Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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nT1fM T-rrrmSDAT, MARCH 4,
i "
- . - - .. i
Wmsts "
urt-rilir" Tiir U IV K
ICarpenler Falls Twenty , iJff,S TO
IIUXi UUifi nun vuuuvii . vvni tl
Whiln nsniRtintr the work-
in, iw burn m, the f r!n
nwneil bv Kola Neil". he
chant and grower, about two
of the city on the Turner
of build- Girls at State Industrial School Sleep
01 Ilium is ty U-nttrAstips To ReUOrt
place: on nam nj .
hop mer-; to uoaiu.
miles out !
road, this: A,....,,.linir to the reiiort of Matron
Old Structure Will Be Torn Down Soon
and Will Be Replaced by Modern
Edifice at Same Place.
Copy for o.1-l.
t. moNE Mais i
HELP nn Vr.l ... nv
" -"Uiu launch.
..-11 . . .. .1 iu. 1 . ... nt
morning, A. Bahlburg. a carpenter, re.. Uo,,kins, the girls or (the P . , "."III si,
l tr!i si-llDOl "011 NIC ,i. - n'OnitT Ul i.iuri l , ...... v...v -,
After iiaving served the EvnngelicaJ
association as a place of worship for
IS about 10 lie sum mm iuiu uu,. , iu
he replaced by a new moilern structure.
The church has been known as the
Liberty Street church of the hvangel
-I.-.. OA 9 t .I... irrnnnil when the u,.h,,i,l
he and a voting. ,.,,:, the niL'ht s renose, both lit
man named Henry Carl were working. : ...Hy pcsilv i and as a matter of
collapsed and he suffered a hadly ,,., for Mls, Hopkins declared betore
f ......... ,.... fib.nit halt ay . ,.,! ( ,.nti-ol yesterday alter-
bntu-PAn the. kllpp .iil.l the hip and his ' H , m-count of the lack of j u;.o-iation. The lot was bought by
right foot was -also badly crushed. IIe furnish i una for the new building man)' (the members of the church in 1S(H, and
was rushed to the Salem hospital after f lh(, irs sh,0y ul, i,t.,s of hay iti;twl, years later the building now occu
I)r. VV. H. Byrd had I'ecii siinnnoned (r1 ,.nonls , (.orri,lors of the building, i yyiug the corner was built. Anioug the
tji mako nn eiaminiition, and his in- s)lu ..w authorized, in the light of the;.; t .,.l!!t0,.j, 0f the church were James
.juries were dressed and the patient
Women s
This new and beautiful collection of charming styles in Women's Waists makes
this section especially attractive just now. Many women have been waiting for
these new arrivals. They're of pretty crepe de chines, cotton crepes, marquisette,
shadow lace, pussy-willow taffetas. Fashion's latest modes-high and low neck
styles, with vestce effects very prominent. These are pretty models, suited to
the demands of all the occasions when the dainty separate waist is worn. See the
m.idi. 11a eaav n iii.sm 1 e. Me is ani.ui j ,:,,,,. all..i. bedding, etc.. inline
35 vears of age and. owing to his in-1 (iilU,lv for ti,e n.i(.f of conditions,
abiiitv to speak English, lit t lo or noth-j At j,(e ,0.u.t, meeting yesterday after
ing 'could be learned about hiui.l ,viien the reports and recomuien.-
Vonnir Carl, who fell with him from the ; , ,.. tll il,,.is of the different
scaffold, escaped with a few slight institutions were received
bruises. ! ,.,,,;, ,.m. nrovisions were
Wirly;the tilling ot the nobis ot in iy".
of tie institutions, tue i'"."'"""
imtint.il and the "ills' industrial scht.31,
and, .ndeeil, so many lepom
wnu-n nee'ie.i
v, to purchase such articles ot : Croasnian, V. Deininger and J. Bow-
I urcr.
window display.
of Commerce building.
ersox. During me Jirsi ! years ui
the church, the services were held in
the Kuglish language. In later years,
the Herman language was used for all
uervices, while today the morning' ser
vices are held in (iernian and the even
ing services in the English language.
For the Sunday school services both
laiiauages are uow used.
