Fall Today's News Printed Today Leased Wire nUnatches ui 1 1 1 II II II El HUII i( 3 aKiaiU UK Rl II II II mm III II II II II II II II II II II I -Vjri.il .14. II II fcsiti -. r!t J I .111 UBKMsflil-kl Km M II III II II II II II II II 11 Ig II I I jfflgTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS S II RENT I! BY OF i PARTY People Hope To Force Inter yention by Series of Mass meetings Now Oa E CM AFTER LONG CHASE Police Officers Trail Fugitives In An Auto to Suburbs of Oregon City I GREEK KING AND HIS v EX-PREMIER AT ODDS OYER ENTERING WAR WINDS BY MAD RABBLE Desire For Former Provinces Or Austrian Gore Rules Neutral Kingdom (By Alice RoUe.) Rfnif, Jlan'h 24. Leader of the .ity (lemuiiJing intervention by Itulv ti tie European war today publicly an nml their intention of holding muss iwti.fi next Sunday in Rome, Naples, km and otlior cities in an effort to ( the government to net. Tlrir plun is to cause great demon- rrMiong, in whioh tlie people will do- im Hint an ultimatum lie sent to iMtria in iucIi form in to make war imainty. (wmuufiit official reeeiveil tlie an ustuwat calmly ami took no action mpnl to it. They refuse,! to in- i 'all whether they would endeavor to I wt the demonstrations. The war J t;ki lieeome an strong that it Iiiih 'T'inrt the restraint that marked ""'""mUvWiaaiviiMe. I The .lea National,, w , , , I ; t'.on, Trente ,, J I luftrinn crown ,,,!,,. .. ..... f Inn, ns. lllvi , Y (! tlinn defeat ,, 1;lttn, ' ; J., ;;"!"?. -. i t,, ,X Vrr,;-: 5i ne m ,,.(!.i 't an . "'',lv"y t tho '. ' mal's t seem nn. insure l i ' ' T''v''r' make V that the covernme I . . Afks Aid of Pope ,'-ln, Jlnreh 2,f ,. the T.ti a. "," ,,,:V"B. 'Ijf i ifiurnt. n,n , MM,lla to eon brn.u.f..rM'y averted to- JWfcwirfM . '",'n"1"""1 ft"'" dip- I- mcw.1 with the LefJKAND PLEADS GUILTY He 1 . Oregon City, Or., Mareh 24. Pleading guilty to a charge of resisting ati officor, James LeGrnnd, who was arrested Inst night whilo Police Chief Shaw was intercepting three runaway girls of the State Training School from Salem, was fined $i)0 and sentenced to 30 dnvs in jnil today by Police Judge Loder. (t 3C9jCtC9)CCcfC )( )c )( ) jjc ijC With nn auto bearing tbo officers tearing up the turnpike close at their heels, tho three girls who escaped from the Girls' Industrinl school yesterday and fled to Portland in an auto were confronted by the Oregon city police and captured at the southern limits of that city at lOi.'lt) last night. Tho girls made their get away from the school at about 5 o'clock Monday cvennig and traveled nil night overland to Wncondn where they trustod to tho ignorance of the public of their escape and posed as girl "hikers." Tho story went until a woman nt Wncondn at whose home the girls culled camo to Snlem yesterday and entered Into conversation with Po lice Matron Shank at the 0. K. depot nnd told about the hikers. Mrs. Shank asked for a description and immediately recognized the girls as tho ones from the school. She notified the officers nnd an nuto with Deputy Sheriff W. I. Needliam, Chief of Police Welsh and Matron Hop kins stnrtod out nftur them. When they got to wacumitt they lound that lr gie l.e Ornnd had telephoned to her husband in Portland nnd Mamie Klwell hud telegruphed to a man named Hiug- enheiiner, a former sweetheart of hers who was employed nt the Chrystnl Ice una (.old Storage company in Port land. Hingeheimer took the train for Wncondn und l.e Grand sturted out in u seven pussenger liambler touring cur I rom Portland to Wncondn. Bingen heimer arrived first and fed the girls and waited around tho place for the next train, after purchasing three tick ets to Portland for tho girls. In the meantime l.e Grand arrived in tho auto and Vlrgio l.e Grand, the El well girl and Opal l.attin, the third of the trio, climbed into the nuto during tlie momentary absence of Bingenhelm or mid whilrod awny toward Oregon City, When tho officers at Wncondn 40 minutes behind the depurtcd