ce service at II oVIock, subject, "Palais :of Virtory"; music by Miss Jura Deni- it ot Virtorv"; music by TUP rHURCHES '.on, Mw AVnUf.-ilteu.tjii, organist ; TH6 v" Sociill Hfrvice im-fti(; lit 7::!(r,v.:ii0.k, .Mr. vv 11. Utilvani, of Portland, seen-; I u.,al Church. .!' for (Iregou or the world peace! JWt a7; st,;,tSj Wchard-"','.,-' I"- " "World A ..I, ami si" . . ' ..-. .. I Vac). Mr. Thomas (Merman will I v.lJe Avuoii, t-. ' , -h 81.,00i:ii.g, aecouipiinied by Mr. tl. Hill All f HWk school. IM. ot nlical religion on,l of pro- " nr. Uai ni " .run, tliiniir ,t im ,.,-,..ll..il.. . , -; II.-.iMK-riiilfiiiit'iiis. , - . ,,,,,: . sul.iert "The Em- 10 "U!Se """'" THt. t.p,m nTTAI. JOURNAL, BALEM. OKEGOX. SATURDAY. MABCTf 27, 1915. K :.. ,i iiiik.-v ."fOT"- - . .Ll U III.. J I """"J 'ire Qf ibrist. ' '' ' I Swedish Tabernacle M. E. Church. ! turner nouin nnceiilli u ml Mill 'streets, Kev. .lolm Ovnll, minister. Hi- Inter.' MihhIbv services, topics:- At 3 11. ' uu .. meet 111 tiio old pur- ' mm 8 """"I"1'" Kntry into im. me hinvortu 1118 Miigdmn, ami at I p. 111., "A , 1..., V t 411 1 TIKI. All I) ft mnvr unr FEASTIfJGS PROPER AND IMPROPER .. t- 1. 11111111111. .h,.'.Mor vi.' sal4 uu,i ail- . K-, " . ..... r ...... MKiie wi" '""' ' ' AN EASTER HAT w and By AGNES G. BROGAN unto. "Then." she said sharply, "you i I must take the Jjnt home aud do It your- CZ self after liourw. We close late Sat- 1 ll for easter day The Brightest i4Sr. juH" .uui'iiu. mi '" I"" ,Tl HI lH' tll . drill' siinlv 11L Jt.. ., into itttf Fust, "When Ye Fast. Be Not Hvod- critical" I M 1 :.ii . in. amain, " ov .uuuuucr. iliullv invited to attend. me 0 r rum First Church of Christ, Scientist. I A(i ! Services are hold at 410 Chcincketa ! , urday night. Miss Claire. Would It be satisfactory to have the hut delivered ueeiur Sunday morning?" The val ; ned cnsiouior bowed. ; "Herore !) o'clock," she Insisted. "I ixlinll dene'id unon rnn " lliULIu m.,. j ICopyriglit, 1913, by American Press Amo. dame turned n way,' while 1'eKg.V With C"U'0"1 U-lmeks buniing deeper than the niukeKt T dear," said inotlior, "ycu : I'l'nne, laid a detaining hand on the really munt have a new hat ;'"uo' clerk's arm. Apprehensively the for Easter; your old oiieslrl wheeled about, has crown so shabhv." i "Your hat Is not ready. Miss Mas." Veggj ruefully surveyed the dllapl ;3'le si11'''!, "but you will have It by lUVIttti. ,11,11 eveuinti ui, street at II a. 111. ami ,s p. in.; suliieet t lie; of Millie lesson, "Reality." Sunday ' '-H -4,n,.8. Right and Wrong Vitws of Faoting. i dated gray felt which 'had weathered i s,ll"1;'y" im Bibl' Teaohing Th Spirit of Fasting Spiritual Flatting at the Sam Time Hygienic Value of Fat- lu iiic 11 tne public' ' I sehol at ll:" a. in. Weiluesdav even ing testinioiiiul ineeliiii; at 8 o'eloek. Paul's Churcli, Episcopal. i The reudinn room of this rliureTl is JIVl' Viil 1 - - - oimv . . i:.ii i.'i'i Kylell ...l :!0:t. 11111I is mien everv ilnv. evcpnl Sim. (' ('i..-uiil; ami aiiiiies.-', ; a "'"i lll"l,l,i ""i " ;t.i u. 111. iu Hull, i'liO U. 111. I ' 1'. vn "it- nen-uilic lu Ulll Her- Vires ami invited to visit our reiiiliuir " " . , ! room. Jason Lee Memorial. i 11 h,' ruiiii'i ei .liii 1 1 son and Nortli! 0 I KIK.'l- .1. .'I l.'l H il Nil WIH. I II, V...Q. Mum III v trlniul al in u. 111., '""- .......... k-uniui rlrl, Mivri.i.en.leiit, Mis. u,n- i'o:ini at .tllll 0 ekvk. Mr. W. II. 1 iK.niii.'ii u'lii riMiiiiiy depM-i JUalvain, of l'oitland, will speak on, ,'r,.iriii:i" .'iii'i' at H a. m. 1 ' ' World l'euee." Mr. llalvaui is one' .MIS. IHlllKIII, 01 UK' 1,1 w' 'V.IVI7I3 Ul IUIIN1IIU, 11 11' I .I'lll. 1 ... 11 a. ,jf I'. I"'! """'' ..T. rf'.'