14 : SOCIETY Si :i : rThurwhii-! when frlcnJs jSw 0J'bl- I Ml it the homt? of iKonth Liberty M : Lw'ti'- " ,,lill,ie "!' street. A'nB lp, r'0cl Olmsted, !'VtJp Davis,' Mrs. I''rank Schraii, V'-1 ItaH'l, Mrs. Ross E. Mrs- 'i,;; n.vi.'S, Miss Hazel VoorM, Mrt. r. Uttvies. Olmsted ami .M , i f tin. Salem WoniuU 's .?rt?l , ted h. the splcn b Tattrartion brought to Ha Wt ouf tlu-ir members, Miss f iLers. ! arc endeavoring rv my possil.lo to make the f Ll, o the musical artists I " The Apo loelul, encert-a biS ttWT The I will assist personally Jdors. the event moat heart- ilv. , . ; peasant as well as profitable was ",!,, of the iutenlcnoiiiinntion society Friday at the ftatnreot me nun "k - Lure MonaoaisMi by I . J. H. Tab r .nd a solo by .Mrs. Frederick 8. Ldeahall. The principal number or tte .fternoon proKriiui was the nd LbvMrs. W. I.. -UellniKor, ot Port Ll who save some of her personal .Vrienees while doing missionary 2S L Moxiro. -Mrs. M.-lliiiBer also ve a rea.litijr. Kpecinl music tur 'iiied was the sulo by M'ss Inez Deni wu. . This being the oc. nsiim for the nil gai election of officers, Mrs. M. H. ftroungifin wus appointed president; Mil l!. ( Hover, secretary anil treas urer. Mrs. U.'r. .leak, retiring presi dent, who has served the society faith fully for two years, was given a sin wre vote of upprceii.iNin for her wick. The iailies of the chiiicli were compli mented l? the large number present (or their hospitality ami splendid Innc-h. tt Miss Alice Hiiiglnini. of . stn- ilfiit, will pass t'.ie week- I with her farents, .Indue and Mis. (ieorgo (1. kngbam. . f A mocting of the I'ringle ami 1'lens ant Point Social club wus hebl this week at the home uf Miss Laura Yites. ... Mr, Amamln Aiiilerson unci Mrs. Nel lie White entertained the Decree of Honor sewing society Thursday after iiwn at the home of Mrs. Anderson. Ike afternoon was pleasantly passed Kvernl musical selections rendered by Mrs. Albright milling much to the Inure of the occasion. Assistants t,n Mm l.illin Yickcru nf llitt mil Mb, Otto Shell of Portland and Mrs. H. Hill. Those present were -Mrs. Belle luilton of lliiblmrd, Mi.-s liozell of n Fulls. M. Y., Mrs. Car rie Holniun, Mimes Heed, Skiff, l'ugli, Hobson, JMidden, Ferrel, Thatcher, (Scott, Mi.,.;i,, . n,.:,.... ArtlWurm M,.,..t. T 'C T - -'""lytft, will r, i in vcr, jcrnu golla. UutJ, WmVo, Rirhter, Miss Bui by, Miss Heed and Miss Snunk, t Mr. and Mrs. V, F.. Thomns of 4!l.l Center street have hnd as their Ruosts, their son ami family, .Mr. and .Mrs.'L. 1.. Tioimis and little daughter, Louise, of .Marsl.f.eM. Ore. .Mrs. Thoinns be fore her marriage. wm fH Uli, Wiickcv ot this city f(,r Htudoi.t f Willamette I'nivcrsiu. she is well known m musical ciivh's here The Titor8 are now in Portland fr xevornl 'lys sojonrn after l,iwi Mr. Thomas retnrn to Marshfidd and Mrs. Tic., and '"'I' Louise will come to Wz,,'''vi",wit,,frl,,n,,,, mm- on ma UHUl Nazarene Tabernacle, The Lewis Mathews meetings held at the 'Xazareue church, lHtli and Marion streets, are very successful and will continue during the .coming week." Sunday services 11 a. in. and 3 and 7:3il p. m. During the week there will be services at 2:H0 and 7:.')0 p. in. every day. The preaching in clear and strong, the music fine. Everybody welcome. B. W. Shaver, pastor, 1505 Waller street. German Methodist, f'orner Center and Thirteenth streets, A. .1. Weigle, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. and public worship at 11 o'clock. Kpworth League at 7 and sermon at 7:110 p. m. Lutheran. East State and Eighteenth streets, ueorge noenier, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; divine service at ' 10:30 a. m.j evening service in Eng lish at 7:30 p. in. j Lenten service every ; Thursday at 7:30 p. m. THE SALEM CAPITAL JOTJBNA1, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY MARCH 20, 1915. I Reformed (German). I f'orner Capitol and Marion streets, j W. fi. Lienkaemper, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship iii German at 11. Lenten sermon, Christ's Lnst Words: "Forsaken". Evening j service in English at 7:30, subject, "Christ's death and the Christian death." Meeting of Heidelberg Guild , at 0:45 p, irT. Unitarian. Corner of Chemeketa and Cottage streets, liichnrd i Tischer, minister. