Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 24, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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,:- i '
.(. '. -I
Aye, Aye Sir!-
You may go COATLESS but it would be an unpardonable
performance to go SHIRTLESS. Then, why not have a
peep at our New Spring Line of
Collars of
They are certainly beauties. Stripes are
the big thing, of course; not the gaudy kind,
knr Knonrifnl Monrlincr shnrlps Snnnnv?
Say, those silk bosom shirts at $1.40, and
those "Hi-Lo" shirts a combination flat
and military collar well, you just ought
to see them ! ,
Buy them, wear them, then go coatless if
you like, these shirts will always reflect
your good judgment.
Let us show you the BLACK CANDY STRIPE the very
newest in shirts. They are the "noisiest" things the dash
ing youths will find this season . . . . $1.15
THE Woman 'h Relief Corps of Ore- her iionio to tup junior, Mitis (lertrude
Ron has boon formulating plans j Kahiii entertaining the seniors. The
for some time for the erection of freshman class met nt "Tlie Nia." tlic
a nouio lor veterans '
nurses anil wnmnn 's Kolii
lcn, who aro deserving uf assists!!.
Tho dopaitmeut president bun issued 11 : ti. ,iit,i,.t ,...,;., nr p...
," fur """'l ,0, !"l'''t"' "t the .,,., I,,,!,,,. Win ,0 held April fifteenth :.
next convention, hold in Mc.Minnvillo, ut Woodhnrn. Salem, bilvei ton, Woj.I- I .
hum.- iui.i .-.-uin lu ii xic.-ii i .1
tin rooms in honor uf St. Patrick,
shamrocks designating the places of
tho quests at tho luncheon table. Tho
irn;rnni of entertainment partook of a
literary nut lire, eai. one present rep
rcat'utiii a different uuthor or book,
their identity to lie guessed by the
guests. Those present were: Mrs. H.
L. Sleeves, Mrs. J. A. ( hnrehill, Mrs.
W. A. Rutherford, Miss May Hunt,
Mrs. I), (iholson, Mis. Amos Vass,
Mrs. K. K. Hotbford, 'irs. Ward, Miss
Julki Iverson, Clcma Sander. Some of
the .authors nnd books represented
were: Winston Churchill, "Scarlet
w Y'
. 'f I V I i; A
widows, army members of the si.,l.on,orc class being Y' ,' ""'""" T
ielief Corps mom- the guests of Miss Kslella hnppcl. I Tr ' 4 ""A M"Wr' ' 1 a""1'"!
mil ..f assistance. ! ... i Lost ; 'Miieli Ado About Nothn"
' 'Oliver Twist," "The Ihiisv Chiiin
Tho smart -tailored gown pictured
here will bo good stylo us long as it is
at all ao conservative as are its lines.
Tho collar and revers aro bronder than
Oration "A New Plank" Se
lected by Judges Best Ef
fort in Contest
Eric V. Bolt, a senior, was awarded
first place by the" .iudses in the local
try-out which was held in the chapel
of W. V. last nifiht to decido who
hn.iW represent Willamette in tho
tate intr-eoIlegiate oratorical contest
to be held in Salem, April 2J, in wnu-n
the eight colleges of Oregon will par
ticipate. The winning oration, entitled "A
New I'lank" contained the idea that
the voting booth is the citizens' pro
fessional, every citizen must express
himself then some political body,
hence he should ally himself with a
reliahlo ene; in the past fifty years
the prohibition party has been a
political wash bowl, wherein a man
could wash his hands from any
responsibility and yet seek important
New parties are not as a rule perma
nent hence the old lino parties must
include in their platform new planks
of proRressive legislation, and the time
has como when old line parties must
take up as one of their important is
sues prohibition. The nation is look
ing to tho colleges for coming leaders.
When patriotism is recognized as
higher than partisanship, self-interests
and prejudices; then it will be ready
to leave the posterity a heritage con
sisting of a saloonless nation.
Miss MeBridc, winner of second
place with her oration, "The Eigh
teenth Amendment", developed the
thought that freedom has been
America s constant aim. it has ever
been a progressive freedom, which will
never be dominated by interests, that
tend to throttlo the riuhts of the na
tion ns individuals, hither the cov-
ernmritt must divorce itself from the
legalized association which it main
tains with the liquor interests, or else
wo must be content with tho evils
which now exist.
