Fall Today's News Printed Today Leased Wire Dispatches iRTy-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS OH ISAWB JJTO XKWI BTAKD8 TVTB CEHTt 1 If SYSTEM IS 111 P FAR BELOW NORMAL III EFFECT AT PENITEHTIARYi IS LATEST REPORT Uts To Receive Time Many Yards Neglected and edit for Good Behaviour and Compensation BE CREDITS DO NOT Thousands of Missing Hills -Fully Third Reduction stem In Force Only For Those tngaged In Uutside Work Is Rule That there in not to exceed 20,000 acres of hops in the state of Oregon and mnrvTAiirr ccDuroc yiclu tur tlie yi'ttr iyis v,n All Li I U Lut oEMLIW I10t exceed 00 percent of normal crop, uu uituuiii ul ill iin; 11 inns un,. ruiinc- tion in acreage dm1 t,i fl.'vTle3t. vl yurds and plowed up hops- -is the opinion if the officers of tha Orogoi Uop 'li.iw era' association which is arrived at from the reports of conditions through out the stale by the field agents who are engaged in inspecting yards and signing up the growers in the crguni union. This notwithstanding the re ports of a heavy yield coining from cer tain sources and giyen publicity for the purpose of discoursing g 'ewers and bearing down the market, Records iu tho headquarters of t lie as sociation has already been signed up and the hops pledged to the organiza tion and there are from 10 to 12 agents in every field every day, visiting grow- the rate of 'Ink nfl'wiers urn..-". ""P ! '"r!f the nssociat ion, who are in close iWo, perbirined in winch the s ate . . . ... ; ,, ri.rnrilll. ili million is to lienetit. Ins does: ... , . . ., ,. ... ., .; . , , , i -i i are contident that tho lug minority ot iiif ii' t' Kiii-u nii'iiul inside work, Li . ,. , . , ' . . . ... ' tint irrmvurii tr Hut utnte will lii.v.t Ititun ! i! kiti'lien. dining room, laundry, ,, i. ,-, i, i c ,,,, i, Bvonnniinoiis vote or consent the stale ilnl of cunt ril this morning adopted put back into practice the old merit ittm at the state penitentiary, under i'i tlif ounvicts will receive credits -jt tho leniences of two days for one ' '.(Md hclinviur while engaged in out- wo , hoi aimer guuru, ,ra an . e. n- i . . , , ' rm',v'' ' '"'P"intion at the t) ...... . J. ...J, , ,,' T. lie nt L'.i cents per uav for; ... . .. ..... ' '. THE WAR LINE-UP. England British casualties up to April 11 announced as i:i!),:H7. Eleven towns in the Tyue district bombardod by a Zeppelin. Only slight damage. Steamer Ptnnningan suuk by subinnriue, 11 lives lost. France Gain of nearly a mile by the French In Alsace an nounced. Oormnn attacks in LcPretre forest repulsed. Russia Claimed Germans blowing up railway tunnels in the Uszok pass in preparation for a general retreat, Germany Russians declared checked everywhere in Carpath ians. Attacks said to have grown weaker, until have now almost ceased. Isolated en gagements reports from western front. 5 VALLEY CITIES L LI HELP SALE1 WELCOME FARMERS M. L Jones, of Brooks, Also Given Place On .State Fair Board ,irfy or flunky duties. ' signed up before the end of this month, which will insure the success of the or- ... i , . . i " ill' ii nni ii.suic me nucci-sn ui iiil- 01- All primers employed upon outside lillti11 Af , m,,(impli!,K,j k under (tun d and nil inside work , . nrp ... . . ' ,,. iinir i u-uilfi ii mm I ur 1 1 i , . ,i . ... , i , . , v i 111 1111 nt uiit'u ju per win uu? itvvu in the UMsncuition without Holicitrttiun. Tin UHHocintion i Hining up the grower upon tho Kimriuiti'i'd contract Uisis of H to 1 von t k. uccorilinu: to lU ffCl'lVt1 j. .1,,, ,.:.. ' -urn tu uir iiil" in inn- uiiu unr -n Jl,l.v, fr i. Tin... cr,.,lit. l,w. ! '"l.".'e,l. "'I1 .