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; morning service at 11 o'clock, subject, " t'unda- jmeutais of Lnitaiinn Christianity." j Miss Inez Denison will sing, accom panied by Mrs. Walter Denton. Social Service meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Bev. Tischer will speak on, "The Key to Power". Mr. George Snyder, the bass i soloist will sing accompanied by Mr. ! Harry Mills; Mrs. Marion Miles will j give several selections of Alaska poems. All friends of liberal religion and of i progressive thought are. cordially in j vited to these meetings. Bring' your wiciuis. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services are held at 410 Chemeketa street at 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m., sub ject of Bible lesson, "Mater." Sun day school ot 0:45 a. in. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock, The reading room of this church is located in the Hubbard build ing, suite 303, and is open every day, except Sunday and holidays, from U:45 a. m. to 5 p. in.. All'are wel come to our services and invited to our rending room. Instructions For Prize Contest Given Out By Club Regarding the contest and prizes offered by the Commercial Club to the children of the city in order to induce them to beautify the vacant lots of the city,' the following instructions have been issued: The Salem Commercial Club offers prizes for the best gardens in vacant lots made and maintained by students in the Saleni Public Schools. The lots must be platted, within the city limits, and a preference will be given to the most accessible and prominently located lots. The ownership of the lot is not a factor, and the garden site need not belong to the contestants or their families. Each garden must he not less than 50 by 50 feet or its equivalent in size. There will be two contests and two sets of prizes: one for floral nnd an other for vegetable gardens. In each contest, the first prize will be $10, and the second prize $5.00. The prizes will be given for the most attractive and ornamental flow er garden, aud for the best kept and most productive vegetable garden. Entries must bo made at the offices ef the Salem Commercial 'Club not later than April first. Any regularly enrolled pupil in the Salem Public schools is eligible. . The judging will be done by com petent committees of Salem Business men 0n .Tuno 15th. Salem schools children are urged to enter these contests both for the bene fit to themselves as well as for the guiu to the city in having the many unoccupied lots made profitable and ornamental. m. llev. C. II. Elliott will speak at the uiii i'eopics Jioine U:30 p. ui. Intel mediate League in the parsonage, Miss Mary Findley will lead. (1:30 p. m. II r. John Woodfin will lead the Ep- I worm i,cagne in a study of " The j Projection of the West into the i East." 7:30 p". m. sermon by the i pastor. THREE SPRING MEDICINE Hood' Sartaparilla, the Great Blood Purifier, is the Best. Spring sickness comes in some de gree to every man, woman and child in our climate. It is that run-down condition of the system that results from impure, Impoverished, devitalized blood. It Is marked by loss of appetite and that tired feeling, and in many cases by Borne form of eruption. The best way to treat spring sick ness Is to take Hood's Sursaparilla. This old reliable family medicine purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood. It U an alt-the-year-round alterative and tonic, and is abso lutely the best Spring medicine. Get your blood in good condition at ence now. Delay may be dan gerous. Ask your druggist for Hood's Sarsaparilla, and