Edi toria r- i in r uiri s i i i7J r TIII'IfSUAV KVIAIMi. April 1.1, l!M. raore or ne aouai journal ""a" - HtW PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXO EPI SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. B. BARNES, President ciiAs. ir. fishi;b, Vice-President UORA C. ANDBKSKN, Sec. and Treus. 3D lily by carrier, per year., D lily by mail, per year..., Veokly by muil, per year.. SUBHC1U1TIOK KATKS 5.00 8.00 1.00 Per month Per month Biz months. . . . , .45c ,.35c ..50c FULL LKASED WIUU TKLEUBA I'll KKi'OBT The Capital Journal carrier boya are Instructed to put the papers on the trch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglecw g tUiig ner to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only we i c a t! f determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions. Pione Main 81. - THE WOMEN AT WORK The following paragraph is published in the Prison Mirror of the Minnesota penitentiary: "Why is it that from the first inception of our paper to the present time we have never had an editor to sojourn in our midst : Other professions have been well represented. Of preachers we have had sufficient to have furnished sub sistence to an African chief for a year: of doctors suf ficient in numbers to depopulate a state; and of lawyers enough to establish a good sized colony in hades, but 01 editors not one. Abraham Lincoln died fifty years ago today but he still lives in the hearts of his countrymen and history will keep his memory alive through all the centuries to come The United States have already handed clown to posterity three undying names, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln- soldier, statesman and exemplar of universal freedom and justice. Gen. Fred Funston is down on the Mexican border and if he should take a notion to swim the Rio Grande That more than a million Englishwomen have offered to take the work-ulaces of men who go to the front and that a like condition exists in France, Germany, Austria and Russia ir, a fact of tremendous significance. It means r il f,.,,nlfT rii nn putt icm When ho vaf ends untold numbers of the women of: and stop that eternal foolishness there will be a lot of Fnmne will find themselves without their masculine, parcel Greasers breaking all known sprinting records in bread-winners, or with crippled men helpless to take their! uucl-uuii 01 uie equator. former places as wage-earners. Upon the women willj . A, , 77 '. : i-t the burden of the entire industrial structure of their; Reward, Alaska, is having a genuine, old time boom ' all because of thecomineof a rai road. Down here a new The thy of the waee-earning women in industrial' I'ailVoad or two scarcely creates a ripple, which shows that occupations has fully dawned, in America as well as in 'even important things may easily become common. Europe Of far greater importance to women man tne; uCTZ ; T , ballot in asserting their equality with men is their ability1 ortland s health officer has issued an edict against to support themselves and to lead independent individual P.vomiseious sneezing. Thus one by one are personal liber lives, if need be. ! Ues trampled upon by the iron heel of higher civilization. W.' I). Ilowells has Ihrillingly depicted the struggles of - ; an educated and accomplished woman suddenly left penni- .'he a I lies bombarded the Dardanelles again yesterday, less She sets bravely to work to turn her accomplish-! Evidently the attack amounted to little not even the merits to account for self-support. First she tries decor-! Chicago wheat pit was hit. aLing pottery, but her work is not finished enough to ; bring the needed income; then she tries coloring photo-j pa em is the only city of importance in Oregon not graphs, then writing for magazines, then fine millinery! actively engaged in campaigning for a bigger commercial always with the same result. She could do many things! club membership. fairly well, but nothing well enough to he well paid lor. At last she comes down to making cheap bonnets for servants, and by that coarser' work she manages to eke out a slim existence, till the novelist, as the only way of getting her out ol the unbearable situation, is compelled