Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 17, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915.
toJ' ,a rhs
A number of Willamette University paraphernalia to the setting, a typical
A numoer or " atteudini nvlvao retreat. Entertainment center-
tn JM I t"i. texture one of the ho,
!?on Cabinc" Conference which eon- tosses giving an account of a summer'
m il Albany Kriday. Saturday and ".t.ag. Mrs. Merrill was printed
Sunday. The officials of every eol-w.th tokens of remembrance by the
leg Y. W. C. A. in Oregon id expected guests. ...
to be present, Friday' session t0 be. . . . . ..
featured by a reception, bv the Albany I The young twop-lo of the Jirst tou
Colleee Y W. ('. A. 1o the visitors at gregutional clirueh are responding to
the college building where the confer- the efforts of their newly appointed
enee take, place. Katurdav a luncheon pastor, lfcv. James Jilvin, in beginning
will be given for the out-of-town of-1 activities along several different lines,
ficials, Hunday being given over to A Christian Kndeavor society is being
devotional and special meetings. Those tormjd, the lint in years. Tne first
irbo will po from Haleni are Miss meeting was held Hunday evening with
Beryl Holt, president of the V. W. ('. an ateiidauce f nearly thirty-live,
A. of Willamette I'niversity, Miss Miss Bertha Clark presiding as leader.
Florence Hnusnl, Miss Kuth' Barnes, Miss Margaret I'oisul has been chosen
Miss Kosamonde (iilbert, Miss Aetna presi lent of the society, Mi?s Iternice
Kmmell, Miss Ilelen Wastell, Miss .lurk, vice-president; John Kayinoud
Genevieve Avison, Miss Ituth Winters, Hsyne, treasurer, and jdiss Adelti 'ye,
ad Miss Kuth Hodge. secretary.
i A junior ehoir, with a membership of
The annual reception of the Seniors about twenty-five, has also been or
f tho High school to the Faculty held ganized, William Mcliilctrist, Sr., di
in the High school (Saturday night was reeling,
one of the most enjoyable of similar .
affairs given for some time. All1 Mrs. ISnrah Williams, of I.a Grande,
formal it v was nut aside, the reception who bas been a several weeks' house
"Salem First" Slogan
Gains in Popularity
Interest In Campaign Started By Commercial Club Given
Impetus As Result of Sthool Essay Contest-Grade
School Winners' Papers
. i whv not. then nntrnmze Salem mer-
weeKgi , - . . , . ... im Sal.m ,.,i!
i :uum til ur.icr hi -
That the "Try Salem First" cam-jB. Davis, Fast school.)
nio. which was inaugurated by the " P-t to get work in Salem,
Salem Commercial Club some
ago, has been given greater stimulus; mal(e it a arc ci)vj
and aroused keener interest on account! f you can't get what you want in
of the essay contest which was con-' Salem ask your dealer to send for it
ducted among the children of the pub-1 for you and I am sure he would be
lie schools, the result of which was j glad to do so in order to receive your
published in the Haturday issue of the; patronage.
Capital Journal, is evidenced by the! What arc the stores here for if not
Hood' 8ar.aparilla, h Reliable
Tonie Medicine, Build Up.
The reason why you feel o tired
all the time at this season 1 that
your blood is Impure and Impover
ished. It lacks vitality. It i not
the rich red blood that gives life to
the whole body, perfect digestion
and enables all the organ to per
form their functions as they should.
Get Hood'e Sarsaparllla from any
drupfilst. It will make you feel
better, look better, eat and Bleep
better. It rs the old reliable tried
and true all -the -year-round blood
purifier and enricher, tonic and ap
petizer. It revitalizes the blood, and
is especially useful In building up
the debilitated and run-down.
Hood's Sarsaparllla is helping
thousands at this time of year. Let
it help you. Get a bottle today and
begin taking it At once. Be sure to
get Hood's. Nothing else act like it.
messages of congratulation that are , for patronage f
pouring in upon the promotion depart
ment of the Commercial club to the
noticeable increase in trade as testi
fied to by the Salem merchants.