auto they found Bingcnhcimcr bemonning the healthy meals. He told the otti cers all he knew about the escapade and after notifying the Oregon city officers the Nilem police started out for thnt citv. Chief of Polico Show, of Oregon City nnd one of his officers met the fugi tives neur the city and halted the auto, (Continued on Pnjo Five.) fHRISTMAS WRIT K C MM M 9m ttlT EVEN IN WARTIME Begins With Cheers and Ends With Storm of Bullets In Trenches Sense Arrival of Holiday and Trade of Killing Is Declared Off-Germans and Allies Meet On H Ground To Pose For Snap Shot Artists. f'-ri. !'; 'Mil article In . '.. foreign le- IT'0: Uie pi us v . '! u l'ni,"1 ")! m thn, n J ":r wr 'lire. J," ' Mri f ri,tm. Jl"-''t ,,f I. ,hl' trenehev Ku- n,tf, ,n, "V",!,n ff0New (, , ? 'n the trench,., f, .... i-'u.iT:;:;;';;'"-". 1 i .1.1! ,rT f land ... '2"2 k"'i ihV "rr,,,""'i' " rn,ng . , ,f .th. bright r"' i it M bright ly as If it were lovers' Utne or the aisle of srana great cathedral. 1 don't know how the truce begun in the other trenches, but in our hole Xndeem began it Nadeem, a Turk, who believes Honammed Hinl not Christ I was the prophet of God. The minsliiiie I or the morning loomed to get iuto .Na doom's bloij, lie was only an eu thusiasllc bov, but always childishly happy, and when we noticed st the regular morning shooting hour that the wermaii trenches were silent, JSadeen began to make t juke of It. We drew 1 tnrget on a board, fast eued it to it pole nnd stock it above our trench, shouting to the Germans: "Se hnw well vou can shoot." Within minute the target had been bullVeyed. Nndeem pulled it down, pi-tod little bits of white paper where the fhoU hnd struck, and held it up agniu so the Gertnnns could see their I score. In doinir so. Nndeem head IP i pea rod above the trench and we heard him speaking across no man s laud, Thoughtlessly, I raised my head, too. t'th.-r men did the nm. We saw nun- I dreds of German heads appearing. Hho.its filled the ir. What miracle Continued on i'agd Four.) r ;::V ::';;; vij;K' M'-.i. 1' J T -'"v !at-r ' HIN6 CONSTMTINE x.-PretnierVENIULOS Rome. March 24. Dispatches to Ital inn newspapers from Athens describe the situation in Greeco as grave. Some of the correspondents express tho belief that the nrosont deudloc.k be tween King Constantino and many of his advisers regarding the country's intervention in the wur if the result ot nntngonism which hnd arisen between the rulers nnd rileutnerios veui.eios, premier in the cabinet which resigned after its declaration In favor of join ing the nllies was frowned upon by tho king. Other correspondents nre 01 tne opinion that the int ;rvintion of Greece on tlie side of the allies already has been agreed upon and that thj crisis which now is apparent is artificial, having ben nrrnnged to make it easier for King Constantino to decide against Germany, to which he hns felt under some obligations tor lunuiy ana po litical reasons. The influence of Ger main' is BUiiposed to havo been respon sible in a considerable measure for Greece obtuining possession of Kavala and Sulonikl, on the Aegeun sea, ut the end of the Balkan wur. BOMB DROP FROM ABOVE TORPEDOES DEAL DEATH BELOV General Von Der Goltz, Turkish Army Chief, Is Reported Oddly Missing TIE FOR SELF Attorney General Says He Is Merely Ex-Ofhcio Member Without Vote According to an opinion rendered the state board of health by Attorney Gen eral Brown, the secretary is merely an ex-officio member of that board and has no vote upon the question of the re moval of the secretary. Attorney Gen eral Brown states that It requires four members of the board of health to elect or remove Its sccretury, Although no hint is given in the querry or tho opinion to indicate the purpose of tho request for a decision upon the subject, it is presumed that it has to do wiflt the reported inclination of the majority of the board to dispense with tho ser vices of Health Officer Calvin 8. White, who is