Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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m jm
Whether they are
slender, medium or
the world over con-.'
elder the Eoyal Wor
cester and Bonton the
very best medium
priced 'corsets. They
are Comfortable, Dur
able, Strictly Up to
the Minute in Style,
$1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 and $4.50
Black and White Checked Dress Goods, 36 in. wide,
yard 25c
Other prices in wider widths
40c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.50, $2.00
nr UTorli-Qo shnrt. lprtPT.hs. vflrH 1l
.J luauiuuj - - w- o -j j x vv
Splendid brown Crash Toweling, yard 9c
Leona Combination Suits 20 per cent less
Japanese Silk Waist ' $1.25
Tub Silk Waist $2.25
Crepe de Chine Waist $2.48
Pretty summer uresses ior women, ot cnambra,
- i T i t: i i i , t
Ulngnam, nuwer crepes, .uinen, suiiaDie lor tne
sfrppt $1.15. $1.35. S1.48. 1.7R
35c Braziers, extra special, 'each 25c
. -i j i i
Doc torsec covers, extra special, eacn 25c
Combination Suits, Corset Covers and Skirts of
Muslin and Nainsook, values to $2.00; now,
each, .'. 50c
10 per cent less on Scrims and Curtain Nets. 20 per
cent less on Lace Curtains.
Sheet Special
50c Sheets, 72x90 .- 39c
$1.00 Sheets, 81x99 89c
Part of the Rites Which Were
Practical By "Brotherhood
Home of New Love"
Alliance, Ohio, March 27. Sacred
kisses and divine embraces were part
of the rites which characterized the
practices of the members of the
"Brotherhood Home of New Love"
whoso hiph priest, P. A. George is held
in jail here, charged with responsibility
for the death Wednesday night of Miss
Amy Tanner, a 23 year old inmates of
the "home". From his prison cell,
George insisted todav, however, that
j 'hero was nothing immoral in the
I ritual.
" Brother' W. B. Phipps, one of
George's disciples, said that some time
the inmates of the "brotherhood home"
rolled on the floor, and that "their
clothes might he disarranged."
"Hut God did that," he said.
When God's spirit called, Philips
added, (ho two sexes kissed.
"If the spirit of God told you to be
promiscuous," he. was asked, "would
you ?' '
"I would if God told mo to,"
Phipps answered. 'It he told me to
go nuked in (he street as did Isaiah, I
would do it."
Several olher brotherhood members,
including five women, arrested with
Geoigc, nre still under close survillanco.
r i u ii
m .
The Unwilling Bride
Eoyal Comedy.
Drama featuring Ed. Cozen and
Winifred Greenwood
The Love Pirate
Drama depicting the neglected
Wifeand Child In Two Parts.
Colored Villiany
Keystone Comedy Always
ir far r w
"1A. Always tho Best Z
1VL Tha Show that. lUC-i
Pleases the People
Court House News
i vuiui iiuuoc nend
j .Sylvester Bingcnhcimcr, who was r
.reefed in Pnrtlnn-1 v..tnr.lnv .... .
charge of aiding inmates of the girls'
industrial school to escape, was brought
before Judge Webster, who placed his
'bond at $..0fl, which was furnished by
:he prisoner, who wns released to ap-
pour some time next week for arraign
lment. James Le Grande, hold mi a
similar charge, has been released from
the Oregon City jail on WO bonds, and
will be arraigned with llingenhcitncr
here in Justice Webster's court.
For the first time in five days a
marriage license was issued at tho of
lice of the eouuty clerk when Kdward
Fox, a Salem teamster, and Miss Jen
nie Fo.bis took out their matrimonial
permit .
John Zak Inlay hronght suit against
H. F. Bailey and others to collect .foT.SO
alleged to be due on a promissory note.