insist on having it, for nothing else can take Its place. j DENYING THE SON OP GOD PUTTING DARK NESS FOR LIGHT Billy Sunday Challenged Does He Deny That Jesus is the Son of God? City Recorder Hall Urges Highway Commission To Proceed With Road There are two sides to every story and the case of Stale Highway Engi neer Howlby, whose scalp it appears a number of people in different parts of Itnc utnte have set out determinedly to get ui all hazards for seme cause or other, is no exception, as is evidenced by the nature of the communications beinjr received by the state highway commission. A case in point, in which Major Howlby is strongly upheld and laudsd for. the work he has performed upon the Columbia cuinty roads and tho highway conimisMon is urged to go ahead and complete the work which lie has outlined, comes fiom City liecorder W. A. Hall, of Clatskiinie, Columbia (TASIOK RUSSELL) Darkneat Masquerades as Light Fool ish Words Mislead the Ignorant. Christians Often "Babes In Christ." Few Have "Their Senses Exercised by Reason of Use" "What Say the Scriptures?"' Not, What Say the Preachers, Evangelists and Creeds? New York, March 7. Pastor Russell, at New York City Temple, took for his text today John 1:14, "I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God." Ho de clared that about three-fourths of the preachers am his enemies. Be cause they ennuot resist the force of his Bible teachings, they misrepre sent them nud vilify ids reputation, that thus they may hinder good pco plo from hearing nnd reading. "By their fruits ye shall know them"; nud theso wicked fruits Indicate that many clergymen must be Jn a seriously wroug condition of heart, else they would not bear these unscrlptural, un manly fruits "works of the flesh and of the Devil." Denying the Son of God. , Billy Sundny has Joined other preachers in the slanderous misstate ment that Pastor Russell denies that Jesus Is the Son of God. How foolish It Is for them to make such deliberate misstatements In our day, when even tually their falsehoods will bo found For Indigestion and Biliousness those foes of comfort and well-being, there is one family remedy universally regarded as the best corrective of deranged conditions of the organs of digestion. Present suffering is relieved promptly, and worse sickness prevented by timely use of BEEOWS PELLS Let this wonderful remedy tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and kidneys, regulate your bowels and you will feel improved throughout your entire system. A few doses will prove to you why, for the common and minor ailments of life, Beecham's Pills Are the Right First Aid Sold rywhor. In boxes. 10c., 25c. Direction of Valuo EapecitUr to Woman with Every Box. , Prof. W. ceptionally well who,, ooinpa red to the,0lU Pc , Umt , Christian wrt etf road but ,l.nB 11. other M..i.t.c. nttcmptlllK to mvpJt vea Service In Trenches Robs War of Romance (Continued from TKfcc Two.) First Congregational, .lames Elvin, pastor. Regular serv. ices Sundav at 11 n. in. nml Tv'tfl n m. Subject for morning service, ; ''onnty, former niayoi of the town and "Faith and Fact." Music by mixed 1 "lt,lljl'r of the legii-laturc of 11111 from quartet. Evening service at 7:.'!0, sub-that t'01"1')'' Mr. Hall takes a very ject, "The uood Samaritan"; music optimistic view of the situation and by junior chorus choir. Sundav school eonsi.iers that the county has done ex meets promptly at 10 o'clock, f. Stalcv. superintendent. V. ...... ..!,. i i "i.i r. r H.i cava ' " r J' : 'T , been , ,,., ,,; ,v n M professed mister iBundav evening Miss Auiies liavne: ' in the upper end of the county that 1 ofJlle T1" l 11 vlolcnco' ! subject, "Favorite Books of the Bible ''le themselves the 'taxpayers'! llle 1 "stor declared that really it is and Why." References, John 1-1-5; 21: league,' also a recalled county judno I'o who believes that Jesus Is tho Son zv z:. .Mid-week service Thursday ntl mo v onsoiiuaieu