ABSTRACTS MON ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts '! Protect. Our books posted up to dm each morning, ('all Main 1243 , i messenger win can iur juiii , . . T l CI... ....... .. I nP.iU:.lAnt. iMtrici. j. "K"1""") i""i Uu Geblliar, secretary, 245 State AUCTIONEER. WCTIOXEKR Salem's reliable seller ,'f Firm aalos solioiti-tl. Terms, 1 per tut; satisfaction guaranteed or uo ntr. Henry M. Voorhios, Michigan neDue, first street oust of the state flir grounds. 4 CH130PBACTIO SPINOLOOIST 'H 0. 1. SCOTT Orndunte of Chiro ( iridic s fountain Head, Davenport owa. If you have, tried everything td hive got no relief, try Chircprnc le spinal o-l jn t men t s and get well, dfiice 400-7-8 li. S. National Bank HciMm!, Phone Main &7. Resideuco Uain 628-R. CHIROPRACTOR. PK1IT DR. MAT, experienced and nwuii i uirupiuciur, lor acme miu fait diporOcrH. Has i-r-.u-t ii-eil five ,ru in Oregon, tree consultation Aon., tn lii. 1 tn n :iii.-.-(l.7 Hub. o&til U4. u-iy attendant. Phone i office 571; rcs'iimee BS5-U SJLHEJS.? GOODS .ECOXD-IIAXD FURNITURE bouBht, I M and exchanged. Highest prices S Paid tor seconil-li.-iml .nn.i. ... Mfnrn vnn n '1. ... i t . . ,,.,.,, uettiscu. 1 Peetz lurmtiire Co., 217 A'orth Com , mernal street, i'libno 8S4. AGUfciiT price paid for second-hand I iurmti.ro, ranges, hardware, tents, l ock of above articles i town at : tie lowc.t price. 0. I,. Mi-Peek, 271 5 1233 'om""!r'-,'l t. Phone Main S'l LEO n Si (ITT o...... .!:. . v'sicnpniuic 1'iiv. .r' ! f-,t Rr""i!"1' of ,-' An- A ?. l ,;Ke,.VK",l'I1"'y and Los 1 Wlei Me, ,n f.,ll,. . . .. . S i S?:. '!"!"' Tronic . ,. 1V.,.1,,U .lfom bunk S. B. II iniiTP ... "!'c.0,'?.,l"c Plyicia. and Ma Postgrad to IKu ..,!B "erle at Los Consultation free. -Vita, in ,''.Uffil'0 o05-08 U- 8. I "ml Bank bnil.limr ni o' S 340 Nurd, rnpitol .treet. ii- s worticiaru an.l fnn.,i ,n Court tt. ',, . np overt, f '-DOV.m.... . ' V Tk. S52 North IM. Iny and ;.,, hnil I felir 2 Trade streets. ' nn ilvsnce. i!u.Ejt pt-pTr . . -, Sor ' f;lry wood, four- a XkI.IiiII prop. ikZ'" th,t of,,n J THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH SO. 1913. CC'.Os-"iiiT BV ""THR. ME.W Voflkl tVMIMC f-LL,fU AM fnw Vol?.. lt WAi o Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Paee RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. V. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 in the Mc('orniK-k Hall, cornner Court and Liberty BtroetB. A. E. Aufranco M. W..j 8. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown F. CENTRAL LODGE, Xn 18, K. of P. Mcl'ornack building. Tiiesalny even ing of each week at 7:30. (Ico. W'iu chell, ('. (!,; .lames W. Cox, K. of K. niul S. gALEM LODGE NO. 4 A. F. & A. M. Stated romnitinications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. in. in the Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M ; 8. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODOE NO. SO, A. F. & A. M. Stated comfunication third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m. In tho Masonic Teniae, Glenn. 0. Miles, W, M.; Ernest II. C'boale, secretary. I!. N. of A. "Oregon. Grape Camp," Nil. 1300, mcetH every Thursday even ing in Mi'Comni'k building, Court and Liberty streets. Elevator. Mrs. Syl vi.j Hehnnpp, 17!H Market, Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furuitiiro Cu., recorder. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP ?ER NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet- ' ing second Friday in each month at s p. in. in tho Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus M1 M. Brooks, secretary. HODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first Mouday in each month, Mnsonic Temple, lames Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Ulen O. