Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 19, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
PIT i TT "
March II"t.
' ... ; j
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
L. 8,
Sec. and Treas.
Daily by carrier, per year.
Daily by mail, per year...
Weekly by mail, per year.
Per month 4Sc
Per month 35c
Biz months 50c
The Capital Journal carrier boys art Instructed to put the paper on the
orch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
aper to you on time, kindly phono th circulation manager, as this Is the only
way we can determine whether or not tho carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
The Philadelphia Public Ledger, one of the strongest!
independent papers in this country, pruned a very sella
ble editorial on President Wilson recently. It endorses
him for his earnestness, his sincerity and his personal in
tegrity. The Ledger concludes that although the presi
dent may feel a certain chagrin that one or two of his
"personally conducted" bills have fallen into oblivion, no
chief executive of this nation has ever had a congress
more deferential, pliant and responsive to his wishes. Per
haps never before has a president impressed his personal
ity more completely upon a legislature, and even when
there were signs of recalcitrancy, as in the ship purchase
bill, and the holding up of appointments, he was always
treated with the respect that his great office should com
mand and his personal attainments undoubtedly merit.
Even those who have differed most completely from
Mr. Wilson's policies have acknowledged the purity of his
motives and the ability with which he has supported his
favorite measures. At the close of the first half of his
presidential term Americans of all shades of political be
lief will gladly arid gratefully admit that the high tradi
tions belonging to the leadership of the republic have not
been lowered or brought into the slightest ill-repute. Mr.
Wilson has invariably stood as a scholar, a gentleman and
an unselfish servant of his nation.
Medford Mail-Tribune: Just the op
posite kind of weather from that most
desired and needed is prevailing over
Governor Dunne, of Illinois, talked to the Irishmen of
Cincinnati on St. Patrick's day and gave advice which
would apply equally as well to all other Amerian citizens,
when he said : "Day by day the belligerents are trampling
on the lights of neutrals and making it almost impossible
to kppn nnr pnuntrv from entanglement. To allow this na-
firm in hpcnmp pnmilfed in the Euronean Cataclysm !the Koeue River valley today. Farm
would be a stupendous political blunder, if not a political -and f
crime. Let not American citizens of any race embarrass j present conditions win cause the frui
our officials at this time by public expression of any sym- itfl
pathies or by participating in organized efforts to give,fr09ty niKbts. 'The rainfuii for March
contraband assistance to any of the belligerents 'Hands , j date J;y n ;
off, for Europe; hands up, for America, should be our'dcpBrtin(? iike n Hon, the deficit win
watchword." be
I Tort Orford Tribune: C'has.South-
That is an awful story of the war which Paul Rader eriy and Frank Morris came into Port
1 i it j. ,. ,. ,1 i- Orford from Boulder creek last Satur-
writes for today s Journal. Its publication would not be dliy with a mggft of prc goW wciBi,.
justified except that it gives the public a real view of war inK four ounces and nine it., which
J .. . . r i 11 't. i J l j i they found in mining on that stream.
as it is, stripped of all its glamour, and pictured in plain Tluf raen went int0 tf10 mountnins inst
Enelsh in all its brutality and hideousness. It is a sicken- fail to trap, but not meeting with sue
L Li. 'ii -7 , ij i j.u.. cess nt tins tney turned tneir attention
mg story, but possibly it is better told, because there are t0 mininB InVidition t0 the urge
even in this country many persons thirsting for the glories nugget, they hmi several smaller ones,
of war, as pictured in song and history, since the birth of l flu!' uTseS
the human race. A story such as Rader gives of life where j. r. smith and son claim to
in the trenches has the stamp of truth upon it, and if IlLeT
descriptions of battles had always contained more of ; of miners to timt vicinity.
truth and less of romance, murdering people by the whole
sale and calling it war, might not now at this stage of civ
ilization be regarded as a legitimate pursuit for the oc
cupation of mankind.
f MtMMMt mfmlZ!r:
t HH
l lorn Easter Suit
: : Come to this store where the assortment i i,
xvu axs w iiuu a auit iu your nkine All tT
: : new nobby models are represented and there i
:: ors to suit every taste. You'll like the low $5
New Spring Shirts
When it comes to Shirts, this storp ia
head of the parade. Dress Shirts and Work Shin
I at a wir)p rnntrp rf nriroo Cos uuiXlH
How About the Hat?