(,l""t' nut apply to those serving life (I'll. The new system is to go in iilid in.in. ilialelv. Tlie system wns ..'rtillili ri.r.tiiitlicnillltl.ins ..I' 1 fan Mint. i. Uicli were submitted ! lality. mid dealers are not inclined to tie hiuinl in uiiiii.ir mnriii nu. icoiitnict nt any iiric.e, even if they could "It i the i.ttti,. f tl.es.. i.ronnsed Ket the hops. Hotter market conditions uviUic,mn iwnee tlie cunvict bv his 1"'l expected on account of the anti-pro-irl ami cmelurt to make g.uid for the jhibitiou attitude of tho Knglish govern ate iiini lliereliy prove he can make ment and good prices are anticipated ns Ml t'nr hiniM-lf when relet.se. I." said soon ns the blockade is raised on hop 'V'lcii .Mint, i. .'It si,,,,,),) m.,,, jtti( 1 shipments to Kurope out of New York. '(f' H'i t" lis as officials of i ln state l'lncournging reports ure being received & leiiglli nf time the convict tuav from the California situation, the latest fvi'. .s.li.uiM it I.,. I.;., fir,., ni'ivine, if' report being received in a letter dated Iims I - Ins ..iinlnet tl.at lie has the first of this week, where the or irneil ti I. on tbiir ii in.lm,, i,;,,, ganizntiiiu movement is going on stead-e-jkeep iv n from (I,,. jM.j ,. tli . ily mid sorely. . n. iiini n lien in the jinl-meat of the ' Kxtracts from a communication re- '"' !'-' r':, ii'.l that fr e of centlv received from tleorge Hewlett of i. tii.-n i the time to give him his Iloilanil, California, one of the officers ! "' "'v,t 1 antnke:f tlie Kncrnnioiito vallev association, ll.'le to the olltsi.le .Vurhl for his fulmv. !tie use j, the iecor.1 that he has "v,. ,nve until Mav I within which '.m earned ear fimfi . to complete our organization. Our con s tract is substantially the same as agreed T1C Privileges Troposed. I upon between us nt Snlem, except that X All eniivi.'ts who .,ik upon the W(' proceed ill California should we ob n tiiistii-. without guard except ,!lin Vr (,vn " ""' neretige, though ' iiHTii,.n f tlie overseer or his w, '"M"' ' K1' P1'1, r'"x "f -"lit. shall . ;iow,.il two davs for I'creuge, or even more, if possible. .' This will not be coast -rm.'.l ! "We lire endeavoring to complete ' Hmt a i : t i nailer seni...., t lour organization nbmg the lines of the Governor Withyeoiube this afternoon reappointed Mrs. George T. (lorlinger, of Dallas, a member of the board of regents of the Oregon State ('Diversity to succeed herself, nnd C. C. Colt, of I'ortnlnd, and II. U. MnKiminy, of Baker, members of the same board. Mr. Colt succeeds Frederick V. Ilolman, of Portland, on the board, and Mr. Me- Kinney succeeds William Kinith, of linker, The terms of appointment nre for 12 years. Governor Withvcombe also announced lnte yesterday afternoon, the appoint incut of M. h. Jones of Labish Meadows near Huleiii, a member of the board of state fair directors to succeed W. M Jones, of Joseph, Wallowa county, who recently resigned to accept the position of secretary of tho board, Tho term of office which M. I.. Jones is nanie.l to fill out expires next March. EIGHT LIVES LOST i Tables For Monster Feed Are Are Being Erected Today At Armory Prophets Disagree As to Crop Prospects Some Con-tracting-Big Pool Invitations To Big Banquet Are Being Heartily Accepted While some commission men nnd growers have developed somewhat dis 01 Till DIICIWCCC MrM couraging views regarding the prospects JALLlfl DUiJillljiJJ H1L11 ror "1S year's prune crop, and forecust mill krr neurftrrrnc ! mlm;,ion trni i eent Wll.l, ALI AN WAllhKS frHm the normal crop for the state, wool viucimiii iiuirL opiiiiusiic mens and believo that, if conditions prove no worse than the present situntion indi cates there is no good cause for alarm nnd that the crop will come fully up to tne average, l.nte trusts, cold rains and other weather uncertainties of the fu ture, of course, are as yet to be reck oned with. At the worst it is conceded that the crop will be far greater than that of last year, winch whs about one third nf m.rmnl liie .tuuu tanners ami larmers' wives