v use it along destructive lines, If
" Know ledge is power'' then poverty
is the curse of the race us it is the re
sult of ignorance. Love is the key to
the kingdom of heaven, mid knowledge
is the key tu better cuiiditiuas, if used
constructively. Knowledge if culti
vated with purity f purpose, ripens in
to wisdom. Wisdom mid hive nperating
together brings true success. Which is
power over all kinds of adverse condi
tions, The one great mistake ninde by
most people, is in supposing thut weult'h
menu success. Weullli certainly is pow
er, but it is easy lo see that weullli can
be used for bud purposes bunging
wreck nml ruin, A mini in tin auto has
power over distance, but if he uses that
power wrongly he wrecks his machine
nml causes loss of life. The great high
way of lit',, is strewn with wrecks, the
; result of the wrong use of power, and
this is sin, 'I lii.M. conditions nre appar
ent to the most stupid i,,erver. If the
powers of (he human mind were only
used constructively ns they should be,
"ud wealth, genius, ami other powers
were used as they were ialeaded, to be
used in the beginning, the world would
I eel the benefit in a verv short time.
Lower without p,ity is' a dangerous
thing. Power cui,l,..l :
remove iiioun ains." b ik I.
power is in harmony with divine law
that vibrates with the creative forces
ot the universe, and having nil abiding
'I'1"1"?' 1 "mcs iininorlal. As soon ns
a man a.quiies little power, whether
that , power be physical, mental, or
finmicml, I,,. i,tI,ditoy turns that
power in the (lir.vti,,,, f the destruc
tive for. e of nature and in some wnv
oppress.., his fellow ,min, r ,1,k(,
grat, y hi Mfish appetites and
"'"'"fen for display and lxrv i ,,.
form, which only tends to retard his on
ward march toward better things. Some
time, lie will wnlto up to tlio fuct that
lie has used his talents to no purpose,
nnd he is left stranded with a lot of
carnal junk, the accumulation of years
of mis-spent effort in the wrong direc
tion. Tlio keys of wisdom (not
knowledge) nnd spiritmil power is giv
en only to the pure in heart.
Only a few, just n few of our church
people seem to understand the meaning
of spiritual power, und one who docs
understand it is regarded with sus
picion, How can wc make the world
belter when more than three-fourths of
(he wealth and knowledge of the world
is used lor destructive purposes. If the
enormous sums of money and energy
used in such Industcrles ns the ninnu
factiitiiig nnd use of all kinds of tn
bucco, intoxicants, file nrms, explosives
used destructively, wero turicd into t he
right chunnels (if hiiniiin effort. The
world would soon be lifted to n plane
fur above snvage warfare, which is only
the legitimate harvest of wrong sowing.
Life, lusting life Is the one thing sought
for bv every creature. How can a man
I'xpee't lifevvlieu he is continunlly sowing-
the seeds of dentil, wasting all ' "'
power entrusted to his keeping in the
wrong direction. Can u person b
true Christian and not live a clean life'
The money spent for tobacco alone in
our cities, if spent, for charity, vowM
relieve the suffering and distress of nil
the poor people in till the great cities,
nnd till be lifted to a much higher plane
of life. "It is moro blessed lo gi"
t li it ii to receive."
. n MH . rma f TTTTTJ AflfV
DISMAKft. UK. Ail lo oui i "--
('niienhiigen, April 2;t-l'niversnl s'
fnige will honcel'oTth prevail in 1"'" j
mark. . !
All wiTiien. regardless of their (,
lion, nre entitled to the ballot as " ;
suit of action takeu toduy by parua
"H ill. ... v .
A new constitution, abolishing
.privilege, was adopted.
linnet tc river fleet iU lw
( it v fur Portland to mW to l'H'
(oliimbin, )nlc-'flilo mill f
Portland liaibor. At MO p. ..
1 tiiiunlinn of program in .'onnetlim Wl
The Dalh's-IVIilo ecli'hrtiB. emptu
ing thi) opening of Oregon l tnt f
' rivers -to free navigation.
Portland, Oregon, TtaraUy, Itri
1 2-;i() p. in., arrival of fieri nl
land harbor; salute liv vM
ha i bin' nad imluKtrieii of Port"
hlowing of whistle. Tinning '
! I firing of raiuunii Ki'fphoi M
Porlliinil watcr-lroni; e"1""0'"--
street parade '
! hodies, fraternal and P"1''8.
. lious. 'marching clubs.
and baiiils .artiei't'"'lf- V
alio,, illi.minali.Hi oft I '!
ttHl,.,,rt. Evening
ior of visitors from l''
spiccs Porllaml Ita
mere, assisted by
civic rgniatl..ns. lfa i p,iiil
i,,,,,,, visitors. Tlu . 11
: will be reunited 10
i.u 1 1", iii'tcrii'iini i"
U:..rr of AlW(!ll
Tucson. Ariz., M
high teilny at
Mexican n.UVwnc.inwW j,
,,,elt of the "'"'"V.'ib.Vft
,,,. I4r1,tbers.allcK"l rMk,
revoai tbe hiding
u said to Imve k' Tr,rilr
sniil.o li"vobc.;n ' i si,
I""'1' l,"n"i.
Jtill missing. ;MlX;i'A"
declare ti.nt he d,M ,
which hecscai .!. ,
Thf body of . n ,,,
,s'k The "reiier " u
( lltte men ot "
fiaaace the ib' ; , i0 j,.il
, ncctionvuJU---
The rJ
,rti,nt fin.i r,,,BJ', ".iflni." Z
, old wn Ti,e,f, 1 X
inskct tT;;t7 .-j;
linricd f"r,"'" tele".'4"!
tn the blent"? ,.,5 ,
wallow l t
,-Thrr conK-l'!?"
t'....., 'cXI0ltin' l"
"wh!i" .i i, ' ,h v