Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" WKI'N'KSDA V KVKM.VO March 17, 191"). L EJ't' nd Mar- j PUBLISHED EVEHY EVENINO EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. - seat CHA8- a, c- ra, SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily by earrier, per year 5.00 Per month 45e VMt by mail, w year 3.00 Per month 35c Weekly by ma'il! yet year 1-00 -SOc FUI.I- LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT Tb. Capitol Journal carrier boyi tn Instructed to put the paper, on the torch. It the carrier doe. not do this, ml, you, or neglectt getting the uer to you on tune, kindly phone the circulation manager, u this is the only way w. can determine whether or not the esrrler. are following Instructions. Phone Main 81. ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Medford papers are preaching secession from Oregori and annexation to California. Well, if California will take that part of the state it would be a relief, although we have no grudge against our sister state and would not in sist on the deal. Jackson county has got more sore heads to the square mile than any other spot on earth, and their newspapers are chronic whiners, with never ending plaints about the treatment accorded them by the rest of the state. The "National Security League," advocating a large army and navy, have opened the usual press bureau and are flooding the newspapers with ready-made editorials and news stories. Some interest back of the movement evidently has money to spend with the idea of being re imbursed from some source. Possibly the manufacturers of war material may be interested in the patriotic (?) work. Italy is likely to over-play the diplomatic game in the present war crises. She is evidently forcing Germany and the Allies to bid for her support and there is evidence that both sides are becoming disgusted with the situation. If Italy should in the end offend both parties to the con troversy her position at the end of the war when Europe will be re-mapped, will not be an enviable one. it STATE NEWS I i ! Eugene Guard: W. J. Clarke, of j Florence, wiio sold the Hay View ho-, tel of that city to Bob Halter and Joe Hunt, of Eugene, is Hoing to Westlake, u T-Mltcoos lake, where he will ereet i number of cottages and furnish them fa- those who wish transient summer residences on the lakes. The stage from Gleuadn to Gardiner will take people o W'cstl.'ike and there will be aceoui iiu lal ions for fishermen and for those who will spend Sundays there. The women of North Salem have accomplished a great deal in the way of cleaning up and beautifying that sec tion of the city. It is a movement which we trust will spread to every part of Salem. Herman Frasch, who came from Germany a poor boy in '.8 rliorl in Tovir Vnvlr vananUr tirrvvfli COS HHft fWlfi Tf Un years ago and began his ministrations. When he gained j had been born in this country giving him a fair start, he a little of their confidence and they saw he was not there ! mioht have trot rich. Medford Sun: The local police have been asked to locate Miss .lessie Green, 15 y.'ar old girl, wiio left her home in I'en'rul Point yesterday afternoon. The authorities believe that the girl had come to Medford ta visit with friends, but local friends of the girl denied that die was here. Her widowed mother Is greatly worried. Fears are entertained that Miss Green was persuaded to leave her home by a young man of Central Point. She was last seen in Med.'ord by a Central Point sehou' teacher. Coos Ray Harbor: wreck on the Coos There was a bad Bay, St Patrick's day is here again. It should be noted, fays Goodwin's Weekly, because it is a punctuation point in the year and in history. Moreover it emphasizes a truth which not many men appreciate, though they have examples enough to impress it upon their hearts. That truth is that the records of men are kept and remembered according to their worth. When a youth he who is now called St. Patrick con secrated his life to the cause of the Master. After much