Tin. new church socm to be erected
ot low, ;wj ()e )v ,;0 feft wti, a m(1ju mui
Iraining i .....timf about l.'.O. Adioiniiu;
nuule for
fell R Si A T L- .....
phourw ""'""ls
o.naj.- tor eoinebo.lv
sale. Call 21.1
farlM'tui,,,,, , J
elite I l''t
on tel.
t'HIMNF.V, furnace,
s!. Est!.. 1SHJI). .holle'
bl'JCOXD growth ami l,i fi7Tr
ei'eiiinir' inpetinu. liming tilt:
part of the season many vital ipiestioiis
have engaged the attention of the uiem-
lw.ru .M.I unvuriil i , i , nil i 111' II t (lllt-of -toWU
1 . . ., .. .fl.nmnv
npi-am-is .Yc.e uenru ... I ,l,t llovernor WthveOII.be. ; ,i.: ,v... K,ln, ,.l,nl wi
ele? ..dnresident "bi I'.'urli V. "'I'ischer, sitting lor the first time as .-bammm r0,n;ilo,llt alont 1UU, so arranged that
ele.t'.l president, i,m . .uo , , . r..mrk: "My i. nf the ...nin ami .
nn. li- I I. con Mill licii- in mi - iv tj .i.T... .... j...... ... ...w
1 " i goodness, is all of the state farm land I t01.imn. The church will also include
Mvniniiv .' " . ithe iiastor's stinlv and choir luft. A
. . . . . . ,i finnr Ttmk! In tiie case of the tttbercuiu;is lios- i i,.... will lie under the w:"nolo build-
ill. ASSCJU, UUIlb.SI, ocvi.1 -j ,
I dent
FOR SALE-lhmse
for cash. Box liv".
Nilom, iJr. j, ,
was given Superiuten-; . jn whi(.h wi, hv p,,,,! a m(Hleru
to iiurchuKc a totiu oi heatiiiL' blant.'
IIIIU feet of li-inch and -l-incii iiiing
I from the penitentiary to drain one oi
the fields in connection Willi ins i"'
Tonight is the final windtip of the
r.iiinii.r.dii Inninn. basket ball series.
and the fastest games ul tne suns . . ,iov ,.0nvict labt.r on
promised, rt.ir teams nave a , . . '. . imlsmlil.h lls there are no
ami ii is cii-! y v ,.,, i,,,,.v,..
...;ii 1,,. lunus aiaiiuuic .Li ......-..f, -
! to l,. tl,o nirls' inilnstllll school.
tied for second place. 1 he tirst piine : lt. penitentiary
this evening will be called at s o c luck ,llon,,lt of tiliuB
Tomorrow is Remnant
Friday. All remnants at
half price. Come and look
them over.
Ji iloootacooDS
to tie for the first pine
tain that at least two t
hchvien the Hiuin.t Mios. and tne Kotn
(irocrs; at S-.-lo the Watt Shipps
and the llishops will clash and the Cap
ital Kusincss college and the Cnpital
National bank will answer the whistle
at i)::in.
and labor with wnicli to ia n .um
the cost is tit be charged up to the in
stitution. I'pon the recommendation of Super
intendent W. W. Kider, of the Oregon
mlilb'rs' home, the board appointed h.
H, Stewart, of Hoseburg. physician of
the home, tit succeed Dr. E. E. Hoover,
resigned. The position carries an an
nual salarv of SH-Sd. The superinten
dents of all of the institutions reported
even-thing in shipshape at their re
spective iiostelries, and Superintendent
Mule, of the bnvs' industrial school, ve-
i,m-t...l that the oidilemii of diphtheria,
- . . "I . . ... ...,... .itlt of which the schi.il ha
The commercial cwd is in receipi ui,- . .. ,...,..
ivi.,.1. Imu subsided, that the institu
tiou has been thoroughly fumigated and
disinfected and will be thrown open
again on or about April 1.
Dr. Stone's chilblain remedy 25c :
gunranteed. j
I. G. McDaniel, assistant manager oi
the Coinmerciar club, has I n appoint
ed secretary of the Social Service Cen
ter. Mr. .WcDniiicI is abo secretary of
tin! Social Hygienic society of Salem.
