Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 20, 1915, Image 4

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    i i Editorial Page of "The Capita! Journal" tiig
1j.j.j,j.j,j,j,j,o,j,j.j,j,! HnBa! . I
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rione Main 81. -
The supreme court holds out no hope for Leo M.
Frank, convicted of murder at Atlanta, ueorgia, one ui
iha mwi w'uhAv flispusKi'd criminal cases in years. The
lli UIWW .TV-J - - , -.. ! 1
1 defense is that nublic prejudice was responsible
for the verdict, which was not supported by the evidence,
resting mainly on the testimony of a negro, who was
himself implicated in the crime. Seldom before has the
evidence of a negro counted for much against that of a
white man, but in this case, it is alleged, an epidemic of
h'wn fins offenses had made people hungry for a convic
tion and the police were anxious to do something which
would appease the popular clamor. Many persons who
have followed the case closely gravely doubt if Frank's
guilt has been established, and even the supreme court
n? the United SVitcs was divided. Justices Hughes and
- "You might as well try to sink a battleship with a shot
gun, to batter down the rock of Gibraltar with peas and
a blow-pipe, or dam Niagara with hairpins and tooth
picks as try to have morality without Christianity."
This is a characteristic saying of Billy Sunday.
An instructor in English at Columbia university is
the latest defender of Sunday's unique style. No man of
today, he says, is doing so much as Sunday is in enriching,
English. . i
One way of enriching a language is in bringing newj
words into popular use, or in giving to old words new
meaning and force. If slang which originates in the
saloons and the streets may become in time dignified into
good words, why should not the slang of the pulpit have
at least an equal chance, especially when it comes,
weighted with tense meaning from a really forceful man?!
But it is not slang that makes Sunday's language so1
unique. It is his direct way of saying things worth while, i
It is impressionism applied to speech. He puts the high-!
lights strong in the right spots.
The one thing that distinguishes his style more than
all else is the fact that he always puts the laugh on the
hypocrites and the irreligious.
Euucne Guard: A four thousand dol
lar sale of I.une county beets and brans,
representing approximately three car
loads was made last week by the Eu
gene Fruit Growers association, accord
ing to J. O. Holt, malinger, lhis is but
one sale of many expected this year of
both beans and beets, but it is the first
large sale of tho season. The name of
the buyers is not announced for busi
ness reasons, except that it is for use
on the Pacific const. Sales this spring
have been generally slow, due to the
general business conditions, nnd Jlr.
Holt holds that this is an indication of
a revival of business. It substantiates
the statements made by businessmen
and railroad men that a revival of busi
ness is on its way.
The European belligerents seem to have fought each
other to a standstill. That is the only way a non-military
observer of the situation is able to dope it out, and if
peace comes soon it will be because of exhaustion on both
sides and inability to make headway in anv direction. All
Holmes, two of its ablest members, dissenting from the offensive operations seem to be halted at the present time.:
majority opinion, tne latter voicing nis onjecuons in uiese ,
words: .1 With Teddy Roosevelt and Boss Barnes scrapping to I
"Any judge who has sat with juries knows that in i a finish in New York our people ought to be able to forget
.. n n j 1 . . A . . 1- J 1 ? - il. I'iJl 1 . A ii . -in c
spite oi lorms iney are exiremeiy iiKeiy to ue liiipregnau-u, uie nine unpleasantness across tne Dig poncl tor a lew
by the environing atmosphere. Ana when we una me i days.
ilarslifield Becord: What did more
for Mnrshfield than any other one thing
was the fine hurdsurface streets which
greet the eye of the newcomer. North
Bond has done nobly in the matter of
street improvements within the past
year more than almost any city in Otn
gem, but at no time will she be sorry for
L'luler the direction of Miss Galloway
the Albany high school humane society
lias been organized, with tho following
officers: Frnncil Howard, president;
Vernon Henderson, vice-president; Hub
ert Ilotticher, secretary-treasurer.
