FOURTEEN THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. """fW. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915. j Classic Hats ' Ij More Beautiful 1 I J 2 I"'' Prices fo Suif jI :rS? Sa m The Hat shop m 'TF"zi?r-s 'tmmi Mr"' W' A' Johnsn Plill 111 SIIIIKI .180: . - I v 1 mr n i W Gray-Belle I l Salem's Most X f Fashionable I Pacc or I J Lunch or j I Refreshments I tv Gray-Belle J8j ; ! v. it .-.. .uu.. Ml , in mil MilTHiM ,ni,m.JH-Bl IV V 'T V ! I I 123 N. cari mwm X V., A MM ii iuiiLuJ t nuci . THIS is only the Easter bunny, Big and soft and white, With little pink nose, so funny, And little stub tail upright He's out ou his annual errand, Locating nests today, Soon to be filled with eggs, Brilliantly colored and gay. Don't forget to have yours ready, For on his nightly round He hippety heps in a hurry, And late ones won't be found. Rosamond M. Pent. EASTER'S MESSAGE. HUBBARD NEWS Rev. ami Mrs. F. C. Butler drove to Sdlem 'Tuesday aud were accompanied by little Lui'ilo Gable. Dr. Lobb. of Portland. f-nt Sunday and Monday in Hubbjnl and said lie would be nere ill a t w ua,a 10 permanently. 0. Jr'.'Scboll went to Hot Lake near U firande. in faatnrn Oregon, Tuesday incirntng to take the baths tor rheuma tism. He will be gone about six (" J. S. Kdwarda and family eame to Hubbard Monday from Woodbnrn to make it their home. Mr. Kdwarda nas a good team and was noon busy ior N. K. Crow hauling material to his ranch. '. Tho citv fathor. furnished the trae- tor people with gascJine Monday and ployed tl'e street from Dr. Ode Lespiu plowed tho street from Dr. de Lespin asse's office to the west road, a (lis tnnea of about 1000 feet. The work was i'oiio in about an iio" r. Sam Yode'r returned from eastern Oregon last Pridiiv. where he has m rated homestead :io miles south of Bend. He will take up hls residence over there, in n week or so. Mrs. Noah licrkey died at her Home five miles east of Hubbard Sunday night. Death wns causer by pneu monia and other complications. Fu neral services were held at the Zion vhiirt-b Tuesday at '- o'clock. J. M. Mishl'er returned home Wed nesday tram a three weeks' visit with his biother, A. J. Mishler, at Fresno, California. All the time was not spent ut Fresno, however, San Francisco and the fair dcinnmliiig some attention. I0. S. Miller has been planning a new hou-c for his country place a mile east of (own for some lime, and work on the structure is iiit'v in progress. -Mr. Mill.".- has the right idea, building the larger house while the family is at homa to enjoy it. Local firms are fur nishing t'ne material. IrlW FAIR t FASTER DAY (.:. II t 1 i Smartest ot the New Millinery In newest ma terials and &l ors at the low. esf prices possible Many Good Models in Fisk Hats rnnvi to White I'iiie. Montana, about tho 'lOth of this mouth. He lias rented! bis residence in Hubbard to Martin) Nelsm. Mr. Crittendoif's biother, Fre.nk, lives at. White Fine, ami from descriptions of there it is thought it will be beneficial to Mis. j i ' ,'i 1 1 .1 n .I mi t,.;i flip .i!Hir(. Their, Li-'.zie F.raneis Hettman, the iul'ant I ,. , , , n ..., , i .. ,.x! ,., ... ..( w;n ilaugiiter of Mr. nml Mrs. Win. IIett-,)0 re0 jizeil. I man, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs.l jlf illl0n i- ji.lrti ,,,11! Miss Hub'! s-ain Daniels .Monday nignt 01 '" Ainl.