THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, QREQQN. SATURDAY. MARCH APRIL 9TH. ssaasw mm mmtmm lmm 5S5lw"sO3 IN ACT GEORGE COHSN'S FARCE, "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATB." AT TUB GRAND THEATER ti I -n - , , j y 27. 1915. NINE. A THRILLING SCENPIN apt-tt m COHANS mystery farce -SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPAIf;. FI USES FOR RIPE olives discovered; xs-n t lip dish. California Tiine Olive Dnv Assncin- iirt'iinri'il a pa in nh Id L'ivini' iii'inlipr of rwiiics xliowinir how villi' olives inny lie utilized. This fl-mille Manh -7 Since f'nli-1 pi m l.t will lie sent upon request; u Rii'e Olive lnv was proieeted, ! "ddress tlie -Assoeiatiou at its head- olive packers aii.l olive growern, 'l11"'''" Oroville, Cal. v nehffii miririseil In find 1 1n dier : , , BELMONT SECURES EDDIE DUGAN TO RIDE HIS STRING OF MOUNTS FOR THIS SEASON Cehuii ar.d Harris Owa Com- I pany in "7 Keys to Baldpatej i DuriiiK the past three or four vear.s j an entirely new type of drama -lias i been developed Inrgely throutfli the of - j ! forts 0f Cooixo.M. Cohan. This type is, not tragedy, inelodrnma, eomeiiv or! farce but it is a mixture of all' four to a certain decree. Such plavs are1 constructed alniiK the lines of a" inelo- j drama hut with a dominant key of comedy and a mood of farce. They are replete with thrills an, I abound with I , laugh-provoking situations. Possiblv ' hest example of such plavs is " 7 Keys to lhildpnto", which Colum and j Harris will send to the (iraiul Opera' ! House for one peiforiuance on Friday ! eveninj;, April Oth. '. "7 Keys to Haldpatn" hns been! played for a year in New Vork at the, tlniety theatre and for six mouths at j v onan's lirniid Opera House, Chicago. ; These euniiKements are sufficient (!'' nntee of the worth of the pluv. itself 1 and evidence that the new typo drama i nnt ine puiinc wants a thrill with I i a hearty lanh at the. snniB tinie. i The old stylo melodramas were fun-i , ny without nuiiiiinjr to be so. Their M'liief weakness was that they wore, meant to lie taken seriously. .The same' . trieltj of melodrama which are but mechanical is lh,. audience is not per mitted to lanun at them, tun v bo made .to appear plausible if the author him-1 self lnujjhs at them and invites his audience to lauKh with him. l.auKhter! r ine sarery-viuve ol the incou(rnl,nis. We accept an incongruity if wo lauuh , at it; but we caiinuot accept it if we ; are not allowed to lnunh at and which ; the author has asked us to ignore. "7 Keys t Buldpate" is constructed with the serious purpose of producing as many thrills as possible. But. the audience is invited to laugh at every thrill as soon as it has been experi enced. And in the end the whole plav is turned into a huge joke on the nudieuce. Hut the sjieer shock of the melodramatic incidents is in no way - diminished bv the luughter which ac companies it. The quickly shifting moods of the play induce alertness of i mil thercliy force "tho tired business mnn" to fnrirol lie in ticn.l PEGGY O'NEIL IN "PEG 0' WY I EART" AT THE GRAND, SATUR DAY, MARCH 27TH. , J .s' iV-wl'".?';1-. mm Peggy O'Neill In "Peg O'My Heart" Tonight. "Peg O'Mv Heart" will hold the V nn m wliirli i in onve can lie useci. j: bu Ihh-ii found Hint ripe olives are lfiTt substitute for mushrooms and 'U rip oliviw mate a delicious in iiilinit fur stews and meat snuces; m olives make delicious sand . hes, while olives served with any hi uf inral in salad add iiniueiiselv to A oent a word will tell your ; wants in n Journal Ad under New Tudav. Try it. G RAN D UiiiiriiiMvil Atti'iiclinu I OPERA HOUSE Friday, April 9 is: 50c. S1.U0, 81.50, S2.00. Wail orders received now if nccom. fuitd by check payable to Manager Grind Opora House. bn'AN AUO .HARRIS PRESENT COHAN'S BEST PLAY n mv&m f ' il 9 t $ i V " S - 1 Jlr. Cohan has reached the zenith of boards at the Grand tonight, and there Ke.vs to HiiUiMiio'l' 'Tir. .'I I V to bo . capacity house. a real evening 's lie has proiluced entertainment chuck I reg- jty O'Neill, the leading lady, is a real full of thrills t I,nil,. Htar and her play is clean and whnl.i- has,ii .,(!.,.. ..'.i .. ,. 