The Dallas Observer now appears; in
a new dress, nnd the Silver Lake Lead
er has ordered one, though in both cases
the old gowns were really ipiite becom
ing and still in style.
judgment of the expert on the spot, of the judge whose
business it was to preserve not only form, but substance,
to have been that if one juryman yielded to the reason
able doubt that he himself later expressed in court as
the result of most anxious deliberation, neither prisoner
nor counsel would be safe from the rage of the crowd, we
think the presumption overwhelming that the jury
responded to the passions of the mob."
And now Spain seems to be anxious to get into the
European war.
Ashland Tidings: Portland Commer
cial club gained over 4, (KM) members in
four days. How, by folding hand and
saying "can't"' Nope. They just
went to and did it. That's the way it
will be done quickly when the steam is
turned on.
Stop, Look and Listen.
"Take up any honest work, even if
lit brings you no more than a dollor a
Iday. Then learn to live within the
dollar. ' '.I oh n Slierinuii.
Among the various crooked schemes
against which the government has re-
eally issued "fraud papers" (prevent-
Austrians and Germans, since Russia begun its latest ; Z tL K
drive atrainst the Carpathian passes. ling plan to get people's money for
If some curious soul with leisure would only take a
I'etrograd reports the capture ot 7l),U()u prisoners,
elect l is belts
chemical rings
' work at home "
fortune telling
nntifut ' ' medicines'
matrimonial chances
several weeks visit in Vancouver, Wn.
(iustuve (iirod is agRin quite ill, hav
ing Buffered a relapse at the home of;
friends in llayesville, whore he was!
visiting. . j
iiuona Crest school nnd Sunday j
scnooi gave an enjoyable entertainment
last Friday evening fr tlic benefit of
the school ofgan fund.
Mr. and Airs. Alex Harold, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur (Iirod and .Mrs. (I. S. Me
Munn were among the (jiiinaliy folks
to attend tho banquet and farmers' in
stitute in Salem Saturday.
Helativen hero have received news of
the death of Jamos Fituwater, Sr., of
jSweet Home, Linn ronuty, Monday,
April 12. He was ti pioneer of l.W-1,
coining nt that time from Missouri and
locating eight miles enst of Lebanon,
where he has lived continuously ever
! since. .Many relatives survive him,
jmost of whom are living in Linn couu
ty. Alex Fit.wutor. of Salem, is a una
Fruit sellers who work the trains at
Giants Pass are to be regulated. There
is to be no more crying of wares along
side the coaches. Hotel runners also
are to bo restrained of most of their
ancient liberties.
stock promotion
Hcl'orc "biting" on any such prop-
osiuun, consuier very careruny, anil do ,.,..i ir n s i ... , .
not hesitate to consult anv officer of .. ..: ' "
la niece.
Fair Is Now Open
newspaper file since the first of last August and compile
the claims of the various nations at war, the result would
very certainly be that the entire CJerman army must be
prisoners in Russia and also in France as well as in
England. The entire French army would be found im
prisoned in Germany, together with the entire Russian
and English armies. Of course all the world knows that your bunk when in doubt about a pro
the Austrian army is now imprisoned in Russia and that i::;;;';;-,.,,.,,, liml Hl0 , ,, Argentine Palace At
tho Russian nrmv is reallv not lmnnsoned in Germany .rvi, ,.,,,t. i.v i..r,.,.,.,i ti,..i,. : "5v,,l,"v laiatc ni
but is held captive in Austria.. The little English army:viKi,,',r wi,,,,"",J " ' tMt,
., . . . . " operations to cope with the enlarged
was captured months ago and has since been in prison operations or u. "wolves t the
in Germany and a large part of the German army is l".".ils '1' '" lll' i'"" fivj' .v,'i,,f l',',u'l1
. . ..... , . olticuils have oroscciitod 2. SOI ncrsons
really not in v ranee or in Kussia nut is imprisoned in the i, ,.,,. Honied with being concern- !red
tight little island now beset by submarines.
And there you are. A lying old gas meter could go to
School With profit tO these Official neWS bureaus Of the l''''l'l'. "I'ou "horn the losses fell been attracting much attention
r i n i . rnu . .1 1 1 m l heavilv. It is the belief of government ""' exposition, Imt its richlv enrved
five chief nations now at war. lhe unspeakable lurk is . wh,,. uii.it harvest i.v, ..iways bee., kepi tigiuiv
outclassed in this long distance lying.
