.. ,.. - - -" THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 1915. FIVE "A Modern Eve" Tonight's I NEWJTODAY j Today THE OREGON Today Attraction at the Grand t . 0u ecnt per word each inser 4 ACTS VAUEVILLE 4 ACTS tion. Copy for advertisements un der this heading should be in by 2 p. m. FHONE MAIH 81. X Saturday Specials. t - - 14c Ginghams 10c yd. Vll of ouv large and choice assortment 14c Ginghams Saturday Only 10c yd. All 10c Muslins 7c yd. SATURDAY ONLY This includes several different kinds, suitable for various uses SATURDAY ONLY 50c Sheets 38c These ric,es are all positively lor ' SATURDAY ONLY " I S iJnj Ear ( i 1 1 WrJ? TRY SALEM FIRST j 88335 lcih coiHiHzrrctai. club J 1 1 ", I Foimer Roseburg Man ; TUC MARKETS t In Mexican Prison " liereacd cream receipts is responsible , far the recent drops in price of butter ud butterfut. Hatter dropped two anil yesterday, bringing the wholesale .'& 21! cents. The retail prico still at '.l'2Vj cents. '. '' Vel it strong, with an advance of 'cut nvet the price of the past week. KprtBg umViB arc off one cent. KggK and poultry arc barely holding their own. I'misuul Rtnointh' is dovel- oping in the Portland wheat market,! (Jjut this has not us yet changed the lo- ' al prices. Fruits and vegetables are 'unchanged although nil uilvance in or , urges is due la a few days. jjjo ' Grains. liny, timotny, per ion Clover, per ton Oats and vetch Cheat ,wlient, per bushel 'datj, per bushel l!iilled bailey ' (.urn tiacked corn .. '..i-'-iirts, pi'r t -1 11 . Butter. sl-''.erfnt. per pimml frremery Pinter. ,.,. ,,,,, 1 VesotQbles. JA- '-tagiis ' iihiiaae, per II jl'-ir-nips j'f matu-s, Flori.la Sj aiJiilower, ( iie-un '"'ii"!! (iailie ..." 'ZZ ?' ''ery, jot ci ate ZZZZZ. fl- ttttc, crate ft! ;;;;;;;;;;;; .'tUakaid, ),i.x iMomia peas . ZZ. i : '1'iiilifs . ..$ 5Ufri)il ' Jllffiji" ....'.a i'Sf,u ....$1.10: JSc ..$:i:!.50 .ins.oo ! $10 ..$2S.."iU $:n ; . .2:te 12c ',! :s t .. 5' I .'..$l.."i0 ....$l.:ii irie ....$1.75 $1.50 10c 45c $1.75; 10c I $:i.5o' 2.7.1C .'i 5'," W 1.50 7 1 ..( . $1.5odi 1.75 $1.50 ?:t.25 .6 4 ftSi!,c $i.iio $1 1 ...!)0erti$1.50 ' ... 1 15IKS. 1m 1"0 lbs . . 11. Fruits. crate , '"Hill's, n A, I, ranbc rne "Iges, nav nun, il, "iti.in-, .r ' "''ipi'lci, p. 'MtK box r ib. fiuit Ilrv. nun !", clrom, l'ersiiin. lb ''"il dates mnuts. per doze ' I-'r pa.-k '-',. cash, lite IH. ,.,,,...1 ana poultry. I '; trade 1 1 r poaod 17 12 V'tcrs, ol,. .rc 7i .-v., Pork, Veal and Mutton. Oil tool r'i;(77 lll.'.fd 10c "..r'-je !!' jc sfo !c C '.i ft 1 5fa5i.'e 3'.jii J"...e 7c (ic Ut"Ss..l d ."rin-p hinil" .Mi ilk fed erg "i.frs h'uri-.i Retail '.'' "Jwery Price. tar .. . , lard w-1 .1 "V, van,v l' -'II. r. r at u";-en ri One ttf. D. G. PORTLAND MARKET3. , , ! n1. (r.. ,..;l o; it., . . I vl'.M. t u.-t.. ' ' "neat, t un . "J."''t" H. an... ' 'hi. Hvi,; 'J' feed -15.50, bW ; ' -" 50. 7le .tec,. t2.iii7i2.f,o TuiJ 2UC j 10$ of ! R'ifi'ljiiiK, Or., April Jo. That he wan nricsieii wnnoiit; causo wane einpioveu e in Mexico, December 15, 1 14, ; he has since been confined in prison at Cusil.uriachic, is the stntenient of tl. S. Lahev in a mine and that a filthy hualiuu, in n letter to his wife in Hosebiirg, ia which he makes an appeal for as sistance, l.uhey said ho hud been un able, to coiiiuiiiuicntc with anyone here tofore, and that he paM lo have the letter to his wife snincgled out. lrs. hey says sue will noiity rseeie-i1 tary of State Bryan in an effort to secure La hey s release. In the lctler J.uhey says he went to Mexico from Montana last November .and secured a position ns foreman of a ! mine. Ten days later, he says, the inline wns confiscated by Mexican of- ficiuls and the workmen wero thrown l,llfOI. '.alley says lie lias been """''h' to gi'l n henriii and is ignorant Of the ehlll'ii.' ntoiinst ttim SH.. I. .!.... ..n,,..; ,, , : V , . " . 