Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 03, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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her in nt lii' r.
MnH. K. A. f'l i:H I-:, of Portlnml (Miss Martha
w jim n mid-week vinilor in Salem tho guest of
. II. !l wot in r ll., l II... .! . . ..
' 1 " ni.vvi. ll.T llll.irillr WIIH llll (ni'lll (II
itmi'li inti'iwt, tnliiiiK lit in HiiIi-iii. Dr. an.) Mm. I'ii'nn nr lin'iito.l
at IK) Must 'I'ttfiily fiKlitli uln'nt, I'iiiIIiiikI. Mm. I'icrco Iiiih taken mi
urlive iuit in ii miiiilinr (if iiMpi c tioiiH Kocinl nvi'iita in I 'cirt litinl thin
.Vciir uml in iiuiiiimI iih iin of the iHttinuwi'H fop tliu licncfit iniitiiica
to lio jjivi'ii lit iho WnWfi tlu-iitcr Kinlcr Mmuliiy ,v tlio ( hilil
Wolfiun I'liininiHiiiiiii. Thin cvfiit Ik of ntnlc wiili" intiTOKt nml will nt
tinct many from milmiln I'ortluml, tlovrinor nml Mm. Willivcumliu
tiro tn lio uniiiiiK the Imx liolilcm, nml a mimlii.p of Hiilem folk lira bIbu
I 1 ii ii tt i it to it 1 1 1'll il .
Pacific expcuition. Initial plans wero
to take pawiiiKe on tlio Oroat Northern,
but as its sailing date lias been post
poned until April seventeenth tho party
will go down on the hhasta Lamiteu.
The recent change in officials of the
state lair, is the source of both regret
lam! pleasure. Kegrrt in that it takes
ono of ?altm 'h best liked families from
tho city, and pleasure in that it brings
another popular family tci 8alem. The
Frank Merediths have practically
grown up with the capital city, and
have alwn,''s been prominently identi
fied with its business and social lifu.
They nro planning on making their new
residence in North Yakima, but tho
'definite (lute of their depurturo has not
been decided upon as yet. M. and Mrs.
I Meredith have two charming children,
.lennette nnd John.
I -Mr. and Mrs. W. At .Tones and their
children will remove to (Salem about
! April fifleeuch, their former home be
, in in Joseph, Eastern Oregon. Mr.
j Jones was joined by his family hero
during the session of the Legislature,
Airs. Jones being showered with charm
ing social attentions during that time.
They will locate in ono of tho official
cottages at the iair grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Steusloff were
hosts for their informal card club en
tertaining Tuesday evening . at their
home on North Commercial street.
Mrs. Anna Hallou Kofer nnd smull
daughter, Dorothy, left Wednesday
night for l'lisndena, California, where
they will remain fur some time, per
haps mnking that place their future
home. ruMideua is Mrs. llofer's girl
hood home, a number of her relatives
still residing there. Mrs. Hofer's sis
ter, Mis Hallou, will join her Inter,
her daughter, Miss Marie, nnd son,
I'aul, going down at the close of the
school year. The former is an instruc
tor in the Domestic. Science department
of the High school, -Mr. Hofer being a
Junior nt the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. The entire party will spend some
time at the exposition.
Miss Klene Fawk left Thursday evo-
niug for Sun Francisco, accompanying
the Fuwk's house guests, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Heed nnd their daughter, Prnn-
cIiooh, all of Denver, Colorudo. Thurs
day evening in honor of the visitors
MiHS Fawk entertained with n twelve
cover diner, decorating her table in
Cherry blossoms.
I he party will spend three months
loiug the exposition and visiting other
places of interest.
I'revioiis to her departure, Miss Inwk
had I, ceil entertaining with a series (if
dinn.'rs ami luncheons. Saturday evening
places were arranged for twelvo nt a
dinner complimenting week-end guests,
Dr. nnd .Mrs. Seth M. Kerrnn, nnd Mr.
