I I .... J. T SOCIETY , (Continue 'from re Two.) Mvers, Mrs. Ar- H,r.li6 J", 'pnvi.l'Kyie and Mrs. ctnitlPr. -u 1 " ' , 1adit Ar Mrs. Loins "' Llovil ivkerliii were asseii w iist ,.l ii,.r eiod, son of Mr. and . .tina ami interested visitor ving with hl! h.v w I remain for "everal "lb"' -.1 Mr No.o.1 s mother, Mrs. W f -.-,( Nurtli Kightecnth l- M,.ter No.o.1, nlthouBl. be has ',rt ...inniers to is cn?lllt' ls ausiastic baseball fan. M', ' ' lu.fore her marriage, J? T e B.-her. a former popular (! she is a frequent viait urwea" in the city always UEoSre. or .. l'"n t0 h,r $a friends Jiero. Ik'vier was hostess nt her home on trcct to the mourners Millar pour ft,r""!1 Tiw, Idle 11'"" ,u,) 'b rrv a",! apple blosHon.s JM- . ttimr for the af- M T:rVl,T. reiiutar informal his club. Additional guests Kn B West, Mrs. L. H. 'f n i.i Miss Kntherino Rox.elle, Moon, Mr. ' .vjtt. Mrs. C SP7MVs.'lH.M,,,t Burton Mrs. Hav ""''hard- lira. Ray Grant. t F I., l'urvine opener her home 'lid.y afternoon t,, the I I U imi-onnnt changes in the grille, and notation... t was 1 IU- nt.f. restrictions Mrs. F. liichiir.lson and "He Was Despised"; quartet, "Come Unto Him." No. 5 A New Commandment. Bass, "A New Commandment'; quartet, "0, .Then Whose Sweet Com passion." No. 6 Octhsemaue. Mass, "And When They Had Sung." No. 7 Betruyed End Forsuken. Chains, "And While He Yet Spake"; tenor, " Ve Who Sin." No. 8 Before Pilate. . Chorus, "Crucify Him." Na. The marcn to Cavalry. Choral mareh "The Savior Goes Forth to Die." Ni. 10 Calvary. Bass, "And When They Came"; chorus, "Drcop, Sacred Head." Ming Zoe Stockton, who has been vis iting in The Dalles, the guest of Mrs. Joseph Stadelman, for the past fort night, returned home Wednesday even ing. The following entertained compli mentiug Miss Stockton during her vis it: Miss Laura Tompson, evening bridge; Mrs. Joe Stadelman, Kensing tm tea; MrB. Grant Mays, bridge tea; Mrs. Dr. Kennedy, evening bridge; Mrs. Victor Mar.lin and Miss Blum-he Mays, each gave afternoons of bridge. Mrs. Judge Blakley anil Mrs. Polher iniis also entertained with bridge after noons, Mrs. Stiidleman giving two niont delightful dinner parties for her house guest. T!io pupilB of the Glee club of the Sa lem high school wish to express their appreciation to the persons who so gen erously made it possible for them to attend, tho Apollo club concert Inst night. "We feel that much more real interest will be placed in our own in dividual work, and we will strive to carry out the careful instruction of our pninstnking instructor, Miss Minnetta Magers, " in the sentiment expressed by tho elnss in appreciation of the compliment. HIS SALEM CAPITAS j!OTTNAX. BALEjfl. OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 27, '.815. ITCHY SALT RHEUM Sometimes Called Eczema--Removed by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Salt rheum Is one of the worst and unfortunately one of the most com mon of all diseases. How It reddens the skin, itches, oozes, dries and scales, and then does this all over again! Sometimes it covers the whole body with Inflamed, burning patches and causes Intense suffering, which is commonly worse at night. Local applications may do some good, but they cannot permanently relieve. The disease will continue to annoy,- pain and perhaps anonlze, until the blood has been purified and the -general health Improved. Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar saparilla, the good old reliable family remedy. It has given perfect satis faction In thousands of cases. . In sist on having Hood's Sarsaparilla, for no substitute acta like it. Get it today. :.' $! l PERSONALS ! A. L. Wilbur, of Albany, was a busi ness visitor in tiie city yesterday. i E. h. Ji&nson, of Vancouver, is reg- istered nt the Bligh. S. A. Sanford, formerly cashier of the 1-irst National bank of Koseburg, was in the city yesterday, returning from Portland. B. W. McDnniel left for a business trip to Seattle today.- Harold McQueen left today for Aber deen, his home, to spend the Euster Va cation. Miss Lila Dougherty, a student at Willamette university, returned to her homo at Sheridan for the vacation per v rwi mm jl I Mrs. Miss Edna Steen, of Silverton, was a visitor in the city today. Mrs. Louis Arthur left this morning i.nwrcnce r. Harris lias been ,ur 11 v,'i l" lornnuii. j:.i,l In revise rshii L T, t all woniei. who reside in North before beinx liimto.1 ti. ?ty''e lwmben. A new pres....-.., . -- lH Mis. Mary N'fu , ,hc.s.-n secretary. It was also decided to cKt a vice-president and treasurer a, ,m ns the new const itnlion was riorM the latter official being ue ,i,atl owiag to the establishing ot ,lnb lees. The club lias recently join- Federation of Wcininn's Clubs, and it ii pette.l that the membership will tthroimlit ii' to fifty or seventy-five itmt the eiiiiiing winter. Mi! Mattie H'-atty, of the Salem Woman's .hi1', and a dire-tor tf the State Merntioii, sp.il-.i- on tiie latter Iwdnatitn. Mrs. Alice II. Dodd, an- iktr prominent nieinliei- "1 Hie nine... IWiiMii's .-'mli. to talk of her trip 'o I tit orient at the next -csi.ui of the ,TW;lit and Work club, winch taues rWc.liii.s.l!iy, April iweiiT.veigni.i, Ultfhonic of Mrs. llellieit C. Ilurton, f Dtri-t. All women inteiested are "Ml V. be present at this lime. The i'mm'. VI cWAivs- ii i'iic',1 ino'ith bus l'fpn scle.-tcil us fntuve ini'i-linn dates. 4 Nc v meinlii-rs tul.leil nt Tin-sdny's 'S ptlieiin-j were Mrs. 11. E. Vulentine, I Mis. A. T. Wil .ml Mra. t'. licit. Ik ... I. M.s. i l.-.i,-.,. ,. l,,.,t ,. 1 1 111, i 'and passing several tl j-j with friends in l-.iigene mis week Mrs. N. H. Looney and Miss I.ooney of Jefferson were extensively enter tained in an informnl wuy, by friends in Salem during the week. Yellow the I'riscilla club's color, per fected a most attractive color effect for the decorations used by Mm. C. M. Kppley, Thursday afternoon' when she entertained the club nt her home on east Stiito street. Tulips formed a centerpiece for the luncheon table, guests finding their places marked by caster favors. Mrs. D. ,1. Fry was the hostess' assistant, Mrs. Delia Jeffrey of Portland being the ndditiomil guest. Mrs. C. If, Kable of (.'enter street was nt homo to a group of her friends Sat urday afternoon, entertaining with three tables of uuction bridge. Jlis. U. (J. Shipley was the holder of high score, Airs. Kugenia (lillinghnm and Airs. Doniild Miles assisting. Mrs. Kublo is entertaining ns her house quest her mother, Mrs. M. (I. Alncltey of Portland. ' Miss Edith Loreiisten, of Willamette university, is spending tiw Easter va cation nt her home in Astoria. Miss Avis Ogilen wont tn Portland todny for a week's