HILL-BORN. ipiiet hills, ii solitary to marry her off This may be fiction, but it is not a stranger to fact. j Our cities are full of heroines of this sort. i Parents are neglecting a serious duty when they fail! to train their daughters to make a living for themselves. Well-to-do and even very wealthy fathers are wisely giv ing their daughters sound experiences in their own offices. Every woman should bo trained to do some useful things to support herself by it if necessary. The exigency often occurs where least expected, and the helplessness, of fj.any a woman of education and refinement under such circumstances is painful to contemplate. j The disparity between men's and women's wages is not: always an arbitrary discrimination against woman be cause she is a woman; it is very often due to difference in the grade of work. Jin JJIVW ill till dill, I. learned n Invo the ilnopiiijr pines, iiiul nil Hint haunts the wild; Ami tunc tn knuw the woudinift of nil the hiililen rills Thai hoi' l(, make n ".router tiling the spirit of tlie hills. And soincfninfr in t hu solitudes lins led me till' nnd near; of evenings, when I ho moon was low, uad mmintaiu air vnn clear, I 'to luiteied mi the ijlfiiiiiijig heights that link nn many a space, And iImiiiI, in all the poetry of Nn tine's riniijlieiied wastes. ! STATE NEWS J Canyon City Ka(jle: Why must Can yon City tie annoyed with the row- nui snare Why should the town lie ninde a cow pasture f There is not another town in the Btiite of Oregon Hint puts up with such a miiHiinre. Last Tuesday a cow tackled n load of groceries on the delivery curt of local store und destroyed about half the load while the delivery man was allin(r cus. tinner. Chewaiicna Press: I ' Wt.il the Ami wandered in the passes while, the snows lav shnulilcr-dt'cp, under niyriun winter stars wlule earth lav asleep: luiMiliii" theie alone of niulits1., . ! . . II uie ennui ty came 10 HO ery spot of nil the earth tin. Is linil made for inc. of in ml animal: GOOD NEWS FOR THE CAPITAL CITY That was good news brought back from Mount Angel' by the delegation of business men who visited that town ysterday. It was in brief the assurance of another rail road for Salem in the near future. ; .luilge (irant 11. Dimiek, president of the Willamette Valley Southern railway, an electric line recently com pleted to Mount Angel, from Oregon'City, stated that it was the positive intention of his company to extend the road through Howell prairie on to Salein. The money was available, or would be, as soon as the first unit had been placed on a paying basis. Ponds sullieieiit to cover the cost of the extension had already been taken care of wilb that understanding, and lie was confident that this condition would be realized by early fall. Then Salem would be asked for no more than to secure the right of, way -bonds, stocks or bonuses would not be required. This electric line will greatly extend Salem's trade area and tend It) develop one oi' the richest agricultural sections of Marion county. Already this is quite a rail road center and each additional line will add to its ini poitance as the commercial hub, the distributing point, for the most thickly populated section of the Willamette Valley. Salem has only just begun to grow, and no city in the state, no matter how enterprising and energetic, will ever threaten its hold upon the second place among the cities of the state, both in respect to population ami volume of business transacted. lotus wiadike thioii"li the I vi'in..'. and makes one t iir.lv, i siaik. . I lie ' il . i I In ui.li culls ml at noon i m t lispH the lark; Min an mo music ol i in i :n in seems 1 1 -siny dun u forlorn I'piiu I he i odine ..il.'ii.'o ol' each ecu- I lc iiniiiiilai a nun ii. The usual number ave been killed in ti ml around Paisley this week. Heports are constnatly coininc, in that dead coyotes are lioiiic, I'uuiiil in c,rcut tiuiuliers on the desert everywhere. Sam Farm reported ml lie liiul seen ton in one tin v. Oth- 'crs have linmlit in similar reports. , It ""' is believed th.it this will shortly rid the whole rnnntiv nf Ho. pest, and stamp out the epiiloinic ot rabies. Albnuv Herald nt ties of npi'li s