: T" 'I
3- ,fv" -fci
The Capital Journal is al
ways glad to print social news
from outside of .Salem, and will
appreciate anything of this
kind sent in over the telephone
or by mail. In sending in news
the writer's name should al
ways be signed, not for publica
tion, but as a guarantee that
the matter is reliable. We do
not print anything sent in un
less we know the author of it.
Who will appear with Misa Priscilla
Fleming In original dances in the so
ciety vaudeville, given under the aus
pices of the Senior Guild of St. Paul's
church at tho new Oregon theater next
Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
formality was the keynote of the gnth
erinL'. in two int renting contests, nrizes
being awarded to Mrs. Miller, Mrs. B.
II. White, Mrs. A. B. Coates nnd Miss
Delia Hogan. A lovely cut glass vase
was presented Mrs. Miller, the gift of
members of the informal club, com
posed of wives of the Hailroad Com
mission of which Mrs. Miller is a mem
ber. Beside the honor guests present
there were: Mrs. 0. P. Hoff, Mrs. Le
lioy I.eedy, Mrs. . W, Morelnnd, Mis.
Carl Hmith, Mrs. C. J. Greene, Mrs. T.
C. Daviii, Mrs. ll. II. Corey and Mrs.
0. P. Christie.
Mrs. E. A. Small was the Inspiration
instrumental selections. Mrs. Neimey- for a pleasingly arranged surprise
er also gave a reading. Wednesday, friends gathering at her
i.ittie iMoise White, daughter of Dr. nome, Zii xvortn winter street, pass
qOCIIJTY iniH nio iinii'il nil air of sum-1 oppnvtiiuilv to iissiHt.
ber deviiiilncsK and iiinus fnimiuiH Tin IlilliieH of IIiiim.. ..... I.. ...
il.v the past week in recognition of pear on tho program me sufficient l 1,11(1 KUm'r ''".Vne of Kugene,
one u( the must important periods of i insure u cniuicily house at both ner- l'i,,k '"''I'" '"'nutif ully festooning the
tho 1 cnitenlial KiiiHim. The week, how- foi inaiices. Miss Mnrv Nelinlt will
; illlll I'll
ever, has not b in uneventful one, I give violin selections, 'Miss Marguerite! , Mr"' l'',,"nr1 f'- Goodwill nnd Miss
iui iirrv nnve oeeu special services ill , Klmver, Hnlein s little blind singer, will
many of Iho chuivlics, and mulnm ami
ninlil, erstwhile, supposedly Insepii inlily
attached to bridges, tens nml like af
fairs, have luid usidu their attitudii of
niirt''fulnesi, ilonning iih it were a man
tin of fobriety. Following the custom
of y?nri pust, however, it is expected
thnt tiiis quielucBS is but the lull before
tb final outburst of merry -milking,
whicli Invuiiiiblj' tnlii'n pln,'e just be
fn e the summer's cxmlua to sea const
or mountain n-Mirls, ami which usually,
follows close upon the concluding day's
of Lent, Oregon outing plmes niid
flther resorts inndii popular by vacation
Ists, will not profit so geneiiiisW this
year, it Is predicted, as they have lu
seniiona past, owing to the alluring nnd
more forcible cnll being made by the
Panama Pacific exposition, nhiih nl
niot everyone Is planning on attending.
t t
As a farewell attention lo Mrs. Oh
wald West, who, with her little duugii
ter, Miss Helen, left fur I'oilland
Thu.-sday to join Mr. West to take up
tbeir residence in that place, Mrs. Wil
liam '. Knighton cutcrtniuc.1 with a
( hunmiig bridge Wednesday ullei iioiiu.
