Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 19, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' I J-
i 71
. r.,,w rPTTlAT. MARCH 19,
THE aAIiJEM UAf XIA-u iiuuttaaii, PA-kr.m. --- '
Important Sale
Women's Wash and Street Dresses, priced regularly up
to $13.75 Special CO AO.
closing price . . . pO.0
Tomorrow, the last Day of This Offering
Women's Fiber Silk Hose,
Extra Value at 39c a pair.
A very timely offering of finely woven fibre silk hose in all
sizes. A splendid article for spring and. summer wear and a
grade that will give great satisfaction in the wearing. May be
had in navy, dark gray, light gray, black or white. A hose that
sells in many stores at 50 cents. This event positively closes to
morrow night "9 cents a pair.
See the Window Display (Coin t Street) .
Psychology of the Crowd lecture to-
night Some confusion was caused liy'
a misunderstanding uf notices mid the
announcement wa- made of I'r. Conk-
li's lecture for last nii;lit. Dr. Mnn
ning of Portland lectured lut nijiHt un
der the auspices uf the Salem Social
Service Center. Tr. K. S. Cunklin will
lecture toni(!ht, Friday, March 1!) nt
8 o'clock. This is (lie regular Public
Library Lecture. 1'r. utk If n is ai
v- V
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsonn, specialist In fitting
glasaea' correctly. U. S. Lank bldy
lodge. Following tlie initiation and the
business Kesiiiii, there will he 11 uncial
and dunce.
All of tho very best In house" plants
and i ut flowers. Waldo 0. .Mills, 1 LI
Noiiii High, riiuiiii
Slumped, good quality pillow slips to
morrow, Suliirduy, for lid cents. See
window. Ilogiilur No cents. The
N. T. Gregg, of 853 South Commer
cial street, reported to the police Inst
night, that his unto liuil hccii stuli'u
from in front of Luton hall. This morn
ing it was located by Officer Nicholson
ill the alley in the rear of F.nglobiirt 's
store on Smith Twelfth street. The car,
n Maxwell, was not damaged and the
indications were that it was taken for
tunity. Let's net acquainted imme
diately. Have your new suit tailor
Iliads and envy no man. Price now
t'Jd, ij'.'.l, .till. '.Inlin Hiiiidin, the tailor,
.173 Statu street.
Police Matron Mrs. J. B. bhank is
now installed comfortably in her new
office in the city hall. The office has
been furnished anil Mrs. Shank now has
n suitable place in which to meet her
friends and others in connection with
her work in the police department. She
will be in her office from 1:00 p. m. to
.'I:. "Ill p. m. each day when she may be
reached by her office phone which is
1-1. At other times when not at the
depots she can usually be readied
through her residence phone, 455,
John Suiulin, the tailor, is now in
llobj business again at 171 Slate street, anil
; now offers spring suits at $'J(), $2. and
Mil i'or a time of III davs. Over loll
styles at 'JI; WO stvles at .fJoj .'KID
style at WO. ,
Roal spring lambs for Sunday din
Santa ionieu, al., March
!9. The four fisters of .lohu
0. Wendell, said to be the rich
est man in New York, who died
here recently, inherited fiiO.WMi,
000. They have never ridden in
an automobile, yacht or ele
vator. Never used a telephone.
Never entered a theater.
Never received callers.
Have not neen inside of a
church in 20 year".
Nor in a 1 1 o a public gift to
I - - - WEXFORD - -
Ella Hall and Boot. Leonard .
The Biggest Production in Photoplays The Best Cast Appearing Before
lne the Screen.
"The Unknown Brother"
"Such Is Life"
A beautiful story of a slaveys
2 to 5
How Two Brothers Chose
poaite Paths in Life
5 Cents
Hearing an end. " '
Mrs. Difley was employed as 'house
keeper for Hall and the state tried to
; prove that it was her brutal treatment
, of the child that caused its death.
The testimony of little Alice Roth
! ford, niece of Mrs. Difley, which Proso
j cutor Kemnun used for his most effee
i tive dosing argument, taking the
words or the cmid tnnt she had been
fine speaker and in this lecture s HarTV MltlM l.aMIOf Matfi afraid to pick up the Hall boy because
is j
usses the mob. how the crowd
formed and swayed and the peculiar
characteristics of a mob. The lecture
promises to be pintinilaily interesting
and is free.