the yai.l nf i. r nui n, a I six different varie urnwn on one tree in the residence of Huvid 1 m ii 1 1 n. nt Ineiil merchant, who A It- IV. h ii, I . ip- I it ,ln n calls allnol. from some in i In1 tiees. Mot the mavis ninel, m seclocies. en ei i:i nt whiles and w.n s, tell one 's p'lit le ail; 'i 1 In-- i he hills hac claim iniiioii on nit lii ail. icsnl.n at I in- . ,.i n,,f of l'crry und 7th streets. An, I een tear there is n lioun lil'ul ield i I ea.'h' kind. Prom the same liee, h. I'minau harvests upi'les lime to lute in Ocl.ilier. I he t ree w as urn fled eat varieties and each veloped into a sv s trnlll eail Seveial eals a with si ili ; . ,, t III I t ill I he I ! a toil! nf 1 1 l.l 1 .-. P. Ut lie aeaiii dvii p.1,1. they llln II sil -1 1 ,i .an lllll-e ml a pneni .hi the-e uie miiilcil in the mis elilllson ests. ill t he preeinns allei li s of uns letnnle. 'iui;le pallet wni thy nf tee Yliiiie w into, . ' ' i', i in !M has II the , . Ill lie . . ast nf I'm i ; ill w h i. Ii the., C'l. and r,,a wniilil e lllev w i lev'tllis ti : .lnclii'iildiits lire u unknown disease , for the past three t south and south- llach year the an a all s occur has inereas. lii.i; tlie lienefit we at 1 1 , let us hope that 'U't out the entile vttl CI .1:, -eh.led t in ni'ini4 amiint: I 'iiiiiiis. the miiic. tin I lia et ,.i ii pie elinsins, where Id "I livel clei'l's, lined a Ihiin-and snivels las. ' na I ' ny In i u I. s, lie e;,v (,,., iliei, ne an. I the s,, l oct . i 1 1 1 1 1 , anii, leitcl the field is a'l e U'l.'at deal .k, flic t lll.."-;h Hint llel ; li, , tic I I of lime ns,, r,.s keep s!iin ;n chief t icaiu r. ' I' - ilts nt Slaiifbdil af "lii I like this: "Stun '""'I up und we feel a a small boy who lias just 'in' l ands of his exaclinc; i . il'ortuble. but u lit the ay we shine. ',. ' '1 that we are ijoinc; to I "a ihe (,'ood side of the M.iisi Hcavert.'' 'I' He words the I ih P h If' J." , '0 llln y ' ."'' me mis en, lose, nt h' in I in1, soi'hisliv he eilllnp knows - ih 'iHt.uld be a sa.-i'd' rn tiy I.", eat : I's it Is the silence sc, 'like the n .eilitaiiis sweet of ll the A former Koseburg man appeals to his old Oregon' neighbors to lu'lp hiin get out of a Mexican jail. And'yet: if lllt M I'mI'iis: 'i i, I i'ul Into ii'n. tn tin.. P- m-. til.- It :.. it.,.. I, .,!.).. I ...v t(tti. .nt.-. jt.t'ti ittitl UtWL-s II le tMt't'ttUl the safest place below the Rio (Irande just now! And bin ial untie pan, I l. ic.iih 'l.'si, than in n chide limbic in the ..'pub lire the Tilau hills hate lua.le. ' eanis t' i t I nn ii.l.c remii.nn itoin lonely w in,,. thai wail, ' i' faiier wreath or ojulaud than a lily of the nle. "Ill si'i! "I llinncv, ' ' , estate ii s, 1, been a mniil. ck and oil nail ettate is is min h clica i. 'in. .',l!lllt' i. Miner a.lMiataee ,, ,!;,. s, .'iniiii; home v,l; j,, be had 1 t imes and s. aivity '' I'nion Seoiit, ' real I nion. There liatc ' iitinnes in the last a's uie peadine;, As In I'nion toduv it is not only the Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package. Absolutely clean and wholesome the product of scientific manufacture wax wrap ped and sealed air-tight. Not only that, but on each 5c package the outer band is a valuable Premium Counon. t ; These Coupons come with both WR I LEY'S ssnsan new Double Strength Pepper mint flavored gum and with WRIGLEY'S the Mint Leaf flavored brand. These SAME COUPONS now come with so many high grade products that you can collect them very rapidly. Substantial premiums are offered for as low as 5 coupons and irom tnat up. Articles for men, women, children and the home. Birthday and Holiday gifts. Wearing apparel, furniture a thousand useful, ornamental, pleasure-giving things. The Spear men shown here have a few of them. It Will Pay Vou To Save & Write for your free copy of the newest jingle book for young and old WRIBUY'S Mother Goose the old familiar rhymes written and illustrated as the WRIGLEY SPEARMEN think they ought to bet Address: & Wm. Wrlgley Jr. Co, 1209 Keener Blrig. Chicago 1 Saw mJ P R O F I f-vS H A R I N G tX'-SSl SJk frTTTtTOI err itscnr Fan vQiinmxin "'-iJ !ll r,r . 'Mil stn T" to ap. (I'npitnl .lonrnal Special Service. l'laiiiia. Hi'.. Aoril in..