seeretnry of tho commission, and to elect Or. C. B. Marcellua, city health officer of Portland, as secretary and stnte health officer in his stead. Dr. Marcellns was recently appointed member of the health board by Govern or Withycombe. Even the women folks have their troubles. If a wife is feeling unus ually well and prepares an extra good dinner, the husband phones her that he is going to eat in town. If she is feeling unusuully bad and warms over the leavings of the previous meat, he brings someone home with him. The Weather Aki) i haTTm?) Oregon: Fair to night and Thurs day; light froit tonight east por tiim; wiuds most- ly northerly. Bullets Patter On Deck From Machine Gun Mounted In Taube Aeroplane AIRMEN MAKE RAID ON GERMAN; SHIPYARDS Newcastle Steamer Dodges Torpedo Launched by Sub marine Off Coast London, March 21. The admiralty announced this afternoon thut five al lied aviators had dropped bombs on the Germum shipyards at lloboken, Bel gium, three miles south of Antwerp. Tho Germans have been constructing a number of submarines there. The bombs set fire to the works and are believed to have caused extensive dnmace. An official report received from Dunkirk, where the raid started, stated that the British aviators believed they succeeded in destroying or badly damaging several Gerinnn aeroplanes. One of the airmen was forced by en gine troublo to descend on Dutch soil and to intern for th remainder of tho war. Two others were compelled to re turn to Dunkirk because of tho fog, before they readier lloboken. Fire was seen to spurt from a mim bor of buildings in the town, the raid ers declared, after their bombs dropped. . Escapes From Submarine. Southshields, F,ne., March 2. He- nortiiiL' a thrilling escape from a cr man submarine off the south coust of England, the Newcastle steamer Dili field arrived here today. The enptuin said tho under-sea bout was sighted when she wus about to launch a torpedo. The weapon wus fired just ns the Dnffield reversed her engines nnd stinted Duck bnroly m time. The torpedo missed her bow by onlv a few rods. The Dnffield then steered a zig zag course at full speed and succeeded and outdistancing the submarine. Protests Against Bombs, Washington, Mnnh 24. The United Hlutes sent an emphatic note todny to Germany through American Minister Van Dyke nt The Hague protesting against bomb dropping near relief Bteamships bound tor Meigium. The protest followed confirmation received from Minister Van Dyke of nn aeroplane, nttnek "n tho steamship Elfland, laden with food from the United States trom Amsterdam, while flying the flag of the American-Belgian relief commission. The Elflund's cur go was consigned to United States Minister Brand Whitlock at Brussels, Only the most skillful handling pro vented the ship's destruction. State department officials believe the aviator made a mistake and that Germany undoubtedly will disavow the attack on the Klfiaud because snfe conduct has been promised to relief vessels. Inter-Mountain Rates Modified By Railroads Washington, March 24. Tho inter state commerce commission announced todny thnt western railroads leading to California terminals bad submitted a plnn, in conformity with the commis sions modification of liitermountuin rutes, for readjustment of rates from enntern terminals. Tho proposition deducts from term inal commodity rntei 7 cents per 100 Hounds on carioud lota or 10 cents per 100 pounds on less than carload lots for basing rates, 10 wnion is io oe added the full local rate from tho near est terminal to doHlination. It is specified that in no ease shall the rate on any buck-haul be less than that to terminals. The commission also issued a slate ment that north Pacific coast lines have prepared an elaborate schedule under the some order, for ratification by the commission, PEINCE NOT DISCIPLINED. Copenhagen, March 24. Ttutnors that the German crown prince, Frederick Willlnm, had been if moved from com mand of division