Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 17, 1915, Image 1

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    j A A "5ff
Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
ft J i
il III p .LLP' a ' Q El II I II
I! 01 Dll j
arkable Povvess of New
Submarines By Late Efforts
Near England
Italanta makes port
i in crippled condition
W Newest Under Sea
Across Atlantic
(By Ed L. Keen.)
LoiJoii, March 1". The remarkable
of Germunv's new secretly de-
submarines wan demonstrated in
f-triking manner today when the ad-i-nlty
innounecd that the British
mtt Atalantn had been torpedoed
, if Iiiskturk, IrcIitnJ. Simultaneously
,.111 minonnood that tho British
ami Finyal was torpedoed off
j rthumkorlnnil, England. The Atu
. rii rpacliod port; tho Fingnl sank.
To launch n torpodoo at Inishtiirk,
'.id. ii on the coast of Galwuy the
im undcrsen boat must have liiul a
iiiif radius of nearly .'.(inn miles.
British admiralty refuses to accent
sMkrr that tho Germans have u
id rase somewhere on the British
m lid I Ms fact toads to confirm re
Ait have boon current for some
'Vtkt the iwitv.o dnlit.!..!.;..,... ....
f 4'jNto make a a.ish across the At-
fv ;itr,lered to dn so.
'i Ti'liH exploits of the kaiser's
1 9!mniH Uu plmse of the war on
f'1mf" Mined grout j,,tor-
I"! ,l",,5l""rk brii.;iuS their
;H on .Sunday. The Fin,al' new
iaj , ' lx ""'"il'ers no
' -' round.
if ' the chief
Tigerton, Win, March 17. ;
This village boasts the largest
family in the United (States.
There' aren 't so many of them,
but there's a lot of each.
At a recent gathering of the sfe
Hoffman brothers a dispute
arose as to which was the big-
gest man in the family. They
got weighed, with the follow- i)
ing result: Ifubert, 243; John,
233; Matt, 220; Louis, 229;
Joseph, 230; Henry, 280; liar-
rv, 247; J. H, 217; Hans, '234;
Sounds like the lineup of a team
of bowlers with their best
scores. -
That's more than a ton of sje
brothers, at an average of se
233 pounds per Hoffman.
School Directors Run Up
Against Many Obstacles In
Arranging Scale
The dead in-
mute and tho
Airmen Attack Ri,m. i
"I'litlS l.l.-l.I- l.',...i.... 1 ...
.!'' Meaner HI 1 1,1 '
4,1 -, -""'"I 10 riven Here tin -iv
I fi:t:!:,sliokii -v..
f ' ""mini nirniaii in a Timl,,. i
$7'?": I'll' iivia.nr lr '
k""l.' ;.noof,!,e Hl.i id s orew '
f- BI"H'I is t he n.i .,. , I
h boon , : "''
m thawIs
toe QoMioii as to HiV
i- U. IK, ' t- "... '--I mm the
PrMlit th , iS 'lir"''t
U b. i .' " u ""'voh to be
U.. ' ""' in the lCM
MN " M,l,i'y ""'I gain
! I'w.ii.. i.
''Ch I' State S,i-
for i f "r,"" l i'idiiy to
'lM-.ii. 1 n"" oo'lllso to mil..
';; n. briefs.
" W .1 V Hted. tll, rt wil
M eon, , a "''"'"'v
' ,"" this , "
' I,.,. "'" fl-l,t 'ii' Will enk n
- states. "" the
Whether to arrange the schedule to
fit the individual case or to adopt a
fixed and urbitrary schedule, supple
mented by a new set of requirements
or qualifications for each class and fit
the individual into the schedule wnsHhe
most weighty problem with which the
ynleni school board had to deal in fur
ther considering the teachers' salary
schedule nt last night's adjourned
meeting. The board finally cast aside
the list of teachers with their corre
sponding present salary and how they
would be effected under tho re-ad.just-nient
of salaries, forgot that there
were any teachers in tho employ of the
district ut nil, as it were, and worked
out a temporary blanket schedule to
govern every department of the city
schools and this will be subject to re
vision and adoption at an adjourned
meeting Th.irs.liiy night.