AH Around Town
Jill copies of a booklet recently issued
be flu. Snntlinrn Pacific, entitled, "(be-
go" f"' t'l" Settler." These booklets
' are to be used for advertising especinl-
! Old lino fire Insurance, the safe and v in the eust. Another booklet, "Cnli
siine kind. Written by II. It. White, fornia ami Its Two Impositions," has
"7H State nlreet. idione 1(1. been sent to the club by .lohn M. Scott,
0 gcm'ial passenger uncut, for distribu-1 "
i, i ii t .I mi cil in the two Ii i u . llealtn as wen as iseauijr otiui.
The building will be furnished
moil.'iii stvn tnrougnout. as yet,
-ine lad ics nf v.... .
for a Saletn made b,o,f;,. "
l' - "lcv City IV
Bain. c ' :
01 HT tn h.. ha. I ... .1. ,
,.n. f V. .. . . "M."t In-
'"in liank or 101,
showcases, scales, cash
Call 1124 Hi nes. street.
FHKSH milk
out calf.
lias not been deeideu whether the ex
terior will be of rustic finish or brick
flie Hev. 11. E. Hornschuch, the jircs-
ent ,'iistor, had charge ot the ciurch
in 1M4 when the membership was 5.5.
At the cloe of his four years the mem
bership had increased tit l'JU. From here
.il r. Hornschuch went to Seattle for
four years, Hellinghnin one yeur, and
tor 'he succeeding ight years was pro
dding elder for this" district.
(In account of tailing health lie was
obliged to give up the work as presid
ing i bier, and again accepted the offer
of this church to become their pastor,
ii tu.iiing tci this cit last spring.
The Hornschuch fuinilv came to thislFOK UF. XT
country from Pennsylvania in 1S78, and
of the four boys coming at that time nil
are now active pastors in the Associat
ed Kvangelical church. II. E. Horns
chuch is pastor of tiie Cheineketu street
l-.'vangelicnl church; T. R. Hornschuch
is In. i. tf.l in the work at Lenz,. Ore-
gr.i, and I-.. I'. Ilornschucli is pastor
nf the First Fvangelical church in
FUR SALF.-Cadalli,. antom
..... .... Limine a8
new. i-iione .j'.Mi W.
S'O'l i
register, o
li-to date ;.mnm ,.
close in. Seo li. 1. .',,mil,g
124. Residence phone !I2.
ow for sale, with otwiil.
2-7.5 North Front, t
ttPVT II. ...... . .
....x ... n L- ir Mr
nisi noor. nioeu and half ftonntii.
nouse, i .i i ourt. j;i
Spring sowing. This is time for lion lu
Bpring sewing. Jt ynur maciiine is uni
and worn, trade il for a new one at
Hen. C Will's music store lie sells
ninny good makes of sewing machines.
cxpn ilions.
That Eyes Get Attention.
The woman who takes care of In r-
Joe Keller to Succeed Frank
Snsdgrass as Parol Officer
Furnished inu.lerti
bungalow and garage. L. Bc-M
1 o- JlailS
FVRX1SIIKI) room ami board in mo"
ern home, furnace heat. Phone It
liesi, lence ..I'l North ( "ol tago slw;
blA-lfUU.M house for rent brt(ti
Chemeketa mid Court, on Ftfteeats:
street. Ajiply 1117 Court, Pbiw:
FUR SAI.F l'.y owner, lo rr(i fiit
land, fenced and clear, rovk ml
Bargain it taken soon. Phone I'll
Nesulence phone !'2.
Although no official announcement1 LOST Bostm bull terrier, Inn.
inonths old, white mil! uroinw
Dr. Mendelsonn, specisllst tn flttlns voir own designs by uie iieiiniani i aii
glao correctly. V. S. bank bldg. , iiiei Factory, l'hone .".II.
Fix up your homo for the summer ' Tlio Knlghta of the Maccabees of the
Initio' who will sunn be arriving from! World are mulling arrangements lo hold
the oast on tiieir way to the exposition
Buy that piano now Irom (leo. (. Will,
Oregon's oldest music dealer, and be
ready for them.
"Mush and milk, 5 coiits," is the
sign on the front of a Soulh Cninmoi
i nil street restaurant. Kvblenlly I he
high cost of living in coming down.
