Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 15, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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    nvv.r.ml. MONDAY, MARCH 1?. 1315.-
The Great Day of Good Ores
Easter April 4th
How are you going to meet the occasion. Knowing
that -the distinctive individuality you deserve can only
be had in made-to-measure clothes; are you going to
get the other kind?
Don't be satisfied with put-luck, slipped-from-the-ehelf,
tako-them-as-you-find-them garments.
Tailored To Order Clothes
Are Best
We show a wonderful selection of these season's
choicest all wool weaves at prices less than charged
for good ready-mades.
The Fit-Fashion-Fabric and Craftsmanship in Every Garment
is Guaranteed
Special Inducement This Week, Ask the Man
Get Your Easter Suit Now!
Prospects Bright For Success
of Organization To Be
. Completed Saturday
All orders taken this week will be ready for
Easter wear
357 State
Where You
Save Money
Tripping," llosiuer, Myrtle Jensen;
"Sn ;i.Tils All mill Maidens Pair.
Ni'vin, Macyle 1111111111", "Hon Amour,"
Hoaiiniunt, Until Wechter; " Man"' of
Ilic Sagos," Matthew, "Sing, Uoliin,
Sing', spiiiil,uig, '-first Piece of Star ! stiiii-ilnted l.v tli
The executive 'committee and offi-
er of the Oregon Hon Growers' nsso-,
Iciatiou are making preparations or ai
(rousing big meeting of the members j
I and atock.ioldcr of the association, and j
alao of all the bop growers who havej
nnt nu idI !ninnt H nrrrn n i fit ion. tO .'
be held at the Commercial club asscm- 1
bly room next Saturday afternoon, the i
purpose of which is to adopt a com-J
plete set at by-laws lor the government
of the body and to elect a full set of
directors and officers for the ensuing
year. I
Tho executive committee held a,
meeting Saturday afternoon at the j
Commercial club and went over care
fully, section by section, a full set of
by-laws which have been drafted by
Attorney Joan H. MrXary, and they
have been tentatively adopted by the
I committee and will be favorably rceom
I mended to the general meting of stock-
holders next Saturday. Kneouraging re
ports are being reeeived from ail sec
tions of the state where hops nre pro
duced, and the indications arc that
there will he a lnrirn I. nil thoroughly
I representative gathering of ho,) grow
lers in attendance,, and tho details of
tho organization featuro ofthe asso
ciation will be completed and the or
ganization placed upon a sound, active,
, business basis.
! Kncouraging reports are also being
I received from Caiifornia and in Wash
ington, tho growers of the latter state
being a little slow, but sure ia effecting
their organization, where activities
have been renewed nml redoubled, and
it is expected that the California grow
lers will be ready to incorporate with
)in a very short time. Had weather con
.ditiaiis have had much to do with tho
I delay in perfecting permanent organ
isation in California, but the leaders in
I tho movement report that conditions
jaro very satisfactory, and no fears are
I eiitfl-tained concerning the success of
! the psNoeintion.
Manager and Organizer P.. V. P. Pnul,
of the Oregon association, and Secre
tary Pied N, Htump report that the nf
j fairs of the Oregon association nre pro
greasing most satisfactorily, new growl-era
anil new stock being signed by ev
ery day, and no matter what happens
in the neighboring states of I'alilnrnia
nml Washington, tho organisation work
lis going to he put through to an ef
fective "conclusion in Miis state, und
that thero is every 'indication of un
qualified 8UCC0.-8.
Little or no con! lis -ting is being
done with the Oregrn growers, as they
have been so much eneouingeil and
advance in the mar-
A Matchless Showing jrf
New Spring Merchandise
Every Preparation has been Made in all Departments, to Assure the Greatest
Assemblage of Merchandise Correct in Style for the Coming Season.