The great trouble in arranging n
fixed schedule to fit all teachers in the
Salem schools is that the district has
been laboring along in a cntcli-ns catch
cnu manner without, any established
rule for governing the salaries to be
paid in the different departments nil of
these years with the result that there
are teachers who have been employed
here lint a comparatively short time
who are receiving what would lie the
maximum scale under the proposed
schedule, while others who huve been
employed in tho city schools for many
yenrs, wil' receive no increase in sal
aries iiud in some instances, if the
strict letter of the schedule and require
ments is followed out, would suffer u
decrease. However, it is intended to
so arrange matters that thero will be
no reductions in salaries and very few,
f any increases.
hamrock Holds Sway
At San Francisco Fair
V&utl r...i..TT
DiteoioILT1''' 'luarterly div-
haven 't
l-oX'''' '"'rr0W
fSnn Francisco, March 17. The
Shamrock held sway today in San
Francisco and at tile Panama-l'aoific
The greatest celebration of St.
l atrick'g day In the west, and prob
ably in American history, was staged
at the fair grounds, whero preparations
were made to entertain more, than
100,000 members of the Irish race.
The entire exposition was turned
over to the green ribboned host which
included representatives of every sec
tion of California. Thousands began
marching through the gates early in
the day, an.l ex-Mayor P. II. Mc
Carthy, chairman of tlie day, enthus
iast icnlly predicted that attendance
records, outside the opening day, would
be broken.
The official ceremonies began when
representative of the exposition met
the St. Patrick ' day procession at the
main entrance in the ground and
escorted the leaders to Festival Hull,
where a program of Irish music Olid
Irish literature was held.
Tonight a grand hall, for which near
ly 20.IHIO tickets have been sold, will
conclude the celebration.
Commissioners Charge Ex
travagance In Spending of
State Highway Funds
Former Governor West Coun
i sel For Contractor In Claim
t Against County
Financial Conditions Not Due
To Dishonesty of Board
of Directors
Mutters have come to such a state
regarding the conduct of tho state's af
fairs in permanent road building mat
ters, particularly reizardine the iucreas-
ing complaints ebneeruing tho methods
of consrtuction of the Pacific highway
and the Columbia river highway, that
it would not bo surprising if the state
highway commission, at its meeting this
afternoon, did not relieve State High
way Engineer Bowlby of his duties im
mediately instead of waiting until the
work in hand at present bo completed,
as the commission had decided to do at
a recent meeting.
Allcgiug gross inefficiency and ex
trnvngnneo. in the manner of expending
the 1'aeitie. highway fund in Jackson
county the pnst year, which is laid at
the door of Highway Engineer Bowlby,
County Commissioner W. C, Lever and
crank H, Madden, of Jackson county,
appeared before the highway commis
sion this morning nnd aired their com
plaint in detail mid nsked, in substance.
that the hlghwiiy commission mnkei
good, in a measure, a portion of the:
funds which they claim was wasted in
their county in the expenditure ofi
money for the completion of the rond to'
the summit of (he Siskiyous this suni-j
This afternoon a delegation of Port-I
laud business men, presumably repre
senting the Portland Itotnry oliib, is ex-,
pected to Appear before the commission
and voice llieir complaint ami protest
against the action of Highway Kinjineer!
Howlliy in writing a letter to the Seat-j
tie automobile club advising them that"
the Pacific highway wonld not bo fit'
for travel by automobile during the'
coming summer and that the best road:
through the state for tourists would be.
the Kastern Oregon route, which would
eliminate the western part of the state
altogether from the benefit to bo re-j
ooived by the Pnnnniu Paeific tourist ;
travel during the coming summer and
In subsliii.ee the complaint of tho
Jackson county commissioners Is to tho
(Continued on Page Six.)
