marnON. FBIPAY, MARCH 1915. THE 8ALEM CAPITA! JOURNAL, BAXEM, TWO 19, ''j V :. ? '.'I .'i l' Do You Want to be Known as "The Girl with the Pretty Feet 7 ? ? Yes! Then wear a Pair of Our shoes beautify the feet and distinguish the wearer as a woman of good taste in dress. IFULLERTON'S C ociaLndPersonal fly KOILIM BVSCORM 270 North Commercial Street A. A. GRABER, Manager of Shoe Dept. SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT nnsh the Kidneys at Once When Back-1 why or Bladder Bothers Meat I rorius Uric Acid. I 'PEG 0' MY HEART" COMINO TO THE GRAND No mun or womnn who onts meat regularly ran muko u mistlike by flush lag the kiilni-yn occasionally, says a well-known authority. Mont forum uric acid which clogs tho kidney pores so the aluirizishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons rrom me :r,.lll(.nt f freshness j her nulur; that blood, then yon Ret sick, nearly iih ,,,,, Mllr,riM.B lln( m-ensU tin.l her rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, llJ(?il, n ,,,, f , (irlll i()l ., rt,,,i nervousness, eonstiputMin, dimness, i lm) )run llTltt,rMtsiinli iijf of thinK us Sleeplessness, bladder disorders c"mftluv nre. This role hus been filled by from sluggiali Kidneys. '(ilivor M,m Ho. nrmliiror bv IVeov The season 's greatest comedy success "l'og O' My Heart" with I'i'KKy f Neil and the New York-l'hirugo cust di rect from seven months in Chicago ul the (Inrrick theatre wijl come Here for an engagement on Haturduy, March '11, at the Grand. "l'og 0' My Heart" is the work of J. Hartley Manners' and ues written for those who like a :c.v. r, tender eieu edy, full of latiKhter with an occasional tear ami with the most dcliglitf :il b r.i- ine iiniiginuhlc. There is a consistent The moment vou feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of rdimont, irregular of passage, or at-, leaded by a sensation of scalding, Ret ' about four ounces of .1 ml Hulls, from aay reliable pharmacy and take n tublc-' spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, for a few days and your kid-, wya will then act fine. This famous! salts is made from tho arid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litliia ad has been used for generutiuns to flush clugged kidneys and stimulute them to activity, ulsu to nrutruliu) tho , acids in mine so It no longer causes irritation, thus ending bludder dis orders. Jad Halts is Inexpensive anil cnunot Injure: makes a delightful effervescent lit hi a water drink which nil regular O'Noil as pretty nail as clever an ncl ress us has been seen in the role since the opening of the play in New York, over two years ago, in which lime, dozen different 1'cgs have assayed tl." part. Peg is an Irish-American girl, sixteen years of ngc and according to tnc d mauds of a will leaving her n fortnee must leave America ai.d a father Unit she loves Micro than enylliiug else on earth and go to socio relatives on her mother's side that sho has never met with the understanding that they are to I attend to her upbringing. 