THE 8AI.EM CAPTTAI, JOURNAL. SALEM. OREony THURSDAY. MARflTT 4. 19i5. fi tiro p SALE COMMENCES AT 9 A. M. gaturday Only pretty Flowered Crepes, Also Plain Colors, Pink, Light Blue and also White 25c Crepe, 18c per yard 18c Crepe, 12c per yard SATURDAY ONL Y Sergeant Mitchell Is Given Pedal for Being Best All Around Soldier SAVE fefl the. mm coupies m$tM ijsilE' loAtrat cotnntBRCiAL cluoJ fer cwt ! ..$0.0.' t TU1 F7APRTS i Portland Mnikets. 4 lflLi MiiiUUild , Portland, Oregon, .March -L Wheat. t i Club $1.22; Hint-stem $1.25. Oats, Ku. 1 White Feed $:10.25; (Jr:iv Hurley. Feed $23. In Hie gniiii innl in i 1 i ('. I market nirytiunj: is ill !i waaii;; cnuumuii. He timtniutv of (lie Portland mar- kU trails to ;u. t'':,'ly prices. Today has bern Hn i-lian;'.:' ill wheat, as nehnl dralem r.ic paying $1.20, with ill olker Ri.'ihis tin' mine as Wi .lnes- ilit'i quotations. All other miirlKti an' umcl. Jietail ptit are not i'liiiii;;ii.K any. The gon nl livestock 1 1 1 a l ! ; t hi quiet ami f i nitH ltd vrgi'talili'" remain unrliniigeil. IIorh, Bent Live A7.HuJ?7.15. 1'iinie Steers $7.:i(l(o 7.8.". Fancy Cows $li.5u(ri(i.75. Bent Calves 8Cri 8.50. Spring J ,nmbs $S(i 8.50. Butter, City Creamery ."Mlic. Kggs. Selected Local' K.v, I(cI9c. UeiiH l.'Hic Hroilcrs l.'i'jc. (leeso 15b. , Seattle, Wash., March 1. Kggs, so- lect ranch 2:ic. ty, Mby, per Ton $12 Unttor, native Wnidiington creamery "'P" 0LU $S.50(u)U I)rit,k ;U(.. floli(f .,u,.k 23o. eastern Mck Ckaud vetch $10(i)ll otic. m Wo!!' Cheese, Oregon triplets Jfii" : liniljuri;- t''1!"1 vt 13e; donatio wheel 23.1; young Syyj'' America J7c; local eronmery 17c; Wis- ''' Iconsiii creamery 17c; triplets 17c; Wash- i 40l T...... T.f. J.,,-.- r,. ' I j.-oiuines, per ion, v. nuo mver (.iflu r A.H 50 on. V..).: . Dnc.ntl. 1 1 1.. Tjt "All excelleut showinj;- and a credit to the Third regiment," was the, way Captain J. H. 1'age, Jr.,' of the Twenty-first U. S. A., summed up the. work of Company M of this city after the inspection last night, and his sentiment was heartily seconded by Colonel C. McLaughlin, of the Third regiment, O. X. 11., who accompanied him. The of ficers, of course; would make no com parison with other companies inspected, but hoth expressed themselves as well pleased with llio creditable showing o' Company M. With 85 men in line ami an attendance ot Mil) per cent, Com pany M is the largest company yet in .pected by the officers on this trip. Colonel Mcl.aii,:h!in stated that "11 of ihc companies were tarter this veav jth.iu ever before and that the elnn"a of pi:en enlisted hpil 'iiupioved by leaps and bounds since the .Mexican wav :i:-ar. The Third leyime'.it, he saiii. now hnd the Lct body u? ever en rolled in the National Cuard of the .flute. tifrgcant Alva C, Miti-lnll was pre sented with n hniK."o'iic. '."'. golil medal, I Riven lor tin; lic t i'.ll around soldier in jfhe i ompiin.r. Senrennt Mitchell won jihe niO'hil for having tl-.e best rifle i si ore on the ind jiir range and o i the g outdoor raii,e, for I ringhrg the ! iary.est number of recruits, and for hav ing an attendance of il) per cent at drill for a year, for the cknnest locker ami equipment and n good general sol dierly appearance. The medal wiih giv .'ii by tiie ccini'aay nuil the presenta tion speech was made by .Major Car! Abrains, who luck ocaiO!i to compli ment t-'ergcni.t .Mitchell in the presence of the company. This muliil is present ed ach year and becomes the perma nent piopeity of' (he uiun whining it illKW Major (y'irl Abrams, Lieiiteiiiint L. II. Coniptm and Lieutenant Kiilifsou were ulso present last night and ussisted in the inspection