Mr. Nie.hol, who took third place.,
had for his oration "Law and liib
erty." He showed that the chnructer
istii! which makes a great nation is
progress, yet progress should not vest
itself in unrestricted liberty for that
is fatal: law must control liberty, the
"Salem's Best Market Place"
Knight's 25c Catsup, 16 oz. bottle,
special 10c
Salem-Mado Brooms, 30 oz.
size 45c
California Bipe Olives, new crop,
per pint Lie
Ktd X Syrup, 10 pound cans, 50
Preferred Stock Black or Rasp
berries, 25e cans, special . 15c
White Barley ... ,
Fancy Hed ( W. " " " '-00
Alsyke Clover "
Fancy Timothy '.'.'"
Jap Buckwheat .
'e Seed, all variet'in' it a
Bean Seed, all varietur'"
Onion Sets " a 1.
Early Bose f oiaiw,' V.'.'.' j
Oroccry Ph0M 830; Meat Phon, u,
151 North High Street
Dudley ii inches
Norman 2jj$ inchfs
Are not excelled by any other 2 for
25 cent collars made here or abroad
Cii'tTT, Peabodv ft Co., Inc. MAnras or Aasow Siimits Tuor, K T
Tj Have ami to Hold," "Five Little! have boon shown in the season just (l,l,v ot' Ii,w ,n K11''1''' ,,,"'h Hni1
inirii II u li mi 1 il Allrirti nm it liiiciniu m - .
Tho local corps iia taken up the N ,v nn,i roukB will be represented.' MailY OtudCIltS TaklI12
work of raising tumls enthusiiistnallv, The r.uml,,,. ,.,.ii .i, ,.n ," J wiuuvuio aunuig
.J for this cause the president of ,,, ir attentio.i, a leati.ro of the ses-;
Hedwick chapter, Mrs. I. I., Me A.lams, ' fci Muf( , c0,IM(ti,(, fof a Bilver;
.tre-t or . , ,il "i Tl m v" i f " ' !"', frH,n Wul"'"' vocational training in the pub-
nfluials t hut all who are iuterested in
Commercial Training
1 Iwaut, that it mrcts with tho Bp-
v.... :n i ' ,...1 ..i u- ...... i !. - . ... . ...
nidinK in this notable effort will asi.ist u.,! tY " u K, ,, ', i f lv" "'. " ,
at 111 time. The local chapter has k 7''''""Vt"i Muose hall Friday tlx; fnrt that out o ,f m pup.ls in the
niK'ii, n miiiiii iiuiiission ice to rie."11!!! mri scnooi .dip are now tukinff
past, and tho hip length eoat is becom
ing to both stout and slender figures.
Tho closing ot both the coat nnd skirt
is effected by means of buttons and
loops Gabardine is UHcd in the devel
opment of tho gown.
..1...1..-.J .i. .ii ...i
iwniii, nullum, k in i pre inn-; ,i . .i i , , . . , , .... "
U. that H eon.ldernlile M,m over thisi "' " ""kets being lomuicrcis work In addition to this
.mount .nay be secured. Tiiis tea Is . '"y l"o. Aa at '.umber ,8 more have a, ed for en-
not limited to , I,..,. tv o 1 1 '"tlB i'K""i '"'"ii arranged, i trance to classes n. tho commercial
cordial invitation being extended to all 1 " T.'Y urf" " c.uh"n , our eou.u not ue accomnu, Inted
wko are interested : K " ,0 "I'l"'"' ' uum-lfor Lick of room and time for recita-
. ' . bent. There will also be readings. vo-l,',,n periods.
cal and ii.striiiuental selections, lullow-i F.inr years ago the eonimereinl course
i ed by dancing. ; numbered only 'Mi juipils. The clnsses
" .have steadily grown until now alnu.it
Miss IMwnrds, doinostlc science! ''"If of the students in the hiuh school
teacher of the high school, will give a a interested in the work.
rree lecture luesday evening at tin) ' 1 ae commercial course as now taught
. i. i'. All women and girls in
terested in duuostic. science am cor
dially iuvited, also till who are inter
e: ted in an eveuing school aro earnest
ly reiuested to be urewnt.
