Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 15, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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OuttSOil U
-achange from the oil you
have been using meant
boiher in adjusting1 tlie
feed. Otherwise too
much or too little ii
fed into the cylinder!.
No trouble if you use
he Standard uu
for Motor Cars
It is obtainable evtry.
where, from Seattle to
San Diego, from Spokane
to Phoenix at city gar
age or roadside hamlet
And it is always uni
formthe tame body
the same perfect lubri
cating quality.
Dealers everywhere, or
et all agencies and Ser
vice Stations of the
Closing Session of
Willamette Presbytery
At the cloning session of the Willam
ette Presbytery, which has been in ses
sion here for the jiast three duvs, the
Rev. W. S. McCiillngh, of Lebanon, and
the Rev. William MacLeod, of. MeMinn
ville, were chosen a.) the regular dele
gates to attend the general assembly
of the Presbyterian ehureh to be held
in Rochester, New York, next month.
The lay delegates chosen to attend
were Professor Caswell, of the Univer
sity of Oregon, and Mr. Axtell, of Eu
gene. The Presbyterian church was filled
last evening to hear the interdenomina
tional discussion of "Modern Christian
Triumphs in Pugnn Lands."
Officers elected were: Rev. A. N.
Thompson, McMinnville, moderator;
Rev. George Birchet, Independence,
temporary clerk, and Rev. George
Mitched, Dallas, reporting clerk. Mr.
Thompson succeeds Rev. ('. T. Ilurd,
who recently became assistant pastor
of the First Presbyterian ehureh, Portland.
Eighty-Sixth Eruption
of California Mountain
Redding, Cal., April 15. Mount Las-
Another Electric Railway
Is Headed for Capital City,
resident Grant It. Dimick, of theiEven this small gathering, Mr. Stock-'
Willamette Valley Southern, savs that''0" declared, might start a movement'
his electric line will be extended from ' aKai",t th unwarranted fight uu busi- i
. ,. . . ,, , . , uess interests winch would spread
its present term.uus at Mount Angel to : throughout ihe country. It would bo i
Salem; that the company will probably j the surest way. to insure the leturu of j
be ready to begin the new construction hotter times.
work by next fall. ' ( lias- " J'isllPr of Capital Jour-.
This statement was made at a lunch-aml H- J: 0"d,'il"ks' ,lf stl
eon in the Marion hotel, at' Mount1"""' sl'olte """' .'''presenting the
Angel, tendered visiting Salem busi-i l'r,'8s of ,he CH',Ul, . '"."v
nessiiien by the people of the former , s,,"ntor, l- 1 1 .lilsh".' ''"dorsed Mr.
city yesterday Stockton s view iu laver of saner leg-
More than 50 Salem residents, a ma-' isl",iun affecting the business inter-'
jority of whom were members of the ,s- the encourage ut of.
Ccumercial club, motored to Mount An-lh"" ",, ha' i'al"t"1 10 ",VI'S-
irel vester.lnv i-f .!. ...,..!.,. 1 believed thac if times were luud it was
ing 'coinmnuitv in formally welcoming ! ,"ai',',i' 'bet'ul,se we '!"U' '"'' o by1
the advent of the new electric road into ,lw;'lllll8 !'on Mtistctur.v conditioiH
their midst. It was an enjoyable af
fair, replete with good fellowship and
marked by sincere hospitality of part
of the Mount Angel people. On their
Knn irlo in eiimtim, fnr the niulitv utvth
time late vesterdav. From four o'clock j l'etizi"t' .'i""'"" the Hotel Marion
and magnifying tncin. He urged
campaign of improvement uu the part
of every property owner. Kvervouo
should spend some money, build a new
arrival about noon, after a pleasant lnuu,e or "T"f ' '" Willi paint
trip Ihroigh Hi miles of fertile conn- or .'l1'"' '' , "'' ' '""'" Tl",t
try, aboun.ling in evidences of prosper- wmi1'1 -S'Ve ''"'I'10-""1 lal"'f ami
l nn.l ulwtnn.,l ,iv..ln,,,t t""1" ""'"'i '"' normal again.
