THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. BALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH IB. m. sxvnt, 3 NEW VEAl?ir PEAK - Jusr THINK ANOTHER. TWELVE' WmS OF HAPPlNEJf R)l2 PEAK. ANP Just think w TIME NEXT YENS g g FOll'F AFT E R. BEfD THEEE (SOEL? "THE! ALAtZM MIM YS TWELVE O'CWCK happy new mn Flipped opf that Cujck VOU foots IMBECILE - THE onl. THING MEW YeAEj" MEAMS "TO MS IS "THE FACT THAT THE LANDLORD ' - " "--" new DllcTHPAyo .. . AND VEfe NOMINATED TO CONTElBlrtell )aily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Pace RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion. G ... .mninmo T.nnflTl TWDlTniAllW i . VOX ABST8ACT CO.- Abstracts tat Protect. Uur uooks posreu up m oiU each morumj. v an mum i ui l mesienger will call for your iMwt J. C Sicgniund, president; KB Gehlbat, secretary, 245 State itJMt . AUCTIONEER. fffllONEEB Salem '. reliable seller I .'jfim Hie. .olicited. Terms, 1 per 1 l...t. Mtiifni'tinn Guaranteed or no lf. Ifeury M, Voorkies, Michigan Vast, first itreet east of the state Vliir ironnds. CHH0PEA0TIC-8PINOLOQIST 1 0. Ii. 8C0TT Graduate of Chiro I inttie'i Fountain llcnil, Davenport wi. If yon have tried everything td hire got no relief, try Cuircprne- t ifuil ad.iujtmpnts nml get well. Ufa 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank 'Ufa. Phone Main 87. Residence ',IUii S28-B. CHIROPRACTOR. foXttT DR. MAY, experienced and tiwifiil Chiroprai'tor, for acute and JtMiaijordtrs. Has prneticed five I .'in a Oregon. Free eonaultation Jt to 12, 1 to 0. .30.5 0-7 Hub J W Bi4?. Wj ittundnnt. l'hone jKiteJ 5Vi; teVidence 982-R. fflA1?. BECOND Hyp OOQDB fe:pD-nAD FURNITURE bought, ,M and eihanged. Highest prices ? M for second-hand gooda. See ub f Wor. you .ell. Wir .preehen Deutach. Jmi Furniture Co., 247 North Com pircial itreet. Phone 684. ff" .econd-hand j'milure, gcs, hardware, teut, toik J ?.rrj' th6. most eompleto I rL t",ve articl1" in wn at ( k. lowest price. 0. I. McPeek, 271 y "t" tommeroal ,t. Phone kain D. SCOTT n.. ., ... ,f fi Col ote of Ostoou,thv and lm f om. Office. J0,i-4i)fl salem Hunk and . w. wal". SS100' ( Osteopathy, illiwd In n. ,.Kra,1"at8 """1 ,'0,ltW- Treat acute and Pffif' U. 8. 'Ms, vliwi atrect. A. O. U. W. rrotoeHon Lodge No. 2.1 Meeta every Monday evening at 8i in the MoCornnck Hall, cornner Court! and Liberty strenta. A. K. Anfrance M. V..j 8. A. McFaddon, recorder; A. L. Brown F. : CKXTKATj LOIKiK, Xoi IS, K. of P. McCoinnck biiilding. Tm'siluy evon ing of emdi week at 7:110. tle'o. Win clicll, ('. C'.; .liiiiics W. Cox, K. of H. and S. . BALEM LODGE NO. 4 A. F. & A. M. Stated communication! first Friday in each mouth at 7:30 p. m. in the Maeonie Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.; B. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 50, A. F. ft A. M. Stated comfunication third Fri day in each, month at 7:30 p. m. In the Masonic Teiiipje, Glenn C. Nilea, W. M.; Ernest II. Choate. secretary. li. X. of A. "Oregon Ornpe Cnmp," No, Klllll, meets every Thursday even in K in McCoriiiick liulldiug, Court and Liberty streets. Elevator. Mrs. Syl vii JSi-ha iiip, 17!H Market, Orneie; Hazel Price, imperinl Furuit.nro Cui, recorder. HULTNOMAIt ROYAL ARCH CIIA.P TER NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell 11. Brooks, secretary. HODSON COUNCIL NO. I, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Mnsonic Temple. James Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Ulen C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDER!, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Templo. Sojourning Sir Knights ire courteously invited to meet witii na. Geo. H. Burtctt, E. C; Frank A. Turner, recorder. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, 0. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma sonic Temple. Elizabeth Read, W. M.; Jda M. Bubcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THIi WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack block, Oscar Donaldson, C. C; L. 8. (leer, clerk. 007 Court ,street. Phono CM. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. iu Moose Hall. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. A.; Ivan G. Martin, secre tary, Masonic Tompla. till anTS? T - . ff'or" Garl n " h"-le Boos i-J. ,l" , me'- lards and ... 5-. S3' U Phon. Main nnn SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D, Heeler, president; Mra. Lou Tillaon aecretnry. All casea of cruelty or neglect of dumb animal, should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. fen-o- n. wei,b. a. b- iiiurr .'tin. .. i m ' r Ton. i.. ;in-i riinprn A. t The' r1- m",h'"1l 1'iione MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5-40, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Alasonic Hull, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. W. W. Hill, V. C; Rex A. Turner, clerk. d Trade streets, a I -.UJ" ndvnnce. NURSERY. FOR SALE All kinds of fruit trees; grafted wnlnuts 85 cents per tree. Leave orders for all kinds of top grafting ami spraying. Mill Creek Nursery, 2180 State street. Salem, Or. MISOELLAJTEOTJa MONEY to lonn on anvthing of valiio for 30 to B0 duya. 'Ml Hubbard building. Jacob Co. W nf .1... " ' lC c'" n si,... won'1- fcir .. "'" erv. i. . - " " aim. H-Ul "d put, lim DRY CLEANING PRESSING. I'.El'UHE having nil of your spring el. aning done phone nud get our priees. We give prompt service linu guainntee our work. We clean and press everything. City Dry Cleaning Works, I Hi.) Ctnttf 'street, l'hone 1711. Aprl7 1'ltY CLEAN! NT, Cleaning, pressing, repniring, alterations, dressmaking and reliuiug fins, clothing, etc. Furs of all kinds renovated or remodeled; special summer rates given; first class work guaranteed. Coods called for and delivered free. Apparel Ser vice Co., KM Hith Hih street. Phone Opposite Oregon Elec tric de;ot. ' - THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone E 30 . Main 1200 ... Main 25 . Main 192 UNDERTAKER 8. Bigdon-Birhardson Co., 254 North High street . . Day and night, Main 1S3 TRANSFER ANR DRAYAGE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets.. Main 74 JOB PRINTING. Beaver 8tate Printers, Patton Block... - 1512 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Bank and Trust Bldg. . EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Balem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High . LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 184 South Commercial street . Loj Angeles, Co!., March IS. Buried waist deep in a cave-in, (Iregorio Perez, 27, calmly directed tho work of scores of -ixeited fellow wnkmen trying to rescue him, Perez was caught iu a lunddide in the workings where ho and 50 other laborers were employed. He held tho enrth above him with his arms until fellow workers completed tho rescue. TEN YEARS' MISERY ENDED. J. T. Chambirs, merchant, Joncsboro, Ark., writes: "Foley Kidney Tills cured me of n ten-year standing case of rheumatism. I suffered miserably. A friend told mo of being cured; so I used them, and they cured mo, too." Most mitldlo-nged uion and women are glad to learn that Foley Kidney Pills afford a way ta escape sleep disturbing bladder weakness, backache, rheuma tism, puffincss under eyes, stiff -and swollen joints, and other ills attributed to kidney troubles. J. C. Perry, druggist. DRUNKENNESS is a curable- disease, which requires treatment. Tho OHR1NK treatment can lie used with absolute confidence. It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer, :ir other intoxicants. Can be given in the home. No sanitarium expense. No loss of fine, from work, (an lie given secretly. If after a trial you fail to get nny henetit trom its uso your money will be refunded. 