Tho recently orgai.iv.ed Ladies' Aux
ilinry to Company M, Oregon National
(inard, has the distlrctiou of being the
first order of its kind iu the United
Ktatcn that is, so far as is known.
Thoro are at least none of this discrip
tioa in tho west, i'Ud the company 's
officials believe it to be the only one
at present in enisteuce. Formed but
one week ago, tho second meetingo '
the aunliary was held in the armory
last night. It ia the resolve uf the
members to meet every Tuesday even
ing aad as tho organiiation is purely
Of a social nature il is planned to
intersperse the regular sessions with
more elaborate Vntertaininenta Inter.
It has beeu suggested and fnvorablv
in tlio Salem high school includes a
four-year course. Ponmansi.ip, spelling
nnd (lementnrv bookkeeninir nre in.
eliid'tl in the first years of study. This
is followed by e poratiou accounting,
cost nccoiinting and national banking.
i ne insi two years of the course also
Mr. and Mrs. ( 1). McPeek enter
laineit .Niturilay eveuing in honor oi "".''do typewriting and shorthand with
their daughter, Lunelle eighteenth "thee practice. Three years of the
birthday, at their home north ot Maleni. ' co,,rc include business correspondence,
The evening was passed with games commercial arithmetic, commercial law
and other amusements, after which re ""1' commercial geu'raphy. Salesman-
f I'C.tim.Mll u W.rn uf.,n.l l.i, . I. - I llill fcH.1 k.l.iii.wu ..I'll..! . I.
.-...idered that open meeting, be hH.I Ue,i... by Misses .e ill an. n i h. fourth yc.rV course. ,u"m
iVi-.l c I. ' ' " 1,1 :"'- 'M'-IVelt, llernice llerrv and Lilv! The object of tbi. course is to pre
fneads or the reirulur entnnanv m..l 1 iii.i... ,.... .i.. . . , . I
" ; I . - i.mnu,
m auxiliary may participate with the
direct. H is the inherent right of the
political party in power to give to
every pnrson under their jurisdiction
the benefits ef righteousness, liberty
nnd law eo-related.
The other two contestants, Miss Ail
rlio Pntterson and Mr. Arnold Hall,
each had commendable orations and
hroupht nut new ideas along the line
of temperance.
The program was enlivened between
orations bv music, an instrumental
...I l... i: r.. i.. i
r . , , "io I'V iMisn wcriruur r.iinin, ami H
Jo,i Hams left this morning on theiro,, ;n,0 h Mr, R u rM
eUvtne for I'ortland. Th j , ' f h
R. (.. White, of Falls City, is reus n.. o.i, o r,...
Filliott, and Mr. Kirk. On delivery,
aa their guests in dancing ami general
.n- imp s.iiiicut 10 take a imsltiiin n
Thane, present wi re: Misses Lois business world.
Keefcr, Anna and I 'earl Harold. Italic ; F.u ti.e past four years the eninmer.
tlla.incr, Alia Hall, Lucy ami Fein wi" ' the hij'h school has been
I and chnree of
fore tnkinB chnrce
luvis had been em-
3WI. assistant .eeretarv: Miss l.on.ia ' ., " ,Z . u. L..:'. ...... . .'. '"ruU. !.... ...ii...... ... ... . . T'
n. n n i i u- " r. ""K",e, ituy mom " ""-. n. .n-sciu ne is cnnir-
! " J MT,. K"""""' '"'' l8' "'.!, Key Smith, Walter and A,. ''" " h committee on stnndardi.a.
.. .... i nuersiin, seigcani , ,ur O deul.iii i. ...! ii.,. I on of c....,,.,..,,.l,.l i. ......
Hlivi.n, I'la.ide liuss and Lester F.vans. 'honls in the stnte of Oregon.
