EIGHT. THE SALEM CAPITAL JOTJBNAL, SA1EM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MABCH 17, 1915. :4 I I 1 v i I ' h t Butterick Patterns and Publications For Thursday, Friday, Saturday AnlmportantThree-DaySaleot i MOODY DIES SUDDENLY I i X TODAY Run Away June Two Parts Women's Fifeer 5i7& ose, ra Vaae a JSc a pair. Apparently In Best of Health When Life Is Ended With in Few Minutes T Thursday t Only Exploits of Elaine Two Parts ZUDOEA $20,000,000 Mystery Series No. 12 Bag of Diamonds. I A si- j. ... . 1 ' I" T 1 .1. . j WANTED I,,,,.. : '""'..lor. nmil, i,,,,,"1"", A very timely offering of finely woven fibre silk hose in all sizes. A splendid article for spring and summer wear and a grade that will give great satisfaction in the wearing. May be inree aays. mis event positively closes Saturday nignt. uiiered , ith several for three days :!9 cents a pair. See the Window Display (Couft Street) THE HOUSE OF QUALITY TRY SALEM FIRST liOOODlCOODS The river today in at tho 4.3 foot slugo. No rniiil'iill has been I'l't'onlcil for I ho past "I hours. Parcel delivery, pannage and freight, l'riccs, luo, I ."i.-, tl.n: nnl ."ill. C. CI. McElruy. Phono i.'l F 4. Mrs. J. B. riBlior, of Haintor, Wash., , vwm brought In this i t y Monday by Mm, Carrie Fisher ami in being cared for at Willamette satiitnrii S,,. i HilToring from a cnnipliciil imi of dis cuses, tho exact mil m i! of wliii li in not lillOWII. -II I. O, S., 211-12 HuDuara building. Dr. a. A. Wimir.ss, M. D. I'liyslc iiui for iii-M'iMi linn ami ii'stouiiioii of lii'iiltli. Iliihl.iu.l t 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 k . A. T. Bartoll anil John Mlckol of Plymouth, III., i in ih,. ,-itv visiting -Mrs, ,1. W. A. Mover of West. Suleui. They linvi' hi'nii to Hn ii I'n im'ii, lint having hoard so in in- li of ho Willnni Valley, looli iliiH ki 1 1 unity to Mop off li wi'i'li to sec t In- I'onnliv, Tlia Capital Liminor Co., nill Houtli Twelfth. Jluihling nut t r in 1 of nil kinds. Dollar watches ,it Stone's drug store. - o Tho bridge on South Commercial Street will ho C plunked, h,. noil, ,. W'Hiiinn today, Tin' bridge whs partial l.v planked two veins lino, In tln work Hoiv lu-iiiu .loiio, ii I in I tlii.nini f(.t of luilllllT will . HM'll. --ii .. Tared drllvery, Ii.ikkuko and frolKlit. l'li'i', In,., 1.,,., .';, ,( ;-,((,. ri ; Mri:iniy. IMioni'x : I ny , !M 7 ; nilil, ii:tt. - o . . Those tweoda inmlo to milt yon, $u i T-ll, III Alo-ili'l . Mis. Marv Mnn.lv. wife of Z. F. Jlooily, ex-Oovernor of flri'tion, died i Riidilt'iily of oon((estivi rhiH at her ' home in this eitv lust nijjht. She up- tiarpntlv was in the hest of henltli un til Htriekeu about 7 o'elm-k. She soon beeanin tineonaeious and the end eiune in a few minutes. 1 i; J i ! i-j. r-.. . a i. . 'ii . -'niuiiy attei .,,. nan ni navy, uui k gray, ngnt gray, oiacK or wnue. A nose inat!eondin te,i by sirs, c a. I'arks, early coUa in mnnv cfnivic af Hfl nonfa Pnf ?n n cnnnlv dimnn tVin nnvfli" the afternoon and look n deep in- 't , Jmu- r i , o "J1 Y UU. l,,CA,lt''''t in the work. She walked home friemls. hnttinu with them in her usually spirited manner. She greeted her husband eordially upon nirivinjf home and retired to her room to prepare' for the evening meal. The ex-Bovernor and several women friends were with Sirs. Moody when she was strieken and although a physi eian was summoned at nin e he was un nble to do anvthinjr for her. Her death apparently was ai'ronipanied by little suffering.' Despite his advanced yenrs Mr. Moody withstood the shock well au,l Hovprni limns liiicr was able to (jive n sketch of Sirs. Sloo.ly's life. Sirs. Moody was born in Lebanon,; I ml., April is, lssfi, her parents dying when she was voting. She crossed tho nlin'nu ...In. 