CAHTA! JOURNAL. nIO. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915. LIGHT THE SALEM i !BEATTY, ENGLAND'S EDDY TELLS HOW TO WEST SALEM t NAVAL HERO, IS IDOL OF BRITISH PEOPLE t i Professional Golf Player At Country Club Gives First Lesson On Driver j Miis Kililh Blue was up tram Porf !aml recently for a few days visit with her brother, Attorney Krnest blue, and ( family. ' Little Gertrude Gaubert is suffering I from on attack of inflammatory I rheumatism. Messrs. I.awrAiee ami Frank Himon, ! who have been visiting friends ami ! relatives in eastern states, have ar- j rived home. They took in the Panama j Exposition on their way back. The following is a lesson in the use Mr. and Mrs. I.looyd Hunt ami fum 0, the wooden club by (J. If. Kddy, the My left for their new horn, in Boise professional golf player in charge f u, i,lint is a Hon "of .1. T. Hunt of the Ha em Country I tub iiiiks: West ShIimii. The first thing a beginner ha to! jr j,'r(,,j frntinn has gone to Oak learn is how to hold the cluij. neri. , (j,.ove r, assist in taking core of .Mr. are two ways. One is the Vardon , i.(,t()r ,f,m0 W0 was very seriously irrin. or lock grip, in which the b'ftilurt bv fl,n from a oad'of hay. Ihiinib is placed in the palm of the! jrr Tom rj.(.arl, wfe , )aby, have right hand and the little tinner or returned from a three months' stay on rii'ht hand over the loreiiuger or ; their farm near (irnnde Konde. left hand. This grip prevents one fro in i Moirie person or persons attempted to grasping the ''lub too much in the jalin Ktlt three fino calves from a pasture of the 'hand as it not only gels thejII(,.ir t,e river belonging to Frank hands closer together as if it were one ; c j 1 1 (' -t , drowning one of them in the hand but it allows a freer swing. ! effort. Mr. Gaubert has officers on The other grip is with the. left t lf. trt,; of th thieves, thumb down around the shaft und as ''. st Salem "Ladies' Aid" met a result the grip i too much from thellt , home of Mrs. ,1. K. Bedford palm of the hand and tending to niulii- 'I'inir.-.lfiy afternoon. They will be en tile swing too rigid. In gripping with tertained April Hth by Mrs. Ernest the pabn of the bunds it is natural for nine. ....A (II MI'T I II III II HI ItS Ul INI: III !' rioidlv. which is fatal to the wooden club." In nlaviiii; all wooden clubs III swing must come from the wrist, wnn iron clubs it is more from the forearm; which shall be taken up later. j The niicstioii of stance . a most ini-! porluat point for the beginner mm l(. held Sunday evening yi the f irst should be considered lit the beginning. I ( 'imgregnl ionul church when the pastor The two forms of the, stance are the will deliver an illustrated address on " srpiarc stance '' and the open stance", ; Mexico, From many parts of our In the for r the toes, when the 1 country today people ure iisliing the stance has been taken up lifter the ad-! iuestion, "What is the matter with dress, are nearly in a straight line Mexico?" Hundreds of years ago with each olherj parallel to the hit I- Mexico was the center of a monarchy e.d line of flight of the bull. The left characterized by a remarkable civilian may be just an ini'h or so behiinl. With . lion eipial probably to that found in the open stance the left, foot is some- many parts of Asia today. The ancient times lis much ns leu or twelve Inches Mexicans were renowned for their or even more. Thus the whole attitude courts, laws, architecture, nifinericnl of the player toward Ihe ball and system, literature in picture writing stroke are different. I strongly ad ; and astronomical calculations. Why vise the sipuire stance as one has a bus the history of Mexico since that better conliol over Ihe bull and will time been n tragic drama? Who is also get a strnightor drive. J responsible for her condition today. The