-.j,"r. A. ' 9 z 1 fPASTOIiJZ USSELLj March U. l'us- tor Iiussell gave two addresses here today. Wo report the one 011 Fastings anil reasthigs, f r o in the text. "When ye fast, be uot of a sad counte nance." Mat thew 11:1 (S. The discourse 'i .... I I A A 'I A A I nometimes that they cro dull in mind, depressed in spirits, nnd thnt they have headache, backache, and sufferings that make life seem not worth living, But theno conditions need bo only temporary. They arc usually caused by indigestion 1 or biliousness and a few doses of Easter, began with 11 dis npiill 3 11UIIU' .M I Ml' nil 1 imw i,, -. --- w..,".. v.. v..u. iiiu ut'iiii-ll seil.Silll. 1,1:1 . 1 .. :. iim r ,,i r,...,..i,.t;.... i.', ....... n i. -.,.., Sv;U fpeak. im:iiii.;'is nun u-uuis spu- ........n..i. inusu uui in nivmc coniinanil, tile ally iti'li'i'iiini in ue.se sen u-es. ........... ..... ... ..,i,K.-. , s ,,,, eusioin appeals to many, l.lko every sing. He present. lust Congregational Chinch. Jaws hum, v:m. iK'jjwur sei ,.1 Miinlnr ill 1 1 :i. in. ami i :.'iU p. n.f mi'-t:.. niil i.reaeh the third! s'te street ' in il. .i'i- mi ilie uenerar i;t ;! and 7::l p. m i 1 Will Mnnil tlihnr It l t,,k.It,l,.,.of.....l 1 - ...(t . ... iiuniiiiiii-iniuijll illlll ' Perverted bv the 11111 Inrltv. Iini'iiiwi, n..i Comnions" Mission., s , "'W - To many of these M Slut,, slrnet S..rei..u S ,Im v . ,l 15 " 1 U, 1110 HCglei.T OT WlllCil also on Tuesilnv.i K0"M lll'ln!-' "I"'!! them the dl would brin I batlnii of friends, and the elisor ..... . i .11... V.i. iinu. iii . hV . i. ........... ..f T.'lll I full-, '" ' . ,. " . . ...i.l.t ,...i. ... . . iiiliirrt tor ih" innniiiii! Heriuoii '"' weli-ome. J. It. l ook, siiperiu- '"en noiiiu iiruig litem some ui Laik I-:. it li iiimI i liii.-tiau lienson.' ' teiident. I vine favor, or some relaxation front proper punishment for their slns-lhev fim ..Miii'i-t liir I ie in dress to the' u V . ,i AsFOflntftH "Rihlft Ktiirlfmta T "R S A I-iiiiiv i.,.l It I f i,;:lijr rOllriBiiiieii i"i iiiviiiiii sei- " ........ uui iu,u. vi niii.ii iei i uiieioi ,v i rt nil lie, "'J'lie Kinptv Muiblu i'til-1 fllenular weekly tiilile study ia up-1 fasting, displeasing to God and value- ! : ftimiav s.-liu'ii iiieets promptly "'airs hull, southwest eomer High ami-less to the Indlviiliial-livpoerllieal i 10 iTdiek,' I'mlV-sor J. Staley,! l'';'"-y street, Sunday morning at )U fastlng-lhe spenlier gave n'u illustra ! tion. An iienualiitaiii.eVlio professed to observe-Lent, was Instrueted to drink lint: one cup of coffee dally ditr Umuli'iiilnit. Tliere iviil' be no reuii-l" -,l,k- All Uililo stmleuts weleoine. "k, iift'iiu'j ut tie.' fliristiaii Kmleuvor,! N' cu'leetion.. l'hone (i'J-W. m all tie ini'tnlie-s me reiiiested to; 0 i, .-.i... i i First Mflt.horilRt. T!iiiHrnnnt ftliiiv'li Hiifl'i ul UIL' I ll uu n . i ll iniu i n - in-iui e ... , , , , ... Liita-k, !,,,, luev will adiouiu . K. X. Aviso.., minister, l'assion week 1 c.m.promlsed with L I'usiivienai, rhurrl. lor tile lueet- service, March--I) to Ap.il 2. Will hls co"sl' '.v drinking his usual :.ai,8i ilai lurid iiiihiii, where cliirenee "l"'" promptly at 7::ill eaeh evening i amount nf ooflee from a bowl! ' iVasw, ut roriliiini, will bo the' with a song service, led by Mr. K. II. j Nothing Is more contemptible In i ..i., ti, ,..;n i. ; Anil.iMiii. Mist Mnreiii-et fisher iiihM God's sl"lit lli.'in a h v niii-rll i. tin, Pus l .'l at Mm o'l'ioi'l.. .Music i.v '.liiiiin.'i Mx (leuevieve Avison will preside at tor declared. Honesty is the one qua! .Ataiu rliiiir. An ilhistrated address i"1' I'tuno. -Monday " I he Pay of An- Ity which all pleasing to God must a ili'sira will W given by tlie pas- J ihorily. .Me.-age by Kev. ,1. (. Speu-! possess, no matter Jiow weak and Seventy sli.if-. represenl ing life in'"'''- 1'eeial music by Mr. 11. V. I 'omp-1 f:i(, ,v (.r,.,ltv. ,Jesns eollilemned lllni will he tliidwi, iiikiii il,e screen. Jon und -Miss Kulli Kugaic ami .Miss. Vpwrlsv inure tiinii anv other sin 2"Wf is 'm- iM 10 MuZlv2v" Jm?I:',"Tp 1 i Althonut. nolhlng In iho Illblo sug-Slt-e srnn-i's. H oulroversy. Mesrnue bv Kev. II. .1. . T ., 1 -.