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDER'S. No. 5. K T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. in., in Masonic, Templo. Sojourning Sir Knights ore 'courteously invited to meet witn us. Geo. 11. Hinnctt, K. t.; Frank A. Turner, recorder. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m, in tho Mu aouio Templo. Elizabeth Read, VY. M.; Ida M. Bubcock, secretuiy. WOODMEN OI-' THIC WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCortiaek block, Oocnr Donaldson, (!. U.j L. 8. (leer, clerk. 607 Court .street. Phone fiiW. UNITED ARTISANS Capttal Assem bly No. 84, meets every Weduesdav at 8 p. m. in Moose Hall. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. A.; Ivan Q. Martin, secre tary, Masonic Temple. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president: Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All easel of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5248, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In McCornnek ball, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. W. W. Hill, V. C; Rex A. Turner, clerk. NURSERY. FOR SALE All kinds of fruit trees; grafted walnut 85 cents per tree. Leave orders for all kinds of top grafting and spraying. Mill Croek Nursery, 2480 State street. Salem, Or. FINE nursery stock. For .10 days I'll make special low prices on everything in my city salcsynrd, State and Twenty-fourth streets. Northwest ern Nursery, Howard E. Jones. Nur-sen- phone 7;)-F-22; salesynrd phone irin-R. DRY CLEANING PREBSINO. BEFORE having nil of your spring cleaning done phone and get our prices. We give prompt service and guarantee our work. We dean and press everything. City Dry Cleaning Wnrla 1 i'ili I'tate street. Phone 1714. Aprl7j 1UV CLEANING Clennlng, pressing, repairing, alterations, dre.smoking and relining fnra, clothing, etc. Furs of all kinds renovated or remodeled; special summer rates given; first class work guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered free. Apparel Ser vice Co.. 13H Smith High street. Phone 728. Opposite Oregon Elee trie depot. nDughter thinks only f her hero's large heart, while fntiier takes intircon siilcrttion his small salary. l. l-l' S LOOSE -4SAlN. DMI2 LIL' Tul2"TtEj "' " - - FTf I'V ' IM AFRAID ( ( ' I BROUGHT , v heT losi ferJ Sip Th WHO? home, from , ' . . CenCpervvo.'d for the THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference forbusy people ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Bank and Trust Bldg, EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Salem Electrie Co., Masonic. Temple, 127 North High Maiu 1200 LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 25 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 184 South Commercial UNDERTAKERS. Bigdon-Rielardson Co., 254 North High TRANSFER ANR DRAYAGE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streetB Main 74 JOB PRINTING. Beaver State Printers, Patton Block.. FOR 8 ALB FOR SALE oxygen welding plant and 1 milling machine; must be sold, E. F. Brown, administrator Matzke estate, Independence, Ore. tf -1 l-'OK SALE East terms, modern 7-' room House, with ono or two large. hij;ii lots, li-ii it. trees, hair block tram; Sl.ito street; $.U0 down, balance $lo n month, liostein & Greenbuiiin, 24(1 Coiiiiuercinl street. . FOR HALE Eggs for hatching from blue ribbon winning B. P. Rocks, win-! tiers of many prizes at various shows.! Call and see my birds. D. B. Coolcy, j 12:3 North Twentieth street. April I'OU HALE Anilaluslun mid Favorollo oigH for selling. Phone ItiOII-W. Miu-:in l-'OK SALEI) acres choice land; well j improved; good buildings, running; water; close lo school, Hi mile from; Oregon Electric. All personal prop- err.v included. -'Price if-lljO. Square IJiiI Henlty Co., I'. H. Dank Bldg. tf I MiaCKLLAKXOOh j :'lr''I' '",""' " " " " " , "T" MONEY to loan on anything of value for 30 to 90 duys. 207 Hubbard building. Jacob Co. : weight ladies to I-'OU SALE I brown