I. 0. B., 211-12 Hutibard building.
Tlio river today is at the 3.8 stage
mid s falling. For the past 24 hours
u rainfall of ,'.'s inch was recorded,
- o
a St. Patrick h dance on the evening ot
Wednesday, March 17. The dance will
be held at the iiiiiii.it and the Muni
bees are prcpiuing to
one of the big events of the season
An fiffnrt. bt br.infl made bv H. A,
llinsliaw, general freight agent of the; self should give as much attention to has yet been made, it was the accepted be
Soul hern Pacific, to have the tinu bush-1 her eyes us she does to her skin or to j ;,,t' around the state house this nfter-
' ,, ,.,,, ., , els or fiber flux teed ordered by the ; her hair, lu the first place titter clnv- noon that Captain Joe Keller of Port
. Mrs. L. M. Portorfiold, wife of tho f i. iti,n M Uvn, Ulj, ,. i,t,inf, in the dust ot the city ,,r land, former captain of the I'ortland
well-known and very prominent farmer withMt Vn,Hlt ,1,.,,.. Tu,:lv . is .country she should wash or bathe lierj parol office, would be appointed parol
"'' l"l''l"''"lcuec, ib purled for her ho hil) ,,,. , hl. ,, , ,,V(.S with ,,.,,1,1 -,,,,.. This removes . officer to si eed Frank Snodgrass, re-
'fioi'i I lie Sal hospital this morning ,,,.,,,;, tl. irritating dust or small particles, i signed.
on the high rmd lo recovery, altei j q After reading or before going to bed she j 1 . . ,
having iinilorguuc a serious surgical op-j The staU boJrd of c01ltr0i nas order-' .should bathe the eves with salt water or .BIG SNOWSTORMS IN NEBRASKA,
.oration about two weeks ago. t)( ,, ,,.,.,, fil,,. fllX See, froiu tepid water to which is lidded u pinch I
I " Yale, Midi. This seed has been n- ol suit, and using un ejecup, win ne Lmeoln, March 4. Terrifi
Mii.ir nti, I nii.'ii mi, itiKiirn rn iiriiTni'. . ... i 1 ..... j.i .... ....... ..i.i nt I ... 11 1 1 r.i 'i. iii-n in i . si. ill-
i,, ,i,: ,i,,,. . r c nas"i a tne wnoiesaie price oi t." " ; - , 1 ,, i.i'ims
innke tins name .... ,. ,,,. u . ;, u..-t..s . . .. i,i ,.r i. if ;.,' nnxu ilmv s nm d .i
in. ii ..nin in. i. nv,iel all. I will lie sill ' it'll III euie i.iusiui
, il. Office, 27.5 Stale street. ' if white ii Sons. P.y the time he I. allied several tunes a day. 1 he dull, j inti
rack un and delivery charees are paid siniuen eves, me noiu.w r u..i. .. .- ,.,.
the liber seed will be laid down here ' sallow ciuuilexion ot many women is
J, Allen Pared Delivery; prices,
l.'ie, 2.5e. Stand, Coininercial book
'. Phone HI. !
Fresh from tlio ranch every day
pure, sweet Tohiilou en 'nm, at Roth's.
II. L. Cu.A of Hoattle, is In the city
today in consultation with the stale in
dustrial accident coiumissiuii in refer
ence, to the death of Mr. Mcl.emore at
Astovis a few days Run.
Tost Catds $1.00 nor down
ers. 1.M ner do.en, mi. We make nil
style pholii, nt our place or" lit your
home. Do eopving and enlnrglng. I'll
eifie Photo Co., Hoom 2, Pattou block.
Cylinder mooring and piston fitting:
done to perfection by ('.illicit it I'otee,
.lilli Kerry, l'hone ftSR.
Tonight the F.lks will elect all their
-officers for the ensuing yeur.
PiriStl delivery, urlcos 10c, lfic,
Sunclal lulrodiirtory offer In mllllnoryi e
Thiiisilay, Friday and Saturday, lints m,.
that lire dilferenl. The Flench Sluip. ,,.
Littlo Eva Boiijamiu, the 10 year-old
liluughlcr of Mr. and .Mrs. 11. II. Hen-
o .iiiiii.n, ot licrvnis, iicpurteu mr nonie
Mrs. A. Strong had the misfortune from the Salem hospital this niinning
to have two bones in her ankle broken' following nil operation for subdiicative
vesterduv, as the icsult nt a inn over iippcm Ileitis, which was most snccessiui,
nod the little patient rallied rapidly
from the el fee Is of the operation, and
will soon be able lo join her playmates
in riiitoiis rompings.