loiurni-t com-1 juu; out iu;u me great majority or evening nt 7:30, subject, "The supper 1 linll.v, bunch of crooks, that wo want preachers and evangelists do not clear and (ietliseinane." junior choir prac- to inform you tlmt we have taken the ly so tench; that they confuse their nr tice Friday evcniii)?, Mr. Willinm Me-; trouble tot o over the Columbia hiKh-Uument nnd bewilder their hearers by Gilchrist, Sr., choir director. The bovs!'ay end found it beyond our expects-1 t,,jnK n ono ijath that Jesus is the will meet at 7 o'clock and remainder tions. Major Jlowlby has done a goodjSoll ot God mld , th t b t, of chorus at ,:30. , piece of work , 1 he people that are" lu ,g Qwn Acco,. of us were dead, from bullets which had come through crevices during tho, night. Wo didn't have time to bury them. We were told that other men would take care of that part. i I. think; it all dawned on us then how nerves were strung, tense. vul,-l,. ,, .ici.i lm.lv U l,..tl,,.r it We are to cross the canal on the ; ..,,, ... ,. ii., i, ..,, little bridge and go to tho farmhouse," onR before we had lost all sentiment said an orderly. "Hut you must cross; Hhimt tlll, ,u,,. At ti,.9t; f()1. iitam e, the bridge one nt a time, so you won'tlWC Wcre shocked to know that, in tho druw the tlerimiu fire." :tien,l, it. w th dntv nf Hi,. ..nnk i,,.i Running From Bullets. 1 01,lrie to bury tho dead every There were 32 of us in our party uttUlg aftl,r Rt m bi k(!(t(! I was the third to cross tho bridge. As of 110(llv .,, to boiling, lie has I ran L could hardly believe that 1, l10t fjVP" hnMrs f,.ee ,vnje t10 ,., trom orderly Sun rrancisco, was run- ,.0l(i,ig. nt we became iiccustoiued inng from bullets; was running from to Ihe plan after a time, mid even took being lulled; that I was this mail who ,i,ic j watching tho growth of our was entering war. , ittip ,.1MII,.tl,rv iu,Mi,tl tho soup kitchen. In the farmyard we found a grave) e ,.,,, ,,r;m( t)mt it grew faster marked by a wooden cross. It wan: tl, ther cemeteries around u. near the dunghenp, but on the cross! - m . had been marked the iiaino 'Mooch THIS FIRM ADVERTISED. Ileinenuimi," nnd other lettering borei the praises of Kronen officers for thel (Exchange bravery of the Herman lieutenant who! The value of advertising bucked by rested there. As we stood there we ! aggressive business methods has been, heard a terrific whistling in the air; shown by Ueorge .l. Brown, president a huge shell hit the earth behind us. of a St. l.ouis roofing company. While Suddenly all fortitude departed. On 'other manufacturers were bemouiiing the march no one of 'lis would havcithc business depression which followed ndiuitlcd to another tlmt ho everithe outbreak ot war, Mr. Brown's nm- Ooinmons Mission. 241 State street, services Sunday at 3 mid 7:30 p. in.; also services on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 7:3(1. Every-body welcome. J. V). Cook, superintendent. foot of the H'Ofk. Harris has, erfi"8 ,tl,e'n' 1,osus '9 ovaU, who ..o,,..... i,f -i, -ii.K.i, :i ..... t I sent Ills Son Into the world to die. will i;,'..n. 'J .uw. ': ,:n ..:.,.,:..i ! nnd lie is tho Sou. who sent Himself. ., H,J p VUtl IIU Will , ,'l ' " ' ' would run. lint now, with one accord, we lire all willing and anxious to run somewhere. "Let us go over to the burn," sev eral shouted. Refuge Torn to Pieces. We stiirted for it, when we heard cern broadened its scope and set aside $2110.000 fur a campaign of newspaper advertising. Because, of that investment, Mr. Brown's company has completely out stripped even the record of its lnimt prosperous era. 1-or January and Feb another whistling IIMl the old bam 1 runrv the maximum gain in business-. was broken into huge splinters before: was 70 per cent in some departments,, our eves. hunt the minimum gain in any depart- " Where ,o you fellows want to go?" incut was over 1!) per cent over the The words came from a little sergeant corresponding period of 1011, when conditions genornlly were at or abovo noriuul. Not one of the concern's ,1000 em- plovcs has been luid off a minute, us the Fiither; when Ho prnyed to tho Father It wns mockery; for Ho wus W, C, T. U. Rev, II. K. Marshall of the Baptist church, will conduct the gospel service in this hall, Sunday, March 21, Ull'i, nt. 4 p. in. Everyone is cordially in vited to attend. First Presbyterian. TV... ..nui -- Li - L'tl:.. i.n . , ' L. jor Bowlby',,' s.'ahi ,o s jumu- , ougiegnuon nun- x.u.,lA( :,,, ,. .,, , i day morning on W hv become a Christ- , ,. - ' ', . 