Easter Assortments Were Never More Attractive or the Off er mgs More JnresUnTi T,iFsnAY and Wednesday in this ad -5 READ ABOUT THE SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. TUESDAY Stylish Garments for Women V. New Footwear An excellent assortment of the newest footwear in the most wanted styles. The latest cloth and leather com binations will be especially attractive to dressy women. We take particular care in the fitting of shoes. You take no chances when you buy here for we guarantee satisfaction. Cousins Shoes for Women. Nettleton Shoes for Men. Plamate Shoes for Children. l The Latest Suits. A truly beautiful showing of fashion's latest creations. Every garment stylishly made of high grade fabrics, silk poplins, gabar dines, serge, black and white nov elties and coverts, new plain tailor ed, flared skirts with pretty novel ty jackets in the most wanted col ors for spring and summer wear such as Belgian blue, robin egg blue, sand, putty, shades of grey, checks, navy, etc. Don't fail to visit this big style store if you're interested in the newest garments. Priced $17.50 to $10.00. The Season's Newest Coats. A comprehensive showing of the latest coats, made in the authentic modes for 1915. Coverts, senre. "X" ,t gabardine, chinchilla, boncte, shark If checks are shown. Buy your coat here and you'll be satisfied in every way. Priced $10 to $25. Women's New Waists. Lovers of dainty waists have expressed great admira tion for this splendid assortment. Crepe de Chine, voile, organdie, nob crepe, georgette crepe, chiffon, jap silk, lawn, pussy willow, lace and messaline made up in the latest approved models. Prices 98c to $10.00. Women's New Dresses. A display that eclipses any showing of its kind in this vicinity. Pretty wash fabrics, voiles, lawns, dimities, linens, silks, crepe de chine, crepe meteor, taffeta, messa line, ponlin and wool challies in a wide variety of dainty styles that are different. Priced $3.75 to $15.00. New Separate Skirts. A fine showing (if tlu new Skirls, I'll ninny iIcm'i ralilo models the new flare, 1 stylo in ii ii v y , black, iinvolly, oIum'Uh ami stripes: I'lilni llonch striped mi. I iimiii Wnttlo cloths, juipn-M unci serges. A sopnrnto slur! Iuin.lv mi. I hiivi'h Vimr unit skirts. PRICED $1.25 to $12.!)0, New Apparel for Children and Misses. Wo give particular nttont inn to children V garments and the pres ent assortments offer splendid selections. The new coats nil. I 1 riMK os will iii.enl strongly to anyone interested in children's clothing. garments lire well made ul new popular taluics in mil n V neat styles. V (in '11 find the prices entirely nut i t'u i-1 i ry . W ?' JL 'I'll 17 always In the Silk Section Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Fine quality black Chiffon Taffeta Silk, heavy grade, inches wide. Our $2.00 quality, special for three days, $1.4!) a yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk, a little lighter weight than the one mentioned above, :!(5 inches wide. Our $1.50 quality, special for three days, $1.11) a yard. Domestic Rajah Silk, pongee color, a fine, silky fabric, splendid for summer, 27 inches wide, (5c quality, special lic a yard. Domestic Rajah Silk, pongee color, same as above but 2:5 inches wide. Our 50c quality, special for three days, We a yard. X x X Our 736th Wednesday Surprise Sale for March 31st A Great Sale of Desirable Curtain Nets Extra value at 19c yd. This sale includes many pretty curtain nets in white, cream and ecru, and offers a most unusual chance to curtain your windows at a surprising price. Many de signs to select from. Wide widths. Don't fail to see this offering. On sale next Wed nesday only at this surprise price, 19c a yard. See the Window Display. Sale Starts at 8::10. In the Wash Goods Section Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- ril day regular 121 -2c Percales ''f-- special for Q I gg) three days . . . J r Regular 120 Ginghams. Special for three days, 9c a yard. Regular :55c Plaid New Cloth, a splendid wash fabric for dresses. Special for three days, 6 yards for $1.00. ... Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases If you're going to the fair or just going on a short trip you'll be interested in our large assortment of traveling needs shown on the second floor. You will find our trunks and cases very dependable, they will carry your clothes safely and will last for years. Made to withstand the roughest handling. Kinds to suit all purses. fil Men's New Hats " pJ pR As stylish a display of men's hendwear as you will find anywhere, showing the new shapes with self colored and contrasting bunds; straight and pencil eurled brims. Stiff Hats, Straws and I'linuiiins, a worthy display that should appeal to men of taste, 1 .50 to if.ii.50. Men's New Shirts Men who have seen this showing say it's groat. You'll find the ssavov M,irt .liere of course you ve seen it nuveruseu in me nig national magazines it , dandy garment it's the shirt with the madetn-mensure look. ija.50 to We show a large assortment of good shirtB at $1.00. Xewest colorings ami fabrics, Men's Underwear You'll need lighter underwear too. Wc have just what you will need R. v. P. and Mousing Wear. The new B. V. 1). in pongee is worthy of special mca tiou. Trice ranges up from $1.00. New Hosiery for Men We're showing a splendid line of silk fiber hose for men in solid colors, Fiich as blue, tan, suede, black, white and the new palm beach. Cotton lisle, silk lisle, your kind is here. Hosiery prices range lflc to ff 1.23 a pair. Men's Suits Made to Measure Special Sale of Men's Automobile Gloves for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Men's Mocha Buck Auto Gloves, Regular $2.00 Grade, Special for Three Days These nre splendid gloves of a fine velvety brown niochu buck lonelier, large roomy gauntlet just the thing tor motoring. Our regulur $2.1)0 grade, f,jr three days. We've a great assortment of fine suitings to show yon, N'ew Silk Voiles, I'rineetoiiinns, Woisteds, Cashmeres, Serges in the popular checks, phiiils, stripes and novelty mixtures. We guar antee satisfaction in fabric, workman- & If OOODICOODS ship and fit. We run the risk, you tnke ' iiKrirl no cliiinces. Come in and let us lnensiitf Igtj Vnu up for that new suit . l:!.L'5 ami ffes I lip made for yon to your measure. I A Sale of Boys' Negligee Shirts " I With attached collars, light colors in tans, blues, black j and white in stripes and figures. Here are the prices for , three days: o0c Shirts, special for three clays at iov umi to, special ivi im mv" I Boys' Boys' Boys' $1.00 Shirst, special for three days at .79c 1, Albany Herald: .lack Vrench, the French, and a grey rooiier belonging in the South Caliipooia street neighbor-' three year old soil of Mr. and Mrs. John to Harry Wilkius, got into a fight up hood esterdny iil'tcrnoon it ml but for ;TH15 STORE THAT 8AVES YOU MONEY.: "Crescent" and "Calef Bros." Ranges $30.00 and Up Guaranteed 1.") and 23 years will last a life time. Matle of the best material that can be obtained. Three sizes of ovens. Ground or black tops. Sold on thirty days' approval. If you have an old range or cook stove that you wish to dispose of we will take it as part payment on a new range. Use Our Free HOME 'FURNISHERS LUa. C UURTkNfGHSTS.. Department r.zzz TOPE CREDIT IS GOOD HERE. III H fitll.w.. ' I. I II Ml i 7SSXJ5miwwA I III jt y .' at i i "nrstMr f N SI the inti-rventioii of .lack's grandfath er, V. M, Heilfield, during one riuiiul, ami his iin.tl.u, .luring another rim ml . .lack w.nil.l pn.l.nlily have suffered ser ious ci.iiM'niirii. ..s. As it is, Jack is liaising ii .ur .crutch extending down his teicliciol mi. I ending abruptly over his Icfi eve. ,l;.t, It seems, lind been chasing the ro..ter. It further seems that the mi, ,,, t,,r n'seated the same. Wounded Carried Miles To Hospital (I'uiithiiic.l Prom Tago One.) I hou-.', wh.