THE SALEM CAPITAL iOUENAL. SALEM, OSESON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27 1915. SIXTEEN ; M , f Signs of Spring Bring Thoughts of Vacatiori FjJ-i'-tr'.fi ! I "' ' . 'I " i I WORLD AT WAR ATLAS All who pay three months subscription, old or new, back subscription or in advance, in case their paper is delivered by carrier, will receive one of these atlases free. All mail subscribers, old or new, who pay a year's subscription ($:).00), either back subscription or in advance, will also be entitled to receive an atlas without extra charge. This is the most liberal offer the Capital Journal has ever made. The Capital Journal has just received a new shipment of the "World at War" atlases. They, are of a later and revised edition and consist of 24 large, highly-illustrated pages, printed on heavy enameled book. The atlas contains splendid colored maps of all the warring countries, with routes of travel and railroad lines; many tables of army and navy and general statis ticsin fact, the work is a complete ready-reference li brary for students of the great war. It is a book which would ordinarily sell for $1.00 or $1.50, but we are having them made up in large lots and buy them at a price which allows us to give them away to subscribers on very easy conditions. ' (By Beau Kialto.) Belaseo company. Miss Murdoch, who! ! V,- v.,,1, Uarrh Brmdway is will l.iny " Adrieiine '' in the revival.! ! today gettinK U rt touch of spring will present her play here in August. !' .-. i a" week niim anil ad." are twin promineiitlv display!. It " ! Another revival planned early next! off with the old and on with the new, month is that of "Trilby" by Joseph) ! dramutieallv. Fur-lined coats nre be- Uro!:s at the Shubert theater, liose !ing doft'er with old roles, summer van- Coghlan will play "Mine. Vinanl." Ideville and stock booking agents arc f i being besieged, ami the dazzlingest I "I Didn't Want to Do If is thej ' stars are dri-aniing of spriug. and sum- catchy title of a new farce comedy ; ;mor-tiine at "hone." Charles Frohman is launching. j ' Light nit has not been sounded for . I the last time till season, however, at: William P. Maxwell's tiile, "The' !mnn,v of the important houses. Yet ' Kagjrd Messenger," has been selected the Hippodrome 'maiden" is with us by Walker Whiteside for his vehicle j no .nor'e. The Hipp spectacle has been next sensou. placed in hislorie recollection and the I movies iiave invaded the bit; auditor-: Twenty-nine hundred girls of a local iiimi, a feature film, by "Mrs. 'Lastie high school were special guests yester- Ciarter having been the inaugural or day at a matinee or "ine iiiuerjiiu 1he screen there, supplemented by at the Manhattan theater. "The Who-' I unique tank ami other extra features, bird" has returned to rejuvenated fa-' ! in fait, resort to the movies to pay vor. j help rents promises to be unusually' ; 'popular anions! theater managers and; "Twin Keds" at the Fulton theater I owner this year. No dwindling of the has celebrated its 2 loth performance, ! jmovijs craze is apparent. Jesse E. with the usual soivenir inomentocs. ; Laskey, of the feature film service, has j arranged a big spectacle for .f-2 houses' A toiuplete gymnastic outfit is the' 'throughout the country. La? key says Riiswor, according to press agent tales, this master picture drama will be be-! of John Charles Thomas' physical I for the camera npeiuto-s ill the near ; elopment. The young baritone is up I future. pearing with Kmnia Trcntini in "The j Ann Miirdock. who closes her season feasant diil" at the 4th Street the in Porter Kmersiiu lirowne's play, "A ater. jdirl of Today." at llnstou today, has; I been added to the cast of stars Charles i Lon-Tellegaii is gaining new laurels I Fro'imau and llavis lielascn arc select-! with his play, "Taking Chances," at ing for their joint revival of "A (le-!the liiltii Street theater. The former brated Case." Otis' Skinner and Nat , supporter of Bernhardt is now regarded1 (loodwin will also join the Frohnian-1 as a French-Americanized fixture. I mwm m m mm Pti.rJV 'V m GERVAIS NEWS ""iniuaip: ii i iiki "till i ii a J Promotes DiciesltonnwtfiJ. ness and Resf.rnnt,iitn noiiw Opium.MorpliinB norMaeral WOT NARCOTIC. Hereof OMDtMl'mmm