THE SALEM CAPIT At JOUBNAL. SALEM, QBEgW, THURSDAY, AJBIL 15, 1015. TWO T:.l 1 , i J V 5 , s octal andPersonai BV UOILIE RVXOORS WAGES ARE RAISED. w rKLL-KNOWN fcaleni women! have -l:ri'i luily volunteered . their services for Snturdav, I when the fanners and iiii'rrliantH hold their "get-togedior" meeting, in which j the funneis' wives nre to take an iin-j portnnt part. The event, wli i'-li is niv-; en under the supervision of the t.'oin-: mercial club, will take place in the i armory, an old-fashioned dinner to lief served from to 1 o'clock, in-1 vitaiions havinjr been issued to tln'l fanners ami (heir xvivis. The weather lj'in; pleasant, it is expected that there will lo a (vnroiiM response, and tho event will lie an rutin! success from every standpoint. A commit tec. which is not as yet entirely lonijMi'tc, com posed of Mrs. A. r.'lliult, .Mrs. John II. Aibcrt, Mm. A. iY Monies, Mrs. S. ('. Dyer, Mm. (loure J. Peurcc, .Mrs. P. 11. b'nynioud, -Mrs. 1'. H. Soiithwick, Mrs. John 1). Sutherland, Miss Mattic I !'.at ty, Mm. .lohn I'niil Jones, Mrs. li. U Sleeves, Mrs. Kussoll ratlin, Mrs. William Medilchiist, Jr.; Mrs. II. I'. Jiiuto ami Mrs. .1. II. Lewis, will lie i en;' tit to extend a welcome to the women visilnrs, anil assist in ncipiaint ine; (hem with one another, Kn'lowiii),' the dinner an institute lor the fanners' will ho held, Miss Hertha Kdiviirds ' : class in domestic si'iein-e from tin.1 liijih liool to ilenionsl rule its work for tlti! benefit of the women at the same t irno. Stecvcs. They remain for a week. rnlumet, Mich., April 15. The Calumet k llecla company today announced a 10 per cent increase in wajjes for 12,001) employes in the mills ami smelt ers of the parent ami three s'lli.-idiar.v company effective May 1. This increase will acain place the wnp'S at the scalo which existed before the strike of l!H:t. i ; ; :, tfe je 5e sje SOie LEHERS TELL OF ' HUMOR AND PATHOS Tiie memliers nf the Christian Ku deavjr .society of the Central I'nnjjrc! national church are to (jive a "hard tini"s" social in their church parlors! Friday evening, the proceeds to be j - used to incKase the society's funds, j Wednesday evening and nioro than The Ladies' Aid society of this church , were tinned away, Superb action and will serve a chicken pie supper lit the. ; siniiinj; characterized the entire presen same place one week from l''riilny. ; tativn. Lonibardi, after whom the eom- ' uim : is iifiniei . idavs IcailniL' roles in opens, and is supported hv an of Mrs. The rounder piano tin i V I; : A. Denton w ill be presented in is pria,e recital at the lesnlence stu dio' ot Mrs. Denton, IIS North Twelfth street, tomorrow evening. I Ladies of the .Maccubees from all over jthe stale nre pithcrinjr in I'ortland, , where the annual eonvention of the or der is being held today and tiuuorrow at the Multnomah hotel. The deputy state commander fi'oui California is to be present, ulso the supreme eonnn.'uder, Miss Itina M. Werb, of Mi. liiau. Meal hers of the lodge who will lie present from Salem will be Mrs. If. A. Smalt, Mrs. Kliznbeth J!"od, Mrs. .1. A, Parr, Mis. Kmniu Smith, .Mrs. (leorge Miller, Mrs. Caroline Hushnoll, .Mrs. Carrie Lindsay, Mrs. l-'red Anderson, .Mrs. 