Your .Easter suit will need a new Johnson X, r
Hat tn tnn off the "o-nnrl .Iao"
Eost Oregoniun: That l'endleton is
being recognized us the center of a big
horse country is evidenced by an order
for 1000 head of cavalry horses re
ceived here by B. Parlett, local agent
of the American Kxpress Co. The re
quest for the horses wns wired bv the
Denver office of the express company,
representing a buyer in that city. Mr.
X hat here and the style will be right.
Get the
0. W. Johnson & Co.
141 N Commercial St.
A Cleveland clergyman who is opposed to Billy Sun
day's being invited to hold meetings in that city pro
nounces the Bounding Billy a "heretic."
What a strange, half-forgotten sound has that word
Onlv a few years ago heretics were counted by the
pcore. One of the highest pedestals of fame was heresy.
Business men are backing the "Try Salem First"
movement good and strong and is is the rieht thin? to do.
The people of this city and contiguous territory rmdoJ:
UIKIV piU l uy waiUllIlg Hie aUVCI USlUg COIUIIIIIS Ol ilie, hopes to get the unlnnee of the ship-
Capital Journal and patronizing the concerns which are ont- e t"llrra1m iv.B d.l"ftril" '
, 1 ,. , ., ,. 1 . , P ,, . Ition of the nniraiils wanted nnd it is
advertised there. These advertisers are the real Try Sa-'to be readily seen that the buyers fo
lem First" boosters and they invite the public to come and l!lic E,,rorrun. emments are not near-
, ., . . , . , .1 . . 1 mi ly so particular as to color, weight, size
inspect their stocks and get their prices. They are pre- ami age ns they were when the war !
pared to show customers that it is to their advantage to ?, ,
1 , . i i , . , ,i ..i Mnrslifield Record: The nnscreant
patronize the home merchant in preference to the mail! who nttem.ted to cut automobile tires:
last night on the road between Marsh
field and Bunker Hill would huve been
dealt with severely had he been caught
uy those who were in the Kay AInrtin
machine when the plot was discovered.
Driver Mnrtin bent the brush near the
road way to find the fellow, while pas
sengers stood about to encourage him
in administering a sound thrnshing if
the man hnd been found. The compe
tition between Mnrslifield and Bunker
Hill in passenger traffic has been very
strenuous for the past week, since Mr.
Mnrtin put two machines on the run,
and Inst night about 9:30, both of Mr.
Martin's cars were damaged.
order concerns, and are appealing to their home pride in
a business-like, intelligent way which will bring results
tor themselves and the community in the fullness of time.
Yesterday a gentleman told the clerk at The Capital
Journal business office that his advertisement of a horse
for sale in the "New Today" column of the" paper brought
mm twenty answers tne tirst night, and, what was more
important, sold the horse. This is not an isolated exper
ience with advertisers, since The Capital Journal has close
to 20.000 remilar readers e verv evening, and thnsp whn in.
. - . - n , . . . . . . ---.--. - 0, ...
But of late there nas been a total lauure 01 tne nereuc voke its columns for the purposes of publicity are certain
crop. It has been so long since anybody heard of a heretic to get full value for their money,
that none but the most highly educated would trust him-1 ,
iself to tell what it means, while not more than one person England has decided to treat America's protest with!"ff Jfitr Jiy ami August
inamiuion, pernaps none at an oi vne younger geiierauun, courtesy ana tnen disregard it. The warring nations' tue "luTiT.ndin
ever saw one. ikhuw we are extremely anxious to Keep out 01 the war rcd bies. the
Tsn t this Hither to 111! (lOMoreu: lSJl t It rathei' Sad tO and thnt n HOPS nnr flinlnmnta at q rlicQilwonroiT I011"1' " fuilt-d to reach our town I
think that, as a race or nation, we do not believe in any- j .