study no one knows how much he de cided that he could best do the work by serving his fellow men. . He crossed over from his native Scotland to Ireland, then peopled by a fierce, half savage but a brave and gen prnns race. He wrobablv had a rude knowledge of the rpmpflips Fiven the sick in tnose days inai was irks juj, vrow VnrL- twonflv wth 59 s nnnann fha ln b0iy of Mrs. Minnie k. Ann " " " ,1 V,5o ?Scr.nr.nn Whpn h vamo.A 75 '.'' " V w'v!ww: i - j strong, only a short while a bride, was, found in the well on her husband's farm at Garfield, Oregon City, Mon day. The huslmnd was awuv when the woman met her death. Whether N ew I.W..K. .C. Eastern rail rail Tuesday near Henry ville. A broken flange ou a lumber car caused three ears of the mixed train leaving Marslifield in the after noon to go off tho track. An engine wns sent hack to Marslifield for help, and the tender of the engine went off the tinck, causing another wreck. Pas sengeis from the (DipiiUe valley who expected to reach Marshtield Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock did not net here 1 until :(::i0 a. in. Wednesday. Pleasing, becoming, dainty Hats. The very newest of style and good quality. Always in the lead with popu lar goods at popular prices. Be sure and look over our, assort ment of Ladies' and Girls' Hats. You will find our Millinery De partment a busy and pleasant place to visit. Spring illinery to be a spy upon them, or to prey upon them, they began to listen to him. We can imagine that his first sermon was a funeral sermon, and that he took occasion to tell them that this life was but a little march between the two eternities, and what we call death is but a sleep that has a wakening and appealed to them to live such lives as would assure for them a joyous wakening. They surrendered to his call, accepted his faith and rested on the promises he made. Thenceforth he simply went about doing goon witnouv a thought of gaining wealth or fame and when he came , to die his comfort must have been that he, nameless, poor. and obscure, unknown to the world, had been permitted to be the instrument to change the status of a whole people and to instill into their hearts a hope ot everlasting lite. But when his spirit took its flight a radiance from it lingered; it grew more and more beautful with the ebb and flow of the years, it finally became a halo around the brow of the statue which assumed form in the memories of men and clothed it in light. And now the name of the man is called with reverence to the uttermost bounds of civili zation, and is hailed as immortal because in obscurity he devoted all the energies of his being to making his fellow men better and therefore happier. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes 240-246 COMMERCIAL STREET Once it was said that "Corn was King" and after that;iiie1,"Ka,;,ow'I'1'r'u're'1 or ,'0,iliii"i it-i.io j Vyoiion reignea in tne marts 01 tne world, only to abdicate within the last year to "King Wool," and it is free wool at that. Remaining neutral is just one complication after an other. . . The Monarch The king sat brief nges back, FRIGHTENING THE SUFFRAGETTES. 1 (Mm in his palace, a few and from his gulden chalice he drunk a It is now practically assured Hood Hiver will not affiliate the coining year I with North Pacific Fruit Distributors. Throughout the past selling season growers hove been enipluiiiiiig on ae ! count of the heavy expense of hand ling the fruit and the slowness of re i turns, ami it was expected that a strong effort wuild be made by some lat the it i) tut 1 nicotine- nf tho' Am,l,. j Growers' association, the local affilia- Stopping the Leaks. Uion of the central ngenev, in April "Saving money is foolish to the fool to cancel the distributor contract. At nnd u nuisance to the cnrcless, but to -a conference Monduv the board of di- i..u iiuima i mi- .i-ms ui i recuiis oi tue association adopted a resolution recoimiH'iiilimr that d,..;- ,.. est virtue. If you nre too weak ur too tat innx ! .u.vnra.l f.... ,i . ss