0I(H1.K is preiuired iu two forms: N'o. 1, secret treatment, a powder; OHH1NK NO. 2, in pill form, for those who desire to tnke voluntary treat ment. Costs only ifl.00 a box. Come in nnd tnlk over tlu matter with us. Ask for booklet. J. C. PERRY, 115 Commercial St, FOR SALE WE HAVE several carloads of good cedar fence posts 7 feot long for snlo at 0 1-2 conts each, f. o. b. curs at Blodgett, Oregon. Writo Plunkctt & Thompson, Blodgett, Oregon. FOR SALE Yetch and grain hay at th-.' ranch on Clarden Road or deliver ed. George Swegle. Phone 24-F-2. Mar22 FOR SALE 1 oxygen welding plant nnd I milling machine; must be aold. E. F, Brown, administrator Matzke estate, Independence, Ore. tf WANTED. HAY WANTED in trade for A-l nur sery stuck. Northwestern Nursery. Phono 73-F-22 or 1IH0-R. Howard E. Jones. tf I Lot a Journal Want Ad go out among thousands of readers $ and find you a buyer. 4t FIXE nursery stock. For 30 days I'll make special low prices on everything in my city salesynrd, State and Twenty-fourth streets. Northwest, cm Nursery, Howard K. Jones. Nur sery phono 7II-F-22; salesynrd phone 11 :!!!. WANTED A young man as a travel- mi eomnnnion on a trip tor one month to the Punuma-Pacific exposi tion, starting about April 1. Three weeks to be spent touring California on a motorcycle. The poi-scm going along to beur his own expenses. For further particulars address C. E., care Capital Journal. Mario WANTED A girl lor generul house work; must bo good cook; no wush ini nor rtroninir. Apply forenoons at 1)75 street. Murlil Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A WE WANT 5000 First mortgage on 201 acres good land 20 miles from Portland. Will pay good Interest. Jacob Co., 20" Hubbard building. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from blue ribbon winning B. P. Rocks, win ners of ninny prizes at various sliows. 'nil and see my birds. D. B. Cooley, 12KI North Twentieth Btreet. April WANTED Four r five-rooiyod mod ern house, plastered, electric lights nnd bath; also garden; reasonable rent. Address H. (.'., care Journal. Mur'.'O FoK SALE 10 acres of choice sandy loam, five miles out, nil set to Ital ia i primes two and three jcors oil, with loganberries between tho rows, In second year of bearing; nil wired nnd trained. Small house. Will give irnml tnrmu Will fnnuiilir rrnnil nrmc ertv in ox.-hnnge, Square Deal Realty! Co.', Phone 470. tfl MAUSOLEUM. MOUNT CREST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM. Tho Better Way. Dry and sanitary. Building always open to visitors, Sunday, 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. Oaskill, manager. 1000 Fir street. Phono 038-J. Get Rid of Lingering Colds, Coughs and La Grippe. Spring findB many afflicted with lin gering, hacking coughs that weakens the system. Slush and wet cause more colds than zero weather. Croup, bron chitis and piioumnnin uro prevalent. Every family should have u safe and re iinblo cough medicine ready for use. Foley's Honey ami Tur Compound con tains no harmful Ingredients. H eases n co'igh, checks n cold and relieves In flamed nnd congested membranes, It clears the air passages and soothes in flammation. J. C. Perry, druggist. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A BARGAINS One 3-inch wagon, 70' curds onk wonk, S00 oak posts, S- j room linue, good locution, 3 gnodi lots, for $500; 4-room hoiiso l(t 1 tf)0, ' nMrly new, nt your own terms. Ex-' ccptinmiilly good buys iu farms or stock ranches. Jacobs Co., 2117 Hub bard building. tf FOR SALE .'Much wnenn, or trade for! sini.'le buggv. I'. 