.' i ! f EIGHT. I, ; 4 '" I' .?.!, v-.-i: . i : !:'.' ' I; A' ' I i :.,lr: i I;::?- i i 1 I; 1 i Drucker Trunks-Lilly Suit Cases and Bags Largest Display in Salem Prospective Fair Visitors Should See Our Stock (Second Floor.) j New Showing of Chil dren s and Misses' m) This new shipment of Children's garments will appeal strongly to mothers and to the young folks, too. They're the very newest styles in the fabrics that will be most popular. The many clever ways of finishing and trimming makes the assortment varied and offers a wide selection. You'll find these garments to be of very best quality at the price. They are carefully made by experienced people in some of the best factories in the United States. You'll get entire satisfaction if you choose from the Meyers' "good goods" assortment. Sizes, 2(o to 11 years. Price, $2.50 to $ 1 3.50 Over Thirty-five Years of Successful Merchandising in Salem OOODlCOODS Ralph W. Feeney Found Dead in Auto by His Wife Representatives from all over the stata are in attendance today at Al- i hany for the seventh quadrennial state I ((Viv.'iition of the Maccabees. YV. B. Uilson is the representative of the lodte from this city, with Dr. J. jo. Van Winkle an alternate. Quite a number of the .Maceanees are going . n I down to attend the session this evening. Sllit Ifl DeC are jalem DanK A reception will be Kiven to the Sir OUIl IU lcuaic tMUMu ,Kni(!llt ,,v the A,)nnv t(Mlt aI1(i ;live nf fnmmprrP Insolvent IS ' KniRhts of I'.vtliiua hall tonight. 01 tonunertc ihuhcih . Thf imittor of provillill(t tt Btate hom(1 D-m-nlif kir 1 I AriWc for disabled members up the order and DrOUgni Uj J. L. nlllCIO o( ,,,i0Wing beds in various hospitals ; will come before this session. They I will also take up the possibility of or Claiming that the allegations con- yanizing an excursion of the Oregon turned in a complaint fried in the cir- and Washington members of the order " t court V.r -Multnomah county, lute to attend the supreme, rev.ew, -vhica vetsordav afternoon, by J. H. Aiders, meets at the Panama-Pacf ic exposition former president of the Salem Bank of, on .vliiy is. Commerce, in which he alleges that t.1, tli hank Mulem until, is insolvent i u--. Portland, Ore., .March '). Halph W. Feeney, superintendent of the Horticul tural Fire Insurance ' .inpany ami of the Oregon Merchants' .Mutual com pany, both of fthii ii concerns wore tak en over by the stale department this week for insolvency, committed suicide at his home, 14S1 Hast Bumside street. vpt.irilnv t.rn;n.. nil. nit 7 !!il bv taking strychnine. It is'snid that the business Commerce in K'8 , X ' the hank, the oficers of the Salem reverses of his companies had nr. -Mr. Vece ver is abso- ,h, "t,,te won T.0T ,n, n Feeney despondent and he had threat- the ap po ntme it 0( f a - ver () mM ,. ,n8 Kinst the ennd nmL, r ,; , take his life. t!1 n"h" ". 'Kht f I " solvency of this institution. Permit us . .!.. ... .!..( (utii Tiinr tiim wiiii is iir . -.. .it . house to J""" '" '".:, ,. ,i, n word regarding tan controversy, kiit iTca ourei uui i n of harassing rnc NEW TODAY On. tion. r" wor ecl ; CODV frt .. i PHONE MAW 81 HELP on F,e,i- v: MUCH, SNAP for $omobMv "uiZ o. ran Kir;;ttlr;e'sHji ciinivi'iF - in. Estb. lOO'J. iw' I?'' t j. Shortly after he go to the garage '.Mr. Ahlers was for many years con- oja.vj.u growth ami hi Sill.