1 ho cninmis jsion bus been accepted by them nut for the love that they bear their rriull'e but for n thousand pounds per annum .that Is the reward for this until ilukiin; with the ultimate idea of making the MOST auspicious event in local A lodge circles was the banquet giv en by Oregon Grape Camp No. l.iliO of the Royal Neighbors of Ameri ca to the Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca in McOornnck hall, last night in cele bration of the twentieth anniversary of the formation of the former order. Mrs. Hvlvia Hchaupp. oracle for the Royal Neighbors, presided as toast mistress, W. W. Hill, F. A. Turner, A. H. Bunn, Hex Turner, Mrs. A. H. Bunn, Miss Ha zel l'rice, Mrs. Mellissa rersons, re sponding to toasts. Over one hundred members of the two orders were pres eat. The dining room displayed dec orations in purple and white, the aux iliary's official colors. A huge basket filled with Oregon grape and ornament ed with purple ribbon bows centered the table, a feature of tho occasion being the serving, by Mrs. M. 0. Petty of nn immense cake in purple and white and lighted with twenty candles. The event was given as a surprise to the members of the Woodmen, Mrs. C. t l'nrmi-ntcr. Mrs. A. H. Bunn, and Mrs. M. C. I'ettys being the committee in charge of general arrangements. Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock Miss Klsic kerb, daughter of Mr. and A. Koib, of Nortii Salem, became the brido of Robert Leach, Rev. W. W. Ruse'iraugh performing the ceremony. The brido was attended tiy tier sister, MIkm Mamie Korb. K. II. Leach, tirotn- er of tho bridegroom, attended as best mini. rhp vouni couple arc well known in Salem, "where they have resided a num ber (f vears. Immediately aner me cere'iionv they departed (n their honey moon, which 't'uey will spend in Port land nnd I'ugeit Sound cities, after whi.-h thev will go to -Mount Vernon, Wash., where they will make their lu- turo home. M;v. Delia Jeffrey, of Portland, is hcin entertained lis the house guest of her sister, Mrs. George 11. Dunstord. PERSONALS . William Hilton is in Portland today on business. G. W. Laflar made a business visit to Brooks yesterday. E. H. Martin, of Independence, was in the city yesterday. J. L. Buckley, of Cottage Grove, is registered fa the Bligh. Albert Houmard is in Portland on business for the Barnes stoic. Mrs. B. F. Pound is in Cbomuwa to day visiting with her parents. Percy Larsen, of Turner, is in the city today transacting business. Mrs. Oswald West was a passenger this morning on the electric for Port-laud. Winfield Emmcl of the Barnes' store, returned this morning from a business trip to Portland. P. A. Voget, general manager of the Falls City Lumbor company, is in the citv todav. Governor Withveorabe left on the morning electric for Portland, return ing lato this afternoon. L W. Richardson, of Independence was in the city yesterday transacting ousiness. Mrs. J. C. Perry returned this morn ing from a visit at Albany with her sis ter. Mrs. R. C. Churchill. Dr. and Mrs, M. P. .acndclsnhn will go to Portlnnd tonight where tney will pass the week-end with .Mr. and Mrs, Harry I. Mendelsohn. FUNERAL OF MSS. MOODY. to keep tho kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. BHE SUEH UNDERTAKERS. neat eaters should take now ami then, '""(! 'dy presentable in the lie.,; hi,. i ety. i no lire or tue ciniii at iumic iii ii been one of happiness although money hnil been a I'carce article. Hut the new life in tho new abode at Regal Vill.i, the home of the Chichcsters, her rela tives is one of stilted urtifiiially, un truths nnd unnatural nnd in the social Hpokni, Wash,, March 1. Miwr trniniiig Peg has to cope with uM these Ksther Klveo began suit lu the local I fucturs, but come oat of the ordeal the courts today for ,i,MU damages agninsv; tha Turnbull Undertaking company. Mia Klven, who was the finnnceo of 1-eo Hull, murdered, had pawned her rngagenient ring and other valuables, turning the