CAPITA!. JOTTHKAXh SALEM. nuMOW. FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 1M8.. THE SALEM t. i 77hs s 77ie Z?oys 5fore LEAD VALLEY LEAGUE BIX mm - ;1 i i ';,'(. We pay special attention to fitting up the boys. You can now have a selection from the largest assortment of boys suits ever shown in this city. Prices, $5.00 to $10.00 FEATURE FACTS All Wool and Rain Proof. Cut full and cut right. Pants and seams taped. Patent buckle and sewed on buttons. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE FREE Six Months' Subscription AMERICAN BOY With Every Boys' Suit Local Bowlers Take ThreelHal Sheridan Says McGraw's Games From Corvallis Julians SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE Don't Stay Gray! Hero'g a Simple Recipe that Anybody can Apply With a Halt Brush. Tho nun of Sage unil Sulphur for re storing faded, Krliy 'luir to l,s natural color (1 u 1 oh buck to grandmother's time. Hho used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, kIossv uinl lilimiilunt. Whenever Leader of English Suffragettes Will Support (Continued from Piii Due.) Ill'eilod, "Tin' Mil F t' rn k t t ib have always want- i'i tin1 government, to regard Fuglisii I wimion 114 II rosorvit I'ltree The vtlHt. her liuir full out or took on that dull, I intelligence and capability of women faded or tdri'ukcit appearance, this sim-j may ho made an asset. Two 'third of pin mixture was applied with wonderful : I,rd Kitchener 'a army am married effect, linen, Itrititdi women, who huvt- any Jlut brewing at homo In inusHy and control over mi'ii, are irisint iiilf that LOSE ON COIIM Highway Commission Will Construct Hood River Road As Originally Planned Tbo Sulem Electrics jumped into first place in the Willamette Bowling annotation last night by winning three games straight from the Corvullis Julians. The Electrics now have a per centage of .633 but the Kiigene Knin- ! bows are close behind with .62!' and the Julians four points in the rear with .C2!i. A few games yet remain to be. played in the league and if the IdectricH maintain their present stride tliey will have little trouble in landing the leugite pennant though the feat might be accomplished by any of the three league leaders. Last night's contest was witnessed by a good sized crowd and though no particularly high games were rolled the scores of the home team show con sistent work. Noud, of the Klectrics bowled 21U for high game and Kay held the high average of 17H for the Klectnit'8, Stowart of t'orvuHis held the high average for the match with 1S1. The Electrics totaled 2j!I7 pins while the Julians upset -417. The scores follow: Electrics. tliev join the forces ut the front. It is the bachelors who are holding back. They lack n woman 's influence. "It Is our women who have been the greu'est Bul'fcrors economically frum the war especially the women of odii Many men who ought to be ut thi' front ai'e filling places that these women could fill. Nevertheless, the men generally lire doing nobly. lit your civil war, you know, the I'niled stales wus forced tu adopt conscrip tion. Hut ho far it has been unneces sary here. "We suffragettes love our country as lunch us all the women of Kuglund do. We could have gone to America, . I. ..... t... ........ .....i;.... ....... up lit Hiiuie r.ngii.n cinnny, nut we rcmaiir in 1' ii n In ii l because of our love for our country. "We feel that a (Icrman victory will set back Ike feminine movement ill defiiiitely and wo know thai tiie wom en of Knglniiil can be converted into a tremendous asset for assisting the cause ut the allies. " In spite of I lie vigorous protest of "Boss" Day the state highway com mission will proceed to award the con tract for the construction of the Milchell's point unit of the Columbia highway in Hood Uiver county, prob ably tomorrow morning, as originally planned nnd specified and according to the pledge of the commission to the people of Hood River county to the effect that the state would expend $')M,0(lll of the state highway fund in permnment road construction in that county. This decision was made by Secretary of Slate Olcott and Treasurer Kuy, the majority of the commission, and an nounced to a special delegation of lloinl Uiver cili.ons and press repre sentatives and. although (lovemor Wilhyeunibe wns out of the city it is practically certain thut be will voto to uphold the old members of the coniinis siou in keeping their pledge to the peo ple. Numerous bids were received for the Mitchell's point unit, consisting of one road and involving a big tunnel through solid rock, but the lowest bid was that of the Nluudifer-Clarkson fur summer iiinccrls in the parks. T blind will consist of W'i til !l.'i uiiisieiaus ami li concerts will be held. T.iey will be alternated among the various parks of the cily, it is planned tu in iindace several Innovations ut the con certs this v i'ii r. oot-of date. Nowadays, bv asking at any drug store fur a .10 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Huge and Sulphur Hair Hetn udy", you win get this famous old reeipo which can lie depended upon to restore natural color nad beauty to the hair and is splendid fur dandruff, dry, feverish, itchy scalp ami fulling hair, A well -known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw tins through your hair, taking unit si rand ut n time, By morning the gray hair disappears, ami after another ap plication or two, it becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and abundant. Local agent J. ('. Perry. MCELROY TO LEAD BAND. Curl l)in.l, Ore., March !!. W, K. Mc Mirny ,oue of Ike best known musicians nnd baiidinnslers In this city, was chos en from n long list of applicuuls yes leiiliiy by the council In be director of the cily park ciincert band during III.' coming summer. Mr, Mi Kirov is a sulo coinelist. He was leader of t ho band To Prevent Ptoniafno Poisoning. in IMS ami gave satisfaction, i Heat canned peas in milk and if the Th" council has nppropt iale.l $Ui,0im milk curdles beware of Ptomaine poison-1 company, of I'oitlund, for approximate- ing. Also notico cans in winch youriiy nu,iiuu. cauii"d goods collie. Tae cans niuy be Henulor I lay appeared before the dented but if the can is pushed out commission on Wednesday, when the from the inside don't eat the contents M'ls were opened, nnd protested against fur fear of poisoning. Never let goods the construction of the road ns planned stands in can open to the air for fear j with the tunnel on the ground that an of jiolsoning. old road back of the point with a l.'i i per cent grade could be utilized at a " I great savin); In expense. This morning, however, Leslie Itutler, of the Duller j bunking company, nnd W. I,. I'lnik, I former president of the commercial I club of Hood Kivcr, came to Salem to I confer with the commission und, in the , absence of the governor Secretary Olcult and Treasurer Kay gave them every assurance Hint the commission week, nnd Unit n salaried solicitor has of Hood Uiver and thai the road would he eonstrneted as planned. V'ewer marriages would be failures if htve were blind only in one eye. ! Corn-Mad? Use "GETS-IT," It's Sure Makes Corns Vanish Like Magic I A hard cap of skin makes up every com. When you put 2 drops of "II I'.'I'S IT" on it, it shrivels up and conies right off -and there's your com gone by thunder! Simple as taking 1 2 3 Totl. Kay 1H7 lilu 101 538 Hunch 17H 1 MS 1 f7 .r)2") Hussey 176 170 l!i2 474 Kress HIS IS") 17S Sill Noud !.