visit. W. P. Powers, passenger agent of the! Oregon Electric, left lor Portland to day for an over-Sun. lay visit, 1 li, V. Kicncy returned today from tt mouth's visit ut Alnrslinlltown, Iowa. Ilo says the Willamette valley lujks mighty fine after viewing the" snowy sceii-jiy of Iowa for so ninny weeks. Mrs. U. W. Lnry will leave Monday for H'.'avol to take the steamship Great Northern for Sun Francisco. Miss Cornelia Alarion is a visitor in Poitlnn.l today. F. S. Uelcher, president of the Fulls City Lumber Co., is in Pti tland today on business. 11. E. Hodges, editor of the Silverton Appeal, is in tiie city today. II. Curr, manager of the American Type Founders Co., is in the city today on !,nsiness mid visiting with friends. S. S. Cole and wife, of Jefferson. liavo moved to Snlem and will make I their homo at North Fifteenth i street. .. Mi-, and Mrs. Sluveiis and daughter u , .. 'eft this morning for Snlem, where Ihev Supplementing the , rf!lMi, on urm' uUmlt ,; I take pliico April ,:i., t ,, , -:f-l. l.,. i., j m-.. i... ... i i""" "'" -'... j ... y nine oeeu .. .. .. ,, ..".K,,,siai.lls in j.;,, , ail( vi,.illitv ,,. am Mish liegina Long Twenty-third ..,.., . ,.,. , ' State strets. Siipplementirig the ; ' ninl State streets. P. E. O. nocietv will take ;l':i-h.. is ..linif :-i the Inn.ie Mix i study of "Japan" which hi-.s occupied . ., .... .... i nun u. in.- u . i.rivore inisii-ii e.,....- S. I'l;'.' nti Simtli she oxp.vN t. 1 1-in.-, 1 'u'li'iien-ijil street. n iil'iiiit ii month, : J Dean M.-n.l.-uliii II .- i, ..ii n j'l 01 rrnv eveliinu (Sinnlny I "" (I,:K Jlanwl-rs l.euut it'ul and -.J.lilwatc piiimi .niitntii. entitled. I' l'r m I'li'-et In I'nKiirv." '-, o htm hetills promptly t 'r:."..i, t,, which ..jIHe piiin..- is mnlinllv iinite.l, Tho j'TOictiit "I the innlnl ' j -0. I -On ti,,. wuv t ,1 ' m.rnf. "When (I J'hv.'t." 1- J lli'i'me .leni-nl l'"ior, "l.ik. t Jetiiwiiciii.-- No. .1 In the T 1, T ... . . V ' n(t a li .ii I sopntno, liilluw: It'in-iileiii. tin- Steep ! I I II . 1'air Vi.inn ' And .lesns Knter- 'Anotlier Temple Wnitr i'- Mieint nf olive Tenor, "Not t n,; w...... "fcai -Niulit it:,,- i wns heard nt most of the more impor out the winter ,.. .j ... - i i ... .ui.iiu.-inn i.iiu irc. uciiiiv 11 ilicuieu in ....... mu. e up . ... . mi iireraiy ,,01.Hun,, T, ,., , , k - S'Hu'li'ilietlbir'irile1 , ! ic Z ' nriio ... 4 , ,, - , i most enthusiastic ullv iiccented and ns "" i link one guest, ni-.d all visiting inembers ,,,. iu ,, ,, - , ' , . J , ehureh f ,., i, n . v , . , tlieie is so much splendid talent in Sn- the invit'utionu'l list ' " , lem there is no rennoii why another invitutionul nst. (firstclnss niusicnl organization could Mrs.' Thomas llolninn (Viola Vercler) j ,,0t 'H' VrM t'?U".1' . will play at the morning Sundnv school ,.;,,, (,nlt(. , ,,, , ,7chS: Vt 't "Tl7 ( """""" 'for some time for special mwiu to be church on Court street tomorrow- nt :,, i, v r,.. i, i .i l- . quarter of ten o'clock. Air. and Mrs. , 5 " 11? li l I , ' . T H.dmnn, both of whom are well known & 1 ' "w . " ' ! . ' tt'Ve" ,p in I...... i i ..:....,. i. i i1""1 I"11" ie.i u ..-i.i.-n ioiiks in lite mg two years in Saa Frnncisco, Airs. Ilolinan returning lo t week, Mr. IIol inuii arriving la-.t night. Mrs. Ilolinna h.