vr..,l (i irnui.r ..f tl, tin..,.. ir.,n invited to the big dinner have kept the j company, states that, if the reports he commercial club telepnone ringing I has been receiving of heavy dropping sifumiy iiic mm tin.i s, uccrpiing of the Italians ill the lowlands are the club's invitation to tne big dinner (mind to be true nnd the dropping of planned far next Saturday noon. blossoms in the upland orchards is as The club is counting on leeding a00 1 serious, he places the crop estimate for farmers at a minimum, and is milking this year at from 00 to "5 per cent of a a (leipcrnio onuri iu supply ine eiusi normal crop, which is between ) and for that many outside neighbors. As20 million pounds, but that it is a little at present outlined, the menu includes I early to make an intelligent forecast of ham, buns, olives, pickles, cheese, salad. I the crop indications nnd nothing defin FIERCE Ell 1 IN UPPER ALSAC E RESULTS IH FRENCH 1KI GAIN IE OF NEARLY A MILE IS ANNOUNCEMENT Germans Take Offensive In LePretre Forest And Are Re pulsed After Making Furious Attacks on Allied Posi tions, Is Report Given Out FRENCH ARTILLERY COMPLETELY WRECKS LINE OF GERMAN TRENCHES -HUNDRED YARDS TAKEN Teuton Torpedo Boats Seize Four Dutch Steam Trawlers London Reports Steamer Ptarmigan Blown Up By Submarine In North Sea Today beans, pie, coffee and doughnuts. These will be served on immense tables in the unnorv, and rsulem s lending business ite will be known for a week or 1(1 days. Other dealers, notably the Huloiu Fruit union and 11. r (.ilo & I o,, do not en Reservoir Above St. Johns, Arizona, Floods Large Area-Several Missing 1'liuMiix. Ariz., April l.". Kight per sons are known to have been drowned whci the l.yiiinii reservoir, ll! miles f 'erimis dim ""inc. tin- a fifteen i , . .x , , ..!.. l,. ti... nv.t of i.nr 1 above the town ol St. .loll ns, in notlh .. . K .1 . , . , 1 or,, Vi-ivoiiii Itn.k.i nimv rni iiv. Sev eral persons ure missing and it is fear ed that the death toll will be heavier. The flood ponied iutii the town with no warning other than a terrific roar which preceded the waters only a few seconds. Considerable property dam age was done, according to brief mes sages received here. Three of the victims of the flood were grandchildren of Mrs. liaehacl Itarrv, a member (if the Arizona assem bly. ' Two smaller reservoirs near SI. Julias, the ine'sage said, were weaken ing, and were likely to give way. The reservoir impounded !.'0,(lutl acre leet of water and was tour miles long by one mile wide. It was built tu con nerve the waste of the Little Colorado river and was constructed nt great ex pense by the hi-I tiers of the district. The :nelling of heavy snows under the spring, thnw caused the walls to col laps '. All of the victiina lived in the valley chite to the .lain. There was no loss (it life at St. Johns. shall be released nf-! "K ulii'do to do so we will center -aaic leiiL'th nf tin... ,.u ; with you for the purpose of ascertain- ninli r sent, .nee t' ,,.. t,. f:..l . imr what is the next best thing to do. i'" mi n iliiirge of larceny; but all I v'v nrt' hitting the line hard in Cnli- iiiistaiie, .hall . t n U into consld-1 forma with absolute loyalty to both our J 'nhythc pai, ,,. board, such as the I sister slates and nothing is being left V" uf his crime. Ins conduct reli-1 undone ns fur as I know or am in a po .'!'. He. It is i, lso ii n.l,.r.i.....l :o i. .. ' si t ion to i.Hccrtiii n. ' i oii.lii.-t justifies it, he shall i " Vuu will observe under our contract '"Vil two ,luvs for one from and i''"1 u"r minimum price is II cents but Hit order goes into effect. It isilVl! hope, through organization, to get uontiioieil on PmjB Kight.) (Contluued on Page Threo.) W Marshal French Admits Blunders of His Commanders f w. M,u.,, . . . I Mm " '"nun iiuropcau into a. lion; third, the ditlicull.v ol re- li v ,i . 