William Ferreri, Italo A. Montani
and Frank Do l.uca, three Italian boys
who loft New York citv on the 15th of
last April arrived in this city this morn
When He Will Assume
Charge of Institution
she thought he might be "hurt airain
land Idody, " to mean that thore was
.actually blood upon the baby's body
as a result, of beatings ho had received.
Sells Charged With
First Degree Murder
llnrrv P. Minto, the newly appointed
warden of the state penitentiary, re
turned from his eastern trill this morn
ing completing o.os.s miles ot n It,niiu i ,g with Sheriff Each, and A. H. , . . ... M ... .
mile walk around the border of the Cook, the latter 's prisoner. Mr. Min-i' 0'"Jl""1' "'" h r' R ls'
. ' lour, erer nf Atva Iclivo Vnirnl o,.l
i niTcii nrnies. iney nave tiiroe nnn i t0 has had no nniinrtuuitv to conler .
4r -l, .1. .. . .
Km, 'I
HARRY Wiudow ., ';
Phone 1S30-J. tie,,
may your used f ,,,
" . "irnitlir.
lu'"8 uw. t'eetz i':. ... 7
J. I iv 1 1 1 ..... .
"idrnei n,n
tarin. (all sj.y.o. wk c
LADY would like"Zl
Phone -,03-ir. " k
nig. ' """"am bui
w.. . v,
rwANTKu-.-oo to i..rrv
'"ity. Address t j T
Journal. ) A; tt
Tr.it bnildi,,!.' W""lwr.Bii
rott SAI.lv-1 lookcs,.
waslnng muchine aa ,
CH 770 south Co,,,,! :?!,?'
31. JIj
UO.U1-M0TK stock ofbT-7
field and lawn seel
Thielsen Co l",l v . , V'"
High st.
ner at the Independent Market, 157 nnllion more than their nearest com
South Commercial. petitor. Among those who were most
o active in securing votes for the church
At the mooting hold yentorday of the j "ere Mrs. fiuy Nugent, Miss liuth Vi
Independence section of the Oregon
Drafted Enylii.h walnut trees, fine
ones, S!ic to I emdi. 200 Hlale street.
.1. 1). Waring.
An auspicious event in lodge circles
was tho ha ii i ii 1 1 given by tho Xoyul
Neighbors of America to the Modern
Woodmen of Anieiien in tho hall Inst
night, the event marking the twentieth
anniversary of the former order.
The Capital Lumber Co., 311) South
Twelfth, building material of all kinds.
Mithorsl Did you forgot that the
"Mob Nob" can supply your chil
dren's needs. Children's coats, all
styles and kinds, made t' order very
The Y. W. C. A.' cabinet of W. U.
left at 12:55 for Albany, to attend the
district convention. A profitable and
jolly time Is expected. The young Indies
plan to return in tune lor Hie rrcsli
man" Ch e .Niturdiiy night,
Parcel delivery, baggngo and freight.
Prices, lOe, I.V, L'ic an. I ,"0e. C, (I.
i:o 'ill!" ilil 'A'M :s,uioi, iii;..iv
dive us a trial.
Pvnpare for war, ami eat at tho Jit
ney Coffee Club, IJH Court.
Miss Emma PaoUke was operated
upon fur appendicitis on March I by
I'rs. Casl.ett uud Thompson, Tho oper
ation was n success mid Miss I'setakc
has been taken to the homo of her
parents Mr, and Mrs. Win. Pselake I
miles east of Saleni.
Tonight tho Yoenien lodge will have
a special doss in instruction and eon-
Miier some ery important nusiiiess iniiitcii time, prices on tlie woolens, M ruiiciu, .Mis. Iliuges is no aiiiateur.
matters that w ill be brought before the , bi iii'iiug you this unpaiiilleled opor A lloie paper savs she pleased the
music lovers of that city belter than
. . . inau.v of the great artists ,.Ver there,
t- , l"'''"M ''"'"nieiits on her voice mid
singing alMlity dining recent veins
one-half yenrs to complete their journey
to -win a $5,000 wager but expect to
complete it in two and one half years
at their present rate. The offer wns
made by th(t Vallcv Collage Social dub
of New York. They have their dog,
Prince, with them, the dog fell sick in
the Rocky mountains and they carried
him on their backs for 1 15 miles. City
Recorder Klgiu affixed the seal of the
city in their book today inul Pen Olcott
stamped in the state sen over his sig
nature. Dr. Misliconus Sanatorium, Hubbard
building. Klectrie light Imths. Night
The Christian Endeavor of the Cen
tral Congregational church. Illth and
Perry streets, won the Clotigh and War
ren piano in the coffee ami baking
powder contest offered by C. M. Kppley
the grocer. The winner received 2,-
00,000 votes, which was nbonf half a
a short joy ride and then left by the! Hop Growers' association, the follow-
culprits, png Delegates were elected to represent
o jthe Independence section tit the meet-
You will lie convinced of the supor-'l" 1"' held in Halem tomorrow! V. It.
iur ipialily if you try a I. a Coruua, ! -Murphy, A. Sloper and II. H. Fletcher,
Nulc'ii-muilo cigar, 10 cents. all of J iiilependeiice, and Fred Stump of
o ! Suver. According to a statement of Mr.