-is lieen asked to' or ganize mi orchestra for this church, und uny one who is interested will be Riven an opportunity to join. Mrs. llolmun is a brilliant young violinistt' n former pupil of William Wullnee (Milium. During her residence here she of linss chorus, tenor, '4 4 ') ') li 1 Split Cedar Posts For the Fence of Loganberry Field W'E HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF THESE TOSTS ON HAND AT OUR YARD AT FOURTEENTH AND OAK STREETS AND AT OUR WEST SALEM YARD WHICH WE ASK YOU TO IN SPECT BEFORE BUYING. THE POSTS ARE OF THE BEST QUALITY AND OUR PRICE IS RIGHT. a Ja"s Gty-Salem Lumber Company (p Office, 299 N. Com! St. it Telephone 813. Salem, Oregon. morning the order of the service to be: "Vi.ln Aqnein," by l.nmbillotti, suiik by the full chorus choir, Van F. I..nn genbeig directing; pipe orfrun solo, i'rocepsioiial, by Mr. UiiiKcnl.oix; l,o eschi's muss in honor of Si. Mi.-linel, by the choir. A feature of the service will be the offertory number " Keginn C'oeli," composed especially for this oc-usion by Mr. Lnnuenborrf. It will be given by tho full chorus. St. Josephs choir is listed among the bent on the const, nil has, in the past two years, es.tnb lished a most enviuble repntntion, nil nf the compositions sung by it being of the highest and most classical nature. At tomorrow's services (l'nlni Sund ay) II. t Mclnturff will sing' " l'aliii Branches," by Kuure, lit tho beginning of tho half piist ten o'clock service. The peritonei of the choir is us fol lows: Sopranos, Mrs. I- X. Albri.-ht, ,frs. II. II. lirian.i, Mrs J V). Og.len, Mrs. M. .1. l'etz.-l, Mrs. ,T. Thompson. MiHs I.ou Dnvey and Miss I.eitn Ilnyesj altos, Mrs, A. E. l'mitt, Miss Joliiiinin Doinugolln, Miss Kliznboth retzel; tenors, Joseph IJomngolla, H. y. Mo. Inturff, J. Spencer: bnssen, Welter NOTHING IS TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL FOR US TO CONSIDER IN THE FURNITURE, CARPET, DRAPERY OR GENERAL HOMEFURNISHING LINES WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BRIGHT EN UP THE HOME, AND TO AID YOU IN YOUR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING. THE FRANTZ PRE MIER VACUUM CLEANER WILL TAKE ALL THE DIRT AND DUST OUT OF THE CARPETS, RUGS AND DRAPERIES FREE DEMONSTRATION. OUR WALL PAPER, DRAPERY AND RUG DEPARTMENTS ARE OVERFLOWING WITH BRIGHT NEW SPICK AND SPAN STOCKS AWAITING YOUR INSPECTION IN FACT, THERE'S NOTHING NEEDED IN FURNISH ING ANY PART OF TIIE HOME BUT WHAT WE ARE ABLE TO SUPPLY AND EVERYTHING IS BACKED BY OUR BROAD GUARANTEE. USE YOUR CREDIT.IT'S WORTHY OF YOU. Duofold Bed Dav enport Are recognized as the best. These special numbers should inter est vou. From a splen did davenport to a full sized bed in five seconds. 29:J7 Duofold bed davenport, including mattress, solid oak frame, upholstered in Spanish Chase leather, special $:4.75 Duofold bed davenport massive quartered oak frame upholstered in genuine Spanish leather, special, $54. Sturgis Go-Cart People who are par ticular buy a Sturgis Go-Cart for they are the most comfortable for baby and the most f convenient for moth- er, The Luxury , springs absorb all the jars and jolts and they are so easy to fold and carry. Prices from $7.50 to $25.00. The one illustrated, special at $16.20. Rugs $12.50 9x12 Tapestry rugs in oriental and con ventional .design color ings, brown, tan and olive green. A good rug at a small price. Special, $8.71 $25.00 