Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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    SATURDAY. MAECH271915.
j Authentic Spring Apparel
AS ,., ,t,m. f the mu.lcnl r.;hih.,t or,l.;r It I. . joy to hoar a 'J. J- Won,, enr, lea,, ,.r.
tists' course entered the armory man sing with .inch a Hear, free tone Thomas, A. 0. T.mlolph.
last flight lo hear the Apollo rl.il) ! with such perfect adherence to norma V
of Portlan.1 th.-v wi-re i.rc-K. ntr.l arti-; . ort lilioim of voice production, umP v,iSim programing for the so uty
ticnlly printed liitlc folders, which were 'with such a command i.f delicate grnd- VHI,.vlllo which is to be the most uu
something new in their lino. They were : untions and coloring. : portent of Post Leuten fveuts, ami
.1. .. i ..r . ,;ti It. rlinuld bo mentioned not merely, .,i,.h is tn be aiveii under the aits-
look'na arrav of selections ami their ! incidentally, that the work of the lie- ,,;,. of IP Kpiscopal church. Popular
" 1 . '...1 .. t.i if liptt.ll.' f I (111 fl . !.... lb ..wl ffi 1-.l II U tOOir
re were t ie noons, tnem- funi uniu ni :' you-i n-n- lum ... ..
parts, and the 'lute or mo pel ioi mum r
has l.eeu set for Apiil seventh, at the
new Oregon theater ou State street. .
Initial efforts in organizing n local
('omiiuni'i b, 1111:11 n'-'i: m nuuu, ........ , - ,- . i r i
elves, printed in full. This was par-1 most important unit in the splendid
tieuhirly happy inni.vutinii, and one who.e of the evening s entertainment,
much appreciated l.y those who wer.i The specially erect.Ml stage was ipiite
not familiar with the words to such adequate, and was most oltectivoly or
songs as Kipling's "On the lioad to ; namented l.y It. W. Little A classical
Mua.lalay," musically arranged Ly, ''! per ecicu ... ... " " '..hai.ter of the Uaimhtera r.' the Amcri
Kpeaks: "Hunting Song," from King ; pmn's. i"!'!' " ,.,. p.,lti
Arthur, "The Hword of Penaru, " i ""d (.rociun niisiciaus, ami iormai
"Iaj, Now Night's Shadows," ami ii'sroys of roses.
generous niinitier of oilier e.pmlly priM 'rh" Personnel of the Apollo club is
ular eoiupoi.il ions. i"" follows:
Tlio programs were hut a detail, now- Prosidunt W. A. Montgomery,
ver, to an evening entertainment Vice-president .1. 1). Pilliington.
which, for thorough oiijoynbloiicss, hn. Secretary Sidney '1. I.uthiop.
not been suipasscd for a long, long f : mductoi--Win. 11. Dover,
tioie. A.'i'onipanimi'nistii Win. '. McCul-
Kiirores were demanded (if irr alnid t . ' loeii, Miliar K. Coursen, Hulph V. lloyt.
vory number, and eonsiilerinj; thnt I.ibinri'iiiH John i H, historian;
theru were Ihirlen orininuMy, Hie. com-! Gimtav 11. Ciumer, A. . Tindolph.
jilelo proiHui was most Keneious as to I Hoard ii' ilirectors W. A. MontKoin
)eii(!th. H was a decided pleasure to ery, John dill, H, '. Hasinuysen, J, 11.
listen to sevenly fiie mens' voices in i l'iikiu;loii, Hidney (i. I.iilhrup.
micll perfect liurmuny of tone and ! Voice committee II. W. Uono, W.
urilemlid rvthem. ' : II. lioyer. I''. H. liiley, J. A. Kinley,
Kalem people do not often Imve the, Paul Wessinaer.
opporiunity to attend so excellent mi
iite: tiiiiimeut but that they ilitld umler
ntnn 1 and appreciate it was fully dem
onstrated; and while the Apollo club,
whim furnished it, and its dilector, W,
II. Hover, are spoken of as one, bolli
constitute a distinct whole, eucli 1 n yr
in a class by themsclf. Mr. rmver, who
mi Hi-volution, which were beijiin re
cently have met with much enthusiasm
and 'already over twenty-five women
have proven their eligibility, and it is
, expected that many more will be nble
I to establish their claim to membership.
