EIGHT THE BAIEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, 0?- S1)AY'Jt- -:-"SALEM'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE f) SPECIAL NOTICE TO DELINEA TOR READERS A Special Representative of the Butterick Company is with us for the next few days. We have a Special Offer to make you on The Delineator. Call at our Pattern counter and the lady in charge will be glad to explain it to you. The latent Butterick Publications are now ready. Special Sales for Tomorrow and Saturday Splendid Time to Save on Desirable Merchandise ! A Sale of Black Messaline Silk Here are two splendid grades of black Messaline silks. A fine material for waists, dresses, etc. Special for Friday and Saturday in the silk section. Regular $1 grade for 7!)c yard. Regu lar $1.2.") grade for 93c yard A Sale of Bleached Bath Towels Housekeepers will welcome this offering of good bath towels. Replenish your sup ply with, these. A large, white Turkish towel, spe cial for Friday and Satur day. 19c each A Sale of Men's Neckwear Men who need neckwear should by all means attend this unusual event. Come and take your choice of the I entire stock. Any 50c tie for Friday and Saturday, t Vour choice, 35 cents t REMEMBER You can get a Silver State Souvenir Spoon free with each purchase of $2.50 at Meyers. Or with each $1.00 purchase a spoon may be had for 5c additional. These spoons repre sent: the different states and have the slate seal embossed on the handle. Your choice of New York, New Jersey, Nebraska, Florida, Utah, Colorado, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Oklahoma. A rich satin finished handle and bright finished bowl. Other state spoons will follow so that your collection, when complete, will contain a souvenir spoon of each state in the union. Guaranteed sterling silver plated. The House of Quality Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention .OOODICiOOD S doshen, Intl., Apiil ! Johnnie Wolf in approaching the age of 20 ni(.titiis and sound and happy. Iff didut have a frog in his throat; it was in his stomach. The youngster began wtng weight despite a hearty appetite and mother had vision of the work. The boy 's stomach was a bin lump was seen. Dnctnrs operated -and brmght out . a half-pound milk-fed fmg '" t;"' best of health. Mvh. Harry Wolf believes Johnnie swallowed a tadpole when they visited Mr. Hubert Iregory, hid grandmother, ill Syracuse. They drank hydrant water there. L 1 $ P. E.&E. Management States' t Length Will Be Extended 1 1 Soon As Possible i Friday Specials That the Ill-foot crossing was put in Railroads Are Surest ;t: across the South Commercial street s line of the l'urtlund, Eugene & Easteri j I street railway company at Commercial land Olimart streetH on neeount nt a niis i understanding anil through no fault of !the management of the company hits n f D . ibeen made clear to the members, of the BarOmeter OI DUSinCW; school board, and that the 1'. K. & K 1 will increase the length of the crossing Snn Francisco, April 13.- -Railroads, to 2$ or I1U feet, or us long as deemed ithe sure barometer of business, clearly .necessary to accommodate all purpose indicate that prosperity is with us, in , is the hearty -assurance ot ilanager Bli the opinion of railroad men from all jlingsloy of that company, who states parts of the United States, who met that the matter will be attended to im- here toduy tor the nnniial conveimon 1 nieuiaiciy. of the American Association of Passeti- jger Traffic officers, i "Business conditions arc much better today than a year iil'o ami they arc As the matter was reported to the school board last Monday night the in ference was drawn by the board that the street railway company's construe- rapidly improving," said l.ouis W. Hon