Antomobllo lnsuriinco writtcin with
-n the Aetna is real protection for the
Millinery service extraordinary for auto owner. See II. R. White about il,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we 27.'. Slate.
are nl'I'cting u large assorl inent of hals o
nt. HI .50 .1 mid $7.50. These models . Albert Johnson, an alcoholic patient
are nisilv worth from " to I 'J..1H. New al the insane asylum eloped from tin
I shapes, new ideas. We are also agents kitchen department of that i list it iiltf, n
' ' for Hie "Huge" luillinerv. The French vesterday iil'ternoon and up to a lute
Shop, l.ibcilv, between Slate and Couit.l hour this alternoou no truce Had been
; heurd of him. lie was of the harmless
t ...i..i. i ,. m ii.u tviniwiu niul variety, merely comuiitted for the pur-
A Winn in hiiiiiiiiii. o iv. .......... ...... I ' , , , , ,,
dress- j ',' '.' .1. .
lioo.e iiuiiii, ii in, in iiiiigeiucu, h nan i.e
at a cost it! alwuf W per bushel.
w. n.i.i t nn nin Bnntli'lhc rock wall of the .terracing at her
-;..v"r.,.!rrr7.V'., ;7i r;.:i- 'ln I.tm-i.ln and lim b streets. The
Everybody praises the meals at tlio
Collage Hotel, KHI Court street.
bnaes in her ankle were slighlly tinc
tured and today Mrs. Strong is pro
gressing favorublv. Mm. Strong is the
mother of Mrs. F. I. Thiclscn.
County Commissioner J. T. Boekwith,
who is a successful fanner and an ex
pert stock raicr when he is not "com
inisliiiig" claims to have the prize
hunch id' sheep for profits, .Mr. Hock
with intiglit in ewes in the early part
nf llivcinhcr and yesterday Mr. I lock
with weighed three of them at his farm
at Sidney and I he lambs weighed Hi.
Is and .5n pounds, respectively. He
lavs thai he lias 2(1 more lambs in the
liun-h that will weigh as heavy, lie
will turn them off for the caster mar
ket r. ml says Hint they will be worth
from J7 to s a heii.l, mid he expects
to ,iciaee 7..n each Irinu his land
He has taken good care of
savs Hint a little feed and warm shed
room will return big profits ill the saee
due. however, to the complaints and
diseases peculiar to women. The Lest
thing 1 know for this is Dr. Pierce's
Prescription, because it is a temperance
tonic, being made of roots and herbs
with pure glvcerine. It establishes
reguliuitv. heals influmniation nnd bun
lshcs pain
grcdients on the wrapper so it is not II
secret and
cured bv it and not only that, but the
dull sunken eyes, the sunken cheeks
and bust, have tnken on a sparkle and
healthful appearance. Thousands of
women have testified to having 1 n
cured of woniaalv diseases bv this pre-
scriptinii. It speedily causes all wom
anly troubles to disappear compels the ;
them and ,'rK',,s to properly perrorm tneir miiurui
feed and warm shed '""""" ' rreeis oispmcciueuts. over
comes irreguiuruies, removes pain ami ,
misery at certain times and brings bac
were reported throughout Ne
Kansas, North and South 7ln-
Wyoming and other middle west
tates today. The snowfall in Vn.
braska this winter so far has exceeded
47 inches. The average depth of snow
in Nebraska no'v is from 8 to 9 inches.
l'hone 1IM-W or call MM Sotlh IV
tage and obtain suitt'fe nml. j
FOR SALE Nn. I secil wheat,
per bushel. MeCnH'i Dairy, thin
miles northwest Kuiser school hna.