danger of ill" open stance is Ihe Mexico is n land of marvelous ngri ti'iideucy which undoubtedly exists cultural -opportunities with mountains with most players to put the body in-; unusually rich in precious ores. It is to Ihe stroke too soon. I'nconciiiislv u land of great promise, the slreugth of the body seems lo entci Seventy slides depicting life in into the stroke almost as soon as the Mexico will be thrown upon the screen lie Address On Mexico At Congregational Church A uiiiijiie mid interesting service will and Ihe pastor will tell Ihe story of this benighted country from the. time of C'orteb until the present. Kverybody inv ilcd to attend. the right form in the beginning than to pay fur mending clubs through 1 v rung efforts. i The Want pages go to the ADMIRM. SUt OA VO B)TTr This is a new picture of Hear Ad miral Sir David lieatty, hero of the North. Sen but tie. lieatty is a popular hero in Kngland, nnd the people ex pect he will make a further iiumo for himself in trying to nullify the Ger man submarine blockade. club begins to descend. When a play er is off his game the body is con staally getting there before Ihe clul ami dial is Ihe cause of so many top pi-d bulls. Another important point regarding Ihe slntice is not to stand too close lo the ball, ll is clear thnt the rloscr the player stands to the ball (he nunc crumped und restricted v ill be his movements. Their swiiiir will have a strong tendency to be imih sh ut mid oTOec ami home ami are con- upright nnd the long clean dine is al- rvHi;r,;::,l,,,,i, w::;il:l:::M ami frequently body well back on Ihe heels and I he : Cl ippOvl ail(l fllC(l 101' mUl' knocs relaxed. Care should be lulteit ml not, to stoop us lliere is danger in over l'tHOl'enCO. 1 llC JOUl'lia reaching the ball ami driving it with T,r . . . ihe heei of ihe dub which win resuii ; ants are valuable thats in n badly sliced bull ami often a , . broken club und it is cheaper to get ! Uu reason. EASTERN TENNIS CRACKS TO PLAY IN CALIFORNIA TOURNEY ",!nT!!ik si"A Immigration Inspector R. ?. Bonham Finds Several Eligibles In Asylum Springtime is here, and this means you will want to get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine. With the Vancouver Winner Of Third Straight Game Vancouver. It. (' March Out playing liie Ottawa team in every de partment of the game, Vancouver won tli 1 5i i i-il straight game of the world's championship series with the eastern champions at the .Arena rink last night. thereby capturing the world's premier hockey honors. aueoiiver s win was the most decisive of the series, the Pa cific coast eiianipinns romping home by a score I- to It, Vancouver elearlv nnd cleanly ful rilled every claim lo superiority over the customers in the mutch. which closed the series last night. If sup port Ms of the Ottawa club conceded the easterners a change before the in iimciieemeiit of the mutch tiieir hopes were rudely dispelled vvlien the ureal scoring machine of the Vancou ver team g.c going in tile second and lliird periods. Inspector Raphael P. Dunham, of the I'. S. immigration service, is conduct-, iug examinations of alien patients at the insane asylum anl convicts at the; penitentiary for deportatioa purposes, and expect to finish his work today or early next week. He has about ninej patients and convicts which he will recommend for deportation to various parts of Europe to his department i he believes that an Italian, who will j Drobablv be received at the insane! asylum today or tomorrow, is elligible to deportation to Italy. The war situation in Mirope aas; greatly retnrded the work of deporta- tion of alien insane and criminals to those countries which are at war and) about the onlv countries to which they: can be shipped at the present, time are the British isles, Frame and Italy. -No deportations whatever are at tempted to Oermanv or Austria and there is some trouble being experienced at present in getting deported aliens to the Scandinavian countries on ac count of the'mines in the North Sea. Two alien convicts were, shipped I from the neniteutiarv lust week, one! for England and another for Mexico, and there are two cases in the asylum who had been committed to asylums in their native European countries be- C... inn,:.... I. IL. !