Mrs. V. S. Over, the first to interest
herself in behalf of the I). A. H. local
ly, opened her home lliid Norfh Hummer
street, Wednesday afternoon, asking as
, her K'lests, those" who were interested
,iu furminj; a Chapter in Salem. The
llliic-'.i were I'iven the privilege of meet
, in (j personally, the recently appointed
state Regent of the I). A. H. . Jlrs.
1 Istine l.ee I'ntterson, n relative of Mrs.
Dver who resides near Salem
At present there are but tour ehnp-
U I ' rv"
til iC Ik t- '
i,.ru in di,. stuti" tan in rortlniK I. and
Music, coinmittee Henry Teal, ,.,. n Albnnv and Kuftene, while
II. layer, William C. Mcdilloch, ti. X.flt Nt,ltp 0f Wnsliington has fifteen.
Wooilley, (j. l' Mend. A ny woman is eligible for membership
Active members: in "the niitionnl society who is of the
1'irtt tenors ('. S. Ackles, It. .1. An- pil, f (.jiitd.,, years, nnd is lineally
dorsou, J. V. linrrett, Curl 11. Mrnwn, ' ,j,.H,.(.inliMl from u patriot, innn or
W. JC. Crosby, W. A. Kiwin, l.onis tier-' V(imlllli ll0 ni,(,ci jn pstnblisliing
lingT, Jr.; :. II. Ilendricks:n, II. W. , A .:,,.. j,lr,..n(lenre: providing the
is generally recognizeil as one of the 1 Hague, N. A. Iloose, llaiolil lliirllmrt. : nj,,lii.int is acceptable to the society,
most capable anil intelligent nnisicnl Kidney (I. Iiiithrop, Joseph Alacipieen, .'umjv tmditian nioue in regard to
directors in Hie west, accomplishes his .Charles K. MeCulluch, Joseph P. .Mul- .i.., K,.rviccs "f an an"estor, unaecom-
der, C. lined, Frank II. Kiley.
won lerf ul results liirough a delight
fully refrofhiiig mi'lhoil. There is no Second tenors VV. Claude
bluff or bluster whatever in his leader-1 Kenneth llcebe, Albert S. 1 Ii own, li
ship, hia directing, being in itself the ill. Kmurson, II. Ii. Frank, John (iill
poetry of motion. I.loc W. (Iill, C. J. tlray, Chester J
Mr. lloyer expressed sincere atlre-1 Hag le, O. II. Hughes, II. !. Huiidret
d by proof, will not be consid-
I. I.oino Maiiian, (I. V. Mend, V. S
Pierce, U. 11. ItobertHii I, James White,
Thus. II. Williams, II. A. Williius, Clif
ford Woodland.
Ailunis, .,..,. 'ei... aiudienut must he endorsed
hv at least one member of the society.
.Those iaining through chapters should
hnve the mimed of the chapters offi
cers, nnd those joining as mcmbers-at-
j large must be eadarsed by the (date
j Kvery effort is made by the Ucgis-
iriir iteiicrni iti i-ru v ink- uj..iii iih.mi
fwttnn of the aiulii'iii'es ' approval, and
graciously lonscnted lo repeat verse
after veie, which li:u pruven especial
ly Pleasing.
Tim enjoyment of the evening was! Find, I.iipscs C. H. Aitcl.ison, J. 11. throiiL'h the published records. If
doubly enhani'cil by the nsiiistiince ol Perry, J. V. Hickl'otd, Louis P. llruce, however, the nneestars'. rervice cannot1
Oeorgo K. Mead, lyi ie tenor, aiul K, j Andrew It. Caughey, V. K. Cullen, P. ,ii proved in Washington it w ill be nec-1
Mablwyu Kvans, baiilone. Mr. Memt Maid win Kvuns, J. A. Kiuley, W, II. ;(.WKiirv for the applicant to send n cer-:
fcave a most deliglillul nilerpietiitioa ( (lillis, II. II. (Irilfin, P. h. von droen-, ( jfied copy frain tho pension, state,
if Itulienstein 's "Since I'irsl I Met.wulil, W. Homer Maris, John Claire eoiintv or town records, or from the
Thee." His voice is nnisicnl and well ! Mo.ueith, S. N. Steele, Cluis. I(. Thump- record nnd'pension office, War Depart
tndulutcd, iiis nuiuber being given so 'son, Alex Wugner, Paul Wetsinger, 11. i incut, Washington, I). C. These e.er
exeellcntly that -a respouie was neces-1 N. Wooilley, I'oui J. Zaa. til'ic:iliK are returned n soon as the
ilited, I Seecind Iihssciv-Scott llozortli, W, M. ancestors service is verified.