'fucker, .Mrs. lle;;lan, Sirs. May ,s,ank, Mrs. Hairy Ualph, Mis. Bessie Itochrin ger, .Mrs. I'unly, Mrs. Joshua Jdihles, Mrs. S. Swarts, All's. .Nellie Mauml, .Mrs. .Nora Cliilders, Mrs. Via, .Mrs. Mnynie Baker. Mrs. I.avinu Slopcr, .Misses Kcba Heers, I-'abina Stevbang, Dora lleglen, Myrtle Jliirdline, Opal G ge, Kiilalia Lindsay, Louise Piatt, Hossie ('ill, Vera Zoel, Cei'tiude Swnrls, J'eurl (leorye, Alice Wake, Sylvia Miller, Jessie .Miller and Minnie I'etersun. Soeietv of Sale pan i aft the array of singers who are entirely capa ble ,f handling tiieir difficult roles. Toniijiit the bill 's "Kigoletto," "Tra viata ' being given today. Tile com pany has an extensive repertoire, giv ing music lovers an opportunity of hearing their favorite grand opera for JO, flu and 70 cents and if I, no seats being higher. Many are planning on attending from Salem, inning them nu ll, eru-js high school and public school students who appreciate the education al s'do of such evenls. Human Interest Side of Great War Told Only By "Tom mies" ty Trenches .mips .eino Align.-, (i! roilland, is. Leinrr entertained as house guest of the Charles K. and Walter Spauhliiigs on i our; m reel, .-ne will letiiru to nor home Saturday. The Swedish Aidi held an nil day session at the country 'home of Mrs. .Mattio Johnson, TucVdiiv. Apple blossoms were used in decorating the dining room, the remainder of the 'house being oi iiiimeiited with Oreeoii grape in bloom iiml oilier w ild flowers. a oiisiness session was neni in inn morn ing followed by a noonday luncheon. In the afternoon nil address was given by j Kev. Mr. (hull of I'ortland. two vocal lm! i solos also beinir eiven. Lntcr the inn-st expecting invi'il eiitheriiii' wild flowers in the I nearby wood. The partv returned to ,, , ., , ,, ,. . . Salem in nutos. Members of the soeietv Mr. t.nd Mrs .1. II. Late,,, ol King-' ,.,,,, ,,,,,. (!V j,,, 0vll, , p,,,.;. wood, are enter! a, mug ei;siern visitors i,,,,, j,,, ,.,.,. si,,,IIBtlu, m,,s. expiisiii.,,, i nev ictor Sleiislrom, are Mrs. Warien I'ldti'r ami daughlcr. . W'ult'li-riiiicJr Mis. .inss .iiareia, ironi Atliiii, .M iiim sota. t, ,,, ,,,, i Mr. and Mrs. Chnilcs L. passing u few dnvs in A Ida in to . i- it r ii home lomonow. nick who will remain for several din's vet. Mis Tiosc Sherwood, of (). A. ('., kas been cnterlnined as a guest at th" II. A. Harris home, n Mis. J. I). I'ui'lihuihl, of I'harlulte, Mich., arrived yi'stenlay on the Shasta Limited and will pass sonic time in Sa lem the guest (if her siler, Mrs. C. M. I'otter, of Hast. State street. Mrs. I'lirkiiurnt came b' wav of sun I'lan lis. Mis. (1st i in, .Mrs. Wikberg, Mrs. Mat Anderson and sou cisco, Mopping off I ion. to visit the exposi- Me. and Mrs. I. II. Lrl'urgcy, of Sammcrside, 1 'i in-c Kdwnrd Island. Can, arrived yesterday limn Sun Kian- iseo, whi're they have been on a pleas ure trip, and are being entertained as 'hons.i guests of hr. and .Mn. II. L. Martin, Mrs. Itonney ti ml I'l'.uglileis, liline and Lyriiii, Visitors wi re : Mis. Ask, Miss Almn Ask, Miss (llgu Ask, Mi si Moan, Mrs. Fred White, Miss Mil id red White. Mrs. Clarence Johnson, .Miss 'l.nyle I.icchty, Miss Ulnnche Johnson 'and lliidie Jolinsoii. The liostesj was assisted by Mrs. (llarence .lohnson, and Miss Mildred While, j ... ! The much talked-of popular-priced grind opera is holding the center of interest in l'oitland, and prii'nises to continue to do so for some lime to coal.', hr, mid Mrs. Carleton Smith are among the Salem people lo alien, some of lie il Cerent performances, and all who jave been down are delighted wit.i tin' excellence ('' the work of the com I'llii''. "II Trovatore" played to Ii capacity house at the linker theater The entertainment given by the Ar tisans in Moose hall last night, an nounced as a peanut pastime party, wns a most unique and enjoyable ill fair. In keeping with the nature of the event, peanuts were used ill every conceivable place, a lattice work screen at one side jlieiiio entwined with twining ivy, li Inch and festoons of