'rsaturclav. Aoril ' viuiui'ii mi iii i.inii in- iijiu i II I-it iriviiiMi most brutally, he says, and has but Ri fle food, lie was locked in n dungeon like cell and was compelled to sleep on the floor. 'According to l.uhey, oil or more of them is able lo communicate with the outside. i-nlicy fen ly lived here. SUNEEN SHIP IN MOVIES. Xiwport .Yews, Va., Ajnil 15. fler man naval officials will be able to see moving pictures of the tlostriiclion of a number of ships sent to the bottom bv I In' converted cruiser Kronprin:'. Wilhelm, Captain Thierfeldt lodnv ud- '"'""'I (hat "movies" were take'n of the deslruition of several vessels, but i nid thev ,,i I i.;i.;..,.i .1... pictures being a j.art of his official log. 'I'he "movie" lauieni was taken from one of the British prizes. - Fancy cows $0.25. Besf Calves (r7.75. Spring Inmbs $!i(f 0.25. Butter, city creamery 25c. Fl'S, selected local Kx. 1 SfTJ t S j. H"ns l.j'.jc. Broilers 2i'(o 25c, (i, Ti. Sfo !le. Bntavln The coinmiiiider-incliief of the nrmy in th" Dutch Indies hus for bidden bunds to 1 1 hi v "It's tl Long way to Ti penny, " "HZ" GLADDENS SORE,JIRED FEE! "TIZ" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dame with delight. Away go the aches uaj pains, tho corns, cullouiies, blisters aud buuions. "TI" drawi out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet. Xr matter how hard you work, how long you dance, h o w far you walk, or how lung you remain on jour feft, "TIZ" brings rc'.ul foot comfort "TIZ" is won derful for tirril, BI IIIIl, MUNCH, HlllHHlll 11"" 1UUI i'Tlfc 4... ;ni.ln im. ftlma TiAVor t,nrfc n i"j teem tight. Get s. 25 cent liox of "TTZ" now from ny druggist or department store. En ! fw't torture forever wear smallTr shoes, kevp your fvet (rcsb, iwcct tai Ufpy. l 1 'I ! 1 ' ' V' Bmnielt Kiug as Wealth, in "Every- .u, ... mo uranu Opsra House,' Saturday, April 24. A word ns to the authorship of ''A Modern Eve," which is now on its first western torn' ami will till un engage ment in this citv at the Orund tonight, April 15. Victor Holhicndcr. who wrote most ! of the score, is tanked us the best com poser of light music in ttermany. Dar ling his twelve years' association with rue .Morropui moat re or ileum, lie mver had a failure, lie has written more than fifty operetta and musical lomodios, two grand operas, and the score to the pnntnmiiie, "Mimtirun, Jean Gilbert, named as his collabora tor, is a younger Merlin composer, ulso of undeniable tulont. The librettists, lloorge Okonkowski and A. Schoenfcld, are two clever Berlin playwrights. The btaging of Mr. finger's production of "A Mtdern F.ve" was directed by frank Smitlisoit, whose ingenuity for striking effects and skill in managing ensembles places him at the head of his profession in this country. "A Modern Kvc" plnved in prnc- ii.M.iiv nA,v nll..a.,i ,.i... .. .i,d u.mMn .......I, ...w-, ,rm v.tj ... , ... ' V ' mlr. B"d fl,,m' leded it lo ,hc l "'iv,i. Wntos ,.on' "rr 8 ?'' ('hi-IKV.nio " m C,llr,rukt, ,1eBtr?' A''n' il 1!Uf ''j'", l"!'c, 1,ns J1'? u"1- i irui upi't-ui which is i.iuioi m uic theatre only once in a decade. The success of "A Modern Eve" in I Chicago was so immediate us to bo al-; most without precedent. Neither "The l, ....... W I .1 .. , I I ...I,.. Ki.iuli.nl I , , " , -.. ... j'.ll un uui' ll.l'l- LUUJIIl llie JlllOllL taste with such rapidity. Cii, u .'ttr ' llipaiHyi, 1 .1, ...I.. ... .l.n i'. :... ; theatre from the very opening of the Evcrywomon Coming. The aiiuouiiceiaeiit of the coming of tl,., ,i. .,..,.;, .i.,,. i. . I ,,.....' i i .'