Some very good suggestions and ar
guments were presented by the three
winners in .the High school class or
contestants, in which Leon Culbertjon,
of 374 North Capital street, was award
ed first prize; Thelma Wessing, of 704
North Commercial street, second prize.
As a rule the merchant
America First" expedition. As the ur)ijn Williams, of South Salem, will "J Ro,lte 4- 1 h1'mJ' h 1 d
.,..,. .ntcreH the, ' were furnished I... ,ih J Url,rn. where V"- PP" were published in
starts business with n verv small stock
As busines increases he gets a larger; Many Workers From Salem Will Go
stock and in most eases he builds a to Woodburn on Friday of This
larger store, but if no one patronized i Week,
him, ho certainly could not build a
larger store or buy larger siocss. i..c.y T?p Marifln (.ounty Sumky .,,,; i
"""'i u vm i """I convention thatwill meet in Woodburn
ness and go some place else where and jatur.lav of this week will
somo one would trade with them. b 1(il- b h Suni,
Why won't the wives a-.d ' a'fte .j. of tni,itv. A tle
of balem merchants and hu iness men.
patromze Salem f How would i . seem ' d h f Ucleaatefc B.
I1IJ Hill Mi I .. . ' , . , . . , . , .
V ... ... :.. i-t '. i . - . i ... 1 ii. A'lfieri-on. oi iniH ( ii v. vu't'-iirpsuienr
.ith paper money from the commercial, will remain for some time with X Trafle h3ol. also! J?.' XL 'ZIT'ZZ the convention, will have charge of
furnish some excellent food fori almn'a Tt i. II,a s,ne thine for lne 'u" 'ac ua.v- nuay morning
department by a senior nt an im-i (iutiubter.
provised railway station, the gyinnas- As a final effort nt the Degree of
Sum being fitted up as an excursion Honor convention held in MeCornack
train. lMgnified seniors filled posi- 1K Mondny and Tuesday, Mrs. Dora
Spring Cloth
For Men
Men and young men of Salem will find the cUw
that suits them at this old reliable store Th
spring suits are here and on display. Your IS?
awaiting you at Johnson's. m u
I New Shirts
We carry a choice line
of the nobby new Shirts.
They are the latest in
style and color.
New Hats
Easter will soon be here!
auuyuu win need a new
Hat. Our stock con
tains all the new shapes
0. W. Johnson & Co.
141 N. Commercial St.
thought in their essays upon the sub-1 s to earn monev in Hnlem and go some ; A:,y- Vttvl(l90n'. ,no t''!nl. r'T.'"1'1".' I
in..t nt "Trv R..im virt ". which urn .1.. ;. win luase an address on Die aiue or
j i irj . . j - t - , iiii c .iav IU n u 1 II, I . f .
Miss l,ela Ale-
lunuiiv unu iiii-H'Hi, .inn. iuiu i .....i. ,i . . ..n u , u:n.- . v. ,
tions as engineers, conductors, porters Hovern and Airs. Htarr, bu'li of hugene, y. .... .,, .,, . ...... ' :.....! Caddain and I'rofcsso: Ira A. .Morton
Jrnn-lwero elected president and secretary v. .,i,i ir,,1(, tt,.:, t.t -..Iv.'.. u....... l.n.. ...'r t,..i ; of tho Willamette 'universit
....wfr n 1.1 ,mn .......... ....... v . UUHIT,, Ull'll IIUIIIXI f l IH "1 i..i..
and refreshment venders. Han
eisr important southern cities, New,. (,,, j ,.iinroe of the next annual con
York and Coney Maud were visited, i vention, which takes place in Kugeue
the trip being entirely successful in'mxt year. Alost of the out-of-town
thoroughly acquainting student and visitors uVpurted lor their homes Inst
instructor, and putting I hem on a niont : niKht, the remainder leaving this morn-
informed plane of friendship. All .i"i" iing.
ed later in the Virglniu reel. The! ' ,
gymnasium was decorated in the The nienibers of tiie junior h ague of
Senior class colors purple and white, 1n Leslie Aletlmlist church, about
with vining ivy i I in combination, thirtv in number, en.ioveil a social gath-
Those in charge of the affair wcrej,lrjH! in tn(.jr ,.,Urcli parlors liiht .Sat
fleorge Manning, president of the U;ky ufternoon.