'n :i i ir : .. I I n ..nil n mniiiv II li in i-i I nrui in I 1H.12 and settled at I'nioii Point, 'near Hrownsville, I.inn county. Sho was I married there in S.",:. The vonnif con-; .pie remained at Union I'ninl until loll, when they moved to Illinois. Ueturn-' int,' to Ori'ipm in 1MIJ Mr. and Sirs. Sloody locati',1 in The Dulles, where they lived until ISM', when Sir. Slon.lv was elected governor. They have since lived in Nnlem. llesides her hiisbnnd, she is survived bv four children, Slaleolm I'. Moo.lv, of The Dalles; .Zenos A. Sloody, of Ash land; William H. Sloo.lv. of Shaniko, and llalph K. Moody, of Portland. A ilaiiKhter, Sirs. E. p.' Jci 'ornack sevenj yrara auo. Sir. and .Mrs. Halph Sl.m.lv, f Port- the. leinainiiiL' The Spirit of Giving Featuring Margaret Fisher Eestitutlon 2 Part American Drama. Only a Farmer's Daughter Keystone Comedy The Only Comedy. BLIGH Theatre Check No. 130 Princess. Flyer in Spring Water Eomic Comedy. 1 fl No Raise in Prices 1 A f Iwt The Show That lUC i Pleases the People. l'hone Jtsjg.j THAUK thing lmv Vour .- """itiire f,. 1 ''t Kurnii,,.. I ""x IJUilj. 9lC(9!cH TODAY'S ODDEST STOKY. Men's Suits Made to Your Measure $13. 75 and up - Icoinpiiny of Hartford, Connecticut, with Pottesvillo, Pa. Starch 17. Sirs. David Bell, aged 74 years, who died recently at iier home at Xorthamptiu, Ph., made shrouds for over loOU persons since the time that she entered into a contract in .lsilli with various undertakers in that section to furnish shrouds and to assist in conducting funerals. ST. PATRICK'S DAY OBSERVED. All Around Town I heiiilipiurters in this city. Dr. MendolBonn, specialist in fitting fih iurlc of llvbeo and Walker Tho glaaioi correctly. U. H. bank bldg. Iiuil.liug is being' repaired im, minlein grocery shelves and olhcr fixlures pliicc.l, I'ollowing the most approved style now in use in modern groceries, there will be no show cases or side milliters in tho slore. Wlillo flowers ol all kinds at Waldo . Mills, I i:i .oilh High street, Phone 7.1.1. Dana II. Allen, prominent attorney, ; ex rcpiesenlnl ivo from this county, mid , prcs"nt first duty seigeunl of Conipuny ' M, lust nigbl reee'r, e. n i lul from jthc war ilepnilineiit for five yours'' j I'll i t Ii fit I service In the state national I guard. Mr. Allen Served two years in I in.- i airioinia loihtla holme coining u I Sal. 'in and has completed 1 1, enlist. I uii'iil.-i in ( 1 1 1 1 1 .ii 1 1 - k of this city, If they could bo inado bettor Fine concert, by chorus of men's voices, assisted by soloists. Too niusi- leal .'irtists' course gives as its third 1 number one of the most interesting concerts ever given in Siileiu. A large ciio.'.is of men's voices in most beau Miful ensemble work. Priiui lit) to 7.J I voices. Such fine voices and so care fully trained that it seems as one voice i singing. Then the program is so varied i ill,,. il U.,V,.lt. ...in ,. i. ....... ..ii ... i I .privileged to hear it. Sir. Hover, who l";''1V,',, ,nst "'K'1' COUllOctS the best Annual Convention of Pythian Sisters Closed this great chorus, is one nf I '"'"'f "pw-ted tomorrow. I'uneral horns conductors on tin iiHt. ! "''n:,,"," W'H "t he made until and i he line work of this chorus has not only received praise on the const but eastern papers have given it much priiisi.. all are here. Tho Liberty school, three miles out hum Salem, is taking up the garden club work this spring, ami will meet with I,. ,1. Chapiu tomorrow, lie fore liegi'ining tho garden