In addition to a judgment iu this sum
the plaintiff seeks attorney's fees in
-he sjm of $".).
h II k . 1 f
nu irouna i own
t , t , , ,
r""" J
Dr. lfn.Mv)..i . i
correcth- Us,"? i 1 1 8 rP'0, J for tho nu,,l,h' ani1 lowp1' thl"'
1U' S' lank m&- any timo during the! month of March
. ninm.v r.,:l0 vc'ar 'rhu lowest record for
laflr tripS -Pees and was 3.3 feet.
tri ,: g. '. . I".!.. r,,l1- ' 'onntry I o
"f thm: Day, iii;'.' uUt .,V.q M,'1':ll'y- For real enjoyment smoke La Corona,
nontl.ly dancing p,ty to ue held at
the urinury on Wediiesiluv evening,
April 7.
My 32 years of practical exparlcnce
enuMcs me to lit your eyes svieiitifical
'y without the us of iujurions drops or
drugti. Dr. M. I' Mendelsohn, n.jms
I V. S. Bunk building.
Poclo'a drug store is makinj arrange
ment.) to iiki'c this evening to their
new location on Suite street, known as
tho Thompson jewelry store. They ex
IKH to be ready for their regular busi
less hy Monday inoiiiirg,
Dr, Stone's chilblain remedy 25c
An address on ''World Poac" win
bo undo tomonmv evening at the L'ni-
anan church by W. II. Ualvnni. Mr.
-liilvani is cecrolary tor Oregon for
.he Carnegie world ' -peace foundation,
with Oregon hmdipiniteis ut Portland.
Notice. Unruli & Macy have moved
their law offices to suites !i02-3, Salem
Hank of Commerce building. Phone
Willard Wyatt, of Twin Falls, Idaho,
is in the city for a few days visiting
his friend, .1. C. Campbell', of the
Southern Pacific freight of ice. Mr.
Wyatt and Mr. Campbell formerly
worked together years ugo in lown in
a Missouri Pacific office. Mr. Wyatt
is :jt present superintendent of the
Twin Falls water works.
Try some of those delicious pies and
enkes to be hud at the Culifiiruia Mali
cry, 31)7 Court street.
Emll Hansen will leave Monday
morning to make u canvass of the
country around Gonitis, .St. "Paul and
Ht. l.ouis, in the interests of tho flax
industry. If nn acreage-of 30 or over
enn no secured in t hesn
enough flux liber straw would ho i-niul
ed to ship here in ci'r lots, which would
materially re. luce the cost of delivery
to the penitentiary.
800! 800! 8001 Pirst Christian Eiblo
school, 9:4.) a. in. Ma eli liSth.
A'tcrnoy General Brown has render.
Oil .11
from t'j cnuntr elerlt nf U'ollr.t..,.
county in which he holds that nn affi
davit made before a notary public or
justice of the peiu-e, R-romptiuied by
the ours nf the slain animal, will neir
be tutfioient proof of the killing nf
coyotes under the amended hi alp boun
ty let. He holds that the whole s! in
of the animal must be presented to the
cuunty clerk, the only officer empower
ed, to examine the siiins, either by tue
rrcn:i who killed tne miiii.nl ii- hisi
duly authorized ngint, before the
bounty can be collc-tcd upon it.
Judge William Galloway, after a ses
sion of department No. 2 of the circuit
.-Hurt, whii-h timtr.l until ln-'Ul ..'..I...I
I last iijlit. took the imo of I.ulu Selig
Tjand Isudor Selig against William V.
jl.urst and M. A. Hurst under advise-
nur.t. Alter the closing argument, At
torney Kddy had but, eight minutes to
iit-h the train, and the judge tonk him
in his auto and rushed him to the de
pot in timo to catch the 10:38.
.Iudj.e William Galloway IJ-iluy
,iu opinion in response to a reiiu t ! t-'!:lnu''' " "ivorcc t.) hvn May Husso'l
.. ...' -I..K llltltll Vhllih T,. IIISMiill nil lli.i nt,.iiii.l,j
lot' cruel and inhuman treatment. The
plaintiff was granted the custody ot
her two children, Kenneth, aged 1'J, and
iilrncc, aged !. Tne couple were mar-
ner in this county in 1 tK and have
I ecu residinf near Turner.
"ITie Storra"
A Great Masterpiece in Two
Parts America's Premier at his
. Best
The Master Key
In Two Parts Seen by the
Special Feature
Program For Sunday
5c- nvE cents 5c
On cent per word each insertion.