11. Froinin, Route I. ' Dime 53 F-15. tf ! PH1ZE-WIN.MNG Huff Orpiimtonj crus for snie. 50c per doz. Plmuej Oil F 2. A. W. Cox, Salem lleivhts. Highland avenue. MurlO1 FOR SALE Small Imdv fir wondl cord on place; 1 wood rack, 15; lj fe.0-tb, line: 1 small pig: 1 hack, S. F. llat'iike. Route 2, Box 77. Mnrlfl, WHY SO MANY FEEL TIRED. "Spring fever" usually is the result of sluggish bowers and torpid livor. After months indoors, you are not likely to feel vigorous and sprightly. Foley Cnthurtin Tablets aro "worth their weight iu gold" for Hint over-full feel ing, biliousness, gns on the stomach, bad breath, indigestion or constipation. Their action is quick, comfortnblo and complete without nausea or griping. Stout people say Liey are a blessing. J. C. Perry, druggist. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A COMPLETE stock of testerl garden. I field and lawn seed. Westiicott- ' Thielsen Co.. 151 North High street.. FOR SALE Anilnlnsinn nnd Fnvernlle eg"S fur setting. Phone lOM-W, MnrSI. rOB RENT FARM for rent. Timnlre 213 Water stret, or phone 1341-W. I FOR RENT New il ronmed house on corner Hood and I.Hiertv streets, Z lut,t. chicken house 12.50 per ninith. Inquire 1415 North Fourth street, or phone (tin. Mnr23i tmsmwwaaumM L, M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. FOR RENT Furnished fw unfurnished house, hot writer nnd bath; piano may be included. Harden s-rnund and plenty of fruit. Phone HH2-Y tf Hfl FRENCH FEIMI PILLS'. FOR RENT " room house. 1105 North Liberty Mrcet, corner Belmont; fruit, berries, flowers, garden spot, good kirn and chicken vard, t2 per month tu right party. Mar20j JTrt.T.l iiki. isew. to f ah. ;' ar1' 1 " (viu. I.alra.i4 N.M Mfk.44. Sal f14 fcr 1 00 p.r Wi. Will ! iel,ta t mm lf m ml.... llMltnouMM, itan Vm m4 aim . . p-MmLII.II-.lili.nM.J SalemFence Works And Slove Repairing R. B. Fleming, Prop. Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stove, bought and aold. Depot American Fence. Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Palnta, Oil. aufl Varninueo. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks. 250 COURT ST, PHONE 124 Back of ChlcagT Store. 4-4 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society BUROHARDT MEREDITH Resident Agente BBS State Street MONEY TO LOAN On Oood Real Estate Security TH08. K. FORD Over Ladd k Bu.h Bank, Salem, Oregon CASTOR I A For Infant and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwya bra the Signature Italy Ready To Sign Peace Treaty With U. S. Washington, March 17. Count Di Cellero, tho Italian ambassador to the United States, called on Secretary of State Bryan this afternoon and inform ed him thnt Italy is ready to ratify Bryun'B proposed "yenr of giaco"' treaty betwea the United Stntes nud Italy. The treaty is one of a scrica of agree ments prepared by Secretary Bryan wifli tho object of sustaining present peaceful relations between th I'-iived Stntes and foreign nations, anl which contained stipulations intended to gov ern the settlement of any possible dif ficulties between tho signatory nutii.ns. Similar treaties with several oilier countries already have been signed. While the fool sits around and wor ries about tho living tho world owes him, the wise guy gets busy ami col lects the interest on the debt. Dr. Stone's Poison Oak Remedy A snow white- medicine, (Oft and soothing te the skin, applied every hour at once relieve! tad soon cures POISON OAK. Price 25c and BOe For aule by all druggists and DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug etore in Oregoa and show cases are loaded with drug medicines, notions, toilet articles, wlnee and liquors of all klnda for medlolnal purposes. Dr. Stone is a rogular grada ate iu medicine and baa had many yeara of experience in the practice Consultations are free. Proscriptions are free and only regular price for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at his drug store, SaldTn, Oregon, front 0:40 in the morning until 8 at night Froe delivery to all parts of the city and within a radius of 100 miles. 