...'..!. .i .i.i. 1... '' . , .,' .. .. , . ' , '.,... ,...'.... nun "in I'e iiim inw'i m i hi. v 1 1 1 in un I. bv Henry W. Suv - lage. I'robnhlv never Pelore hus a 1 ihiiiioitii. und iniivical in .'Tl ni lit inn f th" of " Kvervw omaa " been offer-! ed on tour. As a play it partake of ! the nature of opera, musical comedy! and drama, and yet it oees not proper-, ! ly cnine under any one of the three heads. It is a distinct novelty and nu ll k. - any i, Hut production. Headers of 1 the miigaiiies will lei-all the great tri-j iimph of (lie play in New Voile. It be- en. no the topic i,f the hour and while editors were nritnig nbotd it, it also' bec'iini' the them.' of the I '.ipit. Jt at- ! I . ids ide;, I'li'eriaitiii.eni v. hiie t nich ing u salutary lo.-oi . , i tt Pfinhnfl VG Gii lU'(.!' i l.'i--"U UVI V.. .., For Hard Surface Roads I'.ii, In nd. Or Apiil 1 -ti'inav 'i. Mull iiomah in titvor of mi lit V Voted of'd roads. Bv a ma i'.rit v tiuil w ill approximate j I5,oii'l Hie piople nuthoiii ed an issue i of . I,25ii,iioo in bonds to pay for im ipioiing 7o intle-i of the eniiaty's ! pin. ipul trunk highwav. At 12 o'clock 'est nigh! n tin ns from 2ii!l precincts I eoinplete ga"e 2'i,27l otes for the 'bond', and 1 ' ' J 1 It against, u faorable ! maiiuitv nf n,:i55. A I jU oxin.atel ,- III r. gi !en d ote was "i , ill 1 i of of the bond: ! lo 1. ally oveiy prc ii cut of the and the ratio c-t : .nut i.'il at it in the county ; .oie I lor good innd-. j In one pie. iin t the vote was 127 ! to 1 in f;r. I..' of th" bui..i. The favor- a'tle iritii'ity langed nil the way Proin that proportion down to a narrow mar gin, wilh Miitliiiiig j : i n i' t rt going ..'.'aii.-t the bonds NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publlihcr.) No. 02279 Department of the Interior. S. Land Office nt Portland, Or.. Mnrch 2d. IP 15. ice ii ljeribv given that (ieorgia u. No K. Ciintrell, of Silverton, Oregon, who ; (in 0,-tobi-r 22, llioli, made H esteai jLntry No. (.12270, fur southeast quarter, Section !I2. Township 7 South, Range 2 , Jaisf, Williiiuette Meridian, liin filed notice of intention to make final five year l'ri.of to establish claim to th; .land above described, before the Ileg- ister and Receiver, C S. I. nnd Office, I'lirtland, Oregon, on the 1 J th duy of May, 1015. Claiuinnt names ns nitnestes; B. F. Rode, of Hullt, Oregon-. K. I.. I'nttersnn, of Hullt, Oregon. V. U. Hampton, of Silverton, Oregon. Lucian Hampton of Silverton, Oregon N. CAill'BIXL, Eefister. BEET GRAY BONNER & BEES' LUELLA SIMONS . HARRY IRVING Ballsdist gcng and Clutter Charactor Dances Hebrew Comedian THE FIVE REEL WORLD FEATURE A GE0. ADE COMEDY M'LISS Fable if the Struggle Between Liberty and Reform Featuring , ALL FOR BARBARA TENNANT Adults 10c Children 5c Saturday and Sunday" ANNUAL INTER-CLASS MEETJSTO BE HELD Keen Interest Is Felt Over Outcome of Contests Tomorrow on the Willamette University Campus. Tomorrow afternoon ut .1:0(1 p. ni. the numial inter-class meet of Willamette university will be held. This meet is one of considerable importance to all students, as ench class is out to win the honors. The present senior class won last yeur's meet and is expected to muko a good showing tomorrow, as they have all of their thletes back this year and they have