Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 24, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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! I i
i II
r i c
- t
77ie iVea; Spring Dra
pery Fabrics are Here
and on Display
Portland, Ore., March
That refined sugar would ad
voiice 2.1 cents .er hundred to
morrow all along the coast wa!i
the declaration today of a
I ii orn i miti t wliuli'aN'r. This
would bring granulated to
Tho advani'C, it was s;i il, would
be due to hevy foreign buying,
and very strong markets
tne Atlantic neb.iind.
When You See
j '
U tL J. .i. .
l,. none
Claim They Are Underpaid
$73,000 On Work Per
formed In Clatsop Co.
Phone 1W0-J.
knows how lft ,.. .1; " aDle Sid tk
Housekeepers and lovers of dainty draperies will be
pleased to know that the newest fabrics for decorating the
home have arrived. Many women have been waiting for
this delayed shipment but we feel sure that they will be re
paid for their patience. The assortment is splendid, show
ing new Vienna Silkolines in pretty figured patterns and
plain colors, New Radium Clothes, Eureka Cretonnes,
Dresden Cloth, Geneva Cloth, Lombardy Taffeta, Sonder
Cloth Scrims, Marquisettes, Voiles, Madras, Swisses. A
showing that should interest all who need curtain ma
terials. See the showing (department on second floor.)
Prices are very moderate.
(Window display on Court street side.)
has .just been jilaccd ar I the lawn:
'of St.. Joseph '8 church cm both Cottage;
i and Chemcketa stints, I the steps'
to the ehureh on Cheineketii street have!
i been -enlarged and repla I with new
; lumber. The pitrimiiiigc is also being
! repaired and several iiiiprovemeMs
i made, including a new porch.
j DeLapp Laundry. Family rough dry
wash, til) cents; wet wash, cents. j
I Work called for and delivered. I'lionel
Jack O'Brien, formerly of St. Louis, j
Missouri, but who lias I n residing j
in Cortland for sevrnl viiirs, has boeuj -
the guest this week ( Oiai-los Craig,! Nil ec A. MC-LUllOCtl
I'eterson & .lohiison, contractors who j Hl'OKTINr
j have been engaged in the construction
i of a stretch of the Columbia river hioh.
Glasses we make improve way in Clatsop county between West-
your looks as well as your
sight. Ask for Shur-On
Mountings and Rhudon
i T nncao
' sou of Mr. and Mrs. I'
South, Commercial street.
i is a well known figure u
Iclos, and was formerly i
For the iast few veins
I acting as. scout for one
This is Dress Goods Week at Meyers
A week of "Specializing" in the piece goods section, showing the season's
newest fabrics for Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, etc. Many attractive
prices this week.
(See the window display.)
1'llig, of.
Mr. (Milieu j
baseball cir-1
star player,
lie has been
nf the big
Twenty-one 15-cent meals
Scott 's, 17!) South I (jiii me ri'ia I.
Kenneth "Moores, who is now a stu-
Ident at the University nf Oregon, is
one of the fortunate young men who
will have an opportunity to net as
guide at the Panama -Pacific exposition,
Hevont to San Francisco u tew
ago and will remain there as gui
'the grounds during the Luster
208-209 Hubbard Bldg.
Phone 109
. of
Men's Suits
Made to
$13.75 and up
The booklet entitled, "Willamette
Valley, Where Every I'rospeet l'leases"
issued by the Willamette Valley Exposi
tion ussociation, is attracting attention,
not only ut the exposition, but in the
east where copies have been mailed as
part of the Willamette valley ndvcitis-
davs l,rugrilin. ! rcu r i.yiiuu, Hccreiiiry
l(, '( I of the association, today received n let
'tor from a Milwaukee, Wisconsin, real
i estate firm asking where copies of the
I booklet could be obtained, and the es
timated cost of 1,0(10 copies. They stat
ed they were interested in Oregon lands
and found the pamphlet valuable ill
pushing their Oregon business.
Fe.iring that her son, Hume Dula,
Wexford theater will not show1"1' wiiiim n " 1,1 ''d no word since
All Around Town
All kinds of cut flowers and potted
plums at Waldo Mills, 1 111 North High
street. J'lione 7X1,
The Apollo Club concert is the third
number of the musical nitists' course.