- iTalbot, it. I). Si.eeial ,, sic bv Miss " I'Pn"'n 'ntm' " Apostles 1 First Christiau Church. i 'ln Mefadda... and Mr. Tlioaius Doug-' TO'I,''' I'"""''-'- t. Paul wrnle. "Ap- I '. r High and rmter streets, i. T. ' Hf- We.lnesilay "The ilav of Ke- Pvlng ourselves III fnslliigs." nnd "In I Aimw. Miini.ii'i- I'.iiii,. v,.i.r ii. tire'iicat." Messaae bv I'ri'.f. .1. a. fastings often." Kvldently fasllng Is , jkllr. 11. I . Kpley, ilirector. We are , Mortan. Special music by Mr. Frank S. i" the nature of v.clf-sacrlllce-not a .iiniiij ui sun in tlie Jlilde school; ', Hartoa and Miss Lueile llarton. Thurs-; thing oomnmiided. but a voluntary of ;""f iinl see. Wnisliip und sermon, day -"The Pay oi. i'Vllowsliip. ' ' 'Mes- ferlng of the soul lo ( ,'od, with a view lo Vl 1. wi.. v IV X. IV... u..t.l I ... . Kinri liv line. .Illltip Mitnrii 11 ll' Sun. I i.i.n.i..,. fll..l, I. -. ' - - ", nut'. ii , l ll ..- - - - - , -' - i , ki 1,1 iri trilli nil,-! III Illlll Wl Hf ll M Kn- cial musif liy Mrs. I', S. Meiuleahull grenlcr control over our limllcs In the ' uy (anil .Mr. a. A. M'lirnnuu. i vi.lay liitorests of our Npii-ltiiiil Xlmv Nntiirv Signs "lie ituy d.' Sull'ering. ' Message' . ... . bv the pastor. Fellowship meeting and APPP"" Lenten Thought!. Ilolv (oiniminion. Special musie by' Tlle ',lst"'' t' pointed out the lite hoir. Offering for relief work. praetleiil value of fasting during J.ent. o "u iiygieui.' grouniis uione u is or Nazariue Tabernacle. . r great ndvanlave, paiileiilarly to the The Lewis Mathews meetings being well fed. lo refrallii fi'imi nil ln;t us lib held at North Nineteenth ami Marion erallv of meats, swells. tasCv. etc.. i 'te I'osnHnVUW- rhri.'. ;....' mmni. ii i. in. tNfruum r.vatig.-iist ,. ( ,.,, im tin- runes" !' lijevt, J Lutheran Church. t ,Sl'"" "! l-'gilteeinl, stlivts. . Keclilci. ,...,.r,,r. Siimlav wIiihiI V' " dtvim- service lit lii::!li . 111 "! ..eagre at ii; I" .m-ii'iik M.rvice in l-;i,,r!is, l.''l'j k. p. m. sappro- i nmwmm mr-f-za vanee PMA . t5 mam Fmwm III I 'SA-lmt-- ! bU- i fflBMWS PILLS will quickly, safely and certainly righ t the wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, stimu lates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beechnm'8 Tills cleanse tho system of accumulating poisons and purify tho blood, 'fheir beneficial action shows in brighter looks, cleaver eomploxiors, I ettcr feelings. Try thorn, and you also will find that they 0 Relied Upon Direction f tpec!! value tlh vwy hon. iold avorjrwhT. In 10c., SALEM many gales. "1 had thought of mat," j ' dun t want It for Sunday," peg. sho replied, "and goodness knows 1 iSX burst out. "That Is what 1 wished . have been economical enough to earn !' .vo. Mi"s Claire's hat may be the reward of my many siicrilices. You . trlmined In my time here before you 1 cannot appreciate, mother, the delight i 'e"v the store. You understand'.'" Nashville, Teuu., J unspeakable of possessing ,tu entire' ''"r 11 uioiuent the girl's eyes met ; new Hut. Heretorore It has usually , "ers, oiniiy shining. "Yes, I think 1 I been a new shape with nn old flower ! understand." she replied. Then Willi a ' or the reverse. This Faster hat must "lt,e sllll,'.v laugh I'eggy took the old bo a scrumptious' one." hat up again. "1 will have to do some- ' Peggy folded dimpled arms beneath :,lllnB to this." she explained. "It is j the wavy knot of her hair as she drew , 'iw essai'.v to remove the soiled plume." the alluring picture. "Gray straw, tlmt softened look tiion her i niolher, for I must still wear my old "'t' tUe haired girl held out a gray suit, but faced with pink the hat ot N'tiHuUo violets, fastening shall be u delicious, dalntv plnk-so 1,011 lingers against the gray ... ...... . . r.,it 1...1... p. e . mi one must . ' u again to make j " " . : From ... to ... catch up th. happy oun-" il is piuu ii l nn. iiiiii mere win ) " """"nn". n-i:iiii.y i chime; bo drooping over my tdioulders a fiuffv i uklu 10 n'llll:llne's that I'eggy ap- ' Bring