Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 19, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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19, 1915.
Unusually Choice Offer
ings, both for Men
and Women
Await your inspection here. Suprem
acy in style, quality and comfort,
,-npA with eXlieiliei icaounauic jnwo, nave uccii
comDineu uiiders for our shoe department in the
who buys our John Kelly Shoe is al
' ways a customer.
who buys
Selz's Shoes
no other.
once wants
The hog market is faitly strong to
lay. Veal in weaker on account of the
T?or supplies coming in. Spring lamb
is showing up plentiful and tho price i:
off 1 cent to lay.
Hndishos are just coming into the
narkct today and a good s'.ipply will be
on hand next week,
Rhubard is now quoted at $2.50 pe
Thero has been no change in the
jrain or mill feed market lor several
Our Shoes This Spring are Extremely Nobby
aigo show attractive Footwear for boys and girls. Sold at the LOWEST
Hay, timothy, per ton $o
Jlovor, per ton $8.50(n9
Juts and vetch $1112
neat $9(ri10
meat, per dusuci $1.15
lata, per bushel 4K(a50e
Rolled barley "'.$
'-'orn .. ;!M.r,o
racked corn $f
Bran ui
:lio:ls, per ton
ggs arm poultry.
Bggs, (ash, liic; trade i7t.
Hens, lb .......Hi
Roosters, old, per pouM 7,
t"8 he
'reamcry butler, per pound .1(1-
Sutterfat, per pnuud 27,.
Vegetables, "
Cabbage, per lb ?.$l.75i2.7'
Ponce de Leon Failed;
His Prize Is Found
With the Quick and the Dead;
Gruesome Life in Battle Trenches
Poice de Loon, tho daring explorer,
mrthnl iiroiig the swamps of Florida! Following is tho first of a series of
Ik lie Fountain of Youth, which the!nrticles by Phil Ruder, a former United
Mm uid would restore power and Press correspondent, who, since the out
kr people young. He did not find it. j break of the war has been serving with
Ttouniiihi of chronic intestinal, !the world famous foreign legion of the
tnriind stomach sufferers hove writ- Trench army. His regiment of 1,500
lattlleo. H. Mayr, 154 Whiting St., men has been reduced to 385 after four
Cfafo,in quest of health. They have and trie-half months in the. trenches. A
Wit. His remedy, composed ot change In assignment ontuiling a fur-
Wnwgrtablc oiU from France, has lough in London made possible prepnrn-
ns part of a funeral
aWtiven them back the health of
Kai lutter liom indigestion. Cases
n the ttomaca, fainting spells, torpid
fiver, constipation rJ all the evils 0f a
diiordered tornach Tiicn there is
fraanent relief herd Mavr's Won
itrfut Remedy is sold by loading drug
ili everywhere with tho positive un
fersUsdiiig thai your money will be
rffnded without question or quibble
it ONE bottle fails to give vou abso
lute satisfaction.
S Francisco, Marc h 111, A can 'of
Mld milk hurled hy Mrs. Dominic
Ce Prevented a bold daylight rob
,1 u t,C"la'V' Two attempted
fJ!? -P MT- pone's fruit store on
tJJbti street but were frightened off.
toTj", 'Vm "f l,ol"'e look up
f the robbers, one of whom
"I Bereretv put ni.... .1. ... .
t ... ' uie race nv
rnf s missile. He n. h.iui
mjiy hi, uninjured commniou.
woman cried
tion of those articles, tho first from a
trained Amcficuit newspaper man actu
ally engaged in the fighting. Kader, a
son of the Jlcv. William Radcr, for
years pastor of tho Colvnry Presbyteri
an church of Ban Francisco has drawn a
vivid picture of the war of !I15 thnt
strips the grim profession of its Inst
vestige of romance and reveals its
ghnstly horrors in a manner so strik
ing as to cause tho narratives to stand
out us one of tho really great journal
istic accomplishments of the ynr.
lomain s, Florida
elerv, per dozen, 90c; crate..
