Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 13, 1915, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Image 10

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; i '(
! 1 v
i 1
, rear w
me vvonaer var.
The sensation of the auto
mobile world. The biggest automobile
value ever offered under $1000.
Powerful, fast, silent and one of the easiest riding
and most economical cars in the world.
A KDlendid. fully equipped real 5-passenger family
ftutnmobile. With Sims high tension magneto, sliding
gear transmission, left hand drive center control, anti
skid tires on rear and
Practically All the High Priced
Features of High Priced Cars
The eatiest car in the worlJ to drive. The greatest all around hill
climbing car in the world. The car with a pure stream line body.
Holds the road at 50 miles an hour
Starter and Electric Lights $55 extra
With Electric
lr-I I I
Rees & Elgin Auto Co.
Hclds the Road at 50 Miles an Hour
Mary Pickford Drives Her Own Car
" ' " lljhf
The ibov. photogriph of Mary Pickford, f.moui Motion Picture Star, wai i tk
ehe Mirted out from her tudio in her recenUr PurchMed Maxwell C.bno rt.
Mi.. Pickford it in expert driver md thoroughly enjoy, her ride, to end from the
"Mi" Pickfordhh'.lnce .hipped her Maxwell to.Lo. Ang.le. Ctllfor.il. yherj
her comDinv l. now operating. She i. quit, enthu.ia.tic .bout her or, which h.
hT.P .ver?' delir.bl. feafure of 1 coup. u4 ill the dugl of foomy
roidtur when ih. warn, it.
! .
Deduction of Prominent Portland Deal
j er Is That Motor Is a Necessity, Not
a Luxury.
Farmers Spend Big Receipts for Ma-!
chines and Improvements to Houses
! at Pendleton.
f'arlnads of nntonuiliiloa nrrivin"
pvorr woi'k in JVnillcton mill otlior
tnwiis in (lie whont belt. L'ive nn nn-
J nver to t lie question: Where is the
i money iroing tlint has been reeeiveil
i for the wheat erop?
.l'ortlnnd banUers have been trying
tn iliwovrr where the wheat money has
gmio, and they have been unable to
OL'ree ns to their finilinus. It is e.sti-
niate.l that 10,000,000 has been re-1
eiveil for prniu, but the bank deposits
I INirtlnnd, Or., Marhc 1.'!. "The year
of l'.Ui witnessed the holiest murk in
'both the production and sale of auto-
mobiles since the iiiceptinn of the in-
jdustry. With general lxisi m-ws nothiii),' n the interior (jive no indiration that
ito boast f, a so cnlled luxury looms up they have reeoived any Inrce share of
151 TIi. ft
See the Big
New 1915
Features of
the Indian
WE HAVE on display ready f0r
instant demonstration a com
piete showing of the 1915 line oi the
internationally famed
1 1
fm Motocycle
We want von tr insnppi- tkQ
ii ' ? 1 T, iu6i per
sonally see for yourself the 9 Vital
Basic Innovations and the 20 Detailed
Refinements. Then you will clearly
understand why the Indian is the
choice of. the motorcycle world.
Get your copy of the 1915 Catalog, as dis.
tinctively beautiful and different as the line of
motorcycles it describes.
Ten models at prices ranging from .
$185 to $275. Also Side -Car
Attachments for Parcel Delivery
and Two-Person Touring.
; with n big sulea increiise," says 11. 1..
I Keats, northwest distributor of the
' Chuimrrs line.
I "The deduction is plain. The motor-
tliis golden stream. One local hanker
says that the country banks dealing
with hlin have paid up completely, ar-
Euinir from this that his country ens
car is positively and conclusively not aj turners must have handled a large share
luxury, but a real necessity in currying of the money.
on the uffuirs of this high geared cen-; A I'ortlauder who represents three
tuiy. Indeed the term ' pleasure car' 1 foreign concerns which specialize in,
commonly used to distinguish the pus. ; farm mortgages, declares that no more,
senger automobiles from freight carry-! nuirtuaL'es are being -?pod out than
ing motor vehicles conveys an entirely ordinarily, although interest payments!
erroneous and misleading impression, are being met promptly
" Hie keenness of competition in the
work of the world, as it is carried on
today, makes success largclv dependent
1 1 JJ
upon tho conservation ot time. 1 tip
ininiiies count, and automobiles save
hours of them daily.
"An analysis of 1311 sales proves
that a very large per cent age of ma
chines wero bough! fur a cureful! j- com-
'pitted economical purpose. Uusiness
houses huve foil ml through the use of
j curs they enn multiply the efficiency of
1 their outside force, not only enabling
I them to expand tlieir zone of operations
1 but to cover I lie old ground in a frac
tion of the time formeryl consumed.