work, each pupil will be required to draw plans and be ilistr.lcteil us to width of rows, dentil seed is to be planted mid given general' nrrn i ir,,,,,, HI (Itll.l'.S At 2:iV. Nor; street, Tuesday, .March .lames SI. Ilugglos, nt the years and 7 mouth. The remains wet tnUen to Yamhill this nfli rnooii bv relatives, whore 1...... At the annual convention of the Pythian Sisters, which closed last night at Albany, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Sirs. A. E. Hall, district denutv died grand chief, Hclmetu Temple, Xo. :!!!, hugene; Mrs. A. E. SVrightnian, district mistress of records and correspondence, Home Temple, No. 21, Silverton'; Sirs. Hoss E. Sloores, mistress or finuuie, C'entralia Temple, No. II, Salem. The next unuual meeting mil be held nt Eugene, the date being selei toil P.. the executive committee. From Ceir tralia Temple No. .11 of this city. I I delegates utteniled and ten from the Home Temple No. 21 of Silverton. Alpha Temple No. 1 of Albany pot h Front: nn the special work at the session last Hi, IPIo, j night. Eollowing the special work of age of St the evening, u sumptuous bunipiot was served. Capitol, Sacinniento,('ul., March 17. Tiie assembly recognized St. Pat rick's day by opening the morning ses si.i today with the chorus of "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." Wishard, of I. os Angeles, wenring n flowing green, tie, led the singing. The legislators will be the guests tonight of the Sun Francisco delegation nt an Irish dinner. Members today are wearing green bouquets, ties and other ' emblems of the Emerald Isle. ! Si's. Purkitt, wife of Senator Purkitt ol Willows, entertained the joint com mittees on military affairs this after noon with the soiig "I Love You, Cali fornia," which Senator Scott would like to have made the official state song. vyum-, Wllrit,,, at ui?7--r--- erty street. . U Iron's clothes. Jm to tield and inv M" (tank With liltl - work or hon.okocpin, JJ. V0H SALI';-'"'liaTaT SIa,. 'liessnPj-: 01 at home, in,, . 3Uii; KXI'KRIKNCKI) work by ,v 23.S1-M. TWO mon IT- l per n. mi I,, ,rt Doani. Phono j r wo n- i.. ' i,.., ... i i- enteenth and Mn.ot stree u Ml ,IJ Lt 1 , I. "U I5HI.J, 1 ollll.r ,,ru,. i.,7" and (). I c i ........ i iveiger, tsaiem, lit. I. saws. WANTED heifers, . ... - film., p. i Ing,lli0 Mutl, Twonty-fifth. IW at once, a fi co g irosh mon. K 1 1 WE will allow you the biKhew PricaN vour usp. fn new. Calef Bins.. Thone 53. UA.NTKD-A girl tor "T work; most be g,;, ,.u)i; ,l0 ng nor i.uming. Apply ,(, i.i ( heincknta stteet. jail- ! WE WANT i I iicres I'ortlnnd. .lacob Co., Piano Owners Attention Discolored or yellow ivory keys made; white as snow, injuries to varnish,! deep scratches or bruises, no mutter J ho-.v severe, neatly repaired and pol- j ished. Expert piano tuning, repair-1 In r u,,.l i ; .... . .....,.,.,.. 1. 1 ' charges. Phone 2354 II. F. Kuck. i ' Iifliiaml av . -.IM 10 -'i,-t mtmt (( K'in.1 Irin.l Jfl ,! f1). Will I'tiy K0, j,ltor-1 -"I llalihtii'il l.iiil.li,,,;. I HI.IVI1 I.X.M.M, Untf 0i , . iiKn mi Nile. .IOC nor i i.7 'i,.., A. W. ( ox. .Saleui II. i. limit iii-F-: the cheinical wiM ,llli'' I'1'"' Would ill thoy ' lill be l,a C.iroitn, In.