Benior class; Willinm Newmyer, ehuir-'
mani Wntn llurbeit, Kstlier Miing, Mls, Frul,k nu(!.B and small son,
Kirk Simpson, nmMtay Marker. .,n, nie leaving in the morning for
jKiigciic to pass several duvs with Mrs.
This afternoon beginning at half , , ,,,). ' mother, Mrs. .1. K. Duller,
past two o'clock the south central cir-( . . .
ele of the First Methodist church nre; Mr Bu, mIHi y.. i. Hoi ns. hiich en
giving a silver tea in their church ,,.,.,.,),.,) ,.,, uf ti.i,. VOuug friends
parlors for the benefit of their
iration. Decorations are carried out " ' t lit-i r residence on North Seventeenth I
i.nie natnt rutriiK nay
the program is entirely
t niigs ana songs i.vpicnny irisn flu , , A jHll j.;,,,,,, Kiewert, Miss Anna
lanies or tlie ciiurch an, heir trleiMls, Wlb jMiw N,,lliu liu,iN(,, AliHB
were exienuen n cordial iiiviiiiiioii 10 MUu K11o wiliiums Mis
... I Lois Miles, Miss Harriett Wallace, Miss
awarded first prize; l.olitn B. Davis,ifor goods that
H-A grade, f.ast sclionl, Wi'i i nureli
street, second, and Helen Corey, 7-H
grade, (iarfield school, lilij South Win
ter street, third prize.
The full text of the essays of the
grado school winners follow:
will also
null he mir.li.ised in,"""1 !" in tne program.
Salem, takes that much from the home coiuention win discuss, prm-
and from the home laborer, mauu- J vipally, methods in Sunday school
facturer, mercnaut, mid consumer. It ' teaching. Kndeavors are being made
deprives tho Palem home nf its means to "-nrc the Ciiemawa bund as an ut
of livelihood and adds that much more traction. Following the pr(.;ram Sat
to the expenses of our government. urdav, the officers for the ensuing year
We all want to see Salem grow and be-wli e riecreu:
eomo n large anil ncaiiiiiui city, and
manner, street, lust night. Those who enjoyed ! ami the
' " . "I '" ..their hospitality were: Miss Helen
Some Good. Eeasons. eomo n laree and beautiful eitv. and' The program for the two days' sea-
(First prize, grade schools, by Mabel if we spend our monev in Salem by sion is us follows:
Dotson, seventh H, East school.) buying all our goods 'of Saltm mer Friday Moniing.
There lire a good many reasons why chants nud factories, we keep the mon- 10:00 Song and devotional service,
all the pec. pie. jn and about Halem ey in Salem and it comes back to us led by K. II. Anderson, Salem,
shoulil "Try Salem First' when they in some form or other, J0:"0 "Tho Value of Cumty Con-
want to buy something. The farmer Try Salem first; and then try again, ventinns," A. O. Davidson, county
expects the merchant nf Salem to buy president.
his butter, eggs, potatoes, berries and Portland Price Higher. 10: 10 Announcements. i
any other kind of product Hint he may (Third prize, grade schools, Helen 1 1 ;00 Address, "dripping the
have to sell. So it is no more than Corey.) I Home," liov. Charles A. l'hipps, state
right, for him to buy his goods of the "Salem is the placo to buy. " ' secreuiry.
Siilcm merchant. If the farmer came That's exactly what 1 would say ifl 1 1 :,i Itcgistration and assignment.
io town wnu a loud or riirm product some one suouui nsK me wlicro I would A liouinir.ent.
merchant would tell him to! buy, in Portland or Salem, My ex- Friday Afternoon.