peanuts. Tile mys tery of the oiieerlv worded program was cleared as the iljffei'eiit perform ers !:ave their numbers. .Miss Lena Dots hi appealed first, giving a pianri solo. Following her. Ivuii Martin gave a pa ody; John Albrkh, a vocal solo; Mi-s r unices I'enii. n reading; Mr. Ter williger, vocal sido; li. C. Wygant, reading; Mrs, I', X. Albrich, vocal so lo; recitation, by fuir small girls, Kva Alb.ii h, Winnie Albrich, Margaret As seln, Kuth Cook and Verda -May Sax- Ion. I'.acli represented I lowers, with I lie exception of one little participant, who impersonated the Fairy Queen. II. D. St. Helens, ucoonipnniod by Miss Leoaa Weidmer, gave nn instru mental selection. Following the pro gram, a ''fish pond," "pn'ice palace1' and demonstrating booth, where tile new Artisan cook books were sold, oc cupied the center id', inteiest. Miss Dora Andrcsen ami Miss Duiah Covey piesiiied over u booth where punch iiml peanut wafers were dispensed; Miss Mabel liiussfield and Frances I'i'ii-.i being stationed at the first pond. Cook bit d s weie disposed of and their recipes demonstrated at another booth hv Mi-s Stella Wilson mid Miss (Hive Casto. Miss Kuby linker and Mis Ada Zosel presided at the door. The" next entertainment to lie given by the Aito-Fiisco girls will take place, in allien a fortnight, when the final danc ing putty for their benefit will be given. ... (Vie of tlie regular military dances, given by Company M. ton'; place in the armory last night, a fair-sized attend ance being noted. By Wilburn S. rorrest. London, March "-tn.v mail to Nw York) The human side of the trenches and firing lines with their pathos and laughter combined is "o better told than by the "Tiumnii s'' at the front, thousands of whose letters are received weekly by the '"'oik's back home." Though interest is intense in the big news developments, second to this come the "soldier letter'' sections in the daily newspapers and columns appear daily. Tho Priti.-h censor scrupulously eliminates nil mention of troop loca tions in the soldiers' mail but this fails to detract from the interest in the sub- j jeet matter. j How an old Tlclgiiiii woman refused to leave her home though (lerman shells has cut great holes ia her door yard, was related by a privat" in the, I First, Wiltshire licgimcnt. lie called ; her "mother "livelier" and adddl: "We tried to get her to go hut it was no good. It is her home and she means to stay nt nil costs. She looks upon lis all as sons and does everything for us gives us food, dries our cloth ing and even wa-lies our underwear.''' How a terrific "battle of wordi,'' raged between a liclg'sn and (lorimin trench along the Yser was told by a - Pelginu infuntryman who wrote n i London iicwsnnncr about it. The trenches were fifty yards apart. The opposing soldiers contented themselves with hurling abusive language until the "battle'" became as violent that j the Belgian colonel forbade his men further verbal exchanges with the (lor mans. The soldier concluded: " It wns a pity too. (is it was a great pleasure to tell one's enemy one's con tempt and hate." A private of the Seaforlh Highland ers wrote "home" how he hail labored to scratch out a few lines on a piece of paper with a pencil when he slipped and fell into the watery mud in the bottom of the trench, lie crawled out. ient half hour findiio,' his pencil and cleaning the paper then resumed the letter. The fearful condition of the trem-hes is best revealed, lie wrote, by the part of them I am sending home on this letter. HOW TO RELIEVE KIDNEY PAINS! I have used Swamp-Root more or less this last few years, and have al