by Captain Page. Til" officers will inspect the Dallas com pany tonight find Wooilbiiru tomorrow night. Captain I'age stated that only two companies in the regiment beside Com any M had an attendance of 100 per cent nt the annual inspection, (,'ctn psiny M now lias six full sipiads, two cooks, two musicians, an artificer, seven corporals, four sergeants, one quarter master sergeant, one first sergeant and Mire; officers, ( aptain Jlux (iehlhar, I'irst Lieiitenaut J. K. Xeer uud Hecoml Lientenaut Judsou. around each package has a v of the same kind and good toward "ic st&stsu say! quamy morcsmn' disc as the United Profit-Sharing Coupons announced by numerous manufacturers and by local stores. JU5T THE SAME AS ON YOUR MONEY! per ton ZZ.. E8S ma Poultry, a. fish, U: trn, oni, lb, $22(Tr24; Karly Kosti $-l5((i.r)0; Call for- inn sweets .l(H j',ie per pound. I Onions. Cnliforniu l'ic: Oreiron llici 1 o.. I'"""" il. I THr t miinil. 1 i ..18c , Butter. Craoifrjr butter, per pouml . Werfnt, per pouml Vegetables, Jikbije, per 11, Imiitoei, 'loriiin ,. '!?", WO.;; cratel' wince, crate Jt potatoes, onile Hprouts W Oarlic rViaipi rtithokei Birtl !pm naval .... t f"H lb. . ""i Per bus PPK per II, la, Ui bnrroi"; 2? .wi" fruit dromedary, case '.i: ,-...., 10 'Win ....8c ..3-te 32c $1.75(0)2 $4.50 $1 $2.50 $1.00 3o((i40(' $'L2? 0c $1.5l'! SlOf $1.5f! -.2-Vd$2.50 'H.cj $3.50fa4 ' 7 lie $lf 1.25 $ll.5tlj $1.50 $3.25 -81iQ.rSMi0 $LUU San Francisco Market. Fan Francisco, March i. K'g'gs, ex tras 21c; pullets ISc. Butter, extras 271ic; prime firsts 27c; firsts 25c; seconds 22c. Cheese, California fancy 1-tcj firstu 11c; seconds 10c, Wheat, per ctl., California Club $210 (V2.-J5; Hussian lied $2.40(i;i2.421i; For ty Fold 2.!2Vjfr?2.45; Turkey ltcd $2.55 (d 2.(10 ; Bluentem bZ.SCi i'(n 2.55. Bailey, per ctl.. $1.45; shipping anil brewing $l.5()(7id.55. - Potatoes, per ctl., Salinas $1.50 (i 1.75 Hiver $l(?il.25; sweet $1.501.85. :!(i ;!ss! YOU CAN'T BRUSH OR WASH OUT DANDRUFF s; :e sj The only sure way to get rid of dand ruff is to dissolve it, thou you destroy it entirely. To do this, get nbout four ounces of ordinary liiiuid nrvon; applv jl,i Pr down 7'Z". l ' ' '" when' retiring; uso cnougli iw1.1''1' thZZ't'.'VJ '0 moisten the scalp and rub it iu gent- "i Pears ; l.v with the finger tips. n v..i ...... . . -. ..a, ana wutton, P14 r'"" ....$1.75 l n ", Retail t.. svnt Vt J07e'' I'o this tonight, nuil by morniii2 most if not all of vour dandruff will be " 0'4(iyii; j K'ie, find three or four moro npplicn- p0 tious will completely dissotvo ami en- !ic(lli: tircly destroy, every singlo sign and 7c . trace of it, 110 mutter how muck daiid- Ofid'jc. fnff you may have. ' C(.r."i uc j Y will find, too, thnfc all llcliing OUjCj1""' 'litiKintf of tho scalp will stop nt once, uud your hair will bo fluffy, Ins I trrius, glossy, sllkv and soft, and look 40'.' ftA.i ....i - 1 1 1 11 , .11.. do .... . I ii'"i 11 iiunor''') limes newer. 'i "'ei .oi ..$1.85(0, B,nr0( Onion Shipments Go From Qainaby (Capital Journal Special Service.) Cuinaby, Ore., March 3. Among tiie largo' shipments of produce from cuiu aby this week is a carload of onions from the Labish fa 1 m of Neekerman it I'ohlschiieider, cr.isigned to I'ortland markets. The Fuknda onion farm is sending out about SO sacks weekly to the markets in Portland. This vegeta ble came through the recent cold weath er in good condition and the price should bo far above what Homo of the growers are receiving, 75 cents a bun dle lweight. Tito egg shipments frrt'ii Quinahy nre not as heavy as last season owing to the fact that the high price of grain has caused ninny