- Mm iv .,1' tl,.. l'liitniu voiint; people attended 'the lias lict nocinl nt iilard, last 1'ii.lav even- ni. Ihe teaclier, ,ii,s hinis, had an exci'lleiii iiri.e ru in urci'iiieil ul.1,1, ippi'ccinted l.y all. 'I'll., sale of the lias Itets netle.l ,e school over ;tu, 'p,;s money tt,l u. .,,i tl, . .-..1, :. . ., I ll r the s. hool. .Miss l..iteiisi. Na.lou s si'oii.liii.- :i tew iluvs at hoine. Mv. Hardin McAllister U von- 111 ,,i the In, m, ,,f his son W II I ,.' 1 1: ... l Mr MeAllisIci eriitts t, m.I ; U- i' not cvp. . ted to r. er. ' ; Mis Alicia Welt,- i .;,), 'iisles. HI the home of l,,,t -ovi,,,- l . , I Will tirahiini. in Silver II...- 1 1, tirs. .loliu Wcltv, 'i' i. . i ii'-souv, to see lier Mr. I'erris Stein, .r ! !... Imps on the l'cvree ran.'li. Miss l.eaa Haiuscycr and lier lindliers P"'i ii n.l liavi.l. niove.l homo t'1,1111 Sa lein lust S, it,. ,,!,- '11... 1 t t it 1, ii 1 ,, oovs nave neon "' aiieniiind luisiiu icuicrs are taitllln iiition and nre se 'lie property is to IWUWMVIi.t.ll U I t , .i( -i- v-'i ii-:g-"- " '"' Vi DOCTOR PRAISES GALLUSES. lap sue a' ll ciiinot U fnw i timt tlie t'nij r;" lil'itlS il II v e.'iHse n.i'i """ " , .' il f mm, en. 1,-itm n a- ..in-. : . ... t.ii' r.'tin 111 ' A l,i'.'k ''fJ1 ' ivv lihnv in ...:r ,,n,lix. ii" "" "' "ii ... ,,. m-tr.Hr im. l:"' , won!' .I.ltl" K.teliesti'r, Minn., April I.). Aipen diei'is lias tnerensed from Hint tn per cut. In'cunse of the increased use of liells instead of suspenders, nceord itii; to Dr. V. ,T. Jlnyo, worlil -famous air.:. '.in, win) hns lieen called to wait on tlie roMiltv of Kiiropo. Minneapolis sure mis, however, differed from thiM ..., r.ETTEES. ..ii....:.... ii..., ti... s t-' r.u-i ..... jiioK i. ,11 ...t: i." JOURNAL CLASSIFIED AM ' Note the Opening went to Silvertoti. trnininp Prices lipcnitn.i county tis i I The fetal ! it lit lie - LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG3 Capital $300,000.00 Transact a general banking businesi Safety Deposit Uoxci SAVINGS DEPARTMENT I'm , wild a fot me l,e -u fond, or de' st'll.'.l leal so sweet, inst to lie cteinanv in letereiiee lit the feet (if some lolly mountain ihic'.i (lie titt'U hate huili so hili, V icittan I'litnre w.,rsii,cr, w,m ,li,l not fear to dief The throne, enchanted cities, the (tens uiOMi'ltiuc; limits, An.l nil the merry pln.es very dear to human hearts. Have conspired n roll the human of the pencil the mountains luinu. And men nrp t!d nt dnvui of life! 'd ai:t killers in t aU i i'i t ho l.ukcviotv ox Mar. h S to Miirch lilt Ot COVOtCH OII chieli UtltV I'iH .,i,,t .'...,. I , ' ' "' tlltl.tl- II K I I I .1 '".'teh was that of V, I ill, ove I'liislcv. He ,,,, ,,itu ii.. i.'..... i . . , . I-, . . " ,in ii . i i ti i, -.no i T oi i i,, t rat ens itrouc less I'ol lareest si H. Martin, le Itroucht in I"', "ere kille.l, Jesse t in L' : Tim loii.l !,,, '.v l-aviuent for the .,,,iod was 111 i:l.r,il. and net ,-r 1, 'ii u to Sitl, Icue duriiitr th., "inter season and their sister hns l.een Keeping hous,. fr tli.-m. Imt t. pen-"il-' up of spiinK work has l,rouKl,t them home. . -Miss Mary ! , r i ir whu has lieen visit. ' ini; at home expc. ts to return to Salem tins week. Mis Mary Schaap visited relatives near .sl,iein tr several davs In nr. .loan 1 tvt cl is luisv l'i'"plc in (hi, vi.-initv, Miss Cert rude Mauri' Heine tins week. Miss Myrtle Harper u itor last sun.l.iy. Miss K. loor S,,lt .-iiniiay at her i I M:t- ""'"" ' 'i"t fnnnd the uills. ' .. , ,l10" I'H'V "ot tnrrv ton. r .lest up,,,, ,, (lf nV lim It'sS l,,t 1ji l""t s.uiictiiiie should find vour i "ell ill lev n 111. tl .'.... Aad tliiak Hi,, fnult of loving the,,, mn t.. lay to m. -Kniest Kverhnrt W:Ur. n,nt thp nublic may rk and become familiar witl office, we are going to make our ro know how we do uVi H . V. ...... ModPt-n Saniw work and become familiar with tlie " fi f S .l.W i ' ist week. 'V iissessinc the cr spent n day at aletu vis- $7.50. No extracting nt this price. This offer is ,d till hrokc will soon Le i,), Sntiirdnv in Salein. and 11. n min is so far improved that she to remove the splints. ! 1 vkjt, wo,r.'1, in Toi "!,"t AJ "''I buy or ,ell for May lSth 1 A PnV Painless Dentist OAO Pi i. P 1 "'