AqabV SttJ jUx.Srrm j4rHttSatl flmrnml JiiturkmiUh Dm Htm- InntkilSt AnerfectRemedv forCrnisHna- lion , Sour Stomacli.Dlarilioea Worras,Convulsions,Fcvcrisli ncssamlLossor Sleep. TacSiiuile Signature of Tub Cemtauh COMPAKT, NEW YOHK. Genuine Cast Al Always Bears the Signature of mm Exact Copy of Wrapper, Thirty .Yjj Tt ctnnn umnn, mm by !''onimissioner (loulet of Woodburu' anil Road Supervisor Ciitsi'orth of tier- j 1 vain, and mado an inspection of thfj Some of the hup growers are ulready county road which is being graveled: beginning lo c ultivate their yards. i from Aurora to Salem. Mi.'s 1'earl (lia-smaa, who has been1 Kx-Postmastcr Moisan visited his wife' 'quite ill for several weeks, is improv- and son in Portland Saturday night and: ing. 'Sun lay. His little son, Benjamin, who; t Miss Ksther .Mitchell of Portland, ; has been it t St, Vincent's hospital ' i visited old friends in dervais Saturday j since the operation, is gaining strength land Sunday. ; daily, ami it is expected he will be I Mr, and Mrs. liny Stelty, of i laud, 'have recently moved on i , e..,.i i I,,, r ir ru.;,... r.A,.ni- A,.,.uPi ..i ; but now owned by Mr. Steffy's latheiso thankful that Mrs. Armstrong, who: ?' , Vincent A., , .lames K., and OREGON fitOWSMU sering between life and death r,'1'' v-' , ",' '' ,. WM, ami .. a home and lived for many venrs. Her, the lilimi'v l.n.i:.. , Port-! able 'to be breright home in another! ,,,!,s,,,l,';l A out .ight y.r. ago. ; of t..,oka in tk, the week. I 'l,s- MnnntuK left the following thil-! further material on J 2' icii. juib. jiiuiiiiiiiu ieiiuv. ivi rs. . ' The Clervais high school pupils are was lingering now i racticiiiL' for the i.luv ".The Fa- for several ilavs with nnmininnia. uiid! .'u's' ' ..v iUUII,ni "I uroons; AIM. Al-, I tut Blow," v. hh h thev are to give April is now prnctic'allv out of danger, and ' ''?rt 1 . K'"!' SX 24 for the bom-fit of the school. prospects look so bright for her com- -"'"'"K. of ('"rvais.-Oervais Star. i The Gervais baseball fans are hav- jdete recovery, thev deem it their dutv .T ,,,. jing their ball grounds gruded up in tit publicly announce their gratifies- tvaAij vAljAMUiHB lino hhajie. Ccrvais will have a ball tion to their neighbors and friends who TO LIBRARIES i team as usual this season that will: so kiurly assisted them, and especially: .ninao some ol tnese other towns-take ; to JJr. Jl. (). Hickman, ot tins idnce. The herliniiinm nf l. Htm lT.,;r. fl, ,,t i ....... i"0.''-, ,,, ... . , nnd to the nurse, M.issCoppock. sity at Kugene is sending out to libra- by Mrs. Albert II. SWW ,i i W ord reached here tins ween from; Mrs. Caroline .Manning died at ber ries nf th,. n flrl ,.nl,l. :,, H r,,f,,... ..e u.... ' Bremejton, ad. of the ,leath of Mrs home at 492 Flint street, Portland, , the form of a photograph sheet that sity. The collcctim b J .Albert Theil, who was a resident of , Monday, March i!2, 111 IS, aged S!) years. ; eontnins a picture of the general liubit , bition in 'he art ni Klervais a nimiber ot years ago. Her, She was bom in Perry county, Mis-'of a flower, drawings of the . parts, building at the Jtamtxit .many friends regret to hear this sadsouri, January ll, IS'JII, and camo to and a brief stntcment of cliaraeteris- bition. j cowas iT ! A number of mitrnOietrj are to lm added this . collection of lraingc herbarium nf the stte X6m iMigene. The tiillftil,,, w,,' of about 100 water nhr fo: news anu nicereiy sympathize with j Oregon by way of Panama in I sis.-). I tics. It is idnnned to l,nv o.,e nf i,... ;.VIr. Tide. , From Portland, after her marriage, Mr.! sheets reach a library about the time County 'Judge William llushey eame and Mrs. Manninir came bv wairon tn'thn fb.uni. .,,.,! i.i :down from Salem Tuesday and was met i St. Louis, Ore., where they purchased The sheet is supposed to be put up on : f $ put up on ; BUSINESS GETTERS. Mrs. Rummage-Obidiah Celebrates Washington's Birthday 7 1 1 r- by Hy Gage OlA AB IHMPH I I C'MON ANNIE; YR (lWn j rfe"- ws i ' ' 1 I - i f HEY, YA PINATC' WHAiS MAT? I ,.. r- I -f i OIMW BAtKT-HAT I YA BUSTA OA BR) ( "WLEKAl! HE SUSTA , . rnTrfl TE" Ul,D'rA HEAR? J V- . CtOWE-A-PA-WASHl ( PAYC SEEN YCR ( "" ' 4 wmS r- wwm wWwTW L J Z..i3lJ tfe-Cri; w-m ty (-i '-f" v !""