proceeds uver to the under takr sho says, to give Hull decent burial. A few days ago, she alleges, h discovered Hint Hull hud been burled in the potters field. Hull was murdered last Heptember ly John H. McKcnnoii, who nfterwnrd ronimktted suicide. Jeuloiisv over Miss Klven was the cause of the tragedy. M-s. II. 1. St. lleleo was hostess for their "olio'' club last night, introduc ing Saint Patrick day features in deco rations and eiiteJtaiiiinent. Miss ( leu Kcniinn and Mr. St. Helen furnished nosiciil numbers for the pleasure of the iliicsts, .Mrs. Otto Hliellberg and Miss l,illi;in Hunter assisting the hostess. I'our tables were used for the players, ihe urine falling to Mrs. William Ben nett. Those who enjoyed Mrs. St. Hel ens hospitality were: Mrs. Lee Atchc on, M rs. Julia llupt, Mrs. William Itcu'ictt, Mrs. T. Hanson, Mrs. Anna Hurnliurdt, Mrs. Joseph Bach, Mrs. lien ge Miller, Mrs. Leslie Parker, Mrt. Prima Koch, Mis. P. Vnrlcy, Mrs. O. ('. Kennon, Mrs. J. .1. Aekcrinan, Mrs. T. J. Burleson, Mrs. George Winched. N Miss Mary Mc Arthur, who has been the si.voral weeks' house guest of Mrs. Ivan Putnam of Simw and Miss Edna Simon of Salem, lies returned to her homo in Portlnnd. Mr. nnd Mrs. (1. II. Wolfe, of North Liberty street, have been entertaiuiiig in house guests this week Mrs. A. P. Adrns and her daughter, Miss Alice, I in Tampa, Florida, who arrived Mon diiy. They have secured a residence on Center strict and expect to locnto here better for the experience. Her Irish wit i,.rinnnenlly. .Mr. Wolf will join his nniilv fhortly. Tlicy ate tormer rrnit- nnd residents, leaving for Florida four vears ngn. is an ever ready one, her lovely brogue mid her coinicnl dog Mu hnel all gu to ward a very pleusant enti'itaiiiini'iit. An ideal company has been s ei ted with most of the original people who first introduced "Pe 0 My .lleurt' to the public. Miln Attorbnry leaves today with his family to mnke his home nt Oak Ridge, Oregon. Mr. Attorbnry hus n rim on the railroad between Albany and Ouk Ridge. WEN THE 9 A". M. DOOR TO FREEDOM! THE 9 -POUND FRANTZ PREMIER MAKES POSSIBLE ' 1Mb I A, M, WORN DAY YOU liave rrptucr J the cuitillei of graiiilniothcr's time with i, 'electiie lighti. Then why Hot replace the uUI cnulo way of wcrpinrj uit J Jutting with a modern ' 'lavrw CUAKM. v ... . ... ....... . V?. A- i -t.liiyfM-lJ;.U- wmm Mr. und Mrs. J. Via Shank (Miss Kra-ii is Scotl), of Albany, are passing lie ilny with friend.i und relatives in alcin. I ueir inarringe occurred in Port I .nil Sntiirdny they are return ing trom their to Albany, where they will make their home. Friends here were pleased with the iiiiioiiuccuient nt the birth of a little urn lo Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lcinh at their I'orlliiinl home, Thuisduy, March I'lllll'tll. Mri, Lenili was fninieily Miss Etiiel Uiosiler, of Salem, and is a niece ol Mr. nnd Mrs, George 1'owning, id' this city. Members and friends of the ( cutiiil Con ;ivgnt ioniil chiiii h arc delighted with the results of the Piano contest I ii!-t closed by the (', XI, Kpley coin pa'i.v, this ehiireh si'i'iiiiiig tho splcn ' lid new iii"truiiicnt. I ' I Mis, ti. (', Hon ii was the hostess for I (In' linpioiiiptii club Tlinisilnv al'lei i 'mini, entei tainitig at Ihe attrnctic 1 lioine of her sister, Mm. L, I.. S'o er. Hrti lo I'lub uieiolievs, tho, picsent ii : Xln. Ilniley I'ugli, M:s. t liestel Mui'iiioMi mid Mii. L. XI. I'artei, Hcimi 'litmus lor this event were I'lirticuluily i jitliri, tio. GarhiOils id i:reen festoon , . 