1 , , I...; .....i ,u. ,:.,.. ... .,.L ,.' "Building M miles of rond through ' mil mill i int.- uilllivn un itllllllll'W V ....... ,1 . i-.i. ,.... I.. ...,.., j Story of Jesus. In tha evening tho .""'" ", pnou.unv , oli.c.- .,. ,.e.... subject will be "Covering a multitude ,;: , , , i "f , 1 .' 41, ,7ii, "nln UB Bnl1' "y """er Brt,lt' of sins", being the fourteenth and 1 l'1"-2"(l'(" " '' ll n",'1 ,lmVt' I t-r than I," Ho misrepresented facts, concluding sermon on The Epistle of ,'' we want the coiiiniission to s; 1, ..uug to these prcncliers nnd crecd- I James. A ouaitet in thn mar nino ..n.l '" ."" "Bl,e . : w'" ''!r "ay , ,,.,.. n Rimko of the Pun which who cnnie up behind us. He didn't seem the least excited, lie. was ac customed t0 shell fire. We told him we were heading for the barn, "You've right." he snid.lsinee the udvertising ciimualgn wan "shells never strike twice in the sntuo started, nnd nil have received their leg- place. We will go where the last shell ulnr salaries or wages. Three sliil'tj, hit and you'll bo snfe." jwere kept nt work daily nil full ami At last they got us inlo a nenrbv winter, 11 ml the coinivany is now work- hain anil told us we could sleep there. ing its full force day and night in nil j Every now and then in the town we, effort to take cure of its orders. : heard what we thought were rifle ex- . ..,1 plosions. He thought the sounds cmni" $)Jk9j:jcsje$c9cccil':t horns choir at night. The Sundav ', ' , T "'""" Ills Father bad Poured for Him. of school, Mr. Old Niles, superintendei. , cl"";.s " .U,,B f V 10 ,,'a "";"'-how Ho could do nothing of Illinself, meets nt P..J-, , , '.. wnvs of t ne state and should be under "" uu couiu uo 11011,11 ui mum, ,,, nt .4.) a. in i state control. We need the road open-! of bow lie would return to tho Fn- led through before hard surfacing will' (her; He prnyed, "My God! Why hast Jason Lee Memorial. be of nny advantage to us. 'tliou forsaken Me?" nnd He said to Al the comer of Jefferson .and N..j "Our now county court has been a ' Mary, "1 have not yet ascended to My Winter streets, J. Montcalm Brown, little excited lately, but we sut 011 them 1 .'a(lier nnd your Father, My Clod nnd pastor. Sundny school at 10 a, 111 C. and they are back to normal ngniu. ,.01lr God." But these wNer tlian-the- ,. nooetis, milkers. He spoke of the Cup which from the Irencli shiirtshooters in Hie houses. Later we leiiined tliev were (icrinilii explosive bullets. ' I Two Killed In Slocp. ! We piled into the burn nnd were No matter what you have to sell, a Journal Want Ad will sell it for you If it can be sold. soon asleep, but I Associated Bible Students, I, B. S. A. ) Regular weekly Bible stmlv in up stairs hull, Miuthwc!- corner lligh and I Ferry streets, Sunday morning al 10 o'clock. All Bible students welcome. .o collection. Phone fllW-W. 111 8 the morning tun ! ! superintendent, and Mrs. Thev are verv nnxioiis in it. the mini ' V... . . . . n.. m... ...-1 i,, . ; , . ' .... - " , in no icuc icis coiiu,i,'.x niui, mui 1 u--i 1,"1ulii c...i,m,i.iu-iii. jiiiniiii iit-'i 1-; opciuii mis suiiiiuer, anil we nave con-1 1 11, cut, Preaching service at 11 n. 111. ' I idenre in the commission tlmt thev I mui nt 7:30 p. 111. Epworth League will epen it. Major Howlby considers devotional service al 0:30 p, m. A; it' 7" jut cent done nnd wo cisiiler special welcome extended to strangers .' thfl work was done verv reasonably. ' and visitors at all these services. , it wis 11 little larger job than we an-1 void Ihe Word of (iod through their ticipnted. When we think that Mult- traditions. In claiming that Jesus Is nomaii county .