is closed. HIS BABY GIRL. TALES ON THRIFT. t lie mn n poverty, economy is the first and great indifferent to snve. nut Yourself in n i.n:...r u i .. I.UIS of 1K.ll kmt I ' . ' " "USIIiei i " (Minuiim nucre you win ne rvm:r.l To i dailies with sunny nve." I.os Angeles "Examiner." I ringlets, and cour lt U said that flO.OOO.OUO worth of tiers brave and gny,; waste paper is burned in the fnited were there to keep stntes every year. A great ninnv house ' his kinglets from, holder and business firms pay out I ynwning life away. ' money to have it carted away when The chimney didn't they might turn it into cash 'if thev draw well, the room would tuke the trouble to Investigate1 wns full of smoke, the market for this material, which is ami so the king miid to be worth ;itl cents a hundred said, Aw, well, we'll pounds. . just sit hero ami o,'OK't'i,e winder''-, A M"7'l"l!"' industrial ooncern ! In the recent debates in the house on which snndv wis l"" "T Bn ",""" "Mll.2 l.lus hour. ' tho H..hun amendment, Mr. Kahn of . . . " " " 1 mini luiuuLii i ii ntirh M-iiiy of the First National bank's old deposit slips, and other documents, were taken to Portland from Hosehurg Monday to be used as evidence in the case t.f T. 1(. Sheridan in the federal court. Mis trial begins March 2'J. Sher idan is accused of fraud while president or the bunk, 11,. j nlsu under indict ment in tne state courts for forgerv. CREEDS. sin so there was naught to hinder the 1 1 u"t from ciniing in, Th"V bit the ruynl persun and kept his royal nobs a rippin' round and cursiii' like any vul gar swnbs. No phonograph to cheer him, no phone through width to swear, mi. I iiu coiiM-uii'iice near him that mod ern fulks could bear! The workman 'in his cottage, who feeds his children jl'otir, the ptedigested pottuge bought int the coiner si ore, more luxury is I knowing than knew the kings of old, jwllli nil their bunk and blowing of , fields of cloth of gold, dust think ul' jniig'ity l-Mwiiid, the ruler of his In ufl, ns he went stumbling hedward, a rush- his httiid: Ami still the nicin- nry lingeis of inightv chiefs of Vurk, following apt The Antis are promptly trying to make capital out of the Torre Haute election fraud cases, in which it has loen shown that the defendants used "vile insults, lewd talk and brutal conduct" and thus frightened women from the polls, supposed argument is that the polls, therefore, are no place for women. This is harder on Torre Haute than it is on suffrage. It might better be argued that Torre Haute is no place for women. It might be further argued that if women are 1 11,, in stnv in IVito Haute, it is un to them to clean it no. Kv . . . . 4 . ul,., ui., 1, ;ti. tli.i; r: ,..u 1. At the same time the disclosures wore being made in ,,,, ,i,v h,.,i m. fork. The kings' wi. the Torre Haute cases, an interesting little dialogue was itned m splendor m gloomy ancient nlnn nn ?n ih.i flr....,,l lorricl n t ii lw.1 u-iittn Sn n f on , llM" "' k'"' a bcefstcilk tender, Helen Robinson, the only woman senator, and a male col league named Ilarola. Said the latter: "The senator from the First constantly takes advant age of her wearing skirts to do things here a man would not do. She should not be allowed to take advantage of her skirts." The woman senator's reply was neat and effective: "I demand that I be treated as a gentleman. California, offem.1 tlm ot its Itlcdiclll dchiirt.mcnt ('nnnolur ' verniw tins from the standpoint of the work-1 "Mr. Kahn of California- "Mr man. Say he is paid L'5 cents an hour. ; Speaker, the attitude of most of those lly nl owing the company to keep him who favor this legislation is excellently in 11 healthy physical condition and n expressed in the following verses more contented state of mind, he is euanieii to wutlt nearly an diour more Relieve as I h cncii day: Ins earnings are Increased Mil 11 month, or $."j7.II0 a year. clieve. nn mni-it ,m That I am right, nnd no one else, con fess ; Feel us 1 feel, think onlv ns I think; Lut what 1 eat, and drink but what I