1 nichiMiys. ceilings and windows, dor- -us oi' hiunioel.s adding a pretty sug 1 i:cition of the diiv. Siunll llernn' tii or, in green can and f I Salem and out-of-town friends who had known Mrs. Z. F. Miody all her life, billed tho Mnmly residence on Court street today when the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Carl F. Elliott. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith sang two niimiiera, ono of them being Carrie Ja cob Bond's "A Perfect Day." Water Power Plants Installed In Oregon Portland, Ore, Match 10.--According to .ulvance copies of the lilll Oregon, the estimate of Leonard Luiidgrcn, hydroelectrn al engineer m the forest service, with hendipiarlers at Portland, Otectei, gives the rated capacity of the plants already installed anil operating m the state of Oregon a; 1(10,000 horsepower, of whieh 10ti,7li0 horsepower is operated in Clackiimuf counrv. A tentative estimate made by tho Vnitcd States geological survwy places the waterpoWr reiources of Ore gon ut 3,S00,(i(in ho sepower. The latest reports show tout the ex isting markets are abundantly supplied; but the various power companies arc in diia;iug their nptin-.istic icw-point in regard to the future growth of their business by making engineering studies on indevelopcd sitei, and theiebv pre paring for additional demands for elec tri! power. Thcue demands will arise with the increase in pnpiilutiiti and with the growth of manufactures. The public utilities supplying the Portland market have prepared for this future growth through the installation of ma ehineiy to furnish 110,000 horsepower in excess of the present demand. Norwegian Bark Reported Sunk By Germans Tomorrow SUNKIST Orange Day Buy a Week's Supply of These Dtliciout Seedless California Navel Oranges NOW! Trainloads, direct from Sunny California, have just ar rived in all markets especially for Orange Day. juicy, sweet, firm, tender fruit. - the finest that California grows. ' Get them tomorrow a supply for all next week. Hun dreds of dealers are making special prices. Buy them by the dozen or by the box. Tomorrow is Orange Day all over the country. Even the great railroads are placing special orange salads and desserts on their dining car menus. California Sunkist Oranges Famous Seedless Navels There Is an entire set ol 46 niece i thai n osa get in this manner. The spoon ulunlraied comes In enchMiire lor 12 SunkUt wruDDeni and 12c. Buy a doicn Sunkist Oranjcs now and send (or It. He sure to enclose 12c There Is, of course, no uUvcrtUIng oil sty piece. If any piece Is not entirely satisfy, tory, return It and we II retund your mooey Tr Sunkist Orange salads. Try Sun kist desserts. There are scores of dainty ways to serveoranges so the whole family can have this healthful fruit every day. Start tomorrow-OroneJuy-tomake orangesapartoftbedailyo'iet.These free peeling, tender, seedless navel oranges are best suited for all culinary uses. Alt the famovs chefs use them. Mil- lions of housewives do. Make '.bis tbe .day YOU try them. . . ... M jV w .; Save th wrappers jor p V Beautiful Silver Premiums Suva Sunkist tissue wrappers and send to .... I..