f-eiiimi.- nisuup (iicuu mr n return ot
optimism r.ud pledged the support of
Salem lor the new railroad, or anv
to 10 great clouds of smoke and nsh!as c 01 ' '''8 or tne nay s pro
poured from the crater. The ashes jKra'"- ,
were enrried southward in a great! At the luncheon r (I. Deckebach pie
cloud which extended for forty miles. -I sulo.l as toastinnster, nud enlivened the
Snow fell on the volcano a week ngo, i proceedings with his customary flow of
but it is now all gone from the ton, wit anil eloquence, calling upon a mini
though there ifl still plenty below tim-berline.
j The iminigrtitiuii of railroad laborers
V any new railmad hns begun already
if the Grants I'uss railroad as was in-
: pirated by the sleepers at the police
'ration this morning. Out of six sleep-
.' im. four were typical railroad luborers
;ul all were headed for Grants Pass.
. Ttey fame from nil pnrts of the north-
' Vit indicating that there will be little
iiiiinilty expei icaced ill securing ull of
:.r labor needed on the new road.
W. M. Price was arrested yesterday
imrooon on 11 charge of burglary when
Knights of Pythias to Con
fer Degrees at Crater Lake
A number of Sulem Knights of
ity ami substantial development,
visitors were taken in charge by local
businessmen, who had provided an np-
oth'r worthy enterpiise
Frank Duvey, state representative
from Harney county, now a resident of
Salem, alter an absence of several
years, told of the wonderful progress
he had noted in the interval he had
i 11 ...-.... i.i
ber of the guests for remarks befitting!"" . " ""'
the occasion. ? a"'1 "'f '"'"i''1'
Mayor White, of Salem, explained '"tod ettort tor t he advancement of
the object of the vHt as one inspired ,lh,t,0'. of Marion cointy.
by a desire for closer relations between! 'u,.l.Kff4 D,n,, I'.' "" 1'""'
the various sections of Mariou countv.a tn,m,te,. , Salem s enterprise; its
liscussed railroad and i "V . i ' , , " uu-eas anil heau
nun uumes. ne asscne,i mat it wns
one of the most attractive cities of
the west and that it was destined to be
much larger and far more imnortnnt
Incidentally, ho
wagon road construction.
-Muvor Fox responded on behalf of
Pythias will be present when the Mount Angel, extending a cordial wel-
,i.i..i i.. i...,,ii.. v. oi ti. ! i, ..i.i.,... w m iV :n.V ,i, ... " a commercial sense.
""""I ".' Vll.lllllll ..-.U. -.1, I 111 "I "(I.," 1.1-1. I1III .1. LI. 111.......".., Ul HI.. I'll
lao Xo. 50, and Klamath Xo. ()!), will lem Commercial club, told of the de-
.1. II. Mulchuy, assistant genera
ni,f... ),,, ... ..Li nf k-i,:.,l,il.n.i .,, mi, ::.. ..t n, niinl ,.i,vV liiiwin.ivuiii.iii " 'NIM "Keiu or uie .-outnein I'aciric
lafLe class of candidates at Crater! to cultivate closer relations with those wa" l"t',t. responded with words :
Lake during the mouth of August, of surrounding towns, called attention!, , ""'! p"'""'"K,'llll'n' for nil such
Leaving Medfonl on Tuesday, August and
I to the need of better country roads,
helpful projects as the Willamette Vnl-
xnressed tho hone that Mount ,ou"1."""' eu'ioisou .ir. niocii-
17. bv iintoinnliile. tlw. imrtv will reach' Amr.ilV ni.iu l..,.tPin niilxvuv ..,,l,t u,.,i, wn ,t,ws "'Ogar r legislation mid
Crater Luke ill the afternoon, when be extended to Salem. jagitation against railroads nud "big
tents will be erected and camp pitched,! Dr. Webb, of Mount Angel, also ex-, 1,"s'"l'ss interests,
named after our Supreme Chancellor, 1 tended n welcome to the visitors in a1 , August Ke irberger, ol .salem, presi
Prig. S. Young, the evening meal will ft,w w0 ehosen remarks. ' ."" ol the (,l'llnl1;1 "o-u'ty, expresseil
be prepared consisting, besides other: Eoad Comhui to Salem. l1'''"""' "t l,oilg' "hie to visit
good things, of mountain trout, and! ju,1uo Grant B. Dimick. of Oregon ' Mo,,!l' Angel, and Ins pleased surprise
Dont Dress Slouchy These Spring Days
All Our SPRING Goods Have Arrived and Are Now on Display
Buy in April, it's due time. Buy at the Popular
Price House. The House That Makes Good.