crew had gone uheiid and urbi I.nndman, of Chicago, general passenger trarily put in a Hi-foot crossing in spite agent of the Michigan Central. "Con-j of an urgent request' to put in n 'IS or Picnic Hams per lb. O2C fidencc in business is returning with great speed. As the panicky feeling that has been with us for several months passes away, there is a univer sal belief that business is now firmly established on a solid basis." W. S. Basinger, general passenger agent of the Union Pacific, said: "Where there in a business depression people have no money to go traveling. We know that there will be heavy travel west, beginning next month. You can draw your own conclusions. The crops this year are lictrally tre- j nicndoiis. " The prosperity that is with us and I that is soon to bo here is not of the .mythical kind that is talked about but not nctunlly felt in the purse, accord ing to William J. l.caghy, of Chicago, general passenger agent "!' the Hock j Island. "1'eople now realize that the ! war, however prolonged, will not hurt the I'uited States, " he declared. "That is, we will not be involved und there will be no bombardments of Aniericun property and desolation of American homes. That knowledge is 11 great stimulus to business." Similar sentiments were voiced by 11 number of other delegates 1 outer guard! W. ri. XoNki, treasurer. During the hist yeur l."io new members j have been added to the lodge, bringing Ithe membership up to iluii. (liiy O. jsmith, tiie past dictator, will attend .the session of the ns.iuiinl convention 1 1 to be held at San Diego on Julv 2. Dr. Assoln, dentist, second floor Bank of Commerce building. 10-foot crossing between its. tracts and, in this light of the circumstances, the school board instructed the clerk of the board to peittion the company to in crease the length of the crossing. It develops upon investigation, how ,'vcr, that the street railway company's men in charge of the work were givon assur ances that a--lli-foot crossing would answer all purposes and it ens. put in that. way. "There was not, or is not, the slight est intention on the part o this com pany to antagonize anybody or liny in terest in any matter of public improve ment or public service," sail Mnniger Billingsley, in speaking of the matter to u . otmiiI representative this morn ing. "It happened that X wis out if the city on other business at the time the crossing was put in and it seems that a misunderstanding wan had and the Ill-foot crossing was laid in the be lief t h-.vT that was all that was ro liiirod. Tho ilit'teTenee between 11 Ill-foot and lid foot crossing is but a small matte,- of $1 r Ul in materials to the cimi'iiM nod we certuinyl would not ucr niggunl ly over n little thing like ill it,' espe-;'.il-ly when the public interests ure at stake. Immediately the mistake was called to our attention we set alio if to correct it and 11 .'Ill-foot crossing will be Fresh Green Onions, Radishes and Rhubarb 3 bunches put down moment. ' ' ut the earliest possible -ft All Around Town Dr. MtnidoUnim, specialist lu fitting 1 Millinery. Sen my linn of trimmed I'M'" correctly. U. 8. bank blilg. hats .rc having elsewhere, prices 0 right. The Maples. Tho Capital Luniuur co,, jii) south; T.....I r 1. 11.. ; l.l : .. .. ..n ..n t. : .. i.. a ni-iim, iiiiiiiiiij iiiuii-riiw ui ail Minm. TVIl'tH Fillet Tho river today is at tho :i,3 foot Ma(!e, the nunc as yesterday. No rain fall lias been recorded during ' h 1 past -I hours. o - Aulomobllo trips passengers ml baggage: rates reasonable. Country trips a specialty. (', (I. Mr Kirov. 1 Phone: uy, 5 1 IT; night, tiil'.l, ' T'"5 0 I liincin Tim Yeomen lodge Is preparing to have a regualr old fiishiu I party at Millinery. the lodge 1 ins I'tidiiy evening. ' All ,Mts hel'nre ineniliers of tiie lodge alleiiiliiig are ex- rju,(. 