mare about Hlllll lbs., gentle for drive. Phone -is:i call at 233 South Church. Mar!!!) SPLENDID investment, on easy terms. Good flouring mill and electric light phut; electric plant alono pays 10 per cent nn investment of $20,111)0. Geo. II. Jacobs Co., 207 Hubbard bldg. Mhi-21) FoK SALE llurses and mures One pair horses, weight 2700, goul worli-j ers, single and double, will pull three tons any place; will give trial on, this tenia lo suit buyer; price iMOil. $111.1 takes pair brown mares, weight I 2.1H0, good worker!) single niul double, are best offer; with this pair of m ires almost new set double hnrncsv V. One pnir horses, weight 2HIM.I, I age 7 niul S, goul workers, will givcj trial; price l.'rtl. Six sets of double, hiii'iiess niul two sets single harness;! one good farm wagon almost new, 3- j inch tire. One sorrel horse, weight lL'uO lbs., works single and double, 8. years old, price "0 buys bay! iiui-e. weight ll 'iO; will hitch to suit I buyer and give trial. .r0 takes mare,! weight lD'rU, giaid worker.- Call and! nial.e oiler, must lie sold. 45 buys driiiiiL' horse, weight 10-10. Capital! Ci'y Transfer Co., barn 430 South oinmerciiil. Ask for foreman. WANTED. WE WANT tl00 First mortgage on 201 acres good land 20 miles from Portland. Will pay good Interest. Jacob Co., 21)7 Hubbard building. WANTED To rent, wilh privilege of biiving, an Invalids' chair. Address '.'III Smith Nineteen!'.! st. Mar.'ll MAUSOLEUM. MOUNT CREST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM. The Better Way. Dry and aoitnry. Iluilding always open to visitors, Sunday, 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. Gasiill, manager. 1000 Fir itreet, Phono CIS J. I j I 1 TEltiCC. I I I first insertion. One-Half Telephone 133 street , Main 192 street .. - Day and night, Main 183 1512 FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished on- unfurnished bouse, hot water an4 bath; piano may be included. Garden ground and plenty of fruit. Phone 982-W. tf FOR SALE Vetch and grain hay nt tho ranch on Garden Road or deliver- cd. George Swegle. Phono 21-F-2 Mai'31 .min. nnmi LOST. I "-"" '- ","" " I LOST Automobile uliji curtain, on In dependence road. I' iniler please leave at lives di Elgin Murage. Reward. MaillO Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A WHY SO MANY FEEL TIRED. "Spring fever" usuully is the result of sluggish bowels anil torpid IlVjr After months indoors, you are not likely to feel vigorous and sprightly. Foley Cathartic Tablets are "worth their weiht j gld" for that over-full feel- ing, biliousness, gas on tho stomach, bad ,,rolt, in.liu,.Htiiii or constipation, Th(,ir n(,tiull is (it.k, comfortable and complete without nausea or griping. Stout people say tiiey are a blessing, J- C. Perry, dniggist- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South Hiph Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society BUROffARDT MEREDITH Resident Agents . S8S State Street MONEY TO LOAN On Oood Real EiUU Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd tt Bath Bank. Salem, Oregon t,.44a ItpgaiMawBiiiiaiiiiiwiiisiyiisnr iititicwiiTrii. '"' irr ii 'wTiTrrrr 4 fi.ii-. i,.if.i,iw4 on M"mt af.j4. a.l pr.p.14 K -ffVV-fPBr a J .t-l ! " I' rWOcwCilM I I I'i ,, II 111 J Cent per word for Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury bh mercury will surely destroy the sense, of smell and completely dt-rimm- the whole system when entering; It IhrmiKh the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damnKO tliey will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured hv V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, actlnir directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buylnif Hall's Catarrh Cure ho sure you iret the irenu Ine. It Is taken Internullv and mude In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes timonial