-, -T4 tin, i S nr n,j ,1 r.l , ' I Inn. f Hirh il'le typewriter el,,':' '4 FOR SALE- Jrtunal 1 1 W I nl.. ,.t. .... citv ,,;,:, ,v "r .; V. Voiut. NWii Fr,,.J WO.MA.N, jv With .Inuol,... " terred. Phone UI01!. 10.1 ' Ft)l 1!K.T ll.... "' '. hainte.l , r.i..ereu; lour lots; . "i... , mnntli. im .. per S1X-I100M house with the un.onseinu form of her I ,. V,;' , r,m,ted . published in the newspapers ot Sa- husband and immediately culled I'rs. Johnson and Gilbert. The work of the physicians was in vain, however for the man died about K nVlm-k. Mr. Feeney had bci i gagi'd in the insurance business in Portland for a number of years. The Horticultural Fire Helief company and the Oregon Merchants' Mutual e.nnpnny. the two concerns of which he had I u superin tendent, were placed in the hands of a receiver Monday. He was about 5!i years old. Besides his widi.u Mr. Focncy leaves a brother in Oxford, Ohio; a sister in Harrisburg, Oregon, and a daughter, Mrs. Archie Leonard, of 1'oitlnnd. Mr. Feeney represented the Horticul tural Fire Kolief compnnv f Oiegon as All Around Town lem. giving the condition of the bank as absolutely solvent, nnd upon a firm foundation. Now lie says the bank has been for two or three years past, in solvent. Says Liable to Prosecution. "It is a felony in this state to make a false report to the state banking de partment. "As soon as Mr. Aiders' differences with the different members of the boaid of directors crimmene?d he made threats to a number of Salem people that ho would break the bank. This is no doubt his purpose in making the nccu declares is not as the bank is m a per- -.... , . ... i 1 feet v solvent condition, .nr. Amcis my r . ... ... ., charge ot perjury since he himselt us R' ' (.ni.,,e is not con- street. 1431. u uuur ior rent I ni, rt Apply 'our, w Fift(( 14" Court, nc3 had left hi v,.a.M. iiv mur l. . . . ..... . j Mrs. Feeney found her husband seated P"'l" ' u ' . ,, ' ' s,, nected with this bank nnd now because in hisnutomob l in a s.npor from the .he bank the officers of I he N, . ns ,ku vme (lifrVl,,n,os witU dif. drug which h hail taken! She shook . ! J"',,, ',,, " ,,. ferent members of the board of direct- him and questioned him. arousing him Al' " " ' " , ."" f ors. he is attempt ng to injure t as sufficiently so that he muttered: "I ""1 'f ' ..f'" ' k much as possible. He was president of am Li ,. ,.!, I, he became OrcRoa and the attoinevs of U ti last .Tune, and as late r n iiivnutiirtltlllir IIP IlllIltT Willi Uir i . unconscious. , , " ns -MlllT" 4- ',"-, 81IKU a " 1'"" (hemekcta nn,l .... . . , ouniose in view. ...... i i,: i.,..,.t,.,nf l.,.l, '""."".ina and .1 r. Vftnntiv ni-iinnre. Tit re ic r e i i ... ..... .,. . i I. r e turn uiuininu u.io ...... ... ........ i when it was oriL'inallv incorporated mi lder the nnaic of the Salem Bank & ! Trust company, and, according to the ' statement of "the present officials of the bank when the reorganization took .effect, Mr. Ahlers was dropped from the board of directors and he has ever since been trying to make trouble for the bank and "circulating rumors regard-; ing its solvency. Mr. Ahlers, it is al- 'legcil. makes the allegation in his com plaint to the effect that the bank has! been insolvent for the past two years and State Hank Superintendent Sarg- , ;ent. in discussing the case this morning, 1 u. ,... timr r i 1 1 H were I lie. wiuni iiv i . , . . ........I ...... - -- , . i ,.. ,,., m ititi enmti ninr re jt ferrcd to. As a matter of fact the mat-; ,. '" , ; , ., ?'oet pneey new. ( alef Bros tin. ..?.i 7 i.:....,u- ,.u cation, are inauera uu nunii m.: pu,,a foi tate- 1 , rn,tlM,lia laoilerrjIT ,m-r, oau e trie liglitg, sa, ' , dose m, if l. ,1,11. ' V ; ;i!l!) Mission. ""I"f VAXTKI)-Wrk l,v exneric -rv clerk. Will " tst,(J employnieut. Phone JI.H-W ,v Cami'ion. ' Ullll lioisreiii: heavv i;il.,.. , i ,, . ""..hi, H " weens. j. . nn.