, D rii ley 2- i inches
No r.man 2i inches
Are not excelled by any other 2 for
,25 cent collars made here or abroad
Ci.i'ktt, Pnssonv & Co., Ixr. Makers of Abbow Shirts Tot, N.Y.
I)diiu Ileuison, Miss Minnie Davis, Miss
llallie Hoty, Miss Mabel F.truiisiiuugh,
Miss l.illic lloniagalla, .Miss lleitha
lioth, Cecil Walker, Mrs. M. K. Miles,
Mrs. Nettie Myers, klrnest Albright,
David Kolb, Kiiiuk Straiisbaugh.
The Annual Freshman fllee of Wil
lamette University will take place in
the chapel of Waller Hull, Saturday
rrening at eight o'clock. These events
which are open to the public, are al
ways happily anticipated. F.uch of the
various classes havii been hard at work
for sonio time preparing words and
nunic iiir Hil l ri'iri-iiiiif i ill. suiiu 1 ,. . , , , . ,. I . . ...
. , . , i i .1 ,ii coin d nient to Mr. I'eetz, u honor ot
waieh is to he given by them as their " ' '
number at next Satiirdny night's ion
oii,l them to some iiierchnut in I'ort
lund or Chicago the farmer would prob
ably get angry. A merchant would
have as much right to do this as the
rert, Tho class which secures the
decision of tho judges will have the
distinction of furnishing the college
with it official song fur the coming
Mrs. .1. 1.. I'eetx entertained with a
dinner uf twelve covers lust night, in
his mrthdiiv.
"Mrs, H. 1,. Shaw, (1,1 Stipe) was
penencc in trying Salem first was like 1:11 Song and devotional
this: E. II. Anderson. Sulem.
1 wanted a pretty middy suit, one j 1 :i!(i Address, "Management of
like the other nirls didn't have. l!av-i(! rll.lcil Cnirn " tiiiu lllivrt I'ltnL
iiunicr nns io send to tne stores otjing a trleinl in I'orMand who watched L tiitc superintendent of elenientfliy tli
the cities mentioned for goods that he the sales for us we found there was tnivisiiti.
could buv in Salem. be a sale the follewiug Saturday. Wej ' 1 :,',0-Address, " Mow We ISuilt Vp a
The laboring people should try Salem went to Portland and I picked out onel lllm sn,iay .w0- ,,. A, Anderson,
"i"1' I unit I) II I m 1 Willi' m IKllilll Ullllll'llt II UIU I III ItTni . IT " V ' .iVnLi. n
over Sunday and Monday and when I a: io Hound table, conducted by
we eanio home, upon getting off the !ov (- a l'hipps
ears, what should I see but a girl with! n.'i0l..Thp ,.,, f vl c
A liiwiilv Mill, nn I1L.1 l.n mm t ...u .... '
iirinni. . 1 "lu Vpi. . i " ' orllaiid
v....,..K null in,:. Jin- lll'Al ilUV I
A. 0. Davidson,
'The Oreat Need of
speaker to be!
1 :!.) ' ' Needs of the County Ai
Hon," A. U. l'avidMiii, toualr pits
The Hiingalow church was the scene
! of K pretty St. I'atriek box su'ial lust
Friday evening, wlr.cn was giveu liy
the l.oyal Workers' class. The parlors
of the church were i.ppropriiitely deco-
uitcit in ui-ceii mid white with lestoous
" '7 . . . i. I .....I'thM nilllli ... n.. .. I... 1.1 . .... I... I
ircent hostess," savs a society item,"' "n'" "'. i" ' 1 1. "
4. ., .i.,illL,.'i.. ..... i,, Idans and daffodils. A short program , biff 'verUhing posnlde from home
- .. . . " ..... ......1 cm.......
Wll 'l l'..-H-!, III .l,.l..
Solo, "Hoses," Mabel Simpson, uc
compiinied by Mrs. J. F. Schneider.
Di.ilogue "(iossip." lla.el Long.