- v. Ifl MM0IBUM nl nnrn silver nlttle oriulnal, genuine Rogers Silver, designed of the world's most famous f gt & VfiitiH sUvcrsmllb.. rrTW I 1 . -O Order by Phone Your ttlephfnt li Sunkist agency 0 yew tingtt tip, Simply call your denier and hay, ena Minimi, unn I nay. brinir the best. srv r 5" .. J? .! nUn nndrr wklib jo. r.n f' Baait wrsppnrf lor Wm. Biwnita gnmtnnUii ellvfrwitre AdHrem . CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHAKCf UN. Clark SUe.l,Chit, TAXES CANT BE PAD rax Commission Holds War rants Redemable Only For County Taxes DALLAS LOCAL NEWS RECEIPE DEPARTMENT (f'apital Journal Special Perviee.) Dallas, (rr Miinh 18. J. C. Hay tor has returned from a short business visit in the Capital, City. Mr. anil Mrs. P. J. Craven returned Monday morning from nn over-Sunday isit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. llenrv Slavery on fult Creek, J. ' C- ShulU went to rortland, j L,l f sultana white raisins, oitM Tuesday afternoon on a business and l,oun( 01 eanaiou incrncs, oaeuiir pleasure trip. T. C. ftoeltwell, who is confined lu ihi Pallas hospital with a severe at- (.'roam the butter ami sum toiA, a. 1.1 II, n I,,., In,, vnlU fu'lt fOt 1 KH Miss Opal Wells has returned from ,, ., f iour n, a visit nt. tho home of her brother at(llliiU Lost fold in fan Mtt have ''ebanon. j been beaten stiff. Mil it ft t CI nnrn n P.nrliivrrnr rnnnnirnr Ctf tlin ' .... i j. Ln,.A V,nm .Irouptl itl) she eour.ty in payment of taxes, except; Willnmettr- Vnllov ' Lumber i-ompany i t lnr ...i .,vt t)ic flavorine and btk- hns returned from a business trip to jng jlow(jor(, j'lace this mixture ii o l- raneisi-o. J pan at has been well lined with paper W. ,T, Burns of Monmouth was a Dal- nnd bake in a slow over for out boa Ins visitor Monday. Use ail instead of butter to grease tk !... t,.!nn.i I iimi ii. r ni's nnt hum to rwunj. Wliite Fruit Cake. Onelalf (up d butter, one eup of sugar, one and ox hall' cups of flour, one-half tip if milk, two epgs, one-half cup el M meais (let these be rather roaree), w I of dates and figs, a spoon of tr-am i extract, one-iouitli ot a imfmilit inonil extract, one level teaittn' While the eounty may issue paper in better yesterday, payment of its obligntions in tho event of a deficiency in the general fund that sumo paper is not redeemable by tm-U of nnnumnnin wus ronorted some ; uah'" ru"ul.r- l'ortliind, Ot., March 111. Captain for the payment of the general expenses of the countv and spcciul funds erctod for the payment of salaries of county officers or deputies. In other words, when tho taxpayer culls for his pay for work performed upon tho road in his district, and re ceives a warrunt endorsed "not pid for want of funds" he is not permitted to turn thnt warrr.ut into the tax col lector for tho payment of his tnxes, un less it be credited to the pcnernl eoun ty fund and then the tnx collector is not authorised under the law to uccept tho warrant for a prenter sum than the ex act amount of the gcnernl taxes due nor ro issue any c.asn in change for the fnce value of the warrunt in excess of such taxes I'. ,1. wrniil., n j i ummi-ii i uu.'uuos . - - . . man of Falls City, was a Pallas visitor One-half pound ol eanaieu r. r no H 1 l' 1 HS IV " This is tho effect of an oninlnn. or ! the shop. Ilnlvei soii of the Norwegian bark rather an interpretation of tho existing Mr. and N'orilturcr this nmrning received a let- tax lnws as given bv the state tax com- turned to Monday Work was begun Tuesday morning on an addition to the ihrecve garage on Oak street. George Coad has returned to his homo near Eugeno after a short visit in this city at tho borne of his mother, Mrs. Anna Coad. The Palles Meat Company of this city has purchased the market of Cook Son at. Independence. Everot Cook of the latter city will