-pent $00,000 on 20 miles I lehovah. the Father, they really deny M m? Cherrin?ton. of Lcwiston, ' ""' rtl'l'l ff i Salem tod.,; ," y to S,, l',,i,,.o, ,o plly ; v,8,t to hi, ruusins, V,n. Cher I "' " ,1,all. He was being shown ' slate lions,. u,.d new su 7rthn.Hg ti,i, L,lw K ine'b o,lros beau W Inn a"'rryf'".VU1"' the Willam w"fy in genera. The l!ev. Mr. Brown of .Tnson Lee Methodist church will rend tho paper nt the meeting of the Ministers Mon dny morning in the V. M. C. A. First MethodlBt. State nud Church streets, Richard N. Avison, minister. 11:4.) a. in. Sab bath school, Messrs. Schram and (lilkcy superintendents. Strangers always welcome. 1 1 n. 111. sermon by the piis tor. 12:30 p. nt. class meetings. 3 p. like saying, "Jesus must have been n Millennial Dnwner! Hut Wo know better than Ho did." ! Such tenchei'M, he asserted, make :'-"':':,- ; '.','.' ' ,, V. ' ;.' , . ' ' '' V a1- "' ' . ' .," ; en, V h ' ; First Baptist. orning service 11, subject, "The,;,,,,,' m,rs is almost twice us long we ,hnt ,I( j, t)e Sl, 0f (j0(; for com Christ ot the inoriiing.' Evening SM ,iUc eoiig.atulating ourselyes. !, B(.nw tells everybody that n son service, 'Little Foxes", a sornion re- ..j1(.g a sparsely settled county, I ', ",,' rnrelies lis life from pented by ro.piest from the Ilnysville a(1 ,,livin(; cxertod ourschc to nlm, .'"'T' ,e, , 1 , VlL H t Truthful Criticiims Invited. Tho Bastor Invites truthful criticism meet 111?. Hunt sum serv en lifter .,. e.,,,1 ,:ii,i tllO lllllicr. Jills , r'-uj "i'" 1. evening sermon. Services every even-itn ,.,..,si,l'e,1,iioii bv tho hinhwnv cni. ! "Hle tells us In res,cct to Jesus. ing next week; sermons irea(died by' ,j,oii. I wish the commission could the pastor on the "Seven snyings of ,,, ,iown ,l take a jaunt over the urn wot. re linucci ,o uu . roa.l. Whenever the road is opened so I , ,1 . i. . I,m hl mmonenN HerVi,!eS' r.-.v..r.l yon will not l.e .l.lo "f lllS1 " ' ,1 1,1 he It .i,i knocker. v will k .., li'iow tlint to tren t him fall ly w ould be that a kne ker con make more show! to (urn nil thinking people to his side than 100 satisfied men. I -tho Bible side. For thirty years l he' "We have been trying out County Ignored him, lost people should llnd courts for 20 years and have had out; but ns bis sermons now reach enough of their road building. Of 1 millions, preachers nrc iilarined for the cour.'o the courts all think they can aafvty of their musty creeds, nnd re build rnnils nnd like to handle the mon- 'R0.t (0 faSL,i0nds, mlsrepresciilallous cy and are in-nltcd if we suy they run- mniem-tiio weapons of moral " - cowards, who realize their weakness. If thev charged him wllb (lisbcllcv- Iiir In the doctrine of the Trinity, that Highland Friends, Comer of Highland and Elm streets Sabbath school at 10 a. 111., Earl I'mitt' superintendent. .Meetings for wor ship 11 a. 111. ami 7:30 p. 111. Chrisliiiu Endenvor 0:15 p. m. There has been service every night this week, .Mrs. tiiillev. an evangelist from Oklahoma. I has been in ehnrge; several have been jat the altar. Service tonight. Every I body welcome to these services. I Josephine ilockett, pastor, phone 1405. ORANGE DAY OBSERVED. First Christian. Comer lligh and Center. F. T, For- Sun Frnncisc, March 20. "Orange three ones lire one, he would cbccrrul Buy" was celebrated today nt the l'un- ly ndmlt. nnd point, then) to the fact nmn-l'iicific exposition. The golden (hut tho word Trinity Is nut round 111 ter, minister. 0:4.-, . m. Bible school, fruif m () , ,,,, everywhere, even; the lllblo d that the lli'Might of a Dr. II. C. r.pley, director. Jl a. m. worship and sermon by Evangelist A. J Evangelistic service. Male quartet I L. ( 'rim. 0:30 p. in., C, E. 7:30 p. 111. mid sermon bv A J,. rim, Salem Mission. Coiner Center and Commercial slrcels, I). X. Mclnturff, ll. ll., pas tor. Preaching bv pastor Sundav at 3 nnd ing 0:4.'