Women1 s Man-Tailored Suits
The use of ric fabrics give these suits a most attractive appear
ance. It seems the designers have outdone themselves in using
materials and styles so skillfully that these suits are marvels in
Priced from $15 to $65
New Spring Coats
Fresh from the workshops of the
foremost coat tailors, come these
handsome new coats. Men's wear
covert, serviceable serge and novelty
Priced $7.50 to $45
A large Bhipment just received
. goes on sale Monday. The new tW.
quarter sleeves in Voile, Georgette
Crepe, Bastiste, Lingerie-Lawns, and
Priced 98c to $10
Modard Corsets Warner's Corsets Onyx Hosiery Kaysers Hosiery
Phoenix Guaranteed Hosiery Alexandre Kid Gloves Bacmo Gloves Nov
elty Easter Jewelry Roger Gallet and Colgate's Toilet Articles Notions and
Dressmaking Supplies Hurd's Stationery Richardson's Linens Bedding
Blankets and Lace Curtains.
A New Department
Showing Every Wanted Item in White Wash Goods.
Pictorial Review Patterns
U CI hirtln-x) Cnmnnrrv
North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon t
....... ...AAAAAA A 1 . 1 . .....
-- tttttTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.T. ..T.,., y y-r T TTf . . I) H
Thirteenth Sermon iHayesviile District I
On Epistle of James1 S. S. Convention
Will Meet at Cliemawa on Sunday,
March 28th A Gocd Program Has '
Been Arranged. I
Mr. nml Mia. II. CI. Holt were din
ner hosts Wednesday evening, enter
taining as guests Mi. and Mia. ,1. II.
linker, Mr. uml Mis. II. H. Vandovnrt,
.Mr. und Mrs. K. It. Millard. The din
ner was planned and served by Miss
Hciyl und Miss (trace Holt, who added
a charming springtime touch to the af
ion-inner, i.iinitt. Anna Hewitt; ket, in which there is no question ol
"Sounds of Spring," Wonzcl, (ilndys ,mlit that the organization of the
Tiiunipaoii; " Hobbling Brook," .ludil, ! growers has exeicjscil a very strong in-
' .Meditation," Mor-j fluence, and, judging frrrn reports re-
eived troin f.ngl.'iiul, (leriiiany
Mary l.icklo, plaie Siinorul, Hay Sim
oral, Hella Clearwater, l.on Clearwater,
P.va Iliiuea, llontee Hell, llattie Own
erou und l'niiik West.
t N
About sixty young folk of the Pirst
Methodist cliurch enjoyed the Saint
I'litrlek day frolic given in their chur
.Mucyie Hunt
risen, liutli Wechter; "Spanish Danco
Wes eliiecli, Hietiicii S. Stoiwor.
! elsewhere, the piospccts are favorable
Rev. ('nrl H. KIMott gave his Kith
sermon on the ppistle of James last j
evening in the First Presbyterian
church. His subject, was "The Privi-j
lege and 1'ower of Prayer." Illustrut-j
ing ilie latter, he gave the following in-'
cidi n from "A Circuit Wider 'a Wife" I
published a few years ago.
" flic next year Sister Cni-lcton hail
g'rown very leenie, nut at a eonseeia
t inn nicotine; held ,,ie alteruoon before
iivni-i Mie iirose, cms pen ncr OKI uiiiiua i ... ........
nml .... . .1. i . I r .1 . I i c c '' lOMllH HI IllUIMI.
.l'I'i I II' Mill I 111 lilt- llt'lll II III I I 111
The llayesville district Sunday tcbW.j
(invention ' will lie held at Cheuiiiwa '
Sunday, March L'H. The president of
onventioii urges that all of the
Sunday schools in the district send as i
large n delegation as possible. Also
, , , . , , uiiu iieieeui ion as iiossiiue, aiso
he -.igu ar revival service a iiignl, she Bl.hoo work(, jn ,,
,,.p,r.rcd as usual He tore the c osing ;Vi(.inily , ju h( iliiiUH fofMm
15 Burdensome
4 VJ
when you tire easily and
nerves are excitable, yoa
need medicinal food not I
drugs or stimulants.
food value: It mmtt the I
JfSL-X very dementi to mVnm
1)W 4 k. 1,1,,,, wm iltmiriV I
und the courage of health. I
Avoid Alcoholic Subilitutu. m
fair liy decorntiona of fiiigrunt iuli'ta i pm-lui-a priday evening. The event was
lid dat'fudills.