Collection of Rubbish To Be
' Made In North Salem Fri
day Morning
Will Act n,r
went She Takes Part in War
, ,w M.r,h IT.,. ...
I t the I, 1 """""llent
fk . 1 """thorn J ' "f " ""
? &H. , ly ' ln''r'st lii
h""w' IT" r,,li"f i,f
K."'1" W r.':h.7 "" l.'tacl,.
""'Tri, .1 Trieste.
Aft. ,'':? "" .Ment.
i ' It.r. "tria it
definitely halted. The rest of the Aus
trian frontier is moiintninou an.l eas
ily defended. If the Alps proved too
difficult to scale, Italy dobutless would
concentrate her attentiim on Inbnntia
nnd rest content trying to mnke the
Adri itie an Italian lake.
Italy's chief niil to the allies would
be similar to the kind of help Russian
is giving France and F.tigland. By en-gagi-ig
i large Austrolierninn force,
I inly would lessen the power of the de-
futlurt nt lt. Tniitfiti. In Frnill'M nd
I Flanders, (lormsny would be bandii ap
1 ped, being compelled to divert much
ammunition tor Italian rigimng. n'". "
tiKrtii'ilmtiiin. Iinwel fir. WDuliI not crush
Kirrtiuny, unleM there is another Na-
poleoii among the Italian comnianiier.
.o "vnienee oi ms presenrp a(.pvn-.i,
however, In the recent campaign In
The North Salem 'Salem beutif.il"
nioveuieiit, which is in tho hands of the
ladies of that section of the city, is
making splendid progress, and great en
thusiasm has been demonstrated in the
wci.k, which augurs well for the suni
tary improvement of the district as
well as for looks, and very ill lor Mr.
and Mrs. Mjcrobe nnd their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. iJisease Uerm, who have
hitherto inudu North Salem their hab
itat. At a meeting of the ludics of North.
Salem a vote of thanks was passed to
the city council fur turning over to
them the exclusive use of a city garb
age wagon and drhcr tor Fridiir of
this week, and the ladies also desig
nated the most convi nicnt places where
garbage may be dumped by the clean-up
forces to be collected by the garbage
wagon. A white flag will be set at
each of the places designated so that
it will act as a guide, both to the peo
ple r.nd the garbage colleetir. The
dumping places selected follow: Cot
tage and Belmont, Hose avenue and
Belmont, Fourth and Belmont, Front
and Market, liuincs and Liberty, Broad
way and Onines, Church and Haines,
Suin uer and (iuincs, hummer and Ship
ping, Cottage nil. I Shipping, Itoso ave
nue and Shipping, Forutli and Ship
ping, Commerrial and Shipping, Jeffer
son jnd Liberty, Broadway and .Icf
fersiin, Church and Jetferson, and Sum
mer and Jefferson. .
The people are urged to get their rub
bish nt the designated points for col
lei-1 ion before Friday morning, as all
eolle 'lions will be ma..e before noon of
that day.
In conformity with the advice of
fered in an opinion by Attorney General
Brown, Insurance Commissioner Wells,
as receiver for tho Horticultural Fire
Reliof went into tho hands of the re
ceiver on March 1, will probably be
compelled to levy an assessment upon
all outstanding policies in the Horticul
tural Fire Relief, the Oregon Merchants
and the Pacific Mutual Insurance com
panies in sufficient amounts to pay all
outstanding losses against the com
panies which amount! to uproxiinately
Receiver Wells, however, is acting
under the directions of the court and
will take no action in the matter until
it is found necessary to do so. After
making his investigations Receiver
Wells is convinced that the financial
condition of the defunct mutual insur
ance companies is not due to any act of
dishonesty on the part of its officers or
board of directors, but that It was due
purely to the lack of knowledgo of in
surance business and adequate and
competent bookkeeping and accounting
methods. Ho also holds his predecessor
in office, former Insurance Commission
er Ferguson, blumeless for the trouble
in which the policy holders have be
come involved inasmuch as ho acted
solely upon tho information received
from the officers of the company and
these showed tho financial conditions of
the company sound up to the time of
expert investigation,
According to tho correspondence be
nig recoiveu oy neceiver Hells rroni
policy holders some of tlicin who have
suffered losses by firo and whose claimti
nave not been iiaul are hi distressful
straits and ho bus suma very touching
appeals for help from some of these.