-k. 1), liox id. at th per liall ,1 Throo hundred hnlla nt erncliot thrAait , . " , , .resident of the bank, signed the T , i v" '7 : , 1 '"'. ." '' ...- . . . .., .iv..,..vf the bank no . .nnuii.iii.y in ne ,, (iHekamns, Co urn i a ami as h- ,. . .,, ,. to the time of his retirement, iington counties. Insurance ommission-1 , '. . , ....... ,,..... !er Harvey Wells, ulio is acting as re-! 1 action is , ougo, ... , .... Hoar A. L. Crlm and male quartet at,,,(.iv,.r f; ,,,,., Hnrtifult.iral 1 0 """" ut,SU hW"' ' , First Christian church, Sunday night. Ki,,. ,.i(.f, and the Merchants' .Mutual in(! considered by the bank : a t" .. J . 0 , states t int he ln.s kin.ivn l ie i sei 1 '"""' " I . , ' i:i,ln TI.e I k s n psce eat con- lent Bank of Commerce corned. It is strictly n matter between REV individuals who have at times been con-1 nected with the bank. Our institution j is as solid now as it was last March j when Mr. Ahlers himself signed the i statement that it was solvent nnd re- j J (l'ii8 those nil- dayi. Mr. Mustier is assncialcd with ithe grain t'iiiu of I). A. Wiiite A; Sons, care of this business. Free, Saturday, at 10 o'clock, cou I pons on nil style pliotm and folders, I We will save you from 1 cents to on every doeu pictures. Extra (lift, lift enlin geinent free with til order, ( all at our studio and see what we have to I give yon. All work guaranteed. Pa cific photo Co.. roitii U 1 'lit tun block. over the conditions or failure of the llted ciiuld tin Ill- I companies which lie repri-i have been responsible i'.,r mission of such an u.-t. Dr. Mendehsons, specialist in fitting glasses correctly. U. S. bank blilg. Always best Tokaloii cream. Roth 'a. Moshor, the tailor, lias started a cut o price sale. Every tweed and suiting The river today Is nt the 4 foot putt. on in his big stock will be included singe. There has been Ho lain for the. in the sale. All domestic al if'J.'i, all pant lit hoiiis. 'unpolled at $:ui -made to your order. . 0 Tlie:e patterns sell regularly at from I. 0. 8., ZU-1U Hubbard building. . .-i-1 n i sjs 1 .1 more, ill t Stale. Have your clothOH laiindnrcd tJie safe Dollar watchos at Stone's drug storo. i and sane wav ,-iv the I I .ruin steam o i Aiiaust Pcrscv. who has heen for th laiin liy. Koiigli dry nil,., wet wash ,"iiie. ! Hoar A. L. Crlm and mnlo ipiartct at past three veins with II. M. Iiiniiiick,j 0 Phone 71. Prompt deliveries. First ( liri-lian churcli, Sunday nighl. UveHiind agent al Salem ami Wood-1 Francis Willaid memorial service.! burn, has severed his ci cetions with iwl" 111 '"' Minday alterninn nt Ou account of th demand for lumber: ,..., .v all of his life and has nlcnvs r ,' "''' ' "'H'" 1 " ' , V,; dilioii ami we regret being compelled to aii.l general demand for all kinds of gurded hi in as being the vcrv pcrsonift-1 wl,H'h ""lk,'" ,r. " ',''!'"V re make this statement against the un building materials in the suburban dis-i ,.,i ,' honostv and honor. There is1 '"'' !"'''" to circulate false ''' " ' ; silu(,lt Ml, Ahlers." iricts of the eily and close lo town, the,,,,, g , ,!;. ,ilt ,.r, , ,.v(,, yarding the