It ! W. ?
U.' ii'W "jvx
Vaiiety and completeness of the new stock are the con
spicous features.
The New Suits:
This is the day of the Tailored Suit the coats are
shorter, with normal waist lines, fuller skirt
Many are trimmed with buttons and novelty col
lar effects.
PRICED $13.00 TO $65.00
New Silk Blouses: .
The new Silk Blouses are simple in design they
appeal to women of good taste. Materials are
Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow Taffeta, Chiffons
and lace combinations.
PRICED $2.48 TO $12.50
Checked blue and bl.ick pn-sy willow it
taffeta were used in the development
of the smnrt afternoon fi k pictured
here. The bnsqued blouse is yoked
and boleroed and has a flat collar of
u:il. . ..Iun l....;,.,. ..nO'u tn fh..
ki;-ll oiii., omu imm...k ....... .... .
.1 I .1. ..I t .......... "
iniee-ipiarier irngiii .-icci-n. .- j;n-tn
belt finishes the front, below which a
tiny iieiduin hangs. The skirt is dim-
New Lingerie Waists:
The New Lingerie Waists have taken a long step
forward and upward in the scale of women's at-'
tire ; even the inexpensive kinds have a chic and
smartness almost equal to the better grades.
PRICED 98c TO $10.50
The New Spring Coats:
Here you will find a wide range of desirable mod
els in Covert Cloths, Wool Poplins, Gabardines,
Shepherd Checks and Tweeds.
PRICED $7.50 TO $45.00
New Cloth Skirts New Undermuslins '
New Silk Petticoats New Challie Dresses
New Silk Hosiery New Silk Dresses
New Easter Gloves New Easter Neckwear
Old cainniissionn, certified copies or
Mizait's "Noli I'iu Amliiii" was Campbell, (iustav II. Ciainer, . N
prugrnnimcd lor Mr. Kvans, but bv re-, llockeiiberry, J. II. Keel'er, A. W. Led-' certified tihotoL'riildis of
quest he changed it tn the prologue 1 bury, Hulph K. l.ee, Jncipies l.etz, H. can verify an ancestor's
from Puccini's " Pnnliacci," Mr. l.iindLren, Harold W. Moore, W. A. can old letters or certified copies of
Kvans ait Is ipiite beyond the eonven- Montgomery, C. h. Parish, ,1. It. Pit- old letters proving service. Kxtracts
tionnl lilies, and his technique, is of the Vington, H. C. HiisiiiusHen, V, T Hich-jfrom rare historical works that can not
service; so!,"";
Mile, the upper one open in front and!
, set on to a yoke. !
found in the Nutiom.l Library,
should ulwnys be attested.
(Application blitnliH me furnished by
Mis. Dver, quite a number having al
ready been sent to heudqiini tors. Many
Pictorial Review Patterns
mm .
Salem families tlnte their linengo buck j "
to America's first iresidentj, '"11 1 , .
known Continental army offices, and! , . . .
pemiioners. wns chosen for the municnlc bill it lias ; Merry-C-o-Kound club Tuesday evening jeolums of Inst .Sunday aloituiuu'
Those whose eligibility has been r-s-lheen postponed to take piece in May. a' her home on Chemeketa street, Mrs. al. '
teblished are Mrs. A. S. Kazinurek, Mrs. The drr.matie. reading to be given by Charles 11. liobertsnn and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Anna Fish, which wnu to have Ii. Kay receiving the rewards. Jlr. F. F. Carlton and s"1'11
had this date, will be the next import-j ... ' niondell urrived home Tudty In
ant affair in club circles oeeuring , Mrs. ary Jiodgers entertained de-, San Francisco, where with Mr. ftrN
April tenth. lightfully with four tables of cards they had been passing nouri! '
The I'ostpnncmeut of the musicale, TuokiIiiv evenine at her homo on Win-1 idnciitionul exhibit, is CSV"1''1. KZ
JXHAT you wear and how you wear it com
mands a great amount of thought and talk
on the part of your friends, acquaintances and
neighbors. If you wear good clothes, smartly
styled, and wear them jauntily and well, only the
most flattering remarks will result.