Lettuce, crate
Sweet potatoes, crate
Potatoes (Oregon), bnsiiel
Cauliflower, Oregon
Brussels Sprouts
String Garlic
lihubard, box
Oranges, naval ...
linuanus, lb
Lemons, per l)ox
Pineapples, pur lb
AppUs, box
Cranberries, harrol
Florida grape fruit ....
1 'nt 03, diomodarv, case
Dates, Persian, lb
Fa id dates
Just a little reminder that Easter is very near, and that
your Easter hat is here waiting for your approval. Our
hat business is a constantly growing one regardless of
some people saying it is dull.
We sell the products of the best makers in America and
take great pains in "fitting fans." Our $3.00 and $4.00
grades are most popular and for the man who wants the
best in the world , we have the Knapp felt de lux, at $6.00.
We are anxious to be your hatter.
HammondTBishop Co.
THE TOGGERY . 167 Com. St.
Part of Equipment of New English
Army, Notes From War Zone. ,
During Your
.;("( ioc
I !...)
I'm is, March 2 (lly mail to New
Vol U An order for 50fl,0()0 razors has
nsl hern placed by the llritish govern-1
"nit with (he French cutlery factories
'it Thic.is. They are for part of tho
personal equipment of the new troops
now being organized in F.nglund. When
the war broke F.nglund discovered Hint,
in spite rf her own immense cutlery
'Hctorien there was hardlv a razor to
! be hud in all KiiL'luud that did not bear
'he mink "Made in Germany." Tho
"oldicrs themselves refused to carry
these mid the government called on the
French factories to help it out of the
Hhcimr; With the continual bom
Nndtnent ol! Hheims by the (lermnns it
has become utterly iiiipossible to con-,
tinue tho school sessions in tho regular
school bouses. Aside from the danger
of these being at any moment, struck
hv shells the frequency
cation, has just.
trench, Lieutenant Frnneais. who con
ducted tho funeral ceimony, snid to us
as we stood over the grave:
"This is a lesson for you young men
to tii lie tu heart. You must not be
Think of that
Most of the divisions of infantrymen
who spent five-dny watches iu tho
trendies during tho 4" consecutive days
that 1 wns there with tho machine gun
squads, buried their dead right in the
trenches, Hometimes they would scoop
out a grove in the side of the trench.
Or sometimes they would dig a grave in
the floor of the trench. They would not
know, of course, whero other divisions
had buried theirs, so it was no uncom
mon thing to come across a rotting
body. Then that purt of the trench
would be polluted for days until the
rain washed away tho last trace of the
unspeakable mess.
There you are, among tho dead. No
caveinaii lives so terribly as you do. At
leiist ho buried his dead at a distant
point and lived away from the grave;
but wo were 'prisoners with our dead,
sleeping, as it were, alongside of them,
as much prisoners as they. You get to
feel thut the only difference between
T-'.-'l fllyn r,n,liti- it i ..nmuull.t.. P.... .1...
iVi';! ''r,' with the regular school courses,
fnennnts ner rfn..n i....u,r ot primary OiUl
wmier ieiiis lieurs. nnx ftir,'
Pork, Veal, and Mutton
Pork, on-foot .S0ft7 bardment
- 7(i10c
f'l !)c
to Health by Lydia
rinkham'j Vegeta
We Compound.
By Phil Eador.
Written for the United Tress.