-. Bpoilal lueeting of Mult- niiiuah chapter, No. I, .ii., tins evening. nth in the Marl, Master degioo. Vis iting compj. itions welcome. I Skating Ordinance Goes ' I Into Effect March 26 . instrin liims legniding ipialiltes ol the soil, A threo tono covor for tho recipe pamphlet now being issued by the Su lem Fruit I'nioii has .just been issued trotii the press of the Elliott Printing! .... ; house. I'he cover itself is a work of' . . ' ""' -ii-H:illi skating ordinance art, being a three color nr a ini"'1" ""' 1,1 effect until Fridav. II. A., which a i ibiuutiou of inks give the1 .'"''' L''' "";-rdii'i to the statement exact color ol the loganberry and tuo . n..iay. i ne ordinance prune. The front title page shows a;Wils -Mayor White yesterday cluster of lognnborries in then exact '"'"'. wi" '" ''"'. t ill lo days. The size ami color, while the buck cner of ordinance pi.ni.lc, i hat nil persons shod the pniuphlet illustrntes a oroeii fl'ith roller tl,atc ha 1 1 be prohibited The Iiulus brothers, George B. and prunes in their full size and oolo-. rim ,1''"1" skating in the district bounded Kol.oil C who recently purchased n snlcin fruit I'nioii iiuvo ordered f,(i,r.:i,l i'""" ....I hi .iniin sun, n;to no- ' ""-.' i.-'in- iii-.i..iii'is iiiiii ineir. eiind Hie scricos of n i.tuniii.i evi I colored title uueo nrintcd to be used I""' liom the 1 ......li ;.i Mills, in Washing-1 t In' i r ndvertising 'ai..ii:gn lor the who will pot their Itact in c i-,eoniing season. Hon tor a liiiuiier crop for In I.',, (. be gnu mi I. on the oichatd Monday of Ibis week, and it will leipiito at lea-l IH days to conipleto the work. President of W. U. To Be Elected Today Portland, Or., Sfnrcli 17. No notion maid selection of n new president for tlie Willamette university was taken this morning nt u mooting of the offi cial board of that institution hold In Pi'i'tlnnd. A. F. Flegel, a member of the board, stated that notion probably i would be tu ken nt n postponed session' this afternoon. ; Special Tomorrow 8 to 12 lb Sugar Cured hams, lb 17c Pic Nik Hams, lb 13c 4, cans Milk 25c I.V II. . t i . . i wn rvvi.c-.-Nlinll lui.lv ii, o corn on place; 1 wood rark, (li; -'. hr; I small jug; I F- Kathlio, h'.niic 2, Hut 77. Mill.' FOH SAI.K Fresh cow with' oil, ! 1 buy horse, a goml mi, wficta. j Philip Hoes, Plume IM'-II, .IiBto I no.!. I. a i (H.1 Ad h lor mil, mithimt run" Summer and Oak streets, juirtly fur ! nished, if dcsiii'.l, Plume il'WJ. or ! 71 Mat i: 4 it.fi I Creamery Butter , 32c 1.1. F. ELLIOTT. II. K. MT.KNNAW- Llliidscupe gti id iters; II years' -ienoe in Portland. Liwiw nit, Jlimk- bery en red for, etc, 1212 Mule si- Phone 1W2. -'I'll" 'W, ' from ? on the norlli ter street, Prominent Chinese Will Make Tour of U. S. Do Lapp Laundry, wash tit , wot wash, fur and doliiered. i Family rough dry "itie. Wuik culled hone 7'Jl, An lnteroNtlug pro.nrmii Is betng pre pared by the Social Somen o,i moil too l,,r el " tay oieuing. Mi, (looigc st tool Snyder, tiie pnpulcr lm snlnist, will! sing, I.e. I .Mis. , It. Miles will rend several Alnsl.n ins. Tin veiling nieoiingH at U, I iniiiiinn chinch nie ptuviug ipiito si e.-dnl, ti it. I ii i ti fioe to the public. Seattle, Wash., Sltirch 1 7. Secretary C. II. Yiindoll of the Senttle olmuihe'r of coinineroe will leave for San Francis- I co in n few days to make iirrangoiuents Mrs. A. Htrong, who has been nt the for a II.iiihi mile tour of the I nitod j home ot F. D. Thiols,.,, since Aw fell iStnt,.H bv fill protuiiieiit Chinese iner nn. I liaclined her ankle about In dnys ohants, bankers and officiuls. The I ago, has so fur iciovered that she was Chinese government, it. Is reported by i ...... .. ,.. ,,, , ii,n,-, .-.oiiiii i oiumeica v n it i n iinnori n .iv in h .i,i. ., icu the south line the west l.v t fin I stt t. The ponnltv tlOII Ol tills ni-lih; 1 to TI It I'otee the oi.iiiiiu the l'itst few hi bv Ilio north line of I the oust by the center stt.ct, on the siitth bv Kerry street, int. I on west line ol' rummer. 