9x12 Axminister rugs suitable for any room in the house, pat terns to suit every in dividual taste. Special, 20.00. , Jardinieres Time to repot the spring plants, add to their attractiveness with a handsome earth enware jardiniere. $ .75 Jard, special $ .GO $1.00 Jard. special $ .75 $1.25 Jard. special $ .95 $2.00 Jard. special $1.50 $2.50 Jard. special $1.75 Draperies Abbey window crepe in cream and white, one of the newest light weight drapery fabrics, special, 30c yard. Leslie sunf ast ' drapery fabrics plain colors, 50 inches wide, special 95c yard. Mattress 50-lb. Monarch cotton felt mattress, roll edge art tick, a good com fortable mattress at a medium price, special, $5.85. Healy mattress guaran teed for twenty years. A real pillow for the body. :!0 days free trial, $21.50. A.- ...u..1 . - - ular $45.00 value, special, $35.00 No. :)01i2 Buffet, one of our real high grade pieces of solid onk full quartered top, 20 by 48, contains 2 small drawers, one lined for sil verware, large, roomy cupboard and linen drawer below, French plate mirror back shelf above a reg- No. 80(5 quartered oak dining table, 48 inch top extends to eight feet. A splendid value at the special price of $21.00. No. 74!)(5 Massive quartered oak rocker, very simi lar to cut, genu ine brown Span ish leather uphol stered spring seat, substantial and comfortable. Special at $12.00. IK jllf 'l KOOSlIRKnCHEN'iSiUnHETS I'hillys Kellogg, and Mr. Terwilliger were lunch enjoy.. I. liev. II, It. Dorks spoke in bclialt' ot the guests, Mr. four Icy r. ponding. An informal prugiam of eiitertuinmei.t lu.'i been planned, Mm. Onirics O. Matlock, Mrs. II. It. Kellogg ninl Mrs, N. .V Matlock nssistiug. Mrs. Cooliv imis presented a lovely gill bv the' members of Hilver liell cir cle. Those present i.-rc: Tlev, and Mrs. .Mr. and .Mrs fhumberlnin, F. J. Meier, M. J. I'etz.l, : .', " """" Frances Walsh. ' ' Uhorter, .Mr and Mrs, h. J-iindrich, Mr, The porsoncl of the orchestra is first ' ' ' 1 ' Z violin, .Miss Mnry Hrhoettle: second violin, Henry l.eggett; elnrini-t, Chnrles I'oppej orynnist, Miss I.eona Weid mer. Much interest is being manifested locally in the lecture to be givi;n by Mnry Ant in, the noted Hur.siiiu lecturer ninl writer who comes to .Monmouth college next Tuesday evening, March tuiriiein. i ne wentner permitting, nil lock und daughter Velum, Mr und Mrs i K. C. Crawford, Mr. mid Mis. O. L.Onr I ling, Mr and Mn. 11. MiiclJonoiigh, .Mrs, Mnry N.-iihart, John l.iine, dins. I.liie.piet, St it. licir'e lluhtnv, .Mr. uinl ;.lrs. C. O, Muilo'-k, Mrs. F. W. Cook, Mrs. II. H. Kellogg. Mr nnd Mis C. H. .Matlock nnd son. Miss I'hillys Kellogg It. K. Terwilbg. r. M-s. Oeorge Mac- Kenr.jp, Mrs. Ni iina l,effiii;; Mrs. : mrti V i nT'7d!'- ' Chase Mr, ltl,chr., U,ed.r, Miss of Hnlem folk to attend this even 1. , 1 'i , k' !' -- ey,, Miss Miss Antin will spcuk nt the White ! ?cv ' 00 ',''' ,Vr"'. Jul,,,r ""I; ' B,"d Temple in Portlnnd, Wednesday j ,l""h,p. ZTu r"' i m"" ning! "Thev Who Knock ai Our ! . Mr":. n. ,1Vr".,'"r't! . dates, will be the subject on which ' A0"" -v' M"'" she will talk nt both places giving un . - illuminating discourse on the imuiigra- ' tion problem. I Toe Westminster Ouil.l Circle of the . J K!r..t I'lol.yl. riuii church, which re- Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). I). Cooler, were th i edit ly eelehiutcl its fiist anniversary inspiration for a farewell party jrivel with a ban. pict, Iihi elected Miss Ilo io ns a surprise Tuesday evening." Near. , lh.v '''' its new president, Miss Kin ly fifty member of .