25 Suits
Sizes, 28, 39, 32, 34, 36, 37,
Overstocked in These Sizes.
BRICK BROTHERS, Cor-Slate a"J Lib" Sts-
Formerly Oscar Johnson's Plymouth
venison secured
After dinner, the
mi found that he was attempting to of thp Uniform Rank will remle
ii nut ore's wilds, city, was then called for, uud was
Medtniil Company mV(m nu enthusiastic greeting us he
Lm urnsii t f riisnmifl. .li,mr
tout it was thu iiiteution uf his com
a.HiH ot wniie carpenters tools ut a i authorized drama, "The Lesson of
V ..v.A l..,n.l ut..r ...I Vfictl, rnmmn.. i t. . -, , I, n 11. t . n
T m , n i, ,, ' .. ' ny a .uresscs or , cxUmJ ,be t08, through How-
street. Uie t.iols consisted ot totl,e gran.l officers and visiting Knights a , , 8 , ,, , , .
two planes, an nutomutic bit and interspersed with choice musical " , ' ,i. ,.v ?. Ji ,,, i,".
.Miulhiamre. It is though that these j selections I WOl,1d 7." udy ,'ur the ext,M""011 ''.v
,rt ,.f th.. oU lost l,v the Cnie ,,..:,....i... ... .! , 'next lull if the first unit was on a pay-
, I " I V'H CUIUHJI , Ull l.Jini 1MH1MI IWI) ! l,u: I.,., l,4 411 ....... I.I
miles from the mainland, and at an "b , ' , , ' ,V "," "'" """"
elevation of .WOO feet, an, dst the most ; J1, wou ,be,, "'f 0 '"y'
wonderful scenery on the American r ,c '? "y h"' f "t0l tt,1'0"'1 ,,!","
continent, tho liauks of Knighthood "J. l'"" H"ly ,llnw,"
will be conferred upon a large ,-lass of J:)n,V"" of that amount, so that the
cnndiilnie, l il Kouilu,i nll,i., financial arrangements were already
i'iliililcis from the A. N. Moorcs
' liiv under cMiist ruction. Several
J"H art'uli's were missed ut the time
' fe' Munrcs house was broken into but
liicse Imvo nut been located yet.
, A Killwrn, uf lndvis'tulence was ar
rested lust night on a chiugc of being
diimk and tliis morning in i,,lice court
flco.Ied guilty nnil received n sentence
.Oi five days in jail at hard labor or $10
. n fine. Killmrii snid he was nccus
t'.mcl to hard nn; n n, it lvns eaitier to
.;finil hard work than a ten dollar piece
'.' Im' went back to jail to work it out.
Portland, lire., April lo. With one
I-rwinct missing nut of a total of 3M,
;it was es-talilisehed today that the good
fads and bond issue of $1,230,000 to
jjav for i in j loving Th miles of trunk
Wy i" Multiioinah countv, was
mwi! at yesterdav's s il 'elivtion
lth a ma ioritv ,.f ri'l-l n.i .
l . , '. i nose 111 III-
v"f oi inc issue iiiimhered
IUm oppe-ed 1 Vt!i.
t inc higliBitvs will be
'"i-jrn uard surface
J'Tnianent nature.
li-I.HHO, and
paved with
pavement, of a
vtockliolder sell his slock and transfer
' transaction is not ri'garded as a
spii-iilation and the company does not
I coine under the jurisdiction of the cor
jpointioii department or Ihe provisions
jof tl lllue cky'' law.