Tho members of Salem Bobocca lodge .Murphy, who was in the city todnv.
No. t ' will u t at I. O. O. P. hall at over 00 per cent of the growers near
I o'clock Saturday, to attend the fu-1 Independence have signed with the its
neinl of our lute sister, Violottii Kollo. ' sociation.
Leslie Parker, V. (I. I "
.. I Look! Loo.''.! Tho firnt aprlng lambs
Tho drill team of the Woodmon of! are here, at the Independent market.
the World met lust night over the city 0
hall and put in two hours hnrd work. Social Service meeting, Sunday even
(ieorge McDonald is captain of tho 'ng. at the Unitarian church. Mi.
teiim now composed of 10 men and is '"'urge Snyder in Ming, Mrs. Marion
working hard to prepare them for any Miles in recital of Alaska poems.
possible competitive drills with nay of i 0"-
the local lodge oiginii.atioiis. ' At tho annual concert of the 0, A. C.
o cadel baud at Corvallis tonight, Mrs.
Dnlplr watches, at Stono's drug Hloro. Ilullie Punish Hinges, of this city, will
o- appear as soloist. The (la.etle'l'iuies
To stimulate trade., tbo woolen mills says: "A special attraction will be the
have uiilliiiiied us to reduce, for a , singing of Mrs. Ilullie Parish llinues.
Pattou, Miss Nellie Jones, Miss Alice
Schindley and Miss Violet Corey. The
society are under obligations to J, R.
Ashby, (leorgo V. Eyre, Warren Cooley
and others for the use oC their automo
biles during the contest.
with the state board of control regard-
lieved nlso to be the murderer erf her
ing his appointment but received no- . ' vogei, tne wealthy
ti.e of it while he was in New York rrui'vale banker, today was held to
Citv. He has not, therefore, decided n,nMV'''' tl,e , lTior court on-a
when he will ass,e-ohnrgc of thcjar? ?' I', degree n.urder by Po
prison although it will probably be lll'e '"Ifi" Mortimf r .Smith.
April 1, possibly sooner if the board hoi M1s ,oi,! ,ho Hti'11'! 111 lllH ow"
desires " ; reuse ami couducteil his own case. He
',, , . , , ,,. . . I adhered to his prior statements that
He says that ho has no official, i,., ...... ., ...,'. .! :
, , , ... , llr iiiii no diniiiiuiru, a ouiiuer, in
knowledge of any appointments made;,- ,i,i,,.,. .,i ii,i i. i
. i , , .i . . i I'H' i.i.ri'ei v iiii.i uiium iniiiiii-r, ui
hv the I. on.', I to to,, oriuik.i utntf i nr. '
. , . , 'though he was unable to introduce evi-
ing his absence and would not dis- , . , . ,. . . ' T.
... i . n v -.i ii i deuce to bear out his statements. It
give out any information regarding any
is believed by the authorities that Sells
killed both Vogel and his wife.
.i,i,wr.,u i..i.:..i. i. it .....i. :
'"""S'" ..lion iic ui. u.i u iioine i ii me ... r. . . . ... ....... v. ... i
present force of officers and employes,! "r"1 .1
intimating that such matters could f" "vcomphce, the prf.ee bel.ece wna
unit ,,..tii ,fi... i. i, i t,.,.. i f,.,.,i to iiilcavor, to fasten a share of the
barge of the institution and had
familiarized himself with the efficiency i 01,t cf rev,''"Pe-
on some other person, possibly
of the present force and where, if any, ENGLISH ARSENALS BOMBARDED,
changes would be needed to promote
No two persons eyes
are the same. Each
one requires a sepa
rate and individual
Protect your sight. Have your eyes
examined here, where modern methods,
scieulific appliances and experience In
sure a careful, personal regard for your
needs. If (iltiscs tire not needed we
will frankly tell vou so.