ways got great relief. About three months ago I was taken down with severe pains through the back and limbs, I was very nervous and was very restless at night. I began taking! your Swamp-Knot and before I used a half bottle. I felt great relief, and I kept on taking it until 1 began to feel myself again, 1 have recommended it i to inv neighbors and friends, and several of them informed me that they have been greatly benefited by using it. I cannot say enough for Swamp lioot, and 1 heartily recommend it for Kidney trouble and llheiiniatism. You have toy consent to publish this statement. 1 am 7" years old. Dr. Kil mer's Swnmp-Koot has saved my life. I.YPIA 1. nrtil'NlN, Los Angeles, (.'alif. Los Angeles ) )ss. County of Los Angeles ) On 'the itdth day of January A. D., ) 1 1 1 -1 , Lydiu P. llugiiuin, subscribed to the cbove statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and fact. Orace W. Fryp. Xolarv Public. Letter to T,r. Kilmer fi Co., Binghnaiton, N. Y. ..-... Prove What Swamp-Root Will Po For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., P.inghamton, X. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Salem Dailv Capital Journal. Hogular fit' y-eent 'and one dollar si.e bottles for sale at all drug stores. Children Cry fcrlS For every brightening and cleaning purpose in every home Gold Dust is used at least three times a day in millions of homes everywhere. Yet there are many thou sands of housewives who think Gold Dust is only for one or two uses They would not use any thing else hut Gold Dust for washing dishes, for example Or for scrubbing floors and woodwork, wash ing windows, etc. ffiib'4 Gold Dust should be used for cleaning and brightening every thing. It is most eco nomical; it is most satisfactory and it is most sanitary. Cannot scratch or harm any sur face, and it will dis solve and remove all dirt and grease. X. UknU M ' - .VV ipii mm The active principle of Gold Dust is so remarkably thorough that you rinse away the dirt and grease, leaving a newness, a cleanness and a brightness which delights. Gold Dust forces its way into the corners and crevices where neither fingers nor washcloth can reach. It truly itforftstoryou. Any woman who has washed disheswith Gold Dust knows what that means. Gold Dust is the leading wash ing and cleaning powder in the world; it is indis pensable once you Know it. 5c and larger packages sold everywhere EOirAIRBANKHSSa "Let tho COLD DUST TWINS do your work" 0 B It 1 Hi i an What is CASTORlT" ' 1 - fc,""iui csvf-ino . . - -wii. r-. Opium, mn-vhU n ,r ,rn'" contains neithc snbstnnro. Its and allays Fcverish.iess. mis Deen in constajutt 1 latulcncy, Wliul Colic, XMarrho'il osfimiliitos the The Children It wwnutea the StShlmillp' o Food, Klvinsheahl y naf .mi. ALWAYS &mwiiE CASTORIA f7Wttis ma signature of Cm4 LIBERTY BELL WILL EE SENT. Philadelphia. April lo.-Tliat the Liberty Hell will ,0 serf to (lie Panama I'ai'ifie exposition was the universal opinion expressed her- today follow-! i iy leeeiot of word f oni Wasliinirton ' I that President Wilsiri reyards the trip: ,as a Kfod thiiifr. j M'l.yor Hlanlienlini;;, who has reeeiv-l jed nimieroiis letters and telegrams from' nil Jeetions of the eotmtry favorin;; thej project, nnnonneed today'that. he would; send a si-ei inl niessaL'e to the i-onneil i ;at once nrijintr tiie passage of nei-es-; j".ny Ie(tlKinii,r, j-,,,. sendiiij; the lielli j westward without further delay. The couneil will hold a speeial ses-: I "ion (his al'ternooii to consider the mat- v Ik Kind You Dave Always foil In Use For Over 30 Years ' .TMR CINTAll. CnM.lNV NKIA VriNic r,-.