The slate engineer's department is
! eont tin II v called upon to answer such
i t ion
; panto
tho mighty cataract, of
It was realized, he mimI, that
Niagara. In the Westlnnd, Crater!'"1' "' "lllst 011 tH Nll,'l" un,l hl
Lake with its precipitous cliffs rising 1,'lt mir" ,1,ut tue ll('Hlll; u( i,u ft'itnl
high into the heavens furnishes to the 'vo"l,1 KIV1! 1,11 ,hu assistance
fortunate beholder a scene of rugged1""1 co-operatiun that was necessary to
benutv and grandeur thnt will never hi',i ahout tiio culmination of the ci. u
be forgotten. Here the hand of nature l"ny'b plans. The judge wns heartily
has been most lavish with its mag- ehee ed.
nifieence. Many Others Speak.
' I II t. Kelier, a banker of Mount An-
VETS TO SEE AVIATION. 'ifel, told how that little city had
Washington, April 15. Members of pledged $.10,(1110 lor the new railroad,
the arrangement committee for the alter u canvass of only two or three
(1. A. K. encninpmrnt to be held in! days, and had since paid practically
Washington thin fall, said today that nil of it, according to agreement. The
a fine aeroplane exhibition was assur-jnow railway was now operating fmr
ed .'or the gathering. While the army 'a 1 passenger and one freight train dnilv
machines arc all in tho far west, it to Oregon City, giving the very best ot
wns stated that the navy planes in 'service. Mr. Keber eulogized Judge
the cast would be available. Secretary JJimick as a man who did things, und
Daniels hns expressed much interest in; called attention to some of the ongi
illustrating to the veterans all such I neering obstacles overcome by the rail
military developments since their days! way lompany.
of active service. I ' Mtoekton, of Salem, president
. 'of 'he Oregon Retail Merchants' asso-
-- - ,piati-u, made a plea for saner legisla
regarding the beautiful an, I fertile
fanning country through which the
Dimick stilted ' l""',-' nn'1 lIHSSl-''1 eoming from Xu-
Kruu start to finish the gathering 1
wns an exhibition ot good feeling ii m 1 i
enthusiasm, and Toast ster Decke-1
bach expressed his regret at being un-j
able tu prolong the program (if ad
dresses, It had been arranged to ml-1
joiirn in time to attend a session of;
the farmers' institute at the city hull.1
Visit to the College. " j
The activities of the day closed with
a visit to Mount Angel college, where
the building and grounds were in
spected by nu. t of the party. Tiiis
was a most enjoyable feature and sur
prise wns generally expressed over the
magnitude of the institution ami the
coin;i'etness of its plant from an edu-j
ciitjonul standpoint. -
The Knlein delegation returned home' 1 " "l" '
late in the afternoon, after hnvini! ' the by-law s or articles of incoi poration ' nil ions apply, were
spent a pica-nut nud profitable Ihv. ! of a drainage district or irrigation di-j "If one uf (he stockholders of this
gra'it'ied by the hospitality shown , '"et company or association, accord-; company sells his stock to anyone out
them, and oncomnged by the assur-;'"K, ,,lt' inlerpretiitioii of Slateisiile of the coiupnny for '') a share
mice that nimther important railway j Engineer Lewis and advice r ived by when the company 'a price is ifL'll a
hail placed the capital citv on its route.,'1'"1 fl'"1 n' huriiy, it is not uu-, share, does that uiuke a s ulatiiig
' " law ful for mcmliers f such associations i coinpnny of this pany, if so what
The following per-ons were among !"r companies to dispose of their stock would we have to do o riiiiiii under the
those making the trip to Mt. Angel:'1" ""'"''h' parlies whether r not such i Ian- as a speculating company, and
William Hamilton, I). 1 Howard Kraal! ' parlies own land under the ini- what would our taxes he I lieu--they lire
Ilavev, U. 1'. Wagner,' William '.lcCil-'' '"' 'I'"'111"-'', project or not. lie , now t Hi per year
christ .lr H I lleinlrickii ln,,i ',,i ! also is of the opinion thai, unless such "Also can one own ami hold shares
bieo .f I. Str.ton ' .1 d;.... r i t la nsl cr ot stock
t "i;", urn,"
Hechtel, C. M, Jlaiuilton, W. II. Dancy.j
ii. . r.yre, t . it. fisher, William (lals-
it to a man Unit, lives ouls'nle llie
jurisdiction of the companv, without
cslcndiug the jurisdiction to incorpoi
ale his property ( I would like for you
to answer these questions us we would
like to keep within the law and would
like to know what Ihe law is regarding
these things.''