(Copyrighted, 1915, by tho United
London, Mnrbe J. There's a Get
mnn's body hanging from tho barbed
wire entanglements in front of the
French trenches, which I havo just left.
ior two months this body was part otyou anil a (lend man is that your little
my little outlook on the world. There's bullet hasn't found you yet.
a pair of nippers in tho rotting hands. Inking death in the lace in this way,
Fur some weeks buck was arched up-; a strango custom rose up umoiig the
wards, but recently it hus begun to sag. i men in the trenches. Thero was a lit
Tho clothes flap more and more wildly itle Greek in our trench who was a fatal
each day as the body slowly shrivels, list. Jlo used to suy: "I know I'll get
Nobody from Either sido has been able lit some of these days whoa niy time
to get to thut body to bury it. It is comes." Now tho minute you hour a
buried thero in the air on the barbed t soldier talking thut way, you know he
wire and it will be graduully shot away, i will get it. '1 lie trench is no place fur
Living cheek to jowl wit dead men; a fatalist und a fatulist, in my ex per
that's tho thing thnt turns you to n'ience, is not a good Boldier, because he
beast, but it's a part of trench lifo that j will grow imputient over the delay in
T tick '. 1 U9ei1 W fae
down pains and
backache, and had
headache a good
deal of tho time and
nr little appetita.
ps pains were so
bad that I used to
"it right down on the
floor and cry, be
cause it hurt me so
nd I could not do
ny work at those
times. An nl,l
SvrLydiaE. Pink.
"rjwnl. i ' 11,0 tlme- I
H'-lLw?' Vl'Keta,)1
A9H Wash. ?,yr'lMit"a, Box
of living infr lhri;e-fourth3
SottndT P,nkhwi,i Vegetablj
l'. ir-fiammation.
is unavoidable.
Tho first thing that shocks you in j
the trenches is to discover that, after a I
tiaio, you ore able to watch men writh-J
ing in pain with perfect equanimity.
My first experience in this happened
one day when a young Englishman in
my squad, named Humuels, tried to
shortcut to the rear and, instead of fol
lowing tho maze of trenches, got out j
into the open in front of our trench. A
German bullet passed through his lungs
and we sow him topple only 13 feet
the coming of death and will, at last,
take foolish chances, that no suno man
would take. This Greek had a very
beautiful knife und ull of the men in
tho trench had their eye on it, for in
ull the trenches it is tho custom for the
men of a division to divide
themselves ull tho belongings of u dend
man which will bo ot use in the
Someone Had Stolen It.
Fork, dressed
Veal, dressed .......
Spring lamb, milk
' Betail Price.
Creamery butter '.,
Flour, hurd wheat
Flour, valley
Kggs, per dozen
Sugar, IJ. a .t.;f
oiupleled ull arrange-
tni- fhll 1'niltll II.... ..II """MMMMMMHMMMMnMHMMMMi
classes in the caves in which the ;-! . .
.nbi.nnN take refuge during tho bom-! Mrs. AnfflC TellS StflfV
Is the proper time to make those contemplated addi
tions to your electric lighting. We are experts on
this work and please the most exacting.
"If it's Electric, come to us"J
; Salem Electric Company
Masonic Temple. Phone 1200
Seattlo Markets.
Scjttle, Wash., March 19. nutter
Eastern, brick, 21ej nativo AVashing
ton creamery, brick. 30c; do solid pack,
Cheese Domestic wheel, 22c; limbnr
gor, JHc; Oregon triplets, 16 Vic; Wis
consin twins, 17c; do triplets, 17c;
Washington twins, IrJe; Young Amer
ica, ISc.
Esiis Select ranch, 23e.
Onions California, lV4c; Oregcm,
l'.ic; sets, Kl(nl2ca per pound; green,
25(a;i0c per down,
I'otatoos (per ton) White Kiver,
IH(fi.i2(l; itiirniinlis, r25; Kurly Hose,
iflH; Karly Ohio, iji-15; Vakima Gems,
Portland Market Report.
Portland, Or., March 19. Wheat
Club, ifl.M.I; Iiluestem 1.:IH.
Oats No. 1 white feed If:i2..r)0.
liarley Fecil 1.25.
Hogs llest live $7.60.
Prima steers .$7.30 $7.75; Fancy
cows $tl.5(l; Hest calves $H(o $H.3U.