Copy for advertisements na-
oer iuis aeading should be in by
8 p. m. .
UAKKY Window and Office cleaner,
rhono 1850-J. Aprl5
0A8 KANOB for sale or exchange for
woo'd range. Phone 752. Mar30
HKK LISTON lor tire insurance; ull
million dollar companies.
WILL exchange
lots or acreage.
bungalow for auto,
C. L., care Journal
News at Fred's night
ritADK your used furniture fur sorae
thing new. Voota Furniture Store, tl
UOVKKNMENT positions through I.
8. training. Abbott, Hubbard buil.l-
KOK KKNT Nicely furnished iiousa
keeping and sleeping rooms, a.'il) Cen
ter street. 1'hone 204-M. MarUO
FOH S.VLK Three horses and a
dandy fruit wagon. Inquire Com
mercial Cider Works.
WANTKl) Work of any kind on farm
or in town, by young man. s2 Min
Htl'l'l't' MarLVJ
8(10! 8O0t 800!
schut,!, il:4.T a. in
First Christian Bible
, March LNth.
A inotion of the plaintiff to strike
in the ciisc (i! tJjiirg.1 I,. Hose against
the city of Salem was iiver-niUfi bv 1
(Capital Jourual Special Service.)
Independence, Or., March 27. l!os
cow C. Slants, who was born and raised
in tho vicinity of independence, is a
cnmlidato for the post office, which
will be vacant ou or about November
1 of this year. Mr. Stunts is a decend
ant from a long line of illuatroiis an
cestors wh0 were democrats all their
lives, and following their example, Mr.
Stains is also a democrat. 1'iactical
ly tho entire denioc.rut.ia organization
hero is behind Mr. Slants for the ap
pointment. For four years ho was in
tho service of the government, its rail
wav tutlil clerk Mr Mtu..i. :u 'to .........
of age, married and has a family.' The' WA.TKI- Potatoes lor prompt deliv-
"..n,,-.-B nun iiciv nave endorsed Ititit
as well as the young men's democratic
mi) ot rolk rounty.
FOR KKNT Room in modern bnnga
In'v, eloso in, no children. K-.KI, carti.
Journal. MarU7
l-'Olt SALK (t 1 KAUK Hy owner,
I 1-3 acres of fine rich land, partly
improved. 32(1 N, Liberty. .lar30
Iv?.n a MeDnm il, amistaut ntanager
oi me ommcrciu, club, will meet next
A Sunday school with an attendance ! the last elecui.ii.
of SOO promises to bo realized toiuor-
row, aec-ortliug to these who have hail County School Superintendent W. M.
tho management of the campaign ot Smith went to Jefferson today to at
the Christian church Hiblo class. Frizes tend the. local teachers' institute to be
were offered for the securing of the held' in that city. Atnttig the promi
groatest uunilicr of pledge ot attend-' nenl; speakers nn the program, today
unce. I'p to noon today Miss Mildred ; were Professor W. A. l'.arr, of O. A. ('.,
Douglas was nh?ud with pledges front I and Miss Helen Coiigil, a domestic
ll... I,.;.. I .. i .i . i i. ...
.... .....i ...i.-o . uii.iiii; i m ivi t-c-vuini 1 rcii-ui i e,'ri, i lie principal spoiiKur
with 1)3 pledges. This afternoon sev-1 was Professor W. T. lSowden, n spe
cial nuto loads of enthusiastic Sunday 'cialist in industrial work from Wash
school members formed a parade in thelingtou, 1). C.
business section of the town. This plan
of milking a canvass for Sunday school
members is ci adopted by the Ilev.
Crim in several 'of his 'most successful
8001 800! 800! First Christian Eible
school, 9:4- a. m. March 2th.
I .. .' . . mill: , .. I ' . . i
the plaintiff given Id dnvs in which ! 1,",.'f""-v '"""'' with the Mothers'
to tile a demurrer or otherwise plead. '. ' f , w ,:t thn r,,sill,,' ''
This is the famous dog case and re- ,"''' S'00,V' UH Nor,,' (l""''n
solve, itself into a tptcstion over the B ITt; Mr. M.-Piiiik-I will explain the
....t;.,..: i:... ..t i ; object i: the Commercial club in nf.