1160 rres8' organizing v Aim. ,',A'"1 '"'-The report of had chnrge. various units allei they i i , ' i e repuri oi nad ennrged tnrifigll tne enemy s ll I 1 ' r,'"'li as to l trenches, and fourth, improper contwl .1 in lie, i nv the llntis.i in; of ;he artillery whi.li swept the field iu li . j ' ,lari"'"e clears; over which the llritish were advancing. ,li "'" "iiscnre ns to it is easy to set down the mm lines 4 ihi'!V'"'' "' '""'I'hasizes anew and tile llritish blundering and remiirk TI..,., . """1'i'iniilc obstacle that upon the similariiy of the present re '"I Hi-torv in trench war- : Illllll 11 t "" t No is certain that ""t unlike the misuinti "e i huppclle have oc bcllinercnts. Other "' 'he past six mouths ' i' lories, Hut until "'I'de public the frank '" in his nrniv. the do- 'tares were sotti.n.HMn.l , ii 'mi,,.,,, l l"'""'tted the an- ., ,; " me Ullllll! J ' ''I I. NU. li l till, 1111 I'ten.l, "' l.lMl i, t tic f,. ""''till ' air. p. ' h incompetence of iM, . , """"Hinders was re p miv ,i ' " of the (ler "iii.-i. i i ' "'"'""" hve pub U',"h' i'n. T, A:",rin V . '"" the llritish rei.ort 1. i,!,!.. I'artinilnrs of .n "i icr, iu,. : ITnr.-ntlv "i-.h tish 'inning uu- demoe- gainst '-N.ll., . .. 'I'- r lirimiiri- r...on ti,... ' f"r the meBar..i.Aa nt ''' nt,,.. . ' "'"e '-'haiuielU. Plr.i -W g ' , TK"i'ty third brigade i "Wth , n,';. """' the delay "'I"1 "i netting reserves port to those issued during the Hoc war. nut criticism or tins nature misses It I... ..f 1'. ...... I, 'a ....oIl'tfiM The mistakes (ommitted at Neiivel t htippclle were representative. If it j were lint for these and similnr diffi-. cutties, modern generalship would not l be so impotent before cnetnys' en- " Irenchiiient. There is no reference in ., if ur II ft II Kren.ir. report to the belief that su. h , Ug RpliAVeS He WOUlU Be All errors will not haidien again. As i v 'v"v matter of lact, five weeks have passed since tiie N'euve Chappelle battle, yet no effort ha been made to redeem the. bbindrs. The llritish cominnnder 's view on the subject In most pisnted. He sni.l such losses would be expected in the future unless he has the most efficient and most powerful artillery, and in "al most unlimited supply of aininiinitinn. " There Is no reuson t present to believe that any of the belligerents have an II l.tiit.lt..d ni.idv of ammunition. Nei- I judged Sane-Arguments Heard This Afternoon New York, April 1.". Harry Kendsll Thaw and his mother appeared before Supreme Court Justice Newbury to day to hear the arguments of Thaw's attorneys in support of their demand that, he, be placed on trial for insanity. Tl.nw bebeven that, if tried for ill ther side can afford to pay The price . u. . t,e Jiu.lgcd sane. The of the Neuve I happelle victiiry whifii heari'iir of arguments wis continued cost the llritish 13.000 live to gain until lnte this afternoon. When the sixteen hundred yards along a front of . ,,. tre completed, Justice Newbtirg two miles. The 'l.'won Is that there i ill, it is expected, take the case un no present hope of breaking the dead der idvisement and render hii decision lock un the western front. later. men will officiate iu the novel role of tertnin quite such discouraging views, waiters and hashers. A committee ojfi.Mr. Walter .leaks, of the latter, com prominent women has been appointed puny, stilting that his bottom orchards by Mrs. K. 1.. Klliott, president of the ! do not indicate heavier dropping of Salem Woman's club, and these will fruit than usual with the Italian trees decorate the tnbles with flowers nnd and he does nut anticipate a short crop. will see that the fanners' wives are I While the prune market is (piict at made to feel at home both during the I the present time nnd there is not much dinner