,'l'he exchange tickets uiv for those who
do not hold season tickets, (leneral
Kale tickets at U a. in. Friday.
; Tho
the i'lti lieward picture today on ac
count of receiving the licniiiin war pic
tures for today only. This picture has
been dinwiug a In rye lii.n-o at the lin
ker in Coitland. The :rM Howard pic
til it" will be shuwn Tliiiisiluy only.
Special meeting of Multno-
T!io Apollo Club concert seats on sale
at !' a. ni. Friday. Entire muse $1.
Only one price. Concert Friday even
ing, :'Ml shiirp.
ninh Chapler
this evoiiiii!!
I'ast Jlasl.r
conipanioiii '
... I, it. A. M.,
Work in the
gr.T. Visiting
tin a
In. use I
early this spring it is the inten
of the punish to build a guild
on the lot now occupied by t he
OJt that suit now, Only a few (lays
left io save if-", or if in, At Mn-hei 's.
Dr. Meudolsoun, Bueciallst In ftttlnn
(laSHin correctly. II. H. bunk lig.
You will enjoy the dance to be given
tiink'lit lit Mirise hall by the Alto
Frisco club,
Tho ArHsatiH will uivo a dance to
night ut the Moose hall. This is one of Dr. Q. A. WiBliconus, M. D. riiysician
II series of dunces given to secure funds for pieservution and restoration of
to enable the Alio Frisco club to at ' health, Hubbard buildinc..
tend the I'aiiaiiia Pa. il ic exposiiion, I o
I A. Coovert yestorday began tho eroc-
Tlie Oapital LlunUer CO,, 310 Bouth tion u a bungalow on South High street.
Twelfth, HiiildiuK material of all kinds. It will be modern in every respect ami
o will cost about iflilill.
A:tisau danco tontnht at Moose hall, j o
1, Just a light lunch at. tho Jitney Cof-
Tho river today la 3,8 feot above low j fee Club will iiiake a difference. I'.!'.i
vtnti'r mail,. There has been no rain- j Court,
full '.ecorded during the pnst -I hours. o
Tonight. Don't forget the Artisan's
Ccrporatlon Commissioner Ealph A,
Watson, who was taken ill with bron
chial pni'iiiuouia sum a It it the ad
,oui inn. -ni of tile legislature
lieeu niiifiued to bis home
ever since until ipiite recently, has re
ciipeinled sufficiently to resume the
miliums duties of his office, and eauie
down for the first time Monday fore
noon of this week.
Dollar watches at Stone's drug Btore.
AiWouncemoiit was: mado by Water
Commissioner I'll i n no.-k yesterday all
eiuoon that an inljii.ln :it inn of the wa
ter rights between t ie I'hewnucan Laud
A: Cattle oouipiinr mid the Portland (
T.i.vnsitc coini'iinv, which involves the!
and has. right to appropriate water from the
and hed Chewaucaii 'icr to iirigate laud in the1
Chewaucaii alley, in I .like county,
would be made within a few days, llolli
companies claim piiority rights upon
the water flow of llie Chewaiuan, the
tornier owning J.",liii(l acres and the
hitter 111 .inn. acies of irrigable land sub-'
jeet to lei l.-imatinii ill the Ciiewaiicaii
before Christmas, illllt, when he sent
her ;i registered letter wilii an enclos
ure ut :fl(l, has met with some dread
latalily, Mrs. I,. C. Hula, of Joy, .North
I'ar'.i'ina, ii).peals to (lovernor Withy
combe in her efforts to get some clue
as to the whereabouts or cause of his
silence. She rtates that he left home
and went to Montana, then to Idaho
ami to Oregon, and had deposited mon
ey in the banks u" Idaho ami Oregon,
but that, nltiioiigh she answered the
letter continuing the Chiistnun en
closure, she has never heard from him
since. She describes her missing son us
having "(link hair and eyes, dark com
plexion, weight about I III pounds and
lis 'J. years of age. ' '
01 KL, wants light housework
"".ni; J1UI11CSS L. K
I'OII SALK-Vcii-linjT
plants, 1 .-cut each. v
Ch ine s:!-l'-lL'.
r'OK HF.NT-Kiiylcwood
Rimonihorl only a few days loft to
get ihul Faster suit lit a saving of
to $111, Mosher's.