Still there is the possibility that this wholesale taking
ot prisoners accounts lor the present lull in the lighting
It may be that even the press agents of the belligerent
countries have surrendered and there is no one left to
fend out (he daily report of brilliant victories.
ed hi the tilclnug of $.tol,i1Mt, by get-r'u'li-
quick schemes engineered through
the mails, troai the pockets ot credu-
Sail Francisco, April 20. Ifiverside
county and the Arirontine reniibllc
honors nt the Pannmii Pacific
exposition today. l!(,th dedicated their
For several weeks the Argentiao pal
loscd lll'nn tin, unsi'cn milnmlnl'a with.
in. Today the doors were opened.
Felix Martinez presided ut the exor
cises, other orators were lloracio An
nsagasti. exposition comiiiisisoner, anil
Houlwell Duiilap. ,.nnsul of the Argen
tine president. Florencino Constantino,
grand opera Jmsso. was the
One of the New York papers says that a citizen who
h is built a business worth millions asserts: "No man is
great. There are no great men and there are few fools.
Opportunity is the thing that counts." Well, when a fel
low looks around and sees some fellows rolling in wo-.ilth
who got in no harder work than that in the mere efforts
put forth to take it when coming their way he is inclined
to the opportunity theory. That is one way of explaining
to himself that there's no such thing as luck.
Jackson county's big road bond issue is exhausted and
its roads are torn up and practically impassible, if we
may believe the statements of the county cominissior.ers.
That is the way most of these road bond issues go, and
the taxpayers of the state at large are asked to put up
the funds to help the hoodwinked people of such counties
out of their predicament.
Large wives are seldom deserted, according to a report
filed by the Chicago public welfare investigators. Which
would indicate that Cupid discriminates between the
sexes, since "nobody loves a fat man."
reaped lor rascally operators in the past
tew years will reach two or three mil
lion dollars. I'at'ortunntely the major
iity of the crooks haxe been able to
,eade the penalties of the law.
nut it is not only through the ma
chinations of crooks that people lose
money. Sometimes nioiicv needs to be
piotei lcil troni the lolly ot its ow ners '," " "' 111 Me tonnerly was star
.themselves. A man and his wife, now opera in Hiioims Ayres. The un
well pus) sixty years ot age, are con- '""ml anthems ot the 1'nited Stntes and
ducting , suuill boarding house in a ""' -Vrgentiiif were snug. All tho speak
western city and malting a scanty liv-l1'1'" commented n,,, )i-i 1 1 in nt pros
ing by much hard work. This mail's I"'!' closer trade relations between
eui-e has lioen speculation, not exclus
ively ol' tiie slock market or bucket
shop kind, Imt he has not used good
i ii. I, men I in tho mutter of various
hi iiics and enterprises that he has
gone into t'tiun time to time, dace he
was the owner of u first class hotel
which was doing well. Instead of con
Milciioi: the wisdom of the proverb:
"The shoemaker should stick to his
Insi," he sold hi hotel and put his
money into something with which he
wa not tuniiliar, w 1 1 Ii the result that
he lo.t it all.
J.M oidinary thrift nnd foresight
would lone c.ion I In:, man u comfort
able t .1, 1 aee. whcieas the lack of It has
condemned him. at a time when slip
peied eiiie might, ami should, be en
joje-l. to u long fight between the In
creasing cot of living, mi the one
hand, and the complaints nnd demands
inlnakcioiis boanlets, on the other.
T. 1. Mactlregof,
this country and South America.
Woman's favorite word is the lust.
"Me for 'GETS IF
When I Have Corns"
Simple As Saying it; Never Falls.
If docs your heart good to see how
easily nad.ipmU, anv corn comes out
"hen you put (ll.Ts IT" on! And
then when you've gen,. i,K,g t,v years
rCr-tUiA "Look.
k-' X 'CETS-IT'
Cortl Fill
t-Tin,1 Pivitr iu ntiittniy nvn.tl lit t n.n.