'piie I'Ceted to wear old fashioned tlolhisi and net in nil old fashioned ninnnoi. T'.io Cottage Hotel, on Front and Court streets, hits been leased by Mrs. Jessie Kent, w he lins had charge of the New Knglniid b'e-tauiuiil for several 1 . 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 - past, 1, I ivni,n xiimi outturn reiurneu touay inioi ,111 cMi'iiiteii vtit 10 1'oruaiiii aioi (begin City. Salniilae she will leave for San Prune ism mul later for l.os Angeles and San hiego. Mi- St i 11- siiu'i 1 1 is hi (iencva. Neli., where she Is to leturn after completing lier v isits. Secretary R. B, Uoodiri was suddenly culled to i'lirtliind last evening iipui receipt of news of the serious illness of his In, her, Telephonic coinniuuical ion was 1 i'1-ii v oil this morning to the of Ici't tiial oi falher, wlio is ipiite aged, had suffered a stroke of paralysis and was feeling bitter today. Secretary limiliii will retain this evening it' 110 more serious roinplieatioiis develop, 0 Dr. G. A. WiMiccuuit, D., grad wilt 0 of Munich, (lonnuny, lliibbanl building, Mourino Satin Cream and Beauty Lotion. The Capital Urug Stme, Ma sonic building. X. T. liigg,s, A. T. Wind pelt, piopi ictics. At tlio meoiin; trol this utoinin eoinlie cnllcd an of a faildlu lim-i eontl'l)lllated In the state, and a of U10 board of con (iovernor With y -nti'Mi to his purchase , which, he stated, he i-c for the benefit of oiiler was iniide nil- PERSONALS 10c 7 lbs. Sugar A. l.egg is in Staytoii to u visitor in Port We sell for cash which means lower prices. Damon & Son 855 N. Com'I Phone 68 i Merit Swki! i rut IntA la.. OUtiuucdftomp.... ' ; ; use uae v ' '""lier uiMlcrstt,,J(l"7rr--l "".p"w'y to retun ''2 wood cutting, ,litoi,L rk! I'lnwd to their cr(,,i( kv tor such work, and 81,1 ,8 lrit one and one-half di "lw oward a th, llij tu ": ""''y to ,lh(e , ; ri isoii ror misconduct nr f,,n " ly Ju his work . ,0rf,,1'' i.'. .t.i ..... . . ' ' ''' edera i... " lienalf oi thy !,,( ! I t i '' -' Tcrre Haute I, .'-' 1Wli,i'" "leitiou t'raml , , " ,W" 4. Free Dispensary for Worthy Poor Cr.P.H.My,D.c,iailtx A. Brewster, M, D, D. C. il! " Irce oispcnurr fo, Chiropractic adjustment) at wen, 303-6-7, Hubbard Bldg. g0.(!!(1 Incurable cases especially m ed. Hours from 1 to 8 p. J Phone 572, ' Phone 1 517-J Shopniottf! Day or Night Union j I A. L. GODrKET ! I Plumbing, Repairing m Coll J Work a Specialty, J Reasonable chargei Saiem. o, Safety Firstl Call a Taxi or Touring Cut Phone W Salem hi Co. Office BVighHote tlucj'.ing t'H mud to be stnbled at Ihit insane ii,v linn barns, which lire re-j ghr.led as the ino-t Miuitnry. Tiie horse, which i o , 1 1 1 1 1 1 Withyconibe iiireliased j is a ihoroiighl.ie.l iii.-1'Bof esceitionally ! line iedigrec :t 1 1 , i lie proposes to use! it. in innking i.il visit to the state instiliilioiis oiits,c i,f the city limits. D,-, Stcne's itch Ointment cures the lie c, flei I'lllllj toda' Andrew IViellt fo best of coffee and ba.''.ery , ut l alifoi nia Haltei v, ;!;I7 t ourl, Yon are Invited to attend the Na tiimnl 1 1 i - 1 1 i t I'o.'s deiiioiistiatinn to be held at oar sloie Salnrdiiv, Afiil 17. I M. Hoggs ; fo. , o - About 7B tickets wnrfl sold by the Oregon Klcctvic this ni ii 'iu,; M the iiicinbciB of Ihc belli ci'.i Indue v.h.i aie attending the eonvi ntinu ni Woodbin e, o To tint My from business worries try smoking I. a t'oiumi Saleiii niadc 1U culs. W. E, rrlco, charged with larcony I from a building mi April II, v.uived ex iiiiiiiiiilinii in Jiisiiic U'ebsler's court j litis, morning, und was held to the grand jury. He is accused of enlering a building on rhi'iiiekeln street and tak ing therefrom some caipeuter tools. Already ovor