T.iblea w-re arranged ill moms at
tractively decked with apple IiIohsoius,
dainty bridal wrenth and other spring
flowon and their greenery. A progrca
aive game of nnction bridge wns played,
riquisitK favors, small bisque cnii. He
stick holdeia, formed as rosebuds, being
app",ir in vocal numbers, ami .Miss
I'riscilla Fleming ami Kiieene HoiiHtiin.
clever Interpreters of the teipsichoienu
art, will proHont originul uiiinbcrs.
The fourth and concluding number
on the musicul artists' course, brought
to Hnlein by Miss Minnetta Mngers,
will lie the llarrero Fiiseinble, which
comes to tiie armory May fourth. Their
enteilaliinicnt will be uuiipie as it will
be interesting, wood wind Instruments
being used exclusively.
Mr. and Mrs, Willis C. Hnwlcy nnd
daughter, Miss Iras, are lieinir welcom
ed home from Washington, II. ('. Arriv-
will be
in their
Fox of Portland wero the inspiration
for an eight cover luncheon Monday
afternoon, golden daf fodillls ornament
ing the table.
Honoring Mrs. Charles T McNnry,
upon her return; Mrs, Frank B. Mere
dith, who is removing shortly to North
Yakima to reside, nnd Mrs, Kdwin I..
Maker upon the occasion of her birth
dny, Mrs. It. P. Boise entertained her
bridge club, Thursday afternoon, nsk
ing i.'.ditionnlly, Mrs. John H. McNnry,
ami Mrs, William C. Knighton, Assist
ing Mrs. Boise was Mrs, (leorge
Mi's. K. M. Hodgers, of F.vnnston,
Illinois, who has been passing the win
ter in Portland, is being entertained as
the house guest
I'M ward Wellers.
of the Chnrlea and',
Ing early in the week, h
domiciled during their stay
resilience, IISII Oak street.
j Mrs. Hawley nnd Miss llawlev left
i.vcHteiday for Alhanw where thev will
remain several days, gu;ng from there 'lor bridge club Wednesday afternoon
rn i orvniiis, where they will be enter
tained by friends nml relatives.
uu ..iin. j, ji. one, jireiiu iiucivew
in white and pink, greeted the guests
at the head of the stairway, and the
hostess was assisted by -Mrs. Turner,
Mrs. Murah Hatch Bccman and Miss
Mary Pigler.
Tho guests were: Mis. Murah Hatch
Beemun, Mrs. Ployd 1,'tter, Mrs. Otto!
Wilson, Airs. Paul V. Johnson, Mrs:
Merlin Harding, Mrs. William McGil
Christ, Jr., Mrs. Edith Jlolcomb, Mrs.
B. F. Pound, Mrs. Oscar K. Price, Mrs.
I.ucile Savage Smith, .Mrs. Adulph
Ciueffroy, Mrs, Florence I.iston Kusli,
Mrs. (leorge 0. Pcwtlicrer, Mrs. Blanche
liiftton Nnimeyer, Misses Margaret and
Ruth Hodge, Gertrude Kakin, Vera Mar
tin, Alice ,iidd, Mary Pigler, Frieda
Spitzbart, Bertha Uro.vlcs, Marguerite
Men, Depha Moore and .Marguerite Os
tunder. A delightful afternoon affair, plnn
ned as a surprise compliment for Mrs.
Frank J. Miller, upon the occasion of
her birthday, was given by Mrs. F.lmor
T. Busselle, and Mrs. Thomas If. Camp
bell, Wednesday at the home of the
former, 105!) Center street. Shn ri nir
honors with Mrs. Miller were her
dnu','iiters, Mrs. Le Uov Woods nnd
Mrs. Alton B. Coates, of Albany, Mrs.
P. II. Kuymond and -Mrs. B. H.'whit,.'
Charming Blaster decorations were
pleasingly arranged, disidnvinir n whit
nnd yellow color scheme. White hya
cinths, in Jltrdinieres were placed about
too rooms, a nuge birthday cake lighted
by candle,') ornamenting the luncheon
.Miss Marie Campbell was asked to
assist, nnd with Mrs. C. J. Greene, she
delighted with musical selections. In-
ing the afternoon in a delightful in
formal manner.