been training for' the event. The juniors will not have a very large team to enter in the nun, i-inco many of last yeur's men did nut return. The sophomores and freshmen will each have a strong team ami will give each other a strong raa fur tl e honors. The cinder track has been mini with a stenin roller nnd will be in good shape for tomorrow, (.'ouch Thompson believes that he will be able to pick a strong truck tenm from the material that will show up tomorrow. All those who tire interested in track work are welcome to Willamette field tomorrow to see the meet at 5 p. m. Manager Konald Teeters is holding u men's tournament in tennis this wees to arouse interest aiming the university men in this branch of athletics. Thirty men are registered in tne tournament and tho preliminaries will be finished this afternoon, leaving the seini tiiiuls und finals to be played tomorrow after noon nt 4:15 and 5.00 p. in. respectively. These games promise to be fast and ex citing as the best men from last year are all entered and there is also consid erable good material In this year's freshman clnss. V.iulnrrlnv 'u rifitm.u (1 i il not ulimv entr y " .r.. . . . . , eYl'OIlt 1 Ollll 1 tlllllllint cf ion of tll0g(. innd Smith, in which played, the scores wer favor of I'aul Smith. plnved by Hngley Inch threo sets were re B-B, 7-Sl, ti l, in Also the games between Booth and Jcnett showed con siderable head work. Jcnett won tl-2, 2-0, tl-2. Other games were those of .lory vs. Findluy, .lory winning ti ll, (1-4. Douno vs. Steevcs, in which Donne won I). Bvrd vs. Rice, score 0 0, (10 in Byrd 's favor. A Irvine vs. Ketchum, .... ,1 t. II o I....!.... T .. ... c - 1 til iiviiic. in ic , .le.v.'H ujIII in,.,.! VI 1 i ""'se .mc" represented lie Varsity last , .l ivenr in lac lllieicnMegiuio ocniesi, lit will be a scrap from beginning to i I I'fuff will meet .lory, A. Irvine and lay to deeidn who shall play of tho Kmith-.Mcllaaiels 'l'nget will Ulll! winner I match. This tournnnicnt will show who is the , , , , , , i1'"""! n'liins p'uer oi uie scnom us ' . ; ' ' , are UgllUl III An lntcr-c, b. held Mnv egiatc tnuriimueiit will I. Prune Crop Estimated At Thee-Fourths Nosmal fill Tl.al the about tin-".'- 'view.) in ' clop this ye:ir w aiihs of normal, i' 11 be the ..nt v. ho M r. report n" A. I for the .1. K. returned this n Mclulyre help' lo the Dinger there by file. I of the mii'hiio Mi'hityre, lo. i I .' Armsby conipniiy, oning from Salcni I to appiuise the hisses Fruit company'- plant ' liming installed some i in the binned plant M'Ver'il yens pn vious. While in that seej'.tii h" n. a an iuvesl ieal ion ot piii-peets for t i" seas'i'i. lie is n!-o of th" b. lief tl,;.t the orchards in this vi cini;,' will yield in about the sanic ro portii'ii. I iin-i'leiable damage, he re pons, has been done in the Riddle and Viin- allii ili 't i I ', not so much dam- age lesullitig in the Roseburg and l.nok 'ing (iliips vii inliics. It is not probable, juccii-diiig to Mr. Mclntyre, that the 'Arin-liv coin air-' will erect a plant 0lii :i li ' Will j her" Ihis y. v nr. However, L. F. Wood. 1,1 t I'haigi' of the various j ;i I -ting of tile 'Olieeril, Will I." hen' 1 1"""' horliv to I""), over the sitiiat ion and at Ihis time the matter will be deli- llitelv ilel.'lllii'ii d. V .i ii-tle On Tyne .iirthiiiiil'"iln nd -Foill't ileitis- nnd niiiu-rs no w weuriii ; the British I mini h to In uniforni hiniii; (e care of then. America's Greatest Cigarette ml tpjtxm Upturn faUirU CHARLES CHAPLIN in his latest and greatest Comedy, MENT", in Two Acts. t Court