I J, t, , "'"-"l,,,' AI,H "a"- ''"''.V '! Kern WUI lf high
the ofl.clal, 0f the lad.e.' order Sp.iMg.tnbe, l.eona llouro, inna and ""'I "r the instructi,.,
. Mrs Man (..hlhar, president; , M11IV Reefer, Lillian ltliven, l,ivMcrritt Davis. Hefo,
a. I . Hansen, v.co ,resi.lent; Mrs. ltl.,l;t., mMni.e Hevy nnd (lertnule Me". ' l'' work. Mr. Din
iv Neer. wretaryi Mrs. W illiam! .l(.k. X , H, n Hnll, Olaf, llaru'd l'1"."' " years as a t
at arms. Additional members are: M
Francis llaiitn, Mis, Fssie l.indley,
Sirs. ('. K. ( hniidler, Mrs. Carrie Asi.
ford, Mrs. Minnie HUn. liui.l, Mrs.
I.ouice ,lu. Is. i
In conipliincnt to Mr. nnd Mrs. Flunk i
M. llimvii. nhn returned Sniur.ici
l .u A ...... 1 1 .... I I. ' . '
ii n, ,..iiu I ..I iiiinrill, ' M.'.txni,. ... ..
TLI II i. ) .i.i, --...... ,,.mii . niiiu-r n s 1 ourn I I
Mra jlattie Kenuou, Mrs. S. A. dud-1 Santiauo and .1.
'poiuts, Mr. and Mrs. Fdwnrd F. Til
lingiiost enteitained very informally
with a dinner Moinbiy evening,
eon, Mrs. M. T. t'nsto, Miss Zella My
ers, Miss Floia 1'. Lewis and Miss llert
John r..,lv ,, ,k""1'i hr " 1,1 " M,n -M-''''er. of the Woman', Kelicf
..ere .v . .V' .''r K,M".'' ' ''"IP and out friend, are pic, I
V a,7l" '"",h;-''- M,-'1- 1:V,H1k,r ;i'' Dunlap, department president
r. ih : i ' 'U1".". ".h ""!" ' ,,,,, W' . " convalescing
er, airs, John Hughes, ut I'oi tlan.l. o,(, M( -.!
j ' . . .
The third anniversary of the D. M. Mm. Miller Hevler will be lioness
I. ISeedlewuik . lub was cel. li.atcd with fur her club, "The Idle Hour," to
aa all day's s.ku.i Sntnnluy nt the morrow afternoon,
koiue of Mis. Fiat.cia Nrw'ierrv, ot i ...
Venice, t'al., March L'l. Give it 13
to 1 over the White Soj goofs, lint
ting initio nnd l.aliuope for LI hits,
ran up i lint sco.e in them yes
Two hundred persnus saw the
I'rof. Nelson of Salem Hich(
Fifty per cent was given on delivery
and fifty per cent on composition.
How To Make Your Hair
Ten Minutes' Home Treatment Works
Wonders, stops Falling Hair, Itching
Scalp and Dandruff and Makes ....
the Hair Soft, Brilliant,
Lnstrous and Fluffy
tered at the Hligh. I
A 0 livers, ot ndependence, was n U,r. W. C. Winslnw, Dr. Avison
J. Morelnml and wife went to
Portland this morning,
Hurry Talbot left this ni ning for
a slnrt visit to Portland.
(.'. V. King and wife, of Silverton,
wore visitors here, yesterday.
Mrs. J. (.'. U riff in lel't this ntoruiug
for Pu tlnnd on too electric.
R. M. Ji.'inson, of C'orvallis, was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
H. K. Wirth, district manager of the
Yeoman, is in the city today.
H. Smith, of Independence, wa in
Snlein yesterday on business.
Mrs. Jos. 11. Albert was a tiasseneer
on the morning electric to Portland.
it. fc. Met row, of McCoy, was a
business visitor in Salem yesterday.
C W. Suvage, 0f Cirauite Falls, is
in the city today transacting business.
11. O, lloynt..i, of Kddyville, was in
the city yesterday transacting busi
ness. .1. P. lingers, president of the 1'uited
States National bank, is in Portland
Mil. ('. K. Know land and daughter,
Pauline, are in Albany visitiug rela
lives this wek.
H.-rt Kdwnrtls, of the Kdwards Mros.'