Tho monthly 'minimis inert ing
the rcuiiliir monthly aociul eiitertiuu-
: nient of the Ppworth League, ineiulii'i.'.
und of this oiuuiii.utioii extending invita
t inns on this occasion In all young peo
ple of (he church. Kvery detail, fruiii'f ,,nih I oiuiueri-ial street. Miss Heist
di coratioiiK mid diveraiona to lel'iesh
incuts, was in Keeping with the super,
stitinus customs associated with Ire
I u j 1 1 1 'h nutioiial holiiluy. ijunnlitiea of
dafl'oilills and fern were used uliout the
larue pai'lirs, innuiiieralile sliamiiicks
being suspi nded Hum die ceiling. Sliiiiu
rocks upon a white baeligrouiid form
ed a I'ui'e for the dining loom, Hi,'
talile ceiiteiplecii being in white ami
green, (i tec n alludes were used on each
can I'o, which wcro unlinked in hold
eis I hi nil1. 1 of Irbh potatoes. I'logies
slve aines were enjoyed, Miss loin'
Pish"i- neeiiriug the iiwaid, n put ic dnf
ftn I i I Irs, fur being the most successful
contestant ill the competitive divers
sinus. Kissing the Itlaruey stone also
nfliudeil much nimiaciticut. Miss l-'lsh-er
ii nd Misa l.aur.i Ciuiiiiiiin;s gave
liish leadings, cimructeiistic sunns be
Ing iiing by all, Miss Ueneiei Avistin
pn i ling nl the piano.
nocial evening n" the i'iwuith League
uf the Leslie Methmlist church, took
I'lacB Thuiaduy eening, uliout thirty
bring present.
Too I'll ilali.ru class uf the i'irst Hap.
tint (lunch Welti eiilertaiiied at tli"
liomn of Mis. 1'. P. limber, on Ninth
Ihiinh stieet, Wednesday evening.
About twenty live r.ere present,
All tho women uf North Salem who
are interested in the "city beautiful ''
movement are extended a mint eiinlial
invitation to meet at the h e of Mis.
(Dr.) K. K Pbher tomoirow aftei iiiioii
to discuss nuya and iiieaua of further
I'udeavor. The wink ia piogressiug
nicely, inuiiT- uoliceiible iiiipnn eiueuls
kaviug nlieudy been made. Intel eat ia
luirc-iMing uml It is expected thut liniil
r'ult will lie all Hint tuey weie u igi
sally planned to be.
Mm, Norma Left indwell and her
luiil-hor, Mia. tleurge McKenie, of Sac
ilnineiiln, Cul., were week end vbiturn
ill l'-iltliind,
Dr. and Mrs. C. Ilmtly and son, Max,
f Connllis, were the guests ol Mis.
Hartly't aister, Mis. 1'. .1. Ilibler, over
lleiuhciB of a private, d.incing club
tend.'riHl n s,iiin-e in honor uf lleuiv
l.uinleen, at Ilia hit lie, .I'J'i llili atreel, :IIX "''' 1,1 l,,l,r 1 rolessor tin ncr in ins
last 'I'liiiisiln v cmiuiij;. Tlnee placet ii'.ieresl inn nml instinctive leituie.
re: Mr. and Mis. Liindeen, Mr. mid
Mr. Hlillivau, Mrs. Keeton, Missea Opel To' pupils of Mis. Piank Piickey
tiani, Altn May, Nellie Kecton, llu.cl uuve a nmaicale at the ho'ee of then
(Aiao, l'iia llauey, Mulul Nelseu, -u iniclier Snlnidiiv nlleruoou tiom '.'