House News ! The Stnyton State bank was award ed a verdict yesterday in the suit brout'ut by A. .1. Anderson, trustee in bankruptcy for Rov II. Wassom and .... pi, .i ..i,wici, owhik i liuMacss under the name of the Salem Lumbi r company. Judgment for $7:Hi.J2 was asked by the plainlil'f, who' allegid that the bank had secured the; money in a suit last .Inly wlo'n it was known that the firm was insolvent. In the suit of i'lcd l.nHrnncli against L. II. McMnhuu the jury last niglil hunch), in a verdict for the plaintiff in ti;e sum of 22. Ill and $20 attorney's fee. The amount asked for was ifsl with Jt'iO attorney's fees, bat the jury lent iloivn the allowance. The argu ments of the .attorneys ia the case were r,ni.he, ;,i (I o'clock hist night, but the jury returned for a night sot- I'tiea to settle the inse. N. K. Kders was lined .J.'i in jus tiee touit yesterday on a charge of larceny by bailee, but sentence was suspended by Judge Webster. Kders was uceuM'd of having bought some j goods from a second hand slurp w hich ; n. was aiiegeo ue soul wilnout lumn, I paid lor them. Fred Steiuer was fined $.1 yesterday in justice court on a cliurgu of operat ing two autoiuobiles under olio license ill violntim of the law. .Steiuer claim, ed thut he was using the license milli ter on an Overland car which he was using while his hord was being repaired :,l(!llinilt M, ).;. Phillips, as the Aurora in l garage, and was therefore not op-. ,lni,r ..oinpaav, for the recovery of crating two cars under the one number. , mim,,y la,,.d t,i l, due. It is stated in jthocompliiint Hint, as Hie result of an An nction for the recovery of money accounting, it was found flint a balance for alleged earless burning of logs last of $200.14 was due the plaintiff from May was on in the circuit court fori the defendant. It is further alleged Marion county this morning when thu 1 1 lint the defendant compuny has failed case of Win, l'etzel, bb administ rator j and refuses to pay the amount and jiulg for the estate of Joseph F. I'etzel, incut is therefore nsked. against J. ,1. Barnes was called. The 1 ' pluintiff nlleges that at the lime of the London A cotton material know n death of Joseph 1'etzel he was the own- as "Joffre" is a nomilar spring full er of a large ipinntity of logs and stand ing timber nnd that on or about May 10, 1014, the defendant wrongfully and carelessly set fire to the glass and brush near the logs ami allowed it. to burn without being guarded with- the result that I sd.liliO feet of sound timber was destroyed. The plaintiff alleges damage to the extent of $271 ami de mand judgment for the sume. The case will probably occupy the greater pint of the dav. An older appointing Jnines C gtiutdinn ad lileiu of Vera . Ilell.el Hull, II Mm phv II et ui. circuit ; inuking defend- a ml w a . ' n appear 'minor, in the case of (1. W. ! against Ula Wright. Vera 11a 'was made this inoining in tin Icourt for .Mniioa county. In the order it was stated that the ant failed to lipl'i in ill ciiiiit Wllllnllt a leg for her. il lepri sentatiw t LOOK! r.ecri'iv,. , (' finl'ile T' appeal 111 run I t , 1 to an-wi r lo tio- c Minphiiut died inoiinst , i ' him, the d. fend ml in the 01 ' of J. W. t Cin-i. Il, bnnkei -, agni.i.t W. I.. Freies. ? W'es ordi e.) rills llioiolln.' to pa jad;; H ni'-nt ill th" Mini of .4' I .!"-!!. :l 1 iijo the u Inn, lis i f the idniiiliff. Alli.l lleys fees I ill t he Mill) of IOII d ie II lloWl'd. G fit the ,!... i f l.leiin Cni.liil isaainsl I 'lyt-.ti Wnikcr, .Vontoii Walker, und 3 s" 'the Doioild .'