people to dispose of their flocks, which caiiaes a thieateiicd shortage in strictly fresh eggs. Mr. and Mrs. ,L C. McFiirlnne have returned from a two months' trip to vanoiis points of interest ii the east, visiting at r-t. Paul, .Minueiipulis, In .linnn, and returning by wny of Seattle enjoyed a few days with relatives there. While they encountered some snow they not not been accustomed for niany year's their visit proved thoroughly en joyable, and they found greater' evi dence of prosperity in the east than soma of the western publieiit inis would hnvo us believe. Many people met by tho uavelers expressed themselvs as in tending to visit tiie coist nnd Oregon this rummer, A. L. lb'cliner has just returned from a trip to ( alifornin, and states that Oregon soil is superior to California, and that the rainfall at home means as much to the ciops here as Cnliforniu sunshine dies there. .Mr, Beckner has one of the finest farms in this section, whicii appears especially pleasing to him now. A few niuhls niio the lodirn halls of mist JMMsmzs- Each package having a coupon means you save them rapidly from Write Win. Wrigley Jr. Co. 1203 Kcsner Bldg., Chicago for Sijearmen jingle book in colors. wwSl op ftlways fresli and clean J The Coupons will bring a thousand useful, ornamental, pleasure-giving things attractive gifts articles for men, women and children and home. Dardanelles Bloc! is French and Knglish gunners are far su perior to tho Turks, even when tho lat Wou In rnnifnt!Mnl'tor ,,c ''omnianiled by (ierman officers, Hay 10 VOnSianUnOpieias they me said to be at present. Once y rnru-ign me 1 'nruanciics, nii'ie wouni Narrow Passascwav la Mined a. wit ' remain nothing to oppose tho allied .-.." """in..i ci....ii 1.. as rrotecwa By strong Fortlflca- ' ' , j V, "t"1 lions. Tho determined effort if the French uud British fleets to force a passage of tho Dcnlanolles, re-nwukeiis interest iu the question as to the inipregnaiiil ity 01' tho defences of Constantinople, the .'upital of the Turkish empire. Tho uverige man iu reading of the attacks of the French and British wnrshins on Constantinople, is. more or less liazv as ",lnr" was it 1 elf reached. The Turkish cuiital city is a'so ttinigly fortified; in fact, tliuugh no city iu the world has been subjected to such iiiiiiici ini'i uud celebrated sieges, SALEM POLICE HAVE I TO BE SOME WHERE! Requests Recoived From Noarby Towns Credit Local Force With Womlorfttl Dcloctivo Ability, The Salem police are confronted with it has only fallen twice, the last time j "nine ballling problems, but, 1 onling in 1153, when it. was captured by thi'itc the police pi other towns of the Turks under Mohammed II. valley the Saleui force is evidently con- II iwi'ver, it is probablo that tho huge sidered equal to tho occasion, Last I battleships of the British navy could, '"Knt nil officer from Woodbiirn lele I with ample n-eewiiy iu the Sen of Mar- phoned to Bosk Sergeant, Poland to ar- reduce tiie torts ol the city in : resi .1 man nno nan ciucien tiie womi X :t LOGICAL DYSPEPSIA TREATMENT jc !je )( tn t-io rcJalioii of the Turkish capital: and the Dardanelles, now ilailv inen.-l tioned iu conjunction in press dis pniciics. time. I liurn otlicer ami was believed In be The real difficulty is iu the Purdun-i headed this way. His description said jelles. j that, the man was "a big fellow and Bv Inkinir 11 man of Kuronc and Asia. : looked like IUi Irishman." lie said the L'lauco w Ii v 1 "in 11 s iinnii' was the Turk ""t coiilil give cut liussia tins . 1 ion. mil. 1111 nope the ma 11 nl'l caught, ihc nielit belore the ol'lii-Vr phoned in the report of a rn'ibery The distance from Cni.Ktm.i; t.. 4.. 