-:....! U......U ii'it) iviuiiii iu uia i niii-ii i-uni.s. ! r Hn.itiii,., wnu I,,,., on. vu viwl liil Marion county, the onlv ton of the late Judge R, P. Bonhuni. Mrs, Bon ham is also a native of Marion county, the daughter of .Judge W. II. Holmes.' NOTED PEACE LECTURER WILL SPEAK IN SALEM "Europe's Carnival of I'dnod and Trim, and what the Tinted States can do to bring about universal pence on a basis of international conciliation and arbitration", is the theme of the address to be delivered Sunday even ing at Unity Church bv Mr. Win. It. (Jalvaui, secretary of the Oregon Pence Society. Mr. (ialvnni is one. of the most eloquent and best known pub lie speakers in the stale, lie was formerly the engineer of the Oregon Electric Railway, and is now with the Pacific Power & Light Company. He represents Oregon on the National Fulton Go-cart or Fultonette you can go any place,, and take the baby along and the will enjoy the trip as much as you do. . The Fultonettes are collapsible and can be easily carried in the car, taking up less space than any Go-Cart on the market. The Fulton Go-Cart is built for convenience and durability. See my window for displays. i II M W M W I A I f Ml Will IvIH aaipA Furniture Store Successor to Josse & Moore., British Steamer Pounds Off Mnrnrrn ininuo AUt EXPECTED Cadiz, Spain, March 27. With sixty members of her crew still on board, the British Bteamer Trostburg is pounding to pieces today near Cape Spartel, on the coast of Morocco, according to dis patches received here. The advices in dicated that the vessel wns about to break, in two and that the lives of those on board were in imminent danger. Threo British destroyers and the French cruiser Friant arc standing by. Tho Friant 's boats took off 13 mem bers of the crew. High scus prevented further efforts at rescue. . f i- 3 1? . j. ';.T . i Y h ilh ) I I - Robbers Blow Five Safes GOVERNMENT CASE EESTS. Indianapolis, Ind., March 27. The Committee for tho Third Hague Peacej government today rested so far us di Conl'orencc. Ho lias just completed j rect evidence is concerned in the trial what is recognized as the most iiu-jof .luyov Huberts nnd 27 other poli pnrtunt petition t0 the President to re- ticians of Terre Haute charged with new his efforts in behalf of the restor- ennsnirucv ns a result of registration atiou of peace among the twelve Euro- frauds in the Inst election. Several penu nations that nro involved in war. I witnesses will probably be called in ro Thix petition was signed by thcMiuttal. governor, state ufl'ieiuls, president, of the sennle, speaker of the bouse, ""- -jjui-.i.j immmrnrmeamMmmmM railroniis ami puldie service eoruora- tions, iiiaiiiil'a'lMriiig and inercantile houses, editms of newspapers and otheri very prominent citizens of Oregon. His address at the I'liitarinn church will be delivered under the auspices of the' Social .service organization of Hint body, nnd lliere will be no chargc-fori admission, and mi funds raised for nay! in fi l ll 1 r'"ro"c i-oiiiiccie,i wnn tne curopcan, ailU oCClire UOOU liaill .iuni-aUoti wlueh herepre-, : seats. It is lip,., that every peace1 loving man ;u, niimiiii In .Salein will turn out to hear Mr. Oalvnni, TheJ speaker does nut seek, to place thd hhime for the war upon liny nation. I ami is tin i n pnrlis.ii for or against any of Ihe great, Knropcn powers. Chicago, March 27. ilaring riibberic in in eight snfe blowers