iloia May, Mes.is. (ieoige Wolf, l l.vde to 1 o'cloik. The studio was appro
May, llaiold (mho, .la. k May, Henry piintclv decorated with plutiin us fern
l.uulecn, Hairy l.undeeu, Kluier Lnn- and spring tluweis,
lima, Jimmiii Snllitun, Jim II ly and Seviml adviiuced pupils ol oncop
Heo.go (lardner. ' tlonul tali nt took urt in Ihe pruKiani,
plnviiig their aoloa from nieuniiv, as
Miaa Jlt'th LiuIIbiii, ot l'oillund, who well as liit year atudeuls, whose w.n k
ha been entertained receutlv in Sn also bisiM.Ke i-aielil instill, tmn and
Mrs. Pthel Law (lulvin, of Jefferson,
spent the week-end with nor parents,
Mr. and Mrs, K, M. Law, of Salem
Heights. Mr. Law joined her yester
day morning, both returning to their
huni-.t lust night,
Miss Lulu llcijt, who has n position
as instruction in (leiinan at the Albany
high school, passed the week end with
nil- p incuts, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Heist
hit 1 , 1. 1 1 aue er isi nci noil ir I i .. , , .
tnr a mi.,. I muii i.I llin ...im In. sun ! . ,.ll , I..:..:.. i.. I l""1 1 1 '""1
- n - s, ,. . ill, lis I'l till Vlirisi'llll people.
it in i i tie iissnciai ion siiiniia io iieueiii
and develop much strength as a result.
Announcement as to train service' DEATH OF MRS. VOOBHEIS.
with her sister, .li-a Laura, entertained
as their gm-sta fur this period Miss
P.lsie and Miss Kliabetli Philip, of St.
Helens. Tne former was a student at
Williinictto university lust venr.
ft?, ft
$ l
C L. Smith, of uiiiaby, is ill the
city today itn business.
Prank llulibs, uf silverton, is here
tii lay on a business errand.
Anh Heninan, of tho Missions Hot
loin, was in iln. ,.ity ov,,r Sunday.
Miss Nora Taw. of Silverton, spent
.-sun. lay in tin- citv with relatives.
tn ia
i'l,.. .i:ui..;... ..i.. .i... ..n :
. t rn. . , , III 'II. Ill, I. I ll I IIIIIH I II I- lllllllll 111 ... ....
nroiner jnonipson, sue coin-iuii- w , i...i... .. ,. . ,, The luulv of Mrs. K. ooruci!,
.. . ... ."iiiiu.i, siiniu.s; v nciliuwil, lei.er, llll-l - J ,
the deq i .uci.is voice ol ex-j,,,, ,,io Kriiitlnnd, Aul.urn, I passed away Saturday at tho tone f
age, 1 have prayed lor my i.;,,,, ,v u.,..,,.,, -'.. n n v...... n.... v.,n,li..i. cast of Sal,
youngest boy oO ycais, and for my sec-1 .,), M '. rb . i ,vns tken to Ponlinc, Michip.H
ond eoy !i years, and tor my oldest , ,, ,..,,... .,'. I t,..i,,,. t,.- i,,, i. Vnorhcu, with
,,. , , """" -' I.., iiiiumn, tiiiiikin, I11IIU10.I .'..(,. .... " -
toe two youngest 11 i,.i,.. i :.i.n..... , i i,,.i,,i .i l,. .latin iter nml
i lii iavv Mr. ami .'. '
'resident. Unrrv! 'vie on a ideasiire trip, the lattfr
White; vice president, W. '. Nen-! sto'l"ng off in Seattle -Mr. am
tune; se,-relarv, Mrs. J. V. Pruitt ; I Voorheis nrrive,) in Sali'iu i"
missions and christian stewardship aec-i "V. Mr". Voorheis liciag taken
,(.. i;.. M..1...1 virin: ' : nnslv III with iiiieiiiminia fhortl inn
son nearly (it) years.