In these instances he regrets that he is
unable to pick out a few of the most
deserving and needy among nil of the
claimants to provide them relief ns the
law prescribes that all shall be treated
alike in the settlement of claims.
Sortie complaints have been received
from policy holders who charge that
assessments were levied and collected
against the policies when the directors
must have known that the finances of
the company were not sound und in one
of these instances it is claimed that the
company received and cashed a check
for an assessment upon the day when
the board of directors contemplated go
ing into the hands of a receiver.
Receiver Wells, however, is certain
that the directors nnd officers of the
insurance companies were perfectly
honest in nil of their beliefs and deai
ings with the policy holders and, in ex
oneration of President B. J. Miles, of
this city, who was responsible for the
expert examination soon after ho was
uppointed president, January 15, und
for learning the true status of the nf
fairs of the companies involved which
led to the application for a receiver,
and olso of former Insurance Commis
sioner Ferguson, and gave out the fol
lowing stutemeiit in the nature of an
Interview with The Cnpitul Journal:
Miles and Ferguson Exonerated.
"Mr, Miles, the new president of the
Horticultural Fire Relief was exceed
ingly anxious that n thorough examin
ation be made of the compuny, and it
was agreed that an expert should go
through the books, - Mr. Milos has ot
all times supplied information und at
one 'ime requested I advise him how
io proceed to reduce the liability on cor
t.M ii classes of business, nnd after a
c nference on this matter he immediate
ly ordered the liability on frame mer
cantile business in unprotected towns to
bi reduced to a small umotint.
"He watched carefully the examin
ation of Mr. Chanibrenu, and when he
discoered the true condition of tho
company, he Immediately notified this
department nnd I requested that he
place came before the board of directors
and arrange to secure sufficient funds
to put the company on sound financial
bciiij. Kvidcntly after consulting the
diicctors they decided to apply to the
tocrt tor the' receiver, and I am satis
fii.J in my own mind the board nf di
rectors did not rciilizo tho true cou
diiien. 'Vt is simply a case whero they at
tempted to enny on this business with
but little Insurance knowledge. I am
also sure the former insurunce commis
sionfr was misinformed as to the total
amount of funds this company had in
1'ieir possession and he was led to be
lieve they had a go"d bunk account he-e
Crushing Blow Which Ger
many Hoped to Strike Is
Delayed Says Report
Two More German Shells
Strike Battle Scarred
Cathedral at Rheims
England. Admiralty admit-
ted British steamers Atlanta,
and Fingal torpedoed by Oor- sjt
man submarines. Atlanta reach-
ed port safely; Fingal sank,
six members of crew drowning.
Poland. Floods in Orzoc val-
ley forced kaiser's trocips back
two miles from advanced posi-
tion near Przasnysz. German
bombardment of Ossowetz con-
tim.es, but damage to fortress $
reported slight.
jc France. Oermans resumed
bombardment of Hheims. Two
ahells struck the cathedral, pur-
He tially wrecking roctni. Cuthe-
dial's interior said to be in
s ruins.
Scrvia. Serbs reported mass-
ing troops in the direction of
the Albanian frontier. Object
said to be to retain access to
the Adriatic, which she has al-
ready gained.
Petrograd, March 17. The crushing
mow which Uermany hoped to strike
at the Russian lines at Przasnvsz. Po
land, has been stopped while Field
Marshal Von Hindenburg was yet
poised to deliver it, according to dis
patches from Warsaw todav.