1 some, cleverly intt nas express-train action and which ' caicnes the spectator and holds his ; attention every second, incidentullv it may be added that Cohan anil Harris ! have given tho play it setting which is of tho very highest artistic order. (fiipital Journal. Special Serviced en -i . r . Calm conventional Miss Cooper played Ethel so well that an analysis of tho part would unquestionably visualize tho chnrncter ns "it wns presented last night, it is a coincidence that Mi Cooper's sister is now playing the sumo rule with Miss Laurettu Taylor in Lon don. "Altogether "Peg" captured last night's audience ami when tho curtain dropped nl'ler I'eg's'' limt words, 'There is nothing half so sweet lu Ufa as love's young dream' it was a smil ing and happy crowd which left the theatre, which is a true test of a play of this character." ;. interspersed with puthos' and sparkling wit ami humor, The Kugene (liiiird has this to say of the performance there VVeduesdiiv night: "Peg O'My Heart", returned to the Kugene theatre lust night and charmed a good sized audience with its sound common sense and qiiniut Irish wit and repartee. This story is so old and hns idavcd Turner, Or.. March 27. R M Rmii. I to so inanv people that tho plot is fam-' 1 cott made a short business trip to"'"r '"'"ds no repetition. Miss Turner yesterday. j O'Ncil as 11 Peg'' by her delineation ofci( L. V. Itobeit'son spent Thursday ' ,i,llt' tinnsplnnted Irish girl cap- , evening in Salem. Mr. Hobortson has I tnred her audience quickly and com-! It costs but Olio cent a word charge of teh new P. I!, I,, & p, hand l,,,,,,''' 'a,,t "'K'1'- "or 'I11'1'" ''linuges to toll your story each day In (here. ' I from comedy to pathos were well the Journal Now Today column, Lawrence Roberta arrived today 1 ''"ndlcd ami the nudieuce wns in tears from Independence, lie. will visit her'u ' ln" l"'i'forniancetears from with friends for a few davs laughters as well as tears of sympathy', tor the plight in wlucli the love hungry i , little ine new concrete walk around tho L 0. O. V, property was completed yesterday. Jnrry Jliller from Salem had charge of the work. The death of Gnindiua I'earco yiw terdny at the age of ninety-two years will bo mourned by her many friends. The agricultural 'lecture at 'the M. K. ehnrcli last night was well attended. The teachers institute held at tho school house lust Saturday wns well attended hy teachers froui the snr- Irish lass found herself contiu ually. The company last night was well balanced throughout, there being no weak spots from the leads to the smallest purls, including the dug Michael. ! Pour of the actors in Inst night's per formance were members of the original company which opened tin- piny in New Vork and had such a su ssful run, with l.nurelte Taylor playing "Peg''.1 These were Miss Melville who gave .t GRAND SATURDAY 97 MARCH . i uiwbi BUMOMi scene at beimont race wick ntw yorh eooit uugan With CYRIL SCOTT and Original vnicago ana New YorK cast New Vork, March 27. August lleHe.ini is said to have niout Iiiih fiiuat.-ed Kddio Dugau, the j wlcicliv lie becomes cracu horse pilot, to ride Ins string ol: 'oeiiey in America. He lioiie... in (lie h(,;c ruling season wlncii UiiccshI'iiI scusc ii ill llussia I opened at ll. lniont track May 2(1. i)ul rnr Ivoko out. KESB FE0.M THE GREATEST LAUGHING SUCCESS OF TWENTY YEARS, "POTASH & PERLMUTTER," A T THE GRAND THEATER, SALEM, MONDAY, MARCH rounding districts. (.!. V. Hoolh left Wednesdav for n '""sncd and sntistactorv iiiterpretliliou short business trip to eastern ' Oregon, j "'' Chicestor, "Peg's" aristo. VV. McCnlob is recoverimr from n I crntic, nnrrow ami couvent intinl aunt. r serious illness. I Mr. Reginald Mason who played Itrent I Slockwell Cornelius was quite seri- ",B w''( ' ",e hiisbniid, and made a contract j ously injured lust Tuesday, lie was l''"V01' ' "ln "ndieuce the highest paid : thrown from a iiiolorevcle causing a ,,l"rillK,1,.V 'lelestml him. Mr, Henry completed u deep gush to be cut in his leg. ."tuntlrord who played "Jerry" Inst before the J. M. Heck and wife left yesterday '"K"1 "w; played the saino pin t, with j f" Kiieene where the.v will visit a few ""iiinal New Vork company, days with thoir son, While he was good in the earlier scenes nr. i no piny, no did not please very well 29. i ' , ' yrrt mvrhnl I yr:"T) I- ' .i is?. JA fcS J- ''I'-'y it L' ' .4 , i r . , v-'t - I p n; 1 " - ; y'' Li I fi '!'