Call .54-F-l. 10. 0. Blake, Mgr. Mi'
FOB KENT Five-room motlcrii apart
meat, bath, electric liiilits, j"'.
close in, iH2..5H; no children, liifif
309 Mission.
Gecrge Stewart, a Dlumber. emnlnvod
j by lohn Judge, reported to the police
I today that a brown suit uf elothea Im.l
Dr. Pierce publishes the in- ' . , " ' "lfi ,'00m lu the Eld-
'.. - lliltin rnnii...... 1. ....... l - .. . . .
iio.ii-. ii jimi nuppeiieii
I have seen many women ' "' I'ocnet ot ins cout
..i.i. n.is sioieii was n ilinmond ring
! valued at I.5D belonging to Mr. Stew
inrt. He had removed the ring frnti
his finger when he went to work this
morning and dropped it in the pocket
f the coat. The stone was set in a
I lion ', claws with eight points and the
,"tti:ig was heavier than usual, nearly
ovcrnig the stone.
pat r.ins that I have moved my
.. .. I : i i" il lit sli t.. u, ...i.i.
suroty bond, consult
5 Slate street, phoue
, r ... ..... - , . ... . , ,. ,
C. 11 MclOlloy, Day phone 1M7, night who nas i.eeu nornum now.. ...i ...k...
Hhone, :iti or 73 F-t.
273 W. .Mrs. N, Matney. j ,f yM
- I , j, white,
T. 0. Bunnell roturned today from
tin outing up in the Sound country, and (1
Is again at his desk as night opetiitor, Tom R Alison, formerly bookkeeper
lor i lie vw'siein i uioii. i, i . .....in, , llertilliim expert nt the state Pea
iti'iitiiuy, who resigned to accept the
position of inspector of income tax in
I work during Mr. HuniieH 's nbsence
turns to Portland tn take his regular
Period and art furniture made to position with the cciupiny.
FOR KENT rooms,
furnished. Price $1G.00J
Inquire at our free rent
Last Call on
5,000 Free Votes with every heater sold within the
next 10 days.
Extra Special!
25r; discount on all heaters cash or credit. Buy
now and save money.
MoaKEXKnsamaYOUR credit is oood herb.
counectiuu with the I'. S. internal rev
enue office at Portland, will assume his
new- ilutiv toiuoriow and will leave
with his family for P.. i Hand, for that
purpose, thin evening.
Dr. Stone's itch ointment ernes the
Mrs. Miles C. Bell, who was accident
Iv killed nt llilo. Hawaii, on February
25, will be buried here this week. The
body was brought to San Francisco on
the (.teainer Hieut Noithern and from
'there will be biou'ht to this city by
rail. Mrs. Hell is suivived by u sou
ill Portland. C. A. Hell, and two bioth
ers, .1. A. Jefferson, H contractor of this
eity, nnd II. 10. Jefferson, living in the
country near Siilein, Captain Hell, who
died scM'tal yeuis ago, will be remem
bered by the elder residents as active
in the river commerce of years ago.
Notice. Uuruh 6 Mu.-y have moved
their Inw offices to suites 202 W Salem
Hank of Commerce building. Phone
The Men's Liberal club enjoyed a
very pleasant nnd enthusiastic uieetilg
last evening in Ctiamiiug hall. Much
interest was shown by the different
member mid valuable suggestions were
offered to the program committee ns
to the future work of the club. That
a number of live wires are interested
.in tlio deliberations nnd woik iif the
leluh was thoioaghly attested at lt
"The Gentlemen Crooks
and the Lady"
Thrilling Two Part Episode of
In the $20,000 MUh Mystery,
Followed by Four Other Reels
Interesting and Humorous.
"The Komebreakers"
Speei.il Kevstono Comedy Fea
ture in Two Reohi. A Dandy,
as U-suaJ.
"The Barrier of Flames"
Two Reel Photoplay of Daring
and Advcuture.
"The Alarm of Amjelon"
American Drama
health and strength to nervous, irritable or Poor.1' The instrument is "Tuned"
ami eximusteu women. or u is out of tune. When "Tuned"
It banishes pain.. headache, backache, it imsfetses that wonderful facility of
low spirits, hot flashes, dniggiug di.w u , modulation, permitting tho artist to
sensations, worry and sleeplessness sure- loam at will through the whole field of
ly and without loss of time. i tonalities. 1 tender this kind of tnninir
FOlt JilONT Ten-rninti home. I11.
Chemeketa street; bath; H '
rooming house. Enquire at
Bukery. "
ll.T? -!ll nllnit. vnii
ranr nsed furniture in eii'bwf w
iiew. Calef Bros., home tmm
l'hone 513. .