of the imperial army nnd disgraced by the kaiser were positively denied this evening by the newspaper Politkcn here. CRUISEB DAMAGED. Berlin, by wireless to Sayvllle, L. I., March Vi. The llritlsh armored cruis er Cornwallis w badly damaged dur ing the most recent fighting in the Dardanelles, according to dispatch re ceived here tiihlght from Athens. I I , : " : ' VSI : I 1 i, Ml BLOODY BATTLE RAGES IN CARPATHIAN PASSES Russian Forces Now Taking To the field After Fall of Przemsyl Clash With Austrians In Mountains-Germans Report Russian Re verses In Northern Campaign r?ti" - n J II .1 v n . n i . rignnnjj nesumea Along me iser Between Belgians and Germans Berlin, by wireless to Sayvillo, March I One division innde great headway '"- ""o oi iim uremcno umii nioog rue rignc naiiK wnilo another bloodiest battles of tho whole Austro- division captured a trench on tho loft German campaign in tho enstern theatre of war is raging in tho Cnr pathians wns indicated by reports from the Austrian front todny, this is believed by military experts bank. In Alsnco, French troops by a series of hand to hand encounters captured tw0 lines of trenches at ilnrtmanns. wonoTKopr. A number of prisonora, in- .,,,0 m u..i-nu uy Mummy n n-11 o it i-iii. 1 n u i, a nuuiocr or prisoners, in to bo only the beginning of the sun-; eluding several Bavarian officers wor lTllinnrv Htriloid,, wllii-h if umih trn.Av, cniltnr.t.l ' guinary s'trugglo which it was freely jireuicieii wouia touow tho Blnv occu pation of Przemsyl. Tho correspondent .1 1L. T.I...I ! , . , . 1 . . . , . The true friend i tht one who will call you away from man who ii bor ing yon. 0N. WVDS OOLTZ Recent reports stnto that there wns some doubt ns to tho futo of General von der Gultz, the commander in chief of the Turkish army. According to cubic dispatches no word hnd been heard trom him, nnd Berlin wus said to be worried. It wns feared thnt he had been killed. General von der Goltz wus nppointed military governor of Belgium after the capture of Brussels but was transferred to Turkey when the Turks entered the war because of his knowledge of Turkish military affairs. BY IE PRESIDENT Official Ceremony Takes Place In Presence of Many Not ables at Noon Today Han Francisco, March 21. In the presence of a distinguished company tho Pniinmal'ttcific exposition was formally dedicated this afternoon by Thonins R. Marshall, vice-president of the United States, acting as ofticial representative of President Wilson, Despite overcast skies which threat encd rain, thousands gathered in the Court of the Universe to attend the elaborate ceremonies which culminated tho celebration of the event to which Han Francisco lias looked forward fur five vears. The festivities begun at noon, when tho vice president, Secretary of. the Interior Lnne, Assistant Seeretnry of tho Navy Hoosevelt and other notables were the guests of President. C C. Moore of the exposition company, im mediutelv afterwards the distinguished guests were escorted in automobiles through columns of United States troops and murine- along Administra tion avenue to tlie Court of the Universe, where Marshall, with .Major General Murray and Admiral Thomas B. Howard reviewed the troops. All available soldiers, marines and blueiackets from the forts and wnr ships in the vicinity of Sun Francisco wore in line, forming tho most impres sive military spectacle San Francisco has witnessed in years, All arms of tho military service and every branch of the navy were represented. Tho dedication ceremonies followed. After the troops had 'marched pnst," the vice president and other guests were escorted to the reviewing stand. President Moore presided and Intro duced James D. Chelan, United States senator; Governor llirmn Johnson and Mayor James Itolph, Jr., before present in if the speaker of tho dnv. As Marshall pronounced thn words of dedication, the first gun In a 1" gun snliitc was fired by every warshli swinging at anchor