- -; LOST 100 LBS. IN r7 DAYS. April lo. is gradually nunin. lie fi" days and, KNEW i.. A wounded Loinlmi Tenitoi ial wrote: "Picture yourself, in all your clothed,! 'lolled with lilood and dirt, as dry as ' lllotlillir liniier. llillilll' nil over 'mi,,! I I'l'cntlinn; forty fu the ininnte, talien'j There Was Nothing So Good for Con j from a lied Cross cart and carried into testiou and Colds as Mustard ' a clean dressing rimai. Then the first,' ' i KiiKlisliM-onian you have seen for four Cut- the old-fnsliioned mustard-plaster months cuts your duties off nnd send , hnriicd and blistered while it acted ' von to bed. It is like crawliii from I Vou inn now pet the relief nnd help hell to heaven." ' j that imistnid plasters pave, without tho A Lance Corporal who was wounded j 1'1'isler nnd without tho blister. j at Vpres and is apnin in the fiplitinp' M I'STUHOLK does it. It is a clean.! ine wrote: "Tl(, ni,r(, ,,, W( K),t ; white ointment, made with oil of inns- j here the sooner the paine will be at aii!,ilr,' Jt is scientifically prepared, so enii. i ne r 1 1 1 ii 1 1 k nre almost sold ., I'Hat K works wonders, and vet does mil other ilny m,, . Warsaw, hid., James Kolduson lakinp on weight. lost lofl pounds in incidentally, set a new record for fasting in so doinp. RnbiiisolT's (rouble!) was that o had no appetite, lie simply cvililn't bear tho sijtht of fond, finally lie was induced to take a class of buttermilk, and he gradually recovered, lie had dropped from 'SM) pounib lo :;.(l. This upsets the theory of medical science that days is the limit of a inau'n endurance without food. Stomach k Dangerous FAIR ATTENDANCE. " e eapiurci n f,,,v the ""T 1 " 'liey didnC want to fi-ht. They were mere boys. M'e onlv want nice drv Hciuli,.,. i'i (1Pn ,' sure we can finish up with a brilliant voetory. 1 An Australian trooper in Kpvpt said- are cmuped .just below the Pvra imiln, not , l.t. ,daee in the world "''"'"f'h the . t Napoleon chose it nnco. Jhu preni drawback is sand; we di'HI on it, ,.,., j,, it, 0veu eat it It ''"uses sore eves and bad lanpuape and would cveiilinillv l,rt.a t vor l.ilrt " , ' 'V", the llriti.-h fur cats fiii-nished the troops, London oriv,,., I have been nnivii!,..! u-td, ., unite n " inittv ,.,.l.,l i '" "" loinieiiiiiip between n monkev and an arctic ei,l,.i-,c tt n.i.i ... ..... ,,,; , . 1 ' (lie "f.M jo cany, ,t j wari ,,!,,,, j(. 1 '" niain ilium, ' I 1 ,M" ""'"''" ''' Rt"i'' fortitude I ( ...I ..i-Miiau Miells to sit beside the ' """n ol a neither womnn wns told i i ,,S"n".v private's letter fro,,, j '""''' I lie w, oneii sat silendv beside "''' in a ii.,,,,, of a house' when n I I':.''' 11 '""-t outside the front " l''" added, "and neither I " lie,,, ,:aveav nolice of it. Another ! snell shal ei,.,i ,i i,.,i.. , lu'llse :,J ,1, ' r ""' inns,- i-iiioo iiinvn to- 1 n I e : tur iiiikel. blister the (enderest skin. .lust massape .MI.'.STIOIJOLE in wil.lC the finper-tips pently. cSeo how ipiicklv: it. brinps relief how speedily the pain' disappears. I And there is nothinp-like JH'STKR-' OLK for foc Throat, Bronchitis, Toti-j .