Miss Enid Loopcr, of the Oregon Ag
ricultural college, has just accepted 11 '
pmi'ii.n in the high school, temhiugj
shoitiiand and typewriting. She lakes.
the ...Hit m.i. Iiiriiierl.v held by Miss A u -. t oroiia cigar-10 cut
linbd Itiipert, who icsigned on account! o
of ill I Ilh.
A rare chance to hear a large chorus
of excellent men's voices. A price
within the reach of all. Kutire house
tl. Scats on sale at the ariiiorv Friday, , the
0 a, in. , city
By n mlstako of the Journal's adver
tising department Lionel Hnrrynu.re
was billed for the Oregon theatre yes.
M. Boggs Grocery Co. will be terdiiy. Instead the great special at
traction in w li ii-li tins lamous actor ap.
pears, "The Seats of the Mighty" is
.nulling today and tomorrow. In u.l.li
tion there is a big vaudeville act with
no advunce prices.
This is a day and tlmo when men
think and reason things out for them
selves. Suits if'.'n, .f.'."., jf.'lo. John Sun
din, the tailor, ;I7M Slate- street.
pilllters Mull
i isit t heir new
1 doors north
The L,
installed in their new
day, LMHh. Hon 'I fall to
snow while store, (lire
of present locution.
o -
Tho Loyal Older of Moose held an en
joyable masipie dance at I he Moose hull
last night, over fill couples attending.
There is distinction in the man who
smokes as well as in the name of I, a
Ladles' or gnutlomen's suits at a
stuiiig of fioni ifj In tin at Mosher's.
The Apollo Club concert seats on sale
at "i a. in. Fii.la.v. Kutire imise ifl.
Only one p. ice. Concert Friday even
ing, v:in shaip.
The Yeomen will give a bnskot pan.y
at Moose hall Friday owning, March
'Jil. All Indies re.piested to bring bus
kels, Ladies without baskets and gen
tlemen D.'. .cuts; no enlia charge lor
baskets. Fine program and dance,
llou'l miss the best time of the season.
The rectory of 8t Foul's Episcopal : T's Apollo Club concert seats on sale
church is being entirely remodeled into I ill H li. in. Friday, Kntiie a. use if I.
n modern home, and will be moved bo , Only one price. Concert Friday even
as to face on Chcnickcln street. Some ling, t:;tn shaip.
A special meeting of all parties In
lerestc.l in tni cabs, jitneys unit buses
will be held this evening at 7:110 o'clock
at the comnierclul club. This meeting
will be one of vital interest In those In
terested and 11 large attendance is expected.
Mrs, C, M. Pnrmonter is seriously 111
Nil the home of her son, 7M .North
front street, having been stricken with
paralysis .Monday evening at t!::tu. The
children are all at her bcdsblc. While
tlicie has been oi.v little change since
she was first -Irickeii, she is resting
easy lo.lay.
Oho again! Do not forget' to call
in and see my lulesl in suitings, Suils
'..'u, f-". ami t:iii. John Suinlin, 117:1
Stale street.
- o
Tho revival meetings at the Bouth
Salem Friends chinch still continues.
Fun.gclist Wells expects to preach
Thursday night on the subject of
'"II 'Ii.-" On Friday he will nddios all
of 'lie Sunday school pupils mid Voiing
people in gcneial, All are invited to
FOU KENT 7room
house at 273 N 2M'd
street; garage and
garden; rent $10.