all the flower, that blow pink plume. Think of it! If there Is ! proaelieil her liny home. Mothc would For wreath and crown an offering pure money left over I shall buy one pink " uesperuieiy disappointed, roso to tuck In my faded lapel." Tho ! ' loml.v'" s-' cried lu disomy as girl laughed. , ' I'eggy opened the door. The girl slow- Mrs. May laughed Willi her daughter; , ''''"""ed her newly decora led nill thcu a Hush stole over her wrinkled ! "'"'''.v- giving at It In open disnpprov- 'ul; then Willi a sudden transforming siiiile I'eggy cast the hat from her. "f.et us hope it may rain on Sun day," sho said. Hut there was no rain. Indeed, the spring mouth seemed to have borrow ed a day from I lie coming summer, and Peggy slond on t lie porch steps and sighed. That provoking old sun Is bound to reveal all my shalibluess," she told her niolher, and her eyes widened at. the unaccustomed appear ance of a special messenger. "The box cannot be for me." sho re Derated, but the boy repel. led the ad dress. "Miss I'eggy May, 12 Poplar street," he read convincingly. And in Us ueu oi gieen ussue nestled a htincu of i Client .it. in he. -wen .t th. Fnlh.r'i AiummiIh for fund. .,!, or 1,..l,.i., l, fragrant violets, matching exactly Iho j band. tniiisients at your doors, should be re- false ones of her hat. Willi trembling, Drinfl bloJiom. to adorn ji'crrci! to Center's liemlipiartera for Joyous lingers I'eggy pinned Iheni close A conquored death, who., victim has men (Men's club) '1110 Ferry street. If against the lapel of her faded coal. arisen, jyou wish to givii tl i food In return "Oh. who could have dnno such a love- 1 A 9"'ve which is no pruon. I ly thing?" she cried. J Her heart was utiino with tho muni ; Ing as she walked down the long church aisle, and when shu had sealed ; herself Peggy's eager eyes sought mil ! Ilio facu of Lillian Claire. Yes, the Faster hat In all lis glory rested upon i Mlllnn'n blond bead, but no weary, while faced girl had passed the night hours lu Its trimming. I'eggy brenllied a sigh of eonU'nt while Iho softened ! Ring loud and clear your bell, for I Easter time, Now quick, now .low; and tweet Chri.t'. rising morn to great. Ring long and deep your bell, for suf fering borne With patient grace) Bring purple pamie., color, that are worn Best with a lorrowinn fnco, A"d ToZ, ml"1"9 Cypr'" "nd SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER The .mblematic oro... Union of Fraternal, Religious, (Jlvlo, Industrial and Other Orgnniiuiliiins and Citizens of Salem for Alittu.il Aid. Ring soft and alow your bell, a tender knell And softly weepg Bring amaranth and stainless asphodel In memory of that sleep Which wrappsd th. world in three day.' ashen gloom While he wa. in th. tomb. Ring, ring your belli acros. th. happy ' land Thi. Eastor mornl liefer all calls for relief or niil to Urn Center, it is miido up of all other relief agencies of tho city and hene.n it is equally yinirs, Ky'usiiig it you ren der all sepiiraln relief hoards nnd agen cies unnecessary and thereby save eosl, trouble und wasto in duplicated effort mid expense. for services a book of tea meal tickets. Juliot Marsh I. ham in New York I coating I will save its cost many times over. A meal ticket will give tiiem food ami 1'iHiil only. Times. THE EMPTY TOMB. Story and Significance Told . Easter Sermon. It Is Friday afternoon. Willi muslicil His Head drops upon Ueliof for Local Famllioa, Women and I i Chlldron, In 1 Fond, elullilng, fuel, medical treat- i mmit, etc. Mrs. W. K. Anderson, elinir II 14 iiiiii. relief committee, Mill . Court Ills ft""-- . aouo iiiii ji, ll to 1 a. ni. Un breasl, and I lie hopes of his illselples , l'r(,l"lr.1;'1 1i.vu mm ltl -", , etc., are Hh.illered. Pilule i glad lo llml V " !'"'" " ' " T light of ll colored window fell upon ; some balm for his uueiisy conscience , M0r)iers un necessary trouble Ihe upturned ftice ItfiiPiilh Ihu knot of i by grinning the