Those who made up the group were:
Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, Mrs. Kugenia
Gillinghnm, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. U. G.
Shipley, Mrs. George W. Putnam, Mrs.
C. llagnr, Mrs. William Steusloff, Mrs.
I'. K. Page, Mrs. M. M. Chapman, Mrs.
H. J. Clements. Mrs. Jamoo Godfrov.
Mrs. Eluabeth Lamb, Mrs. Hnttio Day
ton, Mrs. Charles Weller, Mrs. S. M.
Ilerrcn, Mrs. P. N. Rodgers, of Port
land, and Mrs. P. H. Raymond.
Mrs. William C. Knighton will pass
the week-end in Eugene the guest of
Mrs. Charles A. Gray.
Mrs. V 0. .Scicke nnd Mrs. J. C.
Carrie nrranged five tables, for the
Ouks bridge club, Monday evening nt
the home of the former. Decorations
were plensingly arranged of Oregon
grape and spring flowers. Tho prizes
were awarded to Mrs. II. William Thiel
sen nnd William MeGilchriut, Jr.
One more session will complete the
club's cnlander tliis year taking place
on tho next regular meeting ditto at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Deck
abach on Court street.
f !
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One of tho principal soloists for the
Easter services. At the First Presby
terian vesper service, tomorrow after
noon, at 4 o'clock, she will sing "There
Is a Green Hill Far Away.". She will
also give solos at the entertainment to
be given by St. Pnul's church at tho
Oregon theater next Wednesday and
Thursday evenings. Miss Flowor has
also been asked to give numbers at the
social service; meeting at Unity church
next Sunday evening.
An exclusive color effect wns curried
out in pink and white. The room where
the service wns read was entirely in
white, exquisite Easter lilies, 'narcissus
and bridal wreath combining pleas
ingly. A wedding bell and bower of
greenery and flowers wus formed in one
corner, beneath which tho bridal par
ty stood. Smull Marion Shaw, frocked
I i ii white, bore the ring in a huge lily".
I. sing a simple ceremonial, Kev. The bride wore a lovely robe of ivory
Hurry K. Marshall, of tho First Bnp- J toned pussy willow crepe do chine, with
tist church, united in niurriuge, Wed-an overdrape of crepe chiffon. Beauti
nesdny nt high noon, Miss Lola Sine ful ( hautilly luce nnd pearl garnitures
Kinder and Frederick L. Lnndess, of j were used to elubornte tho bodice nnd
San Francisco. Tho weddinc took ! tunic. Tim brl.h.t ),, ,..t f.u.
ioncd of white enrnations nnd feath
ery fern. Her veil wns of tulle caught
with orange blossoms sent by Califor
nia friends. Miss Cecile Bohunon tit
tended us bride's maid. She wore u
piuKu in iae nome or tno nrule s par
ents, Mr. nnd Mm. S. Pege, 1575 South
I'ommerciul street. Beautiful decora
tions mnrked the event ns one of tho
prettiest Hiking placo for some time.
the niano. ,. flA Rtert,
ding mar , . nn Uk,
"ooi thi,
P.X..... ".""6
nt.,1.. t..u ti"i wa .,..,
m i, iu"0"lng the cr,: Hai
J Love Truly,.' i, ' ."S
XH1C3. y
A wedding rorast
T- Bratty being'" C";n C
wero luid c. 'oatcA.
which was d iir
carnation, being t,,e irkwf' '
Tho hrid.i. .1."'?. flo't'rI ,u "
close fitting hat.. The h '
""to Portland, th yoK
from theMto 8a.?-"l
"- ""B guests were' i ' "5
Curtis Hawley, 0f U Ii,
of Portland ; Mr. T.diftft'
spukanc, Wash.: Mrs. Vi,',o '4
"jenc thompsun, f Tun,;,-
Mr. , ai' . urM'i i.