have charge of Mrs. W. T. drier have ro their home in Falls City ter from his wife in Lvnuor, Norway, mission in reply to a nuerrv from 1 after nn extended-visit with Portland stating that un unnamed four masted j Treasurer Colvig, of .lackson countv, I relatives and friends. steel bnrk bound from rortland to the yesterday afternoon. "Clearly," says! Miss Hosn B. Parrott, a teacher at miioii iingiinin with wheat had Men . mo commission, "county warrants must the (irnnnn sm at Mon- by Hermans off the coast of bo accepted in payment of countv tnxes. ! n,o,,il, ,.;.!un..i at i tnnw aci'ordinit to advices ut cannot ho accepted in navnicni i.l ' r.c ;i.,- ,. la ( I,.,. i. ..I... I i ' ... .!.. . ii ..! ..i. , ""' j ,.,. ,i,i i., ii, ,, i.Mii-r. "i"'i ut-n. ruuowing tins ll". i The only csfil nnswering the de-' lnrution tho commission proceeds to de. siripuou is i lie isnrwegiun Karki'ine 'county tnxes ' ns "those tnxej sunk South Noiminihii, hi. h soiled from this port Oclober -I, iiiiiiiiianded by I aptain lliilverson. The Seinnntha is owned in I.yngnr. The letter stntcil that tho owners of the lost vessel ha. I iu-t been notified bv the , -n 1 1 1 it i ti America. Walter L, Tooze, Jr., attended a meeting ef the city council at Falls I City, Tuesday evening. j John Hempel, of Polk Station, was a Pallas business visitor Tuesday. fieiu somo port in South dintcly redeemable. wnirh are levied by the county court to produce a fund or funds iiguinst vwi'. h. such court hns full authority to oriel wurrnnts drawn in piivnient of i l.iim. notwitlmtnn.lin.t ii,,.. " t tanner was a funds, such wurrnnts inuv nt b in, , ! . rr'. A'. "' 8tBrb.u.:k made a lirofes- flavor, but tins is not necfanrj. Prrn T(mholiSil Cf"! beaten Uglt- ly, two cups of milk, sca-ou witk it nuuuic. w Use lobster, s't and pepper, bake cups set in water. or tomato sauce. Cranberry Muffin.-To (( m. half eup of sugar, on; levd lfH salt, ono cup of sweet mil", fj of flour, three teaspoons of powder, 'three tabl.,poo..i , of JJ bnttr and one-tl.ird cup of cut in halves. Hake in a moderate n in muffin tins. Penny MuffinTo era wt3r,two tablcpoo,, of lard, t-J ....ii il ., nucha f cup of W'" writ i.i , teaspoon veast ease stir n- of salt, one ft f.rtu cm i us niiicn nour .'UJ .0(ii raise. Then make out . t . . ifi-:- it nu n n if ur" put into miuuM - -, i,str light taheinaquii'k e 'c "' inula imsnii'ss visnor luesuu.i. 1 Set at noon, pone ulw , John Foster, a prominent Suit ('ieekjmit ln t ))0 morning and raise 111 fnriner was a Pallas visitor Tuesday. MAIL ROBBED IN ITALY I! nie, March 111. It was annniioceil tod a v tluit ii tuun carrying u large oiii'iitil.v of trail fiot'i ' the t'nited S'Btes fn AeMri-i mid (lerinnny wms lolib.'.l en mil,' i,, Nnples Inst nip at. The ioI'Iicis nr.. Pelieved to hnve oh Hiiii'"! a !iii::i. ;iin,Mint of inonev from :h. letters. l'.l . L , , , ,. i iiocr mis noiuing the commission exempts state tnxes, interest of high way bonds, ronils and highnnvs tnxes, city, town, school district, rend district and other local district taxes from payment in county wurrnnts. I for luncheon, Boston Luncn ko.-Tt ' 'butter, - ,ic u I oe lour, Mrs, Mop . r nssistins the ln- The household helpert vow k, opened , Witt needs con be found Quick- Attack It la any aUitris lijjKl lockat, mmi i$Mf uid it with n naml' avl lb dutt and dirt dluppMrt, It laal work It's a ilaur. CA aw yar iU litf , ami rw IUI WMTtna mhmlt 5sl.a hwM, fOR IALC BY . 