request of lite rich ! " ! vlolcls. : li'ietul, .loseph of Arlninlliea, fur Hie I Eiiiploynmnt fur Mon, I A broad shouldered man lu a long l,0'y. Nleodenius, sehularly, llmlil and j Cenler's free einpluy nt b'irciiii at i neglected family pew thought it the , shrinking, comes lulu Hie light again, Men 's clab, -lilO Ferry slrecf, phoiin ivory swewtosf face thai lie had ever ; Jtilttlnir In the embalming, because he 12U7. Free to einployer and employe, seeii but Pc gv meeting the stead- ' f"i'Kl Iho evening's talk wllh Tlirough it the cntiro city Wlps find walk with ron down tub i fast gnxe of earnest l.r..wu eyes. fitHeil P' mH Tenclier. I lie lui.ib Is s I. ! IY"rK 'r tmi unemployed. uiLu'r" uk ahkko. ii,,,! therein reaembliince lo a cer- j I '"''. " ft bis watching en- , EmplOTmant for Women, en.ies. i nu worm a in sureiieaii. in i ,,,.... .. ..I.i,.,1 , ,,r- . w eoniiiiitlea North i.ib- MAT I lit ." streets will continue over Sunday with servicen at 11 a, m. ami :i ami 7 : :'.U p, ; colder I Hh,M,H rX. . : 1 t inw.ti.iKS have been very aut- a 1 r "" "'" ""' inurcn. rcsslui ami inaav have eiioveil the Ws'll i i"'"' "treets. clear pleaching b'y the evangelists as uaiiiiatli f,li,, ts promptly ,lt : well as thir gospel messiiges in song "'tl"k!.r ''""'t. siiMriiitendeiit.with accompaniment on their instrn- M iiklreu aud grown neo i..,.1., t. u -..., t,. i u w us I hey were Inciliiid In eal during the ' 'Vnil ... '"vited lo at- Shaver, pastor. ! : - . '- " ""r"'l r - I', in. i .mitt bnme o- First Presbyterian. 1 1,., ,- p.. it., ,.i,....i..-. i ' ., i. .. l, ,i....t. . . I ii in nn r or inerrv eves v i e i lui 1 ,,l"i'"i - Miu. i,.--, ui, -i ii'iii-mk. ",s cr r r i. k re n in si pni 1.1. .1 1.., .1 1 . , .1 eraiigemeiils. fevi is mill doctor bills I ivtr wuu-l tl. ,,l,l .. ho i..ft nioeked ut her print pinafores. Alter I""" "" '"" "" "" '",l1' 'liuirtim n indiistiuil c would boL-r v lens,..,,,! as,, ivsirli. .,. - -i... . ., . -v,.., " " . ., I service she lingered a moment. h"'k- art' ' lur iMitnea, 1. . I . A., -57 v,.v. ,i. i.ir ,1,.,.,,.. . 1 , . v: , hi,,, si,,,,,. iiarim. m me , n" i"""-" lii,v" n iifl. .. . , V I """'B-' -'7' uu,, : .. ;.:; ' ,,,.. u ',,,,, ,,, llmig somiwful Snlil.m l. day ill last Is I).. null. ins of food stuffs . . v., . , ' every one rieu to spun; ; , : , " , '' ,; I wai.lug; the llrsl day Is dawning. mL bimns, flour, sugar, p. 111,11 mo t iHisiino oiii.v iiiiviiiiiageous 1 reggys up curieu scurntuiiy. -ine leiiiiiicii .-n-.. .... .... ....1 1 , , fruit, etc.. won d lie verv Imlni'iil I.v lake a niii' !i deeper splrllual mean Ing nut of Lent. He may recall the Savior's experiences during the forty I t...... I... -.1.- -.1 ..I ' lll.r .,,d.illl llliillt t'lltllsllml IIS Mllll Plllllll I ' ,...,11-... ,11. ui..., i.ii.iv.. ...wcMMi u. ,' ... V. bands laden wllh the licasines of th, my print pniitiores. ies, 1 rcmcmiicr ok. " nuiisiiine. . i .....u bim vaguely, and this foolish town ; Ilie common came the sound unit1 a, m. eisiins not hayi,,,, Ul III l:ir I ,.-.. .. ' mi' ... ., . 1. . .. 1 .1 1, it ; .. . .............. . . . . . . . - 1 1...1 tun ll cor I -II own i i 11 v 1 iiristiuas isaouiii ne -tieni- u.iys iiecciiing 1 1 it cruciuxion. lie 1 lias gone wna wuu iiiiiicipntinn lie- scenis 01 s,i 'im;, iiiiii us 1 ci.",,v 111,1 1 hmi ,k ... ' .' . '"""''i ie " 1 limtiHii Kn, worship hers of 11 Church'' nnd "The Meaning; may remember that Just before Ills icause he now deigns to favor us wllh mi n iiilck step Hounded behind her. t .. "I"ll,.l. ,11.1 I. I), Tl,.. I.I1UU nl I u. ' nn I l.u f l.il ' ........til -.1 , I ........I ,1.. t .-I.. I. unr vijiiinr , 1 1 1 . .1..1-. ...ii ,1 in iii.Muu .h'siis iiisiiiini'ii toe i.onis !. Pra'yer i,,',,,,1,''' f 1 tiling- sub ji'rts, respectively, ol the junior au.l ; 8,,,,,-r nd Indicated lh.lt date as the Joirphin,. 