V'U ,t i i U i ii; mi , i v ,11 lliu lll-w lll.I lie ., , ,. , , .
........ o mi uiu in'ni. purlieu it in i
tlower plots to bo cultivated by the
pupils of t:.e city schools, and also tell
Hie conditions under which the contest.
will ue held.
dinance passed by vote of the people ut
cry. t 'nil M7 ...,nti, ii,,,.,,,, i ...
W. II. (Ilatko Co. Mar3
I ION "f be deceived in writing your fite
insurance like you was before. Boo
l.iatoii, 184 ('curt street. Muri',7
HHt SALK Store ttxtuicH, co intent,
showcases, seales, cash register, etc.
Call IIL'I Iliues street.
Editor McShane, of the Hubbard En
terprise, is in the city attending a
meeting of the Marion county newspa
permen. Mr. anil Mrs. Thomas Itlundell left
lodny for Newport, where they will re
itiiiin dining the summer.
I' Oil KKNT I'p to date 7-rooin flat
close in. See R. H, Fleming, phone
121. Hcsidcnco phone 02.
I'Olt RKNT (l-room modern cottage on
I'iglewood car line, at .11123 North
Seventeenth street, t)iU). tf
I'OH SAI.K I basket wood rack, I
two-horse buggy. 805 South 2tlth st.
i In the Thursday issue of the Capilal
Journal there, appeared and article stat
ing that ten il Caiitril had entered suit
1 i... ii...,. ,i.t v........... i' c..M
: li,;iliuni tut.- jiiii(jii ..ninritr i 11. 11,1 ;
the tollection of wages for labor and
services performed by Mr. Cnntril. The
I Donald Nursery Co. desires tn inform'
!the public that they did not tefiise to!
(pay Mr. Cnntril his vvuges, but sinnc,
was enrntsheed bv the Mays -(tootle :
erc.uitile o., to satisty a claim which
the linn held against .Mr. t antril
gootli; which was purclinseil from
The Chenik Chilling group of Camp I Mayj tloode Co., ut Donald, Ore.
, .... ..:..lu !.: a, i - a: I J .
CamD Fire Girls To
Give Chicken Supper
I'l-eent ciuar.
IwEi'"'- f3J?, f0 j Hotels and cof?e7To cent,,
wmgmate,,,! of all kinds. J 170 bouth (.'ommercial street.
M Momlay morning l,y v Mr
Irmyrtoii, of tJu. South s,.i..,. i...:... v
OD ( lilin-h ii
L. M. Bogga & Co. are moving today
into their now location just three doors
north. They expect to havo every
thin, in shnpo for thoir regular busi-
Special meeting of Pacific "atToai In"r"'"s tllcir ""w lo"
.'1. A. F. & a. M,
'!"s ( V''"1f. Work in the F.
- 'IcKfee. VisitiiiH brethren
2" at shafer
-" "ri't't stun
Don't ho miiiled. You do not pay
one cent inoro when Dr. Mendelsohn
fits your eyes than you pay elsewhere,
Msortment of team , ,y0U Kct " 8001' service ami nm-
.,, ,, t . " I'-iuii us can no oiitnined. I ir. M. t
in tie I
Fire girls of the First Congregational
church nre planning a chicken pic sup-ip . n T' i ' l
tier in their church parlors next Tiles- CaSlCr! VXQU UiSlliCl
I'Olt KKNT l-'urniiihed complete mod
em ll-room cottage on car linn lit
IOJII North Seventeenth st., $1,1. tf
COMPLK'PK stock of tested garden,
liebl anil lawn seed. Westucott A
Thiclsen Co., Ifll North High st. t(
Flllt lfKNT 5-roniii , modem lions
iiiniislicd or iinfiiniisliod, close in;
rent reasonable. Phono 17.17 W, or
call ,lli) Mission. Marti
I'Olt BALK Cheap, ;l loot roll top
desk, puce 7iO. Impure (I7j i 1 1
street, or address K. II., Journal.
ANTKI) To near from owner ot
good I'nrin for sale, Send cash iirlco
.iinl tlescription. 1). . i)Us(,, Min.
noiipolis, Minn.