-, I."i7 21.'l 529 849 17 Ml 2"dl7 CorvallU Julians. 1 2 3 Totl. Ebering U'!l l.'iH 1411 431 Ooolittle 10J His 170 5113 Herghol. 1 14 170 144 404 Stewart 1M 171 17S 54.1 Htokes 14S 155 172 475 7fU Slid Ml" 2417 Pitching Staff Will Be Stronger Than Ever "Master of Them All" YOU must draw a complete distinction be tween all other machines and the Big Twin mm wMotocycle It is the predominant all-round machine the crowning achievement of a company known the world over (or the superiority of its product and its Btrict adherence to all principles fostering progress. Strength, spccJ, anJ power are nmnifest in nil its grace (ul outline. In jtt'cnt clmnii lie in its uhility to easily surmount (lie hardest aJvcrsc roaJ-riditirf, liill-clintbiii(J, tnountuiii-Uiuriiiil condiiioni. If it's n ridoahle road, boulevarJ, n.uh, or (mil, the. Uii Twin will negotiate it, tho CUADl.i: Sl'HINCJ l lt.Uti:, n fxclushv ImJUih ftaturt, uhsorbiuj ull shocks unJ vibrations. Oir 100,000 tnlhutiatlic niu joy In iti poMsiiin. 9 fri'f, nm tnnoi'afioni anJ 2J Jrlail rfinmnl amir ill enntmutj aurr nty during I9IS. Th Big Twin tAr-ip! Indian murA-j (A highttt utlitinmtnt in IS twlulion of mu(i-ioJ r, x,, Ctt fut co at tlx tuliful 1913 CaUlaf . te Kilbane, White ' - and Ahearn Win Philadelphia, ifarch l. JiJiuny Kil bane, the featherweight champion, out fought Kid Williams, the bantamweight title-holder, all the way in their six round bout here last 'iiiglit. Hoth men weighed In nt 122 poniids a half-hour before the fight. t'liiuloy White, the Chicago light weight, who is seeking a "rep" that will satisfy Welsh, stopped Sinn Ho bidenu, of I'liilmlclphia, in the first round of n scheduled aix-round bout. Alter Hobiileaii hud received a terrific uppe.rciit on the hunt of the iuw and had been knocked down three time for the count ol' nine, the l'hilinlelphian 's seconds, fearing he was in a helpless condition, stopped (lie fight. louug Ahearn, middleweight cham pion ut Kiigliiinl, won the popular de cision over .liininv Clubbv. of Ham mond, lnd., aspirant for the title in I hat class, in a six round bout. With the exception of the first round, in which Clubby opened a gash over Aheaiu's eve, the Kuglish champion ex celled. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Levi M Cilbert ct nx to O 0 Con slable et ut, lots 2.1, 27, 2S, 29, 30, 31, Siinnyside Kt nit. Karma No. 8; also part lot Id, SuiinvHulc Fruit Ftornis No. 8. fee M Iteeves ,-t ux to V ,1 Linfoot, lot 7, block 11, Kiverside Turk add., Salem, Homer (Jonlcy ct ux to Mary Osbom, lot s, block I I. bnva of Chenieketn. tieo 11 Ctnsaii ei ux to the Public, part of Henry CroMtn claim 48, H 8, II W. It 11 Chnmherlin to Kdward Tooker ct ux, lots I, , 3, 4, 5, 6, block 4, nosier s ri.t.i., .Mac! lay. F C Hyde et ut to'Murv Goughnour, part of I'aiii. h a,l,l. B, Siilem. 1- ( ales to T C I'iMrnmii, lota 13 and it, "iioiiimrn Finn Farms. 