-ews sprung 11 surprise on their failuie. Mr. and Mrs. Hettman were fl.ipll,s la9t K,,niav night bv being visiting at tho Daniels home when tho ri(a at the '1oms of services at the little one wns enlleii. ltev. ('. 11. 1 ur-. ...ii ,..,.h s. (I. Shetlor official- It conducted the funeral services at , i.eonlu have a host of o'clock Tuesday; interment ill Huli-fi 1 win. wish I hem a hnnnv iour- It Toachoi Us to Rise AnW From Our Selfishness and Sin. i This, to my nil ml, Is the message of i (lie K.nslerllde: We limy interpret the resurrection In a dozen different ways; wo may be lieve or nut believe that tlilB miracle tonlt pliiee nsj leporled In the gospels. , Hut Hint .lesiiH was never alalii by the Biddli'is of I'oiitluM Fllule, but lived to rally bin disciples after the agony und terror of (lolgotbii, to capture I'uul and lead I1I111 over slorniy sens nml desert wnsteu fur the prem hlng of his ! word, In call "lliu gloilniis eoinpany of the npoiitlcs, Iho goodly fellowsjlilii of (lie prophets, the noble ariny of the innrl.vrs," hi nil aijcs and places Into the sorvlee of Ills liiiifjdoin; to speak to us locbiy us be bus "spoken of old lime uiilu Hie fathers" and to "elml lenge us to live ami die I'm' htm and his great cause of righteousness" all Ihls Is as certain as that Ids body was nailed in the cross of Calvary. After ; the iTin lllxliui, ns before, Jesus wns alive, lie bus been alive In every age, 'even the darkest, that bus miivootlod ' upon the hour of this inurlal nnony 'ami he Is ullve today mure truly and wonderfully (ban he bus ever been be. fore In human history. Of Ibis we can be sure! llul what about ourselves? Are We also alive -nllyo ns the eleven were nllve when they reassembled In .lorn Huli'in mid gave themselves anew to the kingdom of Ibid on eartbV Have we arisen from our selllshness, cow nrilli'c mid sin In meet Hie risen Christ and pledge our hearls to his, or are we Mead, ns dead as .Indus when the first Kasler dawned upon Iho world? Till Is Ilic ipieslluu which Ibis In I est Hosier puis in us. It Is not so much the les urricllon of Jesus as of ourselves I which need concern us.-ltev. John tluvucs Holmes, New York City. bard cemetery. Last Friday a deal was closed trans ferring to Mr. Kmst Worle, nf Pendle ton, Ore., the hist .10 acres of the Thurston (Irini place. Mr. (Iriinwill leave Ibis fall to go to eastern Oregon, and will retain the farm until that time. Mr. Worle is a man of family nnd has five children of school ne. The tract referred to is two miles northwest of Hubbard and juins Frank! lergeus place. 1 lie mm 01 nun . . u ;he (.(l,n,nilv. I ierce Ininilleil tno sale. M. C, Crittenden is preparing to THE FRENCH SHOP Liberty Between State and Court MtMttttt t MtMttttttttttttMtMHHHHtMHHH n y through life. The groom is a pros- porous farmer, coming to Hubbard from' Michigan a year ago. The bride for some time was employed at the tele phone office. The happy couple ex-; poet to locate at the H. I'. Ilershbergei place next week. The parent-toucher meeting will be held at the armory hall Friday even- jing, April 2, U. W. Knight will The Asylum Ave. Store -MM--M-M-f-f-"f4--f- iJEWELRY V5 I f ;' T jP&Z time set for the charter ele Wll n&l&tWXl . "iil'linril. The c rV .'L " j'l'J 'f'M' f VSfr-S " '' i amended by the council is S Efi'jTt ,''(? V.'JiTNKfV-'1 1 ! "auds of the printer, and -',' " it" j'. '..'' 