Mary Garden. Dlerlclsti nar,nin
- . , u.ito.v,
Azurou, Talmer, Hose Leaves, Dolly
Deputy Sealer Is Named
lire il few of the lend itltr TIPi'f Minna .n.
noil ui ine i apitiu drug store, Mastriic
temple, Z. .1. Higgs nnd T. Tyner Wool
pert, proprietors.
i.. :.: uuy evening, ino pruceetis lo ue useu
I . .' 'I to purchase cnnip fire costumes for the
inris an ttaid tiitm in stnrtinc their
work. Mrs. O. II. Oingtit-h is guardian j s, , Trra,uw Kllv w ac sealer
J K.U:,',' ft W,'" h,V:? ehar,f,e!of weights nnd measures, this m.rning
.. -.. . ... . :. lannotincti the iiniinintment l A
1 1, n qiirituir. ass sri lis wir tut tin m r .
O, 1'. I'tituaiii, who will supervise the
decorating, the mothers of the camp
Diniti,. s..l..,,.i.,.. .... t t. i- i - I decorating, the mothers of the camp
$?Zirm Lo.MR Co. shipped
N at IWt 'nt.l. '""" kMwl
XnT "u 11 cabinet
i 'I,
Hyman Stoinbock, president of tho
local Tifaris Ziou society, which recent
ly raised Ml in this eit'v for the ndinf
nf suffering countrymen in Palestine,
received inlormation todav that ench
of tiiose in this city who contributed
$2 toward the fund would receive a
personal JettVr of thanks from Ben
jamin reristein, secret a rv of the so
eiety in New Vork. Those who con-t
tribnted SO cents will receive a punt-1
card acknowledging receipt of their of-1
Mendelsohn, rrmmu 9111.11 rt W l!.,l.-
J. C. Ruckcr, who was arrested last
night on n ehargo-of carrying concealed
t heineketa. I guilty to the charge I ' t0" , of ,'a"''"1 Tl",!e
,b j w inn tuurtji. lirnvcmeiiht brim, llwn., 1.. tl, t
rank in the talKing machine line. 1
keen n full linn of thn .lit'?..-.... u..t..u
-- iw.uviiuff ior VO VVtllt. fit a mn.1.t..t t n...l rm" niYi'.n
"lin.l . "'. "'unville on leual busi. t ,t:.f : :.. .."."..!.. ' . ,,. i ln '"'"i ls" " the records. Oeo. C
t. .1 Bill II, I In .. ... . . . ...it i- ,1,1, m
rRlat .. . " "-iuii'U
will bo sold for thirty five cents, and
in addition the girls will conduct a
candy booth.
Miss Agnes Hnviic, a nrni nieniber of
the camp fire will assist, selling tickets
at the floor.
Monibers of hiliik ('hiitig chapter
are: Florence llayne, Elizabeth llnyne,
Kilnn Ackernnin, Charity Ilurleson,
Isabel (Icon, c. Amelia Ibtbeock. Plor-
ence Shufcr, (Irctehen Brown, Hessio
Miles, Auabell (iolilen, Dorothy Thomp
son, Lela MacLaiu, Vesta Smith, Mur-
igaret llehel, nnd Kddys lteyiiolds.
Yagttr, of Pilot Kock, I'miitilla county,
as deputy scaler ot weights ami meas
ures for the Kastern Oregon district,
liich is comiiosed of I'niott, I'miitilla,
Wallowa, Maker, (irant, llarncv, Mal
heur, Sherman, Mo row and Wbclcr
counties. Mr. Vuger is prominent in
educational maters in I'nion county,
now serving as a county school super
visor, and received the endorsement of
the majority of tho eastern Oregon
legislative delegation. Tho ptfiition
carries salary of .finn per mouth and
traveling expenses,' and tho deputies
will assume their dttlies nu.lri the new
iaw during the latter part of May or
the iir-t of Jutt".
FOR KKNT-Five-loom house on Fuii
niDiit street; electti,. lights, bath, anil
largo giirren. impure 7t Luth,.r Bt,
l0 .111.