. ni si ry e mjiaiiy, an nit inn J ttv !in the ' ;.'eiii! loiiif r .Murioii ciinty S 'fir l'lle;.. fnillduli'l't tillll.-lel' if a ii I k ii'inoiiitiMC tn .1 10. 1", the Donald 9 N'urieiy eoinpany this iiioiniiig filed an H it A ansu. r a-!,;iig iiidineiit for a ceiliiiu 1 it ;siiiii of inoiiev dii" mid nllej'iiig that the j ehe-l; l'.;iv I Hi I - f'l'.-l . 1 1 to IIM'id pill'- mi'i! A 1 1 f 1 v to the niiMicr was ul-n I fil.-d lv th- j . j : i i . t i C .-. I Fi' d l'i ler-"!! nh" w as all a igiod this I .morning l.oi'.rc Ju'lg" Kelly in the cir , i COMING PONY MOORE MUSICAL COMEDY CO. 15 PEOPLE 15 One Week Starting Sunday Matinee April 18. Three Complete Changes. Five Reels Special Pictures BLIGH Theat e ALL WEEK 10 AND 20c 'A JITNEY ELOPE- cuit court for Marion county and who pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary committed at Sublimity, was sentenced to serve n indeterminate term in the Oregon penitentiary of from two to five years. He was taken to the peni tentiary this morning by Sheriff Kseh, who recently went to Sonoma county, California, for him. lie was charged with murder by the California author ities along with Dick rrey, but was ae- q,ttcd. Charles Wade, who was ar- n,:.,,,,i .i, eha.ee of l.iiri'lnrv with l'eterson, on .lanunrv 2, HH5, was dis missed on February 23. An inventory of all public, property is being made today by (iovernor Withxcombo. An officer iimilti ail in spection of the property of Compuny M this morning und took notice of every thing from carpet tacks to the brass cannon outsire on the purking. Captain (ichlhar was present nt the inspection. The inventory is general all over the state. The first notice : 1'Jlti w as receix ed of the lax levy this morning bv lor the 1,. count v ch rk. it was sent in by W Ounngnn. cleik of hool district No. that 105, of Niherfon, and gave notice tnxofiiiio mill had been levied. County Clerk Max (iehlhnr received the first notice of the ctnoplction of contract road work this morning from W. .1. Culver, county I'oadiiiaster. The work that has just liccn completed and which is yet reipiired to be iniproM'd, was done by .1. A. Jefferson in clearing and grading Jackson Hill in road dis trict 27'ii. Coiuplain was filed this morning ni tho circuit court for uMrion county by Si,ill,i.-rin tl ,wl ti'iicheu u itiii'iinni I intl. ill l.'agland find trograd blue." a favorite color is ! WEXFORD Tonight I.AM' ell A N F. TO s F. F. Henry Blossoms Great Racing Play . "Checkers" IN 5 GREAT ACTS. Friday and Saturday Everybi.dya Favorite. El!a Hall -In "THE MASTER KEY" more people c er show n in than ;l Urn i"iin TWO OTHKll IEATURU riCTUBEB INCLUDINtl the r 1 1 Ia 10 Minutes Animated Cartoon Comedy 5c 5c LOOK! ALL GIRIS All WEEK 10 AND 20c TIIRKK fresh cows, sell cheap. R. F. D. No. 8, box 04. tf FOR FAINTING call A. L. Miner. and paper-hanging i'hone i.'itl-K. Aplti AUTO tube vulcanizing, 23o. Shop foot of I'nion street. Fhoue 1517-J. Aprl7 HOMi: STL'DY test bocks for sale; all subjects. 1). Abbott, 211 Hubbard building. tt lb" VOU wish your carpet vacuum cleaned by responsible parties phono 1S02. Special prices. tf W'ANTKD A man with team to put In 20 acres of oats or barley on beaver da.u land. Dr. ilott. ' tf WANTKD (ieneial housework In pri vate family by n young woman. W. B. 1.., care Journal. Apl5 FOR 8A1.K 5 room house cheap, if taken soon; close in, Address C. M., care Journal, AplO HARRY Window Phono lSoO J. and ollico elenner. Aprl7 COM i'LKTK stock of tested garden, field and lawn seed. Westacott 4 Thielsen Co., Jul North High st. tf WE will allow you the highest price foi your usc.l furniture In exchango foi new. Cnlef Bros., home furuishors, I'hono SIM. VOl'NC. man, aged 21, of good habits, wi.