'in p:niphle form will be rea. tkM J'ti $?'iVs' Uui itribntion April 22. iMi t One of the oldest estab lished jewelry stores in Salem. The most com plete line of stock and prices most reasonable. Fully equipped for the manufacture of jewelry and watch repairing. All work guaranteed in every respect. Professor Lind say, 011 "What Is Rcipiired for u Standard High School." A number of other important topics will be open ed for discussion. Among them will be: "Do We Want a Standard High School in Hubbard," and "Can We Have One With Our Present F.quip ment.'" "Do We Want to Consoli date with White School.'" Saturday, the Sth day of May, is the ction tor liarter as now in tne the charter ly for dis- The sections of the charter which caused it to bo rejected at the election two years ago have been nmcmlcil so that it will in all probability be acceptable to 11 ma jority of the ipialified voters. Under the terms of the old charter the limit of taxation was fixed at 12 mills. In 'the charier now being prepared the limit is fixed lit 8 mills. The new char- iter piovides fur the restriction of dogs running at large Hie same as other nni- j mills or fowls. Simply a precaution ary measure to be entoreed when need- ! ed. Hubbard Kuterprise. Saster Bird 4 -Stories A Charles Kreft Phone 269 tatuxunm fcjamiiaww vminwmaTiaTOaajuMia'wnwM All kinds of fancy and staple groceries. Farmjw duce and fresh vegetables. Allen & Lewis Preferred Stock Canned Goods ; Lang & Co. Royal Club QxmAr Goods; Mason & E.hrman Red Ribbon Brands. We make a specialty of the finest Teas and Coffees at moderate prices. Agency for Drifted Snow, We River, Olympia, and Domestic Flowers. Complete Stock of Poultry Supplies. 1 Hi Poole's Drug VICTOR nuao'Q HOPE. EASTER X 123 N. Liberty Phone 381 Ore. i- mWSKglfc .ilMUfcXMl JWW I A fine lot of Potted Faster Lillios, Hydrangeas, $ Roses, and Genistas. I will have all kinds of cut 1 flowers also. Come in and select what you want I early or call tue up over the phone. . Everything we sell is grown in Salem. 1 4,, i! rMTrw" i FLOWLRS I feel In myself tho future 1 i to. I um like a loroat ouoe cut down tho now ahootn aro mronger and livelier than ovor. 1 am rising, I know, toward tlm sky. The sun nlilno Ih on my head. The ouith given mo Its gonoroua sup, but heuvoit lights ms with reflection of unknown wurbia. You any tho aoul la nothlnij tint tlio resultant of the bodily powers. Why, then, la my noul liuico luminous when my bodily powofs bo .in to l'nll'p Wtiil r la on my bend, but oteriuil uprljig fx in my hoart. Tliero 1 luoatho at thia hour tbu liagianeo of tlia lilacs, tho vlolct.s nnd tho roaos aa at twenty ycura. Win n I go down to the grave I ea.i Hay, llko no many others, "I lmvo Unlabel my ilay'a work." Hut I cannot nay, "I buvo llniHhod tuv lilo." My day's work will begin tho next morning. The tomb la not a blind ulloy; it Is a thorouah- tai-o. Itoloiieaonthatwillsliti j It opens with the dawn. J ' i 444 .444,44 44-t444i 4i44444$ A great deal of bird lore Is linked Willi the stories of the Passion. There hi 11 lianisli legend Unit as Christ wns suffering mi the cross three birds enme a nun linemen upon it. line erieil. j"Slyrlk bum! Styrlk bam:" tStrengtlieti 01m. miTimincu iinii.i. ami since inai time the stork has been known ns n I bird of si length and blessing. The T I second, It was inleiprcted, cried, "Hval J'; tin in I Sval