( y ;- w- LJlJ 1 1 -i-L,-. biWKIMni.i ..j J ill (he love scenes, being ton mechanical and evidently not making much of an effort. The other member of lust night's cast who played with Miss Taylor in the orignial company was Mr, llandysido who hud the role of Hawlies the solicitor. He played the part as it. should be played, naturally and liluiblv. "Mr. liolnnd Hugun who played Alaiic the sou of Mrs. Chicestor was good ami pave a careful iiitcriircliitiiin of nil I'.nglish son, the "darling" of the family to whom everyone else sncrificed. "Miss Lillian Cooper who plavi Mhcl the selfish conventional duiilhfcr n. a.,i. nn rn m of Airs. ( hicesler next to Miss O'Ncil1 Pric 8cttle' Mc- 1-00' $1'50' ,2 00' did (he best bit of iidlng lu the piny. ( Ml" Ordors Now Sale Triday Mar. 28. . . . 1 ... .... . . 1 - - -J Grand, Monday, Mar. 29 ;i A. II. W(Ml.s, I'rcHcnls the World's Greatest Laughing Success '10 I CrlmUttCr t rinmpli in the kintory of com- 'are heart-touching. They are the most nd others of equal note. eomeuv ln spite or tne tnorougniy uuman urroes or tne stage i unctiy, the atory 01 "t'otnsit At Grand, iilOnflST 'cnienuVnis heart J iiy i,;.. i. ..Li . and forfeiting their business and their homes the story takes a serious turn In- t iaterest that Rives it and that is why they were welcomed is I'erlmutter" deals' with the trials nd;d,wd- But "''" 1' r",1,?h . a n .... .. tL. AnwtnM .n his lutnil. its ehief hold on the theutrc ir.iinir mill- readily ill London ns ln New Yori snrt trilmliitinns nf these two nartnera of ' j i . ,l ln, , " ' - - - ... r . Iar,i(FrB Bnu rpurni in iirm iv iw ninui 1 " 1 Ufltw- I lie llul I '.... 1. m k.I f ! - Tin 1 ... t .. ... I, fflttf r. Ml ... tu. . t 1. n ,'!....!. I , I. r ..... k ,L.,f. A. I A . ..! .1 a.. I . . Lt. - 1.... L Iftit w 'Ve nod I aw ' hh - .... ... . ,. "t tui- u i , ,n- uin-r- i nun ruin, anil HI leiirn ui 111 uuiinm-ic ?7f"ti ' 8" to nnki i,"11'' 'ni'ny tk two niost popular char- Herlin, Vienna, Paris and other cspitnls ous championship of Doris Andrieff, a 1 vindication of the charge against him. iney are to laaae their yntinj Kiismsn wnum tne represeo-1 There is plenty of romance o add to season. tatives of the Cur are trylntf to drntr the charm of the ulsr for Boris marries Woods sends "Potash back to the country of his birth an J to Abe ' vounir daughter, while i'erlmut- :. in r...... i . me nesu ana Dloou lor so loaif. iney anu i criaiuuer to ns witu a rsreiuiiv a lire-time in nioerta. laer niedire lr wm a lailv deslvner." with a V,.:.' ''i''"t,i, in X'ware loved for their weskasses as well selected eumpaay Including: their all to so his bail ami when, business head like Carneirie and a shape Ous Cohan, throuuii their ii'norrnee of the law. he like "Lilliaa Russell" a vounsr lad v. flnn, bi ...... . r...j. ... - j i . 1- - i. . 1 f. r Kffnitw, i.' '. ",or'''S in while their tenderness, their snirit of els, Jack Orsy, Lottie Kendall. Msecie the trickerr of the Russian retireaeata-' the irood. fortunes of the re-establislied ncored-the , self -encrifice,"f heir patwnee an.ler grief . Meredith, I.illisa Cook, Bertha Martin, fives and the partner are In danger of firm. Krt a.l lVrlm'. t." "P, modern fiction If indeed of Kurupe where t '""Hy ((,,, . n u.'lr', hey mav be called fiction characters parance this s I "''nnd oi f ' t "'"I". nu that ther have been sraong in Atanager A. H. t "litr "'Son.l ..-. v.. ' . . 'vn" '"'ash n,l f V ',,,wjiare loved for their weskasscs as well selected eompaay Including: "'" 1 ll. rl, .' ' '''" Their almost iaces- Harry First, l'hil White, t 'ttH? N,,'u t::..!'r C" nt quarrels are uproariously mirthful Sam Howard, Dure Rogers. 0 Potash and Perlmutter An Up-to-Date Garment in Three Pieces. Made by Our Special Designer from Material in the Famous SATURDAY EVENING POST STORIES By Montague Glass Trimmed With a Thousand Laughs and Guaranteed to Fit AU Sizes and Ages. Direct from Its Remark able Run of Two Years at the George M. Cohan Theatre, New York. NINE MONTHS IN CHICAGO Prices 50c to $2. Mail Orders Now. Seats Saturday. ' ' ' 'H II III II 1 1 II II IIWsjasMsJsaM !! Ill II all II II WIIM HI III P1WWiWWPlFliP 1W WHIWHrWaWP lUIHIlJI . .1 If I mil J III J I...L 11... . safaaafayv.-,-. lipiL, JIPJpaaWaWaWfMaWll l.l.l I J j u r.,u. u.. r.,.....IWU , . IKIUJU.I H-M- .JmWi ill! I m l . .IJIJ, . ' ' "''"'' J ' JT" """ l" "'""''M""lHlaWip IB.IJ,, flan ail J f