-hes work of seme kind In town. Address A. T. F., Journal. If (I I HI. wanted to do general housework; must have expeiienee. Call 78 Hel lenic street, or phone 2"! mornings. Aprltl FOR SAI.K-Old standard make pinno. Will sell fur I2."i cash if sold tit once. Cull nt 121.1 Norlli Coiinuerciiil street. tf FOR RFNT-Cp lo date 7-rtiuni flat, close in. See H. II. c'leiniiig, I'hono 121. Hesid o phone 02. FOR SAl.l'l Hy owner, 15 acres film land, fenced nnd clear, ruck road. Bargain if taken soon. I'liiiuo 121. Residence phone 02. WANTFD My competent young man, place to work ; oily or country. I'hono :03. John Shaver. ' tf FOR SAI,F- Lot 50x150, corner lot, Faimimit I'nik, one block frnui pave ment; make an offer. J. N, (liniinnl, 275 State, street. I'hono 1(1. Apl7 FOR S ALU-24 Address W. II. i'hono J F 1 1. Angora billy goals, l.'gau, (ieivais, Rt. 2. A,2l SF.FIl I'OTATOFS-Anieiieaii wonder and I In i Im u k seed potatoes fur sale. Bangiis Bros,, 510 Stale St, I'hono "1". Ap2I MOVFD- Fin in ly. Fred ' door im j I Ii i, Night Lunch. Ye Lib Apl7 WANTKD-Bright young man with business experience; small wages, but good i liance to work intn good posi tion. Address X. Y care J aal. - I'OR SAI.K i innatimi and pansy plants, best of every thing fur porch bines and hanging luisliolit. Yew I 'a ill (Ire.'ii House, MO.", S. p.'ih St., I 'I e 2.'i:i U .. Mis. K. i '. Kan. 7 Aprl7 Jajisnese Embassy Laugh At Newspaper Story W'.i-;iin,;tnii, Apiil 15. Stale nnd inn ml ol Ii. uiD, as well as nltui hes of tho Japanese emba'.-y, Joined lodny in ri diculing the ,ioiy publidii'd in n Los '' iiewspii.,.r. in whoh it wa-i slnt'.l Hint Tuitle Ifc.y, on the coa t i.f Lower C.'ilifoinia, was being fortified a io mined by the Japanese for use an .il 'tntiuii, Imiiiil Thoioas II. Howard wnM rd as luu ing ri porb d that the .In e were siiBiigiug their cruiser i.i. slnnnb d m ar Tnrlle Hay, und I nothing el-e. A ' I ill i 1 1 I llnwn rd 'rt ' are in clo-e I h with en nlil inns pane Avu 'Ion. ,1.,," nil llollg 1,1" we-lein coii-t, and offi- Miy he cei tiiial'.' would not have 1 1' in: 1 1 v ; gi'de. lied silent il' Hi.. .1.1 1 in nr - a. 'liv id been as lej oiled from Los All- AFTER EATING J.i-t bemuse the pepsin pills, sudn iniils nnd nllier nrlificiiil digestivi. liil'leis ii.ii hiiM been taking no longer ( iie o,i the desired iclief and Miii in ii - I lake two, four or six i 1 ' I "t one In stop your heint bnin, bbuiting, sour rising, belching ni. I sloo.arh lump, it 'H mi sign there is no 'pin k relief fur on. but ii sure ugn tlint it 's high tin'ie ynu , Imaged Votir ill i'.I ii' i in-. Cue hi these so I'lled in. Is to ilige.li.'ii, that work Ml the food un, ,o the stouiacli no ictuiil good or you 'II bch h und bloat till ilooinsday. You r I u remedy Hint will strengthen your stomach muscles and lining nnd increase the I'h.w of digest iw juices. Then yiuif, stomach will do its own digesting, There is an old time lean dy called Mi o na Moium h Tablels which give Wolnlelflilly ipiick i. lief in suck .'uses. They lire a splciuliillv bal anced moium h preseriptioii ami no mailer how bad lour stomach U, Im iv long it has bothered or what or how mm 11 you eat, these little tab lets will uiake your stomach digest i'mtv lust particle of food in it. Daniel J, Fry or most any good drug gist in this vicinity sills .M i n-nil on il positive guarantee of satisfactory results or money buck. :.. I