thing with sufficient ardor and violence to make us will- j Socialism is certainly sweeping over Europe as a re
ing to hurl this awful combination of letters at any dis- suit of the war. The leading governments are taking
center therefrom and then chase him around the block charge of nearly all the industries and resources of their
with tar and feathers and boiling oil and other humorous countries. That is the advanced socialist idea.
contrivances ;
Speaking of treasure trove, the Ten
dloton East ()ref,onian says there is
plenty of it in the soil of I'matilla
ounty, and the custom is to sack the
"Salem's Best Market Place"
Fruits & Vegetables
Fresh Asparagus, bunch 10c
Fresh Rhubarb, bunch 5c
( al. Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c
New Tuiuips, bunch Be
Cnl. Celery, 5c and 10c
Turnip, green, 2 lbs ... 15c
Onions, bunch 5c
Parsley Ec
Fancy Oranges, doz, 40c, 30c, 20o
Bananas, doz 30c and 20c
Lemons, dor. 20c
flrape Fruit, 3 for 25c
Fancy Kpitz Apples, box $1.60
Yellow Xewtowu Apples,.. $1.20
New Crop Ripe Olives, pt 15c
Oregon Potatoes, 20 lbs 25c
Yakima Potatoes, 12 lbs 25c
Tor the Highest Quality, leiw
rancy Seed Barley, cwt COO
r aney Spring Rye, cwt $2.26
Fancy Spring Vetch, cwt....H.OO
Fancy Hed Clover lfc
Fancy Alsyke Clover 17Vle
Pea Seed, all varieties lGe
Bean Seed, all varieties 20c
Corn Seed, all varieties 10c
Beet Seed, all varieties Ue
Turnip Seed, all varieties.. Uc
Radish Seed, all varittin .' SOe
Hpinach Seed, all varieties SOe
Parsley Seed, all varieties.... Ml
Lettuce Seed, all varieties..
Cabbage Seed, all varieties....
Onion Sets Kt
Early Rose Potatoes, lb f(n
Grocery Phona 830; MertlloMMO
151 North High Street
It is hardly any use to call a man a heretic nowadays,'' The Medford Sun has an editorial on "England's Ar- their
r the chances are that he won't know enough about it rogance and Hypocricy." They are always anything but!"-' n
to make him feel bad
neutral down in the Medford war zone.
spent on breaking the clodB nnd shaping
counties i them is largely wasted."
UIS- :
PrnrrroM rennrtefl in Astnriti Riwlrrpt?
but its near approach has warned the "Within a few weeks the wprk of
authorities to be on the guard," says 'driving the foundation and fender piles
the 1 nioii .Scout, in an article on the m the Port of Astoria docks will have
recently enacted dog muzzling ordi- Heii completed and the work of the
"ance. jMcKachern company ended in that di
ruction. The reclamation work being
As a barometer of improving ennui- curried on bv the Tacoma Dredging
tions in the Rogue River valley, " says ! enmpanv at the port docks will also
the Medford Mail-Tribune, "the tax-'be
payers of Jackson county are paving , this month. "
assessments with more speed than i
The awful waste and desolation following in the wake'
ot the Old World war can scarcely be realized. All the1
belligerents are trying to keep as much of the details as
possible- from the public. All are familiar with the desola-;
tion wrought by the tide of war as it rolled over Belgium
and Northern i ranee
uny nine in rue lust tive veins.
'The small taxpayer is remitting in full
instead ot tuning advantage of the
hulf payment cluuse."
Mr. Brown Tolls His Experience.
The following luief arcouut of mi in
terview Willi n Hull-in man seveial
On The Bridge
(irants Puss Courier: A delegation
from the commercial dub was out
yesterday afternoon viewine sites for
i ne
Died Mrs. Ophelia ,T., Beardsley
March 1", 1U15, nt tie home of her
daughter, Mrs. John J. Head, 201 K.
lMth (St. Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. Henrdsley was born in Middle
town. Orange county, New York, and
1 : 1 noil
the bridge at midnight, ;t
yenrs ago, mid its sequel, will lie read ""'I l"ked ut the sizzling town, wher
property worm pinions destroyed ' interest i.y even- citizen:
.,.,.1 .:ii;...,., l....l ix.,.1., r !,,, ; ioB ,1 ' "'"" mmier, I1W .state S
itiitl iiiiiuviiia iviiuill.il iiouuivi.i. uc iiuy in u ira.iti v . Sn em sn' "'I'lnoo rmn f mill.