inr -im.i mm, inn i inner ia sii out n, ,;!,., i -.. ., i
,.t .. i- i i i i ,i i . V'unaov nml Uaeondii
(it the tud. I am t List i tin h. but pi. .
i'... .;;.. i i w ii .. lm oiin-i i
. Hlllllll I .... I .IIIOS as it i con mil I .
hi in out mucn longer. Hut I can t go
till Jimmy is saved. 1 ain't got nnthiii'
else kcrpin' me hut that.' She paused,
looked about her as if she felt a niein-
nry Uri.sh last. 'When he was iest a ' : ' '. .. s uisiuci
little rue
afcerd ol'
no higher
the dark.
'an that, he wn
I alwavs had to
Outs. Kiiupps, ,if Woodburn, was inM'1 ''-v ,ilf,l''' "as asleep. And
The eutei taluiiieut eommilt
recenilv ui gaiii'.'eil rnreiit lencliei' lis
s.i iatiou of Kolu have secured the ser
vices of l'roi'esaor J, H. Horner, of Ihe
Agricultural college of Corvallis, tu
Uive his free illiistialed lecture of Ins
trip through Pgypt, lit the Lola a.ll.nd
house, Saturday I'vening, March t;7.
Theie will also be u literary ami mu
sicul pingraiii, Pvervoue ia en diallv
The nuiniii;;.' uf Miss i'lorence Mat
lock to Lloyd N. Weeks, youngest soul
of lion, iin.l Mih. (ieoige W. Weeks, !
huh celcbuited with a simple ceremony;
ye.t"r.lay at the lesiilenco of the'
bride's parents, Mr. and Mis. C. N.i
Matlock, I III Court stitet, lit two
o'clock. Kev. Harry L. Marshall read
the Sines, only immediate iclutives be
ing present. Misa Manila ( opelaud, a
clos' friend of the bride, attended us
bi idesiuaid, Shirley Ago standing wit li
the iiiidcgiooiii as Ins best nan.
TV1 moms weie beautified with red'
and white cainntioiis, Oregon grape
and i't n.
The young couple left at lour o'clock
fur Pi. tland on u brief tup, and will :
"' be at home to their trienda nt ll.c M..t-1
lock lesidence alter toe liisl uf tin '
nionlli. .Mr. WmIis is officiully assu
edited with a lo.-ul i (instruction coin
panv. Those present lit the wedding were:
Mr. mi. I Mrs. II. W. Weeks, Mr. and
Mis. Wii'lmr Weeks, Mr-, mul Mra. M. A.
.Ma; luck, Mis. W. Ivie and Miss Violet
Pi Itn i , ef Witui-nii.la.
the city Sundiiv
Jack Weneger, of Woodburn, wu in
the city Sunday.
Miss Pima Pmigiie went to rortlund
Sunday muming.
Miss Marguerite White spent the
week end in tne country at Conconley,
I'r. W. II. Morse spent (he week end
in Poitlainl visiting with his mother.
Mrs. Knnna Cole, oi Jefferson, spenl
Sunday with her .linichter, .Miss Ldi
anna lliiivvn.
now, seems as it I cuildn't. leave him
for good out in the dark. want to.
list you to iirav, not that he mav be
.i.oige won mi, i tamiiiy will leave
next, week lor .c port, w here thev1 VICTIM CF GAS.
will icside. ' j Sun I'rancisco, Man n ."i. Mrs. Marv
II. A. Taw, el' the Hod Cross Pharni- I ."' "S'''1 a fo'iud dead todav
acy, was a visitor in Silverton over 1 111 n'r holl'c hero, a ictim of nsphvxiu.
Sunday. '". Investigation showed t but death
Arlhiir Liifinr and wife, of Albany, j ' '"used hy defective gas jet,
were in liie it v vcr Sundav visiting I 'hroegh win, h u tjv stream of gas'i-s-relatives,
' ' "I l all night, filling her bed chain-
linv I',, in, ti-. li,, ,iii. , tl,. iter.