'II, we li ii vo exhausted reason, log ic, i l mon sense and justice. What more .'tin vve tin?" " guess we'll simply have to go to law." Ex. -rapini.aiaBi i spend moM ii wheel In.. Id p.nviiled for the viola- ce is a fine of front f of pulice will en e rigidly, but for s the ofl'ieers will ST. PATRICK'S DAY IN THE EVENING the time in warning the r ters. Salem Man Building Drier at Rosehurg this in. lining. tu Elvt lo or lino tailored mitts Is hUU gnin.; on nt M.i Iter's. !ie vt lm t Faster suit. Hete's your elutm n lltindlo," tor lite, ol her popular song ill sale nt shoot music "Wrap M in I'his and all the eiunuu Sh "et imistii at I He. Special sale of the I. lie pupular si t music, (loo. C, Will, PI2 hlate slieet, Tho ntiiiti.il meeting of the Inter- ileiiiiniiniitiumil M iiniiiity societv will inei'i Fiidny, Muroli IP,' at tl.' First Melho.list chinch, T'li,. ni.iiiinijj wr Mc" will bo devoted to the business of thi ssion and an a. Idlest: bv Dean Tal bot in " Moi in. nniu. " Iiuiiuif the nit The Men's Liberal club meets to light III N o'clock in rimming hall ( I'nitariiin church!, The qn.stiou ol tiie eitent of an eiiibnigo by the Vuited Stntes gov ei anient jj til-' subject for .liscit.sion. All ,,,,,,, ,,,,, cordially invited to tin ctinps, est , i, it is hi i i.i in... ..i nils tu I, cu. f, vmhI, of the ali ft" will I W. Mo eioiit ilcuoiiiiuattoiis given 1 1 i . I an addiesn bv Mrs, ager on "Mexican .Mis Twenty one llic meals ti'X 1711 South I iniiiueicitil stteet, M.ny Oimlen, Djerkliw, Onrdlnglo, V 'tin ii, Piilnior linso Loaves, 1 loll v "'"'i'1". Sd lor, and dunlin ,e Mane are n I'ew uf the loading pet funics ear lied at tho Capital Hitiu Ntoie. ln ' I sonic lcin,e, . ,, bigji, , 'p, Tviiit Scott , n il ji.-it , piiiiriotois, Yiiniloll, has voted l,(lnil.0(i0 for this tour. Yandell is nt the liend of n committee of the ussociiited cliainbers of commerce of the Pacific ("oast to hiuulle such iiiiiis. inner ineiuiiers ot tlie coininittee ; nouses act are; F.x tlovernor Pardee of California, the depot. .nines luiison ot Los Angeles, and Cuptuin Hubert Dollur of Seattle. President Thomas llnrke of the asso ciated cliainbers today declared the coining tour will be the greatust pus sibli instrument for promoting friendly trade relations. A similar tour by .lap unese merchants in IHUIl was followed by greater business associations espo- ii'iallv on the Pacific t st. The tour is .to start about May I from Sun Fran I cisoo n ml will end at Senttle .lulv 10. A proposition t ..root n public fruit dryer in UoM-lmrg a brought to light Mom lay night. ,i ii F. F. Patterson, n local eonlia, tor, nsked perinission of the city council m erect a building for such n pin peso in ti,,, ronr of the ware- s Hie iiiilrond tracks from Mr. Pattersusi will have n nn It interest in ;H. j,ropojition, the other half hcim; the share of Mr. SI, Daniels, of Salon, who is owner of a drier there and is inking an active in terest in the dtiei .re. Mr. McHnniels will piuhnldv .i-vnne mnnugeniout of ""' ,'"'l I'l a! least until it is well estnblhod, li,,,, 1,,,1-g Ueview. GERMANS TO HAVE ST. PATRICK. The I M. Boggs ii Co. grocery store on the corner nf Cuinnierciul nud Fern ftreel will move next week iutu their new location just thiee .l..nt uonh. in Augusta Brnutia who has heen In the cit lor over a year, rcpiosoiiting the Coliinibin Life liisiniiui'c coinpnny of I'ortlnnd, Inis severed his connect ion with Hint I'oiiipHiiv. In the t'litin,. he the location foinioiK , ,,,M by the! will rcpi nt the' Tinvel. i, las.itnuvc TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES I No two penons eyes Safety First Call a Taxi Phone 700 Salem Taxi Co. Office Bligh Hotel Seattle, Wash., March 17,-The Col umn flag w.ll . mingled with the flag nf Eiiti t,.inKlii i t,o joint celebration here of St. Pniii, l', ,y. The (lernian merionn si.cici.es met 'wiih representa tives of the hit, Inn; lrt9.li sooieties re i cntly and dc.