'he lender can see at a tho Dardanelles, where tlin .:,. l...,i .i... I Hus.-ia welcomes the inlvent 14! fei s of the Turkish cni.iinl 11,. :.i'"to the war. At 1 more than 2Ull miles. ' i not one single port which is ice free thejCnug Tli.. h.,r.l,,.,il., i n 1 1 'entile ear. A viitnrv for the I riiili; wild ..v. .-.,,.,,,. - ,n n nuiiiiw en C ' ' . "... , ,,, ... .. .... ill the Turkish dominion which con- w""1,1 ""," t'"' banishment ol ," noiu-up 01 nil ureg. 11 1 ny si reel necls tho in I Sea of Manncia with ! Tl,,,"'c' '"'"I"'. 1 1"'" harborl "'nr. i.sked tie police to look mil for a il, A. i.iii.. , in,, I (omiibti I111I of the Black sea.1' bum-M-rd nian with a sliuil. blue separates r.uropc rroni Asia. Jt is about 40 miles iu length and from one Importance of Eliminntliift Acidity and Food Fermentation ruling the past two or three, yen reports have frequently appeared in tho i l ess concerning I lie rcmarkalilo value, of bisiirated magnesia as an antacid; ami its ability to promote iioriuul, healthy digestion by preventing foo.i I'crmeiilalion and ncul ralizing danger ous sloinach acid has often been dem c ui s 1 111 1 id. Cnlil recently druggists could supply bisiirated magnesia in powder Cm 111 only, from one to (wo William Davenport, I Icnsiiooiil'uls of which, taken in n lit- 110 further descriii-1 I In water nflcr meals, almost instantly lie j slopf all fermentation and ..20c 1 1 You ran oet liiiuid nrvon nt nnv .True It is inexpensive and never tails . lodein omimen or America nml 0 ilo the work, I' a W 11 er iTothe p;.b.i.... ....... which iiei vssociauon patrons, YotiCmPany is now in the han(te of a receiver. j "-sicatocallon j W- A. LISTON j At 4S4 COURT STREET, t dhave von,. i ., ,nsui'ance rewritten. The rates will ihh HiJuse you. tlfe Mciilern Ilrotheiliooil, both bi-nted uenr Chcinnwii Oregon Klectric station, were entered by some persons who ob tained but few spoils for their labor, as the buildings have only plain lodge furnishings ami neither 11:0111' v niir edi bles are kept there, I .Mis, Isabel Simon has leased her ilOacie Impyni'l in .Mission Jlotlom to : Ilish'ip k Kcple, of Mc.Minnville. j (l.'orge Tanquary, who spent the win ' ter In California for his health, ms , returueil to the homo of h , i,.. to lour miles 111 width, its current is very rapid. Tiie Kiiropcan side is steep ami rugged, the Asiatic side rising gradually, affording exceptional oppor tunity for dofensio fortifications, Ihi'li sides arc covered with n chain of forts reaching the entire length of the pass nge to the Sea ol Marmora, at the oth er end of which, 1 77 miles diefnnt, lies Constantinople. Iu 177(1 the Turkish delVnees were almost in ruins. Warned by M, ,.. j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of tin' cnllcs when a b'11-siiui iiquii'lron appeared before the Constan tinople outer fortifications, the Turks irepeircd them, but they were again l I lowed ti become almost useless, until IMI7. In that year a llritish squadron' of warships passed the Dardanelles, Hm, for tiie first time. Constantinople raw a liontil fleet. The defences were then rebuilt, 11 ml iu Is.VI, during the Crimean war, the ensiles and oilier de fences of the capital were placed in a state of good repair. In b0", coast batteries of the best known kind were erected on both sides of the passnge, but. ,111st bel'ure the out break of the present Kuropean war they were supplied with iiiilnnnce of the most recent nml effective type, the Krupp pattern fiom (iertiinny. 1 ltv a treaty signed iu ISj'l between tho five great powers of L'urope and the brother'1. 