Meat Co., is transacting business in
Pi. tland today.
t. H. (Jilbert, of the Pacific Tele
grain t Telephono Co, Portland, is in
the iity today on business. ,
M L. .lines, one of the prominent
nop gtowcrs from lirooks, whs in the
city yesterday on business.
Frank tiiles, of the state training
school, sh in Snlein yesterday visiting
with his mother ou (Ink street.
tieurge W. llcndeison, of the Kancas
ity store, on Commercial street, is a
busiuess visiter in Portland today.
Stanfoid Joins, city agent of the
i. re.u .-Northern
X J f s.
Center street. Menibccs iresent were: Mr. and Mis.
L- . ...
mill linn n.,- ' " "F" was in
1 uftAi, U5t oAlit IfcA " v",""l"y on ,on,i'""-v
rin,.- Tnv n.n m r;""'rl Thomp.on, city sales manager
R.tu n'llT" Oranduiother-. for the Fall, . itv Lumber Co., leave,
Jadec? Tr.Wi,B,'aUlify 'Vr 1',,r,1"l"l ''' f" -t bnsi
Faded, Lifeless Hair. nrm trip.
i Tl...t ...,n,,i;f,.i ' i. , . , , I "''my Fnwk, (if Snlein, is viit
i.wlVi? ' ttJ'"'"' " ' of IT. and Mrs. S.
: " V. .. : '"a " Perron at Tl", IVarl str.H.t. Sh.. .nil
Better than all the so-called "hnir
tonics" in the world is a simple old
fashioned home recipe consisting of
plain Pay Hum. Lavona (do Composed),
and a little Menthol Crystals. These
three mixed at home in a few minutes,
work wonders with any soalp. Try it
just one night and see. Cot from your'
druggist 2 n8. Lavona, II 07 Bay ltuni
and l. dracham Menthol Crystals. Dis
solve tho Crystals in the Hay Hum and
rour in an 8 oz. bottle. Then add the
Lavona, shake well nnd let it stand for
an hour before usine. Apply it by put
ting a little of the mixture oti soft
doth. Draw this cloth slowly through
the hnir, taking just one small strand
at a time. This cleanses the hnir nud
scalp of dirt, dust and excessive oil and
makes the hair delightfully soft, lus
trous and fluffy. To stop the hair
from fulling and to mnkc it grow again
rub the lotion briskly into the scalp
with the finger tips or a medium stiff
brush. Apply night and morning. A
few days' ufe and you will not find a
single loose or straggling hair. Thev
will be locked en your scalp as tight
as a vise. Dandruff wilt ilisamiear
and itching cease. Y.m will find fine
downy new hairs sprouting up all over
your -nip and this new hair will grow
w.th wonderful rapidity.
Any druggist ran sell you the above.
The prescription is very inexpensive
and we know of nothing so effective
and certain in its result.
We borrow straw as well as coq
feathers from the barnyard and make
it up into nifty little hats and say,
"Am I not smart f" And "smart"
enough is the result, as shown in the
illustration. Grosgrain ribbon is mix
ed up with the straw nnite sociably.
Union of Fraternal, Religious, Civic,
Industrial and Other Organizations
and Citizens of Salem for Mutual Aid.
(Capital Journal Special fvrritd
Oregon Agricultural College, Cur
March 23.
President Foster of Rood OuW
dressed the 0. A. C atJcnts at tone
cation last week. Hi subject m u
scholarship in relation to ioc ii
life, and was considered one of Ut
nest addresses ever delivered lt
The newly elected member! of tlm
tional honornry agricultural fntmitj.
the Gamma Sigma Delta, Here pnllirl;
honored with tlie prcsentitioa ef nV
badges by President Korr, previou it
tho address. The Cadet band fwiiiU
the music.
The vocational students, ttiuee lirjj
a one or two yeur course ot itudr.ua
been admitted to the stdueit itre
a class, while formerly they rert (
sidered in the Freshman clam
One of the new novels of tit i
will be "Against the Tide," ritt
by Prof. Frederic BmhtM ef 'V,
0. A. C. fncnttj. It it in intntf
love storv centered ttoral Tit
Cisco in the fateful year ot the jt
fire, and its appearance may be ft
ticularly opportune in this year of I
I Panama-Pacific exposition.