11, ,.i ,. ' .""Hi-K'" ",",,', proper one for lis nuniial eomniemora 1 '"'"'ftt. pastor. and ill the evening "The Lord s . Need , ... ,,, ,.. .... Reformed Church. of t's. " Curl II. Klliolt, minister. A quartet leads the musie in the morning lion amongst Ills followers, us was Iho custom In the early Church. He hcirus in Hie evening Professor mMV eiueinner H.vnipnineiicniiy tne j wun iiiiii : 1 ae un, people win tune c,i, frankly, UiHi icic Lutnt in ibuihi 1 1 v uinit'b, ''"'per, pastor. Siimhiv Walsh. .,n,i.r 'n, s,..i.,v ...i,i lieileeniers trials at tills season, and 1 ' Of line 1 ',..:., 1 ... '',V ' naniii streets,: and a U..,i.. ,,- . Ul III Nl r- m at II 0' i !.... 1. 'C::l"!n.' "a ads, H'llri.t 1 ,, ,:",'.". "ab-1 Womon's Christian Tonipera nee Union, seulalion. slander, abuse and death ;'t liuild . r'.i- '".,''t'" ",' Hrewstcr will be Hie speak- and that from Hie very first tills season 11 visit. He has iiccuiniilaled more I "Pardon." called a man's pleasant wealth, they say, Is 111. authority upon I voice; "have you forgotten an old piny all ologles', and Msins.' und will, of ' fellow, oh, Miss I'eggy MnyV" course, be correspondingly remote and I Gravely I'eggy exleiiiled her hand conceited. Hut what have we to do ; "I should have forgotten," she answer- had we not heard so iii'iining worship in convenes at It: 45 a. "'; Lenten sermon, suneriiitiieilciit. 0 Mr. (lien -Niles ft'lleet that all .lesus' follower cove- but you and I of Hie 'common' may '; mint to share Ills Cup of suffering, ig- 1 only look up, us we did long ago. to ' iKiminy. misunderstanding, misrepre see the lights In llielr houses." "Things change us ut.u grows older.' Mrs, May remarked Impatiently. "Mi lieu rt. while silver light of star and gulden gleam of sun mingle, Hie Marys sadly seek Iho tiiiiib, hoping to per form Hiu last service of loving devo llmi. They approach wllh timidity, fear, awe, wonder. Lo, the spine Is rolled back! One slls iipuii ll clolhcd lu light. Ha has hastened from heaven In aiillclpiilc llielr coining and lo change llielr sor row lulu song by the aiiiiouuiement, "lie Is not here; he Is risen." The Tliu man laughed. "I will bo as , women hasleii lo tell his disciples, honest lis you," he replied. "I might j Hope, Hie last spark of which hud gone have forgotten the name had I iml 1 out, Is kindled again in liuinau hearls 1 much of your coming. I wonder, Mr. (.'link, that you remember my name." ,,,"' m ni.-.ii " ' riiiMici. Hood Fri- er a. the gospel service in the W. C. wlm to ,wvc ,,,,,. t11R. of nuxM iau Clal'ro herself Is not half so pretty "''l H Il f-w deys ago In ,1 , Forty day he lingers on Iho earlh iin- wfhii!dEva,)8e:it'al Cllu'l- . ull,'"' l"'tw .'en,,.,- a. 111., sub-, f. I', hall Sunday, March L's, llllo, tit trlnl uniuiigst Jesiis followers, p. 111. A eon nil invi anon is ex tended to all. These cnnslderiitl'111.1 might well move God's people to the observance of n fast during the period preceding Iho anniversary of llielr ttedcemer's death. In so doing, from a desire to 0 ;lr,.,.i. 1 . .... ' "'"'r and, Loan Oak Mission. 'chool ' la V """iter.! Sahlialh school at meeting for !riiit., 1 '. a ni- '. L. Sclnniilli. : u'l.i-l,;,, ,.t a. -in si 1,,-., nLn Iml. I Tl... I ' ! i-.l ll lll.r ', . ' . ,l,,v ,;,. I 1 .,,,1 ll,,.r ......1,1 ,..ll,, 'ml In Illlll till. WlStflll fllCI. l,- '" "lory nf ti, . ,. " every juesiiav and rniiiiv evening m " - .v.. .., - - "" luittv " '" -M,li"; l p. : 7::iu. Kvervbody welcome. Opposite, I.v coutribiile a share toward Hint end. ncalli her own. "I'oor iiialchmaklng -luii! ,., .,. '!' "' '"' ul union . Fa ii-.nni mis' urn.'erv. Charles Seni les. ! A slud.v of the Prophet Haldol's fast I mother!" she added whimsically. Sho " I in "" cinircn: si rintmi, nut. iis vou, and when Spencer Clark sees nillilnery slore." Impulsively he Hindi you. I'eggy, smiling beneath the brim ; of your pink Faster hat-well, I'm sura ( he will think so too." I Peggy Jumped lu her feet. "Ho 'needn't!" sho retorted. Then shu turn ed Hie violets on her hrciisl. "I sent you these," he said abruplly, "hoping you would pardon the liberty of an old friend." ; "I am afraid," answered I'eggy 'slowly, "that I do not underslainl." ' "May I walk with you down Hie 'hill?" he asked with beeoinliig biliull e v 1 . ".illp, sliort ad-I -o I111? Ho ciililllied himself sllleilv (o I lord." i" '"" of Hi.. ,1,,,, T " or" South Salein Friends. ti,0 tiling's which bis system nbsolute- T' "' I'l'lllii' i- '"" 'll; si U nn,. j l 'nr,.,,r f stli Cimiiiiu'ciiil nail I...I r t -- i, 111 uui 11 1,11 im- ..... 