solvency ,,t an blinking in- ( b perfectly Solvent. ' ''"' l-uiuli'T c any ex,ect to .,, vlhi.. wrong with the i nsincss ! Htltut""' ,nr '"'"'"'''ring "' "" , Mr s,. ,,, the stll. ,nnk super- r a live ion uiick to ,ro11eriy tHUe the tief'.iM't insurai coinp-i uics and l""- . " ' , iintendent. made the folowing statement ii . ,n i , . .i - i .i . i less till o e mono s i in o isouuiciu m -I.Mr. iills does not think h worn ', . ..... .. ... ... i.ir.n I regan inir the matter: the couiitv jail or a fine to .lOO. Mr. Aiders bases his suit, nr.- j eordiiiL' to newspaper report, upon tae i i. i.i n I ui; rnn rt fruits, vegetables ami humlreJ ink, I ni exhibition in White llonw R. la.iniiii Miiniow niaiieii for fl Kddas, 2411 Adams street, l'otili ) I'Pun ii . TO K. 'IIAMiK-Xice. well ,,w l.j-acre trad, I i.j mil,,, frolll ,ia.f - ei-s ro-ii snn.iv inn.i, mill iiu ings, young orchard, S arm set loganberries, ulued at tut, to, cliunge for Alberta liual, .lolin ScDtl, over t bo i hicugo Storo. Ms I am familiar with all the facts. ; 1 The Salem Bank of Commerce is per- . l.u.M-.l.)! young wulnw, nje SI, transaction under which tin oank se- r' ,i., 1 tl.. f.itwlu t'.ir miikiixr the iinlirove- ..11. .Mlicrs sun is o,.K ..i ,.... 1 . . . 1 1 1 i -it. Ill i.iiik'I tt tllltd ItllfU 11 till WIHIIIIll III IT III' The Poole drug storo on Liberty I ","!"t,s.,t') I,",, .V'!!.Ti'!,., i'-ui nnn ,'i,.i, VI given serious consideration by any covered bv the notes of the officers ; one. ! street will move on Auril 1 to th tnompsoii ami I. a lore building on Male street, nuw i upied by the jewelry .store .1. (, Mllitll ami stockholders of the I Miss Lillian Hall and family are, moving their home lodav trom l-ll Boiilli Liberty o oii'i Norlh High street. ' firm and will locate at. Sheridan. has formed a partnership with Will About 12:) ouora chairs aro being in- Hi stalled tula.v in the lecture loom uf II. the public library by the W. W. Moore ler Scott of Sheridan and will open a Furniture Co. The growing interest gnra.je at that place, besides takiiii! , , , ., lieiui! taken in toe lecinres given in t in The CaplUl Lumber Co. 31 Sou h , , . ; 11l l,Nsilt( ,lirK,ir M,. Tweltth. Building material of all kinds. t v-. Free exhibition touiglit, Friday, at ' Abcut 123 opera chairs aro being in Pattemoii (t Too.e billiard parlors. ' and suitings arc to be sold by Mosher Charles Kid Mitchell, expert pool player at t-.l fur domestic nnd tilll for luiport n ml billiar.list of the world, matched cd. This is selling them out at what is with Hen I'enne of this citv, Exhibi- costs lo produce them, but llie.v must tion i out mc nccs at II p. in. 'clod word was received hore this morn- last nig that Mrs. I. W. Si eer had died' go. Make your selection now while the in a hospital at Salem. The deceased a variety is large. .III. "stale. had been a resident of this citv forth The Yew rark school Parent Teac-j o some time and on account of ners' association will Hold a mooting d.uuiii luriiuiuy lumn iwii iuim uoaiiii was, uoout eight weeks ago, re tonight at the school house at T : .'10 whore vou can buy just vviial von want moved u hospital in the Capital city, o'clock, for the childicn to wear. The "Hob She leaves a husband and three chil- bank, mid I President Elliott ( the blink states i that every transaction in realtion to the notes is regular and that all stand londy to meet their obligations nt a moment 's notice. In a statement given out by the board V directors of the Sulcin Bank of Com merce, regarding tin ndition of the bank and the notion brought by Mr. the .igi v for the Studebakor aulonio- j '''' 111 wolk n I"'1' i t'ii'tl by I Ahlers, to The Capitul Journal, they bile. Mr.' Persoy will leave today. j ""' lir'' '"' r'riiii.