drink, T I. . , look ns i look, do always as I do, licauer cuts are iust Ani' then, and onlv then. I'll r..iw. nip nun you, who writes rentiers of medical ltd-newspapers, Ir. Hrndy vice for the says; "In menu the as nouiishiiii: nnd lust its niihitnbli. in every way in. In! ri or porterhouse outs. Yet hundreds of families never think of buying anything cheaper than n sir loin or a rib roa-t ur chops or some other extravagant cut. Ki-.li is everv' whit as nourishing its meat, and often more My father says that 1 will be His baby nil my life, ami iie Will love me just the very way He loves me nnw when every dny I rush away from-home to meet My loving daily down the street; He says that even when I'm grown Ami in a home that's all my own I '11 always be his baby, ami He'll always know anil understand Me better than most anyone; .lust the same way he'B always doue And 1 can't understand that; still, I sort of know he always will, Hec-iuse he says he wilt, I Rness, And he's so filled with tenderness Tiiat overflows right from his heart 1 know we cannot grow apart. I know he'll love me just the way, Through nil the years lie does today; I'll soon be big enough, says he, To go along with It iiu ami bo His chum, anil we will climb the hills, And we'll stand where the brooklet spills Into the river, ami we'll gu Home in the sunset's afterglow, And no one else could ever be One-half as grand as dad to mt, I w.iispercd that to him one day, ' Ami ho just sat and looked iwiy Away across the years and miles, Ami just the tendcrest of miln Wreathed his dear lips, and In hisirs' There was a look that somotimei k 'Way back deep in them whe Uti fay That I am graving right sway "'' From childhood, ami I'll soon be my And with a sweetheart of mj on. Such times he holds botk of my iirnll In one of his anu-Himltrstimli,' Ami he tell them, and sttoVti i zm "Sha'll always be my baby girt." (Jutlil Mortimer Lewis, in Houitot Prut.) Bakerla Manning a successful pat ent T Barker Indeed, yes! Able t support his family in the style to whicl their friends nre accustomed. El When a girl is told she's pretty as a picture comic valentines dost count. nor snuipled cultisli balls. rtM. 1IH ht WOOL 13 K.1KO. If anything could take the wind out of a male senator,1 Z ll that appears to be the thing. Since the chait called So na-ne iniii'i ti,t Ivm-iiln f if ouiri' li. i f. iiwti? iiinr . who ItruiV ot . .i . .. . . ' ...... ... .. '"'K 11 ir.aung uie worn a senator as a -Tienim. The attitude of some men toward women at the polls has nothing to do with the cardinal question of woman suffrage. Offensive remarks are confined to certain quarters ami certain classes, and will be corrected by ex perience. In San Francisco the presence of women at the polls is said to have decidedly improved conditions so far as order and decency are concerned. tllJCchiingiO There ns n time when ' ' Out ton was IKiitg" and n noble fabric still it is. but Votatocs, i ne nesr nni nine iieiirt milt wool will , mi nips, niisnei I soon be king. , Onions, bushel I touch lighting: in r.urope wears out t nbbages, ciu h buiiili keg stiiirkrniit 'i "I every two wee I In to nu.S gal pail dill pickles That I am right, and ahvnvn right. I know, ' B ' Beeouse my own convictions tell me bo: And to be right is simply this to be l-.ntirelv nnd in nil m. .. ligestnble. Hut a lot of neoide for i T deviate a hair 'a breinlih . i...i- some foolish reason imiiL'ine fish won't Ti question, doubt, or hcit,.t t. e eat too ;I reverence the Bible if it hP , I frst nnd then explained bv l otiutvdeut einiin t,n i -..! Hie: this table sluminj, tu. advantages of n? ehurclily laws and customs I abide buying certain vegetables in tpiantities: , they with my opinion coincide; Hholesale. Hcttul. ' crecus nail doctrines I admit divine bushel tl so" mi txcentinir those l,l,.i, .it . u U.DIIUIl-V 1I AO l.ot) l.Si), mine. sustain Working strength. . nnieii meat anyway I The seven nun n niiir uiiii-oa tiur- oning yeuv. And thi'l'e are ou'v d mill ion slovp in the LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established IPCS Capital $300,000.00 Transact a general banking businesi Safety Deposit Ko.xes . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT seven htllldl mold. I'nglund, who has iaviVj mi all wo.J uniforms, is iv ' on. polled to Hick lit a part ttt-, i r of colli. n, Whai il the result of the demand bef The Itrooklva Kagle says: " W ool growers throughout the west need not haw liny feurs of foreign im portations for veins to come, because every mince of the staple ill be ex haustod to clothe the fighting millions of men. A great stimulus to sheep raising must occur. Thus have unex pected events removed the most persis tent obiectiotis to the new tariff,- In stead of litis country being overwhelm ed with foreign wool, America's visi ble supply is in demand abroad! If the wnr lasts several years, the difficulty of clothing the sobiierv will be as great as that of feeding tliein." 1.00 i.Otl L'Sil .OS ,10 ,15 Lot sink the drowning if he will not .05 .10 .is swim 1.25 1.75 4.00 l the I fiD o nn 4 nn him: i ... ... 'V""'' w "angry if he will not I'lank that I throw out to ::FQR SALE;: WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING LOTS WHICH WE WILL SELL ON TERMS TO SUIT THE PURCHASER AT REASONABLE PRICES. . Lot 4, Block 4, Broadway Add. Lot 5, Block 1, The Oaks Add. Lot 9, Block 3, Eddy's Add. Lot 10, Block ), Eddy's Add. T.nf !? RWL-A WirrViland Arlrl T.rf 8 RlrifV- R PinVimrvnrl AflH I Fraction of Lots 1 and 2, Miller and John streets, j j Fraction of Block 4, Southwest Add. Also 200 acres of land at $12.50 per acre. Spauldinsr Logging Company There is no waste in America whi.h seem, so sinful , ,ht of meat in the M.v kin.l and quality of bread and nvernee h.,i.. v ... . . ., ., . I 1 ' ' "" antl , ..... ,-ne niiu ot tunt ordered by the K,ict is consumed, where the old American plan prevails it is ii ttiunlmr and saddening sight to see n person order enough to feed n faintly and then cut onlv a fiaction of each portion. no-Ill ; I.et frcc.e the naked if he wil not b(1 for uu" 8artm-nt, as are made die Waste of ink , ,1U, prevented bv the employ. f lrR(1 cor ...rut i.,n. .Noticing tl. rapid aporation in his own inkwell, ,e fi,.,.,.i ,i,, .1 'Twere better that the sick should than live. I'ldess they tnke the medicine I iive- To be conformed to my peculiar views 'l(ere better that the world stand ,ti !rUM nf". ;o"" mn'V ink Ia nn' wny ,,mn I an- ! W,K- l lio ni-t:tKittion of a new I'rove. totm 0 f inkwell i.:..i. GOOD FOR FIVE VOTES For Route No This coupon may be exchanged for votes in . . Capital Journal Carriers' contest, at ine w . L-apuai Journal uarners coniesi, 1 Journal office. Not good after April i, evaporation, '-"iHi a year. w hie "'suited in a gain of fl,- . Consider the leak, ami possible leak, m your hottie. off-e. shop, factory. A little more tolerance, a little Dion 8Vr.DISH BTEAMF.R HALTED. Copenhagen, March K. The Swedish steamer tlloriii, with a cargo of fora for Mtivkholm. from Argentina, has been stopped by Herman warship and is being convoyed to Swltiemunde, ac cording to dispatches today. The Swedish government is conducting a rigid Investigation. farm or in your ,, .m f ,,.,.,; ...... ..... tukiojj the first t ..-,u ineai. 1 hA neces.arilv might op money spent un- POLO TLAYER HTJRT IN AUTO ACfTnr.MT '.go, t ul., Mareli IT w..n... 11 known phi ,,iypr sniI vi n nupee WISE FARMERS tl l... .. .:. . , into your hank acc..,.n. 1 1". .-. " nitteriug todnv ."ve you ever ,houJlt ,cri,lv f .jV "J, " Cor th-s .er'-T. D. MaeOreor. " au 1... , . J.. ".'!"' '' Ins nn I,". ," .. "U '"V "gainst UttU Hat la which machine , ,1 ',. " ! . ' 1 "f '" to a heap. l'niin. Are buying their harness anil eqiiipnieift for the '''J'" sell everything that farmor needs in the way 01 ror ' id at iey ry-. j Wessej b the I mere is no room (or trouble, wire and fencing materials. All good at. new n.i v body else can sell them for. inotibatorsi, thn-s" I t Pi.! 1 li f.itllr Co Phone Main 22 i. 233 State StrcSa,