Spring lambs Sfa$g.H3,
Butter City creamery 2!l',c.
Fggs Selected local extras, 30c.
liens 15c; broilers 20c; geeso S(0c.
Weekly Report of
Union Stock Yards
I'uris The war has not interfered to
the slightest extent with the nourishment-
of babies at Paris. Professor
I'innrd has .just reported to tho Acad
emy of Medicine that with the nnnn.
ing of hostilities and that with the tak
i ing of precautions for insuring the food
. supply of Paris, especial measures were
caiien to mase eer a n hut. the fnn,
elements for babies should not bo lack
ing either in ounlity or auantitv. Ho
successful have these measures been!
U..I n. , ..
,' '",uul, "'"'.v "nr,R tne . in tho hall some time after Hal
.P., S4 W"r. I'l" 'r''" ,,s"1u bnd left; how on investigation she
di.J 1. ' tW 1,r'la11 but Mumbled over him lying at the
cuing yenrs. foot of tho gtuir(1. flf bcr ,,,., to
revive lnm and of tnJtmg him dowo
I stairs nnd out at the street outranco.
I The man she loved was dead, she add-.
"Tho llluo Robin," "Fleet-wing and
fif W R RoIWe nt1iiHw?ot'voi,'e". aml a ",,,ry of 11,0 rol,i"H
wi ii ib vauvu o llaui at
Bridgeport, Conn., March 18. Mrs.
Helen M, Angle, accused of having
caused tho death of Waldo R. Ilullou in
Stamford, Juno 23 last, told a jury yes
terday her story of Billion's visit to
bcr i' part nients on the night ho met
bis death.
She described how she bad hoard a
home, make up the program for tie
story hour on Saturday morning.
All children from six to twelvo
years are invited to the Public Libraiy,
Saturduy morning at 0:30.
reminded him that ho had grown chil
dren, anil because (if thut I did not
think it advisable."
Han Francisco, March 19. A victim
of accidental ens asphyxiation, John
Schoehcr, a buker, was found dead in
his room hero today. Ho was sixty
years old and unmarried.
$7.75; ewes, $rt.50 to .fii.75; lambs, ifK.50
to fS.K5.
The following sales am rej
7S stern e 1035
131 steers 1 1 HI
Hl steers 1011
fil steers 1 121
1 cow 1051
1 cow Mil
4 cows 97S
19 cows 1031
2 bulls 150H
2 stags 1195
1 lirifer 7S5
1 cl.lf Hil
"27 hogs 2I1
201 hogs 19(1
215 l.ogs 221
22" hogs 17
5S7 li.nibs s'7
15 liiixed fl
ed in a broken voice.
M"S. Anglo said she felt lonosrtue und I
called up llullou on tho evening of
June 23; thnt Ballon came over and1
brought a bottle of wine. Kho did not.
i are lor wine and at ior suggestion
Itallou procured whiskey from the medi
cine closet und poured out a small
drink fur her und a larger oun tor liiin-
$7.75 self. Soon afterward ttullnu departed,
70; tho witness said. Sho was preparing
7.50 to go to bed when sho heard a noise.
7.25; She decided to investigate.
11.50 1 "At the foot of the stairs, 1 came
(i.25 upon Mr. Ballon," she said. "I did
(1.10 1 the first thing that occurred to me,"
5,90 she continued, describing how she hud
5.75 taken him out tri the sidewalk.
fl.110; " We'were good friends," she said,
fi.75 and added that she had gone out. fre
8.00 tquo'itly with Ballon. Who also euunicr
7.(in atcd gifts Ballon had given her.
7.55, "Hid ho appear to think imuh of
7.50 you 1"
7.40 j "Very much. He asked me several
8.85 times to marry him. I told him I did
7.00 not wish to, us ho was very old. I ulsoj
The proper way to buy garden
seed is in bulk, You get the
best (esled and more
money than you can
for your
buy iu
Wo have a good supply of cub
buga uud cauliflower plants of
the earliest varieties. Also
onion sets.