-is W'illard. 'state: o j - o I Officers Make Statement. One dozen $5 folders free Saturday Frank Ward, who was recently elect-1 "Our attention lias been called to a at Ml o clock, lacitie Photo ( o., room; c, coin, ilman Iron, t. Third ward, statement in a Portland paper to the ., i ,.,.,.,. s p,e.ente, and decorated with mil effect that J. I.. Ahlers. fonnerlv noil cui i ,v the KIKs nt t ie r ineetiiu. ght. An appropriate address was n a. I, l,v Ivvnlted Killer Movers, in which he .tilled that nnv man win, loi.l nerve to accent the' iob n i it. Hilling man ;i. I ,n:lll f g,oat an. I entitled tu lue decorntion. at I" W. C. T. P. room.! ml i in n 1 1' l . i ii I streets. An ! i iiiterosting piogium will be given and sevoial talKs i be inade by those in-tore-tod in the work as personified bvi the lite nl' l-'ian. is Willard. ' ' I on Ferrv dent of tin plesi- Salem Bank of Coiniuorce, courage , Nob" has received lodav Ihose things, I IS South ( iimiiiorcial. -o .Noli lias roconod todav inose vcrv Pircel dollvery; prices 10c, Hie, 2.rie, C. Ii McKlrov, Dav phone II 17. night phono (i:ill or 7!l F-4. The male quartotta of the Christian - o i ch ii reli will sing al all of the meetings Beautiful flowers and potted plants; of the ev engclislic services to begin for every occasion. Sec them on dis j Ht Sunday. The ipiartelte is coup play at Hie new flower store, I III North posed of ( E. K now laud, lb. II, C. High posite the oonit house. Phone Kplev, Fred Mel, and S .E. Wolf. Tllll. Waldo O. Mills. i ,, o ! Hoar A. L. Crlm and male quartet at On account of the death of John First cliiistiaa church, Sunday night. Pcnibeitoii this morning, the special! o services that me being hold at the t never saw such exquisite things for South Salem Fiioinls' church will be Hie hmly as are shown at the "Hob discontinued until next week. Nub." Vou aie weboino to look, any- in - way. E. J. Allen Parcel Delivery; prices, - o -- pic, l.'ie, 2."ic. Stand, Coniinorcial book- A match pool g .mio for VlTi points store. I'lioue 01. 'will bo played tonight at the Putter- .,) Tihio billiard pallors between Hear A. L. Crlm and male quartet at Charles "Kid" Mitchell, of fan Fran First Chnsliaa cliiinli, Sunday night. ciscu nnd flea Feuiie, the well known o I local expert. After the mutch game W. F. Monitor today bought resl-' Mitchell will demonstrate sumo trick deuce on East Shipping st loot, Mud w ill j aii.l la lev shooting in an exhibition Inov into hi.i new home within n few I gnnio. .lieu, I'.dvvaid, who lives in Indiana: William, nt Cumin, allev, ami l.vinoii, h'' this city. The funeral will be con ducted from this city, but final ar rangements had not boon completed In day.-. Kiiseliuig News. lav. Watih out for the daily specials at the iluggins grocery, l:M Smith Cum. iiienial. They will save you nioiicv. The In us Tieo tea - I eylon nr Japan - ."He per pound. Fros.i ship nt (d M. .1. II. coffee --always good -10c per pound, live pounds for S 1 . 