' Oregon Medical e.dlcge at I'ortlund wusl . -, .
,iu the city over Siiiulny. I ,f 11 not lor pilitica lots of
M:s. tieorge P. Ife,-, mhJ Wn , laugh ' la;'.v " " would starv e to death
'tcis aiiivcl in . (.;,y tl),ay f,um .
Porenuoii Session
S:l.i, tong service; 10, "Pulling To
getlpr," K. C. (lilkey, assistant super
inteultnt S. S. Pirst M. K. church;
l:-d, address by Professor O. M. P.I-
olive, tel. but .km I,,. iv. ,,u' ""m tW, solo, Miss
ed this verv night-seems as if I'm iest ''!''u U"y" iU,'; M'M) "M,'"
obli.,,1 ,o get smi ,, ,,Vt s,,!,n " '' ,7'' ""V",,"'", Muk,"i"
"licr eldest son. .lam,. ... A..' , 0"l"'l. Reneral hocrotnrv
at the eveninL' si'rv ice tlml ,,i,.l,i 1 V"""" Ml'' Haniiay School naso-
ai.,1 was the firs, man to reach the , . ' , ' . ' ' ' '' "l,0,l!l1 " :
tar when the ivii,if,,i to penitents , l'","l'"l''' H'lVesville,
:wns givvn. He lived a changed I e ,"""'r " 12- "'l"' !
.fioni that hnir." ,1""''1' (I"MI '""r lunch basket)).
, , . Attorn. .in sesion
1 i :..n, business sesnoii nnd report of
Sunday nhools: vocal snl ,.,.,..l
wards. Hectors and a Iran"'" "'
were summoned immediately nJ
forts spared for her coniton aim -cover.y,
but she gradually K'? '"'
passing awav at seven o'cleck iratimB?
morning'. Mr. and Mrs. King nm
her bedside, and yesterday "
I panied the body home. ,
! The family is very grnl.ieful to
I mnnv fri Is who assisted them ''"
I .(...Ir l,. nl- licrcaveinent, ,l"
tn cxpreess their grntitmle
; hour of trial.
of Pond, Ore.,
guest of Mrs.
Iv. W. Sii:.-ver.
is in the city m ih,
tieorge I 'aimer Putnaii
I . . lliiiliiini spent Sunday in Cor
vullia. Mia. lirahniii i visit'ing 1'ert
land this week.
P. J. Pe.kciis, , out. acting freight
K-in ior me i lm,i,:,i. wnilkee A
l' I ....u. ....... .. . . .
aie: Mrs. ( limles Piinnenter. Mrs. , . ll, . i ... .
P. J. lioseulieig, storekeeper of the
Initland, Kiieene -astein, of thia
KV, anil HI,', spent the week end it.
Mull interest is lonuifested locally
in t.e tlistriit convention nf the I'vtli
;in S-sttia, which tnk.'s place Tuesday
iu All.iinv,
'm ug those who will attend from - Si
H. I'. M. Helen, M
Mi's ll.iel Olmsted
Mis. Cite Shelll eig
I. ', is He. h!el. Mis.
s. ( ololiel Olmsted,
Mis. Hosa Moorea,
Mi". J. ( ox, Mia.
I. W. I 'avion, Mi
lohn I la vis. l.s i;.- vv,..i,..ii vi . ' ' ."" ""'"'Is in that city.
Ine. Mi
leiu by the J, P. I.lidlnma, la in Se
attle, where ahe will pass aovernl weeks,
C oi tig up to be preaeul at the Sigma (hi
laaed ami other college an,-1 ill I'ui.e
tiom at the I'nivetsilv uf W usiiingtoii.
eon. ieiilioua enileuvi.r on the
the pupils.