Huliy Allen, Mabel Simpson, I 'earl
Walling, llessie Smith, l.cilu Cooking,
ham, Fiances anieioii.
Solo, "Somewhere a Voice Is Call-
Itessie Smith, nccoinpanicd by
a House, or store lie gets Salem carpen
ters and other luborers to do the work
for him. If the carpenter or laborer
wants to do the right thing he will
trade with the Suleui merchant.
'I he lawyer, doctor, minister, and , at school 1 found that several other
teacher all get part of their pay fromjgii'ls had one just like I did mid going
the merchants so they should help theho"' at noon mother noticoi in the
merchants bv buying goods from them. I daily paper where a store in Salem was
We nil like to see nice big stores; having a sale mi middy suits like
with nice displays of different kinds mine ut less than half 'the price of
of roods in the windows. We nil like mine and 1 hud tried to get one cheap
to live in a lively busy city. The onlviin Portland and had reallv cost more
way tu Have such a eitv is for a of
2:00 Klection of officer, rip a
committers and com-luHon ufr
2:30 "The ('tiieago Coo vc ilia,''
Rev. Charles A. Pk,: ;
S: 15 Opening of wtiia hu i"i
discussion of qucMioM.
the engagement of Miss Charlotte Dig
rr to Jack Fisher, formerly of St
Jouls. 'J'he engagement camn ns a
romplcte surprise to her many friends.
The wedding will be an event of the
early Fall.'1
The announcement also came as a
raaiplele surmise to Miss diner's
friend here. She is n charming '"g.
young woman and formerly resided I Jinnee t ninenn.
liere. Sime her removal to' Portland liibnin Mandolin club respon. led with
"Try Salem First" is just the thing
tor evcrvuodv
Why Back Balem Merchants?
(Second price, grade schools, Loleta
wnue tne ones should have gotten
were right here in Salem. Not always
does it pay to get things in Portland
because the price of them alone is
cheaper. Hv ihc time vou nut in vnnr
in and about Salem toifare, lunches, hotel expenses, enter
tainment, and other things vou gen
erally do and get your shopping
amounts to more than if shopping at
home. "Always try Sulem first."
3:i,IO "Teaching Methods ill the
Adult Department," Mis. Donenhowor,
state superintendent of teacher train
ing. 3:10 "Two Oreat Moulding Jn
I'lueiHcs of tbe Day," K, H. Lockhurt,
Salem, c
Friday Evening.
7:. 10 Song and devotional service,
led by K. H. Anderson, Salem.
Tenor solo, A. A. Schiunim, Salem.
7: 1,1 Address nf welcome: Wood-
7:-r Response,
county president.
8:00 Address,
Ihe Present Times,
Saturday Morning.
fl-.OO Song and devotionul service, I.
II. Anderson, Sulem.
D:J0 "Work in Klementary
Oradec" Miss Olive ( lark, state super
intendent elementary division,
0:40 "The Seven-Pointed Teacher, i
Uev. ( has. A. Pinpps, state score- ,
,,.., I Spokane,
-V' . . . ... ....Ik. ,.. il
111:15 "Siiniluy School Record and fpouanc rrc-s was im..u.i.., -Kfficiency,"
Professor Ira A. Morton, i 0f foinniissian by a bascmenl fire ft"
Willuniettc university.
10:40 "Teacher Training," Mrs.
Donenhowor, state superintendent.
11:00 Reports of county schools.
11:00 Meeting for older boys only, in
M. K. church, Rev. Churles A. l'hipps.
Meetins tor cirls only, in Presbyter- i was
un cnurcn, irs. ionennower, i pii-aacn um v. - .
Saturday Afternoon. was able ti. put out rlr MW
1:30 Song service, K. II. Andcrsoji, I afternoon.