Slnle Kmiitiocr Lewis rmdliiil flint lu
iiiestions us these and to pass upon ,,i , c;.i ....ii,;.,., n,., ..i :..i. i
vital iucstins f importance to irriga-i eorpoiaiion of the coinouiiv which
listnct and drainage district n-',v,, ..,,,,. .. r,, ,.r..l.t
Corporation Department Has
j No Jurisdiction Unless
Stock Is Marketed
The questions which elicited
the above interpretations of the law
governing organized irrigation und
diainnge district, companies were pro
pounded by the secretary of Ihe bust
A IUhiMit ditch company, of Winnie,
Wasco county, and are regarded as
very i in i-1 a ii t in thnt Ihev mill arise
in connection with other iiiigatimi and
or noining snares or stocu in tlie com.
puny, notwithstanding the fact thut
they own no In ml, and that, unless the
stock is returned to the company for
re-Issue or some individual holding u
large block of the slock proceeded to
place (hi, smile on the market Ihe cor
poration department would have no
jurisdiction over the ciiiiipuiiv and il,
liainnge projects. The questions asked ! would .,,, I,e sol, loci !,, il. ... ,'
to which the state engineer's iiiterpre-t f (he m jj,, Hk v' law.
en iiioiign sold ai in mis company when he owns no
n higher price Hum par v aloe conies laud upon which to use the water or
I back to the conipanv for re issue, the never did own any land! Also can a
Niii I'liincisco. April l."i. Kings flew
at half must at the I'aiiamii-I'acific ex
posiiiou today, in ciiiuinciiuirutioii ol
the .'Hit Ii anniversary uf Abraham Lin
coln's death. The daily dress parade ot
Toiled States maiines was omiltcd
fioiii the regular program. A memorial
sen ice was held iu the Illinois build
in,i, ut which in ii ii y tributes were paid
to Lincoln and old timers from llliiioii
recalled little known incidents of hit
per Week
Places a
Suction Cleaner
in Your Home
With thi.-i cluaner it will not be
necessary to take your carpets
from Ihe floor for cleaning. The
Krantz Premier will take the
dust from under the carpets and
leave the floor absolutely clean.
If you wish to try one, we will
be pleased to send one to your
home and thank you for
the privilege of demonstration.
Phone us today and save all the
drudgery of houi'ecleaning.
lorf, II. O. White, Hen P. West. F. .1
Mnngus, K. .1, Maligna, Hal 1). l'utton,
r ul.:..i.... t.-.-.i t
tin,, ! i, ,.sii,,., .,f tl,,, ut.,...L-. ' V- '""I"'." "'"' ncirnerger, r.
ion "big business.' lie refuted the idea ! ' ""k.',"".1; .A- Arpke August
'that times were hard and urged bu-l- O " Mr r'' V"':-'
41i . .. . 'irt. I, u, ( urt !, Mr. aim Mrs. ( nrtiH
nessmen o take a more optimistic view,,,, , Hush, Mrs. Fnrr Kre, W
,ol conditions; to d.sp ay nu. e enter- steusloff, Hulph Moore,, Warney Vos
ipns.., ami to Like a lesson from the!,,,, ..; ,. , '
k ... .. . . ' : " " - """i "
' "'7 '"-"" "' Kplev, W. II. Steusloff, I. . Moores,
leu, snoubl live down its reputation r ,i. (iinich. L. 11. I'ompton, C. V
boiurf a slow town and go out after iM ,lron,nn Hli $
new enterprises. Above nil, cap.tal ; U j.' n d, . olnnel Bd Mrs. Ubn
should bo encmiagcd and not attacked, i Hlead and daughters, and l.i, lor Brick.