Floods throughout the Orzee river
valley, resulting from ft sudden thaw,
have inundated the countrv and forced
the kaiser's troops to retire two miles
from their advanced positions, There
are no Oermans within seven miles of
Przasnysz now and the Russian wnr
offieo believes that the menace to the
fortress which guards tho approach to
the Polish capital from the north has
been removed.
The tiorman bombardment of Osso
wetz continues. It is beina conducted
however, from long range, and thus
far the damage to the fortress has
been slight.
Slav successes throughout Oalieia
are also reported in unofficial dis
patches. The Austrian attempt to
smash through the Russian lines is do
clnred to have failed ami the cam
paiiii to relieve Przenivsl is believed
to have been abandoned.
Stars and Stripes Take the
Place of Foreign Flags On
Spanish Main
Rheims Under Fire.
Paris, March 17. The bombardment
of Itheims was renewed today by the
Ciermuns, according to the official
communique issued by the French war
office. Two shells struck the cathedral
ami its roof was partially wrecked.
The interior of the cathedral is in
Belgian troops, the statement added,
have made considerable progress be
tween Oixmude and Nicoport. The
British also have repulsed Gorman at
tacks at Arras.
The Germans again are shelling
Soissons, it. is officially staled, but
north of Mensil the Oermans have been
driven back along the front for nearly
a third of a mile. German attacks in
the Argonne district also have been
repulsed, it was declared,
French Renew Attack.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L, I,,
March 17. The French are attacking
the German trenches in the Champagne
district, it was officially announced
by the war office here today. Attacks
west of Perthes have been unsuccess
ful, but the French assaults north of
Mensil continue, it was declared.
"The French have been driven from
their positions on the southwest slope
of the plateau of Vaitquois," the of
fioial statement continued. ' "Two
French attacks also failed northwest
of Pont-a nioiissou.
"The Germans have captured a cliff
northwest of Arras after three days of
battle, The British losses were heavy.
"Artillery duels continue In the
Vosges region,
"There are no Important develop
ments in Poland. Russian forces which
appeared near the Prussian frontief at
Tilsit wre repulsed."
The Weather
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. T
Mureh 17. The American three-masted
schoiner Pass of Balinnlia is aground
som-'where rm tho North sea const, ac
cording to dispatches received hero to
night. Seven of the schooner's crew escap
ed In a lifeboat, the dispatches said.
Whither there were more than seven
men on board the ship was not slated,
nor was the scene or the wreck di
vulged. The Pass of Bulmaha was bound
from New Viirk to Bremen with a cargo
of cotton.
Good day ra
Oregon: Rain ti
Tight on.) Thurs
day; strong south
erly winds.
Allied Fleet Withdraws.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. L.
March 17. -Eleven warships of the al
lied fleet that has been bombarding
the forts of the Dardanelles have been
retired from action and towed to the
Island of Lemnos, according to a cable
gram received tonight by a Berlin news
paper from its Athens correspondent.
In U.lnm han'ii tn meet Oil tst and I MT
cltrins md hr, no doubt, in time wo'ild
hove made an nivestigauon aim round
til.- condition as it now appears to be."
By Carlton Ten Eyck.
New York, March 7. Bown nt the
wharves these days thero aro Yan-
kf.n steamers, flvhiff tho stars and
stripes, loadiim with Mado in U. S. A
products, bound for the Spanish Main.
The trade routes that Uruno and nis
crew of frcebootiutf heroes originated
in thoir task of plundering Spanish
cities of South Ainoiica are touoweu
liv more American ships thsn European
now, where, a few months ago, It. was
ii. i '.,!. iiw.it nr orweoinn or Ger
man flag that flew from the mastheads
of the ships in tlie tropics.
II!,. l.nuiiinya tlin Itiml that, llcills ill)
millions, no longer needs urging to
seize its opportunity, anil inn nine n-i-i.
...... ...I,,, .li.nl in Ihoiisanils instead
of millions, aro following the leaders,
A dozen or more snips are cionrum
i...v week for Aruentiue. nnd Brazil
and for ports ou the West const of
tsoulli America, via mo vimm.