Only Eight More Days
Till the $300 Cash Contest Closes
5-l-in. 8-ft. Quarter
Sawed Oak Exten
sion Table, similar to
cut, for only
$1.00 down and $1.00
a week
If veil waul
for hoiisewotk
fr a girl.
a middle aged unman
you should aderti-e
About 400 feet of concrete curbing
Warren Gilbert, for many years em-;
ployi d ns a i-iiitiioiiist on the stal l' ol
I'einci' Kcning Post, is ill the!
on his ai nl vacation. naviiiL' a
visil to his pa ts, .Mr. iiud Mrs. A. i
. (iillieil, ami Ins brother and sister,
Hay l. liill.ert and Airs. II. O. Sclinck
nig, iepeciie. Mr. (lilberl visited
his pin. -His alioni four years ago, and
says that ne was greatly impressed,
with the meat viiiJes (if improvement
that has been hio.ight about in differ
ent wa.vs iliiiiiijiont the city. j
AsHbtant At.orney General Van
Winkle has Iiiu-JicI the dralt of the
title' to tin pmposo.l constitutional
innonlnieiiK ,,,ii Wei0 adopted by
the r. cent l.-g,.lini',. mill referred lo
11 v't' "f the pie at the next gen
eial .led , :i ii , turned them over lo
the societal y ni !uto yesterday after
n. ...n. The pioi,eil iimeu.lmeuts are
"'e "ingle it veto power for the gov-'
oi nor, ec.npliiig vtnte owned ships ply
ing .'long the .oii-t from taxation and
one icpealine, .ho constitutional provis
ion pi.riibiting ii,,. negro, iniilntto and
i hiue-e I'm in otiug or owning prop
city in Ike -t.r,.' winch hitler wns abro.
gated by the .eimiion of the state to
state'iood an, I Hu ChiiiiiAinerican
tlclll,', icpc, tucly,
The Brotherhood of American Yeo
men will i-li.-.' (her campaign for mem
bership nest Heck. The eumpnign has
been under the . npervisli.il of 11. F.
Wirt h . district manager. The member
ship of the b Jgc has been increased no
dining this campaign. Mr. Wirt li will
lcae to take u work lit I iidependence
"ii Apiil I. Ir. H, F. Found I las been
elected ineiubei .hip malinger, and Miss
Catlnniiii' l. I,, uoll, assistant district
ininiager. Mi i,ekson will leave for
Albany next ,.,.!, i the Interest of the
Sidney B, Vincent, for nearly two
years employed as examiner in the do-
I .art lit of coipornlion commissioner,
has been tendered a i.osition as receiv
er lor the T, II, hitter Healty company
nf I 1 1 lit it I , and has decided In a pt
the prii'ler, and will tender his resig
nation lo Corpoialioii Commissioner
Wat-oil, lo take effect on or about Muy
I. Mr, Watson regrets sincerely the
loss of Mr. Vincent from his depart
ment, as his services have been inval
uable lo (he state, but is pleased in
know that lie has located himself per
manently in a position wherein the ele
ment of political uncertainly does not
lit all times prevail, Prior to accepting
the portion in Hi,, corporation depart-
1 t Mr. Vincent was lor 1'J years the
Pii.tlaiid correspondent f(1. (he Asso
ciated l'ros, and has been identified
with newspaper work for nearlv lin
At the hcxntlialon indoor meet held
at the V. M. r, A, ia.t night, the chief
point winner was Harry Kelbs, of the
senior class. Kcllis won the standing
broad jump with a leao of In feel
s, the fence, vault with II foot L'-
murk, and took both Hie Ihl -yard
'.''.Ml potato iiiccs. Charles Sinitiil
the shot put with a heave uf :I7 I
1 inches, mid Archie Mullock went
feet tl inches ill the standing high '
port and Astoria, have filed a volumin
ous report with the state highway com
mission tending to prove their claim
that they have due them for work nl- WANTED-
rea.lv nerfornieil upon their section of W-J-K.
the road $73,221 over and above the
amount cei'tifie.l hh due them by High
way Fngineer flowlby and paid to
them out of the flutson countv a ml
stale highway funds. Thev ask that TRAIJr,; 'nr
the highwnv commission uppoint one tiling new.
engineer, the company to select unother
aa.l the two egineers to select a third
for the purpose of checking up their
claim for. verification before action is
begun in the courts for recover of the
balance alleged due them.