1 jT . "V mask CATARRH of Ihn BLADDER ritllovitl in 24 HOURS Ench Ckn- TN lui.- )nrthe(MIUYJ numti r y Bum rf n trmi n tfiffrt t TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROAD!. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. BALEM GEER LINE. 73 Ar. Salom . 9:15 a.m. 76 Lv. Balem 10:00 a.m. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. 71 Lv. Sulem 4:15 p.m. (No connection south of Geer.) BALEM, FALLS CITY It WEBTERN. 100 Lv. Salem (motor) . 8:15 p.m. lfll Lv, Salem (motor) 7:00 a.m. 163 Lv, Salom (motor) .... 9:43 a.m. 165 Lv. Salem (motor) 1:40 p.m. 107 Lt. Salom (motor) ...... 8:25 p.m. 2;D Wnv Freight, Ix. Salem 6:00 a.m. 102 Ar.'Salem (motor) (MO a.m. 104 Ar. Salom (motor) 11:25 a.m. lflfl Ar. Salem (motor) 8:15 p.m. l)8Ar, Salem (motor) 6:80 p.m. 170 Ar. Balem (motor) ...... 7:45 p.m. 240 Way Fioight, ar, Salem 1:35 p.m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Northbound. 16 Oregon Express 6:00 a.m. 2S Willamette Limited ... 0-2 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited 11:53 a.m. 18 Portland Passenger .... 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger ... 6:00 p.m. 14 Portland Express - 8:00 p.m. 226 Local Wsy Freight .... 10:30 a.m. 222 Portland Fust Freight 10:38 a.m. Bouthbound, IB California Express ...... 8:32 a.m. 17 Itosebnrg Passenger .... 11:15 a.m( 10 Ccittngo Orovo Pass 4:20 p.m, 11 Slmsta Limited - o: p.m.) 27 Wlllainetto Limited .... 0:10 p.m. 1H Sao Francisco Express 10:38 p.m. 221 San Fast Frt. 12:01 a.m. 225 Local Way Freight 9:22 a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leavea Balem Arrive) Portland Train No. 4:3.1 a.m .. 2 Owl 0:56 a.m. 7:16 a.m - fl :30 a.m. 0:45 a.m...... 10 Limited 11:35 a.m. 11:20 am 12 .. 1:45 p.m. 1:60 p.m 14 .. 4:10 p.m. 4:00 p.m lt Limited ..... 6:50 p.m. 8:37 p.m . 20 8:00 a.m. 7:65 p.m H 10:00 Southbound. L. Portland At. Beleo 0:45 a.m 1 . 8:68 a.m 8:25 a.m S Limited 10:11 a.m 10:40 a.m . 7 ..18:B8 p.m 1:10 p.m 9 4:33 p.m 4:40 p.m 6:00 p.m 9:20 p.m 11:45 p.m Lr. Corvnllia 4:10 p.m Lv. Eugene 7:35 a.m 11:16 a.m 1:50 p.m 5:10 p.m 12:00 a.m Lv, Salom 4:35 p.m.... Lv. Snlem 2:00 a.m. M:l)5 a.m... 10:15 a.m... Lv. Salem 1:00 p.m... Lv. Salem 0:40 p.m... . 13 Limited .. ... 17 Local 10 21 Owl Northbound. 20 10 Limited - 14 10 Limited . 22 .. 2 Owl Southbound. 21 Owl .. .... 1 Limited .. 6:41 pjaj. .. 8:10 l.aa. ...11:21 pja. . i:to i Stopa 13 Ar. Bales. ... 5:37 p.a. Ar. Balsa ... U:4I a.m. ... 1:50 p.aa. ... 4:00 p.m. ... 7:M pjs. 8:10 a.m. Ar. Albany ... 0:38 p.ra. Ar. Eugene 7:01 p.ta. Ar. Eugene .. 7:60 ...11:30 a.m. ...12:28 p.aa. At. Aibaay ... 2:01 p.aa. at Corvellli 2:32 p.ak Ar. Eugene ... 8:80 p.aa, CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound, Corvallia Ar. Balem 20 a.m 10 11:48 a.m. (Local Albany to Salem.) 12 p.m.. 32 p.m... IU p.m... 03 p.m... Salem 05 a, in 15 a.m 35 p.m 00 p.m 45 p.m ... 14 - 16 20 22 Southbound. 1:60 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:87 p.aa, T:8 p, Ar. Corvallia 10:31 a.m. 11:84 a.aa. 8:02 p.m. 8:82 p.m, 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Oregon City Transportation Company. Leave Portland fur Oregon City, iliittnvillu, Nnwborg, Mission (St. Paul), Wheat luud, Snlem (daily except Bii-uliiy) -...6:46 a.m. Lenvo Portland for Indepen dence, Albany, Corvullis, (Tuesday, Thursday . and Saturday) 6:45 a.aa. Keturuing. Leevee-Corvallia Albany . 6 a.m. Mon., Wed., FrL ... 7 a.m. Moa., Wed, Frt. Independence, 9 a. m. Mon., Wed, iTi. iSnlem 10 a. m. Mob, Wed, M. 'Salem 6 a. m. Tufa, Taor, Bat, 'I - r- ,V I '