and during the domestic science , indication uf immediate activity there demonstration that will be held in the is some dealing reported in futures the armory basement. (basic prico being from ll'.j to 3 cents The" club was advitvd last night that, upon the basis oi' ifve sizes which means there would bo delegations I'runi Sa-i'ibout 3 cools fur JlloOs. JI. S. (lile lem 'a neighboring cities in to part ici- reports having sold a couple of carloads pate in the celebration and to show , of their own crop on contract, and the their good will toward tho capital. Salem Fruit I'uioii may enter the mark Among the cities that will be oflieiallv ct during tho Cuming week, depending represented are Woodburn, Sllvertou, 1 upon conditions. The pool I ks of the Mt. Angel. Dallas and Independ .i Salem fruit union will close this even- These delegations will bo given special i"K '' Manager (llingcr of the union tables of hone.-, nnd will each be given states that the pool will no tuny up to a place on the program. The meeting By William PlUlip Simms. Paris, April in, A gain by the French of newly a mile after sharp fighting southwest of Colmnr la upper Alsace was announced by the war of fice today. Fighting along the St. Mihiel wedge is also mentioned In today 'a communi que, lint. Is wouhl indicate that the (lermnns are on the offensive in l.e Pretre. forest. The most furious fight ing is reported there in which the French hnve niaintaiiic.l nil their posi tions. Several (iernian attacks were repulsed, it wns announced. Artillery Wrecks Linos. At Orvillers tu French heavy artil lery completely wrecked a line of (lor- mail I rem lies. In the Argonne ll bun dle. I yards r.f 'trenches were captured by the French at Fontaine-anx-ciinrles, it was declared. Determined assaults nre being direct ed upon the hill in Alsace known ns Sehnepfcnritenkopf. This position iloniiiiiites tlie region about it lor tn however, primarily for the farmer living .-nljiii cut to Salem, and n especial effort will be made to make his visit on this occasion a aieuioruble one. Iu addition to the regular serious program, the club has been mint fortu nate in its list of amusements. The new btinil otganize.l by tho employes! of the I'., K. .v i.. have, kindly vobin l leered their sen ice for the occasion, and previous to me dinner will give a concert on the Salem streets. Dean F. S. .Mendenhall. of the Willamette col lege of music, will bring down the I'nivcrsity Clio club for snugs ami stunts. Also, Manager Ayre has vol unteered his help ill the entertaining line, and will send down what he guar antees to be one of the best vaudeville acts ever seen in Sulem. The tables for the monster feed are being erected at the armory today, nnd it in ooped to h: ness promptly by Mnvor Kodgcrs ' speaking, nu, Mr. I that of last veal, fv li it'll embraces in proximately li.WU lu res, and probably mure. to n newspaper nt Yiunidon today, Eastern Situation Unchanged. Uerlln, via wireless to Sayville, j. T.p April 15. Duly isolated attacks have been made by the French between the Mouse nnd Moselle rivers during the past 'JI hours, the war office announced loilny. Assaults near Mnrchevillo and in l-el'ridre forest were beaten ()ff, Tho (Icriaans nininlained their posi tions around Marouville, near Mart aiansweileikopf iu Alsace, despite strong French attacks, it was stated. The situation un the eastern front wns declared unchanged. BrltlBli Casualties 130,317. London, April 1 .1. llritish cnsunltie from the beginning of the war up to April II I nt ii I i;i!i,,'l 17, it was an nounced in the house of commons to day. The nunniiucciucut wns made by I'mler Secrelnrv of War 'Pennant, In ,i response of roipiosts for a Hlatoinent. am! efforts are being made by I'lench to il'ivc the Ccrmnns out. the Eleven Loho Lives. London, April