"a Canih will I 1 rel'lc your broken glasses while
n. M,,i....!?.:m tomorrow foriyou wait at a moderate cost, and euar-;
,! . -O
"; fnther, who died
M. I'. Mendelsohn, rooms 210-11 I'. S.
IK... I. I ..!., '
iintlii uuillllllg.
Will, music ami sewing machine dealer,
132 State Btreet.
Last night the Price team of
. htgTcTat nt i..1" Veoman gave a very .uccesaful ' ,M 'Tm",
u.. m -n- . f'"' ...... ...
rT "STye. finnj ,,j, I supper, in which partners were secured
Box.. i.v'.iV' ,. i""""- """."""''Mho yenr. The Wilsm, were leading
'' Mi
4 It) f
Oood nodlm.
of the most spirited contests nf
ithree fet above
h.. tcday (, , I. o
"l'r ma ik. Thil Ii ,RD0V Tn ladies of the Maccabees
- Jn i ii mwrlut I ni.l,... . . i- ,i
mmt M-oniuii unat nri'itarui tniii ior inir
jiMs j
fcaturintr ru ,Kevstone Comedy
'"g tharles Chaplin and Mable Norman, two
ot the Movies' Favorites.
Florence r VAUI)EVILLE
"ce oregpry in the Latest Popular Songs.
ine uest Pictures
when the contest started and when it
oil.lnit tin. 'rt,-iii vcfrn mi... 1. I ...!...
I aheatl. The seme stantls now at 12!ll
for the Prices ami 12'4 for the Wilsons.
Professor Htaley, one of the stars of
the contest, said ttilav that the sti-no-
gle was ;o last nnd furious that he was
.unable to realize what hail happened!
until long after it win over, and that
the game left nn impression on his
mind thnt would remain for some time.
After revival services lasting three ;
weelis, the Rev. A. 1.. ( rim will close!
the meetings Simdny evening. During
the three werlts lie hits been engngeir
in the wir-k here, Itev. ( rim has made
a great niimhr of fril-nls, and has been
iitrumcntnl in adding largely tni th
1 meiiiberhii of the chinch, lie has fit
cept " the pastorate nf the Centrnl
( hri.tian rhun-h of Portland, and will
occupy the pulpit a week from totnor- i
row, llefoie i-otnitig west, the Hev, i
( rim was engage I for many yean in
evangelistic work in Indiana.
Fancy Burbank Seed Potatoes
Just received, a carload of very fancy Burbanks
for seed purposes. This stock was grown from Wis
consin seed and is the best lot we have seen for
years. Change seed and raise some good potatoes.
Our price is very little higher than common stock is
worth today. Place your orders at once, as stock is
going fast.
Have another shipment of those Early Amer
ican Wonder Potatoes in stock, but will soon be gone.
D. A. White & Sons
Salem, Oregon.
251-2G1 State Street Phone 1G0
and ask your grocer for
Cherry City Patent hard wheat
Oak Ulead blended Flour.
Fconomy soft wheat Flour.
Tip Top Selfrising Pancake Flour
Oregon Wholewheat
Oregon Oinhnm
Oregon Wheatoln
(liiaraiitccd and niftr. bv
Cherry City Flouring Mill
Good Buys in
Real Estate
IS acres fruit ranch, 5 acres Italian
I nine orchard. .1 acres nnnli.M IL. u,t.,
Loganberries, H room house," barn,)
niacaduiu road. Will initio for hind iaj
.Missouri. What have youf Price I
5 acres of land all iimlcr cultivation,!
i room plastered house, barn, chicken-1
linnsti, :ii, miles from ISalem, Will tnkei
city lots as part payment. Price if,iiMI. I
il-' I I acre farm, 13 acres under cul
tivation, balance timber and pasture,
S acres in young prune orchard, some.
Loganberries ami strawberries; good ll-j
room house, barn and other outbuild-1
ings, all stock, implements and liiiuse-
hold goods goes; ;ii, miles from Salem.:
Price ..,'.!.. fl. I
S acres of good land, good small
house, barn. -I acres in lirnriii.r t.M.mii.!
berries, some strawberries; 4 miles from WHITI.' .,., n. . i
Sal..,.. I'ri t inn I "I" I I. ytcir tun lusiira
I' OH HALF Hy owner, I.) acres tint,
laud, fenced unit clear, rock road.