! Miss Genevieve Fraziet of Slits
; aecretury of the Freshman class. w I
a dinner guest at the Lamraa ueiuiw
The following from 0. A. C ittnM
the concert of the rorttaJ Ml
orchestra, given at the Grand op
k...- ; im Vim-h 7. Prof.Oa'be
i director, Mr. and Mm.
rm..- n ,.t the school of nr-
tho Btudents were, Misses Bnth
'ltuth llarth, Isabclle Don
Boies, Mr. Fred Holmej and a,
Messrs. Skipton, tenon, mc
Oscar James and F.trl Oarhntl.
Fargo Orchard Co. to Henry.'
lot 5 block B Townsiterf Fur,
lot 5 block 3 Fargo Fruit
Belle Steele et vir toJ. P- "
lot 7 block 3, BiySti
.1. T. Mninard to r.thel IW
block 3, Broadway Add L N ,
John liinwiuoie ----j.,,
u:..i,0n ct ux to
III. nil.." - - .
8 bl
If. O
C. VI. Cutsforth, S
Start and ewioa . -
Walsh, lots 8 and 9, Wk JI'
Park Annex, raicm. , .,t
3 block
j D.Po.Ws toC A. H.i -J
block 28, Cnpitnl I'f'Vs
S. W. Dane et o to J. J-
Cantal Z.
Mustcrolo Works
Without ths B1W"
I'o.tlaud, Ore., Match 2-1. As the re
Mrs, Lucy ll,..r. Mr,. (, r. Krei.el.' small ,l.,l i:.,l.li. .... . Vonr hair t ,,,.- ,.i " '. f'' days.-K.,gene liunrj. M1" nf . 'truck on the bead by n
Doiiabl j.lsv ior P.. tlnnd to pass several dnva1""'" the face. When it fades, turns
A Hum'. Willi flirthls. ' , gray, streaked and ln.ika .Irv u !.., .,,.1
i fctaggly. jut an application or two of
.mis. II. L, Sleeves is fasslua the
and .
Alia. Chailes S. hHtib, Mis. K.
sou, Miv W. M. Smith, Mrs. ,1
Mis. U L. Nickliu, Mis. Walla
Ilia. 11. II. I hare.
" .! with her brother's family, th.. .1
The meeting of the Ncit,..h.i hood T. limits, nt their splendid country
loe.lfollowship club of Miiining.i.ile. place near Sublimity,
waica was lo have been held next Fri '
tiny Might, las been postponed owing' Mi s Mae Tnte, who lias been pai-s
to the serious illness of one of the ii.ein .'ng a Inrtuiglit with her rents, Mi.
U-r, K. M. Voiis. and Mrs. W. II. Tate, of Stavtoii, lm
j returned to Salem nud is with Mis.
ilr. and Mrs. Kllis Pur iue and their J Fiance Newberry, of 12t..'l Center
rhildrva, who left for I aliloruiu sev-i itteet,
eral weeks ago, are suioui niug at Long
......... ,.r k .. . ... I .
I,..., iifliiinri.ii no was planing
...is . ... .vent, toreman ot the Haw
As Per Exanmle.
la ky had , , 0, t l(1 I tho; ne Stnbl. s, died here today.
Sac. un.l Snbih.ir t urunu up il.nner. Swellim' with . 1 -
n;oaiu;od,;.dfou. ' """i i"1' ! .t the' wtt,tPxr3r,rm.r.v is
Don't bother to prepme tho tonic j von 0 lookoU around-slight
can get from nnv drug store a SO cent l,wl ,rl'l-at the imposing coilec
bottle of "Wveih-. s..... i I'1"1 f aunts and uncles.
Conipouiid," ready to use. This can! , 1 ''"n attention became fixed on
ouo who
1 leach. Thev ha,e their car with them
aaa will p some time later motoring
throng, the southern part of the state.
Following the annual (ilee nt Wil
Vi-s May Kutlieifor.l was at home to
always be depended upou to bring back Micie.it relative who was carving
the natural color, thickness and lustro 1 ",,ir,''"" tnrk. y, and Lis month wa-1
of vour hnir and remove dandruff, stop ,''r,,'1 " n" "w tho big helpings being
cnlp itching and falling hair, j hen-led around.