Mrs, Jennie WeMeVJif't
Margnret, Miss Nellie RU, V:
Huddleson. L-wJi
nd Dorothy Hobaon. "
. t
Beginning early i jDnf
! Bht of
19 At.
v , . "'u'liei
aureus m
program, tH. wiJlfr,
frank X,
eastern vocal instructor, who
'? '""ina. M m ni;h
"in in i Portland during he,
,V, stopping With rljt;1.7l
U to numerous request, to sing Z
in compliance tollr. Ahrcn's 47
Miss Cornelia Marvin. s..i.
nan, is leaving tho fiftcenta rf '
"" " mmum civ p(
eence. Much of tin, time will m
cd in Now England ntai;i, but
erous other j.lacrs of interest mil I,
Priends hero of Misi Anna M
are pleased to lenrn of ber ipHy
success in kinilcrgnrden work ii V
eust. Miss iVowlcn ii t listeiof Ji
(Continued on rg Tint)
Society and Commmil
Phone 1512.
Booms 1-3, Fittos E'A
ulilic ods
Mrs. John II. Scott wns nt home to
The H. (1, Snrgcnts are
the 'swnld West lesldenee
street, removing from I J:t7 ( hemcketn , u"1' ",r,','t
"ill" Center
Mis. I'', M. Miles of Portland arrived
last night nnd will remain n week or
ten days, the house guest of the P. A.
M oores nnd Miss Cnlista Moorcs of
Judge- and Mis. C. L, M. Niiiv were
being wnrinlv welcomed tlilH week by
their friends upiu tueir nrrivnl home
from a delightful two nml one hull'
The P. A. Turner home, X!i north
Capital street, wus opened for a delight
ful evening party, Tuesday, Miss Joy
Turner entertaining in honor of Mrs.
trgil L, I.lovd (Wiuona Siivngel of
nom 10 ine iiigu score luiMcrs ill cnon nu, cunt mill
..'.', 1 (icKi" oner coiiipiuueuieii nils
Went, Mrs. 11. Y. Meyers, Mrs. J, II
McNnry, Mia. A, Hush and Mrs, C. I,
Hillowiug the in id diversion
daintiest of collations was served.
Tlie iiivitatinniil lit included, besides
Mra. West, Mia. It. H. Lee Steiner, Mrs.
ti. (I. Blown, Mrs. Ilarvev Wells, Mrs.
W. II. Hoot. Mrs. Asah.il Bush. Mis.
.ary entertained with n sixteen cover
dinner In tli.tir ItM.t,.., I.'. ...... .1
1 .irt-oiii-
'""jtlon. being employed. Hesides the
(Ikmih ami honor guests, those circling
the table weie: Mr, nnd Mil. ,. .
MeNurv, Mrs. M K. Itre.vmuii, Mr. nud
Mrs. H. P. H(,se, Mr.' and Mia, (),
UI..L t . t . . at.
II. W. Mevei. I, I. i,..; .. ' '' '""'olt, llreyiuai.
"'in ' . . aionrv. .Mrs. I'. N. N ewuit
.Mra. .1. II. McNnry, Mrs, W. ,1. Hull,
Mm. Isaac Lee Piitlerhon, Mrs. I'. S.
JnekMin, of 1'iiilliui.l; Mrs. ;, K. Wn
tern, Mrs. K, III eviunn, Mis, (leirgo Iv
Waleia, Mrs, M. I,, Moyois, M, M
(. Ilnren, Mia. I' Coolie I'tittmi, Mr,
Ben W. Olcott, Mn. It. K. Page, Mis.