Our New Easter Suits
Are very good, very smart, and very well worn by
most men. You have one week to make your
choice for Easter.
D. I. Howard, Mis. C. C. Clatk, Miss
Kdith K. Heucdirt, Mrs. I.loyd Wilson,
Mrs. H. H. Thielsen, Mii'8 Ellen Thiol
sen, Mrs. II. C. Caniptoii, Mrs. (Icorge
m i,,i m;uu i-'t i,..w n.n r c
" ......... . v.j .... ...-,j.,,,t. ... .... .............. Lucsriiiy evening ill ni-r oimie ou i o- iaiihh i iu . , .
tteiif. l I'M l-'ilwin I. Itnker. Mien 1 .it. i tiocncu'i pil v iMincitiir untmi it i :-. tinoi nl. .... ( n..... ... I I rt M.1..m Atru rnrlctnll Btol'pCa tnolj
- - , , ...... n. iri. 1 IIII'ILV VI 1KMY I II 'H III!" ,1" .unin. - -
jlinu Applegute, Miss Mabel Robertson, ment will be ulf the more enjoyable tif was used in decorating,' nnd ulno in with her sister, Mrs. A. 0. LiinW
i Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. N. H. I.ooney, having as it will more time nnd care- the collation. Daffodills were com-, Isnbelle Ackermnn) in Corvilla
fulness allowed in its preparation. bined with greenery. High scores were i whom small hdmunil innnuii,
The event will probably take, place made bv Miss Hosnlie Hueh nnd J. A. :er sou. staved during his Pm '
K. II. Pisher, Mrs. Carl P. Elliott. : in one of the dow n town churches. Bernard!. Those circling the. fables . south. Mr. Carletou who f
liussell Cutlin, Mrs. .T. P. Prizzell, isoiiic of Portland's and Salem's best were Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnrev V. Miirtin. state superintendent of I'.11'1 ..
and Miss l.oonev of .Teffercon: Mrs.
II. V. Meyem, Mrs. Harold Huberts,
M rs.
.irs. n. i. iiyer. .Mrs. rtiiliam n. rvirK, uiumciiI talent to appear. Elaborate pr. and Mrs. J. C
Mrs. 1 urkaurst, .Mrs. C. II. Jvalile. 'plans aie under nv for this enter-'Mr .T A Rernnrdl
As soon ns a chapter is formed, of- jtuinmrnt Ii. W. Little to have complete Mrs. William Clements, Miss plorence i early next week,
ficers will be elected nnd the regnla-Ichurge ef decorations which will be Smith. Miss Minnio Moehler, Mits l!o-
iion iirmu ics neguii. Any w no are in most unusual ami artistic perfected N,ij(, j!u.h, William Pisher, Mr. Lilly i Miss Margrct tirny
a I'lii-nnMi in join nuoiii niu ini-ir iiruiimniy on iiapanese lines. .Many and 1!. P. Peters,
names to Mr.i. Dver as soon as nosnhlc. Inther incidentals of the event will nln i
iaceeutiinte the oriental idea nnd the- -. . ... . ;n ...mrn tn her huW "'
"rroiu fur nnd near the Metschan
. I . v.an-v r . .ii it 1 1 1 ii. i i-i ii 1 1 .... . . -j
C. lleynolds, Mr. and tion nnd who has charge oi ws
rdi, Mrs Cnry Visher, educiitional exhibit, si rua
i t
. ,,f Scuttlf. I
' 1,9 been passing pnrt of tte
the house guest of the J
clan is gathering today," said Wed
nesday's Portland Telegram, "for
there is a double bii-thdiiy to celebrate,
that of Phil Metschnn, Sr., who is 73.
and Phil Metscliaii. Jr., who is 'Ml It
will require all of the space in the pri
vate dining room to accommodate the
family. All day Phil, .sr. has been
receiving cungiiitiilations us lie stood
in the lobby of the Imperial. Every
train brought in relatives, and there
are a lot of traimi arriving in Port
land. Phil, ,lr. celebrated by
out nnd hustling meuibera for th
new ( liitmber of Commerce.