' H 1""-
gress with the projected swimming pool
for bovs. It is estimated that it will
cost ifil'500.
Pa was reeding in tho pnpor the other
day about how to mnik the honm happy.
The story wich tould about how to niuik
the honm happy was in a .Sunday paper
& Ma told I'a not to beelieve it, but I'a
beeleeved it jest the saiin, & ho sed,
Now we are going to be reel happy. We
are going to have u party & play sum
gaims that the pnpor tells about. Jla
asked I'a please not to have the party
but I'a is stubburn bo ho askpd a lot
of peepul up to the house last nitn,
Thnre was Mister St Missus Finnegan
& Mister & Missus Nelligin. Thnre was
sum of Pa's men trends wich euira too
without their wives beekaus thny was
Now fakes, sed l'n, the main reason
,ror my Having you all Ueer tomte was
perhaps a selfish one. I wanted to
jliavo a goodly crowd here so I cud try
I out sum of these new gaims. The
, first of these gaims is a poetry contest.
Kadi of of the gests will have a card
on which will be found i words at the
jend of 4 didted lines. Then thny all
, looked at than' card & tho cards looked
like this:
i Now, sed I'a, the idee is to fill in
I words to mnik the stnnzy. Now Indies
i& gents taik yuro corners & git busy
wen I ring the gong.
Th en evvrybody asked l'n what was
;the prize, & I'a sed, Hint is part of the
ignim, the prize is u seecret. The one
.ll) tliut maid the best verse gits the
prize but 1 will not tell you until the
'guini is oaver what the prize is. Now
I nil you poets start in skribbling.
j Then all the fnes started riling. Mis
ter I'inncgnn & .Mr. Nelligin dideut rite
jvary fast & 1 dideat think thny liked
the guiiu. How wud it do to 'change
mmr worn root to seeling, sed Mister
rinuegin a; then I couhl mailt it rime
with plaster. No, sed I'a, you must re-
j member that tonile you aru a poet &
' not a contractot'.
I Ha Hit, soil Mister XeHonm nil
have it. Then Mr. Nolligan
poem. this it the
r.v::,';;yv,;.. u.-
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Eotablishcd 1SG3
Capital $r00,000.00
Transact a general banking business
Safety Peposlt IIoxci
(,1'apital .lournal Special Serviced
(tbiiimhy. Or., April HO.
The recent heavy frost has done
some iaiarv to Hartlett
Oust I was sitting on the roof
l,oi, king down nt n horses hoof
I herd the little sparrows sing
I As u poet 1 inn a sassy thing.
Well, sed I'a, that is fair effort
n near poet Imt 1 will reserve my
sishun until we heer from inn.'
j member I urn not going to be cut out
'f this contest, I mite fix up a fine
I'oeni niyseit. i lie rest of the lieel
way it
' dee-Kee-
fetus in this trviuir evervthimr ,.!... . ...
sec ion. but does not seem to have nf- nights wrapping up your'toes in band,
tec ed peaches nnd prune. age,, smearing on salvo that rub off
lop training on in full Idast ,n r swell up the corn. p,tinB on cotton
many yards, nnd while there's some plasters that make corns rot eved
report of missing hills, the pr nt liittnl.torii,K your t..,. with niiom. inb"
good growing weather promise about bing them with the kuive nnd iminintr
t the quick with sd,sors-nnd then
.VOU Out OII a ilrm,. .iiii'K inn .. .
ti,, ii..!.. ,.i... i, ...... i i i ;.. " ' i,r" " ' un
""i'"1,' T corn tai r e it off wliv it
Portland and Seattle several months, jost looks like miracle Just trV it
were home for the enster holidays. ,"OKTS lT'- never fa I. N i , i ,
Mis- Augusta remaining at the farm trouble. i, 0 " '' aVZC
and her sister Amaadn necompnning the wart or bunion
other young Indies to Portland when, "OKI'S IT" U ,i i ,,,,. ,
Ihev returned. 'evervwhere "V I , , ".T
Walter Anderson is t home from ,by I JlrWt
Trains Daily
Days Stop
San Francisco
on one way tlcketB to
visit the Exposition wlen
you go East via the
(Southern Pacific-Union Pacific)
Ask nearest Agent for full par
ticulars, fares, etc. via this route.