I.rwrince T. Ilairir, Mik, (leorge pa
mrr Putnam, Mia. A. N. Bush, Mm
Vedn Crioa, Miss Murtinet ( opei,
MiM Kittle Moore and Mm Helen
montiia' plensuie trip through the south sl",kl11"'. Wiisliington, who Is visiting
ii (ui anil i n iui I cone. 1 i"" "" "' lom,'
Wclucdav eveniu.f Mr. uml Mi f N"flh Pnmt street.
Walter T. Stolr. nud Miss Nina Me-' "ccorutiona charmingly betokening
spring, were arriiugcii in nil me enter
tainment rooms. Library, reception
hull nnd parlors displayed primroses,
jeinpiills, cherry blossoms, fern and
pnlms, the dining renin being especial
ly attractive, ornamented in pink. A
large formal bouquet of pink enrnutinna
centered the table, unrounded by pink
shaded candles, ernli nwdo brossoma
'"i"!1, Margnret nud Uiihard stoi,
Mr. and Mra. W
todnv tor Portland. Later they will
H to Sun Pruncl-co for an extended
visit, event onlly going to New York
l ily, wheie tuey will ngaiu take up
their residence,
Mr. Chnrlea S, .lai kon, of Puitlnn.l,
is 'lie giust of the Isaac Lee Latter
us, nt their country place near Lola.
Mra. L. K. Pago will pii.a Hie week
end aa the guest of Mrs. Fannie Mer
c r, of liounld.
Practically everyone la setting aside
Die (Mica or Apnl seventh hi.. I eight ii
rif wcilneadny and Thursdnv even- Music ln.ua will l,. f,,,,,i.l,...l .,i..
iKa. wlion thi' society van, lev ill,, will 1 tniiimcut of a delightful nature next
be Maxisl nt the new Oregon theater, Friday evening, when tlm Sacred Heart
tm tale atiitet, tinder the umpires of(acndiinv present ita harp pupils in n.
the M'Minr guild of St, I'siil 'i cliun li. icitul at St. Joseph ' hull. The event
Mra. .1. A. t'huichill, Mra. Kdward Wei ! la open to the public, nud no doubt will
ler, Mrs. W. II. llilviu and Mrs, Wit- ho Inrgelv attended, Those takiu( part
haul II, Lvtle are the cdiiiuittee in will be liss (icrlrude Campbell, Mi
charge, and they hl been ciiretullv ' Loui lleitnlorfner, Miaa Willa ilniuca
choosing loi'ir pioyraut, Souin of the and Mina W ilia lliiekesteia,
capital ' city 'a most talented .loungj
folk will lie piex'iilcl and, coming at I The Chnuneev Bishops and John J,
tlm benefit ticca in this form of public Kobei Is aie liming n M Wedne.lav
cuta'liiinmeiit, cerr one ia gien anfur Mil nUn.led visit lo the Panama-
nnd potted plants being used about the
I. Mall are leu irn, ' "'IT'. V
Inler il.ev ll "K""" "1,n l',IIK tapers and decorated
Willi tiny rose ldooni. Mrs. I.lovd
sccuicd the dime, when the enke wns
cut, Mis. Paul Johnson the thimble nnd
Lloise White the button. The entire
dilution wns also carried out in pink,
tiucsslng the identity of babv oic-
turci, formed nn Interesting diversion,!
Mis, Hlnnche Listen Niemeyer receiv
ing the fiiNor. Musical selections were'
also a most enjoyable feature, Miss'
Alice Judd, Miss Marguerite Mors, Miss
tiertrude Fnkin, Mis. Merlin Harding
nnd Miss Turner contributing vocal and
Voice building by the genuine
Italian bid canto method,
t'oiu h in French, Herman, Kng
lish nnd Italian repertoire for
advanced students.
In Salem on Mondays
By appointment only.
1'hene "tMj J
Painless Dentist
Has opened his dental office and
will give the people of Salem and
a a a
vicinity everything that
and practice can do in
Complete Scientific
for every branch of
Competent lady at
always present.
t303 Stnfp Rtvonh r nrnoYCiW