The report submitted by the con
tractors is composed of a great number
of profile mnps showing in detail
every step of progress made in the
work, aside from the detailed written
report accompanying same, nnd the
continctors stale that three competent
and disinterested engineers, one of
whom wns employe by the govern
ment in laying out Kanner National
Park, were employed for throe solid
months in checUing over (he work per
formed by tho contractors and that
their report, backed up by the blue
print profiles, is incontrovertible.
They claim that Kngineer Howlby was
appealed to to check up and revise the
resident engineer's estimate and that
he reported that tho contractors had!
Ll.een pa hi all that was due them, ex
cept the 20 per cent usually held back i
under the contract, and thnt, in the
light of the report rendered by their i
engineers, tho company cannot proceed i
willi the work until it is paid for what'
it has already done,
Man With Criminal
Record Under Arrest
San Francisco, March 21. Theodore
F. Thiol, under arrest in Kugeue, Ore
gen, today, in riling to the police here, !
lias on extensive criminal record, lie i
was wanted for stealing two nutnnio- !
lot. ,u I in-,. iv,.,., t i - I
Portland nnd the other from W, M.
Mel.aren. Howards of 2IIII had been
offered for his arrest for these two
After forfeiting J,ln.o V.nil here, it
is nlleged, he went to Chieo, where he
was known as Hubert I.ee Davis, He
posed ns the son of n wealthy .Mexican
mine operator nnd according to the po
lice became engaged to tho (laughter
of one of Chico's best families.
Learning that a Chico bank wns sus
picious of a $iiot) check which he had
attempted to cash, Thiol left Chieo
hastily, boarded a northbound train at
lied Uluff ami was arrested when the
train reached lOugeiie.
.- " iuoo,
fob sAi.K( 77Tr -
-1. or retail S fi Th
Marion. " 13;
lunch xl lifr
WAXTKD Vi,i'. i
Fir si,,,.,. '""" ' W 1
11 I I I . A
" "w an.
gardens, etc
i.ni'l ot w-urlc ...r-
Plume :,i,.-,V T"
Ui ,4 1
. care Jo,
"H',1 furniture f BK
icciz iuruitnrf-u.,,.. .
. , i 1 1 -1 1 ...
""' ":"1LV1 l'"itiou. tlironiT
S. I l-E, ,1111... 1. ...... .. 0U 1-
-"& -.'...im,
Hubbard hi
V. Uhmait
WANTED Exncricncci TZT:
ev,-i, .. . r,mir .
t. L. h., care Journal.
dandy frint, wagna. iqllire . '
inerciul ( nlev vYwki!,
i'-loom mcj. lo ill eottaj,,
car line, t lira v,ji
$10. f
FOU l;i:NT-l',-i,, ffTZ
era li-room cottage on car line ,
l(li:l North Sevcntcciitli st, (,
-AI.K A goose no,.!, tnr.l.
Wilson in good onditioa. l'lioiif n
or call
FOB SALK First dusg auto ,i,n
'". "."'.' "' "!'. l. . U. aaiin
Phone ii"
FOB KENT I'p to date ili;
close in. See 1. p. yieminj. j'i,1B'
124. lies, phone i.2,
FOK SAI.K-ImkhI Shiu'iilosi tuMv
cr.'am sopaintor, o. ;i. l).J!,i'i)
12li:i North Twentieth
St. h,i
EllH SALE Store fixtures, ci.iatn
showcases, n-alcs, cash ri'ni.W,
Call 1 124 Jliucs street.
Ft) It SAI.i; -li laying while lm
liens; also l.uhy I'lus, TimiHiti
Pi'lalin.ia strain, I'buuc Ml. 5ha
NEW strictly nioilerii sij idum ie
low for rent. .Vcir miitc i,J li'.
loom for sale, I'lioiio 4MI, itC I
I''(l SALE Piano in eoo order
12.i cash (.: 1W ii iimtilli'tH
Address It, rare Journal. t!
COMPLETE stock o( t.'t.'il i"'
field and lawn sock wokitt t
Thielsen Co., 151 North llitk ft
TOI.M.W At the " Salem hospital,
Mareli 2:1, llll.-i. Boy E. Turner, at
the age of .'II years.