1'. I" Mel roskev et. nt in Rnrnti T. I.nper, lot 4 in tract 15. Wise acres irncis. ill Mcliili lirisl. At., ei in tn J C ami A I, I learnuter. nnrt bliiek "(1 Nob Hill annex I'CO l Ue. L'ers ,t n tn r.:,it. ei in v i ts allj o block 2, Oak i.o, me, Salem. "I. Iiet et ut t sloper nnd Cockle I l"t bill, k I I l.'l..vv,vl n.l.l nil-Ill. (By Hal Sheridan.) New York, March 19. More and more, as the opening day draws near, does it appear as though the lliunts and Braves were going to stage a mer ry little war all by themselves tor the National league pennant. All there is to it they are the class of the league und fi'om this angle there doesn't seem tn be a team in the Tener circuit that has even a chance to cheat them out. Critics who a few weoks ago were howling that McUraw didn 't. have a pitcning, staff are strangely silent now. Critics who at the close of the last season were howling that his in field was shot to pieces crawled into their holes when the Little Napoleon went and grabbed Honns Lobert. They burrowed still deper when he went out and grabbed himself I'ol l'er ritt. ihithewsou, Tesreou, Marquard, I'er ritt, Chalmers, Fromme how does it look ,' H.idolph, Tyler, .lames, Hess, Davis, Crutcher how does it look? If tiiere are any of the other six teams in the league boasting such ag gregations they have yet to blare forth. (jetting down to hair-line distinctions on paper the tiiunts even seem to have tho edge on the hated iiostonians. Comparison, however, are odious, as was proven quite conclusively last Oc-J tober when the dopesters began coin puri,ig Schmidt to ilciiinis, Deal to buki'r, and liowdy to Schang. Schmidt, livers, iluruuville and Smith ,against Merkle, Doyle, Fletch er and Lobert. Jlagee, Connolly' and Moran against any three of the fal lowing: Robertson, Snodgrass, Thorpe, linrini or Murray, (iowdy and Whal ing against McLean, Myers und Smith. If the foregoing battle fronts dou't offer pre-sensou prospects of the hut test little fracas in the history of the gruiid old game then all dope is use less, and the dopesters should be sent to Belgium. Tho weukness of ,the Giants last your was attributed to lack of an other good pitcher and a weakness ut third. Both have been tilled and most ably. Weakness of the Braves if thjro are any was in their hitting. Sherwood Magee, slugger pui excel lence, was added. Now, if the anvil chorus will join m on "Just Before the Buttle, Moth er," we'll let out bets on the Giants and llruves against the field stick from April to October. CONFERENCE ATHLETES MEET. GUNS AND AMMUNITION D't W..I. Tim. "Iton-rlm." "CI TS IT." WwU'l impl.-rt Corn-Lur, Ncrr Fulk oi'f tour lull' Thai's why com iiiiMiou have untie wild titer "liF.TNIT" nolhuiK like it eer Known. Some lolk, t,i this day, putter around with iuiiidage. sli.Uv tape, thick phulers. tern "pulling" salves, gouge conn Oct with ktittcs snip them with sets sets, make them bleed and thcu howl bci'itusv lliev mii't yet rid of sore com t e "t'.FTS IT." Tltete's nolliiiig to ,lo 1'iit tti.pu 2 drops. The work done, "viKTSlT" docs the ret. No pant, no rinsing, no clutngiug shoe, i n liniptiig. It never tails. Try it to iniliit for any corn, callus, watt or bun ion H,. sure that you get "tiFTS IT ;ot,l ttotliitiit else. "UFTS IT" is miM bv .Irtijrfi.u everywhere, S.V i bi'ltte, or sent direct bv F. Lawrenc A Co.. t hl, o. A luttny "cts t , i so ii as a tellow him to buv it. be a neeessity fust i wages will enabl mmmmm Repairing ! j i liOcks Kepairea. X Keys Made and Dupli- t catod. Hicyelos Kopaired and Overhauled. I .t i uuvnmowers snarpen- ed ami Repaired. l Hauser Bros. Only a few years ago American fruit growers, by scientific methods, created the grape-fruit of today. "Utterly Different" from the old. fashioned grape-fruit. "Utterly Different" from any other fruit grown. You don't have to ASK people to eat these " Utterly Different" grape fruit. They have tried them-they have found them "Utterly Different" and the world can't get enough of them. Just so have people tried NEB0 Pin end the" Utterly Different" ciga rette. And just so has NEBO Eain end the "Utterly Different" cigarette be come famous. Because they are "Utterly Dif ferent." GUARANTEE If after smoking hqlf the package of NEBO Eiais i you are mt delighted, return balance of package to P. Lorillard Co., New York (Esta lishedUQO) and receive your money back. WtterluViffewn ifformt! 