7 ." . Nice vogo'ablos no. I fiiiits, tiopical ami do- mesne, ,n ne sc. 11111 pes) V liriOiy. (, , 11h "' ' "'. " ocincnos ,n ;,, ( a d'l.v, nioiiinig iiim evening, to unv i ... . part ol the suburbs. Plurie Jill. While working under an automobile doing ropan work, .1. II. Shields yes loi.l.iy leceived sevornl severe cuts' ou the la.c. Th,. ,r,,,.,.s holding up the oar I ccame loosened and the car fell pailiallv ,,, Mi, Shields, cutting scieial ul,so' Ins luce. Or. .1. o. Vail Winkle was , ailed ill attendance, and ouii.. icpuits ,r. Sh eds n.occ. blv. -ing in Bell, llcei , will .lurch After THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. I'UK KhM 1 .! rooms, furnished. Price $1(5.00 Inquire at our free rent! department. home furnishers LOK. COURT & HIGHSTS Last Call on HEATERS 5,000 Free Votes with every heater sold within the next 10 days. Extra Special! 25 discount on all heaters cash or credit. Ruy now and save money. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE. The fuufr.il of Mrs. Jane O. who was killed in an autoinobih 'lout a II, In Hawaii, Fobrnarv '.' I"' held at M. havid's El.iscoi'ml I '.ji t In n.l tomorrow morning. v icej the bo.lv w ill be ' ' loi Interment at the (hid celery. The pallboareis ' W. (lanong, II. (', Worth ai I Adams, K. W. Matthews, . lb net" Kovvca and A'. . Will l.e man, I,' .1. Kca Mei'.v. col, nl next s will ...t tend nt E. II. A an. I ie.:; Alter i!ic Be Sure About Your Eyes They may he defective without causing any discom fort, NOW. Come in for an examination. You can de pend upon our sincerity of purpose to administer to your eye needs and to pi-escribe glasses only when nec essary. Miss A. McCulloch : OPTOMETRIST j 208-209 Hubbard Bldff. Thone 109 I'ai the sob The Red Hills District Sunday school .1 iv ill lie hold at liosclalo ou ''. The morning oxeioisos ' "I a talk by their supeiin M . i Inzer, and an addles, bv ieis. .11, of this city, on Uj,.', "lis ut t.ie Teacher." ot dinner an a.ldiess ill h M's. 1 1. M. (lilbert. A. n. oi .ilem, will speuk dining noon session, taking t,,i , . I- Ii Worth While." ArUiur Vi!-cii, aocrotnry of the Cher :l ' - n letters to th,. i l.r :! ;ctt i g n general epie.., "1 i whoa it will I.,, n, 111 ' 'l"',, !' a nia.ioritv of the i l,,-, in t" al-. ml ,u, j 'iinaiiia Pa, , i . ,.x l: " hoped that arniiige ' 1 i' ado that all the Mva ''" "..in ations of toe viillev 'ante t,, alien, in ninioiiii 01 t,,. TONIGHT a n d SATURDAY "The Homebreakers" Special Keystone Comody Fea ture in Two Reols. A Dutidy, as Usual. "The Alarm of Angelon" Atnerlcan Drama Mutual Weekly World's Important News Illustrated ALSO A BIO BREEZY TWO REEL WESTERNER. 6 -REELS 6 aiic ... t " Robert C. r.iului and George B. Paul " -li'l todav wheicbv th, c become i!i, ,,,, ., . .' . , '. n " " piniie on aai.l "' iile tVirniorlv the propcitv Id o .vf ii,.,.i, ...' Wa!i li or. li.ird is known as Siinnv ! 'do ,,, t ,,, , 1(, ,,iM pinne ti.,... , tjj, ,i,n,,. ), hlli ;'long-. !c the' trad belonging to lotou,t,.r A..,.rf ll,.,.,t.,i I, all In bcming (,e0, alu ha, been well Ivept up In tn,. rr,,t. Robert Paul,,' i assistant icnngcr of the Fruit (Wow ' ers n.vo.intn.u of this citv, md will jiMunio the n annj-emeut of the wohat.l near 1 of W. BLIGH Theatre 10c- The Show That -Pleases the People 10c Ci niing Sunday and Monday Two Days Only Special Added Attraction "EAST LYNNE" "Worth Considering" 1'ndev the heading " Worth i 'onsideriug' ', The Fluted States National Hank in their monthly paper, lias th!s to say: Pay Cash "As a general rule, you can get better prices by buying for cash because you are not paying for the bad debts of those