light work in a damp atmosphere dis
uiileied in v kidneys. 1 often hnd lame
ness ami soreness across the small of
my Inn U. When having an attack, 1
lieaiil of noun's Kidney Pills ami got a
supply. They removed the hacknchii
iiiiil soreness, together with other
P v.M.iool A,.. 1.c.t.,,a ei.Pf.i.nrl .if lirt Vinn,lo xf tl-in 1 ".''niploms of hulney tioulde. All 1
uj ui npiiiiai mi uimij ouuuvu uv i...v. iiunvt.-. wi mv. HMi,( ri'eiiiiiineiidiiig Donn's Kidney
czar's raiders. Another story, coming from Herlin, tells 1 ien 1 pubiieiy endorsed them
of the re-conquering of Soudan and alUower Kgynt by t riv.;!';'..;:
fierce hordes of dervishes, who are sweeping away all ves- wy compimnt Hu.i i never fnii to get
urn, i, n-iii-i. .Miiiuier 01 me itinniy ius
also used Poiiii's Kidney Pills for kid- 1'eseMed were nil
uey weiii.ne.ss nii.t mis na,i tlie liest of
1 . !.... il ... 4.., II i il.s. 1M... i results.
tu.'iiiii ami ui'isu ucuuii 110m an qiiui tt.M inai iritus uivt'
chronicles of the dark ages when might was right and the
rule of the sword was omnipotent. And this is modern
war, waged by the highest civilized nations on earth!
pree the condition of Poland and the Eastern Austrian
provinces, but news from that far-off district is not so
fully detailed. Eastern Prussia has suffered also, since
we are informed in yesterday's advices from Berlin that
(Jermany will destroy and burn m Kussian provinces by
tiges of modern civilization while England is occupied
with more important matters elsewhere. It is a tale of
no imseu nuioinoniie cnmoimr o. f,, ..,,.... n .,i i
ground. If nrrangenients can be made. in flint tm.. Willi l,or l,,,l,nn,l nrnn'n
is expected that the ennui will lu'ii u,,,.,iui.. i, ... . n.., i
.ni.iui....i .1.. 1....1. j 1 r.:. r v..-1 -' ""
the ulensure seekinu .,1 .1 '. , V . J"1" ' resuirng in intern for six years,
"e l. were L ' ' i"'" ',',,,-V 'nr Wl"'''0 e'""Jiti..n..Bd fr tweutytwo year, on a farm
luesideaik, ! dowM"" n,,mm,l'U- ,ir ,h" l1rl'""'- nt Kola. A,fte? the death of her bus-
nvor . 1 1 ... , nana in uw'j she made her homo with
honel,T' , (in K'.""1. roads, her daughter in Portland. Wie has
Illve J-' ,.' v...': , .1 ",;"nS",.f in i"e September
L'ents. but the ulnre ...i:.' 1 . , 1 '." ."" Hue hrotlier survives her, K..L.
'- .. . n ii-mii l"K UIUU. . llll e VVurk hnfnri,
uie roans ory out will put them
good condition for the season
The moon rose
the city and
on the ilnmes
He, at nil dealers. Don't sim
I'or a Kidney reined v net
i Price
1 'Iv ask
"nil s Kidney Pills the smm
1 Mr. Iliown had. l-Vster Milburu
j Props. Iliit'i'iilu, X. Y.
dii.il the olil
the 1 Id home
empty name!
""using, tin.
Here is a pertinent observation from the Pendleton
Daily East Oivgonian: "Every time an auto punctures a
tire in Portland these days the event is heralded as a 1
jitney accident and the public is regaled with fresh evi-l
dence of the horror and danger of traveling about in any!
other manner than by hanging on to a street car strap.".
that the Vi,
Co., no to li,.,.
hov often,
good to inc.
of the lights electri
made it look like
twenty cents. The t,v
windows or lioines
were darkened. for
no one was staying!
there) the children,
ns well as grownups,
were all in the
llreat White (lime.
tliti t iresiili's. riltun.
time game; nla, that1
circle Is liuugh but nn'
rile father is out rhng
iiHi'tier is at her clul
are permitted
but once
to harden money
see the movine pirtuies. and
for grub. How nlten. oh,'
in the days that seemed
have I loii'-.ed at the chil !