'WM CIGARETTES Anxious Crowd Is Waiting For Cook (Continued from page one.) F.v.inston, March III Wisconsin nnd I Hi II..-. a will bnttle for first ulace and hicago and Northwestern for third if ne I'ope ot conference experts makes good nt the annual conference meet tile Big Nine at Northwestern field. Northwestern had one of the best track teams in its history, but the Illinois and Badgers were doped the strtcigest. Algerian Murderer Resigned To Fate Sa'i Francisco, March 10. Resinned to hi fate, Isaac Eddie, an Algerian, ho shot and killed his sister, " I'rin- ess Cchio, a dancer, on the Zone it th ' Pannmn-l'neific exnuiition. today euieii that he had been sent m n mes senger of death by the girl's husband. Siniiiltaneoiisly the police nre trying to tritg itoni tne litislmuil, Aineen I.uftv. eonlession that he inspired the crime becn ise his wife hud been too friendlv with ether men. Kdilie insists that he shot h is sister because she wits " iov mad" nu.l had pent most of her recent vears frequent ing- entes Btid dancing places. The rime occurred in a crowded restaurant eta 'lie one. Kddie called the cafe manager, Joseph Sasso. to the desk. when Sasso refused to loan him monev, new a revolver and beuuu firiinr. One nll"i wounded Sasso in the arm. 'l'lincess" Zehia, who danced in the ulV, tried to flee, but her brother slit,' tier dtad. Dervishes Sweep Over Sudan, Traveler Says Berlin, March 10.-(By wirelm to Snyville.) A Gcrinnn merchant who re cently has returned from Egypt ii uV ority for the declaration tht thewhclj of the Sudan, including Khartum, uj also parts of Nubia, ore in powoMioi ol Dervishes. The assertions of this tn in the ohik ed Cook, ns the expenses of bringing the witnesses to this city would be con siderable. Willing to Return. "Hello, Hill! Hello, llarrvl" was ('ink's ureotimr tn Sheriff V.noYi nndleler are published Air. Minto when theso officers met him Zeitung. He describes also n eogif in the corridor of the Brooklyn nil. I ment near Faslmda Inst Dccemwr, They both replied to ffis greeting, 'and i which Generul Hawlcy of the Bniiu look continued: armv, and a number of other oiin, " iVell, I 'm glad I'm going back and 'i1h ulm08t 2'0()n. m(,n' 10M get it off of tnv mind. 1 believe I The merchant in question rel n wictbl have come back soon anvwav if I story of the nllcgctl uprising m " you had not sent for me. The "of f icers Henussi tribesmen in informed him that thev had been en- Uay they destroyed an Austraa" P delivering to get in personal touch with I1- P.vnils on NoveniDi him for some time. ing 200 Australians and ejpWII'' Cook's wife was bitter toward the provisions. Later, m lJe J offi'crs, and tr.1,1 them that she hoped ! .h0'000i l l 'il r ike train would get wrecked before, the entire province of rnum they got back. She had but l when troyed all ""I'''1'-'"' f 1 k the officers reached Brooklyn and Cook i C' line. Ueremhe , i had no monev himself si,,iff 1 stroyed the AlcxunJna-tuiro rrn liave her enoiarh nf hi. own mniinv fm inenr Dnmnnhur. her imuieilinte needs. Without Money or Ooods. "' I'P' "l '" "' ' ' mM Cook told the officers that all of the ' "'"Iter Wth, 4n'"" ? j the neri.nani.ise he to. from this e, y , Hawley PI' ii ns uteie as wen as ills money, tie "'" ".",,,:,: ,. nftheB'" said he was obliged to give n.ost of ! them with B.WM1 t o, Of k the goods away for small sums to pawn-id"' "" ." 