free. Sold bv DriiKKlsts. Price 75e per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A TEN YEARS' MISERY ENDED. J. T. Chambers, merchant, Joueuboro, cured mo of a ten-yenr standing ease of rheumatism, 1 suffoiod miserably. A friend told mo of boing cured; so 1 used them, and they cured mo, too." Most middlo uged men and women are glad to learn that Foley Kidney Pilb afford a way tu escape sleep disturbing bladder weaknoss, backache, rheuma tism, puffiness tinder eyes, stiff and swollen joints, and other ills attributed to kidney troubles, J. C. Pony, drug gist. For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears iars of Q&ffi&&K the Signature Got Bid of Lingering Colds, Coughs and La Grippe. Spring finds many afflicted with lin gering, hacking coughs that wenkeiih the system. Slush and wet cause more colds than zero weather. Croup, bron chitis and pueiimiinia nro prevalent, Every family should have a safe and re liable cough medicine ready Cor use. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound con tains no harmful ingredients. It cases a cough, checks a cold and relieves in flamed and congested membranes, It clearB tho nir passages and soothes in flaiiimntion. J. C, Perry, druggist. 1 Skin ot Suamy is a joy t-'orevr- D R. T. FELIX COL'RAL'D'S OMENTA CREAM OR mm BEAUTint Jlrj'n.itm 'I'un, I'lnifi.f , M-Ut I'nlCl- ml i-Vrry lilcin: mi b':;iiilr. iv') II'- l-i ftt tun. tl'HH tUv t t.f uu v.w kt U vi liuruili w t Uir It li'li-niii it pr -vi-i'y i.ii fulfill liiico'ill'i' (ctl of uUm itm, Ir I.. fti.t ftiil-rl U It U h" I a (k pniifii' "A4 fu IsvM- VTlH U tl.M I romitniN tvi r.ftHfHiiil'si f'ri-,.lir ft' l'it t.irfiifu. r.f 'l ll tkiii fniirRinf." 1'' r -in 11 itriNtf fifl Fmi: (Jyid LfVilvriiu IU roiled fllfciei, (;((! I Kwt CO30.T mtn. Pui. 37 Gr it .Wii 8 1 SalemFence Works And Stove Repairing R. B. neming,Prop. Stores rebuilt and repaired. Btovei bought and told. Depot American Fence. Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oil ana VaraMiea. Roofing, PosU, Hop Hooki. 250 COURT 8T. PHONE 124 Back; of Chicaga Store. catTCrrh nt thfl BLADDER 24 HOURS Farh con- rri KiU-lMniihaMIDT l.ama mr 8 5 9-4 -r.-l its t'ij 5 If each successive subsequent insertion. VICTOR POINT (Capital Journal Special Service.) H. E. King has a new Studebnkcr, car. , Miss Elsie Darby and Ivan were in Hiilein and Hilverton Monday. Philip Fisher took a load of hogs to Silverton Wednesday. ' I. Aniktutz hns u new Ford. Mrs. Jos, Doerfler, Miss Mary and Mr. and Mrs. . M. Doerfler were in Snlem Saturday. Hoy Jones was iii Silverton Friday. Miss Avu and Elsie Darby and Ivan and Jim wero in Snlem Saturday. Miss Ida Allen returned to her home at Shedds Sunday. The entertainment given by the school wits enjoyed to tho utmost by everyone. POISON BAIT FOR SLUGS WILL CONTROL UGLY PESTS Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis March 30. Tho garden slug, slimy, slow-moving and repulsive creaturo that attacks nil manner of garden and or GOOD FOR For Route No. This coupon may be exchanged for votes in The Capital Journal Carriers' contest, at The Capital Journal office. Not good after April 1, 1915. TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. SALEM GEER LINE. 7:i--Ar. Salem 11:15 a.m, 70 I.e. Salem 10:00 a.m. 7.'. Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. 71 Lv. Snlem 4:1.1 p.m. (No connection souh of Geer.) SALEM, FALLS CITY fe WESTERN. Ilill-Lv. Salem (motor) .... 0:1.1 p.m. a. m, a. ni, p. in, p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. llll -Lv. Snlem (motor) .... 7:00 Hi:i Lv, Haleni (motor) .... :!. HI') Lv. Snlem (motor) .... 1;4I) 107 Lv. Snlem (motor) .... .'1:2.1 .'.'ID Way Freight lv. Snlem 5:00 102 Ar. Salem (motor) .... 8:10 101 Ar. Snlem (motor) .... 11:2.1 Hill Ar. Snlem (inotiir) .... a: 15 HIH-Ar. Snlem (motor) .... fi:.) 170 A r. Salem (motor) .... 