And South American goods aro coin
ing back, in American bottoms. A
i. ..- ...... Miii.nel A. Molina, con-
W l-CI III mi K" ' - ' .
sul general of the Argentine Republic
in New V'ork, issued an official, state
ment in w nicii ne pn-inno
trade relations between the United
Stales and Argentine.
.ne l,v.. i, inducts von want, ns well
us markets for your products,' he said.
"The railed mates is iiiu-i-osieu m
.. i. ,,.;,, n.,i- markets bv sellinir its
products to us, but docs not, reciprocate
in purchasing our goons io a smmihu
.leiiree. Aiiieutinc wool nnd hides arc
bought in the London markets by
American importers, vt uy noi nup"i..
them direct to America and save lh
middleman's profit I"
v,,,,l,.. ,illiiiiii.ites saw the chance,
and there are n few- ships now en
route from Buenos Aires with Argen
tine consul's idea was followed, a few
ilavs Inter, by aa anuoum at from
1 i...... 'PI,,, eni-nt-tiinelit thcrC decided
i i-i u. j ii. m" - - -
1. I imir Crnm tile 1 7 III t I'll HIlllCS
IO IIHl"'i I. i "' '" , -
nad sell it at cost price In order to re
duce the cost of lircini more,
rrt..,u ,ieiiiintri had immediate
results, and, ns a sequel, a chain of
government -encouraged schools for the
.: .r c...nui,i h pimiiiiiirre exoerts
iniiiiii'K "i ii.i'-'h"--" -i
tnny soon be realized. Prof. (',. L. !
Hwiggett of the I aivcrsity or 'I mines-1
I... n .....,, I'll nf t It it f'llltllllittCe
on 'commercial preparation of Foreign
trn.lo of tno iMitionai run-inn n'i'
Council announced (hat important links
in this chain of schools would be Col
umbia I'niverslty in New Mirk, I nl-......y.i.-
,.r rlii.ii'trn Tiiliino llui vcrslt v.
Harvard I'aiversity of Cincinnati and
Charleston college.
"A careful study 0f our educational,
systems," said Prof. Hwiggetl, "has
I...I in iiiintii inn whether we will ever
be able Io establish within our ordinary
schools and colleges, lis organi.en nun
.i:...i...l n.liiiitiiiln cniirMi'M for this
itiit-i ii-'i n"- -1 - - - ,- - -
specific training. You see, this Im
plies rather nil iniernaiionai v.ewpoini,
un....iil. I.., iinitit .liMtinet from the usual
temper or attitude of our classrooms.
Government aid I necessary.
'l-l... I.:.. Inliiriiutu nf Ilia i.n.ititrv lire
behind Professor Hwiggett 's plan, They
nosirr io sre yi un-i i' it n mi'iiiiy, win i"
... il... i.i.i.ii.M Ihn itfiiitit mi, I tlin Hflllth
Seas, where the British and Gorman
interests collided before the war,
New I'liiglaiiil is taking up the noiiin
American opportunity with Increased
v...i t.. HLHiili nt i-iiii fitfniif!!. ltit.lOn
business ii.cn have hail with Charles F.
Baker, American vice and deputy con-
.111 KI'IK-Illl HI "lilt,T'tll, i "
ton manufacturers and Importers nf
t : ...I I - 1...... -..i. I
cocoa, nines, ruiioiT, ivwrj Minn, j hiibiiiih
I..I. nil..,. ,.Pn,l,,i.l. .p. (nl.Pit.li,,!
now iii mapping out new routes for
shipment ot their goods to and rrom
I ne west cuasi.
TapI.I In. Tnlifhia tt tit M fr
kn.i tiitrii a itaniinff ttarltf nt tit nrm.
ory. It is an invitational affair and
the Knight lay It will Da one of tlie
biggest event of tho season.