Wash., XIar.b IT. IV
morning, which did danuific ainounti
td $3000, Fire started in tbe lunwu j
of tho Kmpire buildiiiR u whifk
Press is located and before the flwa
could be controlled the entire bwe
flooded with wster, pn"8 '
A,,, nf conimifeion. me
Helen Wnlchcr, Perry Watcher, Dorothy
llobniii, I'ori.'hy Itoshart, (lene itrniul
hoKt, Wesley Hraiulhorst. (l.lcll Mat
she has been fieipiently entertained several encores. The boxes were line , ihe:i, Janet Kennedy, Henrietta llish-
ia Shhhi hs the guest of Mi Miuytioned by Mr. Sehotield, the proceeds -ip, Frederick Arpke and l.elii lluw
Schults. beili't ilouated to tiie liulldiiig fund, i thoiiie.
!tiaui of various descriptions were in
ll.inoring Mrs. Fliabeth Merrill, . dulged In until a late hour, when all
who i depart lug shurt I v lor t levelnud, ' present departed with many words of
Ohio, to take up her residence with a praise lor the class uf ten gills who en
tertinned them so splendidly.
Mis. A It ii Schneider, teacher el the
clas, was assisted throughout the even
ing, besides the cluss, by Mrs, Molly
lleigi r,
dagulitor there, the Indies of the Lucy
Ana lw circle til' the First Methodist
church nud their friends were furnish '
ftl novel entet tiiiiiuicnt ut the hnine of
Mrs. A. A. I.ee yesterday afternoon, j
Via. I.w, Mis. K. II. Anderson, Mis
lame (Iruiiaui, Mrs. T. K. (ooksev;
presiding as hostesses. These gather
ing are lim it lily i urrciice, the hos-
trMi each time being the uii'iiibers
who.ii birthduvs full ill ditfeicu.
mouth. A tu in i ii t ti i summer eunipiug
Mrs. Curl Arpke, islc.l by Mis
llcniy lloshint, cutci tiiiucd h gioup of
mull folk Monday, uftei ciiiiii ut the
Arpke residence on South Commercial
streit, in celebration ot the uiuiii miiii
lav u' the hostess' diiughlcr, Helen
The Omecn class of the Leslie Meth
mlift caurch is giving a silver tea this
iilteinoon at t-:e residence of Mrs. J, C.
spencer, the atfiiir being given as a
church benefit. A program in keeping
with Snint Patrick's day was planned
is nn important fcatme.
C. II. Hey mer, of Monmouth, is regis i
tered at the llligh. '
Dr. Win. Spencer, of Cnnby, was in!
the city yesterday.
Mrs. Kit i t It Franklin lett this mom I
ing lor MeHndc, Ore.
F. (j. Deckabnch wu a passenger on
the morning electric for Portland.
Ted Wolford, ot Silverton. was ill the
city .M'steiiliiy tiHiisucting business.
Miss Klennor Hearing;, a trained
Miir-l', nun I II I 111! in A I till II V till U CUM..
ml fit suggested the moiitli uf August . A pretty pink color sc iciiie was cltect
Ihe vacation month in which there 'cd, 'he little guests, surrounded by
are lio circle mcetitigs. Fvciy detail decorations in thiwe colors, enjoying jie
was iviilisliiully reproiliiced, lioui lent, vetiile tiolics uud pastimes,
bammwk and various other liccossniy Those present were: Helen Pollock,
Tiie Young People's society of the
1'uited F.vuugelicul ehureli will be en
teitaincd at the home of Prol'essir and Siitu -.lii
Vili, :' """"""' "", Mr. D. A. Kenoehl left for Sa,,,
' ' ' '' K'. . . Mont., attcr a xisit of several weeks in
I the city.