111 1 . .... .11 im-ii- Wasliiagton streets, 11. K. I'emheitoa, ,, ,,11,.,,! strenulb. ate nothing pastor. Hil.lt scholo at HI a. 111., Liu- ' mwm d.,ully und nvohled dainties. lent Wells, who is in ciiarge of the! Th. Chri.tmn . Perpetual F.st. eri. s of nieetinus now in progress, will Fasting applies, not only to food, but L''1"' Hi.-liar.l K "r ' "ttuge j preach at 11 a. 10. nod 7::i p. in. This' to everything: II slgnlhVs self denlnl of )T hi.,I , , ' ,"'r; "linister. i will cluse Hie series. You arc invited the desires of (he llesh, to tho Intent -- clock j nior.iingltu atleud. j that the aplrlluiil nnliire may be 1 1 1 : streliglbeneil. The true C'hrlslliii. lives iHHf44M4...11, 1,1 life of daily sHf-dcnlal. S11.I1 inortl ,TTrrmt-H4t44444tt444-.rH ''"" In- 4'!iiaiin '. fcr., '""'Mil Tnn am .1 short iid-i ' nfr: "ivited. ,s,in,liiv' year. Hie ""'I. for this pasli Ives valuable blnls as lo proper fast would marry her lieggar maid unto 11 Ity, and side by side I hey fell Into ,J,""t-, "or nf r '-" -"urch. - in step. "I have been wauling to know When I'eggy sought tho millinery you." he went on, "ever since llml d;iy parlors tho second time, with the pur- In the millinery store. Yours was a pose of trying "" the new hat, her i kind mid considerate, a ihokI unusual che'eks glowed In siibdmsl I'Xcllenient. 1 deed, Seated screened behind the It was nn Interesliiig experience wait- 1 palms I could iml help hearing all Ing In the silk draped rooms. ' Hint passed. You may know (hut my Ami us Peggy lingered In Iho silk profession of willing certain dull nr draped rooms Miss Claire passed In tides curries me Inlo many curious III Hie most skeptical cries, "My Lord and my Und!" lOvery dls Iplo becomes : a herald of his resurrection. They seal llielr testimony wllh their blood. ( Only (he fad of Christ's resiirreiilon : eiiii explain Hie revived hopes of his despondent followers. Only 11 persntial Ity Hint lives can rule Iho world as Christ rules It luiluy. Fiery believer may share this Faster morning Hie res UlToi'lInu hope as if sends Hie sunlight of heaven Into every darkened hearl and Into every upon gruvu, revealing 'anew, "He Is not here; be Is risen." Kvcry tomb Is now empty. May you who stand, III fact or lu Imagination, by Ihe gruie of loved ones lodny cab li Hie vision and hear the voire, "He Is not here; he Is rli-en." . J Km III Is iml a wall, but 11 door Inlo such as ,1 11 1 ocs, . TIll'NII reach relief ileparlau'iit "if scut Id county jmlgo at Hie court liouso. TJIY AN AD IN THE JOURNAL CLASSIFIED COLUMN. Free Dispensary for Worthy Poor fr. I', IL May, I), C, nnd Flora A. lliewsler, M. I), I). (' will coiuliict a free dispensary for 'liiriipraclie adjustments at rooms .'HI. (1 7, lliihliiiiil lllilg, So-called i iralilo cases especially solicit ed, limns from 1 to 2 p. 111. I'llOIIO l. CSake a Break.'. to church wav. Make your row- find the shortest route to SftrTlni' . t aitomn'ow--find the shortest r l0f- haul's Church . Omi and Chemeketa Streets Juices at and 11:00 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Hcnllou of the flesh, self-denials of the 'various liielliiiitliuis of the llesh lu the ( Interests of the New Creature, are all ' fnslliigs. The whole tenor of the Scrip ' lures Is to the effect that Christians me spiritually ndvauiaged by allow i Ing (he Holy Spirit H. rule In Hioir i mortal bodles-to the resirnliiing of llielr natural Inclinations, tastes pn f i erenccs, nppellles, which the Scrip lures dci'lnr?