Io. Flevou were losl when the sleunier I'liirinigun was lor-iing on a submarine alioard his vessel, Doclaros Falnba Ignored Order. Herlin, via wireless to Sayville, I, f., April 1.1. -That his orders arn not. tit lake any pcriion not necustomed to Ii v-' MASKED ROBBERS UIHIUIP mHTMY IIULU UI llllllll lUllll pe.loeil ill (he North sen bv a tlcrnian submarine il was learned today. Set on olhers w ere rescued before il went, down. The I'lariiiigau was lor pcilocd only a few miles off the eonsl of 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 I , between Hinder Light nnd Ihe Hook, It. was n vessel of 7n I tons. Beizo Dutch Trnwlor.t, Amsterdam, April lo.-Heruiuii lor pedo bonis have seized four Dutch I sterna trawlcs and lowed them to an unknown poll, ueioiding H a dispatch was the official explanation today of Ihc eoiiiiuiindei nf the snlimiiriiie which sunk Hoi liner Falnba for his failure, lo rescue the struggling passengers of the ship. The coiiiinaii.lcr's official report re ceived here declared Ihe Fnlubii Ig nored the order f the subinnriue to slop nnd begun signalling for help. The loss ol' 11 persons, the roiniiinn.li r declared, was duo to the unseauian liko work of the crow in getting over the bonis from Die Fnhibii, Gang of Twenty Gather In Loot From N. Y. Central Valued at $50,000 Counterfeiters Are Caught In San Francisco Bay llull'alo, N. its anchuriiL'c near Sausabto today and Y.. April I V Tweuly I arrested Thomas M. 'Hoggs, William II. everything in rendi-: onis',...l robbers held un a New Vor'i Young and I rauk Harrison on charges I : 1 " Saturday. Fx-i ( . ,., fUMt freight tiaiu ucnr Snnhniii ! of counterfeiting, ill preside over the!,.H,v oin- ami escaped with silks val-! Though the prisoners were asleep J. Chapin, counlv ' ueil at .'i0,0o0 whi. li thev loa.e, uulo when the officers boarded their sloop, ugri 'iilturist, will direct the farmers j,, ,,itoniobile triu-hs. The rn'ibcry is 1 they u woke in t Hue to id Icr a desperate institute putt .if the work, The !-! uni.pii. in railroad hi-tory. (resistance, Hoggs in pnrliolnr Strug- mostic sci e .lomoiislrnlion will be ill -jm, t,,,,,, ,V,H on lunle from lloslou ' gled to the last attempting to hurl over- hinge of .Miss l .lwards, of the Salem t ( hiciigo when it was stopped within biuinl ll quantity "f bogus cuius and vices for making bogus five dollar gold pieces and lilt.v cent coins. In the bow the rniilois found n foriiiidable nrseiuil of rifles iiml niiiinuiiitiiin, which tho prisonoi's Ii it 1 1 no opportunity to use. San Francisco, Ai.iil 1.1..- Dashing down S Francisco bay in the police! , , Bt " Cooa Bay. t patrol, I'aited Sttnos ret service. M'isltl leld, Ore., April In.-I he sloop ,,,., .,,!, ,l ,, ii n i.. i 1 I 111 r ii'i.l.', the crew ot which Minimis high school. He RAISE r I TODAY. Washington. April Ll, Nnvy ilcpiiitincii! n'Tieials in com rniiiiiiiil iii willi Honolulu of ficers regarding the I'M situn tion declined today Hint there was every cm tut ion the dealh ship would be raised before nightfall. Admiral Moore ' lat est message quoted Diver Still son as saying that the super-nlj-iii lure ol' the submarine was caved in. but ho Con, find no hole iu it. Diver licorge Stillson located the submarine yesterday at a depth of J-T feet. 1.1 miles of Itllfflllo by gang. Kngineer Morris ( warnings, cut his engine train, ran it lo Susoeiisiiiii wiiere he n uanized a posse, mid soon servi retu'iied to the scene. I 'pun the ap proach ol the engine ciiirying the posse the robbcts ru-lied lo the hilh-hnlen mo torn. ibib's and dashed away. During the commission of the robbery the train crew was guarded by one of llir bandits. Itlilninl detectives this al'tel noon de clared they had lound promising clews and I lint nrresN of Ihe auto baiubls mig'it I xpei'ti'd within