1 vi"' , living ife. ?-( t .v ahiug- jhe he 1ofrtJ,? .'.urn ins nitniicriiigs arrer ne icrt pa- ". ; ',,,,1 ,i (irncral lem except to that, he was in tingent w8 k , lie 1, an d ( yli Tlelenn, JUeitnim, where the officers' "J hl" f'' rV.; L. bad mt i.. i -;iinui(in rflBDi the appeal of the .iervis he., and I Oldest Mercantile House In Albany In New Hands Albany, Or.. March in Prnl,t,l,. n... largest mercantile detil in u-i'n tie valley in vesr. el. ..! ,..i....i... , " ' " i t VIII when a contract was signed between S. .. tiling 4 Son, nnd 1.. F Hamilton, both ot thiscitv, whereby Mr tl,i,,,(li., will take over the stock 'nn, I t;.tnr.,. .. the Young store, the largest e stuMMi- meat here, and lease the building for n term of tears. Mr. Hamilton will take nnrge of the store April 1. Mr. Young has been in I,,,.; :.. Albany for HI years, startim .,n tore in lS.ltt nnd gtnduully increasing it until the business s.dtl to Mr. llnaitb ton yesterday had, largest in the Willamette valley extensive interests elsewhere, ' Mr. Hamilton has been engaged In business in Albany for 1 tenrs, and was burned out a few dnvs m-., ti,.. constderatton is not ivcu,' but will ap proximate J7.VOP0. 0(ficcr, aim u.. ;. id am conimunuiiiK in '" - isoners tteciijun ten. i tt A. a result of this vietnry. " . tive chiefs .ioincl the ''"v on January 1 took pe 'J utH portant military pest nt N"r- (district of Scnnmir to This nierciiant .pii lervishes destroyed all thf ' ,w l.nes in Lower Kiypt. ' ",lloJ eounuest of tiie ,siMnn to leak out. , . MH-ialt "' Some people man" - I' . itt0. ib-nsing the milk ofh l, ul """ " The Journal Want t,-,i,..i. t. ... i. i ,....i4 nun iiifiii ui-re. , , . :,.,,. II,. uavn ), n n ' prisoners decnpiti t"! nis way out except that, before they reacVil Chicago, his old home, he en deavoreil to play sick in the hope that he would be taken to the hospital in that city. This did nut work for a minute, and betore the train left the suburbs of the great city Cook was a well mini, With the two officers on the wntea they wee able to relieve cadi other, nnd Cook was never hand cuffed except on i;o streets or being transferred front one train to another, when he wits handcuffed tn his grip. Cook took the trip ns a mutter of nurse until the train renclted the out skirts of this citv. when he showed igns t.f nervousness. As the train uinr.'d tiie depot ho looked out of the window and jaw the streets and deput platform packed "nd asked what was -oin-I u today. The officers were stir priesd to see so many people, but took a long guess and told him it was a i welcome home, Their surmise proved to be cu'rect. as the same crowds have , been meeting every train for the last two days. I sheriff Kch brought his mother. Mr. Sophia Fsch. back with him from her 'tottie ill St. Paul, this making the lirst tun,, m 40 years that she has been away from St. Paul except for short trips, she wi,, ,,.!, pleased with th, idea ant weather of Oregon, ns thev left . . i l'ie;i ant wei o,. J i ;' ' '"' m tiie lee and snow. Tney aic !Utu Ut?i:aUSe tneV are "nt "" this citv last night as IUll 01 bartraill nvc fVio ' "'v t1 " " ount of a delay of nine hour, due to tho breaking of wheel on tin risli tijr. .. . t ! t o.ik wiii ne ... on u,, court witaiu u " I... v i eh ic " I,,,'.. . luVJ in.lirt'X' the SNAP h ."-e. harv. m bearing fruit tree 5 ACRE T&A ,,re rr.". well, fruit: n"1"-' .'-,.,,-f.H ens. all t"l a"'' . ill r& rf W' Choice 1 V, fnlgmt Houf 1 L BECHTEL 4 ft, 347 SUt Strert. 171.10: easy rerm; Beautiful he" r.i. ii.i-'" , i