John M. Scott, General rnsscnger Agent, Portland, Oregon,
Boom In Building
Reported From Dallas
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallns OiTT'ApTitn.
More than the ordinary amount of
siuing building is in progress in this
city this year, among which are the
following: 1). J. Hiley is building two
concrete buildings, one of which is to
be used ns a moving picture playhouse
by Otis Smith, and tho other will be
occupied by Hughes & Palmer with a
new steam laundry. Mr, Smith expects
to have his theater in operation by the
loth of May. Tho Dallas Mercuntile
company is also having their store room
enlarged and the old portion of the
building recoiled and rewnlled with
steel, maing it one of tho finest and
"P-to-date buslne phwhtt,
The dohre meat marct haj added iJ
room to their roadv ffioJm J
Sovcr.il residences are btiij HWjJ
different parts of the city ,,w
is the handsome new bugilo if ft.
Hrotvn on South Jloin street d C
1 racy on clay street, I. f. Mtt
is also remodeling and addic? lo ki,
residence on Oak street and tkr (road
mm uccu oroKcn ior tbe necliM if
,ono of the mast nttrsctive tnitea
in the citv by it. if rill. aj,..
. -- n lotjin
T a Tilt,...! II M I.
out among thouMDdi olwi t t
and find you I buyer.
I A Message to the Sufferers
xou need not be discouruged about your hcaltii, cneer up,
help for you. Our Chinese Herb teus treatment have hem lot
centuries, and are highly recommended for diseases, as suth of tbelnop,
stomuch, heart, liver, kidneys, rheumatism, blood poiion, wikut
nervousness, cutnrrh, blndder trouble, constipation, appendicitis, un
diseases, feniale trouble. ..
To those who it may concern; Call at once. Don 't give up ! "
others fail. This is the one reliable and positive help for you, inert-
suit is pleasing to nil who try it.
P. A,
Phone PS1
Salem, Oregon.
CHAN, China Herts and Ten
1(13 South High Shut
Route No.
This coupon may be eXcto5ed or votes inj
uapiiai journal tamers uumeai, inic
Journal office. Not good after May l,
Dr. W. A. COX
the noraml yield in this section.
lhe Misses Augusta, Alvlnn nnd T.v-
. - . . ... , ,,, n i j,iii
cud not mm un n nocm nt nil t ,..,..
tlmy dideut want to. Then I red mv
poem, it sed;
; Cast 1 nloiipin,; n t, rnf
llf "'H' bihling which is fir,' proof
.lust then the flumes did ronr & sing
burned up nbnost evrvthing.
Now Hr.sen to mine, sed' l'n. Hut nil
the company wns putting thnre
tilings Jt 1'n inid not ni nib l,...
1 herd Ma int'fing nt l'n a long t'imel
a ter 1 wenkt t,r bed. l'n gits luffed I
,... ......-, u, . ,,mp ,Ulat W( t)l(1
prize i yon was going to give the winner
J';I Ma. A pikchur of myself, sed Pa.
Then Mu tnfr.M nil the harder. That
is a booby tiri.e, sed Mn.
Washington. April 20.-The depart
.ment of commetTe was ,o,lay nnthorijed
to have plans diawn innnediatelv for
, -oast geodetic ,., v , ,
'"'It on the Pacific coast.
303 State Street
ive do denUl
t j ... i...i. i t.iirt mnv know ho' we o
in uiuer nun mc jjuui v Modern S"1111
work and bwome familiar with the I 1 pWefor
: ,A.-a nnr recular ?U'UU ..,,.;1
7 Krt V- evtror-tinrr nt this DriCe. InlS Uix
Tl.VV. AW V.-kll'W
May lSth
DR. W. A. COX,
Painless Dentist
I adv AffPndant. AH Work Cuarani
teed 10