Kverybodv uses "WyethV Sage and 1,111 I'"" carver, who did not know
Sulphur because It darkens to natiir.llv "' ai...ut hi t... itne.. ...,t mr . ii..v i
(and evenly that nobodv can tell it has pe--.) fr .l,,v ' " I
the in.ml.f.s of the Samedi cb.h at her "I I""'"- ion simmy uampea a "is mat the fart or the t.ukev yon
home on ..wpr Vf ! ZX I'tK "
laaaette nniversity Sntur.lav, the var- lion, uther more elaborate plans were application it becomes beautifully dark! '
ieiw elewws were entertaiae.l at 'Jolly ) mad? than usually mirk the sessions I snd appears glossr, lustrous and'abua-! A m ii
tips." .Miss tlearvtevo Awou oper.cd ictiow ana trcrn atlmctlvftv decked i dant. 7 7. V '' irr
. I . . i man invites hurt to do so,
aV 1 r
The importance .
rMrve strength and pure
" i Ikis swriod cwn,
ilk. Je.rt'a Em. I.I.
hsrt. t MrMttk Uwi ..tIcIm.
. . "inS ih kom tat
"Www tk. nU trm.
Refer all calls for relitf or aid to
tho Center. It is made up of all other
relief agencies of the city and hence it
is equally yours. By using it you ren
der all separate relief boards and agen
cies nnneeessnrv nml flirrehv savn cost.
trouble and waste in duplicated effort B" 'l'" g0l.k n, BrouH"-'
:i...l nvmrn lOtS 1-, ' I '
.... tl. -i . i,ii u Salem.
..j.'.-fia .... iiiiru, Biiua v. i.us,'u9 J
transients at your tloorB, should bo re
ferred to Center's hcndmiurters for
jtnen (Men's club) 4ti0 Ferry street. If
.you wish to give them food in return
for services a book of ton meal tickets,
costing $1 will save its cost many times
.iv.tr. A menl ticket will give then)
i food and food only.
Relief for Local Families, Women and
I Food, clothing, fuel, medical treat
ment, etc. Mrs. W. E. Anderson; chair
man relief committee, 14H1 Court
! street. Phono 2:H4-M, 0 to 12 a. m. Be
prepared to give name, address, etc.,
jcorrectly, and be sure the need is gen
uine. Mere rumors often give busy
j workers unnecessary trouble.
Employment for Men.
Center 'a free employment b'ircau at
i Men's club, 4ti0 Ferry street, phone
121'7. Free to employer aad employe.
; Through it the entire city helps iuc
. nork for the unemployed.
Employment for Women,
i Refer ull applicants to Mrs. A.
Bush, chairman industrial committee
. r... .. v ii r & 1..-.7 v...i, l ;1..
lerty street. Phono ldlS. ' " ,, ick or .lo.nts. ! r (Wcj I
i Donations of fond sti.ffs such ai
nt.-ui, ucans, iiottr, sugar, pouii.'.-o.
fruit, etc., would be very helpful. These
will reach relief department if sent to
1 county judge at the court house.
There's no -ens.
mustard, flour Ji
c.n so easily (M -
I stiffness witn
I MiiwTfltdl.r..
. ,,d ether W'rl'H
H.le o' Pi'Vl
flrftl "Pi
wane .....rd I' "'
theout of atcniu'H
!", nI.K giv .T?'(L
M o Threat Ilron'l"""v,!-.l'
from fof j.11 "I" Vk AJtb""- IV
San Francisco, March 21. Search
was begun today for Louis Fichmnn.
-4, who disappeared after leaving New
York .lamiaty 27 with rMO.tmfl, whlc.i
he p unned to invest in a concession
at the exposition here.
Fichmnn 's wife wrote the police from
New York thst she feared her husband
had been robbed and possibly murdered
eith.-r cn route or after his arrival
Coids of the I
a vour t'"s. , ,.
iUr.. and a fP
for I-.5"-Pc
1 r"" . . .! for.
what you - (lk j,
psny, llcvclanrlt
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... ieJ '
tai "
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