-i, i. firB( :,( , duty. Tlicie w mild be noliiiiig hut tinw r.r lirn , lie upon. The fiit oul, .Insh cold water into his in,',., W0U1B U1, ,in, thein as I.,.. i t.v ,.0ll,. Then the w,.,,,,,., inn n would lie on "'e stum ,,,,, utfnll. Vr it ., " to mi ry him through the fir ing 'one m g,,t i,l(k to the infinnniv, win,-1 win a, ,,!,, lit 1 1 1 lions,, in a town n mile di.tnnt. lie would either be wheeled nl.ing the tow path of the cniwl on a siivt.her made of two bnby cHimge w,;,h ,ve-e eonnecte.l bv u I'oni I, or ii ,,1n" would enrrv him .ii nn M !.,!,) rlmr.in" old I ten, I, ,e..iiit with long white linkers. II ,onl WM fl.,,,,,,,1 wi,, straw be. nse , carried the oulv noKt Smveiy wmn.le,! men, who often died during th ,,,11,, j0lllrv ,jow ,), f1. ii.il. We (,se. t cnll hi,,, "emro" Olid we mimed tlitTiml the Stvx. At the iiifirnmrv ther were ri-nl sur geon, but with W(irki and they were f,,ree,l. of necessity, to n nnprovis,s operating loom. ' If the nni,,..l..l . ii ...... . .. n.wii HOT 1.1111 nnve, i' thin time, I,,. WOnl,l be put Int.. a red cro-H wagon or niitomnbile or some oilier sort of a vehicle and carrie.l 110 in i lei to a huge town ovhi. il I cannot, for obvious rca-oiis, inline), and here he would be put on the next lied Cross t in i ii and slnile.l lor I'niK His bed in the 1 1 it i 11 might be a seat in a third, second or liistclass coach; or, if he wns lucky, it might be a sheeted bed in a icgular He, I Cros cur. At lust his tiniu will pull into l'aris or into some other distant city of Fiance, where there nre l,ig hospital. s.oris of nmbulauces will lie wailing in lie mill., a, I vai.U. The in.il.nl.ii nttei.innts will l,e running annuel. :ea. h seeking nut tiie wiiiii.le.l who are to b. nssigne.l to the Im-pital which he !iepieent, I'o thein he i, onlv n iiinmber. or perhap.- a chalk liiai'k mi the door of the car. Thev will put him en a stretcher, place hin'i :,i u h,,g.. 1 motor anibiilanee, perhaps with one or iwu ot.ier men wlm Imve I i wouu.lcl on distant battlefields, and the ear "ill race thuiugh the .(loots of the citv 10 ,,u lio-pitnl, u,., on.e seemed to the Milterer so tuanv miles nwav, und wheie wanii, white i.e., gentle iiurses, r"" "'"l 'I" re.poiisibilitv await aim. It i. no wonder that tli,. wound ed men who lead, the hospital nl, sink hack ,(,, the ill,,,,-. ,,it, .iel, ot relict Ii ii . I smile heu thev catch the lift glimpse of the white nurses, l.nok , 'nek nt the .loimioy he ha. taken since1 that .neineiit he was hit i ,. tren.-hes and von ,,, un.ler.t,,,,,! how ,, ho.pital wilr.l I. ...I- l.L.. , 1 1 "'-.Hen to u wounded robber. To get into a hospital i 'ol.lie.s , ,,.,.. ,! ,,., ,.,. w , 1 ,lrli, li;ilillvt xwn g taeinselve, , ,-,,.,,, his velf ,,,,,, kn0WM - '' ;'. aad the pnnishme,,, ,,,Mlh. in Jl.r reeiine, ,1 n ... . ... . . I - ' " ""'"I who tin. been released after Eerving lo vears in'favor he also puncnu"' ' . j, V order to permit him to enter the army, ' the n'-hber. " " :f 0,.(tr' persuaded another soldier to shiiot him, their wounds dicssci t . . del ..... l. through the hand. In return for this : ! pow ,. ..ii,.i ;hau l i, ami H' " men wcie c,- Vlll. PianoOwnersAll;: 11! ,e. (ir c,ic" . lnjuriei Hv lirinfi white as 'i n1"1... r t..i-.4 j. !: i TIRED EYES j ACHING EYES ! And aching heads are oft en permanently relieved by jthe use of rightly fitted eye , glasses or spectacles. ' Better save your sight while you can. Our eyes are open to discover defects in yours if you will give us the opportunity. Our ! rightly fitted lenses will af ford you relief. h.irtrs. I'1""1 rttTTT..- ,p.,r'). bork 'I- Miss A. McCulloch OPTOMETRIST 208-209 HubuardBld?. Phone 109 .... rurniJW" .n 420 -