The following pnigrnm w given,
after which dniiilv ref reahuieiits weie
served by Mia. Pliekiv, assisted by hei
mother, Mia. rVhaujiii; " Liilliiliv, "
Schumann, Until Wechter; "lnuciua
Wavelets," Kiusell, .loacidiiiie Uross;
M iming I'rayer," Streabbog, Lucy
Mllicrinten, ..nt T l
is. (ieoige C. Will. Mrs. i. t' ,-. l-
P.-, I, s. 1 t... w: ,. - " " r- ami
' " ' 1 'I'lHUIUI, ,i 1 r. CM I II II f- I I I Ml 111 .
pun iii .mi-, vv. i.. Miininerviiie ami .Mra. Lauiu
'ell i's,
C, lcbialiu the birth, lav of the hos
lira, I', N. Miller and daughter, Mi..a
N'ila, cf Albany, were week end guesta
of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Panis.
A I'leaannt auriiriae was given Mr, Puniclie Aspling; "Lovelv Floweret
and Mra. I.. ( lenrwater, Priday even-; Matthews, New to. Muunuey; "Cathe
lB, when their friend ealled, enlei-1 drill Chime," Pvrothv Tailwtj "The
Umlng for them with ".".00" kindei Pmc.t prill,' "The ' I'ixlc. Wultn,"
gartea party. Thoj who enjoyed thia "Puie on lh Water," by Arthur I-
llilliugsley, ,,f
fe weni lo P,i
Slltlllilav I,. weekend vi.il
wit.i frien.ls in H, MW eouiitv citv.
'" Stinsen will ,,nv0 t(,m(,m,
morning for" St. ll,.,.,., u, H,,lu ,,,
dlstriet i j
less, a round dozen of guest, assembled ! pvthias P w" 2 ?Ji .
a. the pretiv heme of Mr. and Mr. I M U. lei'ive , :"' 'f i Silverton
Mai. V. Ilohi-,,,, at 7.U. Ma st teet i I Taaio,, ' U,",,r,0W ,0 tt,,",,,'
SHti tlay evening. Cai.U and inusiel ,, Kred l,l.lii,. .... . . t
form,, I the nriiicii.Hl ultra, i 111 ii until C. . I i .. 1 ' .
I.urc.tt; "Haiielng Waves." Spencer, I ten, when a beautiful snowr was aerv. I i',...,l V " .i. '" lm,Ko ')'. ."i
...t ;.. .i... I...I.. . . ...... "' "v 'Hsl lew imiiitht. ls
... f r itni.oK i-ot.ii, me lame decora- l.l.hiia has I, .. i, ' . , . Y. "
being caruatiou, of xaryiiiif tl,, m. .1,. . L.' 'l :'""".
of pink. ,h. table candle, and brother.' who w. ZZ "
srr. ; bile ac.-l.lrnt la, .
, sknal
j hades being in the snine color.
' Koiam wa the reeii icut of srvei.l
nauiiMiin irift. a de luhtfu rveuiin: M . ..
t'ornforth, John Con forlh, I.ein Mekle. t biiminude, (ilady Jenaen; "llaily tetuiiuntinit at the miduiuLt hour , ik- .7 (m eept and
vtit were; (iatuet Clearwater, lletle : llruva, Otto Kngdahl; "Hearf liaace,"
, I H'.V.'.R IM
th iieighKira all tay; '1 0ld you ol"
S0 110 FEE!
f:e,i 1 hyr ra ((, homing feet, 3ol.
lcnj.st,.w,.ty feet, ...iclling feet, tir.sl
Coe.,1 bjcomi, callouaca, bunion n,
raw ptHito. n
more shoe tight.
nc, no more limp,
'rig with pain or
drawing up your
'cc in a g o'n y ,
"HZ'' ia musical,
T.V,Bht' 0fT-
il'. draw a nut
H the poimnou
"'miatieii which
c "T Z"
. PI T9ut font
hew m.l.,,1. ., V 0
fei. net js .w C ::.?.nnr t
's et
1. muse DcSi ianiii ( I, n ,..1.