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-201) Hubbard BMg. Thono 10!)
have been enthusiastic,
Oh! Riic-h good spring lambs at tho
In. I 'pendent M;Uet.
Tollow tho crowd to the chicken pie
supper ut I ho Presbyterian church to
nun row night; :i,ic.
Debt Will Knock
You Out
We are steering this business
to increasing ntleecss on the ra
tional. risMcss cash basis. Hon't
buy no credit. Little debts mul
tiply with marvelous rapidity and
before y can realize th.dr ag
gregate magnitude they assume
the iniiih ni:y uf u n. uintiiin.
And how they burden and de
press, ami take nil the snap out
of hushicM and nil the flavor
out of life!
A newsy page
we are non
Secretary R. B. Ctoodiii. of tho st.ito
i hoard of control, wiio is eonv nlescing
It'roiu a severe siege of illness, expects
Jlo leave today for San I'raticisco to re
cuperate in health for tl imnilli ni' mm
t !"'""' ''osnntiiig I In animus duties ol
,1ns olhce. Mrs. (loodin, who has ali-o
KM 1L. I...' - !..'L '1' .1 .IL.l JL JltVVniRTCtvQMWMM . .
" i"c nivalin list lor some tune,
is improving very slowly hut surely, j
and expects to join her husband in
aliinii two weeks. Ibiring the absence
of Mr. (loodin the nfaifrs uf the office
will be competently nticu.lcl to hv Ins,
' assistant, Miss (lellatly.
j Now is the time to treat yourself to
real spiiug Iniiih at the Independent
! "i,""'' o I
1 The Father and Sons bano.net held
i at the V. M. C. A. last night was at
tended by lull of the young and old of
the association and tho affair was
pt enounced a huge success by all who
! attended, h'ev. , lames Klviii presided
a toiistiunster and Introduced the
speakers. The principal address of the
evening was by Itev, ( ail Klliott, who
spoke on the subject "The men of To
morrow." Mr. Klliott 's talk was
directly to the boys ami in x straight-
foivvai'd manner he told litem of some'
of the things to he expected of them
ill years to come. He told them how to
gel the most out of themselves and how i
tu become reliable ciluens of the com
nionneslth. Prof. Staler, president of
the V. M. C, A, gaM, ',hort tlk and
O. II. Uiugrich and I.. 11. Comptn were
ncard in r few remaiks. Francis
llilette rendered a piano solo and fail
Sharer, Crl Million nM, Hohertsoa
Hroeks responded fur their respective
KoUc Onxvh Macy have moved
their l offices to an, tea SOS 3, 8lem
Phik of Commrec buildi. Thone
8 1 3
tigulatf dinner. JSe, Bvotfi, 179
floulb Commercial stteet.
Wc Arc Exclusive Agents for
: Way Sagless Spring : :
Ten reasons why it is (he best :
It never saga or hags - does not roll to center.
It never doubles you like a Jack knifo,
It never humps you ea the bed slats.
It never cracks and grouna and rattle when you turn over, ,
It is unbreakable us well us unsagable,
It will last n lifetime with otdiuary care. Is guaranteed for 2.i vcars,
There are no open links to come unhooked or tear the bedding.
Perfectly sanitary no place for vermin easy to dust,
Conforms to simps of the body, giving restful support at every point,
It is luxuriously comforliihlo
yY " .
JV vajs
S!t: -HW lhnem
SM0 Display
I'OR RENT S room house, ,170
North Liberty street, l.lglita
and bath, nice Inwu, garden
with fruit. This is a bargain,
buy and
rent :
Here is a crowded,
of big; honest values
to offer because we
for cush and pay no
Vim flour inado from the best
hard wheat obtainable, if 1.00 per
Pet valhy flour, special to
morrow, l.7ii per sack.
One gallon absolutely pure Ma
ple syrup, nuolc in New York, for
harmony in Hie administration
(In his way back from Brooklyn Mr.
Minto states that he visited and in
spected the Stillwater, Minnesota, pen
itentiary which is credited with being
the best in the United States and took
some notes upon the different phases of
the managcineut and discipline which
might be of use. and value to him in
his new position. He reports that ke
had n most enjoyable time hut did not
get a chance to visit Sing Sing prison
while in New York,
,Ki;y t the family residence, !7
South Coiiiiuercinl street ut 0 o'clock
Thursday evening, March IS, l!il",
Mrs. Mary .lory, ut the age of 7s.