In the bay and a great cheer rose from the throats of the thousands present expressing the Jubilntion of Han Francisco that the exposition had at last been formerly given to the world. Vice President Marshall's address of dedication followed and tho cere monies closed with the "Ntnr Spangled Banner" played by massed hands and song by the whole concourse nresenf. Marshall and his wife, "incognito," got away from the formalities last night and "sneaked" out to the expo sition, where they took in the Zone. The vice president donned an old gray cap and long cravanette coat and for several hours strolled about on the fair groands with out being recognircd. Will T? nuf nrn n 1. wi uiu i,uiuii iu-.i-iKt-r icicgrupncfi iiiai, i n muru'i, Mnren, z. The eiviliim the engagement is of tho most desper-t populntiou 0f Phzemysl will not ba nt,t ohil ffi,t,.i n,l tltnt lncrn l.n.1 i nu ! (I i mI m rl,.,.l 1... ,1.. 1) : m. " v - l", ,ulh" u"wvd v,. mi, iiupnilins. 'HI gOV of ttiATi nn nntl, atilna in, .rr nrntttn.it- u.ill 1... Inl t ........ v.,hK. .,, . ....... ,, winou 0VDr Dy ,n9 Military critics agree that tho Iius- Kubhiiui military mithorities but Sinn forces liberated when Przenisvl effort will bo mndo to restore minimi .11 nnll K. 1. !.,. I I.,, tUi. I nninlilli.i.a ..I .1. i fell n-ill soon bn hurled into Hie Htmir. . - - --w glo for possession of the riirpntliinn passes, iimv nniicipiiio lurrous rignt- ing which may bring a decision in the battle which has already oxtonded over mouths. This situation tmlnv nvei-Hliii,lr,w everything else in tho war.. xvuniMiijiB oiiu irrosHou. i Berlin. Mnrch 24. Thn official vnr """" "K"'" nff!n. l i i i.i... SnnivMhir iioi'u nmn-nieiir insoou louiiv an nounced thnt the pursuit of the Bus sinns who recently were driven out of Memel, Prussia, continues to be pressed with vigor. Tho Slavs nro be ing driven northward, 50(1 of them hnvinir lieon cnitni'A,l. with llip.m non nnd machine guns nenr Polnngiui, This latter town is almost) directly norm or inemei, in tne iiussinn prov ince of Courlnnd, on tho Baltic. Much confiscated livestock wns recovered by tho Germans, in this vicinity. A severe repulse of tho Hussiiiii forces northwest of Oslrulenkn was ulso iiuuotuiooil. Twentv Hlnv officers nnd Solid men nro declared to luive been taken prisoners with five nincliine guns. Germnn successes are reported else whnro in Poland also, Eust of Plock nnd northenst of Miiriumpol, nenr the I'l'llssilltl town of T.nii,ru-iiririii tlm enemy attempted u series of sudden iiinm-n, uupiiig 10 siiirm mo uermuii positions, A dendly firo by thn dor niiin nrtillery checked these efforts. Along tho west bank of thn Mouse activities are confined to nrtillery duels lint finrcA ni,(r,i, ,,,,, it! nrn nn. nnuiiced In the Ueprete woods in the Vosges, at Pont-a-moiisson and Itoich-sackerkopf. conditions at the earliest nnmiilili. The most, severely wounded of tho prisoners will be permitted to go to. their homes If they enn find moans ot transportation. In recognition of their heroic de fense of the fortress, tho lending Aus trian officers, including General Kiu mnnolc, who wus in command will be pnriiien lr nicy promise not to boar FIGHTING IS RESUMED. By Henry Wood, Paris. March of tinnrirfniit miiiiu along the Vser by thn Belgian forces were n n linn iii'i.tl tliiH of li,ptin,,.t in, ll,,t official communique issued by the war ..i'i:... Ill I II c, Snowstorms In Gnliciu ,.:, ,i..,i the telegraph lines and tho war 6f finej bus little informntion regnrding tha progress of buttles in the Dukla and Uupkow pusses, whero 40110 Austrian! nud t.leriiians were ciiplurod rocontly. In announcing tho retirement froro Memel, in northeastern Prussia, tha war office today maintained that tha movement wns of small Importance. Numbers Are Lowered. Berlin, by wireless to Sayvillo, Mnrch 21. Denial of Russian cluiins thut "i.v j-",mni Austrian troops were taken prisoners when Przemysl stir rendered to the