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G8
Transact a general banking business
Safety Peposlt Boxes
Advertised March 17,
Arnolds. Mr. I!. A.
Alhey, Moincy ('.
Hanks Miss .Imiic,
llr.izill. Miss Soui, ie.
Ilr.iwii, Mis. 11. A.
It.iiliiii'r. Clara.
Il'i-k, Mis. (ieo.
CI ineiils. Mis. Vin'et.
. hsttcr. V. I.
I' ii'inan. Mr. K. A.
Child. II.
Cowiiv, Mi. Hrvnl.
Cuntiit;liiiin, K., Ksif.
Piiisev, Miss Helen
Preivs, Mr. W. 1
Cipson, Mi. J il lues H.
, Hol-ev, Mr. .lock,
ll'Uid. Heirn T.
.li'Msen, Mr. Curl.
Kitier, Mr. K. It.
Knowor, Miss Alice,
l ong, Win.
M iievies Miss Plorenco.
Mitchell, Mis r.r.
I'licn l'liiyinj at home, where they ought!
to be! II w ,',,, 0t ,l)w oru,U ,
tliiM,. d:.y, ,' n, iri),tfr stamp, have 1
l!ii.-.i'd on the parents rending, at home,'
Pv the ,. ."niiij. l.,!,,), tt the world!
h:is Kune to tiuiinli'r, forgotten that
elder day: and 1 took up the bridge'
I mm orone it, :,i,,; 1 1 1 r C" w all the cliinik
! attav.
m r.tii ir.TJtTi' f
UtnBest for M
$ the y
Xclon, S. C.
Ol'iistead. K.
1 llmer, Mrs.
Pu ker, P,
P'l.-1. Mr. llenrv C.
Hcid. ltua r.
Siiwigo. Mrs. xi. M.
S' lipsou, turtle.
Ntitl. Mr. C, K.
Vaughn, T. U.
Young. Mr. (iuv.
Al'lU'ST in , K1TKIN,
v Child-
P. M.
survives her, K.
who resides in Milverton, Oregon.
I'uneiai services will be conducted
by Dr. A. I.. Huthinson, nt the homo of
:her daughter at 0 o'clock n, m. Friday,
(March 111, nfter which the remains will
be brought to Salem for interment in
.the family plot in I, O. O. V cemetery,
llev. Richard F. Tishor officiating, at
which service friends of tho family
will be welcome.
Has Eelleved Pain 'or Evsrj Osi II
the Family
When little Susie had th ewijj
when Johnny got his it"
caught cold; when Father spruss I
knee; when Granny's rheumiM M
rThahtC ja"r of MUSTEROLE riM
there to give relief and comfort.
M L'STKKOLK is a clean, ii
ment, mado with oil of mustna.
not blister like a mustard P
Quick relief for Soro Thrwt, m
cliitis, Tonsilitis,, Croup, S .
it. w
K,,rA Muscles, oii
Asthma,' Neuralgia,
tion, Pleurisy, KtieumaiiKm. -"t-Pains
and Aches of the Back or
r. r. ..... Uruue
. At your drUBB.- . r,
iars, and a special "S'
for $2.50. ,.!, r
Be sure you get ; . t.
TKIiOI.E. Hefnse imitations -(!
vou ask for. Tho Musterole lP
Cleveland, Ohio.
Route No.
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in .
Capital Journal Carriers' contest, at iw v c &
Qftpv Anru h
till III. I . I I I. t- fc
Tne wise worm turns iu before the
early bird turns ,iu. i
Also excellent for
Opera House Pkrmaty
i fA.
Are buying their harness ind equipment for the TJinJ lei"!
sell everything that t furmer nswds In the way ' ..fen tt
wire nd fencing muterinls. All good s new ana si (W
00'iy else can sell them for. Incubators, i.""
H. Steinbock Junk Ca
Phone Main 224. 233 State Street, Salcnn
t ww -i smt f wnT1 Ha m