I The profcsisutii.l man has long ivcugniz
ied the oci'ii'imirnl value of the autumn
I bile, and is plainly handicapped with
J out one.
i "Observe that I have considered only
! t In so culled 'pleasure ears,' The inn
! tor truck lias jn.-t us big, and probably
an even more useful future. The great
Kiiorpeun war has shown what a won
derful utility the power driven vehicle
is, not, I am glad to say, us an engine
:of destruction, but principally as first
liiiil to the eniiimissary an. I Im-pital
j " Yet the autotnobile has only just
begun its w..rk. ii'id its possibilities are
still iiiiImio.wi or unappreciated in a ma
jor portion ot' the world. It will figure
I us a main factor in the extension of
eivilint ion 's bouudiiries, nnd its use
b io more diversified us its univer
sality broadens. The future of the auto
mobile f lircat ! ' '
Information from the Tnlnnd Em
pire is to the effect that the farmer
who owned a motor enr has bought a
new one nnd has bought one or two
more for the children; thnt bouses nro
being painted or new houses built, hut
that apparently the fnrmers arc not
amending nnv considerable sums with
their lornl merchants nor making heavy 1
deposits with tho banks. ' !
Only a small part of the northwest
wheat crop is still on hnnd. The re
serve is variously estimated from
1 .700.0011 bushels to l.ono.nnn bushels.
The first figure is said to be too low
anil the other figure too high, so prob
ably :i,nmi,oor) bushels is a good com
European Syatem Best, Says California
Woman who Has Traveled.
To encourage tho raising of flax fiber
a letter has been issued by tho Commer
cial Club, which has been mailed to
hundreds of farmers in this section.
Tho letter states that a market is assur
ed for tho fiber, as the state will buy
all tho flax straw that is delivored in
good shapo at tho penitentiary und will
pay a fair price. Quoting Governor
Withycombe, tho lotter says, J'lOcr
flax is a most desirable and profilibii
crop for the valley farmer. If propm
ly cultivated and rotated, it will lit i
jure the land."
On account of tho Europtio in,
there will be no flax raised in Btljiii
and very little elsewhere, and tlii rl
' naturally force a higher price neil rumor.
A strong headed tiuu may be wni-
Mctor Car Factory Enulps Hospital at
Plant In Dotrolt Suburbs.
Salem Vulcanizing Works
(Set more mileage out of your
tires by having them repaired
tu 1 lino.
We aro prepared to do all klinU
uf tire repairing, auto, motor
cycle siul bicycle Utoi; tubes
vulcanized wltllo you v.ilt.
We make rellneis out of your
old tiros at $1.00 Mch, Apply
thorn by ceinentliw In for $1.00,
the only way to keep them 'it
place and provent crawling and
chMtuK the tin's.
We carry a full tin of new r
liners and accessories.
All Tires Changed Free.
W handle Goodyenf, rirestoue,
United States and (icodtlcli
AH Railroads Should
Have a Single Head
San Wiiii Inch, March 111. 'I'he own
eNhlp uf all the railroads hi the I'liited
States by one agency would result in
better linnsportatioii facilities and save
much duplication, according to the
statement made bv Julius Knilts, hnitt, i
chairman of the board of director of
the Southern Pacific, testifying today
at the hearing before Mxaininers in
connection with the proposed umiierged
of the Central and Southern I'aeific.
He would not admit, however, that
the I' luted States gov or anient should
be that agency,
His stnteiiient followed his Ihat testi
mony that the single nianageiiienl ot
the Cendal Pacific nnd Southern IV
cific had icsulted in ninth greilcr ef !
ficieitcy, i
"Pushed t,i Its logical conclusion,"
said Assistant Attorney C.eliernl Me-.
Clcllan. "would not that mean tlint the
entire railroad business of the Culled
Stales would be nioro efficient if
directed bv a single agency f"
"Yes," replied Kruttscliuilt decisive
ly, "provided, however, that that
agency was not the government, which
has been singularly unsuccessful In the
mnnaucnieiit of Its business enter
"tine Inrge bluck dog, one gun, some
row dor nnd shot, some rum nnd a few
ibitch hhinUts, of the value of ,r lb.
sterling," was the price originally paid
for the island, according to records, by
l.von tlardiuer, who mndn the deal with
WMindaueh, chief of the Manhanketts
1 ...... 1.1.... 1
" """U " 'l.lOi,le,l
II 1. t; .1 1 .!.... il.,.1 .... tl.... 1 !.l"""""l
,, , m looil, 111,11 I 111' 11111111 IB
worth $:i.iH0.ooo.
The Journal Want Ads
suv road because they are
full of bargain news that
Miickiakeis mi factory conditions
will find little material' to work 011
when visiting seme uf the big motor
car plains. The fine twenty-acre
liiclory of one hrui ill the northern
submits of otioit, is n ti iking ea.e
in point.