LUO lariners have noti lied the I oiniiii'ieial clult of their in t i'ii t it i of accepting the iuv itul inn to be present nt the get togelher meeting to be held at toe arnioiy, beginning with a I'.' o'clock dinner next Saturday, The-" acceilaaccs have been ciiininu Hoc my lino of trimmed mostly by phone, but ninny of Hie I'ariu buying clsewheie. I'l ices I ers have conic personally to the t'om Maples. inicrctal club rooms to notify the com- iinltee they inleiiiled to be on hand. Kvcvylhing is moving along in fine shape for a great uicctiiig, - o r- Wo take ploasure in Announcing our lis nnuiial opening on Saturday afternoon, Apnl 17. The public is cordially in vited to take tea w ith us and loisk over our newly arranged shuvv room ami on bilged fixture depart meiit. The store will be closed until - p. in, in order to prep.ire tor the opening - announcement of which is made onlv through the ita- --o- pels. Salem lilectric Co., Masonic i l'ublle Stenogiauher, Will take die- temple. 1 tatioit wherever reipiiicd, l.add V Hush o ibldg. I'lioue ml. The peanut party given by the Unit- j o ed Aitisau lodge last evening was a I The drill team of the Woodmen of the big success financially and in tiie pleas I World will meet toniuht for a special ure it gave the lodge to entertain its :dnll. The team is putting in good t;me . nicm'.ici s and friends in such a uniipte in their work in order to mnkc , credit- manner. The proceeds of the evening able showing when they attend the I'ltn-1 will go towards the fund being set ,1111111 -Pacific exposition. il.rge l 'hi- ;aHido to pay the expenses of the degree sun is captain oi tiie icit'i, ami nuyd team tor their trip to Sun Prune io. hist lieutenant. i The Artisan drill t.min ,..;.,.i ,,t 0 ' HI members, with Mrs. Irene St. Helens Cigars, tobacco, milk shakes, aotla as cantniu. The team will war wl,it,. tuiil.iiii, candy, all kinds of sand- uniforms during their trie, with white nt the Jitney llub, tiaiasols deem tiled with iheni,.. ,.,! M. Ill ; niiiy I s getting tiess men am! diews siii-, n it treight agriii. loiiiit of ill l the iniiii'iinv I illli. i;l;li lias I Mr. Audreus I it i v ,i 1 1 is aioi 1 i iiiiuerlcil itli the otti.-e. II,. i. ,!,, Willi the r.lll'llli,,! Wilhtiui'tte v ulli't :ll vulirtlilo man Imlli i I'.itnttiv. Have Roinliard Cabinet Factory re pair your furniture or otl'tce lixttires, -tiii t hcniekeia stifct, Pimm. r, . : llinvaid dents and i ut v ' dirci icd the l'im 'lenls in (I,, . Ihat In the pin has Architect tlav. Mrs. d. II. Scott i lit riil lodav. II. V. .Melntiii ff was n visitor yes- j : ti rday in Poitlauil. i:t Hr, Marguerite Ptitneroy is a visitor i se in I'oi tlitud today, j t (I. S, Ddwards, of Slayton, was in the';; city yesterday. Alex. Merri field, of Atiinsvilb', wits a vi-ili,:1 Itere yesterday. A. M. ii it iiiiii. referee in bankruptcy, Porltaiol, was here yesterday, W i I In ill Matltais, of Brooks, was a Wednesday visitor in Saleni. S. A. Hughes went over to Stnvton this morning in the Hughes unto. " i lieorge T. Pratt, of Newport, is in the new traveling : Salem lodav iransai tioi. l,usii.s. "i the Southern Pacific l-. Ti. t, of the Spaul.liiig Logging in nii'gon, is in Sulcm ; (., was in lllueh Hock vesterdav, i"iu;iinieil with tiie bitsi-j ..ry J )-,, ami wife of .ici'ov, In- I' iritory, Mr. An- Oi.