President Wilson and Secre
tary Bryan Troubled Over
Diplomatic Situation
Blockade Costs United States
Huge Sums Every Day It
Continues In Force
Washington, March 17. President
Wilson and Secretary of State Bryan,
lonierrcil tor an hour and a half to
lay over the European nnd Mexican
situations. No decision was reached,
howoved, concerning the form of tha
protest to bo sent to England, the con- -vernation
being preliminary to a re
port .the state department's legul ex- k
ports urn to make on the British ordor
in council.
Unofficially it is stuted tho ston-
page of American imports from Ger
many, as the result ot the British or
der in council cstablishiiiK a blockade.
of Oormany, will menu the loss to the.
Unitiil Stutes government of mora
than if I 0,00l) a day in customs dut ies.
Tiiis was the estimate mado today by
Senatdi- Hoke Smith of Ocorgiu ami
Senator Walsh of Montana, after a
conference with President Wilson ami
Hecivtnry of Commerce Hodfiold.
Ami not only that, but tho stoppage,
of imports also will mean a reduction
of the world's eonsuinptiiti of Ameri
can cotton by ,'10,000 bail's a week. The
cotton trade with Germany and Aus-,-tria,
which suffered seriously when the,
war first started, was just getting well
started again when the British block
ade was auuo.iiiceil. Tlie latest move,
if curried out, will chock it cinupletoly.
President Wilson is devotion almost
nil nf his a 1 1 -n I i hi to the hlockado
and tile iulcriiiitinnal questions grow
ing out of it. The attempt of Oreut
t in 1 11 1 ii to justify her action und her
request that the United States regnni
the blockade as a parallel to tho action
of the North during the American civil
war will bo ignored by the administra
tion. The United States will flatly tell
England and her allies that this coun
try tin's not ami ciinunt. recognize tho
right of any belligerent to establish,
a blockade on the iiign sens.
Senator Walsh, an expert ou inter
national law, was outspoken in his dis
cussion of the oriler. He diil not be
lieve that tho administration should
mince words in voicing its protest)
against a policy which, ho declared, wit
contrary to all international law anil
It is ex ted that the text of tho
lliitiiih reply to tin' note of inquiry
from the United States asking how the,
allies proposed to carry out tho pro
pme. I blockade, will be mudu puiilio
tiiis afternoon,
It was understood that fresh repre
sentations will be iiiaile to General Car-
rimzii cot ruing conditions at Pro-
American Consular Agent JiJia It.
Silliiiinn advised the state department)
this afternoon that he was greatly
uhin I over conditions at Progroso as
a ri'tiilt of the defeat of Insurgents by
Carninzistas. Foreigners, it was suid,
are socking asylum in American wur
ships, llo III General Carriioza mid General
ii put a, have premised to aid foreigners
who want to leave Mexico City, Gnu.
oral ( ummzn, it was said, hud promised
to forward lied Cross supplies to tho
Mexican capital.
Silliiniin reported that ho hud culled
oa General Carniiiza lit Vera Crus yes
terday und they nad discussed condi
tions at Progreso, (funeral Curranza,
he said, had promised to issue an order
providing for the protection of all for
He.'relnry of State Brvini announce. I
this afternoon that General Villa hud
cabled he was investigating tho cir-
iinistanceH connected with tho killinir
of John B, MeNiinius, an American, by
apatistus at Mexico City lust week.
I he state department whs also in
formed today that Mrs, K. B. Scales,
formerly of California, who hud been
reported missing, was safe at Kinariu.
1 he state department learned unoffl
ially today that Provisional President
Giirzii, who was elected by the pencil
convention in January, had returned to
Mexico C ity. Be was reported to have,
promised the public ample protection,
iinnoiiiiciiig he would declare the cap
ital t.ndor martial law If necessary.
Official in fio .nut ion remirding Oarsa'a
whereabouts was lacking.
Foreglners Leave Mexico City.
Washington, March 17, A general
exodus of foreigners from Mexico City
was In progress today. All who vfcr
nble were leaving for Vera Cru.
Both General Csrrnnra and Oeneral
Villa have been asked to furnish trainq
and uninterrupted transportation.