In additiotianl to serve-self re-tan-rants,
rest rooms nnd other features
for the comfort of the em
ployes, of th ipnny, the visitor will
find a coinnletelv cpiidde" hospital
in one of the log Siltl-ftmt buildings
wnii h make no the nlant. . In eh.-nee
in cvpeiiem-ed phvsician is a suite
001ns which would do
1 small city. Finished
eiinmel tliiouuhniit.
sts of an operating
room, nurses' roo'u,
Is for men ami we
cases does the pin
ue deem it neeesnry to
of his patients to it
I i:ther treatment, lis he
'';' 11 1 and material nec
ept 101111I cases.
ill Inst aid
credit to main
tin shilling whit,
'the hospital ,
' room, phi si, :,-,
and sepaiate wa
I men. Onh in 1,1
' siciau 111 , haiue
lui " ov cr 11 si 1 1
lio-pilals lor
his toe e-pil
'e-sat fr ,,
i-w Veil,, March Pt. Vnder a long 1
term lease, wilh a purchase option,;
I l.irciiee II. Min ksy, president of the
Comniercial Ciilde Cnniinny, It was an-i
r . iiiiuuced todnv, had como mtn psse-
. sion of tlnrdiner'i Island, consisting of 1
Always Cheap aiUl alWaj'S acres, ff the cnHerly end of Lens I
. , ' Island, whuh he will use at a shooting.
dependable -a Journal pr ne.
You CanV Catch Him
If lie ts on ou of Arthur H. Moore
Wheels sold on Installment
Soui good second haud buys
I Th.ough the institution of nn intel
. bgent satet v (,,st ,-nmpnign, and tie--ale
-.icaidiiig of all dangerous ma. Inn
1 cry, the i.onianv has cut down n. cj.
j dents to the iiiiiniiiuin ill tlieir iVtorv.
!'"''') d'iist s l'ii- with the familiar
red ,'ircle i i ihe center lire po-ti-d in
all ,vt. on, j,!,,,,), together with
.. . ti-Ln at ,.., ,,, , ,,,!, v W,
tailel to ta',e o.diunrv care and lost
'a fin;er or thumb thereby, lty placing
it 't Mtuum on c.irclesstiess, the tVtorv
niauagers have greatly cut down the
nuiii- iiijiiros ,0 common a few year,
bails among wor!.,.v, n big ind,itnal
It costs but out cent a word 1,,
to tell your story each day tu i',i
the Journal Nvr Today coiumu.
Pcllnnds. Cal., March IS. Miss
Olivia K, Phelps-Stnhes, the wealthy
Th'ston woman who has the magnificent
home here nn the hoihls, is a booster
for California roads, which she savs
are the best built in this cmintrv.
Miss Stoles believes that some le.sn,'ii
could be taken from Europe in the mat
ter of keeping the fiiio automobile
highway in proper repair.
"In this country W(. build the finest
roads," sh(, nays, "but. we do not em
pl"v nieii here to keep them in repair
"d 111 11 few- years the fine roads are
destroyed, lu tuv automobile tours
over Kurope T noticed Hint piles of
broken stmic nre scnttered along the
rundi and that men nre busy repairing
the breaks in the roads ns soon as they
arc made. 1 believe tlint the roads of
aliforuia are better than those f Ku
I'ope when ti,,, bnilt, the differem-e
is in the altentiiui given them.
" INpecially U this true' of the
IM..UMIM,,, roads of which vim hear so
!'"."'"'. ' nliuued. "The moun
tain, here are just ns glorious as nnv
where, all that i, n,,.,lcd is good auto
mobile highways well kept. It is nec
essary to work these roads entitiimallv,
I huve been told, as thev are more en's
,'l.v destrovel ,,, oti,,.rs cnlif()rni)
is l'i.il.liiiL-tliep-entest ostein of roads
by liul,l (hoc ,,( be kept in repair.
Hie small break can be repair,-, ,
road has to , rebuilt. '
Complote line of .Auto
Supplies and Accesso
ries, with first-class re
pair shop.
Auto Transfer and Taxi
Agency for Federal
Phone 783
In the Briscoe you are offered a car not copied
from a foreign design, but in itself, an original for
eign masterpiece. Benjamin Briscoe has combined
in this car all the refinements of European mechan
ical skill and artistry with American manufacturing
One Man Silk Mohair Top.
Full Floating Rear Axle.
Honey Combed Radiator.
Ignition Jump Spark.
High Tension Magneto.
Selective Sliding Gear-3 forward, one reverse.
Left or Right hand drive and Center Control.
Brake system extracting and expanding on bom
rear wheels.
Cone leather faced clutch.
Wheel base 107 inches. r
Comes in two colors, Gray and Brewster uwei
Bore, finches, stroke 5j inches.
Wooden or steel wheels. .
Sunken center head light.
Silent Electric starter.
Speedometer runs off transmission
Oil and electric gauges.
1V.-..U 1.-1 1,'noQ. SU17lPhlOu?.''
mui graceiui, suu&uuiu- - jmpiciy
pointments, smart appearance and siju. " iveness
of mechanism, ample power, instant respu u
to controll adapted to vanea anu iies
"Briscoe" has aptly been pronounced we
and snappiest car of the year. .
Comes in 3 styles 2, 3, and 5 passengc-"- fjr
With comnlete eauinment this car ai
ice- -
Rutherford & Shields
Want Ad.
1 in irMiiim 11 tnvn in inn iMtr-
229 State Street
sion uf the tlardiuer fsiuilv siik I0h.