Puneral services will be held Sunday
afternoon nt o'clock lit the Leslie A.
'.. church. Piinerul services will bo
conducted by the Key. ,1. C. Spencer
and interment will titko place ut the
Odd follows cemetery.
Mrs. ,lory is survived by two sons,
Charles ,lory of Stockton,' and Oliver
.lory, of this city. Her husband died
here in 101:!. .Mrs. .Mary .lory cnnic to
i Oregon in lsr,( and moved to this city
!in Im'.I. In lsiili she moved into the
I home on Pl.i South Commercial and:
(lived there until the time of her death.
She wus of old Hevoliitinniiry stock, her
parents, Anion and Phoebe Itudd, cum-j
ing from Pennsylvania before their re-,
i nun III to Illinois,
l'erliu, by wireless to Suvville, L. I.,
March lit. Press dispatches this even
ing assert that flerniun neroplunes have
bombarded Hritish arsenals at Sheer
mss on tlie Thames river.
If you are not able to selul your
wife nwny for a trip this liuminer, it
is time now to commence urging her to
N-ranger. Koato i,.vCl
...... oruilii
Neiger, Salem, lit, i.
sttivs, Ho,
i.xi r.i cm -. I v.-,. . . ,
. . , """"in vvisnes n.
invj, ironing, honsocleaiiing. ,.ool,
""ow":"'k ti,c hu"r- f
acres ot Tine lilncli an, .,
Ninth Liherty sUft
K)U SAI.K Sp,u, 0f mK,t ,.(rl
2.S.)0; young, snund nmt gnod
era. Price ;;!.-il. 4 litrry Citv f,
Ham, Perry street. -j
WE will allow you the highe.tpriw(t
your used furniture is eithinji J
;,i ... "ru"'' 1I("M imn
FOU SALK cheap, ouchiiw io,
cultivator, good for gar.lening m
poses. Address C, nire Journal.
COTTAC I-: for rent, mmhn ,w
Summer and Oak streets, .artlv fa
tiished, if desired. 1'bone HVvl.v
1 1 hti
K)l! KENT s-roont huuH, t.tjr.j
bath, electric light, furnace, lint,
large lots, all fenced. But 11'
per month to ri(.'lit jmrtv; m( j
L. ucelitel & (o.
In the Land of the Otter
Drama, 2 Reels
The Speed King
Drama, 2 Reels
Fol'NI.) Two vcinlhiir licilm. ime
with bell, cnnic to inv vhrt; v.
fi"!.l and keen until raM fur. Jw
Spi anger, lluulc J, Hex 10, 1'kme In'
SFTTINtl eggs for nalc. Annrau W
lliitti rcup. Choice Aiuonii 'r
ten hens and lockcicl fur mlc fl
olJ North Lihcrty. l'lmiu' IKM,
FOU liKNT liO acies uf garden l-l
with good bail'liw, situate l'
Vniile from car line on i"!'
rond. V. A. l.Mmi, W
The Mutual Weekly No. 6
Latest War News
Rmn and Wall-Paper
Keystone Komic Comedy
6 ReelsTn All
Come and Laugh.
Bligh Theatre
1A No raise in price If)
Ivtihe Show that Pleases lUv
the People.
MONKY- Have applii'Stioiw mK
at per t on first class wriini'
one to five vcars. If yon hue
to l,.,n phone Ui. V. A. M
II A V K - At u local hospital, Wednes
day, March 17. 1015. Snriili A. Shnwk, j
in uic ne oi on years, i tie luuiy was m
sent to Portland yesterday, uVcoin-i
pained by the Kev. W. Lee Cray .t . sWIIJkW.iiMK -riisB in ;?ra.
the I'nity Presbyterian church. ' mmmm mm mmmm nmmtmm mm
Fiineial services were held in Port- ' ...... -
land this morning, with cremation at
me .vir. rM'ott crematory. :
l. -..i -v- r,.. t.... u.iic:: i i. .. i.n....- .1. . i.1! in s v . . llol c,' ..i. .
funeral -e i' iu c i-rininuiu i iuhhiii' riuiu ..... ive'tri
Nice sugar i
per pound.
ured hams, IS contn
1 c, i ul tl pounds for "5
Onions. 1," pounds for 25 cents.
Pure La-tern buckwheat, 55
cents per mo !j.
Pill pickl.s, special Saturday,
I" cents per ,nart.
Sugar, Saturday special, "'j
peunds for Cft cents.