Ilargain if taken soon, phone lu
Hesitleiice phone IL'.
FOK HAI.H Furnishings of a O-rooiii
bungalow complete, including fino
range and heating stove. Phone 71-F-lll.
J. K. Crowe. MarJ!)
KOIJ. HAI.i;- n-rnoui house, 7 bloelis
frnui capital at I(i!i7 chetnclteta at.,
i:i,'i(), on easy terms, ( all liln
(Ith, or phone 1771. .MnrSO
NKW fl-rooiu bungalow, fireplace-, clcc
trie lights, bath, (Cj Norili Twenty
lir.t street, fur rent, or will sell on
terms or take lots or acreage us tirst
payment. Main l,'..7. .larI7
I'lll'.M-; trees cheap tor the rest of sen
sou, (let my price at salesyanl, Htatu
nn, Twenty-fourth street." 1, K
.limes, Unite tl, .Mar-U
' Nilein. Price
I 7 room modern hoiiso for rent, lo
ciitcd on Pairmoiint Hill.
' 1o acres all under cultivation, good
fruit land, I miles from Hulem. Price
l,(i(i(i; .tl"t(l down, balnnco I0 per
inttnth, (I per cent interest.
If you want to buy, trade or sell,
nt'O us.
W. H. Grabcnhorst & Co.
Room 2 Hush Hank llldg.
nee in nn Am
erican company. It costs no more to
Insure in u f7,llli(i,(i(ii) einpu,,y thuii
in a buhtuil conipany. Heo W, A.
Listen, -IM , tiurt street,
VK will allow yon the highest pries for
jour used fiirnitiiro iu exchange for
new. Cnlcf Pros., home furnishers.
Phono SD3.
ft TO HI A PAY easily ma,... (.
operate with lis. No capital ,.r n
I1'"'' e necessary. Write at onctt.
T!w Ideal Co., tSi; 17 Flla avenue, tit.
Louis, ,lo.
Big Reduction Sale
i rn all Fnstern Millinprv. Fvprv haf in stork rpdiicnd
in price for one week, commencing March 21). Come t
a w. n wt r1 r r W T rt v1 - n r- - r. .1 c. .1 , 1 ! I if W
Mrs. W. L Widder
- 4
; 8001 8001 8001
school, llil.") a. 111
Tirst Christian Bible
Munh ith.
LOST Automobile slip curtain, on In
dep. mil nco road. Finder plrttso leave
I t Hi-i-i k Llgin (larage. Kewatd.
; .Mm, lo
FOR KKNT Modern 7 room house.
Cheiueketn street, between Pith und
llth. inquirn of K. (utlili, phone
"'I''. .Mnr27
WANTKU Wood cutters for in eonls
second growth fir half mile from city
limits. Phone 51". Mar27
FOH HALE Ilhode Island Kcd eggs fur
hatchinir, B0 cents. ITti .3 Portluml
road, Fairgrounds. Alarl!"
I'Olt MALIC Old established new and
second hand store, well lii ated; good
sioik, lining go,l business. 3
.North Commercial street, Salem.
Poll SALK Olt TUAIJK-hi) acres 11.
Tilliimiiik county; fine 'nr slock;
near gunl siitntd and chee factory.
Also new modern bungalow for sale,
fine location, Terms tin either. Own
er, Pit) Myers street. Mrr27
I'OH HALF Olt TltADK-dood business
property on Court street; would take
vjcant let or ncreiigo in part pay
in -nt. A bargain if taken tit oucu.
Inquire at, 1 70 Court street. PhotiiB
570-W. Mardl
IILLI' WANT KP Female, Women
111:1 Uo I"' to Ml weekly sidling guur
nulccd hosiery, Fpericnct iinnces
sary. Part or full time. Pair benir
lii'ul silk huso free to tirst person ac
cepting agency i:i your town. Whito
liileinatiuiiol' Mill's, 30.2 ( he-tnul,,
Philiiilelpiiia, Pa. .Mar-7