a lew houis. Never before have such extensive plans obviously been made lor a inilioud lob'ierv, and lor this leason tho detec tive believe it will not be difficult to locate at least some of the rn'ibcis, armed counterfeiting machinery, All three ss, depile captives were inn iiH.'Icil nnd conveyed from Ihe to the city prison. llridue. Harry M. Mottitt, chief of the secret 1 1 ll. Haggs, William II. Young and Frank Harris, were arrested in Snn Fruucisfri by got eminent secret service agents on a charge of counterfeiting, wns built oil Coos Lav and left ilere five weeks llgn (In 1 1 c . i i . I the vessel Were tho own eis, D. M. Post, Sid Wilson mid Frank Harris, the latter being the only navi gator of tho three. The owners look with them a gold snvi.ig machine, which they said they wci" going to exhibit ill the Han Fran cis.' expii'il ion, and later ill the sum mer thev Intended going on a trip of lured Ihe " Itiirnacle " was adventure lo Mexico and Souln Aiuer- I'lontimr den of coiiiiterleiteis, ciuii- ion, nicy declared. pbdely fitted up with fiirnnces ami dc- I The Liiriinclc was built here. BOMBS DROPPED ON TOWNS AND VILLAGES DUTCH STEAMER TORPEDOED Loudon, April 11. The Dutch steam er Kntwyk luis been torpedoed by a Herman submarine, according to an nouncement by ihe llritish admiralty tonight. The Weather Lives of Thousands Were Endangered Monsters of Air Drop Explosives and Two Men and One Woman Are Hurt, One Building Destroyed and Three Damaged Cruises Over Tyne District for 35 Minutes N '.v Voik, April I", lands of persons were the deadly third rail - Lives of thou eudiiugeied by of the Sc. . mil By W. 8. Forrent. London, April I.". Tow us nod vil lages of the Tvne district, Northiim- Oregon: Fair to night and Friday; ' northerly winds. sending a hail of lead Iu the Invuder' wake, After sailing out over the North set 11... 'Aoou.li., 1. 1 1 l.i.l l,i l..li Ilia avenue elevated line here today tii-ii .rJHitil county, hnve heard the Pi-neni iritiP, u Jupiter, in coiding to the 1 'ruin was derailed at that ham (( ()f ,.,,,.)) Mi,,ilin. Hut two captain of the vessel arriving at Hlylho Square. Trains were stalled through-j lm,n M(1 ,, HK,tlv hurt, one ( at n i Today. The searchlight of the out Ine entire system rrom lower ."an-; , :. destroyed bv firn ami three airshln located the Janitor, the caul 11 in damaged, represent the tidal doslrue ; said, and the huge air cruiser then tioa wrought by the Herman cruiser nf 1 descended almost t the masthead of the air which visited the district lust : his vessel. The Zeppelin crew was at night. 1 tempting to put explosive over the For IIS minutes Ihe Zeppelin ciuise.L side when the lug managed to niaiieuv over Ihn Tyue district. Kiev on towns icr from under the airship and escaped, were attacked, explosive and iiicen.li The Zeppelin chased the Jupiter lor ary bombs being hurled upon them, several miles, hot finally gave up and from the sky. Al least ill) missiles were disappeared Iu the east, hurled. 1 In addition to Ulyllie and CramUng- At the conclusion of the bombard' Ion, bombs were dropped upon helling ment the eppei cruised cast ward ton, Itciilon, Choiiingtun, rteutonliurn, across the North sea while m. hine Sonlnn.lciil. A 11 11 it ef u rd, Killingswurth guns and rifles rut Hud harmlessly In j find Hurlfoid, battue lo the liroiif. and thoinan.ls brave 1 the dangers of the exposed linr.l rail to walk lin k lo stations from the stalled tin 1 111. One woman was slightly Injured when 1 car of Ihe derailed train caught fire from a shmt circuit. .Many passengers were helped from Ihe elevated through the third story windows of buildings near the tracks. Others clambered down ladders to the streets, The lieup occurred during the morning rush hour when tens nf thousands of persons were en route tu their otficei.