1,0111 '" 1 1,1 for-. igu snip 01 wur inni me right to pas lor Hm in, and nil n'len door sin 's eiioriiioiis priuiuct ions, That is what the Dardauc the mud to. for liiis-j KIIM' ""d "l" I'll I. 'o 01m saw the "pal," but the night officers, White lies bars "lid Victic, were prepare. I to arre-t all iiiciliiiin sized men with short blue gnus land their pals that clime to Snlcin, DR. A. E. CASWELL TO LECTURE At the public library Friday evening, some of March ,lli at S o'clock, 011 "Wcnther Predictions and Weather Lore". Dr. Caswell conies fimn the department of physics of the I'niversily of Oregon, The lecture deals with the conditions lllTocting ihc weather, weather instru ments and observat ions, 11 ml methods lii'cusses some of the popular saving'! regarding the weather and shows that llieiu are valuable while some, form, nre mere superstitious. The livlurcj will be illustrated with 'lantern slidcsi and is free to the public, acid, but ' sufferers from stoinunh trouble will be glud to learn that, after a long series of experiments, a lend ing firm of 11 ill 1 1 1 1 l.'i 1 11 1 i n u druggiulM has now succeeded in producing a 5 ginin Inblct which coinliiucs all Hut valuable aulacid properties ,,f the ordi nary disunited uiagnesia in a very convenient form, This new tablet of disunited uiagnesia can now be ob tnincd of druggists everywhere and ninny pliysicinns are already pre scribing t Iii-iii Instead of the powder ESSENTIAL. of fore."ii-ting the weather, lie also in the woik, A weak kicker uexer guins anything 1 "The way of Hid transgressor i in this win Id, hence if yon link do ilhnril.' ke n mule who puts ids wluilc heart " TI111I. 's nil right, enough to tungo on just so it 's suiooi U "- Pittsburg Post. lMMH'lliTimai7iTlMir The family r.f Ceorge Longmiro lias!""' "I'idmieiies w. rout the consent .' remove, to K1111. where J r. .niiuin re 1 ""..... ".-..iii ii.iiiy 01 will have charge of n hop ranch. PHILOSOPHICAL. "Sonic day," cried the outraged poet "you editors will fight for my work," "All right." sighed the 4citor, re signedly, "I'll be a good sport if 1 get licked."-Puck. ft! READ PAGE THREE UPPER RIOHT HAND CORNER I. s, the duty ol preventing uuy for eign tiiip of war ft .nil forcing u passage Wus imposed upon Hie sultan, uud even he cannot give m-h permission. It has been a mooted quchtion, tor man." years, if the ussage of the. Par' dandles, with its modem 4-qulpm nt, end I be foircil, The battlchip gen erally has on advantage over land for tific'iliuns, nhi'ie the ruiigu of the guns are equal, by reanu of the fact that il is a moving target, while the fort Is a, fixed one. At Hie Dafflanelles the en emy's fleet, once pant the foils at the I outer edge of the passage, would there1 'after be In pointldsiik range of the jollier batteries, nnd tho advantage of j mn'iility would be lost, fu (hp opinion of experts, while extremely difficult Tailored Made Suits $15,00 Made of tho finest worsted and woolen materials in gray, olive and tan shades. Real bargain to the man that is hard to fit and wants a good, strong, serviceable suit at a low price. GO patterns selected from our tailoring stock. Regular values, $:o.00 to $10.00. We will take your measure for one of these suits this week and have made for you o:ie of the best suits you ever had in your life for $13.00. Come in and get the early selection, This is it real bargain In Tuibired Sails, SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE This offer will last but one week. s(e j nn '1 liaitardous, the pnsage can be ne- I coinidlshed by the allied fleets. The if i personal element enters here. Tliej Taiwan