310 North Commercial
When the little Greek was finally
im loppio oniy ja ioot ; . . , ,
away from us. Ho writhed and moaned " ' jiTf cd u. r , l e S.""
we found that it was missing. Home-
irrciru!p!ti. .
" ...vp, C OJ.
l -4 trie couiHeoc!
but out- officers wouldn't let us try to
get mm. The German s didn t shoot nt
him nny more, because they knew they
liau "lunded" him.
Doctor Is Killed.
Our lieutenants sent to another part
of the trenches for a lied Cross man,
who cuino after about an hour. This
Rod Cross doctor was a young Hwjss
named Schorr. Ho climbed right out of
tho trench and started towards the
writhing figure of Samuels, but a bul
let passed through his head, and after
flopping about for a minute or two,
Schorr's body stiffened and we could
see 'ie wns dead.
This was about 3 o'clock in the af
ternoon. Whenever we tried to get out
to help hnmuels, the Oermuns turned n
terrific firo our wny, nnd although we
one hud stolen it from him, it Appears,
before he was dead. I had a pair of
field glasses which were very expensive
and mure than one man asked me to
promise him that, when 1 was killed, thu
glasses would go to him. Kvery valu
able possession of every man in the
trenches then can bo legitimately
claimed for trench servicu, is marked by
his comrades. It's just a cold-blooded
custom thnt hns grow out of tho cold
blooded und close acquaintance with
If you think thut heroes uud idols
grow in the trenches, you arn wrong.
The life is too beustliko for such hu
man tilings.
North Portland, March 19. The re
ceipts for the week have been: ( nttle,
1009; calves, 10; hogs, 2071 ; sheep,
1419. .hi
""".""Si Cattle In the cattle division begin
ning of this week the offerings were
mostly of the fat: light weight class
nnd consequently the offerings were
ongerly picked up by the various buy
ers. Tho market in considered steady
in all lines. Beat steers are bringing
$7.75; cows, 0.20.
Hogs. There iH a scarcity' of hogs
coming to market, and as a result the
prices took a sudden jump of 35n Mon
day, ami hns remained at that price
since. Prime lightweights commanded
Nhcep. I.Ike the swinn market, sheep
also advanced with n sonsntioial jump.
Yearlings advanced from $7.50 to
it-nine lire iiur wnv, hiiu uiummih nt- - .
could even hear Samuels groaning, we ,IyfilV"rlTSt LrUDlIOIl
couldn't get to him. It was not until ' . Jf ,
ot mount Lassen loday
lurk thnt we could do anything. Then
Victor Chapman of New- York, a
Harvard man who was studying archi
tecture in l'nris when the wur bloke
out, made a lasso with a piece of rope
and before long ho had dragged both
hudies into tho trench. Hiimucls was
Must Not Bs Careless.
Experiences like this hardened us and
finally we got to the place where, if a
man "was killed or wounded he w
blamed for carelessness. When Vis
consellos, a merchant of Paris, was
killed with n rifln bullet through Ins
i '
head while bo was peeping about thethis has not been fully verified
Wedding, Cat.. March 19. The
'eighty-first eruption of Mount Lessen,1
California's B'-tivc volenno, began bc-j
fore dawn today. At :.'I0 the eruption j
; continued moderately active, Kmoke
I from th crater did not use-end very,
high, but rolled anv down the mouu
tninside to the southward many miles.l
Some observers declared that for an'
hour a new vent near the base of!
Mount Lassen, on the north side,!
belched gnat volumes (,f smoke, but i
fcmokera of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes tifteen years (go
are smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarette today t
It you are, you need to try
one of our Simplicity Electric
Sweepers. They take the
work out of Cleaning and the
dirt out of Carpets.
Let us send one to your house for
Phone 85 for Information
Portland Ry. Light & Power Co.