from iM.OiH) lo if Kl.OOO One of I lie mosl years, result iivg escaping with cash,, oc- enrrnt here earlv to.lnv The eight robbers, all masked, "jim mied'' their vvuv into Ihe offices of the llabsou 1 tiil he is mall order house. They ov erpovv ereil the nightwntchinan mid beat him into insensibility. They then dynamited five safes, one on each of the five floors of the building, ami escaped. The night watchman was found later when other persons entered Ihe office. He is said to be iu a e l it inil eon, lit inn. .jr'"'. ' .9 W. . K DENVER SURVIVORS IN PORT. New York, March 27. Ninteen sur vivors of the steniiiship Denver, which sunk in mid-ocean early this week, reached ipiarniitiue today nboar.l the liner Megantie. They included the cap tin", unite mid 11 saihes from the ill fated ship, Others aboard the Denver were taken otf by the steamer Manhattan. ft A few words in a Journal Want Ad will buy or sell for yon. Hi ft Cold Storage Space For Rent Apartments for storage of eggs, butter, meats, fruits and vegetables. Seasonable monthly and season rates quoted, All parties interested call at 2CS S, Commercial street, SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Cold Storage Department, ' '4. 'IV si, l ' ' 4 ' ll i?! V ' I ' 'fit '' I t, . .a I 4y:r 1 tlx h V tilt 1 7: " . J ' ' ..." "' 1"' " v i t:i,.,li. tr, ho niflVI lierber an(i,ner, wno is ,.-... ueriier imi." " n- - - a. nt inn IBt r I and was nt tun vr ' - I batter A In fiat , ... , . ... 1. ri . . .1 l.;,l' TH II- IIIU " l.eo .1. .viuriinv, waiter ueriier huh Hill llinchimin are three recruits that ere expected to strengthen the Titta- jbin-g l'iiates this year. Mnrp".iy is a , shortstops in ficldim!. h.av",'tBlt, catcher and comes from the champion j ing .PIW. Kill Hin. hman, his W ; Sioux City team nt the Western league. ; and former maun lie batted .H2H last year and mndo only field. Jle led , , ,,, il i.. TO n....l...H ... Inu. d.iosoii V IU n nine i-iiiiia in ivr kiii.-b, uuiuri 1.111 be tried nt short field in place of YViig- ,.r, plays in 'f ll,. led his Bswiation in" last season, having a Stili. ',.- V...I: .. I'lil'.C.iriii.i Is, i Inn. h. Ih. i I'lineel,.!! i be inviidcil by a number of caieru It, hi-, Wylie C. Cianl, Demi M.ithcylJ tenniK alius next Miliuuer. It Is pro and Mull:. mot W . .ile.i, Allusl S. Dati posed to send a picked team of the-'icy and l-Mwurd II. Whitney, n trio it! vl 'I'slciii pincers and have them par- IV'on .dins. The iuviiiion of the cant Itcipatti lu n nui.ibcr (if t-mi iiaiccnts em lieu follow ti prolonged cum in different citie.i eu voute. Act Hiding ipoiidciu c nliich has been going on be to Ihe sluli'iiieut mndi. recently, the ivvcu ihr- National officials and tic team iif eastern plnyi r will leave for 'ending pnits of the Pacific Cosd a. iciati,ci. I ight special courts are be- In I'ou-trucled al Hun l'riicico that the men' from this section of the ciiun'ry will havn thy tisiul playing OlIiTnruill 111 July, It Will be C0"i posed of men delect eil from among K. Norris Willmms 2d, Ihe national cuniii Hioii; Theoiloro Itoo.icvelt Poll, Ho- t.'ivn V. Touclinrd, Irving 0, Wright, w MBIIIIII1IIIM IIMI II II- MlMBJ 1 1 - I iliiixYon Re Him Fi ftt . tniu.inu.e ,,n, U sailms from the ill- S UrSSTZ'tl V Mi IttS U XSf I . V ''"' "'l'. oiners iilionrd the Denver SI X-. - .VJ I UW t.?"' VstrT . . U i JTZ 1 , were taken o.f by the steamer Man- f'VV CvVS C ii'A v I-tort 7d$H , ha.tan. h B H ftnTO 4 ZOA. j Extra Special ;H SJ. -. W W Sale of m. ., ' ' 1 """" 'Kivonti.,,,,!,,,,. t X V , f V fr f A 1' JZ t-l' g suit if you oider a, t U - OUkVJlV 'k 0f - " go. : ' ' . yr$us ft) RyKiyw 1 , i "if t ; tfc "-;r'4V-:m v WW' fj JXl ' SALF.M MADE CI.0T11E8 i V l V better i J - X . rr ' J Wat sun M. Washburn, tlcu'ie 41. ,,.i-.... ,,i i,,.r ... I, mil 1 - tnt iftwwv imimMi' Yimy ? Ht irwFMlr!i)inPfBrit