Itusniuiis wns mndo to day by tho newspaper HiiHp. ot liudiipest. " It stated that flip entire Przemysl garrison numbered only 25,000, includ ing all the suppers, whilo the bnsioglnj troops numbered from u'0,000 to 80,000. People of Matamoras Flee Across Rio Grande Brownsville, Texas, March 21. Tha oi t i -ns of Mad rns, just across the Kin (tin iiili, nro coming here und bring ing nil of their belongings that tnny enn transport, to cscnpo thn Impending; battl" between Villislas and Cttrran.is tns. The Car run .it forces nrn In trecn'ninir nnd tho unrnsnn ! h.,i,,r strnugtheiied in every way possible. iiuinuiiiiion is ii g tnken in from the United Stales. Tho Idlest reports In diciite that the Villistas nro steadily approaching the town, Demands By Japan Upon China Are Not as Serious as Supposed My n United Press Staff Correspondent. Toklo, March 4. (By courier to Sun Frnncisco.) After a month of nego tintions during which tho world nt lurge has been completely confused In regard to tho situation between Ciioa ami Japan, it is now pitisible for the first time to write intelligently regurd lug It. The ilemniiils which Japan has made on China, while serious enough in one nspect, aio not necessarily so serious ns hns been generally supposed; and at this time there seems little doubt but that they will bo accepted by China and that no other power will inter fere or protest in any way, At tho time the negotiations were begun, a iiieminndnm supposed to con tain tucse ilemniiils was handed to the representatives of the United States, llussia, Grent Britain, France ami lie! giiim. Shortly thereafter it was report ed thut there was a serious discrepancy between the ilemniiils presented til Chi ns, and the list cominiinicnted to the powers, This discrepancy actually ex isted, but it wns justified by the usual nineuitles of Oriental diplomacy. For Japan, In order to bolster up her case with I hina, added to the real demands a number or bogus reiei which were intended only to frighten tho Chinese into accepting the others. The document handed to China con tuined 21 clauses. Of these, 10 were presented in the form or demands and 11 in the form of requests. The re quests mnde up the most formidable part of the document, forthey em braced pretty nearly everything in the way i if privilege and concessions that ( In in has left to give away, Toe or iginal 10 demunds, the only Important part of the document, were as follows 1. That China agrco In advance to approve any treaty that may be made (crests in Shantung. 2. That China ngiee not to lease or alienuto nny Inud in Shuntung or any hind near the ciist. 3. That China grant to Jupan the right to construct n railway connecting; Che I'oo and l.unkow with tho Shan tung railway. 4. Kxlension of the terms of tha lease of Kwnn Tung, tho south Man churiuu railway and the Autuiig Muk den line. 1. Grunt In Japan the riuht of owner. ship of lurid and residence in Mun- In ma, and the mining rights of certain mines, I. Thnt China secure In advance the cons-iit uf Japan before she grants In Manchuria any railway concessions to u thinl power, procure capital or sup plies ror runway construction from a, third power, or raises any loan with M n ni Im riii n duties or tuxes as a se curity. 7. That China will consult Japan he fore employing any political, financial or military advisors as regards; Manchuria. 8. Transfer of the management anil control of the Kirln-l huugchiin rail way to Japan. H. That the lliinpyeh-l'iug Iron A Steel works at llangynn with tha col liery and iron mines be placed uudof co-operative Chiiin-Japanese manage ment, 10, That China agree not to allens,tci any pia-ts or bays or any islands near the const of China. Th're is some doubt as to what nil included In tho requests, but it is be lieved they Included all mining and railway concessions In Fukieo prov ince, the free navigation of all river, right to land ownership and resideoca (Continued on Pane Four.)