-silver f!..ll circle, , II)' Calmer being tlir itroiies, nnd friends assembled en mnssd nt j The F. I). I class 0f this church, their home on north Twentieth street, i with a membership v( about thirty, met bringing with them a substantial ban-.In regular session i'lt-biy, electing new ket supper and well wishes f..r thor.i In , of fieers, as follows: Mies Iira I'ur their new lioma in nillsbnro, for which jvine, president; Miss Kdna Gilbert, place they nre to leave shortly. Vo-' vici. president ; MiM Greta Mistier, sec- cnl numbers by Mrs. C. M. Cliate, Mistetary, and Miss l.sura Marr, treasurer. Mrs. Kmmons is the teacher. !n ,,e rl ',- Ihe. ,,igeos, , Curots ami Bcot.-rl 0 ,.p of M-, I WHllrn niterlni, the I'ldt'Ioeo,''!;,,1"; 'Z '!! !' ,"' ' Wit" ' "'I- members of "The lileiiners" Sunday thesn nieuiiH were elioHen us Hie melhiol boiled beets Into a stnwpan with Hi-iionl class nt her home oi, Ferry , of bonsi ing Ihe product. (Ilii es grown ' w" Inblesp.iniis each of vinegar iiii.I street. Weilncs.hiv eiciiing, in honor ofln the county Hire ulso .llsti ibuted tu ' IniM.-r, leiisim, heat Very hot und serve isitors, ,. , - . - ' air.ils are ulso very good us you pick In BUBHC'HIBE FOR TIIE JOURKEL. bee's or pcl.le, with b.K'Is. Jessie lluell ' biitlnliiv, Til.) girls ol junior tige nttire.l Us very k itui 1 1 girls clinic . repine. I to oc casion a genuine siiipiise, flumes .liur to the In-art of small folk were pur ticip.itc. I in being plnye.l iilt'Of'-iloiilK. I'llll.-ll'lllly foruieil e.ioi.ies ail. I eillidies further curried nit the juvenile iilcn. Those present weie: .iintlu Hurt lett, Jessie lluell, Loin iiii.I ll.on II. g leu, (iince, IMith iiii.I Koth Welhoin, Km i I.- nnd Kotln I'liillip., Mildred use. Alice Chung, I'unsy VYillurd, Annie and Louise llerndocl .-r, Miiiiettn Tho.iip son, (llive ( 'al.ll.eek, K-th.-r liuvies, Ksther Andeisoii, lioiothv lUivi-on, Mary ninl Kther hnn, K-t.-r Miller, A n ll '( llilie, Miiili'e li'ookins. I,. nl.n Kstes, Ruth 1'ellit, Noin linns nnd Mrs, Rice and Ripe Olives Given to Fair Visitors fan Fruncis.o, March 27. f(i- and ripe olives showered upon, exposition visitors today ns n part "f the cele bration of Colnsu .liiv in ciiiinectl.iii with the official di .li.-ation of thi Ciilura comity booth In the ( aliforiiiiij blinding to.lny. I A dolegntioii of more than 200 per sons from Colusa county took port in the, rercniorilcs. Hundred of pigeons which n.a.le. their homes amidst tho statutnry in the Court of th t'niversei f lut tore,! down for a banquet of rice nerved for them by the young ladies' of tho party, The rice was scattered Electrical Supplies Springtime with its house cleaning will mean the changing of some electric fixtures to make house work more pleasant. Let us make the changes to suit your conveniences. . We are agents for the "Hot Point" utilities. The "El Gril-stovo" regular $5.00, special Hot Point week, May 3rd to 8th, $:).:53. Leave orders now. Take ad vantakc of merchants' trade ticket $1.57 'saved on $0.00 purchase. See us for everything electrical. Welch Electric Co. '220 North Commercial. Y f