-.. are registered at the llligh. H e veteran travelingi ,. p. ,,si(,,r i M.'Minitv ilU nnd I - I'- I ii. who, on ae I:i!.ii ibii- ,, i',-...i,,, ;.,i i.,,. and having served W. Ulcliardsoii, cashier of the Stavtiin !ly for a period ol'l State b:;ok, was in the cilv vesterdav. H tired tin pension, j . H, p(,,,Z ,! wjf,,, f ('b.verdal'e, ageiii at were itere yeter.lav visiting with re a- 1 1 ives. W. V: lii'lini il-nii. nit itltoruev of Portland, was here on legal business yesterday. Mrs. l.ouis l.ttihuiiiiid vvus n passen ger for Portland on the electric this morning. Miss Alite Htd.ap is in Stnylou today aiteiiding the district convention tif the llaptist church. II. It. I.athen. t ri'ii.'iii-.ir ,it ti,., Mil,-..... xpectetl to leave t,,,, Liiml,,.,. ( w, t,.,,.,, vHt,,,i,,v triinsai ting b.tsluess. II. II, Sax ton went to Newport today In take charge of iiis marble works there during the summer. Mis, Moliie liogan, of 1 ndcpcinlcucc, is visting the family of K, N, pc,.Z ami other ftiemls in' Saleni, Superintendent ! II. (luge, of the I'm lenlial IttMiiitinc conipaay, Is in Albany today on company business. I'. II. Howies, of Salem, arrived here last t veiling t ps a few days look ing liter hustics interests. h'osfburi! OPERATION UPON MRS. ROOSEVELT :e s; :)s Je ;! k sj s ijs ! i New Viirk, April l.l. Mrs, '.i Tin odore Ifoti-evelt, wife of the !: fotiiier president, iiiulcrwent an opeiution at the Uooscvelt hos- ( pilal heie today. Physicians an- ; niiiiuecd the ript ration entirely : ty. siiecessful, stating that .Mrs. :,' j 'f lioosevelt had rullied and was ! j j iiitprov ing, ', ! The siirgei.-is ro!'qe to tlis- )jc i 1 close the iiitture of tiie innhnly ;! i tiniit which Mrs. liooscvclt is :1 ! sot I'ering. :! :t s;: sk H ik i 4 irinerlv iii.n-e recent Iv bet 'oiiipany's Seattle uglily acitiaiutcd. intl net'ils of tiie will prove it very the company and who directed tho y "Hi own of liar given Inst l'Vliruarv .lames W. Mott, great coll, gc p!,, vard," which ,, l.v the a us. tor lios'l.ui.. ., ,!,. i,. i, ,:n "'age the sin..,. p!:,v fr (.lul) ,,n,. He leliirncl .-;ii ly this week from Cor- c lie i,,it ,i ,,.,.. ,- Willi il .il-l of t). A. I.', Stll- people. He also ol Oregon sto i"c .i "111. leu licit' the I.. luctiou nut says cast that put on t with which he I iir. Smith, w tclies, ctil'fec, etc l-li t'otitt street. I the word Don't Neglect Your even, Mv svstcin of einminntion Itiitl tliliking glasses Is of nearly il.'l years I ji practical experience. I'.nch step is carefully guarded. The result is glasses that look especially well when you are wearing theni, that are uccurate, de pctoliililc and satisfactory, (imfiaiitccd in every respect. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn DOCTOR Or OPTICS Office 810 211 United States National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon Salem" in large letters, Public Stenographer. Will take die-! ti,,, Cottn ltd'tnl Prm.t ...j ittioit vv ictcv ci reputed, l.ndd ,V Hush ! C,,tt slr.vts, has been leased bv Mrs jlddg. I'htiae l!M. Jessie Hent. who has had do,',.,., t , "1 0 i the New Knglntid Hcs'a'.iiar.t for scv ri.Rs upon the postoifu-e and the enil moutlts past, capittd building aie at half inast today in oiiiiiieiiioiitiiou tit the otith unit ver- Vnii.-n. t ill iu ........i.i. . ". , A state cenventuv,, of the Ladies of , he Maccal,,,". , !, ,,,,, . I ortlaii'l ai ,!. m :,,, ,,,, -M Mii'inc . A.V'Iclot,,., -llt.r..,o chaplain ; 11 l'"' l'' at ,1. meetings. The !""'l- will , exemplified bv lie teiinis ft,,,,, p,,,,,,,,,,, ,',, I- aiu,!c. f()r ,, lBrK ll 7V""1 ;l'l'."ms and the work roue ,,,,,, ,, ,(, wm ,ie r(,vi(,W(Ml . Mi. Avdelotte. KettresVutntives r " l-'t-e will bo elected , .',..