Th" musical on'emors uroiight to Sa ' (leuige Henley, f Corvnllis, is now
nie mis .M'ar oave oeeii ainotig the fin nsMieiatcil wu,, ,he Conger Printiiii:
. titsiiinlile, Suleui people showing Co. of this i i'v
giving splendid
very Mi-tHUce, Ah
on the musical nr
Hppearifce u the
Presi'nts in Its Third Concert of This Season
Of Portland, Friday, March 2t. A grand chorus of
male voices assisted by two excellent soloists
CHOICE OF SEATS May be obtained by purchas
ing an exchange ticket now at the music stores and
reserving it at the advance sale at the armory from
11:;J0 to 7:,)0 next Friday, March 10.
tieir appreciation
' -mpp n in almost
I 'he thiid olfering
i.ists' (nurse, t'le
1 olio club of IWttinnl I'r
!, is not to be lightly
Sofirly seventy live l:mle voice make
p tins chorus, the ice.isiu being tea
tnied by solos by w II Kiionn mum I
When these conceits sie giieu iu
"o'Cau.l the lleilig is never capable ut
liiild.'ig s! who vviili to attend, and,
; iudg'iig from intc t nlicii.lv mani
teste I hete, it Is expected tliut tne same
'CUV le said of the a eu i n m e of this
jlic.lv uhrn it come, to the ainiory.
i' " el' scats inn v lie i.l.tuincl In-
I ,'Ut' I lining :in cxcliaii!
.'he music stuns hud icsciving it at
lie advance uile at tbe iinuory 1.1 Fit
lay 1 1 tins week.
S. Hc'iher, piesiilcnt of the Falls
l.uuili,'! ( n was in the eitv llii.
inorning en mute Kails City.
O. H. Oilhctt. of the Pacific Tel...
March phone & T.'bgi,i.h eouipunv, Portland.
unsidered. is in the eitv .h:iy nn luisiness,
t'lvde Knapp. iiistnietor at the
tiaiiiicg si mill, i, oionding u few
'h Ins children in the
Midi! inn
duvs '
Well Known Authoress
Dies In California
Santa Monica, i Mnn h K. - M,,.
I.nu.n A. Csihniiii, well known author
ess of New V.i. nml S.n l'..ii.,...n
ticket now ut "'"I "'"thi'r el tin-Princess I.Hainwiteh
oi ivniii, il, , st. Catherines hos
I itiil here t .lav. ..01 ,is veins.
'I rs. ( a
Mr, and Mr. K, A. tiinnl are re
...... I...... i.
ioik sexeinl ,..(,, auftrring
a conii.licuiioii i.i a .
f nun
Til ing telii itatioiis upon the birth ot lailcl pi help the aged Wuman and
i little daughter, Kuth Adeline, born gradually p,.w wCBhr.r until death
inlii'iiiiv, Mr, tiinnt Is teeretarv of relieved In r ul t... nn.
he S.i'eui Hosloess Men's Icigue,
Mr. and Mrs. Honabl C, (Hover re
finned home from Wnslnuglon, O. C
list night, and will be domiciled ut
3 Ninth Commercial street until the
VI IS. VV, ii.l,,., S XI.
a. a daughtci, ns n't her iii.i licr'
bedside when th,. ,., came.
Sheriff Wtlli,M uch and wifa and
Hum- Mint,.
.,f XI. .ii i i,'... i "
.. r. ... .v,,p,,, ,i,.,-, ,P ., n, , ,H m
rlvnte secrrtarv
ii 1. Iltwlcy.
tu ougri'ssiiian Wil
Th mantle of charity cover a lot
jf aiualeur theatrical pvrf. rnnnces.
li-Uiinri. wen. rii.c.t.l
o auive in I mtlsnd tonight. Fp to a
ate hour t.nv, hw,.vr, no wonl has
'""A " lN,,d (mm the partv, and it
a ren.i,(c, 1,V.-IV that thev would
t ainve in th,, Vuy b,fwre to'mu-iow.
The Telephone a Community Builder
A telephone system, like the street cars, is an aid to
the city's growth and suburban development. It makes it
convenient for the city employed man to live in the sub
urbs or country.
"Handy to business' now means a pretty suburban res
idence or a home in the real country.
Factories arc built where land is cheap.
The population of the overcrowded cities flows out in
to the country, relieving unsanitary conditions and im
proving the general health of the community.
The telephone bas brought the city and country closer
The IJcU telephone system is aiding in the upbuilding
and growth of 70,000 communities, and giving impetus to
t he "back to the land" movements.
Every Bell Telephone
Is a Long Distance Station