who buy on credit nnd fail to pay their bills; unrestricted credit always lends tu extravagance." Com bining quality with low price you have probably been Im pressed, when rending our ads, with the fact that, our prices nre at all times unusually low. Yon know prioe is not all there Is to the giime of buying its the real value vou get for your money that count1. We invite the most careful, critical, comparison nt prices and ipiality, knowing that v an ,o bettet at DAMON'S MAHKKT than any where else. Siuio prices follow which make our sto'e nil interesting place to trade: Best Creamery Butter, lb 3fic No. 5 Pail Lard 70c No. 10 Pail Lard 81.40 No. 5 Pail Compound 60c l.'!5: owns nice, comfortable home. .4 acres finest wheat lend near Pairf. coast; w-oith .:iil,l)00; income fi f yearly; nlso large tank ifuunt; on, & disposition; easy to get nhne nil! will marry pour mil if Imt. V ornble, nmbitious Mil tiutihlt mnnnging property aucessfully; w. pnrtieulnrs for any man ansiuri quick, enclo.' ing sumo postage. A dress "Sincere," Hlil"), Fiirmirpl:1 So. Dakota. (Concml deliveries r. answered.) This notice ii genuine. 'i DIED ti SPKNCKK At a iocs I lios'ital i s lem, Wednesday. March 3, M Nellie Spencer, at the age of W The body was taken, to Ro-el'"'.' her son, Lynum L. Spencer, where i'. ial will take place lomorrow. No. 10 Pail Compound .$1.20 powerful l; Wolld's lit cut I'rama. Thiei 'I'll. .ll,,, 'ce, ,, e.ival ,,f t),e est 1- in it in nn 1 Acts Seven f pel fed Photo- Heel. V.'O graphy, s "Gussie the Golfer" Whirlwind Kcv.toii,. Fi'iHuiing -sol rb; REELS 8 IN I oimdv plill. ALL 0 0 lb. sack Eastern Buckwheat Flour, our price 65c Pure California Olive Oil quart cans 70c; ' 3 gallon cans $1.40, gallon cans $2.(55. SATURDAY SPECIAL. Gold DiiEt Flour $1.70 "Vim", best hard wheat Flour $1,90 4 lbF. Curve Cut Macaroni ....215c Burb.ink Potatoes, per sack $1.00 Onicns, 1G lbs for 25c Per sack $1.23 Cheese, our price, lb. 20c Bncen, 16c, 20c, 22c and 25c lb. Picnic Hams, pcund 14c Home Canned Fruit' Quart jars, Strawberries, Cher ries, Plums and prunes, jar 20c 8 lbs. fresh Smelt for 25c 855 North Commercial St, Thone 6? Officer A. F. Fuestman, H been serving the Salem W '" since the first of tin1 year bin' his resignation yesterday e"i:i' take effect innncdiatcly ail Nicholson was appointed in "if 1 Officer Nicholson was 'orn ' morning nnd began his .lutie a "i : of the dav relief on Fimtnm j " Mr. Fiiestiiian gave no rrMM ' notion when liandins i" "T which was accepted l.v fh:ei Mr. Nicholson is well knoo citv where he was for r!v Wi , , ii w i ill,. coiiinlUe. iv ine ii. ' ,, v. '. .i. i. i .,,1'i.l c that Mr- ' 1 FISH Mils - ... ; . .in , c, .. to he an f"tr- fun I. . ficer. "Spring has came." TM been indications uyW'rt .. . ...t i.. inn hiimem t """" ' '. ,l,en:'' are often im-ni' '. ".- ; . ., i ... .n.,.,, ver tin' ,,ra I , lr . , ,,,iri'i'! The :oiiius ua11 .,, ,,' for several wve.is . im 11 , , i i...... I.,,..t their "i"'s lljvs s ill... Ilild pussy vvillou- nia.v first veal sign "i si"";' .. f,. reported this n oinmk '. il(, ,1 ol I . I s he ill""" hoffC "'" " .. .. Uereallt tl'e I" ' l:" Vh,.B ill"" necessary to ta'.. i" .k,,-. d l.-'k it -! "". "": ' ,. r and riii m 1, tlt'V .. Saloiii citi-'.ciis 1 mi i '" wHs fing and will anne ,,,' the gioiiielh' witlistaii'lm -nvif Her RATES 75C. Salj The only hotel in tr Jsearest to j M 'mt " - ... .aw . . I IB Both rncu" - It Special n'CrrJ, 420 Ff1? gtrt