hum:" (llofrcdi him! Ite 7 1 fresh li 1 111 : 1. ami tho swallow was llkiv 1 wise thought In be a bird of blessing. ! .. - I Hut the third cried. "I'licit ham!" (Tor I Jlnre liim and so from that hour the gra'7CTIXarrf4gwiA ' '"l1"'"1 nccursed among, C. T. Pomeroy jj Optician 123 N. Com. St., Salem. v s i r Hi. t 1 j n W II sTT v "".i'TTW I , .. i.'''i.i" :,.i' : : : : For Good, Accurate Wood Work our lumber i wilhoiit a peer. F.urli In th Tyrol, board ami beiini are mi true and In tho Tyrol tho Kastor festival Is sound, llinlders who erect the best one of groat oervinony. During the house, use our lumber Why not fob Kastor holidays bunds of musicians low their example f lliey have ijoed .Ui, ..., ,... , ,,, reason, for their prererenco. ...... nt ,a , ,,.,.', n, th I liistruinetits ns (hey pass along, men, women and children Joining In tb l.I...K.,d 1...).... II. .!.(.. - Healers in lumber, build, r.' har,lare, . ' """"" ' vi i"... pniuti ami oils. ' I vKW" 819 SOUTH TWELFTH STREET" ' The Capital Lumber Co.' The Spa Has An Excellent Assortment of East er iNovelties, also Candy Easter Eggs See Our Windows 382 State Street birds. The Swedish legend Is thesanii'. I with Ihe addition of n fourth bird, the turtledove, whl. h, (lying thither, cried, "Kyrle! Kyrle!" (Lord! Lord!), and Its voice has eve since been llmlloil to J SI j.that single word of lament. vllj An owl. iiccorillng to the Spnnlsh, ua.zicii uy tin, DtinlL-ht It did 001 perceive unit It Irnil alighted upon the cross. Hut as night came on It saw ami. frightened, called "Cruz! Cruz!" (Cross! Cross!) as It Hew away. And from Hint moment the owl bus kept repealing this cry and has been ible to see only after diirknes;l fa IK The ero.isblii In an unsuccessful ,-f-for! In ilr.iw out one of the nulls which "i"' d the Saviour tn the cross twist- ed Its bcik ami dyed Iti plumage with I he mai tyr'a blood. Concerning the robin then, is n tradition, ex pressed tn vers,., as follows; l'o Vw :!i oor's t:,i ,n.t . ,,i "inn.. I li j M,vl H, I'vcil .ill .,-r (., 1,,,...,.., , Since 111 I,;,,.,, ,,,.,.,,, ,,r t o t'lowh,,.: I,,,,,,, yi,r, ,.,,,.; Hut s.H-.-.l W-, f , ,:,,.. Store Will be in their new locution MoM , March 29th formerly occupied V ; .T,irv Store, 176 SUM ; XUVMV" v" ' " ,tf We wish to see our prewnt patrons ;f: Bolicit new ones. ;i itecd 1 11 g 1 1 t Wlu .ff.,. old, ..... nn,1 tinninn. when J'OU Can fcn b I lief and removal of corns by using "POOLE'S CORN SHELL- . ... r money refunded. cents per bottle, wo till remove you' ...,. , , nntceil I'oisoD Oak season is hero. Do not forget 1 ooie a y OAK REMEDY," 23 cents per bottle. r..lf tU I urticles. Also . We carry a full line of drugs and toilet dyes. Curao nud seo us. , si'iU.A Eaitr Liliw Grown In America. There Is said t.i be but one small sec lion In the I'nlte l st.ites where T ste "lies Will g,ow pMfili.Hy :1:, i,!,'KS,n at Haster lime. This Is Las Tab,,,, I fev utile. Vi.-w l!r,v,-svll,.. Tex 4444444-44-44-44-444-4-4- 444 .l . . . i ......... . ..luumHttt TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT t g Dainty Ne" Gives ..'eOo.redteuoh.orj Cotlic, We are shl " j 0c to SOo. ... .,.Mn SUM0" Extra ov"- j5, 30 inch linen centers ..'' j Night go" ' t :cr,.rle waists ' .-,k ! ... ..fc- .Uui. " l esser searf and pi" p J Dresser i threads to ork The Needlecraft Shop Tree Lessons. t ... I r :i'Jo Htnte street. .