l 1)1 L- T X-..1 -.Ml I VneV IV
. , . .,. , , ,. , i , . .'I if, i. hi ii r in- i.no'n .innn il l u in "t --
entire nlfair will piutake of the ntmos- r(lhlrn , . .. nm , U0,,U,
iJwit nf NitiTwin i ... "
1 11 " vn 111
?. where last night she gave n dra
matic recital as a church benefit. She
Miss Cabsta Moore added another nu, insisted with imiidr.nl numbers bv
chin ming entertainment to her winter ,.:,i talent. While uwny Mrs. Nei
xenon, Wednesday alteriienn, when iihe mPv.,, . ,h- ,,'f l,pr eonsiu.
gave a Kensington to about forty of Mr',. Walter Witchev.
i her friends at her Oak street home. I ' . '
jVining quince used in profusion lent
Jits colorful hen uty to the rooms, milk
ing u mist artistic setting tor the
guests. Assistants on this occasion
were Mrs. W. A. Irvin. Airs. Arthur
Moore, Mrs. (!. E. Seliuffer and Mrs.
E. N. (iillinghtim
Anienir the Mi.taehii,. elno who ,. ,"""; conipieie .miss
will u,obili,.e at 7 p. m. will be Phil, " , . ,
Sr., the chief of the family; Mr. and i i ,u i .
Mrs. Pri.uk Merdith l)r nn.l Url!.,so",'.V learned w,th niiiel, regret of
1.. v. I'.riffiti i .i m.. .1 n iln r'm"v"l "f Ex-t.overnor mid Mrs.
Mrs. 1!. P. Houston pnssed several
days in Portland this week, going
dawn Monday.
The daks Pridge club is to be in
session next Mondny night.
perfectly appointed dinner was
ontrihution of Mr. and Mrs. O.
i ....... lnnrll Pv
.Mr. aim auj, y -. w ,
the wcek eml with fnrnJ.
land motoring down tins "'w
Mis. Lena l ay- .' , h
tho weck-em. gucs, j
leen enicriinnvn .... ,
. .. .. :ll ri.miun SC'i"1 I;
house guesi
j With lurpc "V,'!.d!ibnTir
Ur the 125 .'V,"'
! Mendelssohn's "Mijsk "! J ,
me conirinution oi .ur. anil .Mrs. v. , . ifacioniy. . J
O. McC'lellan to a number of their ' ." ' 9) nntaining
friends Thursday eve.nine-. The deco-! stl.v"' tho fit?.
Sutherland, nil of Salem; Frank
Metschnn and daughter Marie, from
llrunts I'ass; Mr. and Mrs. (Icorge
Cuttauiicli, from Canyon City; Miss
Anna Metschnn from Taeoma; the
Tobin twins, Prank and Phil, from
Nevada; Mrs. (1. A. Bre;i3 aud two
daughters of this city; Phil, Jr. and
wife and two children; Jlr. and Mis.
Otto Metschnn ard child, Mr. aud Mrs.
E. I.. Metschna nnd two children and
Mr. and Mrs, 11. A. MetscUau."
:(lvw.ild West to Portland.
tho best singers j' ' ''.V
estublis.ed fact, ml - ,
, (bo director, is WLhI
friends Thursday evening. The decO'
With tliMr ""' were all in white, oriilal wreain
daughter Miss Helen thev will leave ''"'""""(f the table, pretly hnster lav
April first, thir retti.ti.ii,.ii
.... . ' ' ' l' I--I. - .i..
nil living street, ' oi-rri oiossonis ornHmenieii mo enit-r- , ,,.,,,1.(11 a mosi u
ininment rooms, wnere cards and dane- ,1. -.;. t on.
od following the dinner.- Iur luo " "
I V. Willen
to be at " "'K"'"'"g pm"s rnr iweivr. th, iemri w -
ing were enjoyed followinc
her Monday afternoon informal club Tllc R,"',s wcr(! A,r- Mr- (),'0,'Bn tM
his week at th. E. llofer home on J',..Vr- n1 Mr"- Klwin 1,. Baker, ' .
south Commercial street, asking ns lo", Jrwin, Miss (.nliste t rttiniley I
ii... winter
"f ' . . vt,,rin.ii"" .