- are all villa led more or ' less by heredity. Thu. as the Itlble tells us. the Chris tl..n Is (oaslaiilly nt warfare wllh 1 ulmsoir-hls new nature warring a good warfare against his old nature. f la this runlllt't he Is lo come off nu . j uvorcomer: and Ills victory will not lie i cnniilclo until he is m tually dead ne f i cording to the llesh and until, as a New ! Creatine, lie shall linve experienced t;th' bbuslir.'S of Ilie llesurrectlon of , the spiritual nature. I.nr vole,., noil fur. beslovviinf n cold nliiees oil errands of llivesllgalinn, a nnd i,r LrreeiiuL'. i iii 1 1 1 1 1 ir-rv luirlor at noonday perhaps or Mf"., As evening promises morning, as Madame." she culled to the milliner, a sweatshop at night- And sllll Hie """er simna, m ,,,. i i,.in, ror trade IHO A. No. 1 client hi ml in N. 1). Hood Iiiiii, lings, all well fenced, niil take In a deal 4 I .'iHH Salem properly part cnsli, bul. terms, price ijuilMl, This place is on un Hutu road ll miles from rouiily scut. See P. W. Geiser ut Cherry City Flouring .Mill. will you bring my hut at once? I linvu ; problems which vox us remain forever "'Ii promises life,-Kev. Ir. George f4f4tf ttf t444f4it.T o time to wait" unsolved." The' young iiinn stood sllll W. Sbelton, I'lllsluirgh, ; WILL TRADE i,i.li.ini liiii rieil forward. ".So snrrr. ' In tile road looking seriously, t lil" I'l V, Miss Claire." sho began In humble , Into the girl's wondering face, "And Why the L,ly Mean. Ea.Ur. apology "We have been completely II should not bo surprised." ho said 1 I'ly Is typical of Faster lieemiso overrun with work, and thu hat Is not 1 gently, "If you, lllllo I'eggy May, were of Its whlleness and personification of rody... wiser (ban us nil." purity. In lis tin Hun I stale It blooms .tllss Clulro raised supercilious eye- , But I'egL'.v laughed and shook her ulviut Knatar time lu France, lis nntlva brows. "If vou cannot say positively I head. "Why, I've no views at all," ""'tie. that the hat will be llnlslied by Sunday ; "he told him. And when ihey reached I shall coiin.ei'iiiand my order," shu , the humble Iioiiih off the common lg. said. IT bade litt.i gondhy. In distracted manner mndunnj mo- j "I nm glad to linve seen you," said tloned to a frail little crenture, whoso I'eggy. bright red hair framed n wan faco. The writer of Isioks detained her "Mls Tall." she ordered, "see Hint . hand. "1 nm more anxious lo hear," Smith bus Miss C'lulre'a bat finished ready to send out Pntnrdny night" The girl's face hardened. "81111111 he entreated, "that you would Ilka to I see me ngiiln." Eait.r Day, . The hruok Iihi found lis vlcu iif-nln, i'lic lurk tins Pn11.1l Hie lilno, Tie cnieiu hial Ii.m f.Miiiil tie. mm, Tho son Ins found Ih" ilntv, The kiiHeiny Ikik fmiii, I'u, lllit, Tlie ars-s III. grcro of .May, Ami I'hrlMliiiiii nil llml Jo) 011. life On holy U.uir il iy. , .i 1 !,.. ....II..J And tills episode liapiiened Just. 0110 , can't do It." she answered tonclessly- I Tr H" ' u 'r ' i ..,,,. ,,,, ,, Mkp ,," -not If .he keep, on Working after .0 lmlulge.it concerning aor Kast-r twulkH returned to the 13 o'clock every night till Knster." hat. counter Mada.uesftre.1 angrily nt her subordt ! "Von will hare It ready?" ho ad. : tlll4Wwwnrtr. nU aitM, nionlshed the red linlred maid, and the j t , lr,1Hwa), ,i," Iinproved Kil acre fnnii, for land la Camilla Sink a elm wna preferred. I 11 aero In 1 111 near Piillas, Inula lur ' iicreugn near nervals, I Flao IIHI acres In Crook county, H I per acre; will lake city or acrcauu tin 1 to J.il(. , 'HI acres on Howell prairie 7,lini); j will lake soon! cash, biilaaco city propel ly. Houses for Rent I Houses looked after lor non-residents. I Wo ran place vnur iiionev ns uood real es.Mle seem-iiy for S per cent. Phu e y ittir tii-iiniin e ilh L BECHTEL & CO. 317 State Street. rhone Jltf ; !