Ft)R SAl.K-s-inch plow W;A
vator s? !."., big inciihstor "!
III. 'Jllll .M'U" '"
tniiii ivnoon
1M1.v,iul street, .lolm Van l.':
liE.MKMHKH the auction !' -!!'";
afternoon, i o'eloek, J;
Church. Household gnoiK "i'l ';
eood range and heater, nii'l'"".1"-
er articles gonl as new.
p the bowels healthy by using Dr.
V Pellets. They don't gripe.
s. i ue to sniem musicians. H. F. Kuck,
lll.I.L- k.l.lt-J
Mutual Weekly
World's Important News
T Show That
Plessea tha People
Dr. and Mrs. M. P Mendelsohn and
daughter Until have returned from
I'oitlaud, where they attended the wed
ding uf the doctor's son, Lieutenant
llniiv I. Mendelsohn, which was n so
ciety event there, Wednesday. The
doetoi is again nt his nt'fi.e as usual,
The Rev. A. M. Crim. who wiU have
chin ge of Hie e nn;;clistic meetings nf'
the Christina church beginning nev'
Sunday. n tecently elected to the
pastoiate of the Central Christian
.Inn. h. Poitland. Mr. ('rinewas t'orini'i
ly located nt Tacinnii, where he was
piondueut in iiligious w.tik. llefor.
coining west, ho resided in Indiana,
win.,' he was a leader in th- proiiihi
lion nuneinent in that state.
Tho Pilgrim's club, of the First Con-
giegatioual i linrch, will hold their next
moii'iilv meeting at the pallors of the
liar. !i on Tuesday evening, March
at 'i:.'.n oMock. the program fur the
evening will be the reading of a paper
.ui f.ic new banking law- and their prac
tical u-j.pli, at. on, bv K. w. Ila.ard,
uisiiicr ot the I'n.t.-d States National
Lank, lu addition to the reading of
the paper, a musical piogram will be
given. The regular dinner will be
served by the ladic- of the church.
Robt. Leonard and Ella Hall
In Two Parts
The best east appearing before
the screen today. The best ser
ial story ever 'written. Actual
scenes, of San Francisco's China
An Eclair Drama.
"When Sikitz Was
A "Sterling" Comedy.
On the Xylophone
5 Cents
ii' i r i ki.'I I. for 1HH0 lown.
1K time. I...anti1lil h.imft
4-...0, for :" Tb... "JJ,
Seo it and I onvinccl. .I""
Hubbard building.
HKC1PKS for makiiii! tho
"fruits, vegetables ai.'l hJ
i.i exhibition m " i
. ...:.. (... nun leit mr
tnurant wiu.n..-.
Kddas, -Mil Adam street, H
Oregon. -
i.-r-acre tract, 1 4 ' ht'
H aces rid. sandy lfl1''1, t
igs, young orchard. '
loeauberries. valued
,!u,n.e -tor AH-.t
.1.1 1. ..'Ill' II
Se ltt. ov er tne ""
, 1.1... ,;sc,l vcrv'l'--
Iv. if at a". H . vjs
vour hair loki. t.
soups ..ml Iflil. This'.:
" ' . i,rit e,
the n'1,r v
tain ton 111,1
nenln, inm.es
ruins it.
The best tin"".
just ordi
for '
sli.'.' ,
i ......ii
.. i.ii ...ii i
rheiitu'r ati'l I" '"' .
thing else yen "'1.
( hie er i"y . ',,iP tt'"'
''1'"" ,h, tb. ";
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chicken, not Tamalea, Chill
Con Came, chop Suey Noodlet
420 Ferrj Street
1 . - ..i. il ill. " uiV
t.i mi. run " . ....i.ir .
.' . ..h i!'.
.llll'l"""-' " ' I t'lilr' " I.
which no"''' v , jiri.
d-i "'"LXtZ
haves tne ." ' brijtaU
fin,, and "" ' m.f
fluffy and c . ' ntfi ,
. HI. Il' . .n.1 , .
v..I..'V, - ..'
1 v iha""" ' i '
" ai hi .iieeiy :;'
f,,r UK'""
. .. . fin im
of. tne
7. tbr I. rf
rr . ... n'.i'
.wi.w prinmm'vm w'.piMfw "tw