'Less, "I 'i.iyer," II, K. Marsiiall, pas
tor Pirst llnptist church, Salem;
"Hieams of tlnlilee," male (piartet,
heiiawa; :i:IO, "Tl, Watchword of
the Age," Mrs. M. A. Dnneiihower,
loi tland, official teneher training do-i
I'lirliiienl Oregon Statu S, S, assivia-l
I11111; sonK by Ah M11I11 Lo, Camp Pire'
mils, Sal, in, Through the courtesy or
siip'rintfiident Wndsworlh, stable I'-ooiu
will be provided for (ho horsca of those
diivi ig to the convoiitidi. j
(Capital Journal Special Served
Dullaa. Or., March lJ'.i-" J
interest has been attracted tn I
few, lavs tu a large white g"rh''
window of the fuller ITiariiaiJ.' . '
nnimi.l was coptmcd on one
like true, west of Hallo anJ i'l"
nbly the Lilly ,
specie ever seen by 1. h"r" '
of tho citizens of this ciomiuin'O-
30,000 VOICES
And Many
Ave Tho vww
reople. ,
Thirty thousand veice- ' ,,,
n.l II' IT S "fc
1 ...... aim
American men ami ""." '" , ,r v
. Tlie innovation of I'nity church hold- 'fpf7rLV....
ttig social service pn.-iam on Sunday ' " f;omTi fny it to
vni-ig, got its second (ryniit lust night ' t,, the home W- f"
'""" tamer audience. Mr. Hinges 1,,f'V. ,,'llit,, ' , ; ,,,oru.
" I'llered thiee ,, "Ti,.. i'.i,.t,V "I people are in
l-avs of Yes.ien," and the ?tB T,: H i, 'l IM TTJ
l,V Ur.m I r...,i.-. '"' " ,,! first r"
.-.n..,, c.,i.,, uavs
sl' ing Song
Hi? "
.Mi v im,, !..,,. 1. .... I.- airrci, i,
nf tl, t,.i 1 ...1 .. ftnaa'a Mley .
- i" hit coiineii, gave an. ; ,. v n ai,out 5i .- - k)(
""'o-iiproniisiug nddrcaa In behalf of nijinarck, . ij f t, l
tl'c wage earners. Mr. Tiseher eontii.'!' ""' ' Ct. M. " '.w
hi" discussiun , "Knowledge us from kidney ''otii 'lain'' JrC( ,
I'" Key of Power." At the next Sun- eonalantly and h , e0.rf
day evening piogrnm, Mr. Snvder, sc- Pl J"" vor or lift t
"'la c of the Klk. In.),.... .ill'linn ihe atoop With coaiimv 1
. -i"i - - ... T .. ...rvei ,..,isf n
. iltlT. I" . '.
. in tne im . ii.us'
no ' . . v..i.
hen 1 went i"
lroi;ram. rrumntie reinlniL's' mint. ., . ...,. .
..in u. ... . , . . . '. " ; . ..n n nc i"
"e iuiio,iuee( tor he first tune a. ourn g, - , ... tu. -. .
SrT r"T VP M.
1 V "C 1 ' ,!
rriiarrv. Ah!
I a t of a Su,y aen lee, Mr. Mar-1 tired a when I , ,,1'rf "
Mi'' giving Alaahn in poem by Kidney Pill f( " 'J u,i 1 '
M'l vi.c. 1 ! t kept en taking th'"' vi 'J
I complete- cure. ' ,..,, 1
evarVwav by , .
l.l 1 , . lever ret
tirrd. A year', (ct comfort purantre,
or money KfundcJ. S"Meed
"V perfume manufacturer
advantnge over tho director
mint. '
"What is thatf "
"He coin dollar hy making ccnt
t hii-njjo Xews.
1 them.
via all kidney - .
r!... Kid TU'
rrep., Eufffl". -N'