7:15 MU--Way Freight ar. Salem l.S.i SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Northbound. 1(1 Oregon Exprer.n S:00 a.m. 2 -Willamette Limited .... 11:22 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited 11 -..13 a.m. IS Portland Passenger .... 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger .... 5:00 p.m. II Portland Express H:00 p.m. 22U--Local Way Freight .... 10:;i0 a.m. 222 Portland Fast Freight 10:;iH u.ni. Southbound. 15 California Express 3:,'I2 a. in, 17 llciieburg Pascngeis .... 11:1.1 a.m. 10 ( ottago Grove Pats 4:20 p.m. 11 Sluintu Limited 5:4:1 p. in, 27 Willamette Limited .... 0:10 p.m. Ill -San Francbicu Express 10:.'I4 jmi, 121 Hnn Francisco Fast Frt 12:01 a.m. Local Wnv FreiubL h-.Tl a.m OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO, Northbound, Lv, Snlem. Train No. .... 2 Owl , Ar. Portland 4:35 a.m 7:1.1 a.m 11:45 a.m 6:55 a.m. 9:30 a. in 11:33 tt.m 1:15 p.m 10 Limited 12 14 10 Limited 20 22 Southbound. 11:20 a.n 1.50 p.m 4:00 p.m...:.. 5:37 p.m 7:53 p.m 4:10 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Lv. Portland ... Ar. Salem 0:43 a.m. 8:21 a.m 8:55 a.m. 10:11 a.m. 12:55 p.m. 4:33 p.m. 0 Limited 7 , 8 10:40 a.m 2:10 p.m SEVEN namental plants, is readily controlled by the use of a poison bait, says A. L. I.ovett, specialist in insect crop pests at the Oregon Agricultural College. To bo most effective the material should bo placed in small henps about tho in fested area early in the evening. The treatment should bo repeated about every five days to take care of tho newly hatched slugs. ' The most efefctivo bait is ' finely chopped leavcB of somo green succulmit feed, such us lettuce, kale, wild mus tard or clover, with the addition of arsenic and some sweetening agent. The following formula is good for small amounts: Green succulent leaves (chopped fino 'ly(, 1 pt.; Paris green or white arsenic, 1 tnblespiionf ill; sugar 1 tuldespoonful. Prim may be used instead of the : leaves, but water must bo lidded suf ficient to make tho mixture moist, not sloppy. Slugs may also be trapped under boards or pieces of burlap placed about the field. Tho traps should be visited in the enrly morning when the slugs may be removed nail destroyed. FIVE VOTES 4:10 p. in E) Li in i led (1:00 p.n 17 l.ocul ... 11:43 p.m 21 Owl .... Northbound. Lv. Corvallis 4:10 p.m 20 Lv. Eugene 7::il u.ni 10 Limited . 11:1.1 a.m 14 1 :50 p.i 10 Limited . 5:10 p.m 22 12:05 a.) 2 Owl Southbound. Lv. Snlem 4:.15 p.in 0 ... 0:40 p.m. ... 8:10 p.m. ... 1:53 a.m. Ar. Salem ,. 6:37 p.m. Ar. Sulem . 11:45 a.m. . 1:50 p.m. . 4:00 p.m. . 7:53 p.m. . 3:10 a.m. Ar. Albany .... 5:3.1 p.m. Ar. Kugone 7:05 p.m. Ar. Kugone .... 7:50 a.m. .... 11:110 a.m. ...12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany .... 2:05 p.m. at Corvallis Ar. Eugene .... 8:50 p.m. Lv. Hull-in 2:00 a.m... :05 a.m. .. 10:1.1 tt.n Lv. Hulem 1:00 p.m... 21 Owl . 1 3 Limited 7 Stiips Lv. Sulem 0:40 p. in,.. 1 CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound. . Corvallis Ar. Salem 2(1 a.m 10 9:43 a.m. (Local Albany to Salom.) 12 p.m.. 14 1:50 p.m. 32 p.m.... 10 20 22 Southbound. 4:00 p.m. 5:37 p.m. 7:53 p.m. 10 p.m.... 05 p.m.... Hnli-m Ar. Corvallis 10:31 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 0:02 p.m. 2:33 p.m. 05 a.m 11 a.m 3.1 p.m 00 p.m 4,1 p.m 13 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Oregon City Transportation Company. Leave Portland for Oregon City, Hutteville, Newherg, Mission (St. Paul), Wheut laud, Hulem (dully except Sunday) 6:43 a.m. Leave Portland for Indepea-d-'nee, Albany, Curvallis, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) :43 a.m. Returi.lng. Leaves K'orvnllls Albany I Independence j Snlem Salem . 0 a.m. Mon., Wed., FrL . 7 a. in. Mon., Wed., Fri. .. Ua.m.-Moa., Wed., Frl 10 a.m. Mon., Wed., Frl. . 0 a.m. Toes, Thur, Bat, 1