11 II i Contests supplemented the unial scs -inn ef nee.llew .u k. Mis. V. 1, Need In in, Mis, llnilev I'uijh, Mrs. Huddle en .nd Mr. I.. M. t uvli r bring nward-j .'.I tin- la-.ois, i . Mi". J. A. Ilea h whs iieu a uiost I'ieii-iini when tiieuds, all l.nncr M'liue.ota tciilents, cnllcl un-' ' itiui'itiiuTil at her home .iP0 North Twelfth street Mi inlay evening. Those ' iilni inn. le op the party were Mr. and Mis, William l'aioe, Mr. nnd Mis.1 j Aekrrninn, Mr, nu l Mrs. t'rcl liar tlioloaiew, Mr. slid Mrs. Kred Swnnsnn,. sii.l Mini lllailys and I., If rairtholo : mew. ly through the Journal Want Ad. Had Lung Trouble anil Expected (o Cic .liveries hri.iiuht Alti'i-attve are attention, Ml) lllMa. rELSlDENT MURDERED, , Now Yu k, March ID. New of the1 nsiussiuatiou ef tiovernor ., nf ; Santo llomiiigit, nud to of hi riiil ill en ws biueght here today by the! steamer lr(oii. The- iwnntem were the governor's political enemies, : it'$ (or !, a Journal 1 ie Iiniiiv lil'i'Vil l,v ci,, suiiiellMrf wi.ip ai'i'iil Un,. . ,m . ... . M " . twr. V. V. '"".""""I I Kr -.lek In Jainrmlirr. IIHH. .,, . Ihr l artretrd . i. i.iii) asr hs two in., nil,. !? . ' eSlrlaii kal rlr.l m.a " l Irrnimral anil mine illii iV.' TV. 1'""'' " h aiknl nr km- lmn.1 II h l.jr,.a ( him tr,u. ?...VT. ""''". a r AHrmtur. , itm av .'J?,'" "" -h'unr i ., ' thuHMK rif lna ri. ".IrJV""" rnr" -bbr- llaMI H. . K. IIHII.f V. ckiiuiii s .Mier.itiv I most .ill, a. einiia In l.ri.nihi.i ratnrih anil se. T.. n'.V" '"" aff't'ona anil up ii i l.ti.. l l,r Contains ho Inrmful r hnl.n-fi.rmltm ilrua. Pt sulit,iioa. Hmill sue. I . rraular sit,, ;. Mom fv Ih Uiii.Ki.n Writ for book 1. 1 r i .) i .n l:,k"" karatari', rklUaVlpkla rsrcnoLOGY or the crowd l ecture bv TR. E. S. C0NKL1N rubUe Libr;iry Auditorium T.tiight, o 'clock Fni'.K . !(; sioiml visit in Black liock Monday i night. The home economic demonstration that was to hnve been given this week bv Miss Tnrlev of thn Orernn Aericul- turnl college under the nnspiros of the" wl"e' nomnn s club has been postponed un til some time in April. . The Oregon Power Cumpnny is- mak ing; rapid progress in installing tho IICM,,.,, .v,lm C. 1 1, 1 1 1 V 'everal streets now have the new and ext meis. , 9nillc r . ..n -j i. i. nut into a thu-kiv si fl w (WO Clips 01 M..-" - ,mlf ,.,., of baking powder, three cfs-, (. one tcsspuiiii -- , . ... virart. mon, ana iii"n " ,,1 Rub the butter nud ' lir beating each in well, a M sifted with the m'". ' ,k baf nights at nil intersections nnd it is expected thnt. before the first of the coining nu nth the entire system of the city will have been changed. j S. P. Kimlull of Snleni is in the city this week looking after business matters. : mix into put into nnd biike in a und a quarter with white ntO, t rill hours. When n H'g cw. ' A woman r" has insulted if ver forp"'' ' ' he fails 3' ; Dt'Senlicii In Tombs I of Thaw Indefinite here fur 'h nn.l possible ! N,W J'':.V Mfh I'.'.-lVtention of .n.,y r. i nnw in the Tomb j i w-i- . t.rt at.-v ' ' 'V is HI' IPVf. Irt i - , Ihe ,e..,!t, f thl, ,, Wm tMyrs "'re is the ,- thP ,,. .ini The uppellnte diiis;,-,, f ,h(, , ,;, MPcnl from .Insti.-e rg0- ,,,, n,. fi';::rrrmit Thnw ,o r,,,urn ,u Tho trial of Thnw i-iTTaitnit nt u w..i ..r c , . ' . . ----- vi naoess corpus has postponed until April in. s sanity bv the THIS TRAD&MAKft IS YOUR GUARANTEE There is no genuine BAKER'S COCOA BAKER'S CHOCOU unless It has this (ft markonlhepseks It.3" i PS IrJ WALTER BAKER m.TN uavMT or. .MfS' ESTABLISHED 1780 l Want Ad will ! if. El