Einierul services will be held Thurs
day nl'teinoon at I o'elu'k at the chap
el ..f Webb & ( lough. Interment will
take place at Twin Onks cemetery,
A SACl.'Il'lCE-X.'W J-rooiii ''it'
and .1 In s within city iimU ,l"
if 7 HI, half . ash. Sec Mr. ' Km
Jacobs Co., Ilul.hnr.1 hnihlmi!. M;-'
I'd I'M' A pair r.; lm al '
Fellows' cemetery Kte. H"
have Mime by railing ! Jot"'
fice and paying for adv. Htf
KOlt SALE Hv owner, 13 ft ''
land, fenced ' and rl''. f "
Hargain if taken won. 1' u"
HiMi.leii. e phone
'OK SAI.E-llatcliii'K'W" "
cr.-d White Leghorn. f'!";.'
W"..,k, tl for I '.f 1'" im,'(,
li. linker, route H, Salem.
feet :
It is to be expected, perhaps, that
babies will become blighter and bright
er (is the hu mini raee progresses in in
telle 'lunl development.
Cheer up, girls
few mouths off;
then who never
, leap year is only a
and giils will marry
married before.
Safety First
Call a Taxi
Phone 700
Salem Taxi Co.
Office Bligh Hotel
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop t
Strictly Modern
Free snd Private Baths.
BATES 75c, 11.00, $1.60 FEB DAT.
The only hotel In the business district
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Horn.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones Free Auto Bus.
v i-li- - ...,,,,rriliV,V lin'l'l''
..!.. Ii,.l,. bath. !l.i.i Noil".1'
'h-.i stre.-t. for rent, or
s , take lots or ucr.'i
i.avment. Main I-''"
I'ltl'NE tiers ch,',,.tTit.
(let inv I'l'11'"' ' M" ' n !
Twenty fourth idroet
lltC.) I
i'l! .'if
1,'i.lte Ik
ui.'T.l'iv.. room house
i.-..i s.'rrv
uiitJcii on
,S ,, I.I.U'll."
lknn !""'
acres ot
house. ;
in'"'". ', .,
Jil North
Liberty ,
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chicken, Hot Tsmales, Chill
Cou Come, Chop Buoy Noodles
420 Ferry Btreet
o,a,tv to t. 'Zv-
' ... ,., Krni "
nine snine.
. 'I iM
Mmion n.m'i. '" ijl
Wl 0"
Kooni I'-'.
..... rallitlUI". ' .
n, an nis.'" ' ; j,,,
no." t- j
A.ldi".i '
. ' ' ' " ' -
Great Pant Sale of Oregon
Buckskin Pants
The pssls inadu by the Kay mills, tailoring by J. L. rtowman & Co., ot ro. tlan.1
StttX! nl 10 48 waist' i M "
Contractors snd Builders,
Estimates Furnished on Build
ing Work, large or small.
Phone 425.
ik I Ki lit SALE
, I sei olid h.ni'l
n.n" j" i(",
mP. lur..it ', ;,flltT
, n.0f Bros.. I
ti-r. -in .'1r.r vou tne (
II 1 .. . ., ... i 11"- -,
niM'.l -vr ".
and ask your grocer for
l herry t ity Fatent hard wheat
Oak Wend blended Flour.
Economy soft wheat Flour,
tip Top Selfrising Fan cake Flour
Oregon Wholewheat
Oregon Ornham
Oregon Wheatoln
liiiaranteed nnd infir. br
Cherry City Flouring Mill
.-. ,' ,i nil. OH." , ...,.
i" . l-.l.lll IW'.'.IO
you to otl'"
Journal. , . i.
tor', r1", , '
....nil Pi" HI
V.il'll .ltli""-
t,k. .!."" .r . ,-t.
. . . -.r ' '
t. ...ma M" . .. sr t -
.. . in Ui
Or.-een El-ct"'''
,.v ill. bl'l-'d-
Ii...'il b'.nlty
W-lsllC" e. ", v,t( -n-
All Z
I 0..
new i'l'1 r ,ri,,hff,
:. .,., ..lietr"l v i Jl'
i. tot "'
to ta't-