-id, d to participate in the ceremonies hn,-,tf Irelnnd's patron siiint. Teutons ii n, Ocrmnus will cole- rate with pi,,, , .rvioc during the day and tonight will hold tt bainpiot and bull. are the same, tach one requires a sepa rate and individual examination. Protect your night, lluve your eyes examined here, where nindci n' methods, scietitil'ic appliances tmd experience in sine a careful, personal toganl fur vour needs. If (lh,,c ,ro not necdevi we will frankly tell veil so. Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist 208-20U Hubbard Wdg. phone 101) When In SALEM, OREGON, atop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modem and rrtT.U Bath. RATES 7S. 11.00. fl.R0 PER DAT The only hotel In the builnesa dlitiicl Ktartat to ail Depots, Thaatm and Capitol Building, A Home Away from Horn. T. O. BLIGn, Prop. Both Phones Pro Auto Hot, Ted tat sntnuicr Imtel I Those prottv waitresses look nw fully fetching. Ned After you've I i, here awhile vou'll find they fetch ii..t,ing. Judge. ' AAA A fAIAAAAAAAAAAA TRY SALEM FIRST t and ask your grocer for Cherry l ily pUOnt hard wheat f Flour. T t'ak llleud tdendeil Hour. f.cniioiov ,0ft H,eal Flour. Tip Tp Selfrising Pancake Flour t'regui, Whulcntimt t'regon Cirnhain Oregon Wheatola tilinrillltr.'.l nn.l n.f t.v I Cherry City Houring "Mill TONIGHT'S The Big Night :- GLOBE THEATRE FOK HENT-S riioni house, motlfi". j baih, electric light, fnrnarf, bain, ( I large lots, all foiiccl. ,111-iit only (li . per mouth to right party; lvotlli ("I. L. Uechtel Co. iiEFOIIE having till ol ytmr f"f cleaning .lone plume ami ''t '"' prices. We giv e p'oiupt f rv it-e al giiliinntee wink. Wo .'Iran ' ' press evoi vthiiig. City Pry CNiun. Works, lPi't ' tate strwt. I'l' , VOCNti tiinu. aged i, struii! "'! l! ing, no bad habits whatever, w-l have work nf some kind. Wnit k' you to offer.' Address 1. Journal. .. CENT HAL I .o I H IE. Ni s. K-ol ''' Mel 'ornack building. Tiie ' ing of h week t 7::m. H chcll, C. C.I .lames W. CoJ. k- II. ami S. . I Grand Reopening FESTIVAL OF FEATURES Clare Kimball Young In the Five-Act Dramatic Masterpiece THE DEEP PURPLE PAT MIKE MAHONEY and DAISY High Class Comedy VAUDEVILLE ACT FOli SALE-)1,. H. I'. uasul . ... ,.. i ii .1 i.iatii'. W an t ... -i ii.-n it... r- i In riistelass condition. WW ;il , r both olie.il '"' taken soon. Pinnies. Sal';1" Jelferson 7 J -41. r'l'" t'lTMin. Ore., liinttc I. I .Mi ... . -,..,. i. t. i l...'TMoilt'IH. !! i r.i' i " " H L. i, .I.I... In.ei.ts. Iir SlllSH ' ' . .....l,;i,lrott;r r,.r i, loco. Cue street " , ,,,-ice. Addrcs Sunt, Fifteenth street. . SI. ' ciiintiirtiiua '" I'i'.f t,,i IM.t- nwlis III . i., ,-t tionr lic.es tini'si win." ooast; worth :'.''"' , . i I .,,.k ili'Clllll"' k voariv; atso ui't' ;- . 4 t 'i - -v to g I Sydney Drew in CUPID'S COLUMN Special Feature ORCHESTRA ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c Doors Open 7 p. m. if luisM; id !' ,.til' sfnlly: ' tli.tposittun .'l iniii-rv pnef in'i" ornble. nmhili m-ie.ieillL' pmPCll particulars mr any n"'" , A, !,oici. H.r;.r,C1 dress "Sincere. S Kakuta. (l"1"'!,1."''lu i.ro.l.! his llllll'V " ' answet The household heW can be tounu Ulf S. . , - ly through thi Adt. Specialr City i"5" :on Con car.-ne, y-r v, "; 1 Contractors ! t- Es tunnies rarnisho v. t i ing Work. Urge """ ! V. 1 i: I 4.tA.4A-AA