Compare our prices with credit
tore prices uud see the difference,
Damon & Son,
l'hone OS, sjj j, rom,i
We deliver any pluce in East,
Wejt, North or r-vuth Sslem.
Oregon (Iralinm
Oregon Wheatulu
Guaranteed and mfg, by
Cherry City Flouring Mill
Safety First
Call a Taxi
Phone 700
Salem Taxi Co.
Office Bligh Hotel
HOLLO At her residence, 1T1UI State
street, Thursday, March Is, nil,",,
.Mrs. Yiolctte Hollo, at the age of iin , and ask your grocer for
years. :k r tunny soft wheat Flour,
Mrs. Hollo is survived by her has- Flour,
baud. Frank Holla of Salem, a daughter, ' Unl' Plead bleuded Flour.
Mrs. Coral Parr of Salem, and sun Will, Kcononiv sot'e wheat Flour.
Hollo ot Aurora, Missouri,
services will be held ut the chapel of Oregon Wholewheat
Vvohli .v; l lough Saturday ufteiiioon at !
2 o'clock. Tlie services will he under
the auspices of the I hureli of Christ.
Scientist and interment n't City View,
cemetery. ' i k
" ' j
The piano, the grand prize in the '
voting contest put on by C. M. Lppley
ot this city, was won hv the Couotcl'u- '
tioiuil church. The Kvangelical church
at the coiner of Kth and Chemeketn
streets well second prize and will have
the choice of n number of valuable
aiticles. Mi-s Zelphia White won tin
Wnlthatu watch and Mis. W. U. Miles
and Miss Josephine Stansell each won
a set of dishes. The contest which win
"luge, I by Mr. Kpplev to popularize his
home manufactured baking powder mid
coffee was closed Thursday night and
attracted rimsiderahle interest making
many friends for his products.
Case of Mrs. Difley
In Hands of Jury
Titcomn, Wash., March 1!. Kt the
conclusion ,,f elo.pieat appeal t the
tury made by Pro-ecutin Attorney
Keninun on I. ..toil ti,.. ....... ..'
case of Mrs Hertha P f lev 8trictl Koim
with the nurd th' ' ' 'I'l ni Mvat. Bathi.
CI, ranee I , . 1 ' ""r 'U RA 7S. -00. 1J0 FEB DAT.
Z tl, ' . t' J',rv " only hotri In th. busln.a disUlct
... i ii,-..., 1 "K ,1,on nearest to all Deoots. TiaatrM and
and three women constitut in tl,,, (., ?.,. SrJ?J,J v
n ... ....... vayiwi ouutuoa.
" aiCll- A ITnm. Aw from HomiL
T. O. BUOH, Prop.
uuu,', BottPhonea rre Aato Sot.
YOLNCI man. age.l 0, stronp ""l '
ing, no bad habits vHW, f
have work of some luiul. '"";'
you to offer ! Adilnw N "j,
FOI? SA1.K-I' . H. '' f;
and :" . iii. h ccntrit'iifal 11'. "
i first-class coinlitioa. i" '
either' one or both clicii' (
till on soon. I'll""''". ',
.letters,,,, 7-K-4I. A- H'
ferroii. Ore., H"ti' '
LONELY younR v.idw, P 2'-''l,j'
1.15: owns nice, coaimri.i""- -
.vl.,.,it land WurlV
; w ih ilU-.H-Ji
earl ': also lurps l"k
disuosi.ion: easy tn Rot
will marrv- poor 3 J
oruble, iiniiMiions
; moertv sucossfullv
u 11 ioi4 ' I 1 nn,
cr unv man ' ,
lw. I....." -. - ni,,,cf.
.,.,... ..i It C Nitmv i" " , I
quics. B ,5 FnrB,r.-
.lr.. 1 ' Sincere, iii.wi , .i
n,.!,..,,,. Kieaerid deliver-
answered.! This notice
tniu'spnir soin. K;
ttn.i. Wiil'MM!, "'f-
an. I : ai""'"1 "''"
' . ' r .hunks,
1 1 1 10, ha
all Iioims.
Salcui Fee
ci.il stiect
ve known i'1.''1,,':H
weight I'"";
Chickrn Prt 'P1 Mf,iM.. "
I hnrch. MturvU
.T:il0 until ' '''1"1'
.:ir ru -
ttoryin the Journal JW"
When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at
u --'
....r ii.enrii I(, eVlileil.C
meats They appeared to he greatly re-1
Ueved lh. their Hying a,,,it were!
jtlntatet rra" t
Estimates - , i