. I. it 7:3ii I Thursday j w eleome. i sioii, p. m. iniiiig I'l-opics meet I'rnyer meeting Wedncsdny p. 111. Women's meeting nt 2:30 p. in. Everybody Meet lis ut the Salem Mis. at th'n S"1 S, is Preaching such wonderful sermons J I Jet of 1 L.hrstian church. A profound reasoner I uch P'ain style that the children hear him J Hn me an h(?ar im" I South Salem Friends. Corner of Washington nn, South Coiuuierclal streets. II, E. J'einbciton, pustor, llllde school nt 10 a. m.; cIusmcs for children of all ge, Emnier Newby, siiperintendciit. Evangelist Wells will hav charge of both morn ing and evening service. At 11 o'clock his sermon will lie upon "The Whv Slid How of Redemption." A revival service will take pine nt 7.:ii' in the evening. Public invited to attend. STOCK MARKET BTRONO. 20. The the foreign buddings mnking displays. ! Trinity Is not there, except In one pas Orange day wns declared a stuto holi- wl(,c which nil scholars of Ml donoinl day by Govern, r Johnson. itmtioiis admit to bo u forgery, rice C. C. Clinpiniin, of Fiillerton, wns , JfJm jt.-u g (evlscd Version, chairman of Hi" day nnd delivered the ,,. ,,evcs In the llenvenly response, folio" ing the presentation of . ; jeliovnh (iod; In the Heavenly the bronze pli.'j"" to the ( itrns Fro- , .,, il(,K1s (,,insti lio left tective ee,.. 1 he dclega es of the or- , , , , ,(J(,k . ,,, gn,zl,t,on wee n et nt tho Scott St. , j died for our sins, nud wan aft- entn e nnd c-eorted by exposition of- tmiuii, cii i , ' ,.,,, ficinls to the Court of Abundiince, erwnrd highly eXMllcd 0 the Id Mo where the exc iscH wcre held, surround- liiilnre; In tho Holy Spirit, tho Spirit cd bv 1,ei,utif,;l orange trees, laden with !of Truth, the Sjilrlt of (iod, the Spirit fruit. 'of Christ, the Spirit of nil who uro on The Miirylnnd state building nt the ; (J.mVs hldo. Ills crime, he declared. Is fair wns d'eile atcd today. j tlmt ho docs Hot bullevc t Tut t the Fa- : s 'iher, the Son mid tho Holy Spirit nro "one in person, eiii, m iui.i , glory," neither one existing before the otln'r, tielther one the Hon nnd nidi her one the I'nther, renlly. The Bible, ha Assorted, ".vs tiolhlng of this kind, nml he Is glnd that his bend Is not so Il logical as to lend him to deny tho Bi ble and cmmon sense for the snkc of being In harmony with creeds made In Ihe Dnrk Ages. The remainder of tho dlscourso wns devoted to a thorough discussion of every text '0 tho Bible relating to lb subject. New York, March ;mnrket closed strong. stock Free Dispensary for Worthy Poor Dr, T. II. May, D. f.' and Flora A. Brewster, M. D. V. C fll conduct a free dispensary for Chiropractic adjustments at rooms 303-6-7, Hubbard Bldg. So-called lncurnble esses especially solicit ed. Hours from 1 to 2 p. m. I'hone 072. Quality, Style, Fit Finish Price 0- These are the five points which distinguish "our" clothing. That is why our customers never have to apologize for their appearance;, they always enjoy that satisfying feeling of beng well and properly attired. If you have never worn "Mosher-made" clothing, tailored to your individual needs, you have yet to learn what real clothes satisfaction is. Take Advantage of Our SPRING SUIT SALE SUITS FOIl MEN SUITS FOR LADIES 0 00 Suits 2j00 WO Suits $25.00 ,$35.00 suas... -...moo oibsu e $10.00 Suits S33.00 17.50 Suits $10.00 i $17.50 Suits $10.00 $50.00 Suits S 12.50 Keep Your Money in Salem This is a Salem store. The money you pay us for clothing is in turn paid out to our journeyman tailors, who work, live and spend their money right here in our home town. You accomplish two import ant things when you buy from Mosher you get the best in clothes and at the same time "Keep Your Money in Salem." 8 Store Open Evenings mmmm Tailor to Men and Women All Suits Finished for Easter j