-.iiii, . loop, ,-iur .ecn, Astlima, Aeti-i I ralpin, Headache, Conpestion, Pleurisy, j Hheunintisni, I.uniUio, Puins and Aches! of I'ai-k or Joints, Sprains, iSore Mus-j cles liruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feel.,' "'olds of the Chest fit often Prevents' Pneumonia). . At your drnppist's, in 2oc and ,r)lle inrs. and n special largo hosidtal tdze tor ir'2.30. i He sure vou pet the Pennine Ml'S-i TKMOLIC. b'ef'ase iiuitations pe( what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. . San Francisco, April l,"i. Timt more than id.Oilil.nuO people will attend the Pan.inia-Paeific expo --it inn was (lie es timate today of Charles C. Moore, presi dent ol' the world's fa'r, in nddressiiip the delepates to the convention of the American Association of l'assenper Trnftie Officers. Lommon Sense Advite br i jjj. ill iin , . . ' i .Ac n sioniMu are dm,:,,, i. cause ncid irritates nt i,fm ,i, eiicau- lining of ll( start, ilf .niinieiinp and preventing li- ;,,), i urn in me siumatj, m j, (l. 1'nio.ioiv 111 iir-tenitis ef tif tm til stomacli tmuW? hm itriu-: ii'i. i' i iiuirv nip. in.wiMB,.;i r trcatnii'iit arc usolosiiwlw dr i Mhev Icuvc the snum i lit, lit .acid in inc f tomai'l, m swjiw u I e ever. The nciil mint In and its formalnu frtnue and tlic best Ibing hr this Wip a teasMoiifal iif liisuraW imenfJii simple nntmU, tV in Mt ' ;'c or cold water allot tat'iii!. wki'k 1 1 onlv iniittalizoi thf acid, but star I , vents the fermentation fun V aciditv is developed. Foods W dinat'ilv cause distress niy be ftf I with impunity if the meal fmw with a little hisurateil roiipeosii. " can be uhtaiiiril from nny iltuffi: should aiwny bo kept lanJy. TRY A JOUENALCUSSItlEli'S THEY ARE BUSINESS (ilil'im- ONE CENT A WORD. JSSSSSSS3BB3EIS HU1E WING SANG CO. ha tiered and tl. i- ' "11 s ,.F 11,., ..:i:.. . women mine out as white ""h the dust which hud i l"'il tin in. '.jr ,,,,,.11110 wl,s ens 11,1.1 .1... ,.. , . . "" ""' ii i ne o u si mi, I,.,.,,, then they re-entered, re-' i n which na, unset, vipil ns Ihoiith i he' llMilil n uvuj vw ii n i i i of I "I WW mm vn - m.. r.'frt T '"'t . B H F7 ff r Fa a a a V J; - ; ! '( I A '! Big line of Waists, House, Dresses, Silk GocdA Men f Suits, PanU and Overalls, Ladies', Gents, and Children i w Overshirts, Sweaters and Slioes, Ladies' and Children bi"' Neckwear, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiory, Gloves, Comfoiters, Embroideries, Laces and Mattings. lnr in We make up Wrnppors, and White Underwear. selling at lower prices. 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREfl mill ! vein 1 'li'lil I hl'lslle.l i',.. ji"i.iustc, ,,e ;nnd resiiiM,., er of "' cnrience woik." i A litem ! terv nml ,', I I'h'ininp that'l,,, i a cluck fi,, I,, (u, "'l'olepi.-e, ,r v, I.vmil': "Tm.,,, ti'iciiiui i I"'! have l i' aie so , , ' hat we 1 1, tact the :,s iH a part of d,,. VC a. the Royal Field Ai til simp employe ni'ter e.v-' expected to brini; limue ' ' ' lurll of H.'iliu" 'itll'K a Oli'f letter b is ie -'liaiii e of askin' tiva me a d.iv .iiv "I' w here I tun. Von sc, ' this "ccl r 'cur ti.i I, "' -pared; as a matt. "' Mnv Overtime ' ' lo Mrs. Annie Olscn j Moves By Parcel Post St Slav's to Postoft'i,, when she ou;::?w:y.:ti.i'':M.u'-rA"! to I,.. H . . " n'einie, is ne '.eve. " the Inst housewife i !, I-,.;... I move" ,v unreel n,i deiks were as(oiiu,',e,l iil'iicn,,,.! . Uili.l,,,. I '-' I'llicci ot I. ' '"'I'",' stamps for convex-- "r in i oehold poods from ' " "iiuiull, .;loro she i .., ,i-iii ner liiisl.;i,h. " tt " I fitureil ii .. ....i i i.- i ' TT ,. i """" "r ' iinier tliis -mis. iion, han, line i I .... ' X'l'tllinille heP Vileh..,! ...... '""t me iu Ilrt Um. ',(U ft "is if ).,! wav bait It ed.' .,.V;J",r nUW'" "f furniture followed ,L k '" "" U: l'om"l "'" "' I'll. Kllcoeii nt,,,,.;!- . i,;.. . . . I- . lui-niiiK inair dinillL' rii,,. ..l.l.. - and thin. See Daily Demonstration Thursday, Friday, Batumi 2 to 4 P. M. 4 Electric Company5 Show Window I e,' 't ial " "" niouap oiner State and Commerc ,, .. . , ... . v-...,. i iii-v eiwt i,.. cj ic in stumps. '"'ie .am f, me!" exclaimed 2? 'i. - Non. " w xv It, xxould be eceii. oil' T