- .NSI'll Maccabees liev l Porter, of Salem, days in the city s .'natters. jtise- siity ,u tiie .ntie t.i tit,. .Ii I li or Ptesi- ,. ,,.i,t, ..otilractetl bv tleiit Abraluiiu Lincoln, lie was shot ,.,.pt myself peisonally.' v 1 e.c ., ., mi, tirtch. at 7 o'clock on the morning of the1 0 uvn ''"' j Trcd D. Lamport wa Installed Uils . , "7 week as dictator of the l.oval Order of Board and room 117.1 no vra.v 17Q' , . . ' ' 1 .. . . . " ' -oot'se at ineir regit ar i t in. ' this bctiiif his necoud t,t,i, TI... in i n g I: any one ex their I,..,,,., h,,i.,i i.' 1...1 1 . . " ""l"' tit next Ii hi-. i ' In form of n w II It'll Willi,. ,, taboo. Monil,,., vnnnviii,. a ml ,n,. en to take pun iiiinniciit. A an nit. I Mrs, II. C arc spending a few looking after biisiuc lung Hevievv. A. P.. Pag,, and daughter, Mis clarn l'a', and Mrs. c, ,. nlm, i,,,,,-,, tll,liv tnr link Island, Alberta, for nn indefi ui'e star. Mis (iertiude Ha.lger is visiting In J t vallis today. Saturday she will leave for San Pnineisco. " After visit ing l.os Angeles and Sun IHogo, she linn.. mi. i , h,, ,act that I - r i NORTHERN PACIFIC ARRIVES. the Northern Pacific railway, 'his wife aiiil iniii- children. A report that the Northern Pacific and (irent Northern would enter the I Hide between this port und I Itiiiolulit was denied today nt the offices of tiie company. The Ureal Northern is slill laid up here while repairs are being made, to her "iigiues, J. II. Rhoten leaves this week for an extended trip to I'mutillii nnd Morro.v counties to look ijj'ter farm lnnls in which he is interested. The Knights of Mnccabeej nxo con sidering the holding of n street cu'iiival provided permission is secured fro." the city council, They will petition the council ut their meeting next Monday evening for this privilege, Should tin permit be given it is the intention of the Mitcciibt'cs to secure tiie .Iruv.ning Amusement Co. for the week beginning May il. Twenty-thrco different localities have been invited bv the einiuritee in charge ef the Ilynn market to select booths for the season f ir tho newly pro posed monthly public murket to b theld the first Snttirdnv of en 'h month in the liynn building. The Invitation is especially addressed to gartt icrs ami berry growers ,stntlng that 'he broths will bo offered them free of ehaige. The first day of thh open miirket wi'l be Suturiluy, May I. , MOVING PICTURE ACTOR ILL. The Maples 15GS. Com'I Street Lit dies come and enjoy ! Helves Tuesdays and Frffl Target shooting, mcnts ami candies. also refre- New Korean City Restaurant ! ConC.rujOWpW'' rert A I morning c went e.'litc iil 2.i of the Saleni Portland on the a 'tend. N'cvv York, April LV-John Hunny fnnituis moving picture netor, n criiiciiiiy in a l nis nnuie in ri"""-" g Huiinv i,mke ilovvn two weeks ng". j-j-o, was ilechireil totlnv there was liltle -P hoie of his receverv. lodge 'ciciiratitm to be ' evening, will take Hobo Socinhle," ,,( and linen rolhrs ete the Kugen, M San Kiancisco, April l.-,,The (Irent Northern Pacific St..i,n,.l,i ,.. , , i' i,i ii , liner, Northern P,i.,iti., ... .: i. ' , loiiovving otticeis were also installed: 1 has been , ... i , . ' oilier w,tv it in 't'iV J"1 ! S';'"V nn ' u, rip " in the even ligs' e.iter the thtnti,. ii t . , . V Mouth rummorcinl i-tret't. tviiiu a miAiiiiuv di oi. ram Knh.irl ll llav .. .! .... t t . t.i. .in t.w m!.. , . -.., i . '"T ""''! '" i.. eeuitml,.,,, .n,i :.. , r " "l r "wr run. Cni.tnin fit i" " "i- favsge, prelate; nr o, Smith. itt idnniicl t. . t uri- "eiag iia k s on, t .,,ij ,i, , . ' , , ton, HI" Center street, tomorrow after-1 d.ctators IK.nald W.' Mil, metav ii , "k" !!,,h ',ivcrs, v ! is.er shi , , ," v" ,"f h" I'l'H' were l.,,i, V. i, president of I ; ' DIED iltilt 1IA1.SKY At the residence of lief : nephew, V. V. Cotter. 1.15 Chenicketa I street, April 15, HH5, Mrs. Mary h. llnlsey nt the age of oa. ti,., .,.,.., i ..in . iw.,,1 iiiniorrow iiiorniiig nt 10 o'clock from the chupel jof Kigtlnn ami liichnnlson, ine nc. ,S .tiill offiidiitiug The body will .sent to Portland for cremation. t - - i ' twt 1 TRY SALEMFf Flour. . , , , T Oak menu "".-. Hour. & l o,re,,nWh..iovvb.'.t j Cherry CilyHrt' k 1": J, aioriu". . , I 1 ;