' L lit
.-.uiiirir mi pireei, Hssing ns ........ - tnniey i. .""-j---- (
sditional BUMf,, MrH, n. O. MeClellan, Monr,' Mil" ancis Hownrd, of fcu- ' A lllime yesterday hy
Mrs. II. S. Poisal'nsd Mrs. Prank M. ne' ,,udC 1-awrence T. Harris, Mr. . ., ,, rouf,..
Brvwa. Powers and Kola Nets. souuuru , , ,
.... rikf. of
... 1. rtf r. in- 1 .
..... 1 H,n.d r ni'i - ...
M. -j -w .. ... 1 TI,. CI. '!... 1 .I..U .... I. ' ...II K II .
Mr. sad Mrs. GeorM Williun Or , -,,r"' v"rl r,m"B "nd their." ; " eastren Oregon. - ,,ortl --otored
to CorvslbTArly U th. -eJk l-'n bout April f V" " j Mrs. t harlc Ka, V
tor a brief uv with tk 1 Juha Withy I '"X ',,"tln to take up their res-,?' Mr- "f"1, -fr. A. T. W ain, on 1011H1 , , hrfo,t h J ,(tr
1.. i ..." "", ,,iB,. Tkv mr .,r,-.i,. . .u.i ,(.e.mmerrial street. Mri. Wan. Mrs. 0.!"'". ... i.,t ind to"10"
.w. ....I., nr. 1.111M1 hob. jones . .uu . . . -'. .' " mui . ... . . - . ..... cmvinn . .... st" r
WiW-lh. rlTur h Wi.M n'H.iem th Mr. P, W. t.ulo,f. and Sir, ; - y
1 " ,v-n liiriHIIMMl un . ,
1 ;.;
employed, being arranged ! ' on- jhirviiM "
-Hrgs of Oregon grape and ' ,
t "
Mrs. Rudolph Prael of Tertlaad has 0,'P" Bailrond Commissioa. They
been eatertaiaed thu week bj her us-1 B"-T '"'"'"i-1 here whr. learu
tor, Mrs. W. H. Kldridgo, stovpiag ff w,t "t", of ,n,,r wmoval.
en the way from the Han Vranifo v.. "
expoeitioa. Mhe exrete! to return to - w- l11"-'" entertained the
her home today or tomorrow.
"Madam Butterfly'' the delightful
opea, will furnish the complete pro
gram for the aanaal au.iial, to be
givea May eighth, under the direction
of Mine .Miaaetta Magera, as the final
offering on the Saleaa Women's Club
The original prr of the elub
aaa beea reasiderahly ebnaged, to that
hea the scheduled eBta will have
beea rompleted, mane w-iU hav tnv
lured on da'et nreviouihr selected fm
tcaie other oftehnj. March fhlrteeueh
Voic Wdiaf PT tll, Bfnuilie
Italian bet rants method.
Coach in Piea. h, Oermaa, Eg
ns aad Italian repertoire for
advanced student,
la 8alm en Mondays
J appniatmeat only.
Thoae 20t3 J
amid surroundings
v.. r,l Sci-'-" X
infnrm.1 rlnb y';
sprtngtime blowoms. Mrs. J. Lueker
and Mr. P. W. tensloff aeeureil the
f. ..A i t I...L. "m;.. v,l..ling ' 'lu,"T. (inP:
"... muM .ansa m liu.ani, - , , A t UilMt " yjf
Lmker, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Nmith, 1 Pvld' ";)ik.brit, J
Mr. snd Mrs. H. . Poisal and Mr. '"" 1
...... 1. I..V 1 -!. I. itfA V "
e -
Mr. sari Mrs. J. E, Ludtara. ef South I
Fifteraeh street are entertaining the
former's mother, Mrs. Joseph Porter.
I.udlaai of Portland, who arrived
Tuesday. Mr. I.udlaas wan exjieetcd te
come up tonight, with Mrs. Ledlani to
remain over the week end. Their
danehter tiu lWk T.nllm who was
!rereat muted here is now in Seattle
the rmt of elea friends at th Vni-
!vritref Waahiagten. A eharming
i-rwiiT- ei waaaiagren. a ''" ! . ,
aj . bkenean of her appear in the sotictjr j
5oc' 7 prints''