Oregon Hop Yield
Far Below Normal
incorporate for s.VH),000 under the laws'
'of this state.
"Mr. Murphy, who lias just returned
I from a tour throughout the Sacramento i
le lfi!-,or D.v.ul,p.v.r,.f",rtN " ""'"'"on in acreage In
(Continued from Page One.)
that icinity to the extent of about J.W I
. acres.
"The hop market is flat, due prob
ably to the bloi kudo in New York.
..Some of the norchants look for low
i. I believe hops should bring l'r'"1' 111 ' w llt "f "r organization
nn IS cents nnd if we can see,"0' u'',,',"'li"K-"
MiiiiiiiiiiMi"i i
tlie best possible price under
not less thn
our way clear I hope to get 2(1 cents for ' '
hops before the season is over. How I SeiiatOr mYH 1(1116
ever, we must make hnste slowly and : M it t F 'i I
consired well what e propose to ib.i "OW At tXpOSltlOn
and I bidieve we shniild keep our plans I - . ,
to mirsi'lvi's. i San I'ltiie is'". April 1.". Senator
".Mendocino county We hnve TO; Harry Lane, of ( iiegou, bun,le, up his
per cent of the acreage signed up in I fnuiiiy and vi-;ic the I'aunmn I'lu-il'i,' I
. Meiiibc-ino county and udditio.iul acre- ' exposil ion ni'h 'hein here today. Thej
age will be obtained as soon as we in- senator plni, vpcn,l at Jcast a w'ek '
corporate. viewing ihe . lair and generally ttik-l
"Sonoina county W'e have over .10 'ing in San I'miicisco. He will piub-
per rent of the acreage signed up In 1 a'dy leave for h"ine wilh his family on
Sonoma county and, commencing Toes- the twenty id or twenty third.
duy of this week (March li) Frank A.', Smo'iIt bar,' said he had not had a
Ilrush nnd F. 1. Loyle, two prominent i ' han, e rt.'iil'-' see San I'riiio-isro
bankers, hnve tsken the field to piish fcin' e the f,ri- nine years ago and ex-i
our organization to its final runclusion. .' pecte.l to pu' iu considerable time in-:
Mr. Hlalui-k is in Sonoma county and ' -t ting th" to-.vn, His visit to (ali-.
is Ic ing assisted by .Mr. Hi.nson. I I foruiit ha- no jiolit i.-ttl signifi, aio-c,
lime lust teloplioncd to M:h. Wood-i v, l.alc ' '. tl,- nalor iei'l:ire..
wind who confirius this re,ort. A m-et- . 1 '
ing was hold at Santa Kosa on Wo.li;, s- J HYDE IN TROUBLE AGAIN,
day of this week. i f-nii Frim i-"'. Airll I I'rcdi ti, k
"Sncrnmento valley The articles i,f ' A. Ilv.l". Ainu,. - !:i millionaire, who was
incorporation heretofore prcprm) hnve receiitly r.-b'.'i - d from the federal
been signed bv the Mendocino diiei tf,rs i prison at A t i r. i . " a . (ia., after serving a
nnd they are now at Jvirriiinenfo await
ing the selection of directors to repre
sent that vicinity. Mr. A. I). Murphy,
of Sacramento, state that a meeting
will be held probably on Saturday if
this week or Monday of next Week for
this purpose. The urticb-s will then be
sent to Solium! county and wo will thi-n
term for ( legon land frauds, rnimt up-j
pear befo-e superior Judge Draluim'
April i.'l to explain why a judgment of -Mi.